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  1. Session Start: Mon Jun 11 02:08:28 2012
  2. Session Ident: Fraxtil
  3. [02:08] <Jousway> so why am I banned?
  4. [02:09] <Fraxtil> in short, a majority of people on the server (not naming names for obvious reasons) were in favor of banning you because of your overall attitude and how you treat certain people
  5. [02:10] <Jousway> r21 people I guess?
  6. [02:10] <Fraxtil> no, this has nothing to do with sm maxx or anyone else on r21
  7. [02:11] <Jousway> then I'm confused...
  8. [02:11] <Jousway> like I only hanged around blacksoda
  9. [02:11] <Jousway> and bairly talked in it so its ???
  10. [02:11] <Jousway> the only reason I could think of was what happend on r21 so :/
  11. [02:12] <Fraxtil> it wasn't necessarily about anyone you interacted with in #blacksoda but i can't safely be any more specific than that
  12. [02:13] <Fraxtil> if you really want to get back in, all i can tell you is to think about the reasons above (vague as they may be) and ask at a later date
  13. [02:13] <Jousway> like it still doesnt make sense to me, like I cant see a reason why, I know I can be a total douch bag and say harsh stuff, but what does that have to do with me being banned from the irc
  14. [02:14] <Jousway> like nothing happend related to the irc
  15. [02:14] <Fraxtil> as i said before, it wasn't anything specific to blacksoda
  16. [02:14] <Fraxtil> but my server has one rule: "don't be a dick"
  17. [02:14] <Fraxtil> and the majority seemed to agree that you were
  18. [02:15] <Jousway> so becaue these people have a "problem" with me which is unrelated to your irc, like I havent been a dick on your irc, like can you show me a log of when I was a dick on your irc, so yeah
  19. [02:15] <Jousway> I just hanged around blacksoda so yeah
  20. [02:17] <Fraxtil> i don't know what to tell you; i'd say ask the people who complained about your presence, but that would involve naming names and that's not something i'm able to do
  21. [02:18] <Jousway> its like, lets say you created shit on an forum and got banned from another forum because there are people from the forum where you created on that forum, while on the second forum you didnt create shit at all
  22. [02:18] <Jousway> do you know how, I actually cant think of a word for it
  23. [02:18] <Jousway> the best thing I can think of is lame
  24. [02:19] <Fraxtil> again, there's not much i can respond with because of the nature of the ban :\
  25. [02:21] <Fraxtil> i wish i had a more specific / less 'lame' reason for you than "many people complained about your presence on the server" but that's ultimately why the ban is in place and if I lift it it'll just create more drama
  26. [02:21] <Jousway> like you said its "it wasn't necessarily about anyone you interacted with in #blacksoda" so the only place I actually went, the only place I was bairly active, I didnt have any problems, like I dont know if you can correct me, but from what I see is there where people that see me as a dick, and didnt want me as a dick, while I have nothing, absolutly nothing related to them, not even speak with them on the irc, but because they think I'm a dick I got banned, so again, why did I get banned?
  27. [02:22] <Fraxtil> i've said all i can say already
  28. [02:22] <Jousway> so you dont think its a lame reason?
  29. [02:24] <Jousway> like most people I hang around with in blacksoda, are also on shakesoda on chatspike
  30. [02:24] <Fraxtil> "absolutly nothing related to them" - many people on the channel are stepmania players, many of them know about you from the stepmania forums / channels / etc., so more of them know about you than you might assume
  31. [02:24] <Jousway> so it cant be related to blacksoda
  32. [02:25] <Jousway> yes, they know me from stepmania forums, so I got banned from an irc where I didnt act like a dick, becuase they see me act like a dick on forums
  33. [02:25] <Jousway> and thats a lame reson
  34. [02:25] <Jousway> reason*
  35. [02:25] <Jousway> if drama happens on one forum, you should keep it on that forum, you should take it from one forum to another, to bad maxx doesnt see that
  36. [02:26] <Jousway> and its the same with IRC
  37. [02:26] <Jousway> shouldnt*
  38. [02:26] <Jousway> its like a basic internet rule from way back
  39. [02:26] <Jousway> to bad some people cant stick to it :V
  40. [02:27] <Fraxtil> perhaps a desire to keep drama from spreading is part of why people were in favor of banning you
  41. [02:27] <Fraxtil> although that's speculative on my part
  42. [02:28] <Jousway> to bad I'm the kind of person that wont spread the drama, but still people asume I do because its like an "internet standard" these days to spread drama
  43. [02:28] <Fraxtil> you responded to maxx on r21freak
  44. [02:28] <Fraxtil> so i'm inclined to disagree
  45. [02:29] <Jousway> because I was mad at him that he kept trashtalking about me on unrelated forums
  46. [02:29] <Jousway> he was the one that started it, you cant deny that
  47. [02:29] <Fraxtil> i'm not
  48. [02:29] <Jousway> like I said in that post, if he has a problem with me on
  49. [02:29] <Jousway> he should keep it on
  50. [02:29] <Fraxtil> i agree with you on that matter
  51. [02:29] <Jousway> but instead he has to make insulting posts about me on r21
  52. [02:29] <Fraxtil> but, again, maxx isn't the subject of the irc ban
  53. [02:30] <Jousway> if you expect me to be all nice and not mad about it when people link me the thread in irc showing that maxx is trash talking me on a unrelated forum
  54. [02:30] <Jousway> well sorry I'll get mad
  55. [02:30] <Jousway> if I did the same to you, wouldnt you get mad?
  56. [02:31] <Fraxtil> i have to go to dinner now so i'm disconnecting for the moment, but if you must, we can continue this conversation when i get back
  57. [02:31] <Jousway> k
  58. Session Close: Mon Jun 11 08:59:42 2012
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