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Lady Gabriele

a guest
Sep 18th, 2013
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  1. Name: Lady Gabriele
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Race: Griffon
  4. Class: Spiritualist
  5. Age: 23
  6. Hits/Wounds: 5/5
  8. Skills:
  9. -Griffon Flight: Griffons can fly, and have a +1 bonus to divebomb attacks from high altitude. This is about as taxing as running at full speed.
  10. -Bounce: passive; takeoff is instant and automatic
  12. -Cursed Seal: Turns a living enemy into an walking corpse. For all intents and purposes this target now counts as Undead and a corpse. This effect ends if someone removes the seal from their body.
  14. -Control: Spell, attempts to take control of a hostile or neutral undead. More powerful undead may require a higher minimum roll. Also used to take control of a larger undead at recharge 2.
  16. -Corpse Explosion: spell, ranged; explodes a dead creature’s corpse, dealing damage to all nearby enemies on success. +1 to crit range per target corpse’s power level (10+ crits on Weak, 9+ on Medium, 8+ on Strong etc). Exploded corpses cannot be resurrected, raised or communed with. Target reanimates as a hostile on crit fail.
  19. Talent: Obey... ; +1 to necromancer spells
  20. Inventory:
  21. Whip (Catalyst)
  22. Jailor's uniform + cap
  24. Appearance:
  25. A shapely griffon female with black fur on her lion-half and grey feathers on her eagle head and wings. She carries a whip around her waist on a tight belt at all times, as well as a crisp, green uniform and matching cap signifying her position as a jailor.
  27. Background:
  29. Gabriele hails from the norther Griffon kingdom of Mr’uthgar, where she makes her living as a jailor, charged with keeping the troublesome, the reprobates, and the menaces of her people's dominion locked safely away from the rest of their perfect kingdom. She is sadistic and delights in intimidating the inmates at the prison, but is very much aware of how difficult it can be to keep them in line. To this end, she has mastered a powerful curse that she places on those she finds particularly wild, using her magical whip (affectionately nicknamed Eva, though she doesn't make that public knowledge) to create a seal, resembling a sharply angled eagle claw print, that guarantees their compliance either through forceful control or threat of death by detonation of the mark.
  31. She believes that peace and prosperity can only be achieved through a thorough and complete domination, when all opposition no longer has the will to fight, and eagerly awaits the day that the griffons will descend from on high the mountains above and lay claim to the rest of Accorsia.
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