

Sep 16th, 2013
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  1. 12:03 heidiland you must think i'm stupid
  2. 12:03 EmilyNCE Well yeah.
  3. 12:03 heidiland tut tut
  4. 12:03 heidiland gimme a little credit.
  5. 12:04 EmilyNCE How many multis do you have?
  6. 12:04 heidiland quite a few
  7. 12:07 EmilyNCE How many did you lose when Heidiland was wiped out?
  8. 12:07 heidiland three
  9. 12:08 heidiland silly me thought that rumsod didnt have access to passwords
  10. 12:08 heidiland tut tut
  11. 12:08 heidiland learnt my lesson now
  12. 12:10 EmilyNCE You have a main nation that you use your other multis to beef up right? How much resources and time have you put into it?
  13. 12:10 heidiland why are you so interested?
  14. 12:10 heidiland i've told you about as much as i feel doesnt compromise me anyway
  15. 12:11 EmilyNCE Because I look forward to destroying as many nations as you beef up.
  16. 12:11 heidiland oh emily
  17. 12:11 heidiland you're so naive
  18. 12:12 heidiland as if i would ever attack you with my mains
  19. 12:12 heidiland or indeed attack you outright
  20. 12:12 EmilyNCE I think I could take whatever you decide to throw at me.
  21. 12:13 heidiland we'll see
  22. 12:13 heidiland i may not have to do anything myself at all
  23. 12:14 heidiland you seem to have rather an abrasive personality
  24. 12:15 EmilyNCE You seem to have a rather mischievous personality.
  25. 12:15 heidiland oh i do.
  26. 12:15 heidiland i pride myself on it
  27. 12:17 heidiland which region are you in?
  28. 12:17 EmilyNCE Asia
  29. 12:18 EmilyNCE I'll even give you my nation link
  30. 12:18 EmilyNCE Here you go
  31. 12:18 heidiland hmm
  32. 12:18 heidiland thats annoying
  33. 12:18 heidiland no matter
  34. 12:18 EmilyNCE Why is that?
  35. 12:19 EmilyNCE Is my military too large for any of your multis to attack at once?
  36. 12:19 heidiland no, but i have alts around the world
  37. 12:20 heidiland and oh please
  38. 12:20 heidiland 95k vietnam
  39. 12:20 heidiland ugh
  40. 12:20 heidiland it's a pain playing legit i guess huh
  41. 12:21 heidiland funny how i feature so prominently on your nation page though
  42. 12:21 heidiland pretty tsundere
  43. 12:21 EmilyNCE I can get quite a bit of help. I just don't want to call on it before I need it.
  44. 12:21 heidiland my multi's are all the help i need.
  45. 12:21 heidiland dohohoho
  46. 12:22 EmilyNCE If you are going to go where I think you are going to go...
  47. 12:23 heidiland hm?
  48. 12:24 EmilyNCE Nevermind.
  49. 12:24 heidiland i'm curious now
  50. 12:24 EmilyNCE Be curious.
  51. 12:25 heidiland were you implying that i wanted to start an rp relationship?
  52. 12:25 EmilyNCE Yes. Because you are a fucking pig
  53. 12:26 heidiland whoa whoa whoa
  54. 12:26 heidiland what exactly have you got against me?
  55. 12:26 heidiland and for the record, i don't want to rp with you at all.
  56. 12:27 EmilyNCE Anyways, 2t's of Uranium you say? it'll be hard to hide that.
  57. 12:27 heidiland perhaps
  58. 12:27 heidiland perhaps not
  59. 12:28 EmilyNCE Any nation with uranium is something to look at. And if it isn't in an alliance that is a death sentence.
  60. 12:29 EmilyNCE And it would be interesting seeing a nation not in an alliance receiving lots of aid.
  61. 12:29 heidiland it would be, wouldn't it
  62. 12:29 heidiland that is of course assuming that i dont get into alliances.
  63. 12:30 EmilyNCE I wonder how many alliances you are in.
  64. 12:30 heidiland keep wondering
  65. 12:31 EmilyNCE The alliance leader wouldn't be happy with seeing a nation with Uranium not give them it.
  66. 12:32 heidiland because all alliance leaders are as egocentric as me, right
  67. 12:32 heidiland my alts stretch back to when i first joined
  68. 12:33 heidiland i'm pretty much everywhere by now
  69. 12:35 EmilyNCE hmm. Could I at least get a number to how many nations you have in Asia?
  70. 12:35 heidiland i dont think so, no.
  71. 12:35 heidiland perhaps one
  72. 12:36 heidiland perhaps 10
  73. 12:36 heidiland perhaps i'm in the AA
  74. 12:36 heidiland perhaps the AAEP
  75. 12:36 heidiland perhaps not
  76. 12:39 EmilyNCE I'm pretty sure you have multis in every first page alliance at this point.
  77. 12:40 heidiland perhaps
  78. 12:40 heidiland perhaps not
  79. 12:40 EmilyNCE I'll take that as a yes.
  80. 12:41 heidiland take it how you will
  81. 12:42 EmilyNCE So you have nations in at least the major alliances. And some with large amounts of troops.
  82. 12:42 heidiland maybe i do
  83. 12:43 heidiland maybe i dont
  84. 12:43 heidiland maybe some of them play legitly too
  85. 12:43 EmilyNCE Well given your reaction to my military size I can guess you have at least one that is better than mine.
  86. 12:44 heidiland or maybe i know that with aid, one of my alts can rise to challenge you
  87. 12:44 heidiland who knows?
  88. 12:46 EmilyNCE You know, you would make an excellent politician.
  89. 12:46 heidiland why thank you
  90. 12:47 EmilyNCE I knew there was an inherent reason why I didn't like you.
  91. 12:48 heidiland you do know i'm toying with you, right?
  92. 12:48 heidiland this whole conversation i've said just about nothing of any meaning whatsoever
  93. 12:48 EmilyNCE I could tell
  94. 12:50 EmilyNCE I was just trying to make you slip up. even a little.
  95. 12:50 heidiland you're welcome to try again any time
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