
Haha nice

May 15th, 2016
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  1. Musakii has joined the chat
  2. AshlaSnow: Elloooooooooo
  3. AshlaSnow has changed the room to: Titantic Revisited
  4. Musakii: >.> why are you gonna break a heart
  5. Musakii: if someone falls in love with you
  6. Musakii: >.> you were owned
  7. Musakii: and had a family??
  8. AshlaSnow: i got bored
  9. Musakii: so you got bored
  10. AshlaSnow: yeahhhhh this is what i do i warned you
  11. Musakii: >.> and you decide to break shit off
  12. Musakii: Ashla we talked this out
  13. Musakii: you can't just decide to break your collar and move on?
  14. Musakii: >>.>
  15. Musakii: I told you not to fucking joke
  16. AshlaSnow: yes i can
  17. Musakii: you wanted a Master who fucking cares
  18. Musakii: noo
  19. AshlaSnow: i just did
  20. Musakii: >.>
  21. Musakii: -.-"
  22. Musakii: ugh you know what il block
  23. Musakii: cause
  24. AshlaSnow: okz
  25. Musakii: you cant fucking care
  26. Musakii: for once
  27. AshlaSnow: i really dont this is me
  28. Musakii: you just fucking go a had not considering someones feelings
  29. Musakii: -.-"
  30. Musakii: ~smacks her across her face.~
  31. AshlaSnow: mhmmm cool story brah
  32. Musakii: Brah my ass
  33. Musakii: fuck off
  34. AshlaSnow: you wanted have an incest daughter
  35. Musakii has left the chat
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