
Lottery - en.yml (For version 2.6.1 and older)

Oct 3rd, 2016
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  1. nameOfPlugin: "&6[Lottery]"
  3. noPermissions: "&cYou don't have a permissions!"
  4. consoleError: "&cYou must be a player!"
  5. wrongUsageCommand: "&cWrong using command!"
  6. noNumber: "&cArgument must be as number!"
  7. badAmount: "&cThis amount of tickets is not possible to buy!"
  8. maxTicketsReached: "&cYou reached maximum count of bought tickets!"
  9. badNumber: "&cYou can't buy 0 tickets!"
  10. enoughMoney: "&cYou don't have sufficient money for buying of tickets!"
  11. enoughMoneyAddToPot: "&cYou don't have sufficient money to add it into pot!"
  12. noDraw: "&cNo draw at this moment!"
  13. noStats: "&cNo stats!"
  14. statsDisabled: "&cStats aren't enabled at this moment!"
  15. statsNoStats: "&cNo stats..."
  16. lackOfPlayers: "&cLack of players to draw of lottery! Players will get embedded money back."
  17. uselesslyEvaluateLottery: "&cUselessly evaluation of lottery! Draw is in less than 5 seconds!"
  19. adminEvaluateLottery: "&eAdmin {player} want to evaluate lottery, now!"
  20. allBoughtTickets: "&eNumber of bought tickets in current lottery: &3{sumOfTickets}"
  21. playersBoughtTickets: "&eNumber of your bought tickets in current lottery: &3{sumOfTickets}"
  22. winnerCongratulation: "&eCongratulation to player &3{player} &efor win in lottery!\nPlayer &3{player} &ewon &3{amountMoney}{currencyChar}&e and bought &3{amount} &e{ticketWord}&e!"
  23. winnerStats: "&e{involvedWord} &3{amountPlayers} {playerWord}&e. Number of bought tickets: &3{amount}"
  24. winnerServer: "&eIn this draw won &3{server} {amountMoney}{currencyChar}&e and had &3{amount} &e{ticketWord}&e! In next draw you can win more!"
  25. winnerServerName: "Server"
  26. adminAddedToPot: "&eYou added &3{amountMoney}{currencyChar} &einto pot!"
  28. boughtTickets: "&eYou bought &3{amount} &e{ticketWord} for &3{amountMoney}{currencyChar}&e!"
  29. broadCastBoughtTickets: "&ePlayer &3{player} &ebought &3{amount} &e{ticketWord} for &3{amountMoney}{currencyChar}&e!"
  30. broadcastInfoDrawIn: "&eDraw in: &3{parsedTime}"
  31. broadcastAutoStart: "&aAutomatic start of lottery!"
  32. broadcastInfoPotAndCMD: "&eNow, in pot is &3{inPot}{currencyChar}&e! If you didn't buy tickets, so &3/lottery buy <1-{maxTickets}>&e!"
  33. infoJoinDrawIn: "&eDraw in: &3{parsedTime}"
  34. infoJoinBuyTickets: "&eBuy a tickets! &3/lottery buy <1-{maxTickets}>"
  35. andWord: "and"
  36. configReloaded: "&aAll files reloaded!"
  38. lastTenWinners: "&6{position}. &7{date} &3{player} &ewon &3{amountMoney}{currencyChar}"
  39. topTenWinners: "&6{position}. &3{player} &ewon in total &3{amountMoney}{currencyChar}"
  40. statHeader: "&7=*=*=*=*=&3[&e{statName}&3]&7=*=*=*=*="
  42. statNameLastTen: "Last winners"
  43. statNameTopTen: "Top winners"
  44. statNameOwn: "Your stats"
  46. statsBoughtTickets: "&eNumber of bought tickets: &3{sum}"
  47. statsWins: "&eNumber of won lotteries: &3{sum}"
  48. statsAmountOfWonMoney: "&eAmount of won money: &3{sum}{currencyChar}"
  50. oneTicket: "Ticket"
  51. upToFourTickets: "Tickets"
  52. othersTickets: "Tickets"
  54. oneSecond: "Second"
  55. upToFourSeconds: "Seconds"
  56. othersSeconds: "Seconds"
  58. oneMinute: "Minute"
  59. upToFourMinutes: "Minutes"
  60. othersMinutes: "Minutes"
  62. oneHour: "Hour"
  63. upToFourHours: "Hours"
  64. othersHours: "Hours"
  66. oneInvolved: "Involved"
  67. upToFourInvolved: "Involved"
  68. othersInvolved: "Involved"
  70. onePlayer: "Player"
  71. upToFourPlayers: "Players"
  72. othersPlayers: "Players"
  74. GUIName: "&1&lLottery"
  75. itemInfo: "&3&lInformations"
  76. itemTicket: "&3&lPurchase"
  77. itemTopTen: "&3&lTop winners"
  78. itemLastTen: "&3&lLast winners"
  79. itemOwnStats: "&3&lStats"
  81. itemInfoLoreOn:
  82.   - "&eDraw in: &3{parsedTime}"
  83.   - "&eNow, in pot is &3{inPot}{currencyChar}&e!"
  84.   - "&eNumber of bought tickets in current lottery: &3{sumOfAllTickets}"
  85.   - "&eNumber of your bought tickets in current lottery: &3{sumOfYourTickets}"
  86. itemInfoLoreOff:
  87.  - "&cNo draw at this moment!"
  88.   - "&eYou must buy a tickets to start lottery! &3/lottery buy <1-{maxTickets}>"
  89.   - "&eLast winner of lottery &3{player} &ewon &3{amountMoney}{currencyChar}&e!"
  90. itemTicketLore:
  91.   - "&2&lLeft click &e- &aPurchase of 1 &eTicket!"
  92.   - "&2&lRight click &e- &aPurchase of {maxTickets} &e{ticketWord}!"
  93. itemTopTenLore: "&2{position}. &e{player} &3- &e{amountMoney}{currencyChar}"
  94. itemLastTenLore: "&2{position}. &7{date} &e{player} &3- &e{amountMoney}{currencyChar}"
  95. itemOwnStatsLore:
  96.   - "&eNumber of bought tickets: &3{boughtTickets}"
  97.   - "&eNumber of won lotteries: &3{wins}"
  98.   - "&eAmount of won money: &3{amountOfMoney}{currencyChar}"
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