
Battle for Cereneria

Sep 15th, 2016
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  1. Uoht:
  2. Greatsword (her greatsword, with an 8-foot blade and a 2-foot handle, is easily capable of carving through steel like it was just paper)
  3. Fireburst (can enchant her greatsword with flame, heating it to around 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, or several hundred degrees hotter than needed to turn bone into a pile of ash)
  4. Moonlight (can release a massive gout of energy using her blade as a focus, resulting in a massive blade-beam that could split entire lakes)
  5. SUPER: Blood Knight’s Oath (enhances the user and allows for simultaneous activation of Fireburst and Moonlight, culminating in a single blade-beam capable of turning a mountain into a crater as deep as it once was tall)
  7. Cassilda:
  8. Ma/Bufudyne (can flash-freeze an area, binding targets, or can create man-sized pikes of ice to rain upon foes)
  9. Mar/Agidyne (can cause a massive gout of flame three stories tall to erupt from a specified location, or can create a wave of flame that washes over the area)
  10. Ma/Ziodyne (can create a violet thunderbolt that bursts from her hand, hitting with roughly the force of half a ton of dynamite on impact, or cause small bursts of lightning to hit a localized area)
  11. Ma/Garudyne (can create a spear of concentrated wind that hits with enough power to create caverns through entire mountain ranges, or can create a literal hurricane to tear apart the landscape)
  12. SUPER: Bearer of Karakal’s Blessing (Almighty Damage, gather a large amount of energy at the tip of her staff, building up until it glows with the brightness of a miniature star, and release it. The resulting force is capable of, if the user wished, recreating the Grand Canyon, but is controlled to the point where it is focused into a sphere around thirty feet in every direction.)
  14. Alar:
  15. Sword and Shield (the physical manifestation of the Guardian Spirit of Joy, it is an unbreakable shortsword and impenetrable shield, the first being capable of severing bone like thread and the latter being strong enough to block even Uoht’s blade in training)
  16. Summon (the ability to bring out the Guardian Spirit of Joy, Karakal)
  18. Judgement: Karakal
  19. Almighty/Slash
  20. Resist: Magic
  21. Weak: None
  22. Divinity Burst (cause a large burst of gold energy to be fired from the user’s hand, searing through stone easily)
  23. Blade of Fate (when Alar’s blade is swung, a phantasmal blade twice as long will be swung with it, hitting with the force of a falling building)
  24. Fey Blessing (heal one target with Divine Aura; incapable of restoring more than three incinerated limbs at once and cannot raise those who have been dead for more than five minutes; does not work on Almighty injuries)
  25. SUPER: World End Garden (grants Divine Aura to the user, allowing them to i*#$@c$ %@m^$e^$% D%#$n%#$&s^*#c%#as %as@ur,*%^r@%#l, @^*l^*%n^ or!@%$r$%tho&ep)
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