
TSW 14

May 28th, 2016
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  1. IcePickLobotomy Time: The Day After Mary Returns from the Hospital (Again). Location: Pilot Housing.
  2. IcePickLobotomy It's a early Saturday morning. Artyom is sleeping in, and Walker is in the living room watching the morning news while working on some paperwork.
  3. =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Arina
  4. =-= IcePickLobotomy has changed the topic to “July 2nd, 1988. Gilbratar, Tower 3”
  5. IcePickLobotomy johnH: You are waiting for Kasra in the living room.
  6. =-= Sleepscya is now known as Mary
  7. RobinE is also sleeping in, as it is Saturday.
  8. Kasra appears to be running late for the morning routine.
  9. johnH realizes what time it is, and how his running partner is missing, so he goes to knock on Kasra's door
  10. johnH "Kasra, you up?"
  11. Kasra There is dead silence for a moment before you hear Kasra's voice, sounding somewhat choked. "Y-yeah, yeah, I...I'm not going to go running today, I think. Could you, uh, could you leave the hall for a second?"
  12. johnH "I guess so. You alright?"
  13. Kasra "Y-yeah. Just...I have to get to the bathroom, are you gone?"
  14. johnH "Yeah, uhh. sure" John backs down the hall
  15. Kasra After a moment, the door creaks open and Kasra shuffles down the hallway almost slamming his door and hustling to the bathroom in his fatigues, clutching his arms close to his stomach.
  16. johnH notices his arms and takes off towards him
  17. johnH "Kasra, what the hell happened to you!"
  18. Kasra closes the bathroom door and you hear the sink running. "N-nothing, I-uh, nevermind."
  19. johnH "Not nothing, what happened" John tries the door
  20. IcePickLobotomy Walker approaches John "What's wrong?"
  21. Kasra The door opens, before you hear the water shutting off and as you get through, Kasra is pulling his jacket on.
  22. Kasra "I was just-I was heading into base,uh, Dr. Wernbeck pencilled me in early this morning, I have to go." Kasra attempts to slip past the other two.
  23. IcePickLobotomy "Kasra, even I can tell somethings wrong." Walker says
  24. johnH grabs his arm "Kasra what is going on"
  25. Mary zombies out of the hallways , meagan in her harms, and a woll blanked around her childish PJs.
  26. Kasra "N-nothin-I don't know, just...I have to go okay?"
  27. johnH "Where are you going?"
  28. Kasra "Doctor Wernbeck, like I said, okay? I just...I need to see what he says about this."
  29. johnH "About what?"
  30. Kasra doesn't respond, but rubs his arms and looks away. It appears he sacrificed another shirt to bandage himself. "I should get going."
  31. IcePickLobotomy Walker nods. "I'll drive you, faster than walking or taking the trams."
  32. johnH "Your safety is more important" John looks pleadingly at walker, as if begging her to do something
  33. Mary "Kasra? Every" She yawns" everything allright?
  34. Kasra "Y-yeah, Mary everything is fine, don't worry about it. John, don't worry, this isn't a problem, I just need to talk to Dr. Wernbeck about it."
  35. Kasra "I was trying to get out before I worried anyone, I didn't want to panic you."
  36. Mary "Then uh.. let yourself driven there by walker ? It is early working hours after all.."
  37. IcePickLobotomy Walker grabs the keys and motions to Kasra. "Come on then, bleeding stopped I take it?"
  38. Kasra "Yeah, pretty much. I'm sorry, everybody."
  39. Kasra "And hey, John, it wasn't...uh...well nevermind."
  40. johnH "Wasnt what"
  41. johnH won't let it go so easily
  42. Mary "bleeding?"
  43. IcePickLobotomy Walker pats Kasra on the back as she guides him out the front door. "Don't worry, we'll get through this."
  44. Kasra "Let's just go, okay?" Kasra is heading for the door, pleading with Amanda to keep pace.
  45. IcePickLobotomy Walker does so. She gives John and Mary a small smile and wave before she closes the door.
  46. Mary returns the nod a bit unsure and just looks at the door
  47. johnH stands there, itching to help if he can
  48. Mary "We just have to wait.."
  49. Mary tries to soun d reasuring and fails
  50. IcePickLobotomy Artyom's door opens and he trudges into the hallway. He looks at the two of you. "So, what was happening?"
  51. Mary "Uh I only saw half asleep of it, johnh?"
  52. johnH "I don't know whats happening, but Kasra is injured"
  53. IcePickLobotomy You can see Artyom wake up in a matter of moments. "And Walker took him?"
  54. Mary "How did rthat happen?" She asks surprised
  55. johnH "Walker took him to see Dr. Wernbeck. Not sure what is going on"
  56. Mary adds a nod
  57. IcePickLobotomy ". . ." He nods "French toast, waffles, or cinnamon buns then?"
  58. johnH "Whatever you want to make" John says frustratedly as he goes to sit down
  59. Mary "hmhm not really hngry.."
  60. IcePickLobotomy A couple hours later sees the table laden with waffled, whipped cream and strawberries, alongside a generous helping of scrambled eggs and bacon.
  61. Mary is cuddled in the blanked, meagan resting against her chest and lying on the couch
  62. RobinE finally comes out of her room, the smell of food to strong.
  63. Reagan enters the living room a moment after Robin, all made-up as per usual.
  64. Reagan "Good morning!"
  65. Arina steps into the room, fresh from her run and ready for the day. "Good morning, everyone."
  66. RobinE groans a bit in response, she sounds tired.
  67. Mary snores
  68. Arina "Or not so good morning."
  69. Reagan pops into the kitchen to compliment Artyom on the breakfast, and then walks back into the living room to wake up Mary.
  70. Reagan "Good morning Mary Sunshine, what makes you rise so soon?" She sing-songs.
  71. Mary "mrgn"?
  72. Mary looks up with bearly eyes Meaganturned inwards and drooling on her chest.
  73. Arina "Thank you for breakfast, Artyom." She glances around. "Is Kasra out somewhere already?"
  74. RobinE gets some food on a plate, then leaves it on the table to go to the kitchen.
  75. Reagan turns and shouts into the kitchen, "Surely he is, he always runs in the morning!"
  76. RobinE comes back to her plate after a while, with hot cocoa.
  77. Arina "No, he and John run before the sun rises, I'm quite sure that isn't morning."
  78. Arina sits down, filling her plate.
  79. Reagan "Ha, ha." She turns to Mary again and nods towards the kitchen. "Breakfast, darlin."
  80. Mary "dndn no wanna walke woke earlks me"
  81. Mary clearly is at the moment unable to win the fight with the englisch language.... or her tongue
  82. Reagan shakes her head, laughing. "Well come on in when you feel like it, then." She boops Mary's nose and then goes to sit down at the kitchen table.
  83. Mary "hmrgm"
  84. Mary "Meagan feed"
  85. RobinE "It sounded a little hectic earlier... maybe something happened."
  86. Arina "I hope not... was anyone actually up then?"
  87. Reagan "Y'know I thought I heard something.." She begins to load her plate.
  88. RobinE "I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep, despite trying."
  89. IcePickLobotomy "Kasra was injured, though not seriously. Walker took him down to the doctors on her way to the office."
  90. Arina blinks. "Ah? When did... that happen? On his run? I hope it's not that bad..."
  91. IcePickLobotomy "As I said, the wound wasn't serious. He was walking and talking just fine."
  92. Reagan "Whatever happened?"
  93. Mary stumbles off the couch and fights with the blanket, and loses. and so stumbles it around her leg into the kitchen
  94. IcePickLobotomy Artyom piles a large spoon full of eggs onto his plate. "I don't know. I can call Captain Walker later today and ask her."
  95. Arina "Thank you, Artyom..."
  96. Reagan turns to Mary as she enters. "Mary, did you hear about all this with Kasra, now?"
  97. RobinE "Kasra is tough... he'll be fine." she says between sips of cocoa.
  98. Arina jolts as Mary stumbes, eyes wide but too far to do anything. "Ah-!"
  99. Reagan holds out her arms like she thinks Mary might fall.
  100. Mary finally looses the fight with the blanket, and half leaves it behind as she falls into reagans harms, turning to protect meagan from the impact
  101. Reagan "O-oh!"
  102. Arina gets to her feet a moment later, chair scraping across the kitchen behind her, and sighing in relief.
  103. IcePickLobotomy Artyom is already standing, his chair clattering to the floor with a bang, but Reagan has the situation under control. Meagan makes her displeasure known with a loud wail.
  104. Reagan her bird arms straining, she stands up, hauling Mary upright. "Are you alright there, honey?"
  105. Arina 's breathing slows down as she makes her way to the emergency. "That was... close..."
  106. Mary "urghfh.. "
  107. Mary blinks and checks on Meagan,
  108. IcePickLobotomy Mary: Upset and crying over it with her healthy pair of lungs, but otherwise unharmed.
  109. Mary "lost my feet, hey.. I am here.. everything is allright.. just a bit of flying..."
  110. Mary leans against Reagan clearlly still wobly on her feet
  111. Arina nudges Mary towards a chair. "Hey, sit down and get your bearings back."
  112. Reagan rubs her back. "Sounds like you need a little breakfast in you. Come sit down."
  113. Mary "Uh yes... ..." She says and sinks down in the nearest chair ignroing prior ocupation
  114. Arina "I'll get the food, I don't want to see you on your feet until you're steadier than the nearest rock."
  115. Arina 0x1deyes0x1d Mary as she heads to the kitchen to get the bottle and such for Megan.
  116. Mary shivers and leans against the nearest person
  117. Arina returns with the goodies, handing them to Mary before moving to get more solid food from the table.
  118. Reagan pats Mary's back again, and wags her finger in Megan's face. "Didn't sleep so much?"
  119. Mary "bad night..." she mutters "
  120. Arina "If you need a hand managing, please ask."
  121. Mary "Uh maybe megs breakfeast?"
  122. Arina literally handed it to her four lines ago, it's in her hands right now.
  123. Mary blinks and looks down "oh.."
  124. Mary tne starts to feed her
  125. IcePickLobotomy Meagan ceases her crying in order to feed
  126. Arina snags a tray and puts the plate of Mary's food on it, laying it on the side table next to her chair. "When you're ready to eat your own food."
  127. |<-- Mary has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  128. -->| scya ( has joined #TSWIC
  129. =-= scya is now known as Mary
  130. Mary "Uh yeah.. I had better nights, and then walker was running around because of Kasra ...And then I kind of tried to sleep on the couch"
  131. Reagan "Oh, they woke you up? Did you hear what the matter was?'
  132. Mary suddenly looks both older and younger then usual.
  133. Mary "Kasra kind of hurt his arm somehow and so Walker was driving him to meti to a doctor .. doctor... W--german one"
  134. Reagan "Is that right? Was that on the run, then?" She looks to John. "Mr. Hunter?"
  135. Arina "Mm... hopefully he's all right..."
  136. Mary "Nah, not run, somehow in his room, because he was still pjish.."
  137. Mary yawns, sounding more like a escaped grizly bear
  138. Arina "... at night...? That's... odd..."
  139. Mary "no idea, it was his arm so maybe midnight snack gone horrible worng?"
  140. Reagan frowns concernedly.
  141. Mary is winning against her mouth, but barely
  142. Arina "... Yes, I suppose he could have hurt himself at home." She 0x1dglances0x1d at Mary.
  143. Mary looks guilty
  144. Arina "... it's a little surreal getting hurt in household accidents on a combat posting, though..."
  145. Reagan "Certainly."
  146. Mary "Hey.."
  147. Mary gets smaller
  148. Reagan "What's the matter?"
  149. Arina "Seriously, though... ask help, okay? If Reagan hadn't been there..."
  150. Mary "I wasn't planing to fall foreward with that blanked..And I was just a bit exhausted"
  151. Arina "Yeah. So you don't absolutely need to do everything yourself."
  152. Mary "Well, then yo7 are clearly volounteering to deal with Meagans last meal when it comes Arina?"
  153. Mary "And I will do so, I was just not really awake there..
  154. Arina "I've helped with younger sisters myself, Mary, I'm not that terrified of a few bodily fluids."
  155. Mary "Well that is good . And thanks for your concern, all of you
  156. Mary shares a smile
  157. Reagan smiles and then pinches Mary's arm,
  158. Arina returns the smile. "Not a problem, really."
  159. Mary "Hey!
  160. Mary looks at her betrayal and broken heart visible
  161. Reagan "Don't 'hey' me, Miss Mary! We all keep sayin' if you need help to ask us, and you keep sayin' 'sure, sure,' but you never ask for help!"
  162. Mary looks down and mumbles something.
  163. Mary "Well its not likey I can do so most times when I see that I need it .."
  164. IcePickLobotomy Mary: Artyom places a mug of coffee before you. "Cream, sugar?"
  165. RobinE "Hey, uh..." Robin fidgets in her chair.
  166. Arina sighs, returning to the table.
  167. Mary "Uh.. both?"
  168. Mary let me just take a deeb nose of it wirst.."
  169. Reagan "Yeah, honey?" She asks, turning to Reagan.
  170. Arina "Well, that was far more exciting than any breakfast should be."
  171. Mary says and leans down to inhales the coffe
  172. Arina [Reagan turns to Robin, she is not that much of a contortionist]
  173. RobinE "I, um, does the phrase 'it follows' mean anything to any of you?"
  174. Arina blinks. "Er... well I'd need a bit more context, I think...?"
  175. RobinE "yeah," she looks down, "me too."
  176. Reagan "Why do you ask?"
  177. Arina "Why, something for a book report?"
  178. RobinE "no, no. I just... heard is somewhere. I got curious."
  179. Mary "Nothing that jumpst out at me there"
  180. Arina "Sounds like it caught your attention, was there something interesting about where you heard it?"
  181. RobinE starts playing with her hands, "I heard it... in my room." she looks uneasy.
  182. RobinE "look its not important anyway," she stands, "don't worry about it."
  183. Arina blinks slowly. "... On the radio...?'
  184. RobinE "no, well, I didn't /hear/ it exactly."
  185. Arina cocks her head.
  186. RobinE "I got a note on my desk."
  187. Arina "... That's... alarming."
  188. RobinE 's hands are shaking a bit.
  189. RobinE "We, uh, I don't remember it."
  190. Arina lays a hand on hers, looking to Artyom. "... Shouldn't security have...?"
  191. RobinE "but it was written on *my* notebook paper."
  192. RobinE "That is supposed to be locked in *my* footlocker."
  193. Mary "Uh... in what handwriting?"
  194. Arina frowns. "That's... elaborate."
  195. RobinE looks at Mary distressed "I don't know."
  196. RobinE "no, no." she closes her eyes and takes a breath, "It's probably fine," she is still shaking, "someone must be messing with me."
  197. IcePickLobotomy Artyom leans back. "Perhaps Lana?"
  198. Arina purses her lips. "That's still..."
  199. RobinE "She, I... we don't remember it."
  200. RobinE "And she shouldn't know how to open that footlocker."
  201. Mary "Well uh.. I know that is not the most reasuring idea but uh.. Did you have any fainting spells or loss of time?"
  202. RobinE "what? No, I don't think so."
  203. Arina "Well we had the entire night..."
  204. Arina "Robin, do you want to check the footlocker and see if the notepad is still there?"
  205. RobinE "I checked, and it was."
  206. Arina frowns. "That's..."
  207. IcePickLobotomy "Disturbing. . ."
  208. Arina "And... Kasra's injury... Artyom, could you... check the security...?"
  209. RobinE "I don't get it."
  210. IcePickLobotomy He nods. "Yes, I was planning on going over the tapes after we ate. Do you all mind taking care of the dishes while I do so?"
  211. RobinE "who got into my stuff."
  212. Mary "Well I was awake during the night for a while and I did not hear anything...My, fear was more that uh.. Robin got another tenants that wanted to give her a message.
  213. Arina nods. "Of course I will..."
  214. RobinE "what if this is what they want?"
  215. Arina gets up to go deal with the dishes.
  216. RobinE gets up and heads for her room, still in a panic.
  217. Arina frowns after her.
  218. Mary "Uh.. she needs hugs .."
  219. Arina "That's... certainly a way to put it, yes."
  220. IcePickLobotomy Artyom emerges from the security room. "Nothing on the tapes. She was asleep the whole time."
  221. RobinE you hear a scream, and then you see Robin run to the door and out.
  222. IcePickLobotomy " . . . . ." Artyom wastes no time and runs after her.
  223. Arina jolts after the two of them, dropping the plate she was washing.
  224. Mary blinks and tries to stand up but meagan slows her down
  225. IcePickLobotomy Arina: Artyom trips on something just past the door and hits the ground with a hard thump.
  226. IcePickLobotomy And Robin makes it to one of the elevators before you can get there. Artyom climbs to his feet and sprints for the next elevator.
  227. Arina calls it for him before he arrives, tapping her foot impatiently as she waits for it.
  228. IcePickLobotomy With a ding it arrives.
  229. Arina gets in and probably not long before Artyom does.
  230. IcePickLobotomy He groans and rolls his shoulder. "[Damn leg.]" He flexes it back and forth "[Always catches up with me at the worst times.]"
  231. Arina hits the button the moment he gets in. "[Any ideas where she's going, or...?]"
  232. IcePickLobotomy "[No, no idea.]"
  233. Arina "[... Need to catch up then... I need to run for speed rather than general fitness, she was 0x1dfast0x1d...]"
  234. IcePickLobotomy He nods.
  235. Arina watches the counter tick down.
  236. IcePickLobotomy You reach the bottom, and no sign of Robin.
  237. Arina "[... Damnation.]"
  238. Arina "[Any chance you can figure out where she went with the cameras?]"
  239. IcePickLobotomy "[Maybe. I need to make a call, let Security know what happened.]"
  240. Arina nods, darting back to the elevator. "[I'll... check her room. 0x1dSomething0x1d made her scream and run...]
  241. IcePickLobotomy "[Good thinking.]"
  242. Arina hits the button and holds it for Artyom.
  243. IcePickLobotomy He waves you off, heading for a public phone. "[I'll call from here and then start a search. You check her room with the others.]"
  244. Arina nods, hitting the close button. "[Good luck on your end...]"
  245. IcePickLobotomy Arina: You make it back to the apartment, and the others
  246. Arina shakes her head slightly as she steps back in, quickly making her way to Robin's room.
  247. RobinE (Robin's room is set up like most of the rooms, but with a couple flourishes. There is a rug on the floor a writing desk and a footlocker that has been left open. along with other things typically in a bedroom. Some baubles and trinkets are on the desk, along with some pencils.)
  248. Arina looks around to see what could have gotten that reaction out of Robin.
  249. RobinE ( nothing seems out of place aside from the footlocker being opened. It's a little messy, but not bad.)
  250. Arina checks into the locker, reflexively reaching into her pocket.
  251. RobinE (In the locker are a few trinkets, a notebook, a lighter, and a rusted METI lock that has been busted.)
  252. Arina doesn't touch anything, but looks to see if anything is obviously alarming.
  253. RobinE (The notebook is not messed with, the lighter has something carved in it, and the lock isn't exactly a lock anyone would have. Some of the trinkets are burnt, but not badly.)
  254. RobinE (no note)
  255. Arina frowns, trying to look closer at the lighter's carving without disturbing it.
  256. RobinE (it reads 'never forget,' boringly cryptic.
  257. RobinE )
  258. Arina pulls back with a frown. "... Guess I'd need more context..."
  259. Arina steps out of the room, shaking her head.
  260. IcePickLobotomy Arina: Well kneeling down at the locker, you notice some writing on the underside of Robin's desk, carved into the wood.
  261. Arina blinkblinks, moving over to check the writing there.
  262. IcePickLobotomy [LIES] is carved into the wood
  263. Arina shivers, standing up and looking around quietly. "... I see."
  264. Arina quickly walks back out to the phone.
  265. Arina quickly dials to get in touch with Artyom.
  266. IcePickLobotomy "[Hello Arina did you find something?"
  267. Arina "[There was a message carved under her desk. It was fairly vague, I think it only has meaning to her, but I guess it was written in last night and she only spotted it now.]"
  268. IcePickLobotomy "[I see, we'll keep looking for her, I have security teams combing the trams.
  269. Arina "[Good luck...]"
  270. Arina "[The message was 'Lies'. Walker might know what it means and that 0x1dmay0x1d provide a hint to where she went... honestly I'm grasping at straws. But it might help.]"
  271. =-= Mary is now known as sleepscya
  272. IcePickLobotomy "[I see. Right, stay put and try to relax. I'll get back to you when I can once we get word on Robin.]"
  273. Arina nods. "[Not much else I can do.]"
  275. ----------------------
  277. [17:47] IcePickLobotomy Time: July 2nd, 10:53am
  278. [17:47] IcePickLobotomy The phone rings
  279. [17:47] Arina reaches from the chair to answer it. "Hello?"
  280. [17:49] IcePickLobotomy "Arisha, uh hey. . ." It's Nadia. You can hear some background noise over the phone, but not clear enough to make it out. "You are, you doing well?"
  281. [17:50] Arina smiles, twirling the phone wire around her finger. "Ah, Nadia, yes, I'm doing fairly well! How have things been?"
  282. [17:52] Arina "... Nadia, what's wrong?"
  283. [17:54] IcePickLobotomy There is a long silence on the other end. "I uh, well me and mom got into a fight, and I said some things, and than I ran off. . ."
  284. [17:54] IcePickLobotomy ". . . That was yesterday." She adds meekly
  285. [17:55] Arina purses her lips, sitting down. "Are you okay for now? Where are you?"
  286. [17:56] IcePickLobotomy "Uh. . I'm at. . . one of the metro stations. I'm ok."
  287. [17:59] Arina exhales. "That's good to hear. Not as good as it could be, but at least you're under shelter for now."
  288. [18:00] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah. . ."
  289. [18:01] Arina "Why don't you want to go back home?" she asks quietly.
  290. [18:03] IcePickLobotomy ""I don'
  291. [18:03] IcePickLobotomy "I don't want to fight again, but I'm not going to change my mind."
  292. [18:04] IcePickLobotomy "And mother refuses to accept that."
  293. [18:06] Arina hums. "Something you want to do, sis?"
  294. [18:07] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah it's. . ." You can almost imagine her biting her lower lip in thought. "They want me to fight too. Like you are."
  295. [18:07] IcePickLobotomy "Mom, she doesn't want me too."
  296. [18:10] Arina frowns slightly. "... I... can understand why she doesn't. It's not... something enjoyable, and if things were right we wouldn't need to."
  297. [18:11] IcePickLobotomy "I know that, and it's not like I'd be fighting right now. They said it'd take at least 3 months for me to get trained and everything to get set up. My, uh unit they called it, isn't even ready yet anyways."
  298. [18:12] Arina sighs, slumping in her chair. "... You... understand why she's so reluctant, right?"
  299. [18:13] IcePickLobotomy "It's about our father, she said as much last night."
  300. [18:15] Arina nods. "... She lost him and she already has to worry about losing me."
  301. [18:15] Arina "I mean, I'm hardly in a position to disagree with your decision, but that still..."
  302. [18:15] IcePickLobotomy "I know but. . ."
  303. [18:17] Arina "... Well. I think she'd rather have a few less heroes in her family and a bit more guarantee of them all coming home."
  304. [18:21] IcePickLobotomy "She has Rosa. . ." Nadia mumbles petulantly
  305. [18:22] Arina just raises an eyebrow. "She does, yes, but one out of four isn't a particularly high score, you know?"
  306. [18:28] Arina sighs, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Sorry, I'm not trying to guilt you out of it, just..."
  307. [18:29] IcePickLobotomy "You're not crying at least. . ."
  308. [18:31] Arina "... So did they say why it... had to be you?"
  309. [18:32] IcePickLobotomy "They tested all of us at school last week. Said I was a uh, blue, borderline indigo level canidate. I think that's good, right?"
  310. [18:35] Arina frowns, though she doesn't let it leak into her voice. "It's... better than average..."
  311. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy "That's what Captain DeLaw said."
  312. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy *DuLaw
  313. [18:41] Arina "DuLaw? Sounds... French?"
  314. [18:41] IcePickLobotomy "American. He had a funny accent though."
  315. [18:42] Arina "Ah, I suppose there are enough ethnicities on the continent that French would be in there 0x1dtoo0x1d. What sort of funny accent, anything like the people on TV?"
  316. [18:45] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah actually, it was, uh, like that one movie. The one with the talking alligators in it? he sounded like them."
  317. [18:47] Arina nods. "Ah, that's Louisiana. Right, there are a lot of Frenchmen there."
  318. [18:47] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah. . ." She trails off again "You arn't mad at me are you?"
  319. [18:49] Arina shakes her head. "Of course not, Nadia. I am pretty worried, though."
  320. [18:50] IcePickLobotomy "I'm sorry."
  321. [18:53] Arina shakes her head. "Me of all people, you don't need to apologize to, Nadia..."
  322. [18:54] IcePickLobotomy "Sorr-" She cuts herself off again "I mean, thank you for talking."
  323. [18:55] Arina "Any time, Nadia."
  324. [18:56] Arina pauses. "Well, not literally 0x1dany0x1d time, I probably can't take a call very well during an attack, but in 0x1dgeneral0x1d."
  325. [18:57] IcePickLobotomy There's a nervous giggle on the other end. "I guess I should get back to mom shouldn't I? She's probably worried sick isn't she?"
  326. [18:58] Arina "Probably, and it might be a good idea. The metro doesn't strike me as the best place to be staying long term."
  327. [18:58] Arina "If you're about to head off, though, one question before you go."
  328. [18:59] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah?"
  329. [19:00] Arina "So, why do you want to do it?"
  330. [19:00] Arina "It's very dangerous... why did you decide to brave that danger?"
  331. [19:08] IcePickLobotomy There is a very long gap of silence. "I. . . "
  332. [19:09] Arina hums encouragingly.
  333. [19:24] IcePickLobotomy "It. . . I. . . ."
  334. [19:27] IcePickLobotomy "Would you bellive me if I said I had good reasons but I can't really find the words?"
  335. [19:36] Arina "Not in the slightest, no."
  336. [19:36] Arina "But if you feel like you can't talk about it, I won't push."
  337. [19:36] Arina "But... make sure it's worth losing your life."
  338. [19:36] Arina "Because we may."
  339. [19:37] IcePickLobotomy "I. . . I will. Thank you Arisha."
  340. [19:39] Arina sighs. "... You're welcome, Nadia."
  341. [19:39] IcePickLobotomy "I'm going to go now. Talk to you later."
  342. [19:41] Arina "Yeah. Later, Nadia."
  343. [19:41] IcePickLobotomy The moment the connection ends, the phone rings again.
  344. [19:42] Arina picks it right back up again. "Mom?"
  345. [19:42] IcePickLobotomy "-up the damn p- Oh hey Arina," It's Walker, sounding a tad stressed "Just who I needed to talk."
  346. [19:43] Arina "... Good, because I was just going to go looking for you."
  347. [19:45] IcePickLobotomy "I'll go first. Your younger sister was identified as a Blue level candidate yesterday. I just got the files myself."
  348. [19:45] Arina "Yes, she just called me."
  349. [19:46] IcePickLobotomy "Ah, so you heard about that first hand I take it?"
  350. [19:46] Arina nods. "I did."
  351. [19:48] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah. . . For what it's worth she won't be posted here for about 4 months. Her Unit is finishing up production and needs a lot of testing and calibration, which is most of what she'll be doing for that time."
  352. [19:49] Arina taps her cheek quietly, making no comment.
  353. [19:50] IcePickLobotomy "After that. . . I plan to keep her on reserve. She's younger than I'm really comfortable with for someone on the main force."
  354. [19:54] Arina "... I was given to understand that blue-level was on the low side, and it was 0x1dother0x1d factors that pushed me over the border of qualification."
  355. [19:55] IcePickLobotomy "Blue is the bare minimum needed to operate the Units, Indigo for effective operation. Your sister is hovering right at the borderline, given some training and calibration we expect her to have a effective SyncRate in the mid 40's. More if she really pushes herself."
  356. [19:56] Arina hums. "Three points above someone who barely qualified at all."
  357. [19:57] Arina puts it into perspective, tone quite calm and bland.
  358. [19:58] IcePickLobotomy "There were political considerations, are political considerations, here. For both of you." Walker's voice is tired, not just fatigued, but something deeper and longer running.
  359. [19:58] |<-- Mary has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  360. [19:58] Arina "I'm aware of my own political considerations, yes. It's why the matter prompts me to raise my eyebrow."
  361. [20:00] -->| scya ( has joined #TSWshenanigans
  362. [20:00] =-= scya is now known as Mary
  363. [20:02] IcePickLobotomy "We've found 2 other Candidates. One looks to be reaching into the 60's, and another in the 50's. The first one? She's 9, the 2nd? he's /5/ . Arina, I know you're not happy about this, neither am I, but we need to get Unit-4 set up ASAP, and that means a test pilot, at the /bare/ minimum, and we can't afford to pull one of you off combat duty." You hear her shift behind the phone "This isn't...
  364. [20:02] IcePickLobotomy call to be frank. It's above my pay grade really, I'm doing what I can to keep her out of the line of fire as best I can."
  365. [20:04] Arina "... I see."
  366. [20:04] Arina 's fingertips drum out a calm, steady beat against her cheek.
  367. [20:05] IcePickLobotomy "If you want to lodge a formal complaint, I'll pass on the necessary contact details to you. Maybe you'll have a bit more pull over this than I do."
  368. [20:07] Arina "I admit to being more than a little curious."
  369. [20:07] Arina "She was identified yesterday."
  370. [20:07] Arina "She received the offer yesterday as well."
  371. [20:08] Arina "In under twenty-four hours - more likely less than twelve hours - the matter was processed through USSR government bodies as necessary, and a recruiter made his trip the entire way to the other side of the world to deliver that pitch."
  372. [20:10] Arina "This strikes me as rather 0x1dswift0x1d for international bureaucracy."
  373. [20:11] IcePickLobotomy ". . . We know that there's a genetic component to sync abilities. Your older sister is too old however, and John's father has too much pull to take both kids." She sighs "I'm sorry your family is getting caught up in this Arina, I really am."
  374. [20:12] Arina sits back in the chair. "It was all negotiated beforehand. The actual test was just a confirmation, and one you had no real doubt would prove true."
  375. [20:13] IcePickLobotomy "I can neither confirm nor deny such a statement." She answers bitterly
  376. [20:15] Arina nods. "She wouldn't have even been looked at if I hadn't already proven qualified."
  377. [20:16] IcePickLobotomy "If such was the case, I would have pushed for your selection first on account of your age and temperament despite the slightly diminished SR you would have displayed."
  378. [20:18] Arina sighs. "Is METI even looking at the general population? Or are they counting on a few individual families they've managed to find by now?"
  379. [20:19] IcePickLobotomy "We are looking at the genral population for additional pilot canidates, I can assure you of that. The testing at your sisters school, and the others around the world, are honest searches."
  380. [20:21] Arina "I should hope so. Because there's only so deep you can mine us."
  381. [20:22] IcePickLobotomy "I know, and I'm doing what I can."
  382. [20:22] IcePickLobotomy "For what little that's worth at this point."
  383. [20:24] Arina reaches into her pocket, hand clenching around something. "... Not very much, no."
  384. [20:28] IcePickLobotomy ". . . Senator Sinclair and I don't get along, my father and him have always hated each-other and I got caught up in that crossfire. He always was a firebrand. I'm quite glad that Reagan is more moderate in her views, seeing how well the two of you get along."
  385. [20:29] IcePickLobotomy "Especially considering how he managed to force Reagan into the program. Her scores were lower than your sister's when we brought her on."
  386. [20:30] Arina hums. "... I suppose different families have different approaches," she notes blandly.
  387. [20:32] IcePickLobotomy "Yes, they do. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help."
  388. [20:33] Arina "... I suppose I should've expected that."
  389. [20:36] IcePickLobotomy "Is there anything else Arina?"
  390. [20:36] Arina "No. Thank you."
  391. [20:36] IcePickLobotomy "You're welcome. I hope the rest of your day goes better."
  392. [20:37] Arina "Thank you."
  393. [20:39] Arina hangs up, hand in her pocket tightening as she sits back in the chair. "'From each according to their ability'... huh."
  395. --------------------
  397. IcePickLobotomy Later that evening. . . Kasra returns to the apartment, his wrists wrapped in bandages.
  398. Arina seems to have been sitting in the chair next to the phone for a while, and waves slightly as he steps in. "... Welcome back."
  399. Kasra walks directly to his room.
  400. Kasra There's a small whispy noise that may have been a hello.
  401. Arina sighs, idly watching him pass. "Not much of a day for any of us, I suppose."
  402. IcePickLobotomy Walker trudged into the apartment. "They fond Robin, she passed out in one of the trams and a good Samaritan brought her to the hospital."
  403. Arina rubs her temples. "Well, that's good news, at least."
  404. IcePickLobotomy "It's something at least."
  405. Arina "It's literally the best news we've heard all day, let's just... take it."
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