
Cold Bodies, Warm Hearts (ch5)

Sep 2nd, 2018
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  3. This is the final part! What would it be without... more drama??
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  7. ----------
  9. Part 5.
  11. The next morning felt familiar when Weiss opened her eyes. She found Penny cuddled up in her arms, listening to her pulse, and she found herself unwilling to move.
  13. She placed gentle kisses on the girl's temples, caressing her hair and the healing wound on the back of her head before her hands trailed down to the girl's back and up again.
  15. As she did so, Weiss inhaled several deep, experimental breaths, making sure there was no pain as her ribcage expanded. Her exhales were less shaky than they had been yesterday, and her skin wasn't wet with perspiration anymore. Relief washed over her as she hugged Penny closer.
  17. An aimless whisper found its way up.
  19. "I love you."
  21. . . .
  23. Penny sighed contently.
  25. Weiss' heartbeat was smooth and rhythmic in her ears, her arms wrapped comfortably around her. Weiss breathed deeply and Penny could tell she was much better than yesterday.
  27. Perhaps she could just lie here a while longer; no one would question them showing up a little late after being sick.
  29. Penny couldn't help but smile as Weiss whispered out her affection. Penny hummed contently whispering back.
  31. "I love you, too."
  33. . . .
  35. Despite the fact that she hadn't eaten much yesterday, Weiss didn't feel hungry at all, and so she didn't particularly care if she missed breakfast this morning. She could sense Penny was awake and nestled her closer, releasing another sigh.
  37. After a few moments of trailing slow kisses over the girl's cheeks, Weiss rolled over onto her back, pulling Penny on top of her as she often did.
  39. "Good morning," she whispered before pulling her down into a long kiss.
  41. Weiss breathed into her, not concerned about passing her cold onto Penny, as she could not get sick.
  43. There was no urgency in the air as they continued to share lazy kisses, and Weiss closed her eyes again as she melted into each one.
  45. "I love you…" she sighed. Perhaps her sickness was making her a bit sentimental, because she babbled on. "When I'm with you… it feels like there are no wasted heartbeats anymore. Every single one means something if you're there to share it."
  47. . . .
  49. Penny smiled as Weiss pulled her on top. She was about to return Weiss' 'good morning' but she was silenced as Weiss pulled her down into a kiss, and then another, and another, and then Penny lost count.
  51. She focused on Weiss, returning every kiss and savoring every moment.
  53. Penny couldn't think of another time she had seen Weiss display this much emotion, love or otherwise. Maybe it was from the fever - Penny wouldn't complain. She grinned lazily at Weiss' lovey babbling.
  55. "When I'm with you it feels like I have a heart to beat!" She pressed her forehead to Weiss'. "And if I make you feel like that, then that's good enough for me."
  57. . . .
  59. Weiss chuckled softly before pulling Penny back down to her chest. "Remember what I said a while ago? My heart belongs to you. It's all yours, Penny… But I'm so happy I can make you feel that way, too."
  61. She held her there, letting her listen again, as having Penny hear her heartbeat no longer embarrassed her but rather made the heiress feel complete. Her pulse jumped a bit due to the strong emotions coursing through her, but it was a good kind of speed. It made her feel alive.
  63. She lost track of time, closing her eyes again, and she may even have dozed off at one point or another.
  65. But before she could become too lazy and stay in bed all day, there came a loud growl from her stomach. That really made her heart go faster, and she buried her face into Penny's hair bashfully.
  67. "I… I guess we should get up now…"
  69. . . .
  71. Penny smiled, settling into her place listening to Weiss' heart beat for her. She smiled as it went a little faster, making up for the heart Penny did not have.
  73. Penny simply lay there, completely content to just while away the time with Weiss. A loud grumbling suddenly filled her ears, followed by Weiss burying her face in Penny's hair. Penny giggled. "Well, you didn't eat anything yesterday. Come to think of it, neither did I…"
  75. . . .
  77. "You're right. If we don't keep up with our nutrition, we're both going to face consequences sooner or later. Come on, then."
  79. She sat up slowly, keeping Penny in her lap as she did so. Weiss parted her jaws in a wide yawn before running her hands through her frazzled hair, then through Penny's bouncy curls. She kissed her one more time before letting the girl slide off of her.
  81. "Let's get changed and head to breakfast. And perhaps another walk in the garden could do us some good."
  83. . . .
  85. Penny climbed off the bed, stretching her arms over her head as she headed for the door to go to her room to change.
  87. "Roger! Food and then a walk through the gardens! Sounds nice." She smiled over her shoulder.
  89. Walking one door down to her own room, she went about getting changed and straightening herself out in preparation for the day ahead, humming pleasantly to herself as she did.
  91. . . .
  93. Weiss watched her go before she went to her drawers and picked a simple outfit to change into. Her father had yet to hire a new tutor for her, and so Weiss would not have lessons again today, or until a new teacher was called in, so she allowed herself to dress informally.
  95. She freshened up and met with Penny again in the hallway, and together they headed to breakfast.
  97. It took Weiss a little while to eat, but she went slowly, letting her body adjust. Penny's gentle encouragement did wonders for her all the while.
  99. They headed to the gardens afterward, walking slowly, enjoying the scenery when they finally sat down on their usual bench. Weiss pulled Penny into her lap and pecked her cheeks with soft kisses. Her eyes flicked briefly to the flowers around them before she sighed.
  101. "It's going to start getting cold soon, so we should come out here as often as we can before the flowers start dying."
  103. . . .
  105. Breakfast when slowly with Weiss being careful not to gorge herself and upset her stomach, which was good. Leaving shortly after to walk the gardens in the pleasant weather, they found themselves at their usual bench. Penny nodded, humming in approval.
  107. "We should come out here after it snows, too! I love seeing the garden covered in the fresh snow!" She beamed as she cupped Weiss' cheek fondly.
  109. . . .
  111. "Oooh, a very good call!" Weiss agreed. "I love the snow as well. It's beautiful. And the cold isn't so bad if you've got someone there to keep you warm." She kissed Penny's lips.
  113. They relaxed for a while, napping in one another's arms, sharing gentle kisses and soft murmurs as the hours went on.
  115. Only when the sun started to sink over the garden's walls did they have to slowly stretch and get the feeling back in their legs before standing and heading back inside.
  117. Weiss' father and sister were relieved to see her eating again, and Weiss managed to finish almost all of her supper before she found herself back in her room in her sleepwear with Penny at her side, reading over the pages of the heiress' book with her.
  119. Weiss looked up briefly, sliding a hand up to the girl's shoulder.
  121. "How's your injury? Is there any pain left?"
  123. . . .
  125. Penny smiled, nuzzling into the side of Weiss' neck, murmuring her answer into her hair.
  127. "Sensational! I can't even tell it's there anymore. What about you? How are you feeling?" Penny returned, placing soft kisses on Weiss' cheek.
  129. . . .
  131. Weiss hummed happily at Penny's reply.
  133. "That's good. As for me, I'm doing rather… sensational myself, I suppose," she chuckled. "No fevers, no pain, no headaches. But…" She paused for a moment to yawn into her elbow. "I am still a bit tired after everything."
  135. She closed her book and put it aside before guiding Penny into her lap again and sliding down beneath the blankets. She adjusted the covers, pulling them up over the two of them, hiding them from the rest of the world as the heiress kissed her fully.
  137. When she pulled away, she gave the girl a mischievous look. "Or maybe I am still sick, and the only way to cure it is kissing."
  139. . . .
  141. Penny nodded happily in hearing Weiss was feeling better, if a bit tired. She allowed Weiss to pull her down and wrap them together in the soft warm blankets of the bed separating them from the rest of the world as Weiss leaned in and kissed her. Penny smirked devilishly.
  143. "Of course! Treatment must be applied thoroughly and often!" She leaned in, capturing the heiress' delicate lips with her own again.
  145. . . .
  147. Weiss hummed against her, feeling the vibrations strong in her own chest. She locked her arms behind Penny's neck and held the kiss for as long as possible. Her years of practicing singing worked in her favor now, and she was able to hold her breath for quite some time to enjoy the feeling.
  149. When she finally pulled away, she went limp on her back, gasping deeply as she allowed her lungs to expand again. She smiled up at the other girl and feigned innocence.
  151. "I'm not sure if I'm better yet. What's the diagnosis?"
  153. . . .
  155. It was only due to Penny being an android that she was able to hold her breath for as long as Weiss, savoring the intimacy. When Weiss finally pulled away and rolled breathlessly onto her back, Penny practically collapsed into her side, breathing deeply into the heiress' snow-white hair.
  157. Penny laughed breathlessly. "I think you'll make a full recovery!" She placed a kiss on the girl's cheek. "Eventually…" she grinned.
  159. . . .
  161. Weiss was satisfied with the response.
  163. "That's good." She smiled as another kiss was placed upon her cheek.
  165. She then moved the blankets down a bit so they could breathe fresher air. Weiss opened her arms and pulled Penny in, putting them in their usual positions for sleeping.
  167. Though she hadn't done much today, yesterday's sickness had worn her out, and the heiress was finding it hard to keep her eyes open for much longer. She yawned again, exhaling a sigh into Penny's hair.
  169. "I don't think I can last…" she mumbled, closing her eyes. "Hopefully tomorrow… I'll be a bit more lively…"
  171. . . .
  173. Penny hummed again as she was shifted atop Weiss into their normal positions, Weiss' heartbeat filling her ears with its warm love.
  175. A soft breath rustled her hair as Weiss yawned, still tired from yesterday, Penny guessed. Weiss' breathing calmed as she relaxed.
  177. "Good. Rest. I'll be here when you wake up, for a lively day or another lazy day! I'll be right here with you."
  179. Weiss drifted off, and Penny dozed off quickly behind her.
  181. A few days later found Weiss fully recuperated, and once she was entirely better, her father began searching for new tutors again. And after many more background checks than usual, one woman was finally hired.
  183. For the first few lessons, Weiss' father stayed in the room himself as a precaution, but Weiss could tell this woman was no threat to anyone - she was merely a teacher.
  185. Weiss enjoyed her lectures, and she held well-educated discussions with her new teacher. Penny would join in at times as well.
  187. Presently, her lessons for the day had just ended, and Weiss dipped her head in farewell as her teacher made for the exit.
  189. "Another great lesson," Weiss commented to Penny as the two of them stood. "I think I'd like to stretch my legs a bit, though."
  191. . . .
  193. The new teacher had been checked and double checked by Mr. Schnee, and he had sat in the room for the first several occasions.
  195. But none of it could match Penny's own vigil. She sat directly next to Weiss wearing a stony expression that promised a swift end to any ulterior motives, should they arise.
  197. While the teacher may have been decidedly uncomfortable for the first few lessons, she had understood, and with nothing to hide Penny had quickly warmed to her.
  199. "I quite enjoyed it as well." She replied standing with Weiss. "Shall we head to the gardens then?" She already knew the answer.
  201. . . .
  203. "Perfect. After all, this will be one of the last warm days of the season. The flowers will start to wilt soon, so we'd best enjoy them while we can." She entwined her fingers with Penny's and together they made for the back door.
  205. The air outside was warm, but the breeze was cool, a sign that summer would be drawing to an end soon. In the colder months, Weiss' father would try to keep her indoors more, though the heiress often persuaded him to allow her out every few days regardless. She loved the snow, and she couldn't wait to see and feel and taste it again this year; it was a welcome temporary replacement as the flowers rested.
  207. They made it to the gardens and took to their usual bench. Weiss pulled Penny close to her side, but just before she could close her eyes and start to relax, a voice sounded from the mansion.
  209. "Father?" Weiss murmured. "Is he calling for you?" she wondered, nudging the ginger-haired girl.
  211. . . .
  213. Just as Penny was about to relax into Weiss' side, she heard Mr. Schnee call her name across the gardens. Wincing slightly from the interruption, she sat up again.
  215. "I think so…" Penny stood, looking back to Weiss, slightly worried. "I'll be right back, and then we can relax."
  217. Penny gave a smile before jogging off towards the house. She would only be gone for moments. Weiss would be all right for that long… right?
  219. . . .
  221. Weiss nodded and watched Penny go before turning back around to face the garden. "What could Father possibly want with her?" she mumbled, leaning back against the bench.
  223. She closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the quiet, though it felt wrong without Penny next to her. The sunlight was warm and the air was fresh, but it was always more enjoyable when Penny's presence was there as well. Like this, it felt almost unnatural.
  225. A sound came from behind her, and she quickly turned around, facing the garden wall. But the source was merely a squirrel rummaging about in the bushes. She let out a sigh.
  227. "I'm becoming far too paranoid…"
  229. She was about to turn back to face the flowers when suddenly there was a heavy hand on her mouth, strong hands yanking her arms brutally upward behind her back and forcing her to stand.
  231. She screamed, but no sound came out.
  233. . . .
  235. Penny jogged over, quickly finding Mr. Schnee and walking up to him.
  237. "Mr. Schnee, you called for me?" Penny asked curiously.
  239. "Indeed. I wanted to warn you - in secrecy - that there may be another kidnapping attempt soon," he replied, suspicion etched onto his weary face. "I have reason to believe so."
  241. "Another?" Penny exclaimed, clenching her fists. "I won't let anything happen to her, sir-!"
  243. And just like that she felt… off, like a twitch in the back of her mind. She didn't like it.
  245. "Weiss…"
  247. She looked back into the garden. Where she had left Weiss. Alone.
  249. Without another word she turned on her heel and took off at a sprint, determination mixing with concern. She ran more quickly than she ever knew she could.
  251. . . .
  253. She felt herself being lifted up, jostled amongst different persons, but she couldn't see anything; they'd tightly tied a cloth over her eyes in addition to taping her mouth. There were also bindings on her wrists behind her back; she could do absolutely nothing to save herself.
  255. She was entirely helpless.
  257. She was pathetic.
  259. With her hands bound, she couldn't even move her hands to call upon her semblance.
  261. The panic that seized her was painful, even more so internally than the physical pain of being grabbed, thrown over shoulders, and carried over the garden walls.
  263. There was an impact as her captor landed, and Weiss felt the breath leave her lungs, blocked by the tape over her lips. It was disorienting, and part of her wished she could at the very least be unconscious for it all; it might be better than having to feel this terror to the point she was about to be sick.
  265. She could hear gruff voices shouting orders, felt herself being shoved into a vehicle - likely a van of sorts. She was tossed inside and crashed to the floor, crumpled on her side and left to shudder and choke. The engine had already started, and within seconds she could sense the motion of the vehicle as it started speeding off.
  267. . . .
  269. Penny ran as fast as she could, sprinting through the garden. She didn't see Weiss as she came to the bench and kept on running past it without a second thought.
  271. She glimpsed figures climbing back over the garden walls and narrowed her eyes, leaning into her sprint, her swords floating into the air around her.
  273. Embedding her blades into the wall ahead of her, she scaled the height in seconds, using the weapons as stepping stones. Again, she glimpsed the men quickly piling into a van.
  275. She ran, vaulting obstacles and sliding under others, she pushed herself.
  277. They. Had. Weiss.
  279. No one would hurt her again - not while Penny still breathed.
  281. The van rumbled to life and began rolling away. Penny leapt high off of a fence, throwing one of her swords, the puppeteer strand sailing after it. The sword embedded itself into the roof of the van and Penny was yanked through the air, rapidly drawing in the line. Bracing herself, she prepared to land on the roof. Hard.
  283. This was going to hurt.
  285. . . .
  287. She was only aware of a few things. One of which was that there were men in the back of the van with her; she could make out their voices and heavy footsteps as they spoke of ransom money.
  289. At one point, she felt the tip of a boot slide beneath her chin and kick her over so she lie on her back.
  291. The only other things she was aware of were the motion of the vehicle, and the panic from within her own body. Her lungs were screaming for air, her body aching from how roughly she'd been treated during her capture.
  293. But worst of all was her heart, hammering so rapidly and with such speed it made every second painful. Soon, it was the only thing she could feel, the only thing she could make sense of.
  295. But thoughts of her heart led her mind to one other place.
  297. Penny…
  299. . . .
  301. She hit the roof hard enough to leave a significant dent, her sword keeping her rooted to the vehicle's roof. Standing, she motioned two of her blades flying through the air to sink into the engine, thick black smoke billowing out as the vehicle began to decelerate.
  303. Moving to the back of the van, she hung onto the edge, and with the help of her weapons ripped one of the doors clean off its hinges.
  305. She saw Weiss, bound and gagged near the front of the vehicle.
  307. The sight made her… red. She felt red with rage.
  309. One of the thugs moved towards her. She threw another sword, latching it into the front wall of the van, then pulling herself forward she shoulder-tackled the man as hard as she could. His head cracked against the wall and he sank to the floor without a sound.
  311. The next one tried to pull a gun on her. She smacked his arm to the side and kicked him hard enough to send him flying through the other door of the van.
  313. The last one swung clumsily at her. She ducked under his punch and delivered an uppercut to his jaw, making sure he wouldn't get back up.
  315. With all but the unknowing driver dealt with, and the van rolling to a stop, she knelt next to Weiss and began removing her bindings.
  317. "It's okay Weiss, I'm here."
  319. . . .
  321. It wasn't long before a violent clatter started shaking the van, and Weiss knew instantly what - no, who - it was.
  323. Weiss knew Penny would come to save her; it was only a matter of time. But during the attack, her mind could only go to the worst-case scenario, and she could only remember the last time she had been kidnapped, before Penny had been there to help.
  325. There were shouts and grunts, and Weiss felt the van's speed begin to slow before everything went eerily still for a split second.
  327. Then, a light, familiar patter of footsteps, and the next thing she knew her hands were free, the cloth was removed from over her eyes, and her bit was gone.
  329. She gasped and looked up at Penny, tears already streaming down Weiss' face as she coughed, attempting to cry out her name to no avail. The panic still had her in its clutches, and it was hard to breathe as she whimpered in Penny's arms.
  331. . . .
  333. Penny pulled Weiss in close, holding the heiress tightly against her chest as she rocked slightly. She buried her face in Weiss' neck, a few tears spilling down her face and into ivory hair.
  335. "It's okay. I'm here." She murmured over and over again, half to reassure Weiss and half to reassure herself as she clutched the girl as though her sanity depended upon it. "I'll never leave your side again, I… I-" She choked on a sob. "Never again…"
  337. . . .
  339. If there was anything that could bring Weiss comfort after all of this, it was Penny. Even though she could clearly hear and feel the girl sobbing against her, just the fact that she was there was enough to calm the heiress a little.
  341. Her arms reached up shakily, hands grasping the back of Penny's dress, but she was still weak, and her fingers failed to find purchase. Weiss tried again, clinging this time until her nails curled down into her own palms through the fabrics of Penny's clothes.
  343. Her pulse still slammed within her veins, making her entire body shudder, but she could feel Penny's aura resonating with her own. It was small but it was warm, and as Penny lifted her up and pressed their bodies together, Weiss felt her own aura flare. Her tears were seeping into Penny's shoulder and she still gasped for breath, but she knew she would be all right now.
  345. "P-Pen…ny…"
  347. . . .
  349. Weiss sounded so weak. It tore Penny up inside to hear her like this.
  351. She picked the girl up bridal style and carried her out of the van, flaring her aura to strengthen Weiss as she did.
  353. "I'm here, Weiss," she soothed. "It's okay. I'm here. I'll protect you. No matter what."
  355. . . .
  357. She felt herself being lifted up, and Weiss moved her arms to encircle Penny's shoulders, burying her face into the side of her neck as she continued to sob.
  359. All she could feel now was guilt - guilt for being so helpless and making Penny come rescue her, guilt for being incompetent and unable to save herself. Penny could've gotten hurt again because of her. It was all she could think of at the moment, and the thoughts consumed her.
  361. Her voice slipped out past the gasps, fragile and thin.
  363. "I… I'm sorry… I couldn't… I-I…"
  365. She really was pathetic.
  367. . . .
  369. Penny stopped dead in her tracks. "No," she deadpanned. "No, Weiss please, this-" She choked back a sob. "This is my fault. I… I should have been there. That's what I'm supposed to do... what I was made to do... And I wasn't there…"
  371. She couldn't stand and slowly fell to her knees, still holding Weiss close to her. "I should have been there… they almost got away. They almost got you... How could I let this happen to you?"
  373. Her tears came more quickly now, her voice was strained and broken by sobs. Her only purpose for living was to protect Weiss and she hadn't been there when it mattered.
  375. What point was there for her if she couldn't be there for Weiss?
  377. . . .
  379. She felt Penny drop to her knees, but Weiss never slackened her grip on the girl, fearing that if she did, she might disappear. She could hear the remorse clearly in Penny's voice, and it broke her heart, made the pain in her chest worsen.
  381. "No… Penny…" she rasped. "I-It's not your fault… Father called you... you had to go to him and listen to him… I should've been able to take care of myself, but I couldn't. …It's n… it's not your fault. You saved me, and without you I don't know what would've happened-"
  383. She cut off, coughing into her elbow, sniffling hard as she tried to swallow back more sobs. A pitiful whine rose up from the back of her throat as she held onto Penny.
  385. . . .
  387. Weiss coughed, still trying to blame herself for what had happened. Penny wasn't convinced, but that could wait. Weiss needed medical attention.
  389. Standing again, she continued carrying the girl back to the mansion, determination set on her face and guilt still smoldering in her eyes. She held Weiss tightly as she walked, but in the back of her mind where she still blamed herself for what had happened, she felt she didn't deserve Weiss, that someone better would have been able to protect her where she had not.
  391. . . .
  393. Penny grew silent as she continued to carry Weiss back home, and the heiress knew the girl was still blaming herself. She didn't want that, but she couldn't find the strength to voice her thoughts anymore, as she'd started to shiver and again started losing her breath.
  395. In the end, after Penny had brought her back to the mansion, Weiss had been almost unconscious, unable to even be fearful as the doctors overlooked her. She could hear Winter's voice and was vaguely aware of what was going on; Weiss had suffered a severe panic attack and her condition was still unstable.
  397. The doctors that had been called in brought her into a small room of the mansion where they could work, but their presence only made her more anxious, her phobia ensnaring her on top of the panic of the kidnapping attempt.
  399. She didn't know if Penny was still beside her anymore, and the only thing Weiss could manage before she lost consciousness was a meek moan of her name.
  401. . . .
  403. Penny knew Weiss didn't like the doctors, but she didn't have the training to help Weiss here; she needed professionals. The best she could do was stay close by and comfort Weiss when the doctors were done. Weiss had passed out, just whispering her name as she faded.
  405. "I'm right here Weiss. Always."
  407. She observed from her position near the wall. She would give the doctors room to work, but she would not leave.
  409. I'll always be by your side. I have to be, to make up for what I've allowed to happen, Penny thought.
  411. Weiss had suffered no serious injuries, but panic and that kind of stress can take its toll on the human body. The doctors did what they could, but in the end it would just be a matter of time; the heiress needed rest.
  413. Even so, as soon as the doctors were done, Penny ushered them out of the room so they wouldn't be around when Weiss awoke. She pulled a chair next to Weiss' bed and sat down. Taking Weiss' hand in her own, she gently rubbed circles into her smooth skin, slowly trickling her aura into Weiss to help her.
  415. Standing a silent vigil over the injured girl, she would protect her.
  417. . . .
  419. When Weiss came to, she couldn't remember right away where she was. She thought she was back in her room until she slowly opened her eyes to find the walls were a light purple color, not blue.
  421. The memories came back to her slowly, but she wished they hadn't. If she was here in this room, that meant the medical personnel had tended to her when she wasn't conscious, and the thought made her stomach flip.
  423. Her body felt sore and heavy, and she guessed they must have drugged her in some way to keep her from moving around. Her heart felt unnaturally slow, and she inhaled sharply.
  425. But then she was aware of the gentle hand on hers, the warm trickle of aura seeping into her veins. Turning her head, she was relieved to find Penny there and whispered her name softly.
  427. "Penny…"
  429. She was just glad she wasn't alone, and there was no one else she would rather have woken up to.
  431. . . .
  433. Penny noticed Weiss slowly stir and squeezed her hand gently, turning to her.
  435. "I'm right here Weiss. You're safe. I promise." She smiled tiredly down at her. It had been… a while. There were bags under her eyes for sure, and she felt… muted, slow, but she had to be there for Weiss. "It's late. We can stay here or I can take you to your room," she offered.
  437. . . .
  439. Penny was clearly fatigued, even for an android; she did have a few human limitations after all, and still required some form of rest.
  441. Weiss glanced to the window to find the sun was setting now and knew the girl at her side must have stayed there for hours, waiting for Weiss to wake.
  443. Weiss returned her gaze to Penny's and let out a withering sigh.
  445. "I don't think I can get up. And you're tired. I don't want you to have to carry me back to my room. So let's stay here," she decided.
  447. She rolled over onto her side, feeling dull aches in her back from when she'd been thrown into the van. She did her best to make room for Penny, moving the blankets to invite her in. "Come lay with me… I… I need you, Penny…"
  449. And it was the truth. She needed Penny now more than anything else, because she was the only one who could make Weiss feel safe, and the heiress was already ridden with fear that the memories of the attack might break free again.
  451. . . .
  453. Penny gave a tired smile. She would have carried Weiss back to her room if she had wanted, but she did appreciate the thought and the bed. She slid herself in as Weiss made room.
  455. "I'll always be here for you Weiss. Anything you need."
  457. She snuggled up to her. Settling into place alongside Weiss, she let out a tired but contented sigh. She lay her head down on Weiss' chest as usual and was almost immediately asleep. She may have been an android but even she needed time to re-charge.
  459. "I'll never let you down again..." she promised.
  460. . . .
  462. It felt infinitely better to finally have Penny beside her again; hers was a presence Weiss couldn't live without.
  464. The girl slid perfectly into place at the heiress' side, and Weiss hugged her as tightly as she could manage and kissed her forehead.
  466. "I know you won't, Penny. But you haven't let me down. You saved me…"
  468. She pulled the girl in to her chest and curled herself over Penny protectively, as if trying to dissuade the thoughts that she'd failed as Weiss' bodyguard. Weiss would never blame Penny for what had happened.
  470. She felt the ginger-haired girl fade off into sleep, but no matter how hard she tried, Weiss couldn't follow her. She just kept thinking about the kidnapping, how quickly it'd all happened, how useless she had been. But she told herself feeling guilty would do no one any good.
  472. She didn't sleep, but she closed her eyes and kept Penny close as the sunlight was replaced by moonlight, relishing her warmth.
  474. . . .
  476. Penny slowly awoke about an hour or two into the night with the steady rhythm of Weiss' heart beating in her ears. Moving slightly, she hummed, looking up at the heiress. But she frowned after a moment.
  478. "Weiss… you didn't sleep did you?" She worried for her; she knew Weiss was probably still shaken up from what had happened, but she needed to rest.
  480. . . .
  482. The moonlight slipped in through the single window, bathing the floor and sheets of the bed in silver. She hadn't realized how much time had passed until she felt Penny stir in her arms. Weiss looked down at her and offered a thin smile.
  484. Her voice was raspy when she replied. "No… I couldn't… I'm just… whenever I close my eyes… I feel like it's happening again…" She shuddered, feeling her breath come quicker just mentioning it all.
  486. But she tried to direct the attention away from herself and nuzzled Penny's cheek softly, her voice a ghost of a breath. "I'm glad you got some rest…"
  488. . . .
  490. Penny nodded, crawling up and rolling Weiss on top of herself, switching their previous positions.
  492. "I did. And now it's your turn!" She pulled Weiss in against herself and softly ran a hand through her ivory hair, placing a kiss on top of her head. "I'm here. That'll never happen again. I promise." She waited a moment. "No hiccup so I can't be lying, right?"
  494. . . .
  496. Penny pulled Weiss on top of her, and the heiress sighed as she settled. She savored the feeling of Penny's hands stroking through her hair before she rested her head sideways on the girl's collar.
  498. "Right," she smiled. "No hiccup."
  500. Then, the heiress moved up slightly to lean over Penny, gazing tiredly down into her teal eyes. Without a word, she dipped her head, pressing their lips together in a long kiss. It was so warm Weiss almost forgot to pull away in the end and return to her previous position.
  502. "I love you, Penny…"
  504. . . .
  506. Penny giggled softly and nuzzled into Weiss' temple.
  508. "I love you too, Weiss. Always."
  510. For every bad thing that might happen, there were two or three good things. Penny was prepared to be by Weiss' side through it all.
  512. . . .
  514. As the two girls settled for bed once again, Penny pressed her cool body up against Weiss' warmth. Weiss' heart beat in time with the ticking and tocking of things inside of Penny's chest.
  516. An isolated heiress with the power of ice at her fingertips, and a cold hard android with blades at her command.
  518. And only they knew just how warm it could truly be when they were together.
  520. ---------
  522. A/N: Boy I'd forgotten just how dramatic we'd made this... I do remember my partner said he loved the drama, haha. I was down because it meant fluff and cuddling afterward! Hope you enjoyed it as well! See you next fic!
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