
Lyra meets Juan

Sep 5th, 2015
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  1. snuffshotMartyr [SM] began pestering enigmaticMobster [EM]
  2. SM: Hey there
  3. SM: You won't know me, with any luck
  4. SM: So
  5. SM: How have things been going for you recently?
  6. EM: Well 'ey, it's been fine.
  7. EM: I s'pose I've been better though.
  8. EM: How'd ya' get my handle though?
  9. SM: D'you know someone named Zach?
  10. SM: He's got a whole list of handles, and he gave me a copy
  11. SM: You're Juan, right? I've heard the name dropped a couple times now, figured I'd better find out who it actually belongs to
  12. EM: Yup, that's indeed ma' name.
  13. EM: What's the order o' business?
  14. SM: Like I said. Trying to figure out who all is in our game instance
  15. SM: Also looking for a distraction
  16. SM: Getting some insight into how the game works for other people is just icing on the cake
  17. EM: Well right now for me it's seemin' like it is the damn cake.
  18. EM: I can barely figure out half o' this shit, seriously.
  19. SM: Exactly, yeah
  20. SM: It's ridiculous. They dump all this pseudo information at you, and expect you to somehow sort out the inane from the about-to-kill-you relevant
  21. SM: Can I ask the sort of stuff that's been happening on your end?
  22. EM: Well, I've been shov'd into some sort o' weird dungeon thing and told to do somethin'.
  23. EM: Actually, I can't even remember what in the hell I'm supposed ta' be doin' right now.
  24. EM: That's prob'ly a bad thing...
  25. SM: Heh, I hear ya
  26. SM: I'm just waiting for my legs to start working again
  27. SM: Then me and Alex are gonna go exploring
  28. SM: ... If you aren't doing anything too urgent, you could join us?
  29. EM: Well per'aps I could, if I had any idea o' where the hell I am.
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