
1stdeadlysin 9.9

Feb 23rd, 2012
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  1. (18:28:36) [DW] Ninjacalibur: limi why dont you like italians
  2. 18:29:21) shnenanity: [20:57] ninja: DEATH TO ITALIANS
  3. (18:29:25) [DW] Ninjacalibur: lies
  4. (18:29:29) [DW] Ninjacalibur: i didnt said that
  5. (18:29:37) 1stDeadlySin: ninja wouldn't
  6. (18:29:49) [DW] Ninjacalibur: [20:58] shnen: DEATH TO DJIBOUTIANS
  7. (18:29:56) shnenanity: 1stdeadlysin, you obviously don't know him well
  8. (18:30:14) 1stDeadlySin: not well arseholebut we know eachother
  9. (18:30:27) 1stDeadlySin: fuck off this guy's arse
  10. (18:30:47) 1stDeadlySin: ....the end :)
  11. (18:30:49) shnenanity: what are you talking about
  12. (18:31:04) shnenanity: I am not on ninjas arse, nor would I ever want to be
  13. (18:31:22) 1stDeadlySin: piss off violator
  14. (18:31:59) 1stDeadlySin: ninjas fine scnen is perverted 6 year old
  15. (18:32:04) 1stDeadlySin: from sweeden
  16. (18:32:12) +Limi: ok, enough of that
  17. (18:32:18) +Limi: he's 8
  18. (18:32:27) Keiranana: Shnen is a green haired 8 year old from djibouti
  19. (18:32:42) [DW] Ninjacalibur: keiran forgot to say he's fat too
  20. (18:32:55) 1stDeadlySin: odd how he's qui now everyones against him huh?
  21. 18:33:06) shnenanity: he can't deny the truth
  22. (18:33:08) Keiranana: I was against shnen since the moment I met him.
  23. (18:33:16) 1stDeadlySin: true dat
  24. (18:33:30) [DW] Ninjacalibur: yeah me too keirananananananananan BATMAN!
  25. (18:33:38) +Limi: don't stretch nigg
  26. (18:33:38) +Limi: a
  27. (18:33:46) [DW] Ninjacalibur: dont call me nigga
  28. (18:34:04) [DW] Ninjacalibur: thats racist
  29. (18:34:05) 1stDeadlySin: level I master I be niggin den niggas
  30. (18:34:13) shnenanity: lol 1stdeadlysin
  31. (18:34:25) shnenanity: I remember the first time I saw you you told me off for saying nigga loads
  32. (18:34:26) shnenanity: 9.9
  33. (18:34:40) 1stDeadlySin: mmm after you spammed pm for ages
  34. (18:34:47) shnenanity: I did?
  35. (18:34:49) 1stDeadlySin: those were the days
  36. (18:35:00) +Limi: let's all be friends
  37. (18:35:08) [DW] Ninjacalibur: wat
  38. (18:35:10) [DW] Ninjacalibur: NU tour
  39. (18:35:11) 1stDeadlySin: exept for schen sure =3
  40. (18:35:19) Keiranana: I agree.
  41. (18:35:26) Keiranana: Shnen can't be a friend.
  42. 18:36:16) 1stDeadlySin: don't you be trollin dat ninja
  43. (18:36:22) Keiranana: Limi is CRAZY
  44. (18:36:23) 1stDeadlySin: or datlimi
  45. (18:36:24) shnenanity: 9.9 1stdeadlysin
  46. (18:36:30) 1stDeadlySin: 9.9 scvnen
  47. (18:36:41) 1stDeadlySin: sigh...
  48. (18:36:59) Keiranana: it's shen
  49. (18:37:03) Keiranana: not scvnen
  50. (18:37:06) 1stDeadlySin: limi is cool, ninja is cool, kieren is cool then end
  51. (18:37:15) +Limi: kieren
  52. (18:37:16) shnenanity: I agree
  53. (18:37:20) +Limi: you are cool
  54. (18:37:20) shnenanity: kieran is a good man
  55. (18:37:33) Keiranana: fuck you all.
  56. 18:37:38) +McMeghan: Hello Smogon
  57. (18:37:43) +Limi: hi macky
  58. (18:37:47) 1stDeadlySin: careful mcmeg
  59. (18:37:59) 1stDeadlySin: schnen could flip again
  60. (18:38:14) shnenanity: uh
  61. (18:38:18) shnenanity: when did I flip?
  62. (18:38:18) 1stDeadlySin: uh...
  63. (18:38:23) Keiranana: Shnen, let's do this.
  64. (18:38:29) 1stDeadlySin: flipdy flip flip
  65. (18:38:29) Keiranana: Special beam cannon !
  66. (18:39:47) 1stDeadlySin: hey schnen how bout you go now k?
  67. (18:39:57) shnenanity: I don't even know you
  68. (18:40:03) 1stDeadlySin: then the chat will be graet and pokemon related :)
  69. (18:40:17) 1stDeadlySin: so how bout dem delibirds huh?
  70. (18:40:22) Keiranana: shnen let's discuss Pokemon.
  71. (18:40:34) shnenanity: sure
  72. (18:40:55) Keiranana: What are your thoughts on Gorebyss in nu.
  73. (18:41:16) shnenanity: radicool
  74. (18:41:25) shnenanity: but not borked
  75. (18:41:35) shnenanity: I need to get around to testing sball at some point
  76. (18:41:38) Keiranana: ^ Pokemon discussion at it's finest it.
  77. (18:42:29) 1stDeadlySin: true :)
  78. (18:42:30) 1stDeadlySin: haha
  79. (18:43:39) 1stDeadlySin: well that's that
  80. (18:43:51) 1stDeadlySin: i'm off to reflect on schnen's fine words
  81. (18:44:01) 1stDeadlySin: have a wonderful day all
  82. (18:44:13) +Limi: you really showed him
  83. (18:44:37) Keiranana: I concur Limi.
  84. (18:44:42) 1stDeadlySin: wow because you're still nice limi...?
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