
Red Versus Blue (Writefag Romp) Day 1

Jun 25th, 2012
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  1. >You take deep breath.
  2. >You adjust your helmet, and bite your lip.
  3. >Then you close the visor.
  4. >You look down to your hands, which are armored to the very joint.
  5. >The thin breast plate rings when you knock on it.
  6. >Classic mix of ceramics and what people called ‘plastic’.
  7. >But this was no usual bendy straws, no sirrie.
  8. >It was tough enough to block a shot, but light enough for you to jump around.
  9. >For one, you were no super soldier.
  10. >You clutch onto your standard issue Twilight Firmware rifle, its purple surface reflecting the dim lights of the dropship.
  11. >Pilot:”Touching down, ten minutes.”
  12. >Anon1:”About fucking time.”
  13. >He’s wearing the same standard issue armor, but he was holding a different rifle.
  14. >A closer look reveals its origins.
  15. >LunaCorp.
  16. >He had the middle-range rifle, the most common of its kind.
  17. >The rifle had a navy blue spray, small glitters dressing its sleek surface.
  18. >On its body, you could notice the silver linings gilding it.
  19. >Anon1:”The fuck you looking at?”
  20. >You point at the gun.
  21. ”LunaCorp?”
  22. >He smiles.
  23. >A1:”Hell yeah.”
  24. >Then you notice the blue cloth piece tied to his arm.
  25. >Blue?
  26. >You look at your own arm, and see the red sash.
  27. >Different colors?
  28. >P:”Anon, your stop is here.”
  29. >The two of you stand.
  30. “Me?”
  31. >P:”The one with the blue cloth.”
  32. >The door slides down, forming a ramp for the other soldier to jump out.
  33. >He silently jumps out, only to be greeted by other soldiers like him.
  34. >You swore you heard someone shout ‘party’.
  35. >You clutch onto your rifle.
  36. >It was a very simple design, only made for the sake of efficiency.
  37. >It wasn’t exactly ugly, but skeletal.
  38. >It only had armor on the important parts.
  39. >That corporation really has a ‘No bullshit’ rule.
  40. >At least this rifle let you watch the inner workings of the mechanism.
  41. >P:”Your stop.”
  42. >The ramp lowers, and you jump out.
  43. >Then you hear a shot fired.
  44. >Lulz:”Suck on that, fuckers!”
  45. >The soldier laughs.
  46. >???:”Ow!”
  47. >A distant cry echoes the valley.
  48. >He squints his eyes, and looks far off.
  49. >Lulz:”SORRY!”
  50. >He waves.
  51. >You step out, as the ship leaves.
  52. >The base was more of a bunker, few covers here and there.
  53. >There was a hole right on top for anyone to jump in.
  54. >The hole led to the base floor, and you could see the Red flag inside, waving about.
  55. >How is that even possible?
  56. >They don’t even-
  57. >Lulz:”Hey!” Someone taps your back.
  58. >From the shadows of his hood, you can’t make out any facial expressions.
  59. >You’re guessing he’s happy.
  60. >Lulz:”Sup?” he asks, holding out a hand.
  61. >Why is he wearing a red bandana?
  62. >Techy:”HEY!” Another sniper chimes in, tapping your other shoulder.
  63. >What is this, hugbox?
  64. >He’s holding a pure white rifle, embroidered with golden markings.
  66. >It was quite a beauty of a rifle, and it looked expensive as hell.
  67. >Lulz:”Techy, is this the new recruit we’re getting today?”
  68. >Techy:”Looks like it, Lulz, why don’t we ask the boss?”
  69. >The duo leads the way, going down the ramp on the side of the base.
  70. >This ‘Lulz’ guy is ignoring his helmet.
  71. >He has the standard gas mask on, and only a hood.
  73. >How will he survive concussions to the head?
  74. >He barely has armor.
  75. >And with that bandana.
  76. >He has a sniper rifle strapped to his back, looks like this is LunaCorp as well.
  77. >At least Techy over here have some decency to wear a helmet.
  78. >And then, you hear mad laughing.
  79. >Another of them, you think.
  80. >He’s holding a large flame-thrower, chasing a chicken.
  81. >His dark armor has flames painted on it.
  82. >Lulz:”That’s Rune.” One of the two points.
  83. >’Rune’ kicks down the small animal, and unleashes hell.
  84. >You hear the wheezing noise of fire going off, enveloping the chicken.
  85. >He cackles, before examining his work.
  86. >He then takes off his helmet, and takes a sip of water.
  87. >Wait, that’s no water.
  88. >That’s vodka.
  89. >He then pours the rest of the content over the burning chicken, and goes in for round two.
  90. >He then turns to you and smile, giving thumbs up.
  91. >Rune:”Dinner is served.”
  92. >Wuten:”GODDAMMIT, RUNE!”
  93. >Another soldier comes out of the base.
  94. >He’s holding a plate of pasta.
  95. >Wuten:”How is *that* going to go with this?”
  96. >He points at the carcass of the chicken.
  97. >Rune simply shrugs.
  98. >Rune:”I added alcohol to make it taste better.”
  99. >Then the chicken let out a dying cock.
  100. >Everyone jumps.
  101. >Pretty much everyone:”HOLY SHIT KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE”
  102. >Rune grins and lets out another torrent of flames.
  103. >The soldier then drops his pasta and runs to the chicken, and kicks it away.
  104. >It flies to the background.
  105. >Everyone wipes tears and salute the flying chicken.
  106. >You are dumbstruck.
  107. “What. The. FUUUUUUUUUU”
  109. >Pale slapped his helmet.
  110. >He even prepared a party and all.
  111. >Not again, Gadget.
  112. >Pale:“gajit, pls.”
  113. >Gadget:”Fak you pell, I do what I want.”
  114. >He then proceeded to flash the newbie.
  115. >Not with his hairy man-nipples, but with his weapon.
  116. >He had Magic-Trix’-magic weapon, which was more of an over-powered flashlight with tazers.
  117. >Just like its creator, all show- no game.
  118. >Then Gadget shot the tazer at the newbie.
  119. >Pale:“Gadget, NO!”
  120. >The new guy shook rapidly, before his muscles started to spasm.
  121. >Pale also smelled urine and fecal matters.
  122. >Bracing himself, he put on his helmet.
  123. >He then poked the guy with a stick.
  124. >Pale:“Buddy, you alright?”
  125. >Overlord came along, cleaning his Apple-family shotgun.
  126. >Overlord:”Hey guys, what do we- HOLY SHIT”
  127. >Gadget flashed the guy one more time.
  128. >Pale slapped Gadget’s helmet, and poked him again.
  129. >Overlord:”What the hell is that?”
  130. >Overlord aimed his weapon at the twitching mess of a human.
  131. >The three stared the guy down.
  132. >Overlord:”Why did he lose his shit?”
  133. >Pale:“Who, Gadget, or the newbie?”
  134. >Overlord:”Both.”
  135. >Then the guy gurgled, and moved his arm.
  136. >The three screamed in unison, and jumped backwards.
  137. >Overlord fired his weapon to the guy, in shock.
  138. >Gadget:”That was a fucking zombie!”
  139. >Pale:“What.”
  140. >Overlord:”DIE ZOMBIE.”
  141. >Overlord fired more shots to the dead man.
  142. >Pale sighed.
  143. >Why couldn’t he have picked the Red team?
  144. >He drags the body to the massive pile far away.
  145. >He then takes out a list and crosses a name.
  146. >That was the fifth this week.
  147. >This just can’t get any-
  148. >He felt a sharp pain on his leg.
  149. >Lulz:”Suck on that, fuckers!”
  150. >Pale:“Ow!”
  151. >He clutches his leg.
  153. >Lulz:”SORRY.”
  154. >Damn those Reds.
  156. >Somewhere in the base, Scooter wakes up in sweat.
  157. >He rubs his temples, and stares at his gloves.
  158. >Another chicken…
  159. >He grabbed his weapon, a looked it over.
  160. >No, it wasn’t a chicken.
  161. >The orange rifle was pretty much standard design, expect it had a tube where people could feed items and fire it.
  162. >Yes, it was a gimmick.
  163. >The tube wasn’t even big, it could only fit an-
  164. >Egg.
  165. >That’s where the joke came along.
  166. >It was, in all actualities, Twilight’s rifle, just repainted, and given a useless addition.
  167. >Brainhorn was already up, putting on the armor.
  168. >Brainhorn:”Another one, Scoots?”
  169. >Scooter:”Y-yeah.”
  170. >Brainhorn:”I don’t even-“
  171. >A charred carcass of a chicken flies through the hold on the ceiling, lands on Scooter’s lap.
  172. >Scooter jumps and screams like a girl.
  173. >Brainhorn turns around, and screams too.
  175. >Scooter:”God, this is good.”
  176. >Scooter bites into the leg.
  177. >Brainhorn:”It’s well done, no blood at all.”
  178. >Brainhorn takes a bite.
  180. ~Day 1
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