
Article Faye #1

Sep 30th, 2015
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  1. The Cat and the Culinary #1 – [Chicken Ramen] & [Batagor]
  2. By: F. Faye
  4. Have you ever heard the proverb [Food taste better if we eat with friends]? Well, that’s one of the proverbs which often heard in my hometown, Serendiluminaric, and I believe it.
  6. Many might have known that Glyphrock has one of the widest ranges of culinary and a whole lot of food stalls on the city-state, due to its citizen’s cultural diversity. But have you tried them yourself? :) I always wanted to try new food, and that’s one of my reasons I move to Glyphrock.
  8. Few days ago, I was lucky to get the chance to try the infamous Glyphrock cuisine stalls with friends of mine! I got the chance to try two places, [Chicken Ramen] and [Batagor]. Both of these cuisines are from [Entraid].
  10. [Chicken Ramen]’s stall is just a small stall on one of the area of the city-state. You might think it’s just another stall, but don’t be deceived! [Chicken Ramen] is a chicken noodle with thick soup made from chicken leg’s broth. It taste so thick and savory, might be a bit savory for some people, but still it’s delicious!
  12. Besides of the noodles, it also has vegetables and slice of steamed spiced chicken meat. And to add more the excitement, it comes in big portion! It can fulfill your hunger in no time and the warmth of the soup is perfect for this cold winter season. It makes you feel like wrapped by the warmth of home.
  13. Not sure if you can finish it alone if eating the big size? Why not ask for the smaller size? Or even better, bring someone special for you there and eat [Chicken Ramen] together. Who knows it might add more warmth to your feelings. If you want to add some ‘challenge’, why not add some spice? The stall has an All-You-Can-Take-Spice policy, so add the spice all you want!
  15. The [Chicken Ramen] comes in some price. You can get it for 1 GP. Think it’s too expensive? You should see the portion with your own eyes, and you’ll think different after that. ;)
  17. For the [Batagor]’s stall, it’s located near a wagon meeting point in the city-state. The stall is small, but the food tastes big! [Batagor] is also a cuisine from Entraid. It’s some kind of fried tofu with meat or fish and flour, fried and served with peanut sauce and soy sauce. It tastes sweet, savory, and a bit of spicy. The texture of this cuisine might be a bit unusual for few. It’s chewy and crispy at the same time. But it gave a nice feeling once it’s inside your mouth. And the sauce gives a perfect harmony with the crispy-chewiness.
  19. The [Batagor]’s portion is not that big, and it’s perfect for those who don’t like to eat too much. The price is also not that pricey, around 5 SP. But I can assure you, the taste is something. Don’t believe me? Why not try it yourself then. :)
  21. The Cataclysm might have bring sadness for everyone, but please don’t lose hope. There are still good things around us. Why not sit down for a while, take a nice meal and spend some time with those you still have at your side and cherish what you have right now? If you are alone, why not make a new friend? :) I hope the warmth soup of [Chicken Ramen] or the mild taste of [Batagor] might bring a slight happiness to everyone. :)
  23. That’s all for now, see you on the next article! :D And don’t forget to put your comment if you tried the Restaurant, ok? ;)
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