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a guest
Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. Username = sa ; User to connect to the Database
  2. Password = Ale1989! ; Password to connect to the Database
  3. Address = WIN-B4AG8B0S6UE ; (local) if the SQL Server is in the same PC and User
  4. Port = 1433 ; TCP Port to use to connect to the SQL Server
  5. MuOnlineDatabase = [MuOnline] ; Database name for main MuOnline database - add [ ] to the value if the database name contain numbers or special characters
  6. Me_MuOnlineDatabase = [MuOnline] ; Database name for your Accounts (MEMB_INFO and MEMB_STAT tables) - add [ ] to the value if the database name contain numbers or special characters
  7. EventsDatabase = [Events] ; Database name for Events database - add [ ] to the value if the database name contain numbers or special characters
  8. RankingDatabase = [Ranking] ; Database name for Ranking database - add [ ] to the value if the database name contain numbers or special characters
  9. BattleCoreDatabase = [BattleCore] ; Database name for BattleCore database - add [ ] to the value if the database name contain numbers or special characters
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