
Chip The Corgi

Nov 2nd, 2012
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  1. >You are a cute, little, precious Corgi who even the cruelest people alive would adore.
  2. >Your name is Chip.
  3. >You live on a nice farm where's there plenty of running space, other animals, and you're caring owner, a young, 6'5" southern belle and her family.
  4. >You really like your owner.
  5. >She occasionally brings you on trips to the elementary school she teaches at, and you get to play with all the children.
  6. >You really like children.
  7. >They're so fun to play with.
  8. >One day, your owner and her family leave on a short trip.
  9. >Before she leaves, however, your owner tells you to make sure all the animals on the barn stay safe.
  10. >She also tells you to make sure nothing bad happens to the pumpkins she's growing.
  11. >She uses the pumpkins to bake pumpkin pie.
  12. >Everyone is happy when they eat your owner's pumpkin pie.
  13. >You really like it when everyone is happy.
  14. >You give your owner an affirmative bark.
  15. >She and her family leaves.
  16. >You begin going on a routine of making sure all the animals are doing well.
  17. >You go check on the pigs, and bark a hello to your friend, The Pig Boss.
  19. >After talking to the The Pig Boss, you go check on the other animals.
  20. >They're all doing good.
  21. >Finally, you go running through the fields, to make sure all the crops are doing good.
  22. >Everything is in check so far.
  23. >When you get to the edge of the field, however, you hear and smell something.
  24. >Something very familiar to you...
  25. >Fluffy ponies.
  26. >You like fluffy ponies.
  27. >They're used in herding competitions, which you always receive first in.
  28. >No fluffy has ever died on you while you're herding them.
  29. >You like herding competitions, winning, and keeping your herds alive.
  30. >But this trace of fluffy ponies you're detecting...
  31. >It's different somehow.
  33. >You lay down where you are, and wait until you get a better trace of the fluffy ponies.
  34. >You also begin thinking of ways to herd them.
  35. >And also where to herd them to.
  36. >Suddenly, you get a better sense of the fluffy ponies.
  37. >They're a mile in front of you...
  38. >And there's a large number of them.
  39. >Herding them is going to be a challenge.
  40. >You like challenges.
  41. >As they get closer, you begin to hear the fluffy ponies talking.
  43. >"Smawty fwiend, what we do aftew foodies?"
  44. >"We stawt a fiwe and leave. Buwn down evewything own by two-leggies!"
  45. >"When we get mowe mawes, smawty fwiend?"
  46. >"Aftew we buwn evewything and eat."
  47. >"What we do if scawy munstas?"
  48. >"We giw them owies."
  49. >...These fluffy ponies sound different.
  50. >They continue talking until finally, they come within your view.
  51. >...They're 2' tall fluffy ponies.
  52. >You're 1' tall.
  53. >Doesn't matter.
  55. >You run out towards them
  56. >As you get closer, the fluffy ponies begin to talk about you.
  57. >"Wook! Dowwie!" "Scawy munsta!" "Smawtie fwiend, giw munsta owies!"
  58. >Just as you're a couple of yards away from the fluffy ponies, a 4' stallion pegasus fluffy ponies glides to the front of the fluffy ponies and begins talking.
  59. >"Fwuffies, smawtie fwiend will give tiny munsta owies! Then we eat and gwow stwongew tiww we stwongest!"
  60. >The tall fluffy pony then begins moving towards you.
  61. >You happily wag your butt.
  62. >When the tall fluffy pony is finally right next you, it raises a hoof and smacks you.
  64. >Or at least it tries to smack you
  65. >It feels more like your being pat.
  66. >Oh well.
  67. >You need to herd these fluffy ponies off somewhere.
  68. >They've threatened your owner's barn, after all.
  69. >And that's just unforgivable.
  70. >You leap towards the tall fluffy pony's wings, and bite one of them.
  71. >The tall fluffy pony begins crying "owies! owies! Smawty fwiend's wing owies!"
  72. >The other fluffy ponies begin shouting "Tiny munsta giw smawty fwiend owies! Giw smawty fwiend huggies than giw tiny munsta owies!"
  73. >FUN TIME~!
  75. >With the tall fluffy pony's wing still clenched in your mouth, you begin to run, dragging the tall fluffy pony with you.
  76. >Despite being much taller than the average fluffy pony, the tall fluffy pony doesn't weigh much more than an average one.
  77. >In fact, you're still much faster than the other fluffy ponies, who are now falling you.
  78. >You feel happy knowing your herding technique is working.
  79. >Now it's all a matter of time...
  80. >An hour later, you have arrived at your targeted destination.
  81. >And all of the fluffy ponies have arrived with you.
  82. >You are at the local office of Fluffy Pony Control, an organization and agency dedicated to the handling of fluffy ponies.
  83. >Letting go of the tall fluffy pony's wing, you give a bark.
  84. >As the other fluffy ponies swarm the tall fluffy pony to give him hugs, a man who could pass as a clone of Clint Eastwood walks out of of the office.
  85. >"Good to see you again Chip," the man says as he looks around. "It's also good to see these fluffy ponies brought in. We've been getting numerous reports about a large tribe of fluffy ponies going around and devastating farms. Seems they have a large hatred of humans..."
  86. >"Anyways..." the man continues, "there's a large bounty on these fluffies, so I'll be sure to call your owner to let her know she can come collect your reward money."
  87. >"But for now, how 'bout I give you a doggy treat and then a ride back home?" The man opens the door to the office and you walk in.
  88. >As you enjoy the delicious bacon strips given to you, the tribe of fluffy ponies is being ported off to a location where they will be judged on whether or not they're adoptable.
  89. >All in all, quite an adventure for Chip, the number one fluffy herder in the world.
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