
Married Life

Dec 27th, 2013
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  1. >Be Anon in Equestria
  2. >Realize Ponies are super stingy about sex, only giving out the poon to their spouses.
  3. >Fuck that, stalk one cute pink one with green hair all day, from the market to her friends' homes, to her own at the end of the day.
  4. >As soon as she opens the door to her house, you rush in and snatch her, pushing both of you inside, you close the door behind you.
  5. >She's screaming and kicking, but the streets were already empty at this hour and no one was near to help her.
  6. >You cover her muzzle and wrap yourself all around her, keeping her from kicking anymore.
  7. >For what seems like half an hour, she struggles, but you can tell she's tired.
  8. "Ssssh, listen to me."
  9. >She stops, breathing heavily under your hand around her mouth.
  10. "Don't fight me anymore, sweety, I've got you. Now I'm going to move my hand and you're going to be a good pony and stay quiet."
  11. >You wait a few seconds, then you release her muzzle; she gasps some breaths in and looks up at you.
  12. >"Hey... You're that weird human, right?"
  13. "That's me."
  14. >"...Why did you grab me?"
  15. >Time to cut to the chase.
  16. "I want you."
  17. >She seems puzzled, looking about her house.
  18. >"You can take whatever you want, just don't hurt me!"
  19. "I want YOU, sweety. Now hold still."
  20. >She still seems puzzled, but does as she's bid.
  21. >You lay her down on her back, she brings her hooves in towards her belly. Her eyes don't leave you, though they show more curiosity than fear. The ponies are trusting, too much for their own good... At least now that a human is among them.
  22. >You lower your face to her neck, feeling her soft fur and green mane brushing against you.
  23. >You smell her, flowers and fruit, scents of beauty and purity. She squeaks at your nose touching down against her neck.
  24. >So pure, so soft, so innocent... It feels bad, wrong.
  25. >You'll take her innocence, you'll rob her of trust and maybe the ability to be intimate.
  26. >These thoughts had hit you all day through your pursuit of her, but now with this delicate form beneath you, they are stronger than before.
  27. >But they are crushed by the raw feverish heat coming from your genitals. Your member throbs and pounds for release, and you've neglected it for too long, giving it more power than ever now that a real opportunity lay vulnerable below you.
  28. >You shudder, and give in to it, and lay kisses on her neck.
  29. >She squeals and pulls away, but your weight is on her, preventing real escape. You hear yourself laughing into her fur, laughing at her vulnerability.
  30. >"Human, s-stop! You're in my PERSONAL SPACE!"
  31. >You pull back and look down at her; she looks annoyed, and is pushing herself up with her front hooves.
  32. >"Kissing is only for special someponies! You can't let yourself into my home and start acting all romantic on me!"
  33. >You reach a hand out and push her back down.
  34. >"...And you seem nice and all, but you're not really my type."
  35. >She tries to rise again, but you push her again. Now she looks a little more frightened.
  36. >"....B-because... You're not... A pony?"
  37. >You're breathing heavy, you're glaring down at her like a piece of meat, she'll try to run if you don't act, you know that.
  38. >No more wasting time. You pull down your pants and underwear and expose yourself with one swipe. She cranes her head to look at what you've presented to her, then she looks back up at you, as innocent as ever with wide saucer eyes, searching for any possible reason for your actions other than the obvious: the absolute worst.
  39. >You grab her hind hooves and spread her legs apart. Her cute pink slit is visible, untouched. She begins to panic. You spit on your hand and rub the saliva over your cock.
  40. >"Wait, NO! W-what are you doing?! STOP!"
  41. >Hooves still in hand, you pull her closer to your member. She gazes fearfully at it like it's a monster.
  42. >"You CAN'T! T-that's only for MARRIAGE!"
  43. >You fall down on her, landing on your elbows and burying your hands in her mane. You stare directly into her eyes.
  44. "No more."
  45. >She whimpers in response. Her eyes water.
  46. >You press yourself against her slit. She whimpers again and closes her eyes. That won't do.
  47. "Open your eyes."
  48. >She sniffles and tries to move her head.
  49. "Look at me."
  50. >This time she obeys, and opens her wet eyes to you again. Now it can begin.
  51. >You press again against her lips, and you feel her embrace wrapping around your head. It's warm, wet, inviting as any you'd had on Earth(lol)
  52. >Her eyes widen even more, and she gasps, emptying her lungs. Her breath hits your face, hot, but fresh, flowery and fruity like the rest of her. At this moment, she's perfect to you.
  53. >Her mouth is wide open, and you can't help yourself. You go forward and shove your tongue into her mouth; she squeaks and struggles a bit, but quickly relents, letting out a moan into your mouth. You don't know for sure, but your crazed mind tells you it's lust.
  54. >You push deeper, and another moan comes out. And deeper still, and another moan accompanies it.
  55. >You push even more, going so far, touching her in places never before felt, claiming her, being her first.
  56. >You hilt, and she whines. You pull your head back from her mouth, leaving a strand of saliva between you both. She sighs and closes her eyes. You'll let her get away with it now.
  57. >You start sliding in and out, slowly, gently.
  58. >Her breath picks up, her exhaling being the only sound other than your own and the sound of your hips patting against her pelvis.
  59. >You're heating up, her fur is catching the sweat dripping down off of you; she's glistening, her beauty is enhanced by your sweat, and the tears in her eyes.
  60. >There's no sense left in you; no bashfulness or concern for her.
  61. >You drag your tongue across her cheek. She moans aloud, and your tempo picks up.
  62. >You growl and bite her neck; she squeals and shouts some words that you don't even register.
  63. >Harder, and harder, and faster.
  64. >You pound yourself against her, hearing her yelps and cries and bring yourself closer to the edge.
  65. >It builds like a candlelight to an inferno, screaming to get out, demanding to enter her.
  66. >You look at her face again; her cheeks are red, her eyes are half open and looking off into space, her mouth is wide open, letting out hot breath.
  67. >You're there, you can't hold it back any longer and you thrust hard into her, tensing every muscle as your pent-up seed rushes into her, releasing all the lust, all the frustration, and all the stress from what felt like a lifetime without sex.
  68. >You huff and puff, laying on top of her; she pants and lets out small moans, quivers and relaxes herself completely.
  69. >Now you feel it. The guilt. The undeniable truth that what you did was incredibly, unforgivably wrong.
  70. >You get off of her, still feeling the tingling from an explosive orgasm, but it doesn't matter.
  71. "Jesus... Fuck, what the fuck did I just do?"
  72. >She's watching you, her mouth still agape, her eyes still spaced out.
  73. "Oh man... Oh man oh man, look... I-this, I'm really sorry...."
  74. >She's not trembling or crying or anything, just sitting there, watching you stumble over apologies... Apologizing for raping her, such a stupid creature!
  75. >She saw your face, many times, and even if she didn't, who else has hands in this town and wears clothes like you?
  76. "Fuck I'm fucking... No wait, just look, I'm seriously so sorry! I just... Fuck."
  77. >Now it's you who's crying. Everyone will know, there's no escaping this. Not unless you... No, you're not killing her. You've done enough.
  78. "Stupid stupid STUPID! What the FUCK were you thinking!?"
  79. >Run.
  80. >Do this now.
  81. >You make for the door. But a voice from below stops you.
  82. >"Human... Where are you going?"
  83. "I dunno- I mean, look... I know it doesn't mean anything, but I'm really REALLY fucking sorry... Shit, man!"
  84. >She doesn't say anything, just sticks out her front hooves toward you.
  85. >She wants... Up?
  86. >You approach her hesitantly, and wrap your arms around her. She does the same with her hooves, gripping around your neck and just under your arms with her hind legs.
  87. >You bring her up, keeping her at eye level; she kisses you on the nose and smiles.
  88. >"Well... You're not exactly my type... But wow, that was so romantic!"
  89. >Wut
  90. >"I mean, you're so in love with me that you didn't even BOTHER with all the courtship, you just TOOK me!"
  91. "Well... I dunno about love, I mean... I was really lonely, and I really needed to fuck... I mean, not like that's an excuse, but..."
  92. >She places a hoof on your lips.
  93. >"Well human, you don't have to be lonely anymore, we're ENGAGED!"
  94. >Aaw shit.
  96. >"Since you... Y'know... Inside of me?"
  97. >Her cheeks turn pinker than the rest of her, so cute.
  98. >"You claimed me, and now I'm yours!"
  99. "Huh..."
  100. >She giggles at your ignorance.
  101. >"...And you're mine of course! I've always wanted to get married. Just wait until my friends hear about what we did!"
  102. "Well... I mean, you don't have to tell them EVERYTHING."
  103. >"I'll tell them what I like. Now take me upstairs and we can clean each other, and then I'll make dinner and we can discuss the WEDDING!"
  104. >This is all too much for one night... But a bath sounds good.
  105. "D-don't you think this is moving a bit...."
  106. >Hold that thought, rapist. You were lonely, you were frustrated, and now you have company and guiltless sex on the horizon....
  107. "Where's your bathtub?"
  108. >She points to a staircase, she's really got a nice house.
  109. >"That way! Let's go!"
  110. >You shrug and place a kiss on her cheek.
  111. "Okay, fiance."
  112. >'Oh, um... What's your name?"
  113. "Anon, you?"
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