
[Narya] Something witty involves feathers (Gilda/Anon

Jun 2nd, 2013
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  1. >Narya span on the pads of her feet, lighter than air, her mauve-tipped wings splayed in the midday sun.
  2. >with the smallest of alterations to her wing angle, she lifted off the ground and into a graceful jumping spin like the prancing beauties of the Equestrian kingdoms
  3. >but she was no beauty
  4. >no slender waif like the fillies of the dancing troupes that came through from saddle Arabia
  5. >no "flippy-floppy dweeb", as her mother would put it
  6. >she was Narya Anonsson, daughter of the Dragonslayer
  7. >and she was definitely not a dancer
  8. >using the momentum of the spin to aid her, she swung her leg in a tight arc, slamming it into the dragon-hide sandbag with a mighty crack
  9. >but not quick enough
  10. >landing unsteadily, she stumbles and falls towards the iron-hard Steelwood floor, until a pair of large hands arrest her
  12. >"A good kick, Narya, but it was the stumble that broke it." rumbles the figure who caught her, his voice nigh-on terrifying to all who knew it throughout the 7 Kingdoms. He was enormous; standing head and shoulders above all but the Celestials - and eye to eye with the Sun Princess herself. Broad as a barrel, he blocked out the sun with his wide shoulders and thick, bushy blonde beard
  13. >Narya grimaces at the figure for a moment, her plain features in a rigid mask of disappointment until she reaches up and squeezes him into a deep hug, her taloned arms not even reaching to his spine
  14. >"Father!" He cries, her face brightening into a wide, fanged grin. Few saw her smile - indeed, few in the Gryphon Kingdoms knew what a smile was - but seeing her father after his travels to the Outer Realms and the Other Kingdoms always brought one to her face
  15. >"How are you, my Sparrowhawk?" It was a fitting name: Narya was all wiry muscle and hunters wings. She'd hated the name as a child, but had grown to accept it - and over time, enjoy it. His arms hugged back with easy power, skin tough as leather hiding massive, cordy muscle - the Oak to hers and her mother's Willow. It was such a fitting name that he had taken it on as his sigil, after killing the previous lord of Castle Owlpeak
  16. >"Practicing, as usual. How is my brother?" She inquired breaking away from the hug to continue her routines. Kick, Kick, Jump, Kick.
  17. >"Still trying to marry that dreadful Pony Princess he's had his eye on since we visited last summer." His sentence was punctuated by a quick, light jab at her side, which she stepped around with ease.
  19. >Spinning, she aimed a kick at her fathers head, strong enough to internally decapitate the hollow-bones necks of most Gryphons. It was grasped in a powerful hand, forcing her to spin violently in the air to escape. She returned to a low fighting stance before springing away, perching with wings spread on the Dragon's skull that decorated the hearth. She took the opportunity to look at her father. It had been almost a year since seeing him last, and he hadn't changed a thing. Long blonde hair in a blue tipped ponytail, eyes dark with kohl rims, he looked every inch the Gryphon lord, besides the lack of beak, wings and talons.
  20. >"Vraiment? What a dweeb. I ca-
  21. >Narya's comment was cut short by the piercing shriek of an eagle that reverberated throughout the Great House
  22. >"DWEEEEEEEEEEEEB" screamed Narya's mother, bursting through the doors in a savage blur, tackling her husband to the ground before he could react.
  24. >Narya raised a taloned hand to her mouth to stifle her giggle, but was paralyzed by her mothers piercing gaze
  26. >her mother's tirade was cut short by Anon scratching under her beak
  28. >"ш-ш-ш-, девочка моя. Quiet now." Anons fingers gently caressed the hollow under Gilda's beak before picking her up, and touching noses - or beaks, in this case.
  29. >"Stupid, sexy Anon." Gilda mutters, recomposing herself in the face of such underhanded tactics.
  30. >Narya groaned loudly, flipping off the Dragon's skull into the floor without so much as a *pomf*. Narya's stomach rumbled loudly, betraying her movements
  31. >"Get a room, you two. Is dinner ready, mum?"
  32. >"There's deer on the spit, and you can cook the rabbit yourself. Your father and I have to talk."
  33. >Narya bounded off into the dining hall on iron-strong legs, salivating at the promise of fresh meat
  34. >"We have to talk?" frowned Anon, looking at his wife with a worried grimace. He'd faced down an Ursa with little but a bag of ground unicorn horn and a knife the size of his cock
  35. >but those words scared him like no other
  37. >"I caught Narya in the hall with a squire the other day. Do you know what she was doing to him?"
  38. >Anon gulped. He feared this day would come.
  39. >He'd been alive for well over a thousand solar cycles, and knew this sort of thing would inevitably happen.
  40. >His little girl would grow up
  41. >And he'd be to far away to stop it
  42. >"She was calling him a dweeby faggot, and punching him in the wingjoints"
  43. >Anon let out a deep breath. She was still his little girl. Hard as the Oak, just as he'd raised her.
  44. >"She's getting restless. I know it's healthy for a Gryphon her age, but with her strength she'll actually hurt someone." Gilda continued, looking you in the eye - no easy prospect for two beings of your respective statutes.
  45. >"You've taken her brother on your grand adventures. Why not her? She's as fast a flyer as I am, and quick on her feet"
  46. >Anon had always considered the idea, but had always thought ways around it
  47. >And now here was his wife asking for him to do it
  48. >"If you think she'd like it, Wife-of-Dweeb"
  49. >Gilda punches Anon in the chest playfully, and stalks towards the dinner hall with a saucy saunter. Turning her head, she gave Anon those eyes that made him weak at the knees, even after 20 years of marriage.
  50. >"And who knows, I might need some new company around the house. I guess we could support another Satyr around the house."
  51. >"N-N-Narya? I have a question for you!" He booms, shakily recovering his composure.
  53. >Narya appears around the doorway which her mother just entered, her mouth full of venison steak
  54. >"I'll be leaving for the Grey Peaks in a week, and I need a new squiAAAAAAH!" Anon was cut short for the second time that night, again tackled by a Gryphon
  55. >"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYESYESYESYESYES!" Narya squealed, eyes bright with excitement. "Can I get a new sword? A shield? Some armour like yours? Can I?! Can I?! Oooooh, this is gonna be soooooo good!" Narya pounced off his chest and swung around on the candelabra, whooping with glee.
  56. >Anon smiled, his grizzled, scarred face falling into that easy grin of his.
  57. >He was happy.
  58. >His daughter and wife were happy
  59. >And all was right with the world
  61. ====Part II====
  62. >All mornings on Owlspeak are cold.
  63. >Thewind on the mountain plateau rips the warmth from unprotected bodies without mercy, and the nigh-constant sleet turns the sky an ugly grey all year round - save for the annual Summer that graces the manor with sunshine and blue skies for all of a tantalizing week, but does nothing to warm the sodden ground or frosty mornings for the rest of the year
  64. >Many outside the walls called it the Idyll, a week of perfect skies and fresh breezes that brought tourists from far and wide. Flying teams like the Wonderbolts or Tarquin's Talons booked the skies years in advance, savoring the Peak's crystal clear air and easy altitude training.
  65. >Owlspeak natives snorted at the term with derision and scorn.
  66. >They called it the Tease.
  67. >Like a promise of water half whispered to a man dying of thirst, the Idyll stands for everything they cannot have.
  68. >Many leave the Mountain when they come of age, searching far and wide for greener pastures.
  69. >More accept the cold with a grimace, ignoring it grudgingly until the Idyll comes along to lift their weary spirits
  70. >Most, however, are driven by the cold and by their collective hatred of the Idyll, and all it represents.
  71. >Hard lives breed hard men, and fewer places are harder than the gale-whipped spire of Owlspeak.
  73. >Despite the wind and driving sleet, two figures stood outside the Manor's gates, wrapped in furs and thick leathers.
  74. >One stood tall - the other, enormous.
  75. >Turning towards the smaller, the mountainous pillar of Anon Dragonslayer begins to speak, his voice like the rumble of thunderclouds
  76. >"It's a 2 week journey to the Grey Peaks, Narya. Are you sure you don't want to stay home?"
  77. >Narya frowned at her father for a second, before catching onto the tone of his voice and jabbing him hard in the arm with a sharpened talon.
  78. >"Minotaur's arse, y'auld bugger. You know I'd fight an Ursa one-handed for a trip to the Greys." Despite her words the Satyr grinned, her high cheekbones and thin lips framed by her newly tailored cloak. The red leather fit her perfectly and featured her family sigil: the Golden Oak of House Anon, embroidered carefully between her shoulders.
  79. >Anon grinned broadly at his daughter, ruffling her hair under the hood. Since he'd proposed the adventure to her, Narya had devoted most of her time to preparing for the journey: sharpening her sword, stitching her clothes and polishing her armour. The cloak, however, was a gift from her father - made by skilled craftsponies in far-off Equestria.
  80. >"Yo dweebs, wait up." Rang a voice from the top of the Manor's stairs.
  81. >Narya flinched at her mothers voice, preparing for the inevitable tackling, before straightening as the blow doesn't come.
  82. >Narya turned to look at her mother on the steps, and was stunned to see something she had never seen in all her 14 years on Owlspeak
  83. >Gilda, the Matriarch of House Anon, the Dweebcrusher, Daughter of High Lord Ferrous of the Frozen Plain, crying.
  85. >Her mother padded down the sodden flagstones, reached out and pulled Narya into a deep hug, smothering her daughter in tear-stained feathers.
  86. >After holding the Satyr her chest long enough for the tears to wick into her feathers, Gilda pulled away, the tears in her eyes replaced with something else
  87. >The glowing light of pride
  88. >"Now you keep your father out of trouble, or you'll deal with me!"
  89. >Narya snapped to attention, saluting her mother with a ramrod straight back, before grinning broadly at her mother.
  90. >"And you, you flip-flop?" Gilda brought her head to Anon's, brushing their foreheads and touching noses.
  91. >"You keep her safe, damn you." The tears began again, flowing freely down the proud Gryphon's face.
  92. >Anon kissed his wife on the beak before pulling the catbird into a hug.
  93. >"I'll miss you."
  94. >"And I you."
  95. >The two adults broke away, each wiping tears from their eyes. Waving, Anon and Narya turned towards the village and began their journey to the Grey Peaks.
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