
#Flarp2 - Session 41

Jul 27th, 2012
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  1. <MoreStupiderName> *** The party... is still in the town of Seaside, right in the middle of the night. Street lights do their job of illuminating the town with a dim, orangey-glow. Around every store is closed by this time around, save for a few establishments here and there. Each tiny star twinkles in the night sky for a captivating display, all just above the fishing town of
  2. <MoreStupiderName> Seaside. Jade would probably notice this beautiful show, were she not fighting for her life against a rabid house cat with ulterior motives and novelty death-bringers.
  3. <MoreStupiderName> *** Last Post: childJohn Oh, a fishing rod, that's cool! She totally didn't see the hook coming at her, but then /ow/. She looked at her arm, a bandaid probably wouldn't fix it at all. It was a kind of big cut. She just kinda sat there, dwelling on the fact that this was pretty god damned painful. After like, what. Five minutes, she got up, determined on /win
  4. <MoreStupiderName> ning/ she got up, and
  5. <MoreStupiderName> *** The post cuts off there-- it can be safe to assume that Jade fell on her ass, though.
  6. -*- MoreStupiderName Unless I missed more of that, in which case hrk--]]
  7. -*- MoreStupiderName isn't really seeing any more to the log though, so]]
  8. -*- MoreStupiderName Is there any more to that cJ :?]]
  9. -*- childJohn no there wasnt
  10. -*- MoreStupiderName Right, sorry uou]]
  11. <MoreStupiderName> *** Jade ponders on her /chasm/ of a cut and sits on the floor for a short period of time. The rest helps her catch her breath, but giving the ferocious feline the time perhaps wasn't worth it-- then again, it's entire method of attacking relies on slapstick novelty objects.
  12. <MoreStupiderName> *** Enemy turn.
  13. <MrStrider> meow scratch)
  14. <MoreStupiderName> [[hissSSSS]]
  15. <MoreStupiderName> *** The previously mentioned slapstick novelty objects were, however, diminishing as the fight carried on-- really, there were only so many of these things that he could pull before his supply starts to run short. So, saving the comedy that was admitably falling flat, the tom cat of terror resolved on a more direct method of approach.
  16. <MoreStupiderName> *** With naturally-given prowess, the devious furball takes into consideration the glass and water coating the floor before promptly pOUNCING at the gunslinging gal. Meow scratch indeed, Strider.
  17. <MoreStupiderName> *** Meow scratch indeed.
  18. <MoreStupiderName> *** End turn.
  19. <MrStrider> so is jade fighting garfield or felix or what)
  20. <MoreStupiderName> [[Tom and Jerry--]]
  21. <MrStrider> hoho)
  22. <MoreStupiderName> [[Though now just Tom :y]]
  23. -*- MoreStupiderName couldn't think of a better opponent /okay/]]
  24. <MrStrider> i /love/ it )
  25. -*- MoreStupiderName Garfield is next though--]]
  26. -*- MoreStupiderName The only thing he hates more than mondays is /yOU/]]
  27. <MrStrider> pfFF)
  28. <MoreStupiderName> [[He uses Odie as a meat shield]]
  29. -*- childJohn She wondered how a fishing hook could do that! She always heard of how people got hooks stuck in their thumbs, but still! But jade should've really looked in front of her because now there was a cat /pouncing/ at her? She rolled over, and then got up, making the cat miss, yay.
  30. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Idly picks spiderwebs from his hair as he watches the match. "Aw, damn, we about to see some /slapstick/ up in here."
  31. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Tom and motherfuckin' Jerry. The original pranksters.
  32. <childJohn> [This flat pepsi isn't refreshing my brain like I thought it would .u.]
  33. <MoreStupiderName> [[ono]]
  34. -*- MrStrider picks something from his nails, looking up at the focal point.
  35. <MrStrider> that aint somethin you see everyday
  36. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...wait
  37. -*- childJohn So finally, considering that her rifle was probably running out of ammo, she promptly /tried/ to pull on the cats tail, that was their weak spot right? Or was that some urban legend that she heard floating around.
  38. -*- childJohn she'll never know.
  39. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Suddenly interrupted from his spider searching, Nero snapped his head towards Dave. When did he get here?
  40. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> dave- not surprised at all that jade is there)
  41. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> too cool)
  42. <MoreStupiderName> *** Jade successfully manages to ~*Youth*Roll*~ from the oncoming feline onslaught, causing the cantankerous cat to land face-first onto the water and glass-soaked ground just beside her. Needless to say, for Tom, it's a particularly unpleasant turn of events-- even moreso as the tail is tugged on. Ow, ow mraowl, why would you do that, you /diiiIIIIIICK/
  43. -*- MrStrider is always here
  44. <MoreStupiderName> *** Enemy turn.
  45. -*- MrStrider squints. Wearing sunglasses at night has its fair share of cons. Hell, was that Jade-- Hey Nerdo. Are you looking for bugs? Only a nerd would do that.
  46. <alaroraArchilatrix> what are you, some kind of ninja?
  47. <alaroraArchilatrix> or just a creeper?
  48. <MrStrider> i prefer the former
  49. <MrStrider> i feel it fits me
  50. <alaroraArchilatrix> creeper it is
  51. <MrStrider> the hell are you doing bent over a bush
  52. <MrStrider> waiting for your icelandic boyfriend or what
  53. <alaroraArchilatrix> believe it or not dumbass, thats gamzees hair
  54. -*- MrStrider COLOR ME SURPRISED
  55. <alaroraArchilatrix> apparently he got a shitload of spiders n god knows what else in there
  56. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations "Yo," says the bush.
  57. <alaroraArchilatrix> an he was just about to tell me why
  58. <alaroraArchilatrix> right?
  59. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee's hair is mostly twigs at this point, so bush is p. accurate.
  60. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Yeah, bro. We went into the motherfuckin' /nature/,
  61. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Shit was intense as fuck.
  62. <MoreStupiderName> *** The head on approach, admitably, was always going to end up being the more dangerous one-- and this cat was really not doing too hot luck-wise. In fact, they weren't doing hot anything-wise. With a sharp hiss and irritable mraowls, the feline twists in the cat girl's lass to rake their sharp claws across her face-- knocking her glasses clean off.
  63. <MoreStupiderName> *** When he kills you, he's /taking/ those glasses, too. >8y
  64. <MoreStupiderName> *** End turn.
  65. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> We saw some /fireflies/.
  66. <alaroraArchilatrix> you? out in nature? big surprise.
  67. <alaroraArchilatrix> so what, did you just chill out in the woods.
  68. <alaroraArchilatrix> maybe chatted up a charmin lookin beetle
  69. <MrStrider> im sure theres a whole ecosystem developing in that mane
  70. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Nah, I mostly talked to the spiders and the dead motherfucker.
  71. <MoreStupiderName> [[Flarp's setting is actually in Gamzee's hair]]
  72. <MoreStupiderName> [[Canon :y]]
  73. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...dead motherfucker
  74. <alaroraArchilatrix> just chillin with a corpse
  75. <alaroraArchilatrix> okay
  76. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Yeah, he was cool.
  77. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> We found the brother in a cave in the woods. I got his stuff here.
  78. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Pats the swag bag, strapped securely to his middle alongside his trusty crabpack.
  79. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Once the town wakes up I'ma ask around, see if anyone knows the motherfucker or wants him.
  80. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> He's still chillin' out in the woods under some rocks I put.
  81. <alaroraArchilatrix> i hope you buried the poor sucker
  82. <alaroraArchilatrix> sbad luck to keep a corpse out in the open
  83. <alaroraArchilatrix> then again, sbad luck to do it unhollowed ground
  84. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Didn't have a shovel, so I put him under some big fuckin' rocks. I don't think anything's gonna get at him.
  85. <alaroraArchilatrix> an you dont look like a priest to me
  86. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee crosses himself with a lazy grin.
  87. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Nah.
  88. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> I don't think the brother minded, though.
  89. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> I mean, if /I/ was dead, all I'd want is some motherfuckin' company and a good view.
  90. -*- childJohn That kitty was going down, it even meowd at her and stuff! As it twisted out of her grasp, she thought about grabbing her rifle, but was cut off by claws to the face! She stumbled back, legging go of him. Her glasses were also, broken. "hey, those cost like, 20 bucks! you'll have to pay for those!"
  91. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> I left a peep hole for him, so the brother could look at the sky.
  92. -*- childJohn She squinted and looked around for her rifle and finally grabbed it, and just swung it at the cat, completely forgetting about the fact that she could shoot at him, woops.
  93. <childJohn> [*Letting, that is the best typo ever.]
  94. -*- alaroraArchilatrix He shudders, the smallest of twinges, as Gamzee crosses himself. Barely noticable to all but the most observant. But he pays it no mind - that's been happening for so long, it might as well be like breathing. "least hell have that. ghosts are fickle lil bastards though; the smallest of thingsll will piss em off"
  95. <MoreStupiderName> [[Pff]]
  96. <alaroraArchilatrix> but jesus
  97. <alaroraArchilatrix> poor guy was probably rottin away in there, an no one knew a damn thing bout it.
  98. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Library dude told us some motherfucker dissappeared in the forest, but didn't seem to really give a good goddamn.
  99. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Maybe someone else gives more of a fuck.
  100. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...damn
  101. <alaroraArchilatrix> i hope theres someone in this shanty shithole that gives a damn
  102. <alaroraArchilatrix> its a sad thing, dyin without a soul carin
  103. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> It'll be aight for him.
  104. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> If nobody does, I'll go back out and give him a proper motherfuckin' send-off.
  105. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Then the forest will take care of the brother.
  106. <alaroraArchilatrix> youll be priest makara, huh?
  107. <alaroraArchilatrix> bless the old soul of all his sins
  108. <alaroraArchilatrix> then maybe throw a few more rocks at him
  109. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee actually makes a face and shakes his head.
  110. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Naw, man.
  111. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Hell naw. I'll ust be me.
  112. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> *just)
  113. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...not a fan of the robes, huh.
  114. <MoreStupiderName> *** While her vision may have been newly limited, it's more than a little difficult to miss from this range-- especially when you're swinging around a gun like it's on fire. He's whacked clean upside the head with an audiable whack, hissing in protest against the firearm-wielding menace.
  115. <MoreStupiderName> *** Enemy turn.
  116. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> That ain't me, brother.
  117. <MoreStupiderName> *** Spitting out a tooth from their bloodied maw, Tom disregarded the hunting rifle entirely as they made another lunge at the lass. A flurry of bites and clawings result with more than just a few cuts across the girl's body, drawing drop after drop of blood that hits the ground and mixes with spilled seltzer-- if this doesn't let up, the gnostic won't be gar
  118. <MoreStupiderName> dening anything any time soon...!
  119. <alaroraArchilatrix> good riddence. wed have a problem if you were some holy roller.
  120. <-> MidnAway is now known as Midna
  121. <alaroraArchilatrix> they have a tendency to spit the ground i walk on.
  122. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Spittin' ain't any kind of godly I know of.
  123. <alaroraArchilatrix> well, they do a lot of unholy things. usually in the name of all that is holy.
  124. <alaroraArchilatrix> some world, huh?
  125. <MoreStupiderName> *** Oh-- hrk, end turn.
  126. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> People got a lot of mixed up motherfuckin' thoughts in they head, brother, holy or not.
  127. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Usually they end up doin' what they want to.
  128. <alaroraArchilatrix> if thats the case, then the world is one selfish shithole.
  129. -*- MrStrider Wow, those two are really getting into it.
  130. -*- MrStrider Maybe I should help the girl being attacked by a large anthropomorphic cat.
  131. <alaroraArchilatrix> (>dave: sit down kids, we're keepin it real bout-)
  132. -*- MrStrider Who looks like one of my old best friends.
  133. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> Naw, brother, that's no way to look at it.
  134. <alaroraArchilatrix> (REELIGON)
  135. <MoreStupiderName> [[the powurr of kryst compels u fluthlu]]
  136. <MrStrider> dave believes in jedism)
  137. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations She's in the arena, broseph)
  138. <MrStrider> the fORCE)
  139. <-- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations (Mibbit@ has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  140. <MrStrider> pretend im not retarded for a second and erase everything and )
  141. -*- MrStrider closes tab forever)
  142. <alaroraArchilatrix> (no you're beautiful)
  143. <alaroraArchilatrix> (come talk reeligon with us uou)
  144. -*- MoreStupiderName hOLDS TAB OPEN]]
  145. -*- childJohn The cat was messing her up, maybe she wouldn't prevail. She fell again, although she really didn't wanna get up. She couldn't let some cat win, that would be terrible. Cats couldn't just win like that. So she sat up-- oW OW OW. She could hold her rifle, barely, even. She had like, two bullets left from what she remembered? So, ready to get this /over/ wit
  146. <childJohn> h, she shot at the cat, not even aiming at it, just hoping on sheer luck that it would hit?
  147. --> castingAspirations (Mibbit@ has joined #Flarp2
  148. <castingAspirations> what'd i miss)
  149. <alaroraArchilatrix> (jade shooting at things)
  150. <castingAspirations> rad)
  151. <MoreStupiderName> [[The night that Seaside hated cats]]
  152. <castingAspirations> Ain't the right way to think about it at all.
  153. -*- castingAspirations Gamzee goes crosseyed at a stickbug walking slowly down the bridge of his nose. He somehow manages to look sullen.
  154. <alaroraArchilatrix> you explain it to me, then. why would someone murder their entirely family, just for a tiny taste of power?
  155. <alaroraArchilatrix> cuz i cant tell you how many times shit like that shows up at the old mans office.
  156. <MoreStupiderName> *** Did she fire six bullets... or just five? Do you feel lucky, cat? Did ya? Huh? Because Jade certainly isn't-- still, some slim chance is better than none. With the crowd on the edges of their seats, the gunslinging gnostic pulled the trigger...
  157. <MoreStupiderName> *** And...
  158. <MoreStupiderName> *** The BULLET...
  159. <alaroraArchilatrix> or the fact that theres people out there that want us dead
  160. <MoreStupiderName> *** From JADE'S GUN...
  161. <alaroraArchilatrix> just because we exist
  162. <alaroraArchilatrix> god forbid were still livin and breathin, us wretched demons.
  163. <MoreStupiderName> *** Fired BY JADE HARLEY...
  164. <castingAspirations> Little brother, that ain't a kind thing to ask a motherfucker.
  165. -*- alaroraArchilatrix He's not the only one sullen. This wasn't the topic Nero usually treaded; too volatile, and far too unfair. It was better to just let it be, ignore it like a unloved stepchild. But now that he broached it, he couldn't tear himself away.
  166. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Not even for that one climatic bullet.
  167. <castingAspirations> I got thoughts, not answers.
  168. <alaroraArchilatrix> everyones got thoughts
  169. <MoreStupiderName> *** The bullet could wait, Nero.
  170. <alaroraArchilatrix> no ones got answers
  171. <castingAspirations> Ain't right to call the /whole/ world like that, is what I'm sayin'.
  172. <MoreStupiderName> *** The bullet has all the time in the world. What's the rush? Everyone just needs to simmer down, I mean really.
  173. <castingAspirations> Questions are what's got the motherfuckin' power, anyway. Not the answers.
  174. -*- MrStrider stumbles over toward the other two boys, sitting beside their philosofest.
  175. <MrStrider> sup slumcuts whats the word
  176. -*- alaroraArchilatrix All he can give is a tiny huff, turning away to watch the bullet scream through the air. No one ever had the answers; he lived in an entire world without answers. For once, some clarity would be nice.
  177. <childJohn> [The bullet is like a slowmo matrix thing.]
  178. <childJohn> [Legit.]
  179. <MoreStupiderName> [[Only it's extremely slow]]
  180. <MoreStupiderName> [[>Tom: Dodge painfully slow bullet]]
  181. <castingAspirations> Word's the same as the motherfuckin' usual, Davebro.
  182. <MoreStupiderName> *** Jade needs to begin gambling. Hard. Find a casino in this magical whimsical land and set up camp, Harley-- the bullet doesn't just hit, but hits dead on with the cat, square between the still glaring eyes. The violent hissing and viscious mraowling comes to an abrupt halt. Tom the cat has been slain.
  183. <MoreStupiderName> *** Jade Harley is sole responsible of killing a cartoon character loved by millions.
  184. <MoreStupiderName> *** *V*I*C*T*O*R*Y*.
  185. -*- castingAspirations Gamzee sadly watches Tom get shot in the face.
  186. -*- castingAspirations Here he was hoping for an anvil.
  187. <alaroraArchilatrix> yeah, same as always.
  188. <MoreStupiderName> *** A piano lANDS ON JADE--
  189. -*- childJohn nOOO
  190. <MoreStupiderName> *** Only instead of a piano, it's a level! Which is debatably better.
  191. <MrStrider> ive come to the conclusion that "as always" can be pretty loosely used but aight
  192. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Those words are spat out like vemon, a stony rumble.
  193. -*- MrStrider write a book about it, queero
  194. <MoreStupiderName> *** STRENGTH +1
  195. <MoreStupiderName> *** End list.
  196. -*- alaroraArchilatrix not now, stridork.
  197. -*- alaroraArchilatrix go be a wigger somewhere else
  198. -*- castingAspirations Gamzee solemnly lifts his arms and places a lazy elbow atop each of his towheaded armrests.
  199. <castingAspirations> Loose as a motherfuckin' goose.
  200. <MoreStupiderName> *** The crowd stops crYING from Tom getting shot in the head and, in time, so does the announcer. Just. Just give him a moment as he... as he gets the results, alright. God fucking dammit, Harley. What's he going to tell his kids. How is he going to explain this.
  201. -*- MrStrider the turmoil of being a preteen
  202. <MrStrider> snug as a bug in a greasy clown rug
  203. <MrStrider> i can feel the love
  204. <childJohn> [I'm imagining Tom doing the show by himself.]
  205. <MrStrider> emitting from your elbow into my scalp
  206. <childJohn> [Before he /died/ ofcourse 8D}
  207. <MoreStupiderName> [[Pfffff]]
  208. <alaroraArchilatrix> get used to the smell.
  209. <MoreStupiderName> *** RANK
  210. <alaroraArchilatrix> its like pinesol
  211. <MoreStupiderName> *** C
  212. <alaroraArchilatrix> if pinesol was made of garbage
  213. <MrStrider> a lot like your cologne
  214. <alaroraArchilatrix> im sorry gamz, but we really gotta introduce you to the shower.
  215. <MrStrider> or is it your natural musk im thinking
  216. <alaroraArchilatrix> hes a nice guy, really.
  217. <MoreStupiderName> *** Jade is rewarded with the following:
  219. <alaroraArchilatrix> for your information, four eyes, but im not the one who smells like puppet ass
  220. <MoreStupiderName> [[snRK]]
  221. <alaroraArchilatrix> (what)
  222. <alaroraArchilatrix> (is that butt doing there)
  223. <MoreStupiderName> *** 600 BD
  224. <MrStrider> puppet derriere is the finest of scents
  225. <castingAspirations> Sorry, y'all. I guess I ain't really used to bein' able to motherfuckin' shower when I want.
  226. <MrStrider> i dont know where you grew up but in the hood its all the rage
  227. <MoreStupiderName> *** (1) Feline Welcoming Rug--
  228. <MrStrider> scream)
  229. <Nitro> [honey I'm home]
  230. <Nitro> [did Jade just skin Tom]
  231. <alaroraArchilatrix> in texas maybe
  232. <MoreStupiderName> [[Nitro you're just in time to cry about Tom getting shot in the face]]
  233. <alaroraArchilatrix> do they have cowpie cologne too
  234. <Nitro> [my cHILDHOOD JADE NO]
  235. <childJohn> [It was the greatest accomplishment.]
  236. <alaroraArchilatrix> (and preteen bitchfights)
  237. <alaroraArchilatrix> (also jade why)
  238. <MrStrider> only for special occasions
  239. <Nitro> [always here for preteen bitchfights]
  240. <MrStrider> if you /really/ wanted to woo your prom date
  241. <alaroraArchilatrix> gotta smell nice for those squaredances
  242. <MoreStupiderName> *** (1) Novelty Hammer
  243. <MrStrider> spelling like a tumble weed never sounded better than right now
  244. <MrStrider> smelling, even)
  245. <MoreStupiderName> *** End list.
  246. <MrStrider> hey squaredances are the shit
  247. <MrStrider> what kind of dances do you even hail
  248. <MrStrider> cult rituals sacrificing a live whale to the eskimo god
  249. -*- MrStrider yeah, what sounds more appealing /now/
  250. <MoreStupiderName> *** Novelty Hammer: A particularly large mallet that's really more usable as a joke or prop than anything really useful. It even squeaks when you swing it at something.
  251. <alaroraArchilatrix> excuse me, we only sacrifice giant lobsters.
  252. <alaroraArchilatrix> who do we think we are, barbarians?
  253. -*- childJohn If it werent for all these cuts and scratches, she would jump around and scream 'woohoo' all 'round the whole town.
  254. <MoreStupiderName> *** ... Medical attention is available at the front desk. Not for Tom, though.
  255. <MrStrider> finally realizing where you get such lustrous sheen in your hair
  256. <MoreStupiderName> *** Or Jerry.
  257. <MrStrider> baby seal fat must to wonders
  258. <MoreStupiderName> *** She /shot/ /Tom/ /and/ /Jerry/.
  259. <MoreStupiderName> *** /In/ /the/ /head/.
  260. <MrStrider> do)
  261. <alaroraArchilatrix> there aint nothin like clubbin a few baby seals
  262. <alaroraArchilatrix> they make the cutest death rattles
  263. <alaroraArchilatrix> all for our unholy god, stephen king
  264. <castingAspirations> i think gamzee could actually use that hammer as a legit weapon, seeing as he has jokerkind)
  265. <alaroraArchilatrix> what, you thought he published all those books by himself?
  266. <alaroraArchilatrix> hahahahaha you poor soul
  267. <MoreStupiderName> *** The stands and bleachers soon empty from spectators after the bout-- after all, it IS pretty late at night. The moon hangs just over the town in the middle of the night sky. Try not to get mugged on your way to the Inn.
  268. <MrStrider> oh that's /bad/
  269. <MoreStupiderName> [[Also, he probably could yeah 8y]]
  270. <MoreStupiderName> [[Though tbh it's not the *most* effective weapon around--]]
  271. <MoreStupiderName> [[It /squeaks/]]
  272. <alaroraArchilatrix> (>dave: decide to never go to maine eVER)
  273. <alaroraArchilatrix> yknow, you wouldnt make a bad sacrifice yourself.
  274. <alaroraArchilatrix> nothin better than a blonde virgin.
  275. -*- castingAspirations Gamzee languidly stands and leaves with the crowd. Where you goin', son?
  276. -*- MrStrider sCR
  277. <-> MoreStupiderName is now known as Jaspersprite
  278. -*- childJohn makes her way to the front desk, because ow, scratches and cuts hurts, especially fishing hooks.
  279. <MrStrider> you think the great molhama would appreciate somebody of this caliber
  280. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Nero dutifully chases after the coolkid, like any good King cultist should. All the way into the endless darkness...
  281. -*- alaroraArchilatrix ...Or, at least, all the way to the inn. Sacrifices were hard work, yo.
  282. -*- castingAspirations Gamzee walks on past Jade, headed to places unknown.
  283. <Jaspersprite> *** ... Yeesh, those are some nasty scrapes. Who would've thought that ol' Tom and Jerry would be such merciless mofos. The receptionist pulls a few bandage rolls from one of the desk's drawers and tosses them over-- think you can handle yourself? The secretary really ought to get home. v8
  284. -*- childJohn catches them, can totally bandage herself. That's /easy/.
  285. -*- castingAspirations If uninterrupted, Gamzee would make his way to the in, troop upstairs, and actually take a fucking shower.
  286. <alaroraArchilatrix> (holy shit)
  287. <alaroraArchilatrix> (mark this down)
  288. -*- MrStrider monumental event
  289. <alaroraArchilatrix> (meanwhile, preteen kids chase after each other in the dark)
  290. <-> Jaspersprite is now known as WixardLalode
  291. <alaroraArchilatrix> (ah, to be young)
  292. <MrStrider> no stop my bod is reserved for hot babes not icelandic mojos
  293. <MrStrider> i cant see in the dark
  294. -*- MrStrider trip stumble these cowboy boots are too large
  295. <alaroraArchilatrix> oh you baby, just take off those sunglasses
  296. <WixardLalode> *** Gamzee ~*showers*~. Several sticks, dead bugs, blood, and other unpleasant things washed out of the Juggalfro. The Inn's drain pipes never recovered.
  297. <alaroraArchilatrix> who the hell wears sunglasses at night, anyway
  298. <MrStrider> what no
  299. <MrStrider> /this/ is my religion
  300. <MrStrider> sunglasses
  301. <MrStrider> sunglassism
  302. <MrStrider> you wouldnt understand
  303. <alaroraArchilatrix> ( >dave: EDUCATE THIS FOOL)
  304. <WixardLalode> *** Jade also can, in fact, patch herself up just fine. It ain't /that/ hard-- no harder than putting down /Tom/ and /Jerry/, right? The receptionist, not bothering with heading out from behind the desk proper, hops over it's surface and begins making her way off to the door.
  305. <Nitro> Halley had been, if anyone was wondering, auto-following because the RPer is still a bit distracted.
  306. -*- alaroraArchilatrix He screeches to a halt, stopping just before the fallen boy. Right in front of the inn too; how convenient.
  307. -*- childJohn finishes bandaging self, but got silly in the process and now kinda looks like a mummy.
  308. <alaroraArchilatrix> oh sure, sunglassisms. thats a branch of douchebaggism, right?
  309. -*- childJohn kind of because there wasn't that much bandages to cover herself up completely.
  310. <MrStrider> theyre in the same perimeter
  311. <MrStrider> but theres a fine line between the two
  312. <MrStrider> like how cats and lions are in the same family
  313. <MrStrider> are you gonna cuddle up to a lion fuck no thats a lion
  314. <WixardLalode> *** The bandages patch up the wounds just fine... more or less. Her wounds won't be anything to worry about! Just need a night's rest. Things work /weird/ in Econ, don't they.
  315. <alaroraArchilatrix> are you comparin yourself to some cuddly housecat
  316. <alaroraArchilatrix> ooh mr strider ooh, youre so cool
  317. <alaroraArchilatrix> bat at that toy mouse
  318. <MrStrider> knocks over your beer and scratches your pants
  319. -*- MrStrider stands up straight, coughing from the kicked up dust.
  320. <-> childJohn is now known as cJ|patrioticHero
  321. <alaroraArchilatrix> drops dead rats at your feet
  322. <alaroraArchilatrix> sounds like you, dave
  323. <MrStrider> youre a real charmer you know that
  324. <-> WixardLalode is now known as Jaspersprite
  325. <alaroraArchilatrix> i know, right. its a wonder the ladies dont just trip all over me.
  326. <MrStrider> im getting light headed just being near you
  327. -*- MrStrider kicks up dirt with spurs.
  328. -*- MrStrider dust bowl reenactment
  329. <alaroraArchilatrix> its hard, i know, but try to contain your orgasms.
  330. <Jaspersprite> *** The rest of the party has, yes, arrived at the Inn-- the GM should
  331. <Jaspersprite> *** Stop getting distracted 8y
  332. <alaroraArchilatrix> /action Sleep? That's for sissies. Let's just talk straight through the night, like men.
  333. -*- MrStrider with a cold beer and a cigar by our sides
  334. -*- MrStrider and by that i mean rootbeer and a lollipop 8y
  335. -*- alaroraArchilatrix our dads/bros/parental gaurdians would kill us otherwise uou
  336. -*- MrStrider holds the door to the inn open for mr nerdo extraordinaire
  337. <MrStrider> age before beauty
  338. -*- cJ|patrioticHero notices that it's really late.
  339. <cJ|patrioticHero> huh, i should get to the inn, i am getting sleep, stupid cats ):.
  340. <alaroraArchilatrix> such a gentlemen, i didnt know you thought of me like that
  341. <MrStrider> youre the wendy to my pan
  342. <Jaspersprite> [[Oh-- so we aren't switching to day? u:]]
  343. -*- alaroraArchilatrix He strolls right on in, pulling the headphones off his ears. Last time he left them on, the innkeeper gave him an earful. "so does that mean youre gonna stay a little shit forever"
  344. <alaroraArchilatrix> well, have fun with that.
  345. <MrStrider> youre just gonna grow up and stop being fun forever
  346. <MrStrider> which sounds worse
  347. -*- MrStrider wears the sunglasses inside. at night.
  348. <cJ|patrioticHero> [We were switching to day? Oh c:.]
  349. -*- MrStrider smiles toothily at the innkeeper.
  350. <castingAspirations> you can just have the sun rise when you feel they've talked long enough)
  351. <Jaspersprite> [[Innitially we were, yeah-- but soon as everyone hits the hay. uvu]]
  352. <castingAspirations> or jade could bother the shit out of dave)
  353. <alaroraArchilatrix> enjoy bein the pedobait for the rest of your life, then.
  354. <castingAspirations> or everyone could pass the fuck out)
  355. <alaroraArchilatrix> yup, fun stuff.
  356. <Jaspersprite> [[Like that scene from Surrogates--]]
  357. <-> Jaspersprite is now known as frankWest
  358. -*- cJ|patrioticHero casually makes her way to the inn, looking like a poorly wrapped up mummy.
  359. -*- castingAspirations Gamzee fell asleep in the shower.
  360. <frankWest> *** Gamzee drowns.
  361. -*- castingAspirations While standing up.
  362. <frankWest> *** It's a really big bath tub/shower.
  363. <alaroraArchilatrix> [whUPS]
  364. -*- castingAspirations Fuck.
  365. <frankWest> *** Several feet high--
  366. <frankWest> *** A poorly wrapped up MUMMY attacks the Inn.
  367. <-> frankWest is now known as DolanDuk
  368. -*- castingAspirations How much of this is actually happening
  369. <DolanDuk> *** Gamzee doesn't in fact drown, of course-- that'd be just plain old silly.
  370. <DolanDuk> *** Jade attacks the Inn, though. And by attacks, I mean walks right in through the front door with no ill intentions.
  371. -*- castingAspirations He slowly falls sideways out of the shower and lands on the floor with a sound thump. HONK
  372. -*- cJ|patrioticHero because attacking the inn would be pretty hard anyway!
  373. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Oh snap, a mummy.
  374. -*- MrStrider that's an attractive mummy.
  375. -*- MrStrider i mean oh shit
  376. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Jesus, what did his dad say about mummies? ...Did he ever say anything about mummies.
  377. -*- alaroraArchilatrix ...Were mummies even real.
  378. -*- MrStrider call the scorpian prince
  379. -*- cJ|patrioticHero innocently waves at the two, there is nothing dangerous inside of these bandages.
  380. -*- cJ|patrioticHero besides a carton killer but still.
  381. -*- MrStrider the bandages serve as a quality guise. Dave fails to recognize her. She is just a lone petrified piece of skirt.
  382. -*- MrStrider waves and smiles.
  383. -*- castingAspirations Gamzee sprawls on the bathroom floor like an idiot, staring at the ceiling and wishing for a blunt.
  384. -*- castingAspirations He reluctantly stands and makes as if to put on his pants. He pauses halfway into them and gives them a long look before slowly stepping out again. He tosses them back into the tub, along with his shirt, and fills the tub. Let them bitches soak for a while.
  385. -*- cJ|patrioticHero recognizes Dave and quickly approaches the two! although she doesn't know who that other guy is, probably some creeper.
  386. <DolanDuk> *** 'Probably'
  387. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Okay...friendly mummy. Not too hard to imagine; he knew a friendly vampire, or rainbow drinker. Whatever that was. He waves the only way he can - hesitantly and lazily.
  388. -*- MrStrider whoever this dig is, she's got some rad spectacles.
  389. -*- castingAspirations hesitantly and lazily? does he just sort of shove his hand through the air in her general direction)
  390. <MrStrider> uh hey whats up cleopatra
  391. <cJ|patrioticHero> cleopatra? she's still alive? o:
  392. <alaroraArchilatrix> (that is exactly it)
  393. <alaroraArchilatrix> (that is the redgrave way of saying hello)
  394. <cJ|patrioticHero> i guess i do kinda look like a mummy!
  395. -*- castingAspirations He has the presence of mind to put on a towel before leaving the bathroom. The door cracks open like the lid to a cryogenic vault, and from the enormous cloud of steam emerges...some clean dude.
  396. -*- MrStrider rather familiar
  397. -*- MrStrider squint.
  398. <alaroraArchilatrix> wait
  399. <alaroraArchilatrix> so youre not a mummy? just some chick?
  400. -*- cJ|patrioticHero just kinda takes some of the unnecessary bandages off of her face.
  401. <castingAspirations> the redgrave hello- very similar to swatting a fly)
  402. <cJ|patrioticHero> yeah, of course! it would be silly for me to be a mummy.
  403. -*- MrStrider 's face, worn from many minutes of neros whining, lights up
  404. -*- MrStrider its like laugh lines but
  405. -*- MrStrider angst lines
  406. <MrStrider> oh hell
  407. -*- DolanDuk snrk]]
  408. -*- alaroraArchilatrix youre the one cryin over cowboy boots and sunglasses
  409. <MrStrider> whats shakin bacon
  410. -*- MrStrider genuine smile and a bunp is offered
  411. <alaroraArchilatrix> know her?
  412. <MrStrider> /do/ i
  413. <cJ|patrioticHero> hey dave! i haven't seen you in like a while.
  414. <MrStrider> thats one way to put it
  415. <MrStrider> and by that you mean /millenniums/
  416. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Lucky. She was pretty cute, after all. Even when she was wrapped in an entire box of bandages.
  417. -*- castingAspirations Gamzee 2.0 stumbles across the hallway to his room, oblivious to the touching reunion-bunp taking place downstairs. He girds himself for the long process of untangling his hair. His Excalibur, a well-worn comb with half its teeth missing. His mission, to tame the Sherwood Forest.
  418. -*- castingAspirations Shit, are those even both from the same stories?
  419. <cJ|patrioticHero> yeah, like millenniums!
  420. <MrStrider> buzz lightyears jealous of the time continuum stretched between us
  421. <MrStrider> lookin' good though, harley
  422. <Nitro> Halley, trailing along with Dave and Nero, watched this new lady with interest. She seemed very nice and reminded him of Master!
  423. <Nitro> [yes hi I am alive]
  424. <MrStrider> havent died from the bubonic plague or nothing
  425. <alaroraArchilatrix> boy, you sound so optimistic.
  426. -*- MrStrider i cant soUND TOO EAGER
  427. <-> castingAspirations is now known as castnaciouslyCrunkspirations
  428. -*- alaroraArchilatrix oh yeah? weLL ILL SHOW YOU
  429. -*- MrStrider sorry i cant imitate the sparks that combust when you tell stories with clownsanova
  430. -*- MrStrider dont you dare
  431. <alaroraArchilatrix> [clownsanova]
  432. <alaroraArchilatrix> [snnnrk]
  433. -*- alaroraArchilatrix oh, ill do more than that. watch me.
  434. -*- MrStrider can dave and nero just like speak telepathically
  435. <alaroraArchilatrix> [yes]
  436. -*- MrStrider im going to trip you down a flight of stairs
  437. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations the mysterious bond of the preteen douchecanoe
  438. <alaroraArchilatrix> [they're non-verbally speaking, with their eyes]
  439. <alaroraArchilatrix> [ooh how romantic]
  440. <Nitro> [Halley will steal the attention anyway. 8y]
  441. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...hey, wait a second. youre the one who just shot tom n jerry in the face, yeah?
  442. -*- cJ|patrioticHero looks at the dog, finally the /perfect/ animal. She waved friendly-like. "what a cute dog!"
  443. <alaroraArchilatrix> gotta say, youre a damn good shot.
  444. -*- MrStrider HA
  445. <cJ|patrioticHero> oh yeah, that was me. i guess i was just lucky!
  446. -*- alaroraArchilatrix fuck, the dOG.
  447. -*- MrStrider cackles into neros brain
  448. <alaroraArchilatrix> luck had nothin to do with it. not even a leprechaun with a four leaf clover could get that lucky. far as i can tell, that was pure skill..
  449. <Nitro> Halley wagged his tail happily when she looked at him. She sure seemed happy! He licked her hand, glad to make a new friend!
  450. -*- MrStrider bUMP NERO SLIGHTLY
  451. <MrStrider> jades a real sharp shooter
  452. <MrStrider> knows how to handle herself
  453. -*- MrStrider i should know we'RE TOTAL BUDS
  454. <DolanDuk> *** Bffsies.
  455. <cJ|patrioticHero> hehe, i guess.
  456. -*- cJ|patrioticHero eXACTLY.
  457. <alaroraArchilatrix> shes better than me, ill tell you that. ive been in the nra since i was seven, an im nowhere near as good.
  458. <alaroraArchilatrix> whered you learn to shoot like that?
  459. -*- alaroraArchilatrix bUMP
  460. <DolanDuk> *** from my dog! 8D
  461. -*- alaroraArchilatrix GET OFF SHES CUTE AN MY AGE
  462. -*- MrStrider TAKE A HIKE I KNEW HER FIRST
  463. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Fuck.
  464. -*- alaroraArchilatrix you have no chance against a redgrave. NO CHANCE.
  465. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations He lost the comb.
  466. <MrStrider> the hair literally ate the comb)
  467. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Mayday, mayday, man down, man is motherfucking down.
  468. <Nitro> [legitimate cuties]
  469. -*- alaroraArchilatrix YOU WOULDNT KNOW WHAT A GIRL WANTS.
  470. <Nitro> [including Gamzee]
  471. -*- MrStrider WHO ARE YOU TO SAY
  472. <alaroraArchilatrix> [qt corner]
  473. <DolanDuk> [[Gamzee's second special ability]]
  474. <DolanDuk> [[Is his hair]]
  475. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations I'm going in.
  476. <MrStrider> >Jade: watch as the two yell at eachother with their minds )
  477. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Tell my wife I can't wait till she motherfuckin' exists.
  478. <DolanDuk> [[Can produce one randomized object per day--]]
  480. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> that's actually a cool ability)
  482. <cJ|patrioticHero> well my grandpa and my dad taught me!
  484. <DolanDuk> [[>Gamzee: retriEVE SWORD FROM HAIR]]
  485. -*- cJ|patrioticHero stares at them as they yell at eachother in their minds, what.
  486. -*- alaroraArchilatrix LIKE YOURS IS ANY BETTER
  487. -*- MrStrider /HA/
  488. -*- alaroraArchilatrix is suddenly dante
  489. -*- alaroraArchilatrix now you really have no chance
  490. <DolanDuk> *** Nero evolves.
  491. <alaroraArchilatrix> [snnnnnnrk]
  492. <DolanDuk> *** prESS B
  493. -*- alaroraArchilatrix mashes b, i'm nOT READY TO BE DANTE
  494. <MrStrider> **thats not how it works in the /digiworld/
  495. <DolanDuk> [[Pfffffffffff]]
  496. <MrStrider> >Dave: evolve into an even bigger douche )
  497. <MrStrider> >Dave: but with a ~*hat*~ )
  498. <DolanDuk> [[Dave evolves into Sweet Bro]]
  499. <DolanDuk> [[Sweet Bro w/ hat]]
  500. <alaroraArchilatrix> seriously? mine too. i swear the old mans got an entire armory somewhere.
  501. -*- MrStrider boring. dad similarities? what a nerd thing to do
  502. -*- MrStrider try harder you queerbag
  503. -*- alaroraArchilatrix you're just jealous because its wORKING, you DOUCHECANOE.
  504. -*- MrStrider pop off, nerd
  505. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> >Jade: Go hang out with the dog)
  506. -*- MrStrider gET BENT
  507. -*- cJ|patrioticHero starts snapping in their faces to see if they're still there.
  508. -*- alaroraArchilatrix LADIES FIRST
  509. -*- MrStrider YOU FAT NASTY TR-
  510. -*- cJ|patrioticHero should go hang out with the dog because dogs are amazing.
  511. -*- MrStrider hello
  512. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> y'all bein so rude)
  513. -*- alaroraArchilatrix oh, right.
  514. <Nitro> Halley agreed with that sentiment.
  515. <Nitro> Girls were amazing. These boys were weird.
  516. <alaroraArchilatrix> sorry, mtired. shit, what time is it?
  517. <MrStrider> bonecrusher you traitor )
  518. <MrStrider> its like 10 on the dot or something
  519. <Nitro> [sorry bro]
  520. <MrStrider> probably
  521. <Nitro> [Jade is just cooler than you ok]
  522. <Nitro> [and you know it]
  523. <alaroraArchilatrix> what, youve got a watch on you? or do the shades just tell you everythin.
  524. <MrStrider> shouldnt you know how to tell the time by the sun or something
  525. <MrStrider> the shadows of penguins tell you if its noon or not
  526. <DolanDuk> *** 10 on the dot?
  527. <cJ|patrioticHero> so uh, who are you, other guy??? o:
  528. -*- MrStrider sNORT
  529. <DolanDuk> *** More like... 5.
  530. <DolanDuk> *** Am.
  531. <alaroraArchilatrix> oh, sorry. names nero, nero redgrave. weve been travellin in this hellhole for the past...
  532. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...month? hell if i know.
  533. <alaroraArchilatrix> looks like you got dumped in here too.
  534. -*- MrStrider redgrave is so 2009
  535. -*- MrStrider strider is the new and funky last name
  536. -*- alaroraArchilatrix strider sounds like some shitty video game enemy
  537. <cJ|patrioticHero> oh cool, nice to meet you! im jade harley.
  538. -*- MrStrider youre the final boss of final fuckery III
  539. <alaroraArchilatrix> heh, nice to meet you too.
  540. <DolanDuk> *** Final Fuckery lll: Find it in popular stores in Ardor this summer. War veterans probably aren't old enough to play it, really. It's just that kind of RPG.
  541. -*- MrStrider kiss her hand or something why dont you, doctor love
  542. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee passes out, trapped elbow deep in his own afro.
  543. -*- alaroraArchilatrix He offers her a hand, though fortuntaely not the bandaged one. That could easily end very...messily.
  544. -*- alaroraArchilatrix least im the final boss. youre just some...fuckin goomba or whatever.
  545. -*- cJ|patrioticHero awkwardly shakes hands, she's really terrible at formalities like seriously.
  546. <DolanDuk> *** Gamzee soon drifts into the IMAGINARY PLAIN.
  547. -*- MrStrider yeah if you KNEW HER YOU'D KNOW
  548. -*- MrStrider thanks for making it awkward
  549. -*- MrStrider redgrave more like dumb-grave am i right
  550. <DolanDuk> *** The room that Gamzee now finds himself in afterwards is particularly odd; specifically, the BLACK AND WHITE colorscheme of his OFFICE.
  551. -*- alaroraArchilatrix so are you just gonna sit there and watch me. yeah, some boyfriend you are.
  552. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee's dreamself pops into existence, clad in formal business attire and clown shoes.
  553. -*- MrStrider youre shakin her hand not guiding her to the bedroom
  554. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Just another day at the monochrome office. Damn, he wish they'd let him put up pictures.
  555. <alaroraArchilatrix> so, how long have you been here?
  556. -*- alaroraArchilatrix like youre doin any better
  557. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations He sits down at his desk to WORK.
  558. <DolanDuk> *** You are Gamzee Makara. You are one of top Gamzee Makara's in the city-- specifically, the only one.
  559. <alaroraArchilatrix> [gamzee in formal business attire]
  560. <alaroraArchilatrix> [ffff]
  561. <cJ|patrioticHero> [And clown shoes.]
  562. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations It has taken a lot of work to become the top Gamzee Makara of the midwest sector, but by God he did it.
  563. <cJ|patrioticHero> ive only been here for a few weeks, i heard this place was filled with pirates and that sounded pretty cool!
  564. <cJ|patrioticHero> although a lot of them are really creepy and ugly too.
  565. <MrStrider> yeah theres a lot of /those/ around here
  566. -*- MrStrider knocks nero with his elbow
  567. <alaroraArchilatrix> speak for yourself, strider
  568. <MrStrider> but we oughta be considerate
  569. -*- alaroraArchilatrix The elbow is returned with great force, just enough to remind Dave who wore the pants around here. It was the blondie human boy, that's for sure.
  570. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations>
  571. <MrStrider> not everybody can be born quite as dashin--
  572. <DolanDuk> *** Gamzee sits down just behind his desk and begins to WORK. Which... doesn't pertain much. Being the top Gamzee Makara in the city doesn't have a whole lot of responsibilities. You just chill and ponder life. Shit's beautiful. The room, if you are looking for signifigantly more detail, matches the following to the dot--
  573. <DolanDuk> ***
  574. -*- MrStrider owie.
  575. <DolanDuk> [[Also pff]]
  576. -*- MrStrider you oughta be careful
  577. -*- MrStrider i dont want to start a pitiful preteen slapfight but you /know/ i will
  578. <alaroraArchilatrix> but seriously, a few weeks? youve been here for a while, then. maybe as long as us.
  579. -*- alaroraArchilatrix itll be a battle you wont win, an you know it. so dont get fresh with me, boy.
  580. -*- MrStrider /what/ do i know??
  581. -*- MrStrider intelligence-0
  582. -*- MrStrider dont test me
  583. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Luckily, his high IMAGINATION stat makes up for his sadly lacking PULCHRITUDE and middling VIM.
  584. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee fondly regards his fourth wall. Truly, the ETHNIC CHEER mural was the best 11,000 dollars he ever spent.
  585. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations>
  586. -*- alaroraArchilatrix well my intelligences a goddamn 8, so ill do the thinkin for you. dont even start.
  587. <DolanDuk> [[>Dave: Equip +5 Intelligence Sord]]
  588. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations He props his huge shoes on top of his dream desk and wonders where his giant SNOOP DOGG bust got off to.
  589. <cJ|patrioticHero> yeah, just a few weeks. oh, dave, have you seen john or rose yet? or have you not encountered them yet?
  590. <MrStrider> rose is in the mix??
  591. <MrStrider> havent seen that old boo in a while neither
  592. <MrStrider> saw john though, giddy as ever
  593. <MrStrider> less clothing than i remembered
  594. <cJ|patrioticHero>
  595. <DolanDuk> *** Really, just gaze upon this /beauty/. It's fills you with a particular sense of PRIDE just by looking at it-- hell, just by /being/ in the same room with this mural makes you feel expensive. Life is good. Needless to say, when THIS particular juggalo wakes up, he'll be as EMPOWERED as ever!
  596. <MrStrider> you know how the dweeb loves wrestling more than oxygen
  597. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations /Damn/ he feels good. Thank you, vision of unimaginable love and acceptance. Thank you.
  598. <MrStrider> hes doin the best he can to look the part
  599. <alaroraArchilatrix> he was a pro wrestler. as in, grappling sweaty half naked bodies where everyone can see it.
  600. <DolanDuk> *** "No, thank you Gamzee! You always do a wonderful job of what you do." The mural pleasantly replies as a chorus.
  601. <cJ|patrioticHero> oh yeah, he had been pretty into wrestling.
  602. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Damn, y'all. Damn. I love all y'all.
  603. <MrStrider> just couldnt get enough of mashing pectorals with another man
  604. <MrStrider> gotta give em props though
  605. -*- MrStrider all ive got is this tooth pick
  606. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee then gets to work.
  607. <alaroraArchilatrix> sounds like someone youd be friends with, strider
  608. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations He calls Whore Island and tells them that he is on his way.
  609. -*- MrStrider am i referring to my body frame or my sword
  610. -*- alaroraArchilatrix both
  611. -*- MrStrider im going to punch you in the throat
  612. <MrStrider> only the best of pals
  613. -*- alaroraArchilatrix an ill go straight for the face
  614. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> gamzee's int stat. is also 8.)
  615. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> :y)
  616. <alaroraArchilatrix> (because gamzee is a genius)
  617. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> damn right he is)
  618. <alaroraArchilatrix> (great philsopher in the making)
  619. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> he's the best gamzEE MAKARA IN HIS FIELD)
  620. <MrStrider> durrrr texas )
  621. <DolanDuk> *** "We all love you too, Gamzee." With that synchranous statement, Gamzee begins to dial his phone-- however, it would appear that he has forgotten the PROPER NUMBER to Whore Island! Which is... surprising, needless to say. /Huh/!
  622. <MrStrider> my brain is the stereotypical desert)
  623. <MrStrider> empty, a tumble weed blowing through the horizon)
  624. -*- alaroraArchilatrix He stifles a yawn as he speaks, nearly cracking his jaw. Ten or no, he was exhausted. And yet, if he were to leave...
  625. <MrStrider> a lone hawk call to emphasize the hollowness)
  626. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations What the hell?
  627. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations He pats himself down for his little black book. Fuck.
  628. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Fuck, fuck. He flips over his desk, takes off his shoes and shakes them out.
  629. -*- MrStrider if you were to leave everything would be fantastic.
  630. -*- MrStrider i'll bring you up some lobby mints.
  631. -*- alaroraArchilatrix unlike you, mr. zero, im not a complete fuckin moron. put that soapy shit away.
  632. <cJ|patrioticHero> [woops i
  633. <cJ|patrioticHero> got distracted]
  634. -*- MrStrider insufferable prick
  635. <alaroraArchilatrix> [jade you should feel honored. you have two preteen boys mentally duking it out for your favor.]
  636. -*- MrStrider " but you guys, look at that cute doggy. What's his na-- bonecrusher")
  637. -*- alaroraArchilatrix im sorry, were you lookin in the mirror? cause the only prick i see here is you.
  638. <MrStrider> " bonecrusher is his name. the name of that dog. My dog.")
  639. <MrStrider> lets go cuddle with my dog)
  640. <cJ|patrioticHero> are you two okay?
  641. <cJ|patrioticHero> its like you keep spacing out and stuff.
  642. <MrStrider> dandy
  643. <MrStrider> never felt better
  644. <DolanDuk> *** Gamzee checks his IMAGINARY SELF for his IMAGINARY POSSESSIONS-- of which includes the following:
  645. <alaroraArchilatrix> mmh? oh, yeah. just tired, is all.
  646. <MrStrider> inhaled a whole caps worth of valiums
  647. <DolanDuk> *** (1) Imaginary Drugs
  648. <DolanDuk> *** (2) Candy Corn
  649. <DolanDuk> *** (1) More Drugs
  650. <alaroraArchilatrix> shouldnt have downed that entire bottle of ambien.
  651. <DolanDuk> *** (1) Mayor Snoop's Business Card
  652. <DolanDuk> *** (1) Not Phone Book
  653. -*- MrStrider you think youre a big man
  654. <DolanDuk> *** (1) Tears
  655. <DolanDuk> *** End list.
  656. -*- alaroraArchilatrix listen, heres the facts. i could kick your ass seven ways to sunday, blindfolded an with my hands tied.
  657. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations At least he'll never lose you, enormous cache of drugs.
  658. -*- MrStrider youre all talk
  659. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations He takes the imaginary drugs, sticks the candy corn onto his incisors, and BECOMES THE NIGHT.
  660. -*- MrStrider listen here demonic pretty boy w/e
  661. -*- MrStrider death cab for cutie aint just a band that nobody listens to
  662. -*- alaroraArchilatrix is your dad the greatest demon hunter that ever lived? no?
  663. -*- alaroraArchilatrix then sit the fuck down.
  664. -*- MrStrider uNFAIR ADVANTAGE
  665. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Jade should fall asleep and become gummy worm zombie. Maybe tootsie roll frankenstein.
  666. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Shit, he was getting exhausted. If he kept this up, he'd fall asleep right on the carpet. But no, he couldn't. He couldn't just live him with this girl. When was the last time he was gonna meet a girl his age around here?
  667. -*- alaroraArchilatrix never, thats when.
  668. -*- MrStrider youre just gonna have to settle elsewhere then
  669. -*- MrStrider dibs
  670. -*- alaroraArchilatrix you dont just call dibs on a girl. she has to choose, sexist prick.
  671. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee would remind them that calling dibs on a person isn't really chill if he wasn't stoned out of his motherfucking gourd, on top of a skyscraper.
  672. -*- alaroraArchilatrix yeah, some great catch you are.
  673. -*- MrStrider youre basically doin the same thing
  674. -*- MrStrider just not to the letter
  675. -*- MrStrider ill DUKE IT OUT with you man
  676. -*- alaroraArchilatrix oh, so i cant even try? oh, i see how it is.
  677. -*- alaroraArchilatrix you wanna go? oh, well go. your ass will be blushin a pretty pink when im done with you.
  678. <MrStrider> so're you diggin my dog, jade??
  679. <MrStrider> found em a while back
  680. <MrStrider> we're thicker than blood
  681. <alaroraArchilatrix> its not your dog, genius.
  682. <MrStrider> who says
  683. <DolanDuk> *** If it makes Gamzee feel better, probably everyone in this town is stoned out of their motherfucking gourd-- or at least seem the part.
  684. <MrStrider> its totally my dog
  685. <alaroraArchilatrix> i found em with the others way back when.
  686. <MrStrider> who does he love the /most/
  687. <alaroraArchilatrix> jake.
  688. <alaroraArchilatrix> seriously, do you look like an aussie sap with dorky glasses.
  689. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee crouches on the edge of the roof, wind whipping through his hair and flipping his tie into his face. He discards it, as well as his jacket, and rips open his shirt like the hulk.
  690. <alaroraArchilatrix> he said it was his dog, right down to the letter. way to be a thief, blondie.
  691. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Scrawled across his chest in red marker are the numbers 8008132.
  692. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Oh yeah, that's where it was.
  693. <MrStrider> well hes one heck of an owner huh
  694. <MrStrider> losing his dog out in the woods
  695. <MrStrider> having to be /rescued/ by me
  696. -*- cJ|patrioticHero lovingly pets the dog.
  697. <MrStrider> /saved/
  698. <alaroraArchilatrix> you shouldve seen em when we caught up with him
  699. <MrStrider> when he was /starving/ and /scared/
  700. <DolanDuk> *** rrrRRRAGH. The shirt is ripped off and discarded in a particularly manly display. From atop the skyscraper, Gamzee can definitely get a much better grasp on his bearings, and finds that this building is located in a place none too unfamiliar to the juggalo.
  701. <alaroraArchilatrix> that dog was dancin like it was a rave party
  702. <DolanDuk> *** Welcome to SNOOPVILLE.
  703. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...yknow
  704. <cJ|patrioticHero> well, its safe now, thats what matters.
  705. <alaroraArchilatrix> you sort of remind me of him.
  706. <alaroraArchilatrix> cant put my finger on it, but...
  707. <cJ|patrioticHero> [ >Snoop Dog and Snoopy: Be the tyrannic rulers of this place.]
  708. <alaroraArchilatrix> think it might be the hair, or the glasses. yknow anyone by the name jake english?
  709. <MrStrider> flava flav is the treasurer )
  710. <cJ|patrioticHero> noo, but i think jake was my grandpas name?
  711. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...seriously? huh. some coincidence.
  712. <DolanDuk> *** Tyranic? Naw, sister. That ain't how they'd wanna run this joint. The imaginary plains are a place of peace and freedom, and so long as he got a say in that shit, he's gonna keep it like that.
  713. <cJ|patrioticHero> all he ever talked about was hunting and stuff.
  714. <DolanDuk> *** /Snoopy/, though. They don't like to talk about Snoopy.
  715. <alaroraArchilatrix> guess its no wonder you both like dogs, huh.
  716. <DolanDuk> *** That dog ain't so chill as he thought.
  717. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations You were a good man, Charlie Brown. Gamzee will pour out a 40 for you later, homie.
  718. <alaroraArchilatrix> i always wanted a dog, but my dad always vetoed the bill. said we didnt have the time to take care of a dog.
  719. <alaroraArchilatrix> sweird, i always thought he was a dog person.
  720. <cJ|patrioticHero> i actually have a dog, his name is bec! hes a little special though o:.
  721. -*- alaroraArchilatrix MEANWHILE
  722. -*- alaroraArchilatrix A certain demon hunter is wasting the night away, playing fetch with his beloved dog. His special beloved dog.
  723. <DolanDuk> *** This is a tale of travesty and scandals, that they will share later-- when D-O-Double G is in the crib for realzies.
  724. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Turns out he always was a dog person. Jokes on you, kid.
  725. <alaroraArchilatrix> really? whats so special bout him? he a showdog or somethin.
  726. <cJ|patrioticHero> he could teleport to places and stuff, and do other things that i cant really explain!
  727. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations No doubt.
  728. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...teleport?
  729. <MrStrider> one heck of a mutt
  730. <alaroraArchilatrix> special is an understatement.
  731. <cJ|patrioticHero> yeah, teleport! it was really cool but it was hard to play with him and feed him sometimes.
  732. <alaroraArchilatrix> you must love the shit outta him, though.
  733. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee has no time for reflections on friends long gone, however. He has a mission.
  734. -*- alaroraArchilatrix i hope you like 'em kid, 'cause we're kEEPING HIM.
  735. -*- alaroraArchilatrix nO I DONT WANT A DEVIL DOG
  736. <MrStrider> pretty talented pup to raise a chick like jade
  737. <alaroraArchilatrix> ...
  738. <alaroraArchilatrix> wait.
  739. <alaroraArchilatrix> raise?
  740. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Like fucking King King, he swings down from the lip of the roof and clambers down, hand over foot.
  741. <DolanDuk> [[Hey, since everyone's really just going to talk for the rest of the night]]
  742. <DolanDuk> [[Again-- save for Gamz]]
  743. <DolanDuk> [[I think I might just go for a little while v:]]
  744. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> k dude)
  745. <DolanDuk> [[Yep.]]
  746. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Only he's not fucking King Kong, so he slips and falls to his death like a moron.
  747. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations "JEE-ZUS," exclaims Gamzee as he wakes up and flips off of the goddamn bed.
  748. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations HONK
  749. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations His towel flutters sadly through the air behind him and lands on his butt.
  750. <DolanDuk> *** Oh and it's daytime I guess now, bond in the daylight.
  751. <alaroraArchilatrix> (what)
  752. <alaroraArchilatrix> (oh god)
  753. <DolanDuk> [[What]]
  754. -*- MrStrider mind yelling all night
  755. <DolanDuk> [[I'm sorry? It doesn't have to be daytime I guess]]
  756. <DolanDuk> [[I didn't think it'd matter because]]
  757. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations His hands are still stuck in his hair. He lies facedown on the floor, defeated.
  758. <DolanDuk> [[y:]]
  759. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> it's funny that they did, tho)
  760. <DolanDuk> [[I guess but still, sorry]]
  761. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> it's works because they're spazmoids)
  762. -*- alaroraArchilatrix As the sun started to peek over the window, a sudden realization hit Nero - he just chatted up these two right through the night. And with that realization came a wave of exhaustion; an entire night's worth of sleep deprivation.
  763. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> these were exclamations of 'oh god that's funny', dude)
  764. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Uggggh.
  765. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> chillax)
  766. <DolanDuk> [[Alright, I'll stop.]]
  767. <cJ|patrioticHero> [I gotta get off hnnngh]
  768. <DolanDuk> [['Kay, later cJ!]]
  769. <MrStrider> take care dude uvu )
  770. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Just as one started to buckle, another awaken. The rays poked through the closet door, seeping into the darkness. A pale yellow eye flickered open, blearily watching the lights. Morning already...?
  771. <cJ|patrioticHero> [Bye guys c:.]
  772. <alaroraArchilatrix> (see you uou)
  773. <-- cJ|patrioticHero ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  774. -*- MrStrider pusHES OVER NERO as he makes his way to a bed.
  775. -*- MrStrider plop.
  776. -*- alaroraArchilatrix The boy snaps at Dave with a snarl, wanting to chase off after him. He needed his sleep too, for Christ's sake. But he couldn't, because of one very simple thing - he had a fight waiting for him in the Arena. He had no time to sleep in.
  777. -*- MrStrider sNOAR
  778. -*- alaroraArchilatrix He still needed to fight, with zero sleep backing him. Little insomniac freak.
  779. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations Gamzee chills out on the floor as Dave passes.
  780. -*- MrStrider groaned something to gamzee, his voice muffled by the blankets. Something along the lines of his verbal will if he were to not awaken.
  781. --> PurpleKoopa ( has joined #Flarp2
  782. -*- MrStrider give my sharp objects to nero
  783. -*- MrStrider whatever orifice youd like
  784. -*- MrStrider snore
  785. <DolanDuk> [[Hi, PK]]
  786. <PurpleKoopa> [wait are you guys doing a session]
  787. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> we are! i thought you might be to tired to participate tho)
  788. <DolanDuk> [[Sort of? I really don't want to run it anymore right now though]]
  789. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> ...though i should have invited you to watch)
  790. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Dave's snores finally snapped her out of her daze, peering out from the closet door. Gently pushing it open, she carefully treaded over her juggalo companion. Today was a new day, and a new battle.
  791. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> sorry bro :< )
  792. <DolanDuk> [[If only because I'm barely needed]]
  793. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> create an event then, dude)
  794. <DolanDuk> [[For except maybe now because people want to do the arena]]
  795. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> you're god)
  796. <PurpleKoopa> [it's cool. i'll probably just stand by and watch, it sounds like things might be wrapping down? or not. we'll see!]
  797. -*- alaroraArchilatrix She must wonder...who would they pit her against?
  798. <DolanDuk> [[And I would but it's kind of awkward when people are actually /talking/ so]]
  799. <MrStrider> shit you could make hurricane katrina pay a visit)
  800. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Shit, no...he needed to...He needed to...
  801. <MrStrider> aghdfcng im sorry jasps baby)
  802. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> naw, bro. our characters might get annoyed, but not us)
  803. <DolanDuk> [[That'd be kind of]]
  804. <DolanDuk> [[Dumb maybe y:]]
  805. <castnaciouslyCrunkspirations> we don't mean actually do katrina)
  806. <DolanDuk> [[And still.]]
  807. -*- alaroraArchilatrix Apparently, what he needed to do was fall flat on the lobby's couch.
  808. -*- alaroraArchilatrix sNOAR
  809. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations A new battle with Gamzee's hair.
  810. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations It has consumed his arms and his will to fight against it.
  811. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations For pk's reference, he is laying on the floor, facedown, hands tangled in his hair to his elbows. He is clad only in the saddest of towels and smells so fresh, and so clean clean.
  812. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations How did he get here? This is not his beautiful house. This is not his beautiful wife.
  813. -*- castnaciouslyCrunkspirations This is not his beautiful version of reality.
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