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National University of Rwanda "webmail" Hacked By Rwandan Ha

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Jul 8th, 2012
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  1. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  2. National University of Rwanda "webmail" Hacked By Rwandan Hackers
  3. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  6. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  8. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  9. [Bodfinance] Matters arising from the BOD Finance, Planning Development and Social Committee
  10. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  11. MESSAGE:
  12. Next message: [Bodfinance] Matters arising from the BOD Finance, Planning Development and Social Committee
  13. Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
  14. Dear Member,
  16. This is to remind you to update the Secretariat of Organs on the
  17. progress of implementation of the matters arising from the BOD Finance,
  18. Planning Development and Social Committee meeting of 5th March 2012. The
  19. sheet is herewith attached for your reference and updates.
  21. Regards
  22. Christine
  24. Quoting Euphrasie Nyirazikwiye <nzikwiye at>:
  25. > Thank you Dear Aderline for your mail.
  26. > I think that for NUR priorities, it would be better to speed up the
  27. > implementations of the BOD Committee decisions.
  28. > Best wishes.
  29. > Euphrasie
  30. >
  31. >
  32. > DE : OS (O) ORGANS SECRETARIAT <secretariat_organs at>
  33. > À : bodfinance at; RAYMOND NDIKUMANA <rndikumana at>
  34. > CC : SIMEON SEBATUKURA <ssebatukura at>; OS (O) ORGANS
  35. > SECRETARIAT <secretariat_organs at>
  36. > ENVOYé LE : Mercredi 21 mars 2012 1h11
  37. > OBJET : [Bodfinance] Matters arising from the BOD Finance, Planning
  38. > Development and Social Committee
  39. >
  40. > Dear members,
  41. > The attached is the sheet of matters arising from the
  42. > previous meetings of the NUR BOD Finance, Planning Development and
  43. > Social Committee for your inputs/Updates/Follow up/Implementation.
  44. >
  45. > Thank you!
  46. >
  47. > Aderline
  48. >
  49. > --
  50. > Secretariat of NUR Organs
  51. > Email: secretariat_organs at
  52. > Tel: Simeon SEBATUKURA 0788527341 (Director)
  53. >
  54. > ----------------------------------------------------------------
  55. > Disclaimer: The information within this e-mail is
  56. > confidential and is
  57. > intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is
  58. > addressed. If you
  59. > are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should
  60. > be aware that any
  61. > retention, disclosure, copying, or distribution of this
  62. > message, or any
  63. > part of it, is expressly prohibited and may be unlawful. The views
  64. > expressed in this e-mail are not necessarily the views of National
  65. > University of Rwanda, and the University, its directors, officers or
  66. > employees make no representation nor accept any liability
  67. > for its accuracy
  68. > or completeness unless clearly stated to the contrary. Any
  69. > attachments to
  70. > this message have been checked for viruses, but please rely
  71. > on your own
  72. > virus checker and procedures.
  73. >
  74. >
  75. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  76. [Facmed-clinicalpsychology] Thanks for communication progress
  77. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  79. Augustin Nshimiyimana augustin.nshimiyimana at
  80. Tue Mar 6 20:48:19 CAT 2012
  81. Next message: [Facmed-clinicalpsychology] (no subject)
  82. Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
  83. Dear all ,
  84. I take this opportunity to greet everbody and greet all people who have
  85. been involved to help us to improve the ways of communication.
  86. Augustin.
  88. [Post-docs-sida] l'évaluation de votre projet
  90. Hermogène NSENGIMANA hnsengimana à
  91. jeu. 12 janvier 2012 17:11:22 CAT
  92. Message suivant: [Post-docs-sida] l'évaluation de votre projet
  93. Messages triés par: [date] [thread] [objet] [auteur]
  95. Chers collègues,
  96. Comme vous le savez tous, nous sommes en train d'évaluer votre projet ainsi que je voudrais vous demander de remplir ce formulaire, les questions ont été conçus par nos pertners suédois en collaboration avec l'équipe de l'UNR. Pouvez-vous remplir le formulaire ci-joint et le retourner avant le lundi.
  98. S'il vous plaît respecter la date limite.
  100. -
  101. Dr Hermogène Nsengimana
  102. Nationale du Rwanda Universty
  103. Faculté des sciences
  104. Vice-doyen chargé des études de recherche, de conseil et d'études supérieures
  105. et
  106. Directeur adjoint par intérim pour la recherche, NUR
  107. e-mail:
  108. Cellulaire: +250788416745
  110. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  111. [Senate] Invitation to a Joint meeting of Senate & Executive Council, Friday, 8 June 2012 @ 09:00 a.m. in the Auditorium of Medicine
  112. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  114. Dear Sir/Madam,
  116. This is to invite you to an ordinary Joint meeting of the Academic Senate
  117. & Executive Council to take place on FRIDAY, 8TH JUNE 2012 starting
  121. The agenda of the meeting the following:
  123. 1. Adoption of the agenda;
  124. 2. Adoption of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Thursday,
  125. 19th January
  126. 2012 and the extraordinary meeting of 26th April 2012;
  127. 3. Matters arising from the above minutes;
  128. 4. Appeal to allow NUR staff to pay tuition fees by deduction on
  129. salary;
  130. 5. Appealing the intension from the Ministry of Health to phase-out
  131. the training of Clinical Psychologists at NUR;
  132. 6. Report of the taskforce for the PAMI report, and
  133. 7. AOB.
  135. Awaiting to see you all at the meeting.
  137. Regards
  139. --
  140. Secretariat of NUR Organs
  141. Email: secretariat_organs at
  142. Tel: Simeon SEBATUKURA 0788527341 (Director)
  144. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  145. Disclaimer: The information within this e-mail is confidential and is
  146. intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you
  147. are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should be aware that any
  148. retention, disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or any
  149. part of it, is expressly prohibited and may be unlawful. The views
  150. expressed in this e-mail are not necessarily the views of National
  151. University of Rwanda, and the University, its directors, officers or
  152. employees make no representation nor accept any liability for its accuracy
  153. or completeness unless clearly stated to the contrary. Any attachments to
  154. this message have been checked for viruses, but please rely on your own
  155. virus checker and procedures.
  157. [Senate] Invitation to the Senate meeting of Tuesday, 3 April 2012 @ 9:00 a.m. in the Auditorium of Medicine.
  158. This is to acknowledge receipt of the invitation. However, would you please accept my apology of not attending the senate meeting because of being out of the country. In fact, I'll be at the Harvard School of Public Health/Boston for my post-doctoral research from March 31, 2012 to April 29, 2012. Dr. Mukarusanga Ignatiana (message copied) acting as HoD will attend the meeting on behalf of the HoD Clinical Psychology.
  160. Kind regards,
  162. +-+-+-+-+
  163. Dr. Vincent SEZIBERA, PhD, Senior Lecturer
  164. Head, Department Clinical Psychology
  165. National University of Rwanda
  166. B-117 Butare,
  167. Rwanda.
  168. E-mail: vsezibera at
  169. Telephone: +250 (0) 78877 12 89
  173. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  175. Disclaimer: The information within this e-mail is confidential and is
  176. intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you
  177. are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should be aware that any
  178. retention, disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or any
  179. part of it, is expressly prohibited and may be unlawful. The views
  180. expressed in this e-mail are not necessarily the views of National
  181. University of Rwanda, and the University, its directors, officers or
  182. employees make no representation nor accept any liability for its accuracy
  183. or completeness unless clearly stated to the contrary. Any attachments to
  184. this message have been checked for viruses, but please rely on your own
  185. virus checker and procedures.
  187. Le 27 mars 2012 à 10:59, OS (O) ORGANS SECRETARIAT a écrit :
  189. > Dear member,
  190. >
  191. > This is to inform you that the meeting of the Academic Senate that was to be held on Friday, 9th March 2012, but was postponed due to lack of quorum, will take place on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012 at 9:00 a.m. in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine.
  192. >
  193. > Except for ?Matters from ASQC? which is a new point on the agenda, you will bring the working documents you already got for the other items.
  194. >
  195. >
  196. > Regards
  197. >
  198. >
  199. > Emmanuel
  200. >
  201. >
  202. > Secretariat of NUR Organs
  203. > Email: secretariat_organs at
  204. > Tel: Simeon SEBATUKURA 0788527341 (Director)
  205. >
  206. > ----------------------------------------------------------------
  207. > Disclaimer: The information within this e-mail is confidential and is
  208. > intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you
  209. > are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should be aware that any
  210. > retention, disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or any
  211. > part of it, is expressly prohibited and may be unlawful. The views
  212. > expressed in this e-mail are not necessarily the views of National
  213. > University of Rwanda, and the University, its directors, officers or
  214. > employees make no representation nor accept any liability for its accuracy
  215. > or completeness unless clearly stated to the contrary. Any attachments to
  216. > this message have been checked for viruses, but please rely on your own
  217. > virus checker and procedures.
  218. >
  219. > _______________________________________________
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