
RGRE: Anon does Ponechan

Dec 14th, 2015
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  1. >"Anon? What are you doing up so late?"
  2. >Oh, Caramel
  3. >Late? Was it late?
  4. >Glancing at the corner of the screen, you realise it is late
  5. "Uh, yeah. I mean, I'll be done soon. Just... doing stuff on the internet."
  6. >"What kind of-"
  7. >Shit! You didn't realise he'd get that close to the computer!
  8. >A gasp from behind tells you that he has seen everything
  9. >"Anon! W-why is your- your STUFF on that website?!"
  10. >Shit shit shit
  11. >It wasn't your fault that there were so many horny, desperate girls on their internet!
  12. >And it wasn't your fault that posting your dick for them was so fun
  13. >"Is that... is that PONECHAN?"
  14. >Oh no, oh no. Oh shit, oh fuck. This was going to go south so fast.
  15. >"Are those... those misandrist PIGS posting pictures of you there?! Don't worry, I'll call he police and have them shut down!"
  16. >You knew him well enough to know that he would try
  17. >And that he would kick up a big enough fuss that the local police would also try, just to get him to shut up
  18. >You had to put a stop to this, before he makes a spectacle of another minor thing
  19. "Caramel... just stop."
  20. >"No! I won't stop until-"
  21. "I posted that dick pic of me."
  22. >That stops him in his tracks
  23. >"Wh... what?"
  24. "I posted it. I took this picture of myself, then uploaded it to Ponechan."
  25. >"But... why? Can't you... can't you see they're objectifying you and-"
  26. "I don't care about that crap, 'Mel. I just thought they'd like it."
  27. >"But... but it's not right. You can't let them win."
  28. "Let who win? Win what?"
  29. >You know... THEM..."
  30. >You can't help but sigh
  31. >You just wanted to masturbate to the idea of horny, anonymous girls getting off on your dick
  32. "I wanted to post it. I chose to post it. This thread is filled with ponies posting their genitals and I wanted to join in."
  33. >A thread featuring a close up of a girl's vulva was pretty hard for you to miss
  34. >"That's different! With mares-"
  35. "How is it different? Aren't both genders equal?"
  36. >"W-"
  38. "Don't both genders have the right to chose what they do with their bodies, including whether or not to post pictures of it online?"
  39. >"That- that- that..."
  40. "Don't I have the right to choose who looks at my dick? Why are you acting as if you have control over me?"
  41. >His poor little head looked like it was going into meltdown, like a robot who had heard 'This statement is false'
  42. >Maybe you went a little too hard on him all at once, but fuck, you were pretty tired of his shit
  43. >And you were still to see what the internet girls were saying about your dick
  44. "Look, just... just leave the gender politics out of it, all right? I just wanted to post my dick online. Nothing more. Please, don't try to convince me that this is wrong. At least not tonight."
  45. >He's flabbergasted, but soon turns to walk back upstairs
  46. >"O... okay, Anon. I'll... I'll see you in the morning."
  47. >You kind of felt sorry for him; he sounded so confused
  48. "Okay. Goodnight."
  49. >"Goodnight."
  50. >Finally, that's sorted.
  51. >Now, back to- Whoa! That's a lot of replies!
  52. >Maybe you could see if one of them lived in the area. That could be fun.
  54. >You are Anon
  55. >And you nabbed yourself a date!
  56. >Well, not a date-date, more like a meet-up
  57. >But hey, this was a mare from Ponechan. Chances were, she was a lonely virgin who was up for fucking.
  58. >As long as she wasn't ugly, you'd probably bang her
  59. >It's weird, most of the ponies who are seen as "unattractive" by other ponies haven't seemed that bad to you
  60. >Maybe ponies are some kind of "highest level of beauty imaginable" sort of aliens, and anything too low of perfect is seen as ugly
  61. >You'd have to think about that some other time. In the meantime, banging horses.
  62. >One of the mares from that "post your stuff" thread was in your area, so you agreed to meet-up
  63. >Well, agreed amongst posting pictures and complimenting each others'
  64. >The other mares there were understandably jealous, saying thing like "You'll probably spill spaghetti all over him", "Don't you know that humans eat virgins?" and "It's a trap! That's clearly a strap-on!"
  65. >What a strange place, but that's why you love it
  66. >After finally agreeing to meet at a park, you shut down your computer and went to bed
  67. >Breakfast with Caramel was awkward
  68. >He was quiet and slow
  69. >He must still be thinking about the rights and wrongs of a guy posting his dick online
  70. >You would REALLY have to talk to him later about this and try to explain why you did that
  71. >Might be a problem, since he saw it as a huge deal and you saw it as nothing
  72. >Still, you both had to leave soon enough to your respective jobs
  73. >Him, with his job as a barista
  74. >And you, with your job of finding a job
  75. >You're so glad that Caramel let you move in and the rent is cheap in Ponyville
  76. >You spent a few hours scrambling about the town, looking for something that wasn't "Stand there and look pretty" or "Just file those for me"
  77. >You wanted a real job, damn it, not some colty nonsense
  78. >Fruitless, you decided to just go home and get ready for meeting this Ponechan mare
  79. >Just a quick once-over; nothing special, then on your way to the park
  81. >The two of you had decided to meet around there at that time
  82. >It was a nice day at the park
  83. >Some ponies were around, but not too many as to feel crowded
  84. >With nothing else to do, you sat down at a bench near an ice cream seller, across from where some kids were playing, and waited
  85. -------------
  86. [Mare]
  87. >Finally, I was going to meet a stallion. Talk to one and everything!
  88. >I didn't think that checking out a "post your clit" thread on Ponechan would lead to this, but here I am
  89. >A human posted his dick in that thread, and I found out that he lived in Ponyville, AND not to far from where I lived!
  90. >It felt almost not-real, and that probably helped me flirt with him a little, post my clit, and agree to meet up
  91. >We would meet in the park, at a spot I knew well
  92. >It was near where they sell ice cream
  93. >I would recognise him by his being human, and he would recognise me by my blue fur and mug of cider for a cutie mark
  94. >It was a good thing I had already posted myself in that thread, otherwise I probably wouldn't have been able to-
  95. >Shit, what if this was awkward? We were supposed to meet and hang out for a while, but we've already seen each others' bits
  96. >What if his dick is the only thing I can think of when I'm there? What if I accidentally stare at his bulge, or mention it?
  97. >Oh sweet sun above, he would scream "rape" and have me arrested! The mares on that thread were right, stallions are evil!
  98. >Wait, wait, hold it! This wasn't even a stallion, he said so in the thread. He was a "man", so he was probably different to pony males.
  99. >I mean, shit, he posted his dick on Ponechan. He was a Manon*, that had to count for something
  100. (*Masculine Anon) [spoiler]I couldn't think of anything better[/spoiler]
  101. >For fuck's sake, Muggy, just chill the fuck out
  102. >I wish I brought some liquid courage with me
  103. >Too late for that now, I was already out of the house and I wasn't about to walk all the way back there just to come back here
  104. >I wasn't used to that much walking
  105. >Oh, wait, is that him?
  107. >Biped, no fur
  108. >Yes, that was him
  109. >Sitting right at the spot I usually end up at when I think I'm going to go out and excersise or pick up stallions, only to fail horribly, buy ice cream, then lie down on the bench and try not to cry in public again, then think about what I'm going to post on Ponechan later
  110. >Wow... I really needed this to go right or I might as well just buy a crossbow and be done with this world
  111. >Okay, don't fuck this up. Just go up to him and sa-
  112. >"Oh, hey."
  113. >Oh fuck, I'm already in front of him
  114. >Wow, he was actually kind of handsome
  115. >Not drop-dead gorgeous, but he's the kind of guy you might go for at a bar
  116. >Only to be rejected, laughed at, mocked, forced to down drink after drink just to hide the-
  117. >"Uh, hi?"
  121. "H-hi."
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