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Mar 10th, 2013
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  1. <!doctype html>
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  5. <title>.: Apartmani Perdijic :.</title>
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  135. <div id="banner"><img src="logo.png" width="487" height="198"></div>
  136. <div id="navbar">
  137. <ul id="menubar" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
  138. <li><a href="#">Po&#269;etna</a> </li>
  139. <li><a href="#" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Apartmani</a>
  140. <ul>
  141. <li><a href="#">Apartman 1</a></li>
  142. <li><a href="#">Apartman 2</a></li>
  143. <li><a href="#">Apartman 3</a></li>
  144. <li><a href="#">Apartman 4</a></li>
  145. <li><a href="#">Apartman 5</a></li>
  146. <li><a href="#">Apartman 6</a></li>
  147. <li><a href="#">Apartman 7</a></li>
  148. </ul>
  149. </li>
  150. <li><a href="#">Kontakt</a> </li>
  151. <li><a href="#">Kako do nas</a></li>
  152. </ul>
  153. </div>
  154. <div id="content">
  156. <h1>Nemira</h1>
  157. <p>Morbi vel felis ligula. Nunc congue euismod orci sed ultrices. Suspendisse est sem, dapibus sit amet malesuada non, viverra at mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc tempus feugiat diam, sit amet euismod lectus pretium vel. Vivamus ut massa sed dui tempus mollis at non neque. Phasellus pretium lacinia nulla, vel ullamcorper magna placerat sed. Morbi aliquet mauris quis nisi tristique placerat. Duis in elit magna, non ultricies ligula. Maecenas eu hendrerit massa. Fusce pulvinar iaculis arcu. </p>
  158. <h1>Galerija slika:
  159. <script type="text/javascript">
  160. // BeginOAWidget_Instance_2648024: #OAWidget
  161. /*
  162. // ClearBox Config File (JavaScript)
  163. */
  165. var
  167. // CB layout:
  169. CB_MinWidth=300, // minimum (only at images) or initial width of CB window
  170. CB_MinHeight=300, // initial heigth of CB window
  171. CB_WinPadd=15, // padding of the CB window from sides of the browser
  172. CB_ImgBorder=3, // border size around the picture in CB window
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  176. CB_BodyMarginLeft=0, //
  177. CB_BodyMarginRight=0, // if you set margin to <body>,
  178. CB_BodyMarginTop=0, // please change these settings!
  179. CB_BodyMarginBottom=0, //
  181. CB_ShowThumbnails='auto', // it tells CB how to show the thumbnails ('auto', 'always' or 'off') thumbnails are only in picture-mode!
  182. CB_ThumbsBGColor='#000', // color of the thumbnail layer
  183. CB_ThumbsBGOpacity=.35, // opacity of the thumbnail layer
  184. CB_ActThumbOpacity=.65, // thumbnail opacity of the current viewed image
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  189. CB_SlideShowBarTop=2, // position of the slideshow bar from the top of the picture
  191. CB_SimpleDesign='off', // if it's 'on', CB doesn't show the frame but only the content - really nice ;)
  193. CB_CloseBtnTop=-10, // vertical position of the close button in picture mode
  194. CB_CloseBtnRight=-14, // horizontal position of the close button in picture mode
  195. CB_CloseBtn2Top=-20, // vertical position of the close button in content mode
  196. CB_CloseBtn2Right=-30, // horizontal position of the close button in content mode
  198. CB_OSD='off', // turns on OSD
  199. CB_OSDShowReady='off', // when clearbox is loaded and ready, it shows an OSD message
  201. // CB font, text and navigation (at the bottom of CB window) settings:
  203. CB_FontT='Verdana', //
  204. CB_FontSizeT=13, // these variables are referring to the title or caption line
  205. CB_FontColorT='#777', //
  206. CB_FontWeightT='normal', //
  208. CB_FontC='arial', //
  209. CB_FontSizeC=11, // these variables are referring to
  210. CB_FontColorC='#999', // comment lines under the title
  211. CB_FontWeightC='normal', //
  212. CB_TextAlignC='justify', //
  213. CB_txtHCMax=120, // maximum height of the comment box in pixels
  215. CB_FontG='arial', //
  216. CB_FontSizeG=11, // these variables are referring to the gallery name
  217. CB_FontColorG='normal', //
  218. CB_FontWeightG='@@CB_FontWeightG@@', //
  220. CB_PadT=10, // space in pixels between the content and the title or caption line
  222. CB_OuterNavigation='off', // turns outer navigation panel on
  224. CB_ShowURL='off', // it shows the url of the content if no title or caption is given
  225. CB_ItemNum='on', // it shows the ordinal number of the content in galleries
  226. CB_ItemNumBracket='()', // whatever you want ;)
  228. CB_ShowGalName='', // it shows gallery name
  229. CB_TextNav='on', // it shows previous and next navigation
  230. CB_NavTextImgPrvNxt='on', // it shows previous and next buttons instead of text
  231. CB_ShowDL='on', // it shows download controls
  232. CB_NavTextImgDL='on', // it shows download buttons instead of text
  234. CB_ImgRotation='on', // it shows the image rotation controls
  235. CB_NavTextImgRot='on', // it shows the image rotation buttons instead of text
  237. // Settings of the document-hiding layer:
  239. CB_HideColor='#000', // color of the layer
  240. CB_HideOpacity=.8, // opacity (0 is invisible, 1 is 100% color) of the layer
  241. CB_HideOpacitySpeed=400, // speed of fading
  242. CB_CloseOnH='on', // CB will close, if you click on background
  244. // CB animation settings:
  245. CB_Animation='double', // 'double', 'normal', 'off', 'grow', 'growinout' or 'warp' (high cpu usage)
  246. CB_ImgOpacitySpeed=300, // speed of content fading (in ms)
  247. CB_TextOpacitySpeed=300, // speed of text fading under the picture (in ms)
  248. CB_AnimSpeed=300, // speed of the resizing animation of CB window (in ms)
  249. CB_ImgTextFade='on', // turns on or off the fading of content and text
  250. CB_FlashHide='on', // it hides flash animations on the page before CB starts
  251. CB_SelectsHide='on', // it hides select boxes on the page before CB starts
  252. CB_SlShowTime=3000, // default speed of the slideshow (in sec)
  253. CB_Preload='on', // preload neighbour pictures in galleries
  254. CB_ShowLoading='on' //
  257. ;
  258. // EndOAWidget_Instance_2648024
  259. </script></h1>
  260. <div class="container clearfix">
  261. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/7.JPG" title="Pogled s Imbera"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/7.JPG" alt="Pogled s Imbera" /></a></div>
  262. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/8.JPG" title="Zalazak sunca"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/8.JPG" alt="Zalazak sunca" /></a></div>
  263. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/10.JPG" title="Brod u Nemiri"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/9.JPG" alt="Brod u Nemiri" /></a></div>
  264. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/13.JPG" title="Zalazak sunca"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/13.JPG" alt="Zalazak sunca" /></a></div>
  265. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/15.JPG" title="Zalazak sunca"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/15.JPG" alt="Zalazak sunca" /></a></div>
  266. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/16.JPG" title="Zalazak sunca"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/16.JPG" alt="Zalazak sunca" /></a></div>
  267. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/26.JPG" title="Pogled na restoran"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/26.JPG" alt="Pogled na restoran " /></a></div>
  268. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/27.JPG" title="Pogled s mora"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/27.JPG" alt="Pogled s mora" /></a></div>
  269. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/28.JPG" title="Pogled s mora"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/28.JPG" alt="Pogled s mora" /></a></div>
  270. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/29.JPG" title="Pogled s mora"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/29.JPG" alt="Pogled s mora" /></a></div>
  271. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/30.JPG" title="Pogled s mora"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/30.JPG" alt="Pogled s mora" /></a></div>
  272. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/31.JPG" title="Pogled s mora"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/31.JPG" alt="Pogled s mora" /></a></div>
  273. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/32.JPG" title="Pogled s mora"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/32.JPG" alt="Pogled s mora" /></a></div>
  274. <div class="item"><a rel="clearbox[gallery=Gallery,,comment=]" href="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/33.JPG" title="Pogled s mora"><img class="border" src="Apartmani/omiš/slike nemira/thumbs/33.JPG" alt="Pogled s mora" /></a></div>
  275. </div>
  278. <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
  279. <p>
  280. <script type="text/javascript">
  281. // BeginOAWidget_Instance_2648024: #OAWidget
  282. /*
  283. // ClearBox Config File (JavaScript)
  284. */
  286. var
  288. // CB layout:
  290. CB_MinWidth=300, // minimum (only at images) or initial width of CB window
  291. CB_MinHeight=300, // initial heigth of CB window
  292. CB_WinPadd=15, // padding of the CB window from sides of the browser
  293. CB_ImgBorder=3, // border size around the picture in CB window
  294. CB_ImgBorderColor='#FFF', // border color around the picture in CB window
  295. CB_Padd=4, // padding around inside the CB window
  297. CB_BodyMarginLeft=0, //
  298. CB_BodyMarginRight=0, // if you set margin to <body>,
  299. CB_BodyMarginTop=0, // please change these settings!
  300. CB_BodyMarginBottom=0, //
  302. CB_ShowThumbnails='auto', // it tells CB how to show the thumbnails ('auto', 'always' or 'off') thumbnails are only in picture-mode!
  303. CB_ThumbsBGColor='#000', // color of the thumbnail layer
  304. CB_ThumbsBGOpacity=.35, // opacity of the thumbnail layer
  305. CB_ActThumbOpacity=.65, // thumbnail opacity of the current viewed image
  307. CB_SlideShowBarColor='#FFF', // color of the slideshow bar
  308. CB_SlideShowBarOpacity=.60, // opacity of the slideshow bar
  309. CB_SlideShowBarPadd=17, // padding of the slideshow bar (left and right)
  310. CB_SlideShowBarTop=2, // position of the slideshow bar from the top of the picture
  312. CB_SimpleDesign='off', // if it's 'on', CB doesn't show the frame but only the content - really nice ;)
  314. CB_CloseBtnTop=-10, // vertical position of the close button in picture mode
  315. CB_CloseBtnRight=-14, // horizontal position of the close button in picture mode
  316. CB_CloseBtn2Top=-20, // vertical position of the close button in content mode
  317. CB_CloseBtn2Right=-30, // horizontal position of the close button in content mode
  319. CB_OSD='off', // turns on OSD
  320. CB_OSDShowReady='off', // when clearbox is loaded and ready, it shows an OSD message
  322. // CB font, text and navigation (at the bottom of CB window) settings:
  324. CB_FontT='Verdana', //
  325. CB_FontSizeT=13, // these variables are referring to the title or caption line
  326. CB_FontColorT='#777', //
  327. CB_FontWeightT='normal', //
  329. CB_FontC='arial', //
  330. CB_FontSizeC=11, // these variables are referring to
  331. CB_FontColorC='#999', // comment lines under the title
  332. CB_FontWeightC='normal', //
  333. CB_TextAlignC='justify', //
  334. CB_txtHCMax=120, // maximum height of the comment box in pixels
  336. CB_FontG='arial', //
  337. CB_FontSizeG=11, // these variables are referring to the gallery name
  338. CB_FontColorG='normal', //
  339. CB_FontWeightG='@@CB_FontWeightG@@', //
  341. CB_PadT=10, // space in pixels between the content and the title or caption line
  343. CB_OuterNavigation='off', // turns outer navigation panel on
  345. CB_ShowURL='off', // it shows the url of the content if no title or caption is given
  346. CB_ItemNum='on', // it shows the ordinal number of the content in galleries
  347. CB_ItemNumBracket='()', // whatever you want ;)
  349. CB_ShowGalName='', // it shows gallery name
  350. CB_TextNav='on', // it shows previous and next navigation
  351. CB_NavTextImgPrvNxt='on', // it shows previous and next buttons instead of text
  352. CB_ShowDL='on', // it shows download controls
  353. CB_NavTextImgDL='on', // it shows download buttons instead of text
  355. CB_ImgRotation='on', // it shows the image rotation controls
  356. CB_NavTextImgRot='on', // it shows the image rotation buttons instead of text
  358. // Settings of the document-hiding layer:
  360. CB_HideColor='#000', // color of the layer
  361. CB_HideOpacity=.8, // opacity (0 is invisible, 1 is 100% color) of the layer
  362. CB_HideOpacitySpeed=400, // speed of fading
  363. CB_CloseOnH='on', // CB will close, if you click on background
  365. // CB animation settings:
  366. CB_Animation='double', // 'double', 'normal', 'off', 'grow', 'growinout' or 'warp' (high cpu usage)
  367. CB_ImgOpacitySpeed=300, // speed of content fading (in ms)
  368. CB_TextOpacitySpeed=300, // speed of text fading under the picture (in ms)
  369. CB_AnimSpeed=300, // speed of the resizing animation of CB window (in ms)
  370. CB_ImgTextFade='on', // turns on or off the fading of content and text
  371. CB_FlashHide='on', // it hides flash animations on the page before CB starts
  372. CB_SelectsHide='on', // it hides select boxes on the page before CB starts
  373. CB_SlShowTime=3000, // default speed of the slideshow (in sec)
  374. CB_Preload='on', // preload neighbour pictures in galleries
  375. CB_ShowLoading='on' //
  379. ;
  380. // EndOAWidget_Instance_2648024
  381. </script></p>
  382. <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
  383. <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
  384. <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
  385. <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
  386. <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
  387. <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
  388. <h1>&nbsp;</h1>
  389. <h1>Omiš </h1>
  390. </div>
  391. </div>
  392. <script type="text/javascript">
  393. var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("menubar", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
  394. </script>
  395. </body>
  396. </html>
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