
Flower and Fire

Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. Satan_McHitlercocks, January 9, 2014; 18:52 / FB 16363
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. You're a fluffy mummah. The most bestest one! You're not sure of much, but you're pretty sure of that.
  5. You had two babbehs so many sweepy times ago that you can't even count that high (about a week and a half) and they are the best babbehs ever! Well, they were, but one of them took the forever sleep, and it made you very sad! You would have wan die if it weren't for your other babbeh. You made so much saddies wawa that you could hardly see, and you didn't know if you would make it knowing that you were a bad mummah whose babbeh died! But your living babbeh, Willy, insisted you were a good mummah, and after many huggies, you agreed. You were a good mummah, the bestest one.
  7. The hoomins told you that the babbeh had 'birf defek' or something. It sounded so scary! You hoped your other babbeh didn't get the birf defek, but he's growing so well and you're so sure he's gonna grow into a big and strong fluffy! He is the bestest babbeh, almost as bestest as your other babbeh.
  9. "Babbeh wuv mummah!"
  11. He is such a good babbeh!
  13. "Mummah wuv babbeh!"
  15. Yes, everything is great! Your daddeh feeds you and the other fluffies kibble, which is not as good as sketti but keeps you from getting tummy owwies, and you have a nice warm house to sleep in. You couldn't ask for more! Well, except maybe for more skettis or for your one babbeh back, but you don't like to complain.
  17. You live in what the hoomins call "sheltew" or something like that. You don't know what that means, but since it's warm and cozy inside, you can only assume it's a good word, and a good place! You like the sheltew. You love your daddeh and your babbeh and all your fluffy friends and life is good.
  19. A few days ago, your daddeh brought you and your babbeh a new toy! It looks just like a babbeh and you can give it huggies, but it's a toy! You named the toy Flower, after your babbeh that had a birf defek. Your babbeh has really enjoyed giving Flower huggies, and when no one is looking, you give Flower huggies too. You love your daddeh very much for giving you Flower.
  21. Every once in a while, other hoomins come in and look at you and your friends. A lot of times your friends say "Pick fwuffy! Be nu daddeh!" But you don't know why, because the shelta and your current daddeh is just so nice that you don't know why they would want to leave! Then again, they would be able to give more huggies to more daddehs if they had another one, so maybe it's for the best. But you don't really want to go to another daddeh right now, you and your babbeh are quite content as it is.
  23. Sometimes you do wonder if all the other fluffies are going to be as happy in their new home as you are in the one you have, but all you know for sure is that as long as you have your babbeh and your daddeh, everything will be just fine. That's all you need, and you're a happy fluffy.
  25. It's sweepy time again. Your daddeh said night-night and now you're curled up with your babbeh and Flower in your safe place, with all the other fluffies. It's a good time, where you'll be able to give huggies to your babbeh and have sweepies until daddeh wakes you up in the morning. The good sweepies, not the forever ones, like your other babbeh took. You have to try to forget about that sad time, because this is a happy time. And you love your babbeh.
  27. ...
  29. You're the cord to a heating pad. And you're pretty sick of your job. You are connected to a pad that's used to keep sick fluffy ponies warm. You don't like their smell or their seemingly total lack of intelligence. Some of them have even chewed on you, which makes you rather angry. Their teeth aren't strong enough to cause you too much damage, but that combined with your age and the way you've been carelessly wound up for storage has made you rather frayed and ready so snap.
  31. Tonight is the night that you quit. You want no further part of this, and as such, you're outta here. You split.
  33. Well, not in the manner you intended. Ouch. NOT the right kind of split. Shit, that's painful! And it's getting hot in here!
  35. ...
  37. You wake up to a bad smell! Even when daddeh forgets to take a baff, it's not like this! It burns your little fluffy nosie!
  39. "Mummah? Wah dat?"
  41. The bad smell even woke your babbeh up! How mean! You reassure your babbeh that everything's okay. But then you start feeling funny. You don't have buwnie owwies, but you're pretty sure that's how it feels when they are just starting. And then you notice around you that even though it's still night-night time, you can see around, and everything is shining a little, shining the color of boo-boo juice or your baww! Also, it's getting hard to breathe and you're coughing on the suddenly very thick air! Something is definintely very wrong!
  45. One of the other fluffies screams, and all the fluffies are suddenly awake.
  47. You panic! Suddenly your babbeh is crying and daddeh is running into the safe place and yelling words you can't understand! You're so scared you make scaredy poopies and that makes you even more scared because you're not supposed to make poopies outside the witta box, but you can't help it because everything is so scary all of a sudden!!
  49. You run toward the winwow with your babbeh and press your hoofsies against it, trying to make it so you can get to your pway pen outside, and even the winwow gives you a little owwies as it's getting just as hot as the room is! Fluffies are scattering everywhere and your daddeh and his speshul fwiend are trying very hard to round them up and carry them out the door.
  51. You're so scared you just keep staring out the winwow until you hear your daddeh's speshul fwiend screaming again, and you turn around and see a sight that makes you even more scared - a fluffy is covered in buwnie owwies and is crying and rolling around on the floor!! There is now shiny hot light everywhere and it's getting very painful!! You grab your babbeh and run for the door, making it through just as your daddeh carries out two more screaming fluffies.
  53. Exhausted, you fall onto the soft cool grassies outside. There's still so much chaos behind you, and the whole sky looks like it's bright time but you know it's not. You gather just enough courage to look behind you, and the sight terrifies you to the core. Your house, the place you lived in with daddeh ever since you were too young to remember, is covered in the shiny hot buwnie light of the fire. All around you are fluffies, just as scared as you, some with buwnie owwies and some that look like they aren't hurt. But you're sure your daddeh and his speshul fwiend are safe too as they come running with little boxes, after getting all the fluffies out. Daddeh is on his tawkie thing saying something about 'fiwe depawment' but you don't know what that means.
  55. All you do know is, you may be losing your house, but at least you have your daddeh and your babbeh. You hug your babbeh, who you just carried safely out of the house. He's too scared to hug back, the poor thing! It's traumatized him enough!
  57. But then you give him more huggies, and still he doesn't move. That's very odd, usually he gives you huggies back or at least says he wuvs you!
  59. "Mummah wuv babbeh!"
  61. And nothing. He's still silent.
  63. In the glowy light you set him down and look at him to see if he has owwies, and then you make a horrifying discovery.
  65. It's not your babbeh that you carried out with you - it's your toy, Flower!!!
  67. You scream in terror! So loud that even above the other sounds around you, your daddeh hears you and comes running over! He looks down and sees you without your real babbeh, and he screams too!
  69. In a flash, he tucks you under his arm and runs back towards the house! You feel buwnie owwies before you even get there, and your daddeh has to step back, put you down, and put his arm over his face. It hurts! And it's so bright that you can't see much at all besides the fire!
  71. But you see one thing, at the winwow, that makes your blood turn cold.
  73. Your real babbeh!!! He's trapped inside, hoovsies against the winwow, face frozen in terror!! You're sure he's screaming 'MUMMAHHH!' but the roar is so loud that you can't hear him!! You run as fast as your weggies will carry you towards the winwow in a desparate attempt to save your babbeh!
  75. But it's too hot! Your fluff begins to catch the fire, and you scream too! But you have to save your babbeh!!
  77. Suddenly, through what little you can see, you realize with horror that your babbeh is completely covered in the fire!!! He has the biggest buwnie owwies and you can only scream, in both your pain and the pain of your babbeh!! Then you feel daddeh grab you, and it all goes dark.
  79. When you come wakies, you have so many owwies, buwnie owwies all over. In your damaged vision you look around and see that bright time is finally almost coming. And your house is completely gone! Big red vroom-vroom munstas and lots of hoomins are putting wawa on what's left. A lot of fluffies are sitting around, some are very sad, some are scared, and some are confused. You have too many owwies to feel scared or confused. Your daddeh and his speshul fwiend are giving huggies to each other and they are saying things that you can't fully hear. But you can hear a few things.
  81. "... all but one"
  83. "... saved nearly all the... "
  85. "... 's foal got left behin... "
  87. You have so many owwies that it's hard to think and focus on what's going on but you do remember one thing - you weren't able to save your babbeh.
  89. Your babbeh had the worstest owwies, then took the forever sweepies because you saved the wrong babbeh from the fire.
  91. Your babbeh was all you lived for, all you had. Now you don't even have a home, or a babbeh to share it with. You still have a daddeh but... without your last beloved babbeh... you just simply wan die.
  93. Saddies-wawa drips to the ground as the full scope of this tragedy sinks in. You're not the bestest mummah. You were so bad of a mummah that you didn't even recognize your own babbeh in the chaos and darkness, and now he's gone and it's all your fault. You don't deserve daddeh's wuv, you don't deserve a house, you don't deserve anything. You're the worstest mummah.
  95. "Hey there, don't feel sad... it's not your fault."
  97. Your daddeh tries to comfort you.
  99. "It was pretty chaotic last night, and I know you didn't mean to leave your foal behind. I'm so sorry for your loss, but at least YOU survived, and maybe one day you can have more babies you can love! Won't that be nice?"
  101. You don't want more babies. You want Willy back. And because of you, you can never see him again.
  103. You truly wan die. And nothing daddeh can say can make you feel otherwise.
  106. (for those who enjoy such endings, of course)
  108. You're the owner of FluffHaven Fluffy Shelter, which tragically burned to the ground last night. All the fluffies but one were safely evacuated, and while you're happy for the survivors, you are pretty sad that one of the shelter mare's foals - her only surviving one - accidentally got left behind in the chaos. You feel sad for her as she risked her life trying to go back for him, to no avail. And your comforting has had no effect on her - she's just been through too much.
  110. "Mr. Anon? You need to come see this."
  112. A firefighter called you over. You walk over to the pile of ashes that was once your home / fluffy shelter.
  114. "This is crazy. Look over here."
  116. He points to a broken piece of metal pipe hanging just outside what would have been the fluffy room.
  118. "That's a water pipe that was apparently re-routed through the ceiling when the fluffy room was added to the house. By our estimates, when the fire caused enough damage to the wood beneath it, it fell through the ceiling, breaking in the process and smashing the heat-weakened window."
  120. He beckons you now over to some flooded grass a few feet away from the ruined remnants of the house, where another firefighter was holding something in a towel.
  122. "When we got on scene earlier this morning, there was a large pool of water spewing out from this pipe, its end just outside the window. And look what we found where that pool was, before we started flooding the place with our own water."
  124. You look at the towel the other firefighter is holding, and you're absolutely stunned by what you see. It's a horribly burned and charred - but still living - fluffy foal, weakly peeping for its mummah!
  126. "I have no idea how this fragile thing managed to wind up where that pipe broke, which also apparently washed it out the broken window and put out its fire. And then, I have no idea how it managed to not drown, unless the area has exceptionally good drainage. But there you have it, a fluffy foal that survived the totally unthinkable."
  128. You're astounded.
  130. "Was this the only one you were missing?"
  132. "Ah... yes, actually."
  134. The firefighter hands you the foal, still wrapped in the towel (which honestly must be horribly uncomfortable on terribly burned skin) and you head back towards his grieving mother while calling the local vet.
  136. Maybe you didn't lose anything important in the fire after all.
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