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- import random
- import time
- from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
- # These functions are used to populate the database with
- # values that are kinda-sorta like the ones in my app.
- def xdi(B,N,M):
- '''
- eXponential Distribution of Integers, XDI
- Return a list of length N of integers with max value M, from an exponential
- distribution with beta B.
- '''
- M = int(M) # just in case
- # pre-allocate the list rather than building it with .append()
- r = [0]*N
- for j in range(N) :
- r[j] = int( random.expovariate(B) ) % M
- return r
- RWTALPH = 'aeiouåáïbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz_BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWZ'
- def rwt(N):
- '''
- Random Word-like Token, RWT
- Return a word-like token comprising N Latin-1 letters with an
- emphasis on vowels.
- '''
- ii = xdi( 0.1, N, len(RWTALPH)-1 )
- return ''.join( [ RWTALPH[i] for i in ii ] )
- def rft():
- '''
- Random Flag Token
- Return an 8-char token composed mostly of dashes with a sprinkle of Xs,
- e.g. "---X--X-" or "XX------".
- '''
- ii = xdi( 2, 8, 2 )
- return ''.join( ['-X'[i] for i in ii ] )
- #
- # Define the database. All this code is out here at the module level --
- # instead of inside the Table Model class -- because in the real app, the
- # database is managed in a separate module entirely.
- #
- # The database comprises a single SortedDict, DATABASE, in which the keys are
- # rwt(8) "word" tokens, and the values are tuples comprising ( word, int in
- # 0-99, rft() flag string). (Yes this is redundant in having the word as both
- # key and value but it simplifies coding the data() method of the model.)
- #
- DATABASE = SortedDict()
- NUMBER_OF_ROWS = 10000 # how many rows to create
- #
- # The contents are accessed via a valuesView object, VALUES_BY_ROW. This can
- # be indexed, so VALUES_BY_ROW[J] is the values for the Jth entry in the
- # ascending order of the dict keys. VALUES_BY_ROW[J][2] is the column-2 data
- # from row J (the flag string column).
- #
- VALUES_BY_ROW = None # valuesview here
- #
- # In order to provide the indirection required for sorting, access to VALUES_BY_ROW is
- # by way of a sort vector of indices. As many as 6 such vectors, one for each column
- # for each sort order, are stored in a two lists, SORT_UP_VECTORS and SORT_DOWN_VECTORS.
- # When the database is initialized, only one of these is created, the sort-up for
- # column 0. Others are made as needed.
- #
- SORT_UP_VECTORS = [ None, None, None ]
- SORT_DOWN_VECTORS = [ None, None, None ]
- #
- # When the database is "refreshed" (filled with new data), all vectors are
- # discarded and a new SORT_UP_VECTORS[0] created as simply
- # range(len(DATABASE)). Thus VALUES_BY_ROW[ SORT_UP_VECTORS[0][J] ] is
- # exactly equivalent to VALUES_BY_ROW[J], except it takes a bit longer.
- #
- # Clear the database, called when the model initializes and before Refresh
- def clear_the_db() :
- DATABASE.clear()
- SORT_UP_VECTORS = [ None, None, None ]
- SORT_DOWN_VECTORS = [ None, None, None ]
- # Rebuild the database by repopulating it with phony data. This emulates what
- # does when it scans the book and tabulates its vocabulary.
- def rebuild_the_db():
- # Throw everything away. In the real app, worddata doesn't throw everything away,
- # it only clears the counts in column 1.
- clear_the_db()
- # Create values for column 1, small random integers. Use the length
- # of column 1 to control the loop.
- column_1 = xdi( 0.05, NUMBER_OF_ROWS, 100 )
- # Populate the database with rows of stuff
- for k in column_1 :
- w = rwt(8) # a random "word"
- f = rft() # a random "flag" string
- DATABASE[ w ] = ( w, k, f )
- # Create the indexable view of the data
- # Initialize the first sort vector to "idempotent" values
- SORT_UP_VECTORS[0] = range( len( DATABASE ) )
- #
- # On request from the table model, return a sort vector for a given column
- # (0, 1 or 2) and given sort order. If we have a vector for that column and
- # sort order, just return it.
- #
- # Otherwise, ask if we have a vector for ascending order on this column. If
- # we do not, build a vector for accessing the values of DATABASE in ascending
- # sequence over that column. If the request is for ascending order, return
- # that.
- #
- # Otherwise, make a vector for descending order by applying reversed() to the
- # ascending order vector and place it in SORT_DOWN_VECTORS[col]
- #
- # We build the ascending vector as follows. Make a SortedDict in which each
- # key is the concatenation of the column value for a row (which may have
- # dups) and the primary key for the same row. The combination is unique and
- # sorts properly.
- #
- # The value for each key is the index of that row in DATABASE. Because this
- # is a SortedDict, the values are a sort vector for the DATABASE rows in
- # column-value order.
- #
- # Place in SORT_UP_VECTORS[col] a valuesView on this sorted dict. This is
- # effectively a vector of DATABASE row numbers in the desired sequence.
- # What we want is a valuesView on a dict, but we have to stow the dict
- # itself somewhere:
- SORT_UP_DICTS = [ None, None, None ] # only 1 & 2 used
- def get_column_vector( col, order ):
- vector = SORT_UP_VECTORS[ col ] if order == Qt.AscendingOrder else SORT_DOWN_VECTORS[ col ]
- if vector is None : # we need to make one
- if SORT_UP_VECTORS[ col ] is None : # we have no up-vector
- # build a format string for col 1 int:str or col 2 str:str
- key_format = '{:05}{}' if col == 1 else '{}{}'
- sort_dict = SortedDict()
- for j in range( len(DATABASE) ) :
- k = key_format.format( VALUES_BY_ROW[j][col], VALUES_BY_ROW[j][0] )
- sort_dict[k] = j
- SORT_UP_DICTS[ col ] = sort_dict # save the dict itself
- SORT_UP_VECTORS[ col ] = sort_dict.values()
- vector = SORT_UP_VECTORS[ col ] # be optimistic
- # We have a sort-up vector, or was it sort-down we need?
- if order == Qt.DescendingOrder : # ok, make the reverse
- SORT_DOWN_VECTORS[ col ] = [j for j in reversed( SORT_UP_VECTORS[ col ] ) ]
- vector = SORT_DOWN_VECTORS [ col ]
- return vector
- # Define the Table Model, instrumented to count certain calls
- from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QAbstractTableModel, pyqtSignal
- class Model( QAbstractTableModel ):
- tableSorted = pyqtSignal()
- def __init__ ( self, parent=None ) :
- super().__init__( parent )
- clear_the_db()
- self.access_counts = [0, 0, 0]
- self.sort_order = Qt.AscendingOrder
- self.sort_column = 0
- self.sort_vector = []
- self.sort_time = 0.0 # TIMING
- def rowCount( self, index ) :
- global DATABASE
- if index.isValid() : return 0
- return len(DATABASE) # 0 until Refresh is called
- def columnCount( self, index ) :
- if index.isValid() : return 0
- return 3
- def data(self, index, role ) :
- global VALUES_BY_ROW
- if role != Qt.DisplayRole :
- return None
- row = index.row()
- col = index.column()
- self.access_counts[col] += 1
- sort_row = self.sort_vector[ row ]
- return VALUES_BY_ROW[ sort_row ][ col ]
- def clear_counts( self ) :
- self.access_counts = [0, 0, 0]
- def counts( self ) :
- return list( self.access_counts )
- # reimplement QAbstractItemModel.sort() which receives two arguments,
- # the column number to sort, and the sort order, Qt.AscendingOrder
- # or Qt.DescendingOrder. Then emit layoutChanged to repaint the view.
- def sort( self, col, order ) :
- t0 = time.process_time() # TIMING
- self.sort_column = col
- self.sort_order = order
- self.sort_vector = get_column_vector( col, order )
- self.layoutChanged.emit()
- self.sort_time = time.process_time() - t0 # TIMING
- self.tableSorted.emit() # TIMING
- # Override endResetModel() to make sure to refresh the sort
- # when there is new data.
- def endResetModel( self ) :
- super().endResetModel()
- self.sort( self.sort_column, self.sort_order )
- # Define the Table View, which at this point is quite minimal.
- # The View is instantiated from MainWindow, which also connects
- # the model to it.
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableView
- class View( QTableView ):
- def __init__ ( self, parent=None ) :
- super().__init__( parent )
- self.setSortingEnabled( True )
- self.sortByColumn( 0, Qt.AscendingOrder )
- # Define the main window which is the visual face of this app.
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (
- QLabel,
- QMainWindow,
- QPushButton,
- QVBoxLayout,
- QHBoxLayout,
- QWidget
- )
- class Main( QMainWindow ) :
- def __init__ ( self ) :
- super().__init__( )
- self.times = [0, 0, 0]
- clear_the_db() # make sure to start with 0 rows
- self._uic() # all the layout stuff out of line
- self.refresh_button.clicked.connect( self.do_refresh )
- self.table_model.tableSorted.connect( self.update_sort_time )
- # Slot called when Refresh is clicked:
- # * clear the counts
- # * start model reset
- # * rebuild the DATABASE, timing it
- # * end the model reset, timing that
- # * update the labels displaying call counts and times
- def do_refresh( self ) :
- self.table_model.clear_counts()
- self.table_model.beginResetModel()
- self.times[0] = time.process_time()
- rebuild_the_db()
- self.times[1] = time.process_time()
- self.table_model.endResetModel()
- QApplication.processEvents()
- self.times[2] = time.process_time()
- self.update_labels()
- # Slot called when a sort happens. Get the process time from
- # the table model and put it in the sort_time_label.
- def update_sort_time( self ) :
- self.sort_time_label.setText ('{:02.5f}'.format( self.table_model.sort_time ) )
- def update_labels(self) :
- [c0, c1, c2] = self.table_model.counts()
- [t0, t1, t2] = self.times
- self.c0_label.setText( str(c0) )
- self.c1_label.setText( str(c1) )
- self.c2_label.setText( str(c2) )
- self.td_label.setText( '{:02.5f}'.format(t1-t0) )
- self.tr_label.setText( '{:02.5f}'.format(t2-t1) )
- def _make_label( self, text='0' ) :
- # just make a right-aligned label out of line
- L = QLabel(text)
- L.setAlignment( Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter )
- return L
- def _uic( self ) :
- # create the table
- self.table_view = View( parent=self )
- self.table_model = Model( parent=self )
- self.table_view.setModel( self.table_model )
- # create the refresh button, put it in an hbox by with the sort time
- self.refresh_button = QPushButton( "Refresh" )
- hb0 = QHBoxLayout()
- hb0.addWidget(self.refresh_button, 0)
- hb0.addStretch(1)
- hb0.addWidget( self._make_label( 'sort time:'), 0 )
- self.sort_time_label = self._make_label()
- hb0.addWidget( self.sort_time_label )
- # create a set of labels to display counts of
- # entry to the method and times
- self.c0_label = self._make_label() # display role calls to column 0
- self.c1_label = self._make_label() # 1
- self.c2_label = self._make_label() # 2
- self.tr_label = self._make_label() # time to reset the model
- self.td_label = self._make_label() # time to rebuild the db
- # build the row of call numbers
- hb1 = QHBoxLayout()
- hb1.addStretch(1) # push this row to the right
- hb1.addWidget( self._make_label( 'Display role calls col 0:' ) )
- hb1.addWidget( self.c0_label )
- hb1.addStretch(0)
- hb1.addWidget( self._make_label( 'col 1:' ) )
- hb1.addWidget( self.c1_label )
- hb1.addStretch(0)
- hb1.addWidget( self._make_label( 'col 2:' ) )
- hb1.addWidget( self.c2_label )
- # build the row of times
- hb2 = QHBoxLayout()
- hb2.addStretch(1)
- hb2.addWidget( self._make_label( 'Seconds to build DB:' ) )
- hb2.addWidget( self.td_label )
- hb2.addStretch(0)
- hb2.addWidget( self._make_label( 'to reset model:' ) )
- hb2.addWidget( self.tr_label )
- # stack up the central layout
- vb = QVBoxLayout()
- vb.addLayout( hb0, 0 )
- vb.addWidget( self.table_view, 1 )
- vb.addLayout( hb1, 0 )
- vb.addLayout( hb2, 0 )
- # put all that in a widget and make the widget our central layout
- wij = QWidget()
- wij.setLayout( vb )
- wij.setMinimumSize( 500, 500 )
- self.setCentralWidget( wij )
- if __name__ == '__main__' :
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
- the_app = QApplication([])
- main_window = Main()
- the_app.exec_()
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