
Downgrading with Menuhax 2.2

Nov 8th, 2016
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  1. If you have problems with am:u with browserhax and your firmware is between 9.2 and 10.5 (including 10.5),follow this
  3. Before starting get the homebrew starter zip if you dont have it already. (If you dont have it, Download it and unzip it to the root folder of your sd (
  5. -1. Delete from your 3ds folder in sd root the menuhax_manager folder.
  6. -2 Download menuhax 2.2
  7. -3. Unzip the 3ds folder inside the zip to your sd root and put the sd back in the 3ds.
  8. -3.1.Change the theme in your 3ds (On home menu top right button)
  9. -4. Scan the qr code in this page( to boot hb launcher
  10. -5. Open the menuhax_manager application
  11. -6. Press (A) to install, it may show some errors but that's fine as long as it shows "Install finished successfully" towards the end
  12. - + If you are prompted to "override the detected system version," press (B) to decline
  13. -7. Go back to the main menuhax_manager menu, then select "Configure/check haxx trigger button"
  14. -8. Press (A) to continue, then select "Type1"
  15. -9. Hold (Down) on the D-Pad, then tap the touch screen; this is the recommended button to use for launching menuhax in this guide because it does not interfere with any other functions of tools we will be using
  16. -10. Go back to the main menuhax_manager menu, press (B), then press (Start) to exit back into the Homebrew Launcher
  17. -11. Press the (Start) button then press (A) to reboot
  18. -12. You can now hold D-Pad (Down) while the system is booting to launch the Homebrew Launcher
  19. -13. Continue to using menuhax as your entry point
  21. (Slightly modified plailect's installing menuhax section)
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