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- UnitBlueprint {
- AI = {
- GuardRadius = 10,
- TargetBones = {
- 'Head',
- 'Torso',
- 'Right_Arm_B01',
- 'Left_Arm_B01',
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- 'Left_Leg_B01',
- 'Right_Leg_B01',
- },
- },
- Audio = {
- CaptureLoop = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Capture_Loop',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- CommanderArrival = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Gate_In',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- Construct = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Construct_Start',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- ConstructLoop = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Construct_Loop',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- EnhanceEnd = Sound {
- Bank = 'UnitsGlobal',
- Cue = 'GLB_Enhance_Stop',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- EnhanceFail = Sound {
- Bank = 'UnitsGlobal',
- Cue = 'GLB_Enhance_Fail',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- EnhanceLoop = Sound {
- Bank = 'UnitsGlobal',
- Cue = 'GLB_Enhance_Loop',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- EnhanceStart = Sound {
- Bank = 'UnitsGlobal',
- Cue = 'GLB_Enhance_Start',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- FootFallGeneric = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Move_Step',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- FootFallGenericSeabed = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Move_UW_Step',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- Killed = Sound {
- Bank = 'Explosions',
- Cue = 'Cybran_Nuke_Impact',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- ReclaimLoop = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Reclaim_Loop',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- StartCapture = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Capture_Start',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- StartMove = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Move_Start',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- StartReclaim = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Reclaim_Start',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- StopMove = Sound {
- Bank = 'URL',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Move_Stop',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- UISelection = Sound {
- Bank = 'Interface',
- Cue = 'Cybran_Select_Commander',
- LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
- },
- },
- Buffs = {
- Regen = {
- Level1 = 3,
- Level2 = 6,
- Level3 = 9,
- Level4 = 12,
- Level5 = 15,
- },
- },
- Categories = {
- 'LAND',
- },
- Defense = {
- AirThreatLevel = 0,
- ArmorType = 'Commander',
- EconomyThreatLevel = 5,
- Health = 10000,
- MaxHealth = 10000,
- RegenRate = 15,
- SubThreatLevel = 0,
- SurfaceThreatLevel = 75,
- },
- Description = '<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit',
- Display = {
- Abilities = {
- '<LOC ability_amphibious>Amphibious',
- '<LOC ability_customizable>Customizable',
- '<LOC ability_engineeringsuite>Engineering Suite',
- '<LOC ability_notcap>Not Capturable',
- '<LOC ability_omni>Omni Sensor',
- '<LOC ability_deathaoe>Volatile',
- },
- AnimationWalk = '/units/url0001/',
- AnimationWalkRate = 1.7,
- IdleEffects = {
- Seabed = {
- Effects = {
- {
- Bones = {
- 'Left_Arm_B01',
- 'Right_Arm_B01',
- 'Turret_Muzzle_01',
- 'Turret_Muzzle_02',
- },
- Type = 'UnderWater01',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- Mesh = {
- IconFadeInZoom = 130,
- LODs = {
- {
- AlbedoName = '/units/url0001/',
- LODCutoff = 100,
- MeshName = '/units/url0001/URL0001_lod0.scm',
- NormalsName = '/units/url0001/',
- Scrolling = true,
- ShaderName = 'Insect',
- SpecularName = '/units/url0001/',
- },
- {
- AlbedoName = '/units/url0001/',
- LODCutoff = 215,
- MeshName = '/units/url0001/URL0001_lod1.scm',
- NormalsName = '/units/url0001/',
- ShaderName = 'Insect',
- SpecularName = '/units/url0001/',
- },
- },
- },
- MovementEffects = {
- Land = {
- Effects = {
- {
- Bones = {
- 'Right_Footprint',
- 'Left_Footprint',
- },
- Type = 'GroundKickup01',
- },
- },
- Footfall = {
- Bones = {
- {
- FootBone = 'Left_Footprint',
- HipBone = 'Left_Leg_B01',
- KneeBone = 'Left_Leg_B02',
- Tread = {
- TreadMarks = 'CommanderPrint_albedo',
- TreadMarksSizeX = 0.5,
- TreadMarksSizeZ = 0.5,
- TreadOffset = {
- 0.15,
- 0,
- 0.45,
- },
- },
- Type = 'FootFall02',
- },
- {
- FootBone = 'Right_Footprint',
- HipBone = 'Right_Leg_B01',
- KneeBone = 'Right_Leg_B02',
- Tread = {
- TreadMarks = 'CommanderPrint_albedo',
- TreadMarksSizeX = 0.5,
- TreadMarksSizeZ = 0.5,
- TreadOffset = {
- -0.15,
- 0,
- 0.45,
- },
- },
- Type = 'FootFall02',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- Seabed = {
- Effects = {
- {
- Bones = {
- 'Torso',
- 'Left_Arm_B01',
- 'Right_Arm_B01',
- 'Turret_Muzzle_01',
- 'Turret_Muzzle_02',
- 'Left_Foot_B01',
- 'Right_Foot_B01',
- },
- Type = 'UnderWater01',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- PlaceholderMeshName = 'UXB0000',
- SpawnRandomRotation = true,
- TransportAnimation = {
- {
- Animation = '/units/URL0001/',
- Weight = 100,
- },
- },
- TransportDropAnimation = {
- {
- Animation = '/units/URL0001/',
- Weight = 100,
- },
- },
- UniformScale = 0.16,
- },
- Economy = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 5000000,
- BuildCostMass = 18000,
- BuildRate = 10,
- BuildTime = 60000,
- BuildableCategory = {
- },
- MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy = 0,
- MaxBuildDistance = 10,
- NaturalProducer = true,
- ProductionPerSecondEnergy = 10,
- ProductionPerSecondMass = 1,
- StorageEnergy = 5000,
- StorageMass = 650,
- TeleportEnergyMod = 0.03,
- TeleportMassMod = 0,
- TeleportTimeMod = 0.0001,
- },
- Enhancements = {
- AdvancedEngineering = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 18000,
- BuildCostMass = 720,
- BuildTime = 900,
- Icon = 'aes',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0077>Tech 2 Engineering Suite',
- NewBuildRate = 30,
- NewHealth = 3500,
- NewRegenRate = 20,
- ShowBones = {
- 'Right_Upgrade',
- },
- Slot = 'LCH',
- UpgradeEffectBones = {
- 'Right_Upgrade',
- 'Right_Turret',
- 'Right_Muzzle_02',
- },
- UpgradeUnitAmbientBones = {
- 'URL0001',
- },
- },
- AdvancedEngineeringRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 0.1,
- HideBones = {
- 'Right_Upgrade',
- },
- Icon = 'aes',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0078>Remove Engineering Suite',
- Prerequisite = 'AdvancedEngineering',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'AdvancedEngineering',
- 'AdvancedEngineeringRemove',
- },
- Slot = 'LCH',
- },
- CloakingGenerator = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 750000,
- BuildCostMass = 6000,
- BuildTime = 3000,
- Icon = 'pcg',
- MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy = 3000,
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0079>Personal Cloaking Generator',
- NewHealth = 15000,
- Prerequisite = 'StealthGenerator',
- Slot = 'Back',
- UpgradeUnitAmbientBones = {
- 'URL0001',
- },
- },
- CloakingGeneratorRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 1,
- Icon = 'pcg',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0080>Remove Personal Cloaking Generator',
- Prerequisite = 'CloakingGenerator',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'StealthGenerator',
- 'CloakingGenerator',
- 'CloakingGeneratorRemove',
- },
- Slot = 'Back',
- },
- CoolingUpgrade = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 24000,
- BuildCostMass = 800,
- BuildTime = 800,
- Icon = 'acu',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0081>Microwave Accelerator',
- NewMaxRadius = 30,
- NewRateOfFire = 2,
- ShowBones = {
- 'Right_Upgrade',
- },
- Slot = 'LCH',
- UpgradeEffectBones = {
- 'Right_Upgrade',
- 'Right_Turret',
- 'Right_Muzzle_02',
- },
- UpgradeUnitAmbientBones = {
- 'URL0001',
- },
- },
- CoolingUpgradeRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 0.1,
- HideBones = {
- 'Right_Upgrade',
- },
- Icon = 'acu',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0082>Remove Microwave Accelerator',
- Prerequisite = 'CoolingUpgrade',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'CoolingUpgrade',
- 'CoolingUpgradeRemove',
- },
- Slot = 'LCH',
- },
- MicrowaveLaserGenerator = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 500000,
- BuildCostMass = 4000,
- BuildTime = 2000,
- HideBones = {
- 'Chest_Right',
- 'Chest_Left',
- },
- Icon = 'mlg',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0083>Microwave Laser Generator',
- Slot = 'RCH',
- UpgradeEffectBones = {
- 'Chest_Right',
- 'Chest_Left',
- },
- UpgradeUnitAmbientBones = {
- 'URL0001',
- },
- },
- MicrowaveLaserGeneratorRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 10,
- HideBones = {
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- Icon = 'mlg',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0084>Remove Microwave Laser Generator',
- Prerequisite = 'MicrowaveLaserGenerator',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'MicrowaveLaserGenerator',
- 'MicrowaveLaserGeneratorRemove',
- },
- ShowBones = {
- 'Chest_Right',
- 'Chest_Left',
- },
- Slot = 'RCH',
- },
- NaniteTorpedoTube = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 37500,
- BuildCostMass = 1500,
- BuildTime = 1500,
- HideBones = {
- 'Chest_Right',
- 'Chest_Left',
- },
- Icon = 'ntt',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0085>Nanite Torpedo Launcher',
- Slot = 'RCH',
- UpgradeEffectBones = {
- 'Chest_Right',
- 'Chest_Left',
- },
- UpgradeUnitAmbientBones = {
- 'URL0001',
- },
- },
- NaniteTorpedoTubeRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 10,
- Icon = 'ntt',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0086>Remove Nanite Torpedo Launcher',
- Prerequisite = 'NaniteTorpedoTube',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'NaniteTorpedoTube',
- 'NaniteTorpedoTubeRemove',
- },
- ShowBones = {
- 'Chest_Right',
- 'Chest_Left',
- },
- Slot = 'RCH',
- },
- ResourceAllocation = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 150000,
- BuildCostMass = 5000,
- BuildTime = 1000,
- Icon = 'ras',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0087>Resource Allocation System',
- ProductionPerSecondEnergy = 3500,
- ProductionPerSecondMass = 12,
- ShowBones = {
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- Slot = 'Back',
- UpgradeEffectBones = {
- 'Right_Arm_B01',
- 'Left_Arm_B01',
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- UpgradeUnitAmbientBones = {
- 'URL0001',
- },
- },
- ResourceAllocationRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 0.1,
- HideBones = {
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- Icon = 'ras',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0088>Remove Resource Allocation System',
- Prerequisite = 'ResourceAllocation',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'ResourceAllocation',
- 'ResourceAllocationRemove',
- },
- Slot = 'Back',
- },
- Slots = {
- Back = {
- name = '<LOC _Back>',
- x = 0,
- y = -10,
- },
- LCH = {
- name = '<LOC _LCH>',
- x = 60,
- y = 2,
- },
- RCH = {
- name = '<LOC _RCH>',
- x = -16,
- y = 0,
- },
- },
- StealthGenerator = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 5250,
- BuildCostMass = 350,
- BuildTime = 350,
- Icon = 'psg',
- MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy = 50,
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0101>Personal Stealth Generator',
- ShowBones = {
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- Slot = 'Back',
- UpgradeEffectBones = {
- 'Right_Arm_B01',
- 'Left_Arm_B01',
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- },
- StealthGeneratorRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 10,
- HideBones = {
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- Icon = 'psg',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0102>Remove Personal Stealth Generator',
- Prerequisite = 'StealthGenerator',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'StealthGenerator',
- 'StealthGeneratorRemove',
- },
- Slot = 'Back',
- },
- T3Engineering = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 50000,
- BuildCostMass = 2400,
- BuildTime = 6000,
- Icon = 'ees',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0103>Tech 3 Engineering Suite',
- NewBuildRate = 90,
- NewHealth = 7000,
- NewRegenRate = 15,
- Prerequisite = 'AdvancedEngineering',
- Slot = 'LCH',
- UpgradeEffectBones = {
- 'Right_Upgrade',
- 'Right_Turret',
- 'Right_Muzzle_02',
- },
- UpgradeUnitAmbientBones = {
- 'URL0001',
- },
- },
- T3EngineeringRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 0.1,
- Icon = 'ees',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0104>Remove Tech 3 Engineering Suite',
- Prerequisite = 'T3Engineering',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'AdvancedEngineering',
- 'T3Engineering',
- 'T3EngineeringRemove',
- },
- Slot = 'LCH',
- },
- Teleporter = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1500000,
- BuildCostMass = 15000,
- BuildTime = 3000,
- Icon = 'pqt',
- MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy = 10000,
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0105>Personal Teleporter',
- ShowBones = {
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- Slot = 'Back',
- UpgradeEffectBones = {
- 'Right_Arm_B01',
- 'Left_Arm_B01',
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- },
- TeleporterRemove = {
- BuildCostEnergy = 1,
- BuildCostMass = 1,
- BuildTime = 0.1,
- HideBones = {
- 'Back_Upgrade',
- },
- Icon = 'pqt',
- Name = '<LOC enhancements_0106>Remove Personal Teleporter',
- Prerequisite = 'Teleporter',
- RemoveEnhancements = {
- 'Teleporter',
- 'TeleporterRemove',
- },
- Slot = 'Back',
- },
- },
- General = {
- BuildBones = {
- AimBone = 0,
- BuildEffectBones = {
- 'Turret_Muzzle_01',
- },
- PitchBone = 'Left_Turret',
- YawBone = 'Torso',
- },
- Category = 'Command',
- Classification = 'RULEUC_Commander',
- CommandCaps = {
- RULEUCC_Attack = true,
- RULEUCC_CallTransport = true,
- RULEUCC_Capture = true,
- RULEUCC_Guard = true,
- RULEUCC_Move = true,
- RULEUCC_Nuke = false,
- RULEUCC_Overcharge = true,
- RULEUCC_Patrol = true,
- RULEUCC_Pause = true,
- RULEUCC_Reclaim = true,
- RULEUCC_Repair = true,
- RULEUCC_RetaliateToggle = true,
- RULEUCC_Stop = true,
- RULEUCC_Teleport = false,
- RULEUCC_Transport = false,
- },
- FactionName = 'Cybran',
- Icon = 'amph',
- QuickSelectPriority = 1,
- SelectionPriority = 3,
- TechLevel = 'RULEUTL_Experimental',
- UnitWeight = 1,
- },
- Intel = {
- Cloak = true,
- FreeIntel = false,
- OmniRadius = 26,
- RadarStealth = true,
- ReactivateTime = 2,
- SonarRadius = 60,
- SonarStealth = true,
- VisionRadius = 26,
- WaterVisionRadius = 26,
- },
- Interface = {
- HelpText = '<LOC url0001_help>Armored Command Unit',
- },
- LifeBarHeight = 0.15,
- LifeBarOffset = 0.5,
- LifeBarSize = 1.25,
- Physics = {
- BankingSlope = 0,
- BuildOnLayerCaps = {
- LAYER_Air = false,
- LAYER_Land = true,
- LAYER_Orbit = false,
- LAYER_Seabed = false,
- LAYER_Sub = false,
- LAYER_Water = false,
- },
- DragCoefficient = 0.2,
- LayerChangeOffsetHeight = -0.95,
- MaxAcceleration = 1.7,
- MaxSpeed = 1.7,
- MaxSpeedReverse = 0,
- MaxSteerForce = 12,
- MinSpeedPercent = 0,
- MotionType = 'RULEUMT_Amphibious',
- StandUpright = true,
- TurnRadius = 10,
- TurnRate = 90,
- },
- SelectionCenterOffsetX = 0,
- SelectionCenterOffsetZ = -0.1,
- SelectionSizeX = 0.7,
- SelectionSizeZ = 0.6,
- SelectionThickness = 0.9,
- SelectionYOffset = 0,
- SizeX = 1,
- SizeY = 2.2,
- SizeZ = 0.7,
- StrategicIconName = 'icon_commander_generic',
- StrategicIconSortPriority = 0,
- Transport = {
- CanFireFromTransport = false,
- ClassSAttachSize = 0,
- TransportClass = 3,
- },
- Veteran = {
- Level1 = 20,
- Level2 = 40,
- Level3 = 60,
- Level4 = 80,
- Level5 = 100,
- },
- Weapon = {
- {
- AboveWaterFireOnly = true,
- AboveWaterTargetsOnly = true,
- Audio = {
- Fire = Sound {
- Bank = 'URLWeapon',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Ripper',
- LodCutoff = 'Weapon_LodCutoff',
- },
- },
- BallisticArc = 'RULEUBA_LowArc',
- CollideFriendly = false,
- Damage = 100,
- DamageType = 'Normal',
- DisplayName = 'Molecular Ripper Cannon',
- FireTargetLayerCapsTable = {
- Land = 'Land|Water|Seabed',
- Seabed = 'Land|Water|Seabed',
- Water = 'Land|Water|Seabed',
- },
- FiringTolerance = 2,
- Label = 'RightRipper',
- LeadTarget = true,
- MaxRadius = 22,
- MinRadius = 1,
- MuzzleSalvoDelay = 0,
- MuzzleSalvoSize = 1,
- MuzzleVelocity = 35,
- ProjectileId = '/projectiles/CDFCannonMolecular01/CDFCannonMolecular01_proj.bp',
- ProjectileLifetimeUsesMultiplier = 2,
- ProjectilesPerOnFire = 1,
- RackBones = {
- {
- MuzzleBones = {
- 'Turret_Muzzle_02',
- },
- RackBone = 'Right_Turret',
- },
- },
- RackFireTogether = false,
- RackRecoilDistance = 0,
- RackReloadTimeout = 0,
- RackSalvoChargeTime = 0,
- RackSalvoFiresAfterCharge = false,
- RackSalvoReloadTime = 0,
- RackSalvoSize = 1,
- RackSlavedToTurret = false,
- RangeCategory = 'UWRC_DirectFire',
- RateOfFire = 1,
- TargetCheckInterval = 0.5,
- TargetPriorities = {
- },
- TargetRestrictDisallow = 'UNTARGETABLE',
- TurretBoneMuzzle = 'Turret_Muzzle_02',
- TurretBonePitch = 'Right_Turret',
- TurretBoneYaw = 'Torso',
- TurretDualManipulators = false,
- TurretPitch = 0,
- TurretPitchRange = 90,
- TurretPitchSpeed = 90,
- TurretYaw = 0,
- TurretYawRange = 180,
- TurretYawSpeed = 90,
- Turreted = true,
- UseFiringSolutionInsteadOfAimBone = true,
- WeaponCategory = 'Direct Fire',
- },
- {
- AboveWaterFireOnly = true,
- AboveWaterTargetsOnly = true,
- Audio = {
- Fire = Sound {
- Bank = 'URLWeapon',
- Cue = 'URL0001_Ripper',
- LodCutoff = 'Weapon_LodCutoff',
- },
- },
- BallisticArc = 'RULEUBA_None',
- BeamCollisionDelay = 0.2,
- BeamLifetime = 0.4,
- CollideFriendly = false,
- Damage = 12000,
- DamageFriendly = false,
- DamageRadius = 2,
- DamageType = 'Overcharge',
- DisplayName = 'Overcharge Cannon',
- EnergyChargeForFirstShot = false,
- EnergyDrainPerSecond = 3000,
- EnergyRequired = 3000,
- FireTargetLayerCapsTable = {
- Land = 'Land|Water|Seabed',
- Seabed = 'Land|Water|Seabed',
- Water = 'Land|Water|Seabed',
- },
- FiringTolerance = 2,
- Label = 'OverCharge',
- ManualFire = true,
- MaxRadius = 22,
- MuzzleSalvoDelay = 0,
- MuzzleSalvoSize = 1,
- MuzzleVelocity = 25,
- OverChargeWeapon = true,
- ProjectileId = '/projectiles/CDFCannonMolecularOvercharge01/CDFCannonMolecularOvercharge01_proj.bp',
- ProjectileLifetimeUsesMultiplier = 2,
- ProjectilesPerOnFire = 1,
- RackBones = {
- {
- MuzzleBones = {
- 'Turret_Muzzle_02',
- },
- RackBone = 'Right_Turret',
- },
- },
- RackFireTogether = false,
- RackRecoilDistance = 0,
- RackReloadTimeout = 10,
- RackSalvoChargeTime = 0,
- RackSalvoFiresAfterCharge = false,
- RackSalvoReloadTime = 0,
- RackSalvoSize = 1,
- RackSlavedToTurret = false,
- RangeCategory = 'UWRC_DirectFire',
- RateOfFire = 0.2,
- TargetCheckInterval = 1,
- TargetRestrictDisallow = 'UNTARGETABLE',
- TurretBoneMuzzle = 'Turret_Muzzle_02',
- TurretBonePitch = 'Right_Turret',
- TurretBoneYaw = 'Torso',
- TurretDualManipulators = false,
- TurretPitch = 0,
- TurretPitchRange = 80,
- TurretPitchSpeed = 90,
- TurretYaw = 0,
- TurretYawRange = 180,
- TurretYawSpeed = 90,
- Turreted = true,
- UseFiringSolutionInsteadOfAimBone = true,
- WeaponCategory = 'Direct Fire',
- },
- {
- AboveWaterTargetsOnly = true,
- CollideFriendly = false,
- Damage = 0,
- DamageFriendly = true,
- DamageRadius = 0,
- DamageType = 'Normal',
- DisplayName = 'Death Nuke',
- FireOnDeath = true,
- FiringTolerance = 2,
- Label = 'DeathWeapon',
- MaxRadius = 1,
- MuzzleSalvoDelay = 0,
- MuzzleSalvoSize = 1,
- MuzzleVelocity = 0,
- NukeInnerRingDamage = 3500,
- NukeInnerRingRadius = 30,
- NukeInnerRingTicks = 24,
- NukeInnerRingTotalTime = 0,
- NukeOuterRingDamage = 500,
- NukeOuterRingRadius = 40,
- NukeOuterRingTicks = 20,
- NukeOuterRingTotalTime = 0,
- ProjectileId = '/projectiles/CIFEMPFluxWarhead02/CIFEMPFluxWarhead02_proj.bp',
- RackBones = {
- {
- MuzzleBones = {
- 0,
- },
- RackBone = 0,
- },
- },
- RackRecoilDistance = 0,
- RateOfFire = 1,
- TargetCheckInterval = 9999999,
- TargetRestrictDisallow = 'UNTARGETABLE',
- Turreted = false,
- WeaponCategory = 'Death',
- },
- {
- AboveWaterFireOnly = true,
- AboveWaterTargetsOnly = true,
- Audio = {
- BeamLoop = Sound {
- Bank = 'URLWeapon',
- Cue = 'URL0402_Beam_Loop',
- LodCutoff = 'Weapon_LodCutoff',
- },
- BeamStart = Sound {
- Bank = 'URLWeapon',
- Cue = 'URL0402_Beam_Start',
- LodCutoff = 'Weapon_LodCutoff',
- },
- BeamStop = Sound {
- Bank = 'URLWeapon',
- Cue = 'URL0402_Beam_Stop',
- LodCutoff = 'Weapon_LodCutoff',
- },
- Unpack = Sound {
- Bank = 'URLWeapon',
- Cue = 'URL0402_Beam_Charge',
- LodCutoff = 'Weapon_LodCutoff',
- },
- },
- BallisticArc = 'RULEUBA_None',
- BeamCollisionDelay = 0.1,
- BeamLifetime = 0,
- CanFireFromTransport = true,
- CollideFriendly = false,
- Damage = 800,
- DamageRadius = 0.5,
- DamageType = 'Normal',
- DisplayName = 'Heavy Microwave Laser',
- EnabledByEnhancement = 'MicrowaveLaserGenerator',
- EnergyChargeForFirstShot = false,
- FireTargetLayerCapsTable = {
- Land = 'Land|Water|Seabed',
- Water = 'Land|Water|Seabed',
- },
- FiringTolerance = 0.25,
- HeadingArcCenter = 0,
- HeadingArcRange = 180,
- Label = 'MLG',
- MaxRadius = 22,
- MuzzleChargeDelay = 0,
- MuzzleSalvoDelay = 0,
- MuzzleSalvoSize = 1,
- PrefersPrimaryWeaponTarget = true,
- ProjectilesPerOnFire = 1,
- RackBones = {
- {
- MuzzleBones = {
- 'Turret_Muzzle_03',
- },
- RackBone = 'Turret_Muzzle_03',
- },
- },
- RackFireTogether = false,
- RackRecoilDistance = 0,
- RackReloadTimeout = 1,
- RackSalvoChargeTime = 0,
- RackSalvoReloadTime = 0,
- RackSalvoSize = 1,
- RackSlavedToTurret = false,
- RangeCategory = 'UWRC_DirectFire',
- RateOfFire = 3,
- TargetCheckInterval = 0.5,
- TargetPriorities = {
- },
- TargetRestrictDisallow = 'UNTARGETABLE',
- TrackingRadius = 1.15,
- TurretBoneMuzzle = 'Turret_Muzzle_03',
- TurretBonePitch = 'Turret_Muzzle_03',
- TurretBoneYaw = 'Turret_Muzzle_03',
- TurretDualManipulators = false,
- TurretPitch = 0,
- TurretPitchRange = 80,
- TurretPitchSpeed = 90,
- TurretYaw = 0,
- TurretYawRange = 5,
- TurretYawSpeed = 90,
- Turreted = true,
- UseFiringSolutionInsteadOfAimBone = true,
- WeaponCategory = 'Direct Fire Experimental',
- WeaponRepackTimeout = 0,
- WeaponUnpacks = false,
- },
- {
- BallisticArc = 'RULEUBA_None',
- CollideFriendly = false,
- Damage = 250,
- DamageType = 'Normal',
- DisplayName = 'Nanite Torpedo',
- EffectiveRadius = 0,
- EnabledByEnhancement = 'NaniteTorpedoTube',
- FireTargetLayerCapsTable = {
- Seabed = 'Seabed|Sub|Water',
- },
- FiringTolerance = 2,
- Label = 'Torpedo',
- MaxRadius = 60,
- MuzzleSalvoDelay = 0.8,
- MuzzleSalvoSize = 4,
- MuzzleVelocity = 5,
- ProjectileId = '/projectiles/CANTorpedoNanite01/CANTorpedoNanite01_proj.bp',
- ProjectileLifetime = 7,
- ProjectilesPerOnFire = 1,
- RackBones = {
- {
- MuzzleBones = {
- 'Turret_Muzzle_03',
- },
- RackBone = 'Turret_Muzzle_03',
- },
- },
- RackFireTogether = false,
- RackRecoilDistance = 0,
- RackReloadTimeout = 10,
- RackSalvoChargeTime = 0,
- RackSalvoReloadTime = 0,
- RackSalvoSize = 1,
- RackSlavedToTurret = false,
- RangeCategory = 'UWRC_AntiNavy',
- RateOfFire = 0.25,
- TargetCheckInterval = 1,
- TargetPriorities = {
- },
- TargetRestrictDisallow = 'UNTARGETABLE, HOVER',
- Turreted = false,
- WeaponCategory = 'Anti Navy',
- },
- },
- }
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