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a guest
Nov 26th, 2012
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  1. World;
  2. worlds:
  3. SkyWorld:
  4. generator: CleanroomGenerator:.
  5. seed: -8076595562523881088
  6. environment: NORMAL
  7. type: NORMAL
  8. hidden: false
  9. alias:
  10. name: ''
  11. color: WHITE
  12. pvp: true
  13. scale: 1.0
  14. respawnworld: SkyWorld
  15. allowweather: false
  16. difficulty: NORMAL
  17. animals:
  18. spawn: true
  19. monsters:
  20. spawn: true
  21. entryfee:
  22. currency: -1
  23. price: 0.0
  24. hunger: true
  25. autoheal: true
  26. adjustspawn: true
  27. portalform: ALL
  28. gamemode: SURVIVAL
  29. keepspawninmemory: true
  30. spawn:
  31. x: 1.5
  32. y: 98.0
  33. z: 0.5
  34. pitch: 0.0
  35. yaw: 0.0
  36. world: SkyWorld
  37. autoload: true
  38. bedrespawn: true
  40. Config:
  41. multiverse-configuration:
  42. ==: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCoreConfiguration
  43. enforceaccess: 'false'
  44. prefixchat: 'false'
  45. teleportintercept: 'true'
  46. firstspawnoverride: 'true'
  47. displaypermerrors: 'true'
  48. globaldebug: '0'
  49. messagecooldown: '5000'
  50. version: '2.9'
  51. firstspawnworld: SkyWorld
  52. teleportcooldown: '1000'
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