
Sephy the Alpha bitch?

Oct 31st, 2017
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  1. Covet: Tae was sitting in a booth, she had a small plate of fries sitting in front of her while she flipped through an article she had pulled up on her phone.
  2. Tsaaq: Persephone strolled into the cafe with her hand on her hip. She pulled off her sunglasses, and gave a pouty look at her phone. She caught a peek at the back of Tae's head and snuck up behind her. "Hi." She said in a eeriely happy tone.
  3. Covet: Hearing Persephone's voice she did her best not to visually cringe. She turned around and gave her a smile, that could almost be considered friendly, "Hey Persephone, How is it going?"
  4. Tsaaq: "It's fine. I'm bored." She huffed. "So. I heard you and my brother... Canoodling." Persephone pursed her lips. "Very unlady like but I suppose." She shrugged.
  5. Covet: "Oh.. yeah, well I never claimed to be much of a lady." She said with an awkward shrug of her shoulders, "Well you did predict it was going to happen, so...Maybe you're psychic?" Tae said with a raise of her eyebrows as she popped a fry into her mouth, "Can I get you something to eat?"
  6. Tsaaq: She curled her lip in disgust then went to sit across from her. "No. I don't eat. I mean, I do.tBut I gained a lot of weight when I stopped starving myself so I have to pace myself." Persephone explained. "Anyways... I have a proposition for you."
  7. Covet: "Uh huh," Tae said shaking her head, then she took a drink of her soda as she looked over at her conspicuously, "What kind of proposition?"
  8. Tsaaq: "Okay maybe a salad... And a slice of cake. And a diet coke. if you insist." Persephone tucked her hair behind her ear. "Well... I spoke with Drew and he told me to be kinder and gentler with you. So I figured perhaps I can take you under my wing and maybe become a mentor of sorts to you." Persephone grinned.
  9. Covet: "Done." Tae said flagging down a waitress, giving her the order as she listened to Persephone. She was skeptical at first, blinking as she sat up straighter, "And just what exactly does that entail?" Tae asked, crossing her arms.
  10. Tsaaq: Persephone crossed her legs carefully. "That means, I help with your wardrobe. Teach you how to be a lady. Just tips and tricks of life." She shrugged. "How horrible can it be... Bliss was supposed to be taking my advice but she's never been very good at listening to me. Maybe you'll do better?"
  11. Covet: "I didn't realize there was anything wrong with my wardrobe, But thank you for making that point known." She said as she ate another fry, "And what do you get out of this, exactly?" She said, trying not to laugh at the listening to her part, because she doesn't listen to her family, why would she listen to Persephone.
  12. Tsaaq: "I don't know. Sometimes I feel like there's no good reason to let a person with some much potential suffer." Persephone answered. "Call it kindness. Call it the bleeding heart I've inherited by being a Maverick but call yourself lucky." She smiled mischeviously.
  13. Smokeless: Dori sighed some pulling up to the cafe. She was really going to need some strong coffee tonight. Between work and school she had alot on her plate. She grabbed her bag and the stack of papers she had to rearrange for work making her way inside the cafe. She looked around to see if she could find a comfy booth to sit in.-
  14. Covet: "Gee, Sephy.. I didn't think you were that kind of a person." She said almost flatly, but she turned it up because like Drew said, Just sate her and she'd leave them alone. "I guess I must be lucky, I'm sure there's a lot you can teach me." Tae smiled in a fake polite way, eyeing the girl that walked in.
  15. Tsaaq: "Yes, there is." Persephone began to say. "First of all... We'll get you a lovely pearl necklace." She said. "And maybe something can be done about your hair... If I bother my grandmother enough we can get you some plastic surgery done. Anything is on the table." Persephone offered. "How far have you and Drew gone, don't spare the gorey details he's my brother-" She clapped her hands loudly when Tae looked over to the girl who came in. "Pay attention!"
  16. Smokeless: Dori sat the paper work on the counter and slid into a chair at the counter."coffe the strongest you have please." She smiled and she heard a clap and it caused her hand to shake a little and her head jerked to the side to see what the sound was just to see the the two girs talking and just forced a smile on her face She turned an grabbed a sketch book out of her bag and started to sketch instantly like Ms.Cooper had instructed her.-
  17. Covet: "Uh.. Isn't plastic surgery a little much?" She asked as she looked at her hair, "What's wrong with my hair?" Tae said slightly offended, then blushed brightly at her personal question about her and Drew, getting quiet as she looked around them "That's... Kind of private. Regardless if he is your brother." She shuddered then looked at her, "I don't even want to think about what my brother does."
  18. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes and went to adjust her furry sweater. "Oh please." She scoffed. "Choose a color." Persephone scoffed.
  19. Tsaaq: ((fuuuck nooo.))
  20. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes and went to adjust her furry sweater. "Oh please." She scoffed. "Choose a color." Persephone scoffed. "And plastic surgery is only a little much if you go overboard. I like to get botox every so often." She explained. "No need to be shy. I'll share first. I'm still a virgin, except my back door. Your turn." She smiled.
  21. Smokeless: [I just chokedo n my oreo]
  22. Smokeless: Dori smiled as her coffee was brought her."Thank you" she smiled and spread out some of the papers after finishing her sketch. She started to organize the paperwork and look over a few design. She heard the girls in the booth and tried to ignore it.-
  23. Smokeless: [[there is a police officer at my door imma have to go im sorry guys.]
  24. Covet: Tae frowned, and ate another fry, "I like these colors." She mumbled, and gave a sigh, "Maybe just a little bit, nothing extreme." Tae told her then tilted her head to the side, "Are we still talking about Drew right now?" She said, nearly choking on her french fry.
  25. Tsaaq: Persephone rolled her eyes. "I suppose." She pursed her lips. Her eyebrows rose as she stared across at Tae. "We're talking about what you've done with Drew. Yes." She answered. "He's my brother." Sephy scrunched up her nose.
  26. Covet: "But why would you chime in with your own... confession?" She asked then shook her head, "Nevermind, I'm not a virgin, in either door... as of last night, I guess." She said quietly as she ate another french fry, looking over across to Persephone, "That stays between us."
  27. Tsaaq: ((I CHIME IN.))
  28. Tsaaq: "So you wouldn't feel like I'm just trying to get information out of you!" Persephone answered exasperatedly. "See? That's bad. I bet Drew coaxed you into anal." She rolled her eyes. "That's no way to control him."
  29. Covet: "Oh" she started,"He didn't really have to coax that hard." Tae said as she looked down at her food, "I didn't realize that was the objective... to control him. I thought we were just having fun."
  30. Tsaaq: Persephone began to pout. "Uh, isn't that the endgame for all relationships?" She asked. "It is fun to control him. And that's bad. You can't so easily give it up."
  31. Covet: "I thought it was to enjoy another person's company, personality... those sort of things, Getting them to do things was just a bonus." She said with a laugh, then tilted her head, "Isn't it a little late for that at this point?"
  32. Tsaaq: A blank expression came across her visage. "Oh no no no." She shook her head. "It's all a power struggle. And it actually is the perfect time because he already knows the wiles of your genitalia making it easier to control him."
  33. Covet: "Oh, Okay... What could it hurt?" She said figuring she'd play along, at the very least her and Drew would get a laugh out of it later. "Here's my number, feel free to send me a message and we can I guess, meet up or something?"
  34. Tsaaq: "Cool. Next we can talk about the people you talk to. Who to keep and who to cut out." Sephy smirked. "Okay, great chat. I think this is going places." She went to put Tae's number in her phone.
  35. Covet: "Uh... Alright." Tae said, because that totally wasn't happening. "I should get home, I told my parents I'd be back at a decent time tonight."
  36. Tsaaq: Persephone rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just go." She grumbled, sounding disappointed in hearing the mention of parents. Period. "Night. Get home safe." She told her with a fake smile.
  37. Covet: [This is going to be terribly hilarious.]
  38. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo.))
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