
Younganon fifth day

May 11th, 2012
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  1. >Arrangements were made the next day as you and AJ left for school to move you into Big Mac’s room.
  2. >Not that you were gonna complain. You’re all for hangin out with your bro, and the idea for making it a bunk bed enticed you to agree.
  3. >”Well, hello Anon, Applejack. How are you two this morning?”
  4. >For all your earlier excitement, the answer was written on your faces.
  5. “Dead.”
  6. >”Well that’s no good, didn’t sleep well last night?”
  7. >”Nnnope.”
  8. >Well at least your morning is shaping up, Thunderjerk isn’t in class yet, and it’s nearly time to start.
  9. >You take your seats, and you realize once more that you have not yet gotten a backpack.
  10. >Swell. You’ve got at least one more day to do so before Cheerilee drops her dreaded weekend homework on you to get you up to speed on the remaining subjects.
  11. >You aren’t going to be caught dead walking to Sweet Apple Acres holding the pages and books by hand!
  12. >Class begins on a simple enough note, just you AJ and Rarity being there.
  13. >”…and so we see that the function of X is the same as the Y value in all cases, making this set of ordered pairs true…”
  14. >Maths and graphs, man. Cheerilee claims it’s pre-algebra, as though you know what it means. In any case, you make steady progress through the day of mundane subjects until…
  15. >”…which is when Equestria’s borders were finalized between Princess Celestia and the Gryphon King Harkinian, separating Equestria from Gryphonia without war. Now the two major countries just trade goods across the oceans, in a peaceful exchange.”
  16. >Woah hoh hoh, you keep eating all these facts you’re gonna get a wicked bad headache.
  17. >Quiet, brain! I’m listening to cool stuff that wasn’t in the books!
  18. >You doodle a quick little thing of Celestia magicking a scroll next to a gryphon. The Gryphon itself looks more like a bird/cat hybrid, but redrawing the claws is too hard to bother redoing.
  19. >”And so your homework for today will be a diorama of any event from the Gryphon border dispute.”
  20. >…score!
  21. “Can I turn this in right now, then?”
  22. >Being the only dude with fingers around, you were sure this was going to be a nice easy night of rest, considering how quickly you did it.
  23. >Well, you were doodling, but that’s beside the point.
  24. >”Hmmm, well, this is pretty nice, Anonymous, but it’s no diorama. Take this back home and color it, maybe add a background. Who know, it might be your special talent!”
  25. >So close.
  26. >You peek over at Rarity’s desk, as she had been scribbling on the paper with a pencil since Cheerilee announced the assignment.
  27. >Maybe you’ll see how handmade drawings compare to magic.
  28. >…
  29. >Dresses.
  30. >Hundreds of dresses of all sizes, and all with the same theme: Celestia’s mane.
  31. >An easily recognizable mane, considering she was the first p0ny you met.
  32. “Why are you drawing dresses?” Really, you wanted to ask how she did it so well, as if you were going to out and admit that she’s a better artist.
  33. >”Well the whole thing has me excited! What dress should go well with the princess’ meeting with Harkinian? It simply MUST be regal and defined, yet authoritative and flowing! I can’t figure out how to match the…”
  34. >You tune that nonsense out.
  35. >AJ is scribbling away with a pencil in her mouth. You had since accepted that earth ponies, while able to hold a myriad of things with their hooves, could not draw with them. So what?
  36. >From your proper vantage point, you peer at your peer’s paper with impunity.
  37. >You think you might have to ‘p’ now.
  38. >Her paper is stick figures of a pony with a sun behind them and a gryphon shaking claws/hooves.
  39. >Well that makes you feel better about your drawing.
  40. >After class you rush back to Sweet Apple Acres to ask Granny Smith for a backpack.
  41. “Granny Smith?”
  42. >…how are you supposed to do this again?
  43. >Uh yeah well I want a backpack, gimme gimme.
  44. >No.
  45. >In a way Granny Smith was just like your grandma too, from pancakes to apple pies and personality too. You respected her, and so asking for something was hard.
  46. >”Hey ther, junior, wher’s yer knapsack?”
  47. >Hah. Excellent timing.
  48. “I don’t have one.”
  49. >”Oh, izzat a fact? Hmmmm, well ah s’pose that yer father woulda let you have his, it’s in the closet of the room yer in, after all.”
  50. “Wait, the one ah was in yesterday or the one ah’ll be in tonight?”
  51. >”Well we just moved everythin, now didn’t we? So it’s in yer and Big Mac’s room, a course.”
  52. >Well there goes that potential question and conversation. OH! There is one more thing to say…
  53. “Granny Smith, y’know how Applejack and Big Mac are getting paid for working?”
  54. >”Yes indeed, junior. Ah’m the one paying, after all!”
  55. “Do ah get an allowance for working too?”
  56. >”Nope.”
  57. >Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
  58. >”You get paid fer yer work, it ain’t an allowance if ye’ve earned it fair an square with hard work. Speakin of, go do yer homework and get out to tha fields ta help Big Mac. Ah’ll see to it ya get some bits fer yer effort over the last few days.”
  59. >This mare. This glorious green grandma.
  60. >You grab a few crayons from Applejack, who was already working on her diorama next to Applebloom, who was sleeping soundly.
  61. >Her picture is still the same, and she’s drawing on another piece of paper now.
  62. >Huh.
  63. >You fix up the picture and redraw the claw so it is holding the paper instead, effectively hiding all but the ‘thumb’ of Harkinian’s claw.
  64. >Perfect.
  65. >After filling in the colors on Celestia, you realize that you have no idea what color a gryphon’s butt side is, aside from that their front half was a different color and feathers.
  66. >Brown sounds like a good color…but you go for goldenrod instead.
  67. “Harkinian, the gryphon king of the golden butt!”
  68. >Laughter comes from Applejack in the next room over, followed by crying.
  69. >Applejack comes up to you, still chuckling.
  70. >”Now, Anon, heh, that ain’t no way to give that golden goose a title!”
  71. “…ah was thinking out loud, wasn’t ah?”
  72. >”Eyyup! Well that was good fer a laugh, but now ah gotta take care of Applebloom.”
  73. >You sheepishly try to keep your mouth shut while you finish your coloring.
  74. >After that mess, you head outside, opting to be shirtless the whole time, this time. It had gotten uncomfortable during class, so you were eager to get out of it; you just forgot to take it off when you got back home.
  75. >Applejack had come outside to help too, but was only able to stick around for an hour before Granny Smith needed help with Applebloom again.
  76. >A few hours of labor later, you and Big Mac head back inside for dinner.
  77. >When the day was done, you got to sleep top-bunk with Big Mac in the bottom bed, the both of you excited for this arrangement.
  78. “Ah never got to sleep in a bunk bed aside from when ah was at a friend’s house, it’s so cool being up off the ground!”
  79. >”Ah hear ya, Anon, while ah prefer bein’ down here, where it’s safe, ah know how exciting it is in th’ air.”
  80. “Did you fly?”
  81. >”Well no, but ah got to run the cider treadmill last year, and we had to use a spare tread, which meant ah was runnin about a good two meters above the ground!”
  82. >…uh oh. It was beginning to get clearer on why math was hard.
  83. “Big Mac…how big is a meter?”
  84. >”Well it’s about 10 decimeters high, all in all around 20 decimeters up.”
  85. “Big Mac, ah hate to have to ask you again, how big is a decimeter?”
  86. >He groans.
  87. >”What was the units you used back on Earth?”
  88. >”Centimeters to inches to feet to yards and miles.”
  89. >”Well ah recognize inches, miles and centimeters. A centimeter is 10 decimeters, so when ah was on the tread, it was 200 centimeters up.”
  90. >You do the math in your head.
  91. >2.54 centimeters to an inch, 12 inches to a foot, three feet to a yard…
  92. >200 x 2.54 = 508 inches up…that’s a lot of inches. 42 feet? That can’t be right…
  93. “Ah can’t figure it out.”
  94. >”It was around 80 inches hagh.”
  95. >That’s still pretty big. That clocks out at around 6 feet! Most ponies you’ve seen aren’t as big as Big Mac, but he’s still smaller than that tread.
  96. “Wow. Didja fall?”
  97. >”In fact ah did, ah was caught, though and didn’t get hurt.”
  98. >All this math is making you sleepy.
  99. >You drift off, mumbling:
  100. “Gnight, Mac…”
  101. >”G’naght Anon.”
  102. >…
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