Guest User


a guest
Feb 21st, 2014
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text 1.53 KB | None | 0 0
  1. factions:
  2. enable: false
  3. format: '[%tag]'
  4. format-no-faction: ''
  5. no-faction-tag: No faction#Text to display instead of faction tag
  6. no-faction-name: No faction#Text to display instead of faction tag
  7. no-title: No title#Text to display instead of faction tag
  8. display-empty: true#If sender is not in faction this will cause to hide this.
  9. format-self: $7[<tip="Click here to show faction info"><ref="/f f %tag">$a%tag$7</ref></tip>]
  10. format-enemy: $7[<tip="Click here to show faction info"><ref="/f f %tag">$c%tag$7</ref></tip>]
  11. format-ally: $7[<tip="Click here to show faction info"><ref="/f f %tag">$6%tag$7</ref></tip>]
  12. format-neutral: $7[<tip="Click here to show faction info"><ref="/f f %tag">$f%tag$7</ref></tip>]
  13. spprefix:
  14. enable: false
  15. format: $c[%tag]
  16. spsuffix:
  17. enable: false
  18. format: '[%tag]'
  19. prefix:
  20. enable: true
  21. format: '%tag'
  22. suffix:
  23. enable: false
  24. format: '[%tag]'
  25. simpleclans:
  26. enable: false
  27. format: '[<tip="%name">%tag</tip>]'
  28. format-no-clan: '[<tip="Click here to join clan><prompt="forgot cmd">%tag</ref></tip>]'
  29. format-ally: '[%tag]'
  30. format-enemy: '[%tag]'
  31. no-clan-tag: No clan
  32. no-clan-name: This player don't have any clan
  33. display-empty: true
  34. multiverse:
  35. enable: true
  36. format: '%name'
  37. time:
  38. enable: true
  39. format: $9[%H:%i]
  40. player:
  41. format: $f<tip="$aClick here to send message"><prompt="/msg %name ">%name</prompt></tip>
  42. format-op: $f<tip="$aClick here to tp"><ref="/tp %name">%name</ref></tip>
  43. format-self: $f<tip="$aYup, it's you">%name</tip>
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