
Awakening GameData.txt

Mar 29th, 2017
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  1. MESS_ARCHIVE_GameData
  4. Message Name: Message
  7. MPID_名前最大: ???
  8. MPID_デフォルト名: Robin
  9. MPID_プレイヤー: Player
  10. MPID_クロム: Chrom
  11. MPID_リズ: Lissa
  12. MPID_フレデリク: Frederick
  13. MPID_ヴィオール: Virion
  14. MPID_ソワレ: Sully
  15. MPID_ヴェイク: Vaike
  16. MPID_ソール: Stahl
  17. MPID_ミリエル: Miriel
  18. MPID_カラム: Kellam
  19. MPID_スミア: Sumia
  20. MPID_ロンクー: Lon'qu
  21. MPID_リヒト: Ricken
  22. MPID_マリアベル: Maribelle
  23. MPID_リベラ: Libra
  24. MPID_ベルベット: Panne
  25. MPID_ガイア: Gaius
  26. MPID_ティアモ: Cordelia
  27. MPID_レオパルド: Leopold
  28. MPID_ノノ: Nowi
  29. MPID_サーリャ: Tharja
  30. MPID_グレゴ: Gregor
  31. MPID_オリヴィエ: Olivia
  32. MPID_セルジュ: Cherche
  33. MPID_ヘンリー: Henry
  34. MPID_トレイシー: Tracie
  35. MPID_マルス: Marth
  36. MPID_サイリ: Say'ri
  37. MPID_ドニ: Donnel
  38. MPID_ウード: Owain
  39. MPID_アズール: Inigo
  40. MPID_ブレディ: Brady
  41. MPID_デジェル: Kjelle
  42. MPID_シンシア: Cynthia
  43. MPID_セレナ: Severa
  44. MPID_ジェローム: Gerome
  45. MPID_マーク: Morgan
  46. MPID_シャンブレー: Yarne
  47. MPID_ロラン: Laurent
  48. MPID_ノワール: Noire
  49. MPID_ンン: Nah
  50. MPID_チキ: Tiki
  51. MPID_アンナ: Anna
  52. MPID_インバース: Aversa
  53. MPID_バジーリオ: Basilio
  54. MPID_フラヴィア: Flavia
  55. MPID_パリス: Priam
  56. MPID_アンドレア: Andrea
  57. MPID_エメリナ: Emmeryn
  58. MPID_ギャンレル: Gangrel
  59. MPID_ヴァルハルト: Walhart
  60. MPID_レンハ: Yen'fay
  61. MPID_屍兵: Risen
  62. MPID_ルキナ: Lucina
  63. MPID_商人: Merchant
  64. MPID_ボス: Commander
  65. MPID_フェリア兵: Feroxi
  66. MPID_ペレジア兵: Plegian
  67. MPID_ヴァルム兵: Valmese
  68. MPID_ギムレー教兵: Grimleal
  69. MPID_謎の一団: Unknown
  70. MPID_傭兵: Mercenary
  71. MPID_フィレイン: Phila
  72. MPID_エクセライ: Excellus
  73. MPID_セルバンテス: Cervantes
  74. MPID_青軍兵士: Soldier
  75. MPID_赤軍兵士: Soldier
  76. MPID_村人: Villager
  77. MPID_村人男: Villager
  78. MPID_村人女: Maiden
  79. MPID_村長: Elder
  80. MPID_老人: Old Villager
  81. MPID_???: ? ? ?
  82. MPID_神官: Hierarch
  83. MPID_密偵: Spy
  84. MPID_暗殺者: Assassin
  85. MPID_兵士: Soldier
  86. MPID_兵士A: Soldier
  87. MPID_兵士B: Wyvern Rider
  88. MPID_ならず者: Ruffian
  89. MPID_ならず者A: Ruffian
  90. MPID_ならず者B: Ruffian
  91. MPID_ペガサス: Pegasus
  92. MPID_ミネルヴァ: Minerva
  93. MPID_ベッラ: Bella
  94. MPID_ファウダー: Validar
  95. MPID_ファウダーの影: Shadow
  96. MPID_ナーガ: Naga
  97. MPID_ギムレー: Grima
  98. MPID_フードの人物: ? ? ?
  99. MPID_シルエット: ? ? ?
  100. MPID_P002_ボス: Garrick
  101. MPID_001_ボス: Risen Chief
  102. MPID_002_ボス: Risen Chief
  103. MPID_003_ボス: Raimi
  104. MPID_004_ボス: Marth
  105. MPID_005_ボス: Orton
  106. MPID_006_ボス: Validar
  107. MPID_007_ボス: Vasto
  108. MPID_008_ボス: Chalard
  109. MPID_009_ボス: Campari
  110. MPID_010_ボス: Mustafa
  111. MPID_011_ボス: Gangrel
  112. MPID_012_ボス: Dalton
  113. MPID_013_ボス: Risen Chief
  114. MPID_014_ボス: Ignatius
  115. MPID_015_ボス: Farber
  116. MPID_016_ボス: Cervantes
  117. MPID_017_ボス: Pheros
  118. MPID_018_ボス: Yen'fay
  119. MPID_019_ボス: Walhart
  120. MPID_020_ボス: Walhart
  121. MPID_021_ボス: Algol
  122. MPID_022_ボス: Aversa
  123. MPID_023_ボス: Walhart
  124. MPID_024_ボス: Risen Chief
  125. MPID_025_ボス: Aversa
  126. MPID_026_ボス: Grima
  127. MPID_X001_ボス: Roddick
  128. MPID_X002_ボス: Victor
  129. MPID_X003_ボス: Risen Chief
  130. MPID_X004_ボス: Vincent
  131. MPID_X005_ボス: Gecko
  132. MPID_X006_ボス: Jamil
  133. MPID_X007_ボス: Xalbador
  134. MPID_X008_ボス: Cassius
  135. MPID_X009_ボス: Ruger
  136. MPID_X010_ボス: Nelson
  137. MPID_X011_ボス: Morristan
  138. MPID_X012_ボス: Risen Chief
  139. MPID_X013_ボス:
  140. MPID_ボスA: Gyral
  141. MPID_ボスB: Dalen
  142. MPID_X014_ボス: Nombry
  143. MPID_X015_ボス: Ezra
  144. MPID_X016_ボス: Risen Chief
  145. MPID_X017_ボス: Risen Chief
  146. MPID_X018_ボス: Zanth
  147. MPID_X019_ボス: Walhart
  148. MPID_X020_ボス: Ardri
  149. MPID_X021_ボス: Risen Chief
  150. MPID_X022_ボス: Commander
  151. MPID_X023_ボス: Priam
  152. MPID_クロム嫁村娘: Maiden
  153. MPID_ホラント: Holland
  154. MPID_山賊: Brigand
  155. MPID_山賊A: Brigand
  156. MPID_山賊B: Brigand
  157. MPID_母親: Mother
  158. MPID_行商人: Merchant
  159. MPID_騎士: Knight
  160. MPID_アインス: Mus
  161. MPID_ツヴァイ: Bovis
  162. MPID_ドライ: Tigris
  163. MPID_フィーア: Lepus
  164. MPID_フュンフ: Draco
  165. MPID_ゼクス: Anguilla
  166. MPID_ズィーベン: Equus
  167. MPID_アハト: Ovis
  168. MPID_ノイン: Simia
  169. MPID_ツェーン: Gallus
  170. MPID_エルフ: Canis
  171. MPID_ツヴェルフ: Porcus
  172. MPID_異界の者: Outrealm
  173. MPID_緑軍賢者: Villager
  174. MPID_H_名前最大: ? ? ?
  175. MPID_H_デフォルト名:
  176. MPID_H_プレイヤー: A traveler with no memory of\nthe past, but a gift for tactics.
  177. MPID_H_プレイヤー援軍: A mysterious traveler\nfrom the Outrealms.
  178. MPID_H_クロム: Captain of the Shepherds.\nTreats his men firmly but fairly.
  179. MPID_H_リズ: A Shepherd, and Chrom's little\nsister. Eager to prove herself.
  180. MPID_H_フレデリク: The Shepherds' stern and\nsarcastic second in command.
  181. MPID_H_ヴィオール: A grandiloquent noble with a\nlove of tall tales and romance.
  182. MPID_H_ソワレ: A Shepherd with a foul mouth\nand no-nonsense attitude.
  183. MPID_H_ヴェイク: A scatterbrained Shepherd\nwho insists he's in control.
  184. MPID_H_ソール: A hard-working Shepherd\nwho is always a beat behind.
  185. MPID_H_ミリエル: A meticulous, methodical\nShepherd with high standards.
  186. MPID_H_カラム: The Shepherd everyone\nseems to forget is there.
  187. MPID_H_スミア: A clumsy aspiring Shepherd\nwho tries her best all the same.
  188. MPID_H_ロンクー: A curt Feroxi warrior who\nwilts in the presence of women.
  189. MPID_H_リヒト: An aspiring Shepherd who hates\nbeing treated like a child.
  190. MPID_H_マリアベル: A Shepherd, and also Lissa's\nbest friend. Proud, yet kind.
  191. MPID_H_リベラ: A patient Ylissean priest who\nis often mistaken for a woman.
  192. MPID_H_ベルベット: The last of the taguel race.\nSensible and self-reliant.
  193. MPID_H_ガイア: A formidable Ylissean thief\nwith a soft spot for sugar.
  194. MPID_H_ティアモ: An Ylissean pegasus knight too\nhumble to see her vast talents.
  195. MPID_H_ノノ: An innocent "little" manakete\nwith a dramatic side.
  196. MPID_H_サーリャ: A dour Plegian with a jealous\nstreak and a knack for curses.
  197. MPID_H_グレゴ: A seasoned mercenary with a\nbig heart and a refreshing grin.
  198. MPID_H_オリヴィエ: A demure but gifted dancer\nwho has traveled the world.
  199. MPID_H_セルジュ: A polite, cultured woman from\nRosanne who can cook and sew.
  200. MPID_H_ヘンリー: A harrowingly optimistic\nPlegian who loves blood.
  201. MPID_H_マルス: An enigmatic warrior who bears\nthe name of a legendary king.
  202. MPID_H_サイリ: The eloquent, high-spirited\nprincess of Chon'sin.
  203. MPID_H_ドニ: An Ylissean commoner with\na "funny way of talkin'."
  204. MPID_H_ウード: An enigmatic swordsman\nwho tends toward theatrics.
  205. MPID_H_アズール: An enigmatic sellsword\nwith a flair for philandering.
  206. MPID_H_ブレディ: An enigmatic priest who looks\nmore intimidating than he is.
  207. MPID_H_デジェル: An enigmatic knight with\na love for training.
  208. MPID_H_シンシア: An enigmatic pegasus knight\nwho yearns to be a hero.
  209. MPID_H_セレナ: An enigmatic sellsword with low\nself-esteem and a bad attitude.
  210. MPID_H_ジェローム: An enigmatic dracoknight who\ndistances himself with a mask.
  211. MPID_H_マーク: An enigmatic aspiring tactician\nwith no memory. Cheerful.
  212. MPID_H_シャンブレー: An enigmatic taguel who fears\nfor his species (i.e., himself).
  213. MPID_H_ロラン: An enigmatic mage who takes\nhis studies very seriously.
  214. MPID_H_ノワール: An enigmatic archer with a\ngrim outlook on everything.
  215. MPID_H_ンン: An enigmatic manakete who is\nunusually together for her age.
  216. MPID_H_チキ: The calm and collected Voice\nof the divine dragon.
  217. MPID_H_アンナ: A world-traveling merchant who\nloves money and big spenders.
  218. MPID_H_インバース: A cruel, high-ranking Plegian\nofficer with a sultry aura.
  219. MPID_H_バジーリオ: The capable but slapdash\nWest-Khan of Regna Ferox.
  220. MPID_H_フラヴィア: The affable, battle-hardened\nkhan regnant of Regna Ferox.
  221. MPID_H_パリス: Scion of a legendary hero.\nHe seeks only greater power.
  222. MPID_H_アンドレア: Andrea
  223. MPID_H_エメリナ: Chrom's elder sister. A pacifist\nand idealist with a good heart.
  224. MPID_H_ギャンレル: The cruel and fatalistic\nformer king of Plegia.
  225. MPID_H_ヴァルハルト: Forger of the Valmese empire.\nAlso known as the Conqueror.
  226. MPID_H_レンハ: A former dynast of Chon'sin\nwith a solemn, mossy demeanor.
  227. MPID_H_屍兵: A hideous creature of\notherworldly origins.
  228. MPID_H_ルキナ: An enigmatic woman who\nthirsts for a better world.
  229. MPID_H_商人: A merchant who\ntravels the world.
  230. MPID_H_ボス: Commander
  231. MPID_H_フェリア兵: A Feroxi soldier.
  232. MPID_H_ペレジア兵: A Plegian soldier.
  233. MPID_H_ヴァルム兵: A Valmese soldier.
  234. MPID_H_ギムレー教兵: A Grimleal soldier.
  235. MPID_H_謎の一団: A soldier of unknown origin.
  236. MPID_H_傭兵: A soldier who answers\nonly to the clink of gold.
  237. MPID_H_フィレイン: Fiercely loyal captain of the\nYlissean Pegasus Knights.
  238. MPID_H_エクセライ: The Valmese Empire's cold\nand calculating tactician.
  239. MPID_H_セルバンテス: A Valmese commander who\ntakes great pride in his "hairs."
  240. MPID_H_青軍兵士: An allied soldier.
  241. MPID_H_赤軍兵士: An enemy soldier.
  242. MPID_H_村人: A commoner who\nlives here.
  243. MPID_H_村人男: A young man who\nlives here.
  244. MPID_H_村人女: A young woman\nwho lives here.
  245. MPID_H_村長: The village elder\nwho lives here.
  246. MPID_H_???: ? ? ?
  247. MPID_H_神官: Ylisse's highest-ranking\nreligious advisor.
  248. MPID_H_密偵: An agent who infiltrates other\nlands to gather information.
  249. MPID_H_暗殺者: A killer who uses stealth to\napproach and dispatch targets.
  250. MPID_H_兵士: A run-of-the-mill soldier.
  251. MPID_H_兵士A: A run-of-the-mill soldier.
  252. MPID_H_兵士B: A run-of-the-mill soldier.
  253. MPID_H_ならず者: A violent criminal who\nterrorizes the land.
  254. MPID_H_ならず者A: A violent criminal who\nterrorizes the land.
  255. MPID_H_ならず者B: A violent criminal who\nterrorizes the land.
  256. MPID_H_ペガサス: Pegasus
  257. MPID_H_ミネルヴァ: Minerva
  258. MPID_H_ベッラ: Bella
  259. MPID_H_ファウダー: A dark mage who wishes to\narchitect the world's end.
  260. MPID_H_ファウダーの影: Shadow
  261. MPID_H_ナーガ: Naga
  262. MPID_H_ギムレー: A baleful dragon who seeks to\nplunge the world into darkness.
  263. MPID_H_フードの人物: Hooded Figure
  264. MPID_H_シルエット: Shadows of the self reflected\nin the Wellspring of Truth.
  265. MPID_H_P002_ボス: The ruffians' savage\nand unsavory leader.
  266. MPID_H_001_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  267. MPID_H_002_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  268. MPID_H_003_ボス: The Feroxi commander.\nStubborn and impulsive.
  269. MPID_H_004_ボス: A mysterious swordsman\nwho wields Falchion.
  270. MPID_H_005_ボス: The Plegian commander.\nMerciless and bloodthirsty.
  271. MPID_H_006_ボス: The unknown enemy's leader.\nHe seems to have dark designs.
  272. MPID_H_007_ボス: The Plegian commander.\nCruel and sadistic.
  273. MPID_H_008_ボス: A priest with fanatical\nreverence for Grima.
  274. MPID_H_009_ボス: The Plegian commander.\nWillful and ill humored.
  275. MPID_H_010_ボス: The Plegian commander.\nA pacifist.
  276. MPID_H_011_ボス: The self-styled\n"Mad King of Plegia."
  277. MPID_H_012_ボス: The Valmese commander.\nA bigot who loathes foreigners.
  278. MPID_H_013_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  279. MPID_H_014_ボス: The Valmese commander.\nValiant and unyielding.
  280. MPID_H_015_ボス: The Valmese commander.\nFetishizes his emperor.
  281. MPID_H_016_ボス: A Valmese commander who\ntakes great pride in his "hairs."
  282. MPID_H_017_ボス: The Valmese commander.\nEnamored with the emperor.
  283. MPID_H_018_ボス: The Valmese commander. One\nof the finest swordsmen alive.
  284. MPID_H_019_ボス: The ruthless emperor of Valm.\nAlso known as the Conqueror.
  285. MPID_H_020_ボス: The ruthless emperor of Valm.\nAlso known as the Conqueror.
  286. MPID_H_021_ボス: A slimy, underhanded\nGrimleal priest.
  287. MPID_H_022_ボス: A cruel, mysterious vixen\nwith a sultry aura.
  288. MPID_H_023_ボス: A dark mage who wishes to\narchitect the world's end.
  289. MPID_H_024_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  290. MPID_H_025_ボス: A cruel, mysterious vixen\nwith a sultry aura.
  291. MPID_H_026_ボス: The fell dragon who will\nbring about the world's end.
  292. MPID_H_X001_ボス: The ruffians' savage\nand unsavory leader.
  293. MPID_H_X002_ボス: A ruffian boss who is eerily fond\nof his twin brother, Vincent.
  294. MPID_H_X003_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  295. MPID_H_X004_ボス: A ruffian boss who is eerily fond\nof his twin brother, Victor.
  296. MPID_H_X005_ボス: The ruffians' greedy,\ngold-hungry leader.
  297. MPID_H_X006_ボス: A Grimleal thug who kidnaps\nand sacrifices villagers.
  298. MPID_H_X007_ボス: The ruffians' greedy,\ngold-hungry leader.
  299. MPID_H_X008_ボス: The ruffians' despicably\ncunning leader.
  300. MPID_H_X009_ボス: The ruffians' lying,\nswindling leader.
  301. MPID_H_X010_ボス: The ruffians' ambitious\nbut unpopular leader.
  302. MPID_H_X011_ボス: The ruffians' cruel and\nunfeeling leader.
  303. MPID_H_X012_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  304. MPID_H_X013_ボス:
  305. MPID_H_ボスA: A valiant―but violent―\nmercenary leader.
  306. MPID_H_ボスB: A valiant―but violent―\nmercenary leader.
  307. MPID_H_X014_ボス: The ruffians' greedy,\ngold-hungry leader.
  308. MPID_H_X015_ボス: The ruffians' unassuming\nbut dangerous leader.
  309. MPID_H_X016_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  310. MPID_H_X017_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  311. MPID_H_X018_ボス: The latest in a long line of\nso-called Southron Sea-Kings.
  312. MPID_H_X019_ボス: The former emperor of Valm.\nAlso known as the Conqueror.
  313. MPID_H_X020_ボス: A Grimleal priest who kidnaps\nand sacrifices villagers.
  314. MPID_H_X021_ボス: The Risen's apparent leader,\njudging by strength.
  315. MPID_H_X022_ボス: Commander of the Wellspring\nof Truth's reflections.
  316. MPID_H_X023_ボス: Scion of a legendary hero.\nHe seeks only greater power.
  317. MPID_H_クロム嫁村娘: Maiden
  318. MPID_H_ホラント: A commoner who is\nfighting for his family.
  319. MPID_H_山賊: A violent criminal who\nterrorizes the land.
  320. MPID_H_山賊A: A violent criminal who\nterrorizes the land.
  321. MPID_H_山賊B: A violent criminal who\nterrorizes the land.
  322. MPID_H_母親: Donnel's mother.
  323. MPID_H_行商人: Merchant
  324. MPID_H_騎士: Knight
  325. MPID_H_アインス: The first of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  326. MPID_H_ツヴァイ: The second of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  327. MPID_H_ドライ: The third of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  328. MPID_H_フィーア: The fourth of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  329. MPID_H_フュンフ: The fifth of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  330. MPID_H_ゼクス: The sixth of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  331. MPID_H_ズィーベン: The seventh of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  332. MPID_H_アハト: The eighth of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  333. MPID_H_ノイン: The ninth of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  334. MPID_H_ツェーン: The tenth of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  335. MPID_H_エルフ: The eleventh of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  336. MPID_H_ツヴェルフ: The twelfth of the Deadlords―\ntwelve powerful Risen.
  337. MCID_000_T: Chapter 0
  338. MCID_000: A New Fight
  339. MCID_000_S:
  340. MCID_P001_T: Premonition
  341. MCID_P001: Invisible Ties
  342. MCID_P001_S: In a vision that feels neither real\nnor dreamed, $Nu and\nChrom defeat the mage Validar.\nBut in the vision's last moments,\nevents take an unexpected turn.
  343. MCID_P002_T: Prologue
  344. MCID_P002: The Verge of History
  345. MCID_P002_S: $Nu is found lying in a\nfield with no memory. After $Ghe,she|\nhelps Chrom fend off a band of\nbrigands, $Ghe,she| is welcomed into\nthe Shepherds as a tactician.
  346. MCID_001_T: Chapter 1
  347. MCID_001: Unwelcome Change
  348. MCID_001_S: A chaotic night in the woods\nbrings tremors and terrors, but a\nswordsman named Marth comes\nto the rescue. Back in Ylisstol,\n$Nu meets Emmeryn.
  349. MCID_002_T: Chapter 2
  350. MCID_002: Shepherds
  351. MCID_002_S: Lissa introduces the other\nShepherds. They head north to\nRegna Ferox to seek military aid\nagainst the creatures from the\nwoods, now named "Risen."
  352. MCID_003_T: Chapter 3
  353. MCID_003: Warrior Realm
  354. MCID_003_S: At the Longfort dividing Ylisse\nand Ferox, the Shepherds are\ntaken for brigands and attacked\nby the Feroxi Guard. A show of\nforce clears the matter up.
  355. MCID_004_T: Chapter 4
  356. MCID_004: Two Falchions
  357. MCID_004_S: To secure Ferox's aid, Chrom\nmust defeat Marth in combat and\nwin East-Khan Flavia the throne.\nMeanwhile, the kingdom of Plegia\nkidnaps Lissa's friend Maribelle.
  358. MCID_005_T: Chapter 5
  359. MCID_005: The Exalt and the King
  360. MCID_005_S: Emmeryn confronts King Gangrel\nof Plegia, who demands the Fire\nEmblem, an item vital to the\nworld's future. The parley ends\nwith a declaration of war.
  361. MCID_006_T: Chapter 6
  362. MCID_006: Foreseer
  363. MCID_006_S: Marth warns Chrom that Exalt\nEmmeryn will be assassinated.\nThe plot is thwarted, but Marth\nis revealed to be a woman―and\none with knowledge of the future.
  364. MCID_007_T: Chapter 7
  365. MCID_007: Incursion
  366. MCID_007_S: While escorting the exalt to\nsafety, the Ylisseans are\nambushed. Emmeryn gives Chrom\nthe Fire Emblem and returns to\nYlisstol to protect her people.
  367. MCID_008_T: Chapter 8
  368. MCID_008: The Grimleal
  369. MCID_008_S: Chrom and Lissa learn their\nsister is to be put to death, and\nlaunch a rescue mission. On the\nway, they battle the Grimleal:\nthe fell dragon's loyal followers.
  370. MCID_009_T: Chapter 9
  371. MCID_009: Emmeryn
  372. MCID_009_S: The rescue fails, and Chrom is\nforced to choose between the\nFire Emblem and his sister. To\nspare him and the world further\nconflict, Emmeryn ends her life.
  373. MCID_010_T: Chapter 10
  374. MCID_010: Renewal
  375. MCID_010_S: Emmeryn's death devastates\nChrom, but $Nu offers\nwords of support. They depart\nfor Plegia to settle matters with\nKing Gangrel once and for all.
  376. MCID_011_T: Chapter 11
  377. MCID_011: Mad King Gangrel
  378. MCID_011_S: Gangrel is defeated. Two years\nlater, Chrom has married and\nsired a daughter, Lucina. Upon\nlearning the Valmese Empire will\ninvade, Chrom departs for Ferox.
  379. MCID_012_T: Chapter 12
  380. MCID_012: The Seacomers
  381. MCID_012_S: At Port Ferox, Chrom's men and\nthe Feroxi barely repel the fierce\nValmese attack. In need of ships\nto drive Valm off, they turn to\nan unlikely ally for help.
  382. MCID_013_T: Chapter 13
  383. MCID_013: Of Sacred Blood
  384. MCID_013_S: While meeting with Validar―now\nking of Plegia―$Nu\nsees a $Gman,woman| who could be $Ghis,her|\ntwin. That night, $Ghe,she| learns $Ghe,she|\nis Validar's $Gson,daughter|.
  385. MCID_014_T: Chapter 14
  386. MCID_014: Flames on the Blue
  387. MCID_014_S: "Marth" admits she is Chrom's\ndaughter, Lucina, who has come\nback in time to divert the world\nfrom a grim future. They cross\nthe sea to the Valmese continent.
  388. MCID_015_T: Chapter 15
  389. MCID_015: Smoldering Resistance
  390. MCID_015_S: In Valm Harbor, the Ylisseans\nrescue Say'ri, a resistance\nleader. They set out to free\nNaga's "Voice," hoping to inspire\nothers to their cause.
  391. MCID_016_T: Chapter 16
  392. MCID_016: Naga's Voice
  393. MCID_016_S: The Voice is safe, but Emperor\nWalhart himself is now hunting\nSay'ri and company down. They\nmust hurry to Fort Steiger to\nweaken his army.
  394. MCID_017_T: Chapter 17
  395. MCID_017: Inexorable Death
  396. MCID_017_S: The dynasts' betrayal forces the\nYlissean League to retreat and\ndivide. Their main force marches\non Yen'fay, while Basilio takes on\nWalhart despite the dangers.
  397. MCID_018_T: Chapter 18
  398. MCID_018: Sibling Blades
  399. MCID_018_S: The Ylisseans strike Yen'fay down\nand learn of his sacrifice. When\nthey hear Basilio has died as well,\nit is decided the time has come\nto finally face Walhart.
  400. MCID_019_T: Chapter 19
  401. MCID_019: The Conqueror
  402. MCID_019_S: The party challenges Walhart\nnear the capital and forces the\nConqueror to retreat. Soon\nthey are joined by unexpected\nallies: the southern dynasts.
  403. MCID_020_T: Chapter 20
  404. MCID_020: The Sword or the Knee
  405. MCID_020_S: Walhart's defeat ends the war―\nbut Lucina's dark future edges\ncloser. Chrom must perform the\nAwakening and heads to Plegia\nto secure the last Gemstone.
  406. MCID_021_T: Chapter 21
  407. MCID_021: Five Gemstones
  408. MCID_021_S: Instead of handing over the\nGemstone, Validar manipulates\n$Nu to steal the Fire\nEmblem. The Ylisseans barely\nescape the castle alive.
  409. MCID_022_T: Chapter 22
  410. MCID_022: An Ill Presage
  411. MCID_022_S: The Ylisseans go to the Dragon's\nTable to retrieve the Emblem,\nbut the ritual to resurrect Grima\nis already underway. They break\nthrough and head for the altar.
  412. MCID_023_T: Chapter 23
  413. MCID_023: Invisible Ties
  414. MCID_023_S: $Nu and Basilio turn\nthe tables on Validar with a\nbrilliant deception. The "hiero-\nphant" reveals $Ghimself,herself| to be\n$Nu's future self.
  415. MCID_024_T: Chapter 24
  416. MCID_024: Awakening
  417. MCID_024_S: The evil $Nu has used\n$Ghis,her| life force to resurrect Grima.\nTo stop the dragon, Chrom must\nascend Mount Prism, perform the\nAwakening, and win Naga's power.
  418. MCID_025_T: Chapter 25
  419. MCID_025: To Slay a God
  420. MCID_025_S: The final battle looms, as does\na choice: return Grima to his\nslumber with Chrom's sword\nor slay the dragon in exchange\nfor $Nu's life.
  421. MCID_026_T: Endgame
  422. MCID_026: Grima
  423. MCID_026_S:
  424. MCID_X001_T: Paralogue 1
  425. MCID_X001: Sickle to Sword
  426. MCID_X002_T: Paralogue 2
  427. MCID_X002: The Secret Seller
  428. MCID_X003_T: Paralogue 3
  429. MCID_X003: A Strangled Peace
  430. MCID_X004_T: Paralogue 4
  431. MCID_X004: Anna the Merchant
  432. MCID_X005_T: Paralogue 5
  433. MCID_X005: Scion of Legend
  434. MCID_X006_T: Paralogue 6
  435. MCID_X006: A Man for Flowers
  436. MCID_X007_T: Paralogue 7
  437. MCID_X007: Noble Lineage
  438. MCID_X008_T: Paralogue 8
  439. MCID_X008: A Duel Disgraced
  440. MCID_X009_T: Paralogue 9
  441. MCID_X009: Wings of Justice
  442. MCID_X010_T: Paralogue 10
  443. MCID_X010: Ambivalence
  444. MCID_X011_T: Paralogue 11
  445. MCID_X011: Twin Wyverns
  446. MCID_X012_T: Paralogue 12
  447. MCID_X012: Disowned by Time
  448. MCID_X013_T: Paralogue 13
  449. MCID_X013: Rival Bands
  450. MCID_X014_T: Paralogue 14
  451. MCID_X014: Shadow in the Sands
  452. MCID_X015_T: Paralogue 15
  453. MCID_X015: A Shot from the Dark
  454. MCID_X016_T: Paralogue 16
  455. MCID_X016: Daughter to Dragons
  456. MCID_X017_T: Paralogue 17
  457. MCID_X017: The Threat of Silence
  458. MCID_X018_T: Paralogue 18
  459. MCID_X018: The Dead King's Lament
  460. MCID_X019_T: Paralogue 19
  461. MCID_X019: Irreconcilable Paths
  462. MCID_X020_T: Paralogue 20
  463. MCID_X020: A Hard Miracle
  464. MCID_X021_T: Paralogue 21
  465. MCID_X021: Ghost of a Blade
  466. MCID_X022_T: Paralogue 22
  467. MCID_X022: The Wellspring of Truth
  468. MCID_X023_T: Paralogue 23
  469. MCID_X023: The Radiant Hero
  470. MCID_String: $a$a0: $a1
  471. MCID_E000_T: Xenologue
  472. MCID_ENCOUNT_T: Challenge
  473. MCID_T_000:
  474. MCID_T_P001:
  475. MCID_T_P002: Southtown
  476. MCID_T_001: West of Ylisstol
  477. MCID_T_002: The Northroad
  478. MCID_T_003: The Longfort
  479. MCID_T_004: Arena Ferox
  480. MCID_T_005: Border Pass
  481. MCID_T_006: Ylisstol
  482. MCID_T_007: Breakneck Pass
  483. MCID_T_008: Border Sands
  484. MCID_T_009: Plegia Castle Courtyard
  485. MCID_T_010: The Midmire
  486. MCID_T_011: Border Wastes
  487. MCID_T_012: Port Ferox
  488. MCID_T_013: Carrion Isle
  489. MCID_T_014: The Searoad
  490. MCID_T_015: Valm Harbor
  491. MCID_T_016: The Mila Tree
  492. MCID_T_017: Fort Steiger
  493. MCID_T_018: The Demon's Ingle
  494. MCID_T_019: Valm Castle Approach
  495. MCID_T_020: Valm Castle
  496. MCID_T_021: Plegia Castle
  497. MCID_T_022: Table Approach
  498. MCID_T_023: The Dragon's Table
  499. MCID_T_024: Mount Prism
  500. MCID_T_025: Origin Peak
  501. MCID_T_026: Grima
  502. MCID_T_X001: The Farfort
  503. MCID_T_X002: The Twins' Turf
  504. MCID_T_X003: Peaceful Village
  505. MCID_T_X004: The Twins' Hideout
  506. MCID_T_X005: Sage's Hamlet
  507. MCID_T_X006: Great Gate
  508. MCID_T_X007: Mila Shrine Ruins
  509. MCID_T_X008: Dueling Grounds
  510. MCID_T_X009: Verdant Forest
  511. MCID_T_X010: Mercenary Fortress
  512. MCID_T_X011: Wyvern Valley
  513. MCID_T_X012: The Ruins of Time
  514. MCID_T_X013: Law's End
  515. MCID_T_X014: Desert Oasis
  516. MCID_T_X015: Kidnapper's Keep
  517. MCID_T_X016: Manor of Lost Souls
  518. MCID_T_X017: Divine Dragon Grounds
  519. MCID_T_X018: Sea-King's Throne
  520. MCID_T_X019: Conqueror's Whetstone
  521. MCID_T_X020: Mountain Village
  522. MCID_T_X021: Warriors' Tomb
  523. MCID_T_X022: Wellspring of Truth
  524. MCID_T_X023: Garden of Giants
  525. MCID_T_E000: Outrealm Gate
  526. MCID_T_N001: Castle Ferox
  527. MCID_T_N002: Ylisstol Environs
  528. MCID_T_N003: Camp: Plegia Castle
  529. MCID_T_N004: North of Fort Steiger
  530. MCID_T_N005: Camp: Demon's Ingle
  531. MCID_T_N006: Camp: Northroad
  532. MCID_T_N007: Plegia Castle
  533. MCID_T_N008: The Table
  534. MCID_RULE_敵全滅: Rout the\nenemy
  535. MCID_RULE_敵将撃破: Defeat\ncommander
  536. MJID_謎: Outrealm Class
  537. MJID_ロード: Lord
  538. MJID_マスターロード: Great Lord
  539. MJID_戦術師: Tactician
  540. MJID_神軍師: Grandmaster
  541. MJID_ソシアルナイト: Cavalier
  542. MJID_アーマーナイト: Knight
  543. MJID_パラディン: Paladin
  544. MJID_グレートナイト: Great Knight
  545. MJID_ジェネラル: General
  546. MJID_蛮族: Barbarian
  547. MJID_戦士: Fighter
  548. MJID_傭兵: Mercenary
  549. MJID_アーチャー: Archer
  550. MJID_バーサーカー: Berserker
  551. MJID_ウォーリアー: Warrior
  552. MJID_勇者: Hero
  553. MJID_ボウナイト: Bow Knight
  554. MJID_スナイパー: Sniper
  555. MJID_剣士: Myrmidon
  556. MJID_盗賊: Thief
  557. MJID_ソードマスター: Swordmaster
  558. MJID_アサシン: Assassin
  559. MJID_トリックスター: Trickster
  560. MJID_ペガサスナイト: Pegasus Knight
  561. MJID_ファルコンナイト: Falcon Knight
  562. MJID_ダークペガサス: Dark Flier
  563. MJID_ドラゴンナイト: Wyvern Rider
  564. MJID_ドラゴンマスター: Wyvern Lord
  565. MJID_グリフォンナイト: Griffon Rider
  566. MJID_トルバドール: Troubadour
  567. MJID_僧侶: Priest
  568. MJID_シスター: Cleric
  569. MJID_魔道士: Mage
  570. MJID_ダークマージ: Dark Mage
  571. MJID_ヴァルキュリア: Valkyrie
  572. MJID_バトルモンク: War Monk
  573. MJID_バトルシスター: War Cleric
  574. MJID_賢者: Sage
  575. MJID_ダークナイト: Dark Knight
  576. MJID_ソーサラー: Sorcerer
  577. MJID_踊り子: Dancer
  578. MJID_マムクート: Manakete
  579. MJID_ラグズ: Taguel
  580. MJID_ソルジャー: Soldier
  581. MJID_村人: Villager
  582. MJID_商人: Merchant
  583. MJID_ゾンビ: Revenant
  584. MJID_マミー: Entombed
  585. MJID_オーバーロード: Conqueror
  586. MJID_ボス: Grima
  587. MJID_シルエット: Mirage
  588. MJID_スターロード: Lodestar
  589. MJID_ダミー: DUMMY
  590. MJID_H_謎: This class is obtained at the\nOutrealm Gate.
  591. MJID_H_ロード: A youth of royal blood.\nWields swords.
  592. MJID_H_マスターロード: A seasoned leader of royal\nblood. Wields swords, lances.
  593. MJID_H_戦術師: An aspiring tactician of cryptic\norigins. Wields swords, tomes.
  594. MJID_H_神軍師: A seasoned tactician upon\nwhom victory hinges.
  595. MJID_H_ソシアルナイト: A mounted knight with balanced\nstats. Wields swords, lances.
  596. MJID_H_アーマーナイト: A heavily armored knight with\nhigh Def. Weak against magic.
  597. MJID_H_パラディン: A seasoned, majestic cavalier.\nHas high Mov and Res.
  598. MJID_H_グレートナイト: A seasoned knight or cavalier.\nWields swords, lances, axes.
  599. MJID_H_ジェネラル: A seasoned knight with superior\nAtk/Def. Wields lances, axes.
  600. MJID_H_蛮族: A savage thug with high\nStr/Spd, but low Def.
  601. MJID_H_戦士: A scrapper with punishingly\nhigh Str. Wields axes.
  602. MJID_H_傭兵: A combat professional with high\nstats all around. Wields swords.
  603. MJID_H_アーチャー: A unit that can attack enemies\nfrom a distance. Wields bows.
  604. MJID_H_バーサーカー: A seasoned barbarian whose\naxe strikes fear in the enemy.
  605. MJID_H_ウォーリアー: A seasoned fighter with\npeerless Str. Wields axes, bows.
  606. MJID_H_勇者: A seasoned fighter or merc with\nhigh Skill. Wields swords, axes.
  607. MJID_H_ボウナイト: A seasoned, mounted archer.\nWields swords, bows.
  608. MJID_H_スナイパー: A seasoned archer with superior\nSkill who has mastered the bow.
  609. MJID_H_剣士: A swift specialist in the blade\nwho makes for a tricky target.
  610. MJID_H_盗賊: A shadowy figure who fares\nbetter picking locks than fights.
  611. MJID_H_ソードマスター: A seasoned myrmidon with\nhigh Skill/Spd. Wields swords.
  612. MJID_H_アサシン: A seasoned and deadly thief or\nmyrmidon. Wields swords, bows.
  613. MJID_H_トリックスター: A seasoned thief and infamous\nrogue. Wields swords, staves.
  614. MJID_H_ペガサスナイト: A graceful flier. Strong against\nmagic, weak against bows.
  615. MJID_H_ファルコンナイト: A seasoned pegasus knight on a\nnew mount. Wields lances, staves.
  616. MJID_H_ダークペガサス: A seasoned pegasus knight\nwho wields lances and tomes.
  617. MJID_H_ドラゴンナイト: A proud flier with high stats.\nWeak against bows and magic.
  618. MJID_H_ドラゴンマスター: A seasoned wyvern rider who\nwields axes and lances.
  619. MJID_H_グリフォンナイト: A seasoned and well-balanced\nwyvern rider on a new mount.
  620. MJID_H_トルバドール: A mounted healer who uses\nstaves. Cannot attack.
  621. MJID_H_僧侶: A male healer who uses staves.\nCannot attack.
  622. MJID_H_シスター: A female healer who uses\nstaves. Cannot attack.
  623. MJID_H_魔道士: A tome wielder whose magic\nworks well on armored foes.
  624. MJID_H_ダークマージ: A mage able to use dark tomes.\nHigh in Def and tough to kill.
  625. MJID_H_ヴァルキュリア: A seasoned, hardy troubadour.\nUses staves, tomes.
  626. MJID_H_バトルモンク: A seasoned priest who heals\nwith staves and hurts with axes.
  627. MJID_H_バトルシスター: A seasoned cleric who heals\nwith staves and hurts with axes.
  628. MJID_H_賢者: A seasoned mage or healer with\nhigh Mag. Wields tomes, staves.
  629. MJID_H_ダークナイト: A seasoned, mounted mage\nwho wields tomes and swords.
  630. MJID_H_ソーサラー: A seasoned dark mage with\nfearsome Mag.
  631. MJID_H_踊り子: A gifted artist whose dances\ninspire allies back to action.
  632. MJID_H_マムクート: A legendary race with awesome\npower while in dragon form.
  633. MJID_H_ラグズ: A dying race with great power\nwhile in beast form.
  634. MJID_H_ソルジャー: An ordinary soldier.\nWields a lance.
  635. MJID_H_村人: An ordinary villager. Weak,\nbut capable of great things.
  636. MJID_H_商人: A traveling merchant.\nSave her and it may pay off...
  637. MJID_H_ゾンビ: A Risen minion with sharp\nclaws and high Str.
  638. MJID_H_マミー: A noble Risen with high Str\nand hatred for the living.
  639. MJID_H_オーバーロード: The dauntless emperor of Valm.\nWields swords, lances, axes.
  640. MJID_H_シルエット: The Wellspring's reflection of\none who stands before it.
  641. MJID_H_ボス: The fell dragon who seeks to\nusher in a dark future.
  642. MJID_H_スターロード: The Hero-King from the sagas\nsaid to have saved the world.
  643. MRSID_謎: Outrealm Skill
  644. MRSID_無し: (No skills)
  645. MRSID_最大HP+5: HP +5
  646. MRSID_力+2: Strength +2
  647. MRSID_魔力+2: Magic +2
  648. MRSID_技+2: Skill +2
  649. MRSID_速さ+2: Speed +2
  650. MRSID_幸運+4: Luck +4
  651. MRSID_守備+2: Defense +2
  652. MRSID_魔防+2: Resistance +2
  653. MRSID_命中+10: Hit Rate +10
  654. MRSID_命中+20: Hit Rate +20
  655. MRSID_回避+10: Avoid +10
  656. MRSID_移動+1: Movement +1
  657. MRSID_鍵開け: Locktouch
  658. MRSID_戦知識: Veteran
  659. MRSID_良成長: Aptitude
  660. MRSID_練磨: Discipline
  661. MRSID_デュアルサポート+: Dual Support+
  662. MRSID_デュアルアタック+: Dual Strike+
  663. MRSID_デュアルガード+: Dual Guard+
  664. MRSID_王の器: Rightful King
  665. MRSID_バイオリズム・奇数: Odd Rhythm
  666. MRSID_バイオリズム・偶数: Even Rhythm
  667. MRSID_ホットスタート: Quick Burn
  668. MRSID_スロースタート: Slow Burn
  669. MRSID_ラッキー7: Lucky Seven
  670. MRSID_一発屋: Gamble
  671. MRSID_屋外戦闘: Outdoor Fighter
  672. MRSID_屋内戦闘: Indoor Fighter
  673. MRSID_単騎駆け: Tantivy
  674. MRSID_集中: Focus
  675. MRSID_熱い心: Zeal
  676. MRSID_カリスマ: Charm
  677. MRSID_方陣: Solidarity
  678. MRSID_深窓の令嬢: Demoiselle
  679. MRSID_呪い: Hex
  680. MRSID_赤の呪い: Anathema
  681. MRSID_祈り: Miracle
  682. MRSID_強奪: Despoil
  683. MRSID_武器節約: Armsthrift
  684. MRSID_いやしの心: Healtouch
  685. MRSID_リフレッシュ: Relief
  686. MRSID_回復: Renewal
  687. MRSID_運び手: Deliverer
  688. MRSID_守り手: Defender
  689. MRSID_軽業: Acrobat
  690. MRSID_すり抜け: Pass
  691. MRSID_剣の達人: Swordfaire
  692. MRSID_槍の達人: Lancefaire
  693. MRSID_斧の達人: Axefaire
  694. MRSID_弓の達人: Bowfaire
  695. MRSID_魔の達人: Tomefaire
  696. MRSID_踊る: Dance
  697. MRSID_特別な踊り: Special Dance
  698. MRSID_力の叫び: Rally Strength
  699. MRSID_魔力の叫び: Rally Magic
  700. MRSID_技の叫び: Rally Skill
  701. MRSID_速さの叫び: Rally Speed
  702. MRSID_幸運の叫び: Rally Luck
  703. MRSID_守備の叫び: Rally Defense
  704. MRSID_魔防の叫び: Rally Resistance
  705. MRSID_移動の叫び: Rally Movement
  706. MRSID_七色の叫び: Rally Spectrum
  707. MRSID_待ち伏せ: Vantage
  708. MRSID_先の先: Prescience
  709. MRSID_後の先: Patience
  710. MRSID_下剋上: Underdog
  711. MRSID_剣殺し: Swordbreaker
  712. MRSID_槍殺し: Lancebreaker
  713. MRSID_斧殺し: Axebreaker
  714. MRSID_弓殺し: Bowbreaker
  715. MRSID_魔殺し: Tomebreaker
  716. MRSID_竜特効: Wyrmsbane
  717. MRSID_獣特効: Beastbane
  718. MRSID_怒り: Wrath
  719. MRSID_滅殺: Lethality
  720. MRSID_天空: Aether
  721. MRSID_流星: Astra
  722. MRSID_太陽: Sol
  723. MRSID_月光: Luna
  724. MRSID_華炎: Ignis
  725. MRSID_復讐: Vengeance
  726. MRSID_大盾: Pavise
  727. MRSID_聖盾: Aegis
  728. MRSID_カウンター: Counter
  729. MRSID_疾風迅雷: Galeforce
  730. MRSID_生命吸収: Lifetaker
  731. MRSID_覇王: Conquest
  732. MRSID_暗闇の加護: Shadowgift
  733. MRSID_邪竜の鱗: Dragonskin
  734. MRSID_神の器: Rightful God
  735. MRSID_絶対命中: Hawkeye
  736. MRSID_月光+: Luna+
  737. MRSID_待ち伏せ+: Vantage+
  738. MRSID_大盾+: Pavise+
  739. MRSID_聖盾+: Aegis+
  740. MRSID_H_謎: This skill is obtained at the\nOutrealm Gate.
  741. MRSID_H_無し:
  742. MRSID_H_最大HP+5: Grants Max HP +5.
  743. MRSID_H_力+2: Grants Str +2.
  744. MRSID_H_魔力+2: Grants Mag +2.
  745. MRSID_H_技+2: Grants Skill +2.
  746. MRSID_H_速さ+2: Grants Spd +2.
  747. MRSID_H_幸運+4: Grants Lck +4.
  748. MRSID_H_守備+2: Grants Def +2.
  749. MRSID_H_魔防+2: Grants Res +2.
  750. MRSID_H_命中+10: Grants Hit +10.
  751. MRSID_H_命中+20: Grants Hit +20.
  752. MRSID_H_回避+10: Grants Avo +10.
  753. MRSID_H_移動+1: Grants Mov +1.
  754. MRSID_H_鍵開け: Allows the unit to open doors\nand chests without keys.
  755. MRSID_H_戦知識: Grants the unit 50% more EXP\nwhile paired with another unit.
  756. MRSID_H_良成長: Adds 20% to each stat's odds\nof increasing at level up.
  757. MRSID_H_練磨: Doubles the amount of weapon\nexperience the unit receives.
  758. MRSID_H_デュアルサポート+: Increases Dual Support\nbonuses.
  759. MRSID_H_デュアルアタック+: Increases the trigger rate of\nDual Strikes by 10%.
  760. MRSID_H_デュアルガード+: Increases the trigger rate of\nDual Guards by 10%.
  761. MRSID_H_王の器: Increases the trigger rate of\nthe unit's skills by 10%.
  762. MRSID_H_バイオリズム・奇数: Grants Hit/Avo +10 during\nodd-numbered turns.
  763. MRSID_H_バイオリズム・偶数: Grants Hit/Avo +10 during\neven-numbered turns.
  764. MRSID_H_ホットスタート: Grants Hit/Avo +15 at the start\nof battle. Stats gradually revert.
  765. MRSID_H_スロースタート: Increases Hit/Avo by 1 each turn.\nEffects end after 15 turns.
  766. MRSID_H_ラッキー7: Grants Hit/Avo +20 for the first\nseven turns.
  767. MRSID_H_一発屋: Reduces Hit by 5, but grants\nCrit +10.
  768. MRSID_H_屋外戦闘: Grants Hit/Avo +10 while\nfighting outdoors.
  769. MRSID_H_屋内戦闘: Grants Hit/Avo +10 while\nfighting indoors.
  770. MRSID_H_単騎駆け: Grants Hit/Avo +10 when there\nare no allies within three spaces.
  771. MRSID_H_集中: Grants Crit +10 when there are\nno allies within three spaces.
  772. MRSID_H_熱い心: Grants Crit +5.
  773. MRSID_H_カリスマ: Grants Hit/Avo +5 to all allies\nwithin three spaces.
  774. MRSID_H_方陣: Grants Crit/Ddg +10 to all\nadjacent allies.
  775. MRSID_H_深窓の令嬢: Grants Avo/Ddg +10 to all male\nallies within three spaces.
  776. MRSID_H_呪い: Reduces Avo by 15 for all\nadjacent enemies.
  777. MRSID_H_赤の呪い: Reduces Avo/Ddg by 10 for all\nenemies within three spaces.
  778. MRSID_H_祈り: Survive lethal attacks if HP > 1.\nTrigger % = (Lck stat)
  779. MRSID_H_強奪: Get a Bullion (S) if the unit's\ntarget falls. Trigger % = (Lck stat)
  780. MRSID_H_武器節約: Attack without expending a weapon\nuse. Trigger % = (Lck stat × 2)
  781. MRSID_H_いやしの心: Adds 5 HP to the amount recovered\nwhen healing allies with a staff.
  782. MRSID_H_リフレッシュ: Restores 20% HP each turn if\nno units are within three spaces.
  783. MRSID_H_回復: Restores 30% HP at the start\nof each turn.
  784. MRSID_H_運び手: Grants Mov +2 while paired\nwith another unit.
  785. MRSID_H_守り手: Grants +1 to all stats while\npaired with another unit.
  786. MRSID_H_軽業: Treats all accessible terrain as if\nit were a plain, movement-wise.
  787. MRSID_H_すり抜け: Allows the unit to pass through\nspaces occupied by enemies.
  788. MRSID_H_剣の達人: Grants Str +5 if using a sword.\n(Mag +5 if using a Levin Sword)
  789. MRSID_H_槍の達人: Grants Str +5 if using a lance.\n(Mag +5 if using a Shockstick)
  790. MRSID_H_斧の達人: Grants Str +5 if using an axe.\n(Mag +5 if using a Bolt Axe)
  791. MRSID_H_弓の達人: Grants Str +5 if using a bow.
  792. MRSID_H_魔の達人: Grants Mag +5 if using a tome.
  793. MRSID_H_踊る: Use "Dance" to allow an\nadjacent ally to act again.
  794. MRSID_H_特別な踊り: Allies that act again receive\nStr/Mag/Def/Res +2 that turn.
  795. MRSID_H_力の叫び: Use "Rally" to grant Str +4 to units\nwithin three spaces for one turn.
  796. MRSID_H_魔力の叫び: Use "Rally" to grant Mag +4 to units\nwithin three spaces for one turn.
  797. MRSID_H_技の叫び: Use "Rally" to grant Skill +4 to units\nwithin three spaces for one turn.
  798. MRSID_H_速さの叫び: Use "Rally" to grant Spd +4 to units\nwithin three spaces for one turn.
  799. MRSID_H_幸運の叫び: Use "Rally" to grant Lck +8 to units\nwithin three spaces for one turn.
  800. MRSID_H_守備の叫び: Use "Rally" to grant Def +4 to units\nwithin three spaces for one turn.
  801. MRSID_H_魔防の叫び: Use "Rally" to grant Res +4 to units\nwithin three spaces for one turn.
  802. MRSID_H_移動の叫び: Use "Rally" to grant Mov +1 to units\nwithin three spaces for one turn.
  803. MRSID_H_七色の叫び: Use "Rally" to grant +4 to all stats to\nunits within three spaces for one turn.
  804. MRSID_H_待ち伏せ: If HP is half or less, always\nstrike first, even when attacked.
  805. MRSID_H_先の先: Grants Hit/Avo +15 when the\nunit initiates an attack.
  806. MRSID_H_後の先: Grants Hit/Avo +10 when the\nunit is under attack.
  807. MRSID_H_下剋上: Hit/Avo +15 if a foe's level is higher.\n(For adv. classes, add +20 to level.)
  808. MRSID_H_剣殺し: Grants Hit/Avo +50 if the\nenemy is using a sword.
  809. MRSID_H_槍殺し: Grants Hit/Avo +50 if the\nenemy is using a lance.
  810. MRSID_H_斧殺し: Grants Hit/Avo +50 if the\nenemy is using an axe.
  811. MRSID_H_弓殺し: Grants Hit/Avo +50 if the\nenemy is using a bow.
  812. MRSID_H_魔殺し: Grants Hit/Avo +50 if the\nenemy is using a tome.
  813. MRSID_H_竜特効: Allows units in manakete form to\ndeal bonus damage to dragons.
  814. MRSID_H_獣特効: Allows units in taguel form to deal\nbonus damage to beasts/riders.
  815. MRSID_H_怒り: Grants Crit +20 when HP is\nhalf or less.
  816. MRSID_H_滅殺: Fell an enemy in one hit.\nTrigger % = (Skill stat ÷ 4)
  817. MRSID_H_天空: Use Sol and Luna in succession.\nTrigger % = (Skill stat ÷ 2)
  818. MRSID_H_流星: Strike five times at half damage.\nTrigger % = (Skill stat ÷ 2)
  819. MRSID_H_太陽: Absorb HP equal to half damage\ndealt. Trigger % = (Skill stat)
  820. MRSID_H_月光: Halve enemy Def/Res when\nattacking. Trigger % = (Skill stat)
  821. MRSID_H_華炎: Add half Mag or Str to the other\nvalue. Trigger % = (Skill stat)
  822. MRSID_H_復讐: Add half accrued damage to attacks.\nTrigger % = (Skill stat × 2)
  823. MRSID_H_大盾: Halve sword/lance/axe/beaststone/\nblight damage. Trigger % = (Skill stat)
  824. MRSID_H_聖盾: Halve bow/tome/dragonstone\ndamage. Trigger % = (Skill stat)
  825. MRSID_H_カウンター: Damage taken from an adjacent\nenemy is dealt back to that foe.
  826. MRSID_H_疾風迅雷: Allows the unit to act again upon\ndefeating a foe. (Once per turn.)
  827. MRSID_H_生命吸収: When attacking, restores 50%\nHP if the enemy is defeated.
  828. MRSID_H_覇王: Protects from bonus damage\nagainst beasts/riders/armor.
  829. MRSID_H_暗闇の加護: Allows non-dark mages to use\ndark magic.
  830. MRSID_H_邪竜の鱗: Nullifies Lethality and Counter,\nand more than halves damage.
  831. MRSID_H_神の器: Increases the trigger rate of\nthe unit's skills by 30%.
  832. MRSID_H_絶対命中: Ensures every attack hits.
  833. MRSID_H_月光+: Halve enemy Def/Res when\nattacking. Effects do not stack.
  834. MRSID_H_待ち伏せ+: Always strike first, even\nwhen attacked.
  835. MRSID_H_大盾+: Always halve sword/lance/\naxe/beaststone damage.
  836. MRSID_H_聖盾+: Always halve bow/tome/\ndragonstone damage.
  837. MIID_無し: (Unarmed)
  838. MIID_謎: Outrealm Item
  839. MIID_青銅の剣: Bronze Sword
  840. MIID_鉄の剣: Iron Sword
  841. MIID_鋼の剣: Steel Sword
  842. MIID_銀の剣: Silver Sword
  843. MIID_勇者の剣: Brave Sword
  844. MIID_アーマーキラー: Armorslayer
  845. MIID_ドラゴンキラー: Wyrmslayer
  846. MIID_キルソード: Killing Edge
  847. MIID_サンダーソード: Levin Sword
  848. MIID_レイピア: Rapier
  849. MIID_ノーブルレイピア: Noble Rapier
  850. MIID_ミステルトィン: Missiletainn
  851. MIID_太陽: Sol
  852. MIID_アマツ: Amatsu
  853. MIID_封剣ファルシオン: Falchion
  854. MIID_神剣ファルシオン: Exalted Falchion
  855. MIID_裏剣ファルシオン: Parallel Falchion
  856. MIID_メリクル: Mercurius
  857. MIID_ティルフィング: Tyrfing
  858. MIID_ミストルティン: Mystletainn
  859. MIID_バルムンク: Balmung
  860. MIID_ソール・カティ: Sol Katti
  861. MIID_ラグネル: Ragnell
  862. MIID_木の枝: Tree Branch
  863. MIID_いやされる剣: Soothing Sword
  864. MIID_ガラスの剣: Glass Sword
  865. MIID_剣殺しの剣: Superior Edge
  866. MIID_エリウッドの鋼剣: Eliwood's Blade
  867. MIID_ロイの硬剣: Roy's Blade
  868. MIID_アルムの覇剣: Alm's Blade
  869. MIID_リーフの宝剣: Leif's Blade
  870. MIID_エイリークの疾剣: Eirika's Blade
  871. MIID_セリスの神剣: Seliph's Blade
  872. MIID_青銅の槍: Bronze Lance
  873. MIID_鉄の槍: Iron Lance
  874. MIID_鋼の槍: Steel Lance
  875. MIID_銀の槍: Silver Lance
  876. MIID_勇者の槍: Brave Lance
  877. MIID_手槍: Javelin
  878. MIID_ショートスピア: Short Spear
  879. MIID_スレンドスピア: Spear
  880. MIID_ビーストキラー: Beast Killer
  881. MIID_聖なる槍: Blessed Lance
  882. MIID_キラーランス: Killer Lance
  883. MIID_月光: Luna
  884. MIID_グラディウス: Gradivus
  885. MIID_グングニル: Gungnir
  886. MIID_ゲイボルグ: Gáe Bolg
  887. MIID_丸太: Log
  888. MIID_極小の槍: Miniature Lance
  889. MIID_しびれる槍: Shockstick
  890. MIID_ガラスの槍: Glass Lance
  891. MIID_槍殺しの槍: Superior Lance
  892. MIID_シグルドの鋼槍: Sigurd's Lance
  893. MIID_エフラムの勇槍: Ephraim's Lnce
  894. MIID_フィンの守槍: Finn's Lance
  895. MIID_青銅の斧: Bronze Axe
  896. MIID_鉄の斧: Iron Axe
  897. MIID_鋼の斧: Steel Axe
  898. MIID_銀の斧: Silver Axe
  899. MIID_勇者の斧: Brave Axe
  900. MIID_手斧: Hand Axe
  901. MIID_ショートアクス: Short Axe
  902. MIID_トマホーク: Tomahawk
  903. MIID_ハンマー: Hammer
  904. MIID_ボルトアクス: Bolt Axe
  905. MIID_キラーアクス: Killer Axe
  906. MIID_復讐: Vengeance
  907. MIID_ヴォルフベルグ: Wolf Berg
  908. MIID_オートクレール: Hauteclere
  909. MIID_スワンチカ: Helswath
  910. MIID_アルマーズ: Armads
  911. MIID_おたま: Ladle
  912. MIID_極太の斧: Imposing Axe
  913. MIID_空投げ斧: Volant Axe
  914. MIID_ガラスの斧: Glass Axe
  915. MIID_斧殺しの斧: Superior Axe
  916. MIID_ティアマトの赤斧: Titania's Axe
  917. MIID_オーシンの投げ斧: Orsin's Hatchet
  918. MIID_ヘクトルの烈斧: Hector's Axe
  919. MIID_青銅の弓: Bronze Bow
  920. MIID_鉄の弓: Iron Bow
  921. MIID_鋼の弓: Steel Bow
  922. MIID_銀の弓: Silver Bow
  923. MIID_勇者の弓: Brave Bow
  924. MIID_聖なる弓: Blessed Bow
  925. MIID_キラーボウ: Killer Bow
  926. MIID_ロングボウ: Longbow
  927. MIID_流星: Astra
  928. MIID_パルティア: Parthia
  929. MIID_イチイバル: Yewfelle
  930. MIID_ニーズヘッグ: Nidhogg
  931. MIID_バルフレチェ: Double Bow
  932. MIID_ゆるんだ弓: Slack Bow
  933. MIID_極長の弓: Towering Bow
  934. MIID_下剋上の弓: Underdog Bow
  935. MIID_ガラスの弓: Glass Bow
  936. MIID_弓殺しの弓: Superior Bow
  937. MIID_ウォルトの薬弓: Wolt's Bow
  938. MIID_ヒーニアスの的弓: Innes' Bow
  939. MIID_ファイアー: Fire
  940. MIID_エルファイアー: Elfire
  941. MIID_ギガファイアー: Arcfire
  942. MIID_ボルガノン: Bolganone
  943. MIID_ファラフレイム: Valflame
  944. MIID_サンダー: Thunder
  945. MIID_エルサンダー: Elthunder
  946. MIID_ギガサンダー: Arcthunder
  947. MIID_トロン: Thoron
  948. MIID_トールハンマー: Mjölnir
  949. MIID_ウインド: Wind
  950. MIID_エルウインド: Elwind
  951. MIID_ギガウインド: Arcwind
  952. MIID_レクスカリバー: Rexcalibur
  953. MIID_フォルセティ: Forseti
  954. MIID_エクスカリバー: Excalibur
  955. MIID_聖書ナーガ: Book of Naga
  956. MIID_ミィル: Flux
  957. MIID_リザイア: Nosferatu
  958. MIID_ルイン: Ruin
  959. MIID_イル: Waste
  960. MIID_ゲーティア: Goetia
  961. MIID_魔書ギムレー: Grima's Truth
  962. MIID_スライム: Mire
  963. MIID_燃え尽きる炎: Dying Blaze
  964. MIID_ミカヤの神炎: Micaiah's Pyre
  965. MIID_魔殺しの雷: Superior Jolt
  966. MIID_カタリナの雷糸: Katarina's Bolt
  967. MIID_気まぐれな風: Wilderwind
  968. MIID_セリカの疾風: Celica's Gale
  969. MIID_インバースの暗闇: Aversa's Night
  970. MIID_ライブ: Heal
  971. MIID_リライブ: Mend
  972. MIID_リブロー: Physic
  973. MIID_リカバー: Recover
  974. MIID_リザーブ: Fortify
  975. MIID_女神の杖: Goddess Staff
  976. MIID_レスキュー: Rescue
  977. MIID_マジックシールド: Ward
  978. MIID_ハマーン: Hammerne
  979. MIID_肩たたき: Kneader
  980. MIID_薬効ある杖: Balmwood Staff
  981. MIID_リライブロー: Catharsis
  982. MIID_竜石: Dragonstone
  983. MIID_真竜石: Dragonstone+
  984. MIID_獣石: Beaststone
  985. MIID_超獣石: Beaststone+
  986. MIID_腐った爪: Blighted Claws
  987. MIID_腐った長爪: Blighted Talons
  988. MIID_邪竜のブレス: Expiration
  989. MIID_傷薬: Vulnerary
  990. MIID_調合薬: Concoction
  991. MIID_特効薬: Elixir
  992. MIID_聖水: Pure Water
  993. MIID_HPの薬: HP Tonic
  994. MIID_力の薬: Strength Tonic
  995. MIID_魔力の薬: Magic Tonic
  996. MIID_技の薬: Skill Tonic
  997. MIID_速さの薬: Speed Tonic
  998. MIID_幸運の薬: Luck Tonic
  999. MIID_守備の薬: Defense Tonic
  1000. MIID_魔防の薬: Resistance Tonic
  1001. MIID_扉の鍵: Door Key
  1002. MIID_宝の鍵: Chest Key
  1003. MIID_万能鍵: Master Key
  1004. MIID_天使の衣: Seraph Robe
  1005. MIID_力のしずく: Energy Drop
  1006. MIID_精霊の粉: Spirit Dust
  1007. MIID_秘伝の書: Secret Book
  1008. MIID_はやての羽: Speedwing
  1009. MIID_女神の像: Goddess Icon
  1010. MIID_竜の盾: Dracoshield
  1011. MIID_魔よけ: Talisman
  1012. MIID_神竜の涙: Naga's Tear
  1013. MIID_ブーツ: Boots
  1014. MIID_術書: Arms Scroll
  1015. MIID_マスタープルフ: Master Seal
  1016. MIID_セカンドプルフ: Second Seal
  1017. MIID_金塊(小): Bullion (S)
  1018. MIID_金塊(中): Bullion (M)
  1019. MIID_金塊(大): Bullion (L)
  1020. MIID_甘い薬: Sweet Tincture
  1021. MIID_ガイアの高級菓子: Gaius's Confect
  1022. MIID_クリスの手製菓子: Kris's Confect
  1023. MIID_チキの涙: Tiki's Tear
  1024. MIID_絆の種: Seed of Trust
  1025. MIID_禁じられた箱: Reeking Box
  1026. MIID_時空の扉: Rift Door
  1027. MIID_究極の紋章: Supreme Emblem
  1028. MIID_1000G: 1,000 Gold
  1029. MIID_3000G: 3,000 Gold
  1030. MIID_5000G: 5,000 Gold
  1031. MIID_7000G: 7,000 Gold
  1032. MIID_名声?: ? ? ?
  1033. MIID_H_無し:
  1034. MIID_H_謎: Obtained at the Outrealm Gate.
  1035. MIID_H_青銅の剣: Inexpensive, but low in power.
  1036. MIID_H_鉄の剣: Affordable and easy to wield.
  1037. MIID_H_鋼の剣: More powerful than its iron brother.
  1038. MIID_H_銀の剣: Expensive, but extremely powerful.
  1039. MIID_H_勇者の剣: Allows the wielder to strike twice.
  1040. MIID_H_アーマーキラー: Effective against armored units.
  1041. MIID_H_ドラゴンキラー: Effective against dragons.
  1042. MIID_H_キルソード: Increases the likelihood of critical hits.
  1043. MIID_H_サンダーソード: Deals magical damage based on Mag.
  1044. MIID_H_レイピア: Lords only. Slender and regal.
  1045. MIID_H_ノーブルレイピア: Lords only. Sharp and commanding.
  1046. MIID_H_ミステルトィン: Owain only. Skill +1. The apocryphal brand?
  1047. MIID_H_太陽: May absorb HP equal to 1/2 damage dealt.\nTrigger % = (Skill stat)
  1048. MIID_H_アマツ: Myrmidon classes only. Yen'fay's blade.
  1049. MIID_H_封剣ファルシオン: Chrom only. Its power remains sealed.
  1050. MIID_H_神剣ファルシオン: Chrom only. Use this to restore 20 HP.
  1051. MIID_H_裏剣ファルシオン: Marth only. Use this to restore 20 HP.
  1052. MIID_H_メリクル: One of the Three Regalia.\nDevastatingly powerful.
  1053. MIID_H_ティルフィング: Res +5. A timeless weapon.
  1054. MIID_H_ミストルティン: Skill +5. A timeless weapon.
  1055. MIID_H_バルムンク: Spd +5. A timeless weapon.
  1056. MIID_H_ソール・カティ: Myrmidon classes only. Res +5.\nA plainsman's blade.
  1057. MIID_H_ラグネル: Def +5. A timeless weapon.
  1058. MIID_H_木の枝: Weak and ill suited for battle.
  1059. MIID_H_いやされる剣: Restores 10 HP every turn.
  1060. MIID_H_ガラスの剣: Powerful, but quick to break.
  1061. MIID_H_剣殺しの剣: Hit/Avo +50 when the enemy\nhas a sword equipped.
  1062. MIID_H_エリウッドの鋼剣: A heroic weapon.
  1063. MIID_H_ロイの硬剣: A heroic weapon.
  1064. MIID_H_アルムの覇剣: An ancient weapon.
  1065. MIID_H_リーフの宝剣: May yield a Bullion (S) if the wielder's\ntarget falls. Trigger % = (Lck stat)
  1066. MIID_H_エイリークの疾剣: Allows the wielder to strike twice.\nA heroic weapon.
  1067. MIID_H_セリスの神剣: Spd/Res +2. A fabled weapon.
  1068. MIID_H_青銅の槍: Inexpensive, but low in power.
  1069. MIID_H_鉄の槍: Affordable and easy to wield.
  1070. MIID_H_鋼の槍: More powerful than its iron brother.
  1071. MIID_H_銀の槍: Expensive, but extremely powerful.
  1072. MIID_H_勇者の槍: Allows the wielder to strike twice.
  1073. MIID_H_手槍: A weak throwing spear used\nfor indirect attacks.
  1074. MIID_H_ショートスピア: An average throwing spear used\nfor indirect attacks.
  1075. MIID_H_スレンドスピア: A powerful throwing spear used\nfor indirect attacks.
  1076. MIID_H_ビーストキラー: Effective against beasts and riders.
  1077. MIID_H_聖なる槍: Restores 10 HP every turn.
  1078. MIID_H_キラーランス: Increases the likelihood of critical hits.
  1079. MIID_H_月光: May halve enemy Def/Res when attacking.\nTrigger % = (Skill stat)
  1080. MIID_H_グラディウス: One of the Three Regalia.\nUse it to fully restore HP.
  1081. MIID_H_グングニル: Str +5. A timeless weapon.
  1082. MIID_H_ゲイボルグ: Def +5. A timeless weapon.
  1083. MIID_H_丸太: Weak and ill suited for battle.
  1084. MIID_H_極小の槍: An absurdly short lance.
  1085. MIID_H_しびれる槍: Deals magical damage based on Mag.
  1086. MIID_H_ガラスの槍: Powerful, but quick to break.
  1087. MIID_H_槍殺しの槍: Hit/Avo +50 when the enemy\nhas a lance equipped.
  1088. MIID_H_シグルドの鋼槍: A fabled weapon.
  1089. MIID_H_エフラムの勇槍: Str/Spd +2. A heroic weapon.
  1090. MIID_H_フィンの守槍: Lck/Def +2. A fabled weapon.
  1091. MIID_H_青銅の斧: Inexpensive, but low in power.
  1092. MIID_H_鉄の斧: Affordable and easy to wield.
  1093. MIID_H_鋼の斧: More powerful than its iron brother.
  1094. MIID_H_銀の斧: Expensive, but extremely powerful.
  1095. MIID_H_勇者の斧: Allows the wielder to strike twice.
  1096. MIID_H_手斧: A weak throwing axe used\nfor indirect attacks.
  1097. MIID_H_ショートアクス: An average throwing axe used\nfor indirect attacks.
  1098. MIID_H_トマホーク: A powerful throwing axe used\nfor indirect attacks.
  1099. MIID_H_ハンマー: Effective against armored units.
  1100. MIID_H_ボルトアクス: Deals magical damage based on Mag.
  1101. MIID_H_キラーアクス: Increases the likelihood of critical hits.
  1102. MIID_H_復讐: May add half the wielder's accrued damage\nto attacks. Trigger % = (Skill stat × 2)
  1103. MIID_H_ヴォルフベルグ: Walhart only. The Conqueror's greataxe.
  1104. MIID_H_オートクレール: Use this to fully restore HP.\nA timeless weapon.
  1105. MIID_H_スワンチカ: Def +5. A timeless weapon.
  1106. MIID_H_アルマーズ: Def +5. A timeless weapon.
  1107. MIID_H_おたま: Weak and ill suited for battle.
  1108. MIID_H_極太の斧: An absurdly broad axe.
  1109. MIID_H_空投げ斧: Designed to be thrown skyward.
  1110. MIID_H_ガラスの斧: Powerful, but quick to break.
  1111. MIID_H_斧殺しの斧: Hit/Avo +50 when the enemy\nhas an axe equipped.
  1112. MIID_H_ティアマトの赤斧: Hit/Avo +10 when under attack.\nA radiant weapon.
  1113. MIID_H_オーシンの投げ斧: A fabled throwing axe.
  1114. MIID_H_ヘクトルの烈斧: Str/Def +2. A heroic weapon.
  1115. MIID_H_青銅の弓: Inexpensive, but low in power.
  1116. MIID_H_鉄の弓: Affordable and easy to wield.
  1117. MIID_H_鋼の弓: More powerful than its iron brother.
  1118. MIID_H_銀の弓: Expensive, but extremely powerful.
  1119. MIID_H_勇者の弓: Allows the wielder to strike twice.
  1120. MIID_H_聖なる弓: Restores 10 HP every turn.
  1121. MIID_H_キラーボウ: Increases the likelihood of critical hits.
  1122. MIID_H_ロングボウ: Archer classes only.\nAllows for long-range attacks.
  1123. MIID_H_流星: May allow the wielder to strike five times\nat half damage. Trigger % = (Skill stat ÷ 2)
  1124. MIID_H_パルティア: One of the Three Regalia.\nUse it to boost Res.
  1125. MIID_H_イチイバル: Spd +5. A timeless weapon.
  1126. MIID_H_ニーズヘッグ: Lck +10. Also known as the Serpent Bow.
  1127. MIID_H_バルフレチェ: Archer classes only. Str +5.
  1128. MIID_H_ゆるんだ弓: Weak and ill suited for battle.
  1129. MIID_H_極長の弓: Archer classes only. An absurdly tall bow.
  1130. MIID_H_下剋上の弓: Gains power when the\nenemy's level is higher.
  1131. MIID_H_ガラスの弓: Powerful, but quick to break.
  1132. MIID_H_弓殺しの弓: Hit/Avo +50 when the enemy\nhas a bow equipped.
  1133. MIID_H_ウォルトの薬弓: Use this to restore 20 HP.
  1134. MIID_H_ヒーニアスの的弓: A heroic weapon. Rarely misses.
  1135. MIID_H_ファイアー: Standard fire magic.
  1136. MIID_H_エルファイアー: Powerful fire magic.
  1137. MIID_H_ギガファイアー: Extremely powerful fire magic.
  1138. MIID_H_ボルガノン: Devastating fire magic.
  1139. MIID_H_ファラフレイム: Mag +5. Timeless fire magic.
  1140. MIID_H_サンダー: Standard lightning magic.
  1141. MIID_H_エルサンダー: Powerful lightning magic.
  1142. MIID_H_ギガサンダー: Extremely powerful lightning magic.
  1143. MIID_H_トロン: Devastating lightning magic.
  1144. MIID_H_トールハンマー: Skill +5. Timeless lightning magic.
  1145. MIID_H_ウインド: Standard wind magic.
  1146. MIID_H_エルウインド: Powerful wind magic.
  1147. MIID_H_ギガウインド: Extremely powerful wind magic.
  1148. MIID_H_レクスカリバー: Devastating wind magic.
  1149. MIID_H_フォルセティ: Spd +5. Timeless wind magic.
  1150. MIID_H_エクスカリバー: Timeless wind magic.
  1151. MIID_H_聖書ナーガ: Def/Res +5. Timeless magic.
  1152. MIID_H_ミィル: Dark magic.
  1153. MIID_H_リザイア: Dark magic. Absorbs HP equal\nto half the damage dealt.
  1154. MIID_H_ルイン: Dark magic. Increases the\nlikelihood of critical hits.
  1155. MIID_H_イル: Dark magic. Allows the\nwielder to strike twice.
  1156. MIID_H_ゲーティア: Dark magic.
  1157. MIID_H_魔書ギムレー: Dark magic. Channels Grima's power.
  1158. MIID_H_スライム: Dark magic. Allows for long-range attacks.
  1159. MIID_H_燃え尽きる炎: Fire magic. Powerful, but quick to break.
  1160. MIID_H_ミカヤの神炎: Def/Res +2. Radiant fire magic.
  1161. MIID_H_魔殺しの雷: Hit/Avo +50 when the enemy\nhas a tome equipped.
  1162. MIID_H_カタリナの雷糸: Ancient lightning magic.
  1163. MIID_H_気まぐれな風: Wind magic. Increases the\nlikelihood of critical hits.
  1164. MIID_H_セリカの疾風: Ancient wind magic. Allows\nthe wielder to strike twice.
  1165. MIID_H_インバースの暗闇: Dark magic. Absorbs HP equal\nto half the damage dealt.
  1166. MIID_H_ライブ: Restores an adjacent ally's HP.
  1167. MIID_H_リライブ: Greatly restores an adjacent ally's HP.
  1168. MIID_H_リブロー: Restores a distant ally's HP.
  1169. MIID_H_リカバー: Fully restores an adjacent ally's HP.
  1170. MIID_H_リザーブ: Restores the HP of all allies in range.
  1171. MIID_H_女神の杖: Fully restores the HP of all allies in range.
  1172. MIID_H_レスキュー: Moves a distant ally to an adjacent space.
  1173. MIID_H_マジックシールド: Boosts an ally's Res by 5.\nEffect lessens each turn.
  1174. MIID_H_ハマーン: Repairs an adjacent ally's equipment.
  1175. MIID_H_肩たたき: Slightly restores an adjacent ally's HP.
  1176. MIID_H_薬効ある杖: Restores an adjacent ally's HP.\nUse it to heal the wielder.
  1177. MIID_H_リライブロー: Greatly restores a distant ally's HP.
  1178. MIID_H_竜石: Allows a manakete to fight in dragon form.
  1179. MIID_H_真竜石: Allows a manakete to assume\na powerful form.
  1180. MIID_H_獣石: Allows a taguel to fight in beast form.
  1181. MIID_H_超獣石: Allows a taguel to assume\na powerful form.
  1182. MIID_H_腐った爪: A monster's means of attack.
  1183. MIID_H_腐った長爪: A monster's powerful means of attack.
  1184. MIID_H_邪竜のブレス: Grima's shadowy breath.
  1185. MIID_H_傷薬: Restores 10 HP to the user.
  1186. MIID_H_調合薬: Restores 20 HP to the user.
  1187. MIID_H_特効薬: Fully restores the user's HP.
  1188. MIID_H_聖水: Grants Res +5. Effect lessens each turn.
  1189. MIID_H_HPの薬: Grants Max HP +5 for one battle.
  1190. MIID_H_力の薬: Grants Str +2 for one battle.
  1191. MIID_H_魔力の薬: Grants Mag +2 for one battle.
  1192. MIID_H_技の薬: Grants Skill +2 for one battle.
  1193. MIID_H_速さの薬: Grants Spd +2 for one battle.
  1194. MIID_H_幸運の薬: Grants Lck +2 for one battle.
  1195. MIID_H_守備の薬: Grants Def +2 for one battle.
  1196. MIID_H_魔防の薬: Grants Res +2 for one battle.
  1197. MIID_H_扉の鍵: Opens a door.
  1198. MIID_H_宝の鍵: Opens a treasure chest.
  1199. MIID_H_万能鍵: Can open either a door or\na treasure chest.
  1200. MIID_H_天使の衣: Permanently increases Max HP by 5.
  1201. MIID_H_力のしずく: Permanently increases Str by 2.
  1202. MIID_H_精霊の粉: Permanently increases Mag by 2.
  1203. MIID_H_秘伝の書: Permanently increases Skill by 2.
  1204. MIID_H_はやての羽: Permanently increases Spd by 2.
  1205. MIID_H_女神の像: Permanently increases Lck by 2.
  1206. MIID_H_竜の盾: Permanently increases Def by 2.
  1207. MIID_H_魔よけ: Permanently increases Res by 2.
  1208. MIID_H_神竜の涙: Permanently increases Max HP by 5\nand all other stats by 2.
  1209. MIID_H_ブーツ: Permanently increases Mov by 2.
  1210. MIID_H_術書: Raises the weapon level of all\nequippable weapons and staves.
  1211. MIID_H_マスタープルフ: Promotes a base class at LV 10\nto an advanced class.
  1212. MIID_H_セカンドプルフ: Changes a base class at LV 10 (or any\nlevel advanced class) to a new class.
  1213. MIID_H_金塊(小): Fetches 1,000 gold at market.
  1214. MIID_H_金塊(中): Fetches 5,000 gold at market.
  1215. MIID_H_金塊(大): Fetches 10,000 gold at market.
  1216. MIID_H_甘い薬: Restores the user's HP.\nNot very effective.
  1217. MIID_H_ガイアの高級菓子: Grants Str/Skill/Spd +2\nfor one battle.
  1218. MIID_H_クリスの手製菓子: Grants Max HP +5 and Def/Res +2\nfor one battle.
  1219. MIID_H_チキの涙: Grants Max HP +5 and all other\nstats +2 for one battle.
  1220. MIID_H_絆の種: Builds support between two\npaired units (when possible).
  1221. MIID_H_禁じられた箱: Calls Risen to the World Map.\nStrength varies by location.
  1222. MIID_H_時空の扉: Calls a merchant to the World Map.\nWares vary by location.
  1223. MIID_H_究極の紋章: The mark of a hero of the\nhighest renown.
  1224. MIID_H_1000G: 1,000 gold.
  1225. MIID_H_3000G: 3,000 gold.
  1226. MIID_H_5000G: 5,000 gold.
  1227. MIID_H_7000G: 7,000 gold.
  1228. MID_個性_無し: None
  1229. MID_個性_しぶとさ: HP
  1230. MID_個性_力強さ: Strength
  1231. MID_個性_賢さ: Magic
  1232. MID_個性_器用さ: Skill
  1233. MID_個性_素早さ: Speed
  1234. MID_個性_運のよさ: Luck
  1235. MID_個性_我慢強さ: Defense
  1236. MID_個性_心の強さ: Resistance
  1237. MID_H_個性_無し: None
  1238. MID_H_個性_しぶとさ: HP
  1239. MID_H_個性_力強さ: Strength
  1240. MID_H_個性_賢さ: Magic
  1241. MID_H_個性_器用さ: Skill
  1242. MID_H_個性_素早さ: Speed
  1243. MID_H_個性_運のよさ: Luck
  1244. MID_H_個性_我慢強さ: Defense
  1245. MID_H_個性_心の強さ: Resistance
  1246. MTID_移動不可: Obstacle
  1247. MTID_平地: Plain
  1248. MTID_荒野: Waste
  1249. MTID_林: Woods
  1250. MTID_砂漠: Desert
  1251. MTID_砂浜: Beach
  1252. MTID_山: Mountain
  1253. MTID_高山: Peak
  1254. MTID_崖: Cliff
  1255. MTID_空: Sky
  1256. MTID_骨: Bones
  1257. MTID_船: Ship
  1258. MTID_帆: Mast
  1259. MTID_橋: Bridge
  1260. MTID_河: Water
  1261. MTID_海: Sea
  1262. MTID_湖: Lake
  1263. MTID_砦: Fort
  1264. MTID_城門: Gate
  1265. MTID_城: Castle
  1266. MTID_村: Village
  1267. MTID_閉じ村: (Village)
  1268. MTID_廃村: (Village)
  1269. MTID_家: House
  1270. MTID_閉じ家: (House)
  1271. MTID_廃家: (House)
  1272. MTID_低建物: Building
  1273. MTID_建物: Edifice
  1274. MTID_祭壇: Altar
  1275. MTID_瓦礫: Rubble
  1276. MTID_柵: Fence
  1277. MTID_床: Floor
  1278. MTID_階段: Stairs
  1279. MTID_柱: Pillar
  1280. MTID_玉座: Throne
  1281. MTID_低壁: Partition
  1282. MTID_荷物: Supplies
  1283. MTID_石棺: Coffin
  1284. MTID_壁: Wall
  1285. MTID_扉: Door
  1286. MTID_宝箱: Chest
  1287. MTID_壊宝箱: Scrap
  1288. MTID_壊れ床: Hazard
  1289. MTID_溶岩: Lava
  1290. MTID_光の壁: Barrier
  1291. MTID_逆鱗: Ire
  1292. MTID_穴: Sigil
  1293. MTID_背中: Back
  1294. MTID_翼: Wing
  1295. MTID_高台: Hill
  1296. MTID_壊れ壁: Breach
  1297. MTID_墓: Grave
  1298. MTID_泉: Spring
  1299. MBID_無し: None
  1300. MBID_その他: Other
  1301. MBID_イーリス聖王国軍: Halidom of Ylisse
  1302. MBID_フェリア共和国軍: Regna Ferox
  1303. MBID_ペレジア軍: Plegia
  1304. MBID_ヴァルム帝国軍: Empire of Valm
  1305. MBID_ギムレー教軍: Grimleal
  1306. MBID_フェリア反乱軍: Rebels
  1307. MBID_謎の一団: Unknown Foe
  1308. MBID_屍兵: Risen
  1309. MBID_ならずもの: Ruffians
  1310. MBID_村人: Villagers
  1311. MBID_H_無し: None
  1312. MBID_H_その他: Unaffiliated forces.
  1313. MBID_H_イーリス聖王国軍: A peaceful and pious realm\nruled by a kindhearted exalt.
  1314. MBID_H_フェリア共和国軍: A union of war-loving kingdoms\nruled by a jovial khan.
  1315. MBID_H_ペレジア軍: A theocracy that reveres\nthe fell dragon, Grima.
  1316. MBID_H_ヴァルム帝国軍: A militant empire under the\nrule of a ruthless conqueror.
  1317. MBID_H_ギムレー教軍: Fanatics who long for the return\nof the fell dragon, Grima.
  1318. MBID_H_フェリア反乱軍: An army of rebels who resist\nFeroxi rulership.
  1319. MBID_H_謎の一団: An enemy of unknown origin.
  1320. MBID_H_屍兵: A horde of eldritch monsters.
  1321. MBID_H_ならずもの: A band of malevolent\nscoundrels.
  1322. MBID_H_村人: Commoners of this land.
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