
forever a roastie

Jul 26th, 2016
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  2. >Chases a literal Chad
  3. >Upset because you cannot compete with Stacy
  4. >at the same time, ignores the thousands of robots who would love you for your values and personality, not looks.
  6. Average men are forced to settle for ugly women because they have no choice. But they don't complain because its better than having nothing. Ugly men (robots) have no luck when it comes to girls and live a life of depression and loneliness. They don't even CONSIDER Stacy or the average girl. Robots gave up on chasing looks years ago. Robots just want companionship and genuine connection.
  8. So when a whore like you comes on our board asking for sympathy because you can't get with a Chad, it makes us pretty fucking pissed. You act like you want someone who cares about you for who you are as a person, but you really want attention. It's petty and almost mocking. You will never know how it feels to be lonely. Because at the end of the day, there's a ton of nice robots out there who are willing to clean themselves up just for you.
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