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a guest
Nov 11th, 2015
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  1. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
  2. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
  3. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  4. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
  6. #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 10000
  7. #UseHook
  9. #IfWinActive, ahk_class Fallout4
  11. /*
  12. ; Default controls
  13. w::w ; Forward
  14. s::s ; Back
  15. a::a ; Strafe Left
  16. d::d ; Strafe Right
  17. LButton::LButton ; Attack
  18. RButton::RButton ; Aim/Block
  19. ~Alt::Alt ; Bash/Powerattack/Grenade
  20. e::e ; Activate
  21. r::r ; Reload
  22. Tab::Tab ; Pip-boy
  23. MButton::MButton ; Change POV/Workshop
  24. v::v ; Change POV/Workshop (bis)
  25. Space::Space ; Jump
  26. ~Shift::Shift ; Sprint
  27. q::q ; VATS
  28. LCtrl::LCtrl ; Sneak
  29. c::c ; Run/Walk
  30. CapsLock::CapsLock ; Toggle Run/Walk
  31. x::x ; Automove
  32. f::f ; Favorites
  33. F5::F5 ; Quicksave
  34. F9::F9 ; Quickload
  35. Esc::Esc ; Pause
  36. k::k ; Stats
  37. i::i ; Inventory
  38. j::j ; Data
  39. m::m ; Map
  40. o::o ; Radio
  41. */
  43. ; Default Azerty controls
  44. z::w ; Forward
  45. s::s ; Back
  46. q::a ; Strafe Left
  47. d::d ; Strafe Right
  48. LButton::LButton ; Attack
  49. RButton::RButton ; Aim/Block
  50. ~Alt::Alt ; Bash/Powerattack/Grenade
  51. e::e ; Activate
  52. r::r ; Reload
  53. Tab::Tab ; Pip-boy
  54. MButton::MButton ; Change POV/Workshop
  55. v::v ; Change POV/Workshop (bis)
  56. Space::Space ; Jump
  57. ~Shift::Shift ; Sprint
  58. a::q ; VATS
  59. LCtrl::LCtrl ; Sneak
  60. c::c ; Run/Walk
  61. CapsLock::CapsLock ; Toggle Run/Walk
  62. x::x ; Automove
  63. f::f ; Favorites
  64. F5::F5 ; Quicksave
  65. F9::F9 ; Quickload
  66. Esc::Esc ; Pause
  67. k::k ; Stats
  68. i::i ; Inventory
  69. j::j ; Data
  70. m::m ; Map
  71. o::o ; Radio
  72. w::z ; Sort (in pipboy)
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