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Afairikan Armed Forces Summary Vol. #1.1 (Nibiru)

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Jul 27th, 2016
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  1. Military Summary:
  3. Afairikan Air Force
  5. -Background:
  7. The Afairikan Air Force, also known as the "United States Air Force - Afairikan Branch" is directly derived from/an extension of the USAF of Earth. Hastily assembled by Colonel Maxwell Vol from the security detachment present on the Colombia II Super Shuttle after its disasterous initial landing which led to the death of the science team and destruction of the majority of the craft's research and life support modules, it has been through luck and wit that the AAF has managed to build itself into the most technologically advanced military of Nibiru, a bit with great difficulty.
  9. The AAF was not meant to enter Nibiru in its current militarized state. Consisting of somewhere between three hundred and twenty and four hundred men who were coincidentally various commissioned officers and non-commissioned air men of the United States Air Force as part of the mission requirements, they reverted to USAF command structure as a measure to survive their initially perilous situation in the wild jungles of Nibiru. Pilots and engineers, what the AAF lacks in numbers it makes up for in the quality of its individuals; every air man is of exceptional physical standards as well as educated in military drill, making them both versatile and readily able to take up arms to defend their homeland at a moment's notice.
  11. Nevertheless, the AAF's terminal lack of manpower has crippled its abilities to function in the role of defense. Having to defend not only the sizable territories of American Nibiru, yet also having to fill in for New Albion's own decayed homeguard, the AAF finds itself ever wanting for ways to extend the power projection of each individual man in its command, relying on advanced technology and superior tactics to make up for their shorage of numbers, including the growing use of robotic units to fill in for their undersized ground forces. The AAF has trouble holding ground outside of its territory due to its predominantly aerial composition, and has for now relied on external allies to make decisive maneuvers against its foes.
  13. USAF Core Units:
  15. VE-7(R) Fighter Squadron {AIR} [Str. 1.6] Base Cost: (1c/2e turn) Derived Cost: (FREE)
  16. (OLD) VE-7(R) Fighter Wing {AIR} [Str. 1.2]
  17. Visual Reference:
  19. The Vought VE-7 "Bluebird" was an early biplane of the United States. First flying in 1917, it was designed as a two-seat trainer for the United States Army, then adopted by the United States Navy as its very first fighter aircraft. In 1922, a VE-7 became the first plane to take off from an American aircraft carrier. Gleaned from an old picture book out of the shuttle's literary complement, the reproduced VE-7 formed the backbone of the AAF's earliest air force, being the first model of aircraft to come out of the earliest revision of Freedomia's factory, during a time where the manufacturing capabilities of most any nation in Nibiru beyond the halls of Machina were primitive at best.
  21. Serving as a test bed for the leyline integrated radial engine, it was through trial and error that AAF engineers transformed the VE-7(R) into the first true leyline-powered vehicle in existance; tapping into the grid directly from its engine, the Bluebird had practically unlimited fuel, giving it as much range as its pilot could stand to fly. This capability along with its sister machines in the MB(R) series allowed the aircraft to act as first responders in the Cascadian War, flying non-stop from Freedomia all the way to the western front from thousands of miles away; though taxing on the flight crews, the Afairikan Air Force was able to make it just in time to participate in the thick of the fighting, providing invaluable support to the robotic soldiers of Machina from above through both strategic and tactical bombing runs as well as direct fire, in which the fighters themselves participated in routing the forces of the local junta from New Corvallis with their M2 Browning machine guns.
  23. Currently, the VE-7 squadron has been rotated out of active service, to be replaced with more modern jet-propelled designs and instead used as trainer aircraft for future aviators before they service more advanced machines, maintaining readiness in the case of an emergency which would require their use. Nevertheless, the Bluebirds have played a very important role in not only the history of Nibiru, but also the history of technology.
  25. MB-2(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 2/1] Base Cost: (1c/2e turn) Derived Cost: (FREE)
  26. (OLD) MB-1(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 1/1]
  27. Visual Reference:
  29. The Glenn Martin MB-1 was a 1910s American large biplane bomber designed and built by the Glenn L. Martin Company for the United States Army Air Service. It was the first purpose-built bomber produced by the United States. The Martin NBS-1 was a military aircraft of the United States Army Air Service and its successor, the Air Corps. An improved version of the Martin MB-1, a scout-bomber built during the final months of World War I, the NBS-1 was ordered under the designation MB-2 and is often referred to as such. The designation NBS-1, standing for "Night Bomber-Short Range", was adopted by the Air Service after the first five of the Martin bombers were delivered.
  31. One of the so called "picture book" designs, the MB(R) series of heavy biplane bombers were along with the VE-7(R) among the first operational aircraft of the infant AAF, based off of an early 19th century design due to Afairika's limited manufacturing capabilities at the time. Armed with M2 Brownings and incendiary "fire bombs", the MB(R) formed the backbone of the territory's first bomber squadron, and were the lead cause of combat-related fatalities during the Cascadian War. Known for performing daring low-altitude daytime raids in order to accurately drop their payloads (which unlike their engines, could take multiple days to successfuly resupply), the MB also has the unfortunate distinction of being the first aircraft lost by the AAF for any reason, after one such raid allowed gunmen from bellow to disable a craft mid-flight, causing it to lose control and collide into one of its peers.
  33. In spite of this setback, the remaining MBs managed to complete their mission with no further losses and destroyed the last of the enemy's war materials during the closing stage of the war, even as self-propelled anti-air weapons made doing especially perilous. The remaining airframes are now used as training machines, awaiting replacement with more capable designs so as to minimise the chances of such tragedies happening in the future. They remain armed in case of a crisis that would require the use of all avalible frames, a measure made necessary due to the AAF's shortage in adequate equipment.
  35. Subfactions:
  37. -United States (of Afairika) Air Force Security Forces:
  39. The USAFSF (colloquially simply "Security Force", though occasionally erroneously referred to as the "Army") forms the predominant ground force of the Afairikan armed forces; it is staffed almost exclusively by enlisted air men, and is the direct successor of the Colombia II's security personel, and is tasked both in the defense of Afairika's holdings as well as keeping the peace among its settlements. It is notable for the fact that it is heavily supplimented by semi-autonomous and autonomus robotic units, who add capabilities beyond their initial appearance would suggest.
  41. USAFSF Units:
  43. Watchman Platoon [Str. 1] Base Cost: (1f/1c turn) Derived Cost: (1f turn)
  44. (OLD) Heavy Weapons Platoon [Str. 1]
  45. Visual Reference:
  47. The two "Watchman" Military Police platoons that form the backbone of the Security Force each number exactly thirty men, further divided into groups of twelve which police all five of Afairika's settlement states. Armed with weapons ranging from modest pistols and light energy weapons, to light machine guns and assault rifles in high-intensity situations, they pride themselves in maintaining significantly more capability than the equivalent militia of other colonies. Working voluntarily and without pay, watchmen are exempt from performing most menial forms of labor in order to maintain vigilance over the longest period of time. In spite (or because) of their position, they are a common target of pranks from the fairy populace; due to agreements made between the Afairikan government and the AAF, they are not allowed to directly apprehend fairies themselves, and must notify the local Minute Fairy detachment to conduct disciplinary action against the misbehaving individual.
  49. They likewise have a reputation for dozing off on the job when not on beat (their periods of dozing off the times they are most likely to be pranked), and often find themselves wanting in respect in spite of their "superior capabilities", especially from the fairies, who generally hold a much higher esteem for the commissioned aviators of the "higher" air force. It is likewise the hope of many officers of the watch to be promoted to a position that allows them to serve as part of a flight crew, which they view takes them away from "the slog of the ground".
  51. Caution is advised when breaking the law, especially as a foreigner. Though they're willing to let most minor infractions slide with a slap on the wrist to the cooperative, conducting anything blatantly harmful to the locals is likely to end violently, especially outside of Freedomia; the only dedicated confinement point is located within Freedomia's barracks, and few officers have the patience to drag a dangerous troublemaker to it from a hundred miles away.
  53. MQ-9 "L-Type" UAV {Stealth}{AIR} [Str./Bom. 4/3] Base Cost: (2e turn) Derived Cost: (FREE)
  54. Visual Reference:
  56. The General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper (formerly named Predator B) was an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capable of remote controlled or autonomous flight operations, developed by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems primarily for the United States Air Force. Though over a century out of date, it finds itself coincidentially in the inventory of USAFSF after its schematic was somehow uncovered from Research Station Alpha's old database upon its annexion into the union. Rather than ask further questions, AAF engineers quickly modified its design to accomidate a leyline engine in order to extend its operation time (if not range) to a theoretically unlimited extent, as well as make it capable of being manufactured using Afairika's limited industrial capabilities relative to the US of Earth.
  58. Its customisable set of armaments include thermobaric rockets for ground devistation as well as experimental air to air anti-aircraft missiles, but more often than not it is utilized by the security force to monitor the region, occasionally borrowed by the government to perform surveying duties. The controllers are headquartered within Freedomia's barracks, where it is most often seen ominously looming overhead.
  60. When pressed into combat, the MQ-9 proves to be a difficult to detect target, capable of turning its engine off and free-gliding in order to dampen its auditory signature as it delivers fiery death from above.
  62. RL-3 "L-Type" Robot Squad {Hover}{Anti-Personnel} [Str./Bom. 6.2/2] Base Cost: (2e turn) Derived Cost: (FREE)
  63. Visual Reference:
  65. Ostensibly designed by General Atomics during the later part of the 21st century, the RL-3 series of military robots finds itself lacking recognition even among the AAF's military buffs (aside from one mention of it being "a thing they might have seen on Pop. Mechanics once") which causes doubts as to whether or not they unearthed an unused prototype that never left the drawing board with its myriad of techincal issues, but has nevertheless become a major component of the AAF Security Force.
  67. A robust autonomus platform hovering on a miniature jet engine connected directly to the leyline grid (that this was the only known way to get the design working leads credence towards the prototype theory), the unit possesses a trio of flexible appendages whose ends can be freely swapped between prehensile claws or dedicated armaments. The security preferred layout consists of a basic laser pistol derived from Mad Medicine Inc. designs in combination to its two claws, which can be used as ad-hoc handcuffs to restrain suspicious individuals. The squad of twelve is divided into teams of two to accomidate minor settlements, with two units of three augumenting the security force of Afairika's two major cities; they can usually be found manning the main entrance of a town, occasionally chasing off the wildlife with their laser weapons. It is not uncommon for a unit to accumulate crayon and marker graffiti produced by the fairy inhabitants, though said scribblings are usually done in good will.
  69. During crisis situations, RL-3 units find their claws swapped out with a combination of a powerful disintegrator ray of Albionian origin and downscaled thermobaric rocket launcher similar to the model used on the MQ-9, allowing them to attack from an exterme distance with considerable firepower. Their chassis is rated against pistols, lower caliber rifles, and low-intensity energy weapons. They also possess radiation-hardened electronics, which allows them to function in nuclear contaminated environments which would cause disruptions to similar robots.
  71. "Big Mac", Chained Dire Ramburger [Str. 3] Base Cost: (2f turn)
  72. Visual Reference:
  74. Not "officially" considered part of the Security Force per say, "Big Mac" is the official mascot of the government-owned "Burger Chain" chain of fast-food restaurants to have since graced the territory after a joint project with Mad Medicine Inc. regarding the creation of "reproducing burgers". It can only be described as a massive, seven-foot tall animate sandwich possessing rows of razor-sharp teeth, and it is usually found confined behind a wire-link fence, chained to a post so as to not cause any potential incidents. In the event of a crisis, it can be released by request of the government to aid in the security of a location, where it has been semi-trained by the local watchmen to follow basic commands including "attack", "roll over", and "charge!"
  76. When not on its leash, it is advised that one stays clear; though no fatalities have occured yet, officials doubt their ability to control the creature in a high-stress situation.
  78. -Air Force Special Operations Command - Afairikan Branch:
  80. Created after the need for the AAF to operate its own programs and operations seperately from the local government, the Air Force Special Operations Command on Nibiru was established to extend the Air Force's capabilities and ensure that the fairies had less stress placed on their own studies towards eventually finding a way back to Earth. Hand picked from the best engineers and aviators of the AAF, AFSOC both operates and develops the most advanced aircraft of Afairika's inventory, often chosing robust, multi-purpose designs to get the most out of their inventory. "Any Time, Any Place", they're the ones sent out to ensure critical objectives are met during times periods of tension, and their coming usually heralds the AAF meaning buisness.
  82. AFSOC Units:
  84. A-26C(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 3/2] Base Cost: (2e turn) Derived Cost: (FREE)
  85. (Old) A-26B(R) Bomber Flight {AIR} [Str./Bom. 2.6/2]
  86. Visual Reference:
  88. The Douglas A-26 Invader was a twin-engined light bomber and ground attack aircraft that was built by Douglas Aircraft Company during World War II which also saw service during several major Cold War conflicts. It was a fast aircraft capable of carrying twice its specified bomb load; a range of guns could be fitted to produce a formidable ground-attack weapon.
  90. The current bread and butter of AFSOC's aircraft inventory, the A-26(R) series was based on the archaic A-26 of the 20th century, and like the models before it chosen over more advanced machines due to the limitations of Afairika's manufacturing capabilities. Unlike the conventional AAF's units before it, the A-26 is a more modern all-metal constructed monoplane, possessing a significantly larger payload than the MB series, while also outspeeding the venerable VE-7 by nearly twofold, making it the most capable of the extended AAF's pre-jet lineup. As a result, the A-26 has been used to fill in for a myriad of roles; from bomber to fighter to transport to ground attack aircraft, serving as the workhorse frame during the later part of the campaign in the Cascadian, in which it conducted strafing maneuvers to great effect.
  92. In anticipation for aircraft with greater capabilities and specialization following the industry reformation caused by the merging of Altech's lands with Afairika and upgrades to the factory, the A-26's role in the growing aircraft lineup remains uncertain. What is clear is that the Invader has hard earned its position, and will unlikely find itself retired any time soon.
  94. The Governess's Fairies
  96. -Background:
  98. Not originally expected to take any sort of role beyond aiding the now dead science team in unlocking the secrets of leylines, the fairies of Afairika are small (size ranging from that of a child to the mid five-foot range), simple, humanoid creatures of "magic" that claim to represent some aspect of nature, notable for the fact that some reason Afairika refuses to classify them as mutants; in fact, that they exist at all is technically denied by the territory entirely to anybody but the highest echelons of their close allies. There are no fairies in Afairika; that every woman happens to be on the shorter scale (claimed to partially be an illusion caused by the fact that all AAF air men are HUGE) and some of them possess not-otherwise seen hair colors like green, blue, are officially brushed off as being caused by "their sugar rich diets", which is also stated to be the reason they smell like cotton candy. Fairies tend to restrict the usage of their wings in public, especially the face of strangers as a result.
  100. The Unofficial Afairikan Armed Militia formed as consequence of the need to keep some form of order to the thousands of fairies living in Afairika that the AAF felt itself incapable of dealing with, while also giving the many fairies not directly involved with the leyline projects something to do. Composed of the taller and more physically able of their number, the Governess's Fairy service patrol the skies of their settlements to make sure no suspicious figures do anything actually suspicious, tattle on their peers if they're doing something counter-productive like setting someone's house on fire, and generally providing a "gentler" form of peace keeping than the USAFSF, while also acting as the Governess's personal military, operating completely seperate from the AAF and taking orders from Miss Governor herself.
  102. Considered to be the last line of defense, their existance is a legal gray area and it is the AAF's hope that they'll never have to face direct combat. Though it would be difficult to deny that this is partially out of chivalric reasons, Afairika's fairy population is considered to be of critical importance concerning the production and usage of leyline-based magic and technology. Fairies are also noted to on average have considerably worse "combat survivability" than even the watchmen, having poor strength and endurance compared to their human counterparts and being significantly less resistant to damage, topped off with an arguably slower cognitive ability extending to difficulties remembering complex orders. In spite of this, their natural flight capabilities in tandem with their leyline manipulation poweress can make them incredibly dangerous against their limitations, increasing as they unlock greater secrets in the use of leylines. To underestimate them based on their surface appearance would be a terrible mistake.
  104. Core Units:
  106. Minute Fairy Platoon {Flying}{Medical} [Str. 1] Base Cost: (1f turn) Derived Cost: (1f turn)
  107. Visual Reference:
  109. A platoon of thirty fairies, four to each minor settlement and nine patroling each major one, the Minute Fairies base their manner and appearance on the historical "Minute Men" of America's past. Priding themselves in their ability to be constantly ready, they are seldom seen without their semi-automatic rifles, which they use as a status of rank as well as a justification to boss around other fairies, one of their roles being to police their sisters so as to keep them from moving too much out of line. Though they take their jobs very seriously, they're noted to suffer from many of the same issues of the watchman platoons, losing focus of their tasks, dozing off, and generally doing anything but their actual roles; they aren't very effective at policing humans, and can easily be tricked to look the other way through talk. Nevertheless, their presence is said to lower the cases of fairies pulling pranks on humans both local and foreign alike, and they likewise all have basic medical knowledge to tend to any individuals wounded, either by the fauna of Nibiru or a ill-executed prank.
  111. In combat, the Minute Fairies have two seperate "modes" of attack: when in the air, they'll default to launching "Danmaku", waves of energy projectiles that move slowly but saturate the skies in large numbers making dodging them difficult, especially against a massed army. On the ground, they tend towards hiding under cover and firing their rifles, their smaller size making picking them out difficult. They prefer to fight airborne, but will work on the ground if it means they get the tactical advantage, such as when the skies are saturated with AA weapons.
  113. Theoretically, Minute Fairies are capable of acting as paratroopers from the appropriate aircraft, using their wings to control their descent and even capture and hold territory. In practice, the AAF is hesitant to willingly send them into combat, and would likely only do so in a dire emergency.
  115. Fairy Maid Brigade {Flying}{Anti-Espionage} [Str. 2.4] Base Cost: (1f/1c turn) Derived Cost: (1f turn)
  116. Visual Reference:
  118. Arguably the most versatile of the Governess's fairy units, the maid brigade numbers sixty fairy house-servants which also triple as both police (officially only against fellow fairies, but they've been known to notify AAF of its members' misbehavior as well) and capable defenders, utilizing advanced forms of danmaku in combat. Ten maids staff an area of importance in each minor settlement, while sets of fourteen operate both within The Governess's Penthouse as well as the labs of Research Station Alpha, each group run by a "head maid" who reports all ongoing going ons to the Governess to keep her in the know. As opposed to the gruff manners of the Watchmen or the Minute Fairies, hardly anybody knows that they're anything beyond what their appearance would suggest until a rule is broken in such a way that they exercise their powers. More often, they will be seen keeping the interiors of important structures clean of debris, starting up small-talk with the visitors, and performing domestic tasks to varying degrees of competence.
  120. Though the AAF's first actions regarding the suggestion of sending them into combat would likely be to evacuate them with the rest of the fairy civilian populace, Maids prove to be capable fighters when pressed, using their spell cards and the agility afforded by their wings to launch cones of painful danmaku capable of denting steel and sweeping pests from the premises with a direct hit. They can do this either grounded or in the skies, in effect functioning as living shotguns as they lay down surpressive fire indefinitely. Maids especially detest intruders to buildings they're tasked to keep clean, and will defend such structures with their lives; on the other hand, they're easily intimidated by things that are considered "unclean" such as rats and filth, and are liable to rout when facing such.
  122. It is illegal to take a photo of a maid while on-duty.
  124. Unique Units:
  126. "Clownpiece Two", The Governess's Lunatic Aide from Hell {Flying}{Lunacy}{Terraformer} [Str. 3] Base Cost: (2f turn) Derived Cost: (2f turn)
  127. Visual Reference:
  129. A fairy who the Governess has taken on as an apprentice of sorts, "Clownpiece" (often simply called "The Governess's Aide") resembles a younger version of her master, dresses similarly, and has adopted her signature laugh in order to better emulate the fairy leader. Her existance as anything beyond a servant is a secret to the AAF, and it is not generally expected for her to be sent into combat roles, but as arguably the strongest active magic user of the area, this carefree harlequin has a untold amount of energy flowing through her form.
  131. Her attacks are based off of the Governess's own technique, and most of them revolve around using elaborate arrays of lasers and danmaku to both saturate the air in projectiles and overload the sensory abilities of foes. Alongside spellcards, The Governess's Aide possesses the ability to use the distinctive torch she carries around to drive those who gaze upon it insane; both to make allies fight harder, and to make enemies fight amongst themselves, it's a temporary yet very powerful effect. Manipulating the leyline grid, she can also mold the surrounding earth to a significant extent, constructing pits of rocky spikes, sheer cliffs, or sink holes at-will, as well as levitating large boulders and launching them into foes. Her preferred basic attack is using large amounts of lasers to form virtual walls of light on the field; slicing through troop and cover alike; if she can help it, using her terraforming abilities to flatten the terrain to maximize the effect of her dangerous beams.
  133. Spellcard list:
  135. Visual Reference:
  136. Prison Sign "Hell Eclipse" - A large central sphere of energy from which eight "arms" which fire a continous stream of projectiles is made; accompanying this object is a large stone sphere which is both used as cover for friendly units and a dangerous bludgeon against foes. Star-shaped projectiles are also fired periodically as an additional measure to pin down foes.
  138. Visual Reference:
  139. Prison Sign "Flash and Stripe" - This patriotic spellcard consists of a wavy tide of stars laying down surpressive fire as Clownpiece summons an advancing horizontal wall of red and white lasers to impede the movement of enemies, especially those with flight capabilities; not that ground targets have it any easier, as she also uses her abilities to cause a tremor in order to make coordinated movement next to impossible for infantry.
  141. Visual Reference:
  142. Hellfire "Graze Inferno" - A sphere of flaming projectiles is periodically released from Clownpiece's torch; slow to advance, it's possible to use opposing danmaku or energy weapons to push the projectiles aside to an extent; it is recommended that one takes cover for this attack if possible, though it tends to set flammable objects on fire, making them poor for this purpose.
  144. Visual Reference:
  145. Hell "Striped Abyss" - Horizontal lines of lasers are slammed into the enemies line repeatedly in order to attack lines of foes at a time; less flashy and more functional, this move is generally used when the similar Flash and Stripe would prove too unwieldy for use, or if it fails to clear the initial threat.
  147. Visual Reference:
  148. "Fake Apollo" - The aide's strongest spellcard, this move summons three moon-like spheres and uses them as turrets from which circles of projectiles discharge while moving at at a rapidly icnreasing speed, crushing man and machine alike in their wake. Taxing to use and unpredictable, this card is typically a last resort or when no other abilities can be brought to bear, functioning as a "fire and forget" move.
  150. Other Weapons:
  152. These are weapons used by, if not officially owned by any organization of Afairika's armed forces. They can call upon their use under special circumstances.
  154. Satellite [Bom. 1]
  155. Visual Reference:
  157. More formally known under the name of "Altech Brand Kinetic Bombardment Satellite", these orbital weapons are capable of launching steel or tungsten rods onto a specified target anywhere on the globe. First used in the opening of the Cascadian War as a strategic bombardment weapon, attack satellites were invaluble in breaking the initial lines of the Free Army prior to the period the AAF could be brought to bear. Though Afairika does not directly own any of the satellites in current use, it is said to possess the capability to manufacture them directly if needed.
  159. L.A.W Satellite [???]
  160. Visual Reference:
  162. The end result of the so called "Detroit Project", the Leyline Agitation Weapon ("L.A.W") is a powerful experimental orbital device which fires a laser to a specific frequency in order to agitate a sector of Nibiru's leyline grid; much like the effects of an overflowing river, this causes mass destruction as the terrain disorts and a large amount of energy, comparable to an early atomic weapon, is released. Never tested, its true potential remains a mystery, but it is considered a weapon of last resort; two important officials, the Afairikan leader of the armed forces, and a high-ranking scientist of Altech must both agree to authorize its use before it is put into active duty.
  164. As it is not technically a nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon, it does not technically breach the venerable Outer Space or SALT II Treaties (though given the presence of armed military aircraft unto themselves already breaks an existing treaty, it is not sure if this was intentional.)
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