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Oct 7th, 2014
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  2. [00:58] <Ari-tent> Xonotic has stupidly good things that almost no one knows about
  3. [00:59] <Ari-tent> i think that what we need to do is make sharing easy
  4. [01:01] <Ari-tent> Xonotic media gallery needs an update
  5. [01:01] <Ari-tent> and the videos posted on the video gallery too
  6. [01:02] <DeadDred> I personally like that you can modify the servers so much and come out with some weird game play.
  7. [01:02] <Ari-tent> i know, we have had really stupid matches at your server and in esk in the past
  8. [01:03] <Ari-tent> i still laugh at this one
  9. [01:03] <Ari-tent> i still laugh at this one
  10. [01:03] <DeadDred> If we could get a few maps for invasion we could also have some get away from normal game play servers. I had my Mofo's Fun House up but took it down. need more maps
  11. [01:04] <Mario> the cheats used to be awesome, clones are broken now...
  12. [01:04] <DeadDred> lol that one is awesome and would make a killer video to show off
  13. [01:04] <Ari-tent> yep
  14. [01:05] <DeadDred> Man I wish I had the demo of 27 players on Mini Man no doors on the Freeze Mofo server. Fucking icicles everywhere lol
  15. [01:05] <Ari-tent> i have a demo of a 15 vs 15 team deathmatch to 400 points
  16. [01:05] <DeadDred> nice
  17. [01:05] <Ari-tent> still not converted
  18. [01:06] <DeadDred> I'll set up the Invasion server and do a demo with the Rocket Arena map
  19. [01:06] <Ari-tent> that's why i think we need to do sharing easy
  20. [01:06] <Ari-tent> i had that demo for i think half a year now xD
  21. [01:06] <Mario> shooting flying monsters...
  22. [01:06] <Ari-tent> but i really dread converting it
  23. [01:07] <DeadDred> I still need to finish the Mini Man room invassion where the zombies run at you and hit jump pads and fly at you. If you don't kill them in time they teleport next to you
  24. [01:07] <DeadDred> Was suppose to be like Duck Hunt thingy
  25. [01:07] <Ari-tent> i can't remember how many webs i have abbandonned because i forgot to maintain them
  26. [01:07] <Ari-tent> i think that also happened to xonotic media xD
  27. [01:08] <Ari-tent> 3 years since last update
  28. [01:08] <Ari-tent> if we can automate that, i guess we should get a lot more players and devs
  29. [01:09] <Ari-tent> i have a video or 2 on invasion
  30. [01:09] <Ari-tent> i think from when i was testing skybowl
  31. [01:10] <Ari-tent> 6 months old, but still cool
  32. [01:10] <DeadDred> Well then the website should be a portal so people can submit content. And if say 10 people vote on it it gets added to the galleries/demo/etc...
  33. [01:10] <DeadDred> but the system would need something like drupal BUT that would still be lots of work
  34. [01:11] <Ari-tent> Yep, fuck drupal
  35. [01:11] <DeadDred> Hmm if when we get the video intro done we could start with excisting videos and ask the creators to add the intro to the videos and add them to the new channel
  36. [01:12] <DeadDred> No way Drupal rocks :P
  37. [01:12] <DeadDred> It makes me feel like I can program just by selecting check boxes and configuring modules lol
  38. [01:12] <Ari-tent> It rocks once you are frinends with it
  39. [01:13] <Ari-tent> i have another half post done on the xonotic forum about that
  40. [01:15] <Ari-tent> I think we all here can agree that Xonotic has a really awesome and impressive things, also some really awesome dev's and fun things
  41. [01:15] <Ari-tent> But in general it's really hard to find them
  42. [01:15] <-- Yarukinasu ha dejado este servidor (EOF from client).
  43. [01:15] <Mario> indeed
  44. [01:16] <Mario> wikis are useless
  45. [01:16] <Ari-tent> Yep, fuck wikis
  46. [01:16] <Ari-tent> What we need is short, consise ways to showing the cool things
  47. [01:17] *** XonGizmo es conocido ahora como Xonvar.
  48. [01:17] <DeadDred> well there's Media Goblin but then that would require a push to promote the system
  49. [01:19] <Ari-tent> Well as i see the problem, we have a lot of smart people here but that are unwilling to do repetitive boring tasks
  50. [01:19] <Ari-tent> Kind of the opposite problem as a standard venture
  51. [01:19] <DeadDred> well that's the problem. Turning the site into user contributed content would require someone to set it up on a CMS that can hadle multi users
  52. [01:20] <DeadDred> which could take some time
  53. [01:20] <Ari-tent> and since no one here is getting paid, we need to frame the problem in a smart way
  54. [01:20] <DeadDred> Basically we have ideas but with out someone doing a part of it they're kinda half ass
  55. [01:21] <Ari-tent> how can we make that fun and challenging?
  56. [01:22] <Ari-tent> Well i think that for now i can setup a xonotic in a vps for now to convert demos
  57. [01:24] --> Yarukinasu se ha unido a este canal (
  58. [01:24] <Ari-tent> submitting demos i bet is easily done with some shell commands that call the demo to the nexuiz recorder
  59. [01:25] <Ari-tent> submitting the demos could be done by a webpage, some standard contact form
  60. [01:26] <Ari-tent> when the video is converted, we could use the contact template with an php email to youtube or something
  61. [01:27] <Ari-tent> after the video is uploaded instead of submiting it right away
  62. [01:27] <Ari-tent> we could set it to be programmed
  63. [01:28] <Ari-tent> and that's the only part that i see that needs human supervision
  64. [01:29] <Ari-tent> it gets posted, lets say in the weekend
  65. [01:29] <Ari-tent> and after that, if that gets enough likes or whatever that gets posted on the web
  66. [01:30] <Ari-tent> sounds like a challenguing task, that needs only to be done once
  67. [01:31] <Ari-tent> we could avoid the multiuser part by sending directly to the web with an automatic trigger
  68. [01:31] <Ari-tent> That could be abused of course, but honestly, no one is going to do that xD
  69. [01:32] <Ari-tent> and if someone is doing that xonotic got enough players to care
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