
Mistake One Shots

Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. >The soundproof walls do little to contain the loud bangs of firearms at the local gunshop.
  2. >Mistake can barely contain her excitement and gets ahead of you holding the emptied shotgun. Swinging it from side to side as she passes the pony clerk, he frowns and bites her shirt collar, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! This isnt the NPRA, we have rules here!"
  3. >You catch up and grip her weapon before pulling it away and pointing it up.
  4. "Mistake! What have I told you about proper trigger disipline?"
  5. >She looks down and quivers her lips, "Sorry dad." She meekly replies as you sigh and look towards the clerk.
  6. "I'm so sorry, she didnt mean to break the rules like that."
  7. >"I'll say." He responds annoyed, "Going to the range without paying is unforgivable. Dont let it happen again."
  8. >Today was a Equestria-fuck yeah kinda day.
  10. >With the lane paid for, you load the shotgun as Mistake looks from the side eagerly.
  11. >"Can I fire it yet dad?!" She exclaims jumping up and down, "Can I?! Can I!?"
  12. "Not yet honey, we first gotta go mount the target...You wanna load it?"
  13. >"Yes!"
  14. >Setting the gun to the side, you pick her up and hold her in your hands as she clips down the paper in place.
  15. >Setting her down, you press the button and send the paper down the lane.
  16. >Reaching about 5 feet away, you stop it and grab the gun.
  17. "Ok, now remember what I told you, gently squeeze the trigger, hold the gun HARD, and practice proper trigger discipline."
  18. >"Ok dad." She nods as she gently takes the gun and takes her stance and grins, "Hope is gonna be SOOO jealous when I tell her I shot a REAL gun."
  19. "Nobody likes a bragger sweetie...but yeah, rub it in a few times."
  20. >Smiling, she looks down the lane and aims, holding it a moment, she inhales, and exhales before focusing.
  21. >With a slight squeeze, the gun roars before flying backwards and smashing into the wall. Both you and Mistake looks back in terror as a large hole is left in the wall.
  22. "...Glad I only loaded one round."
  23. >Today was a fun day with your daughter
  25. >At the range, shots fire off in succession as Hope and Mistake stand side by side in their respected aisles firing hand guns.
  26. >With the magazine emptied in Mistakes gun, she ejects it and begins to feed in rounds into it while shouting to Hope, “Yeah! My dads gun was awesome! It flew back into the wall and made a hole!”
  27. >”That sounds awesome! What kind of gun was it?!”
  28. >”I have no idea!” She admits happily before ramming the magazine into the gun, “I’ll bring it next time!”
  29. >”Cool!” Hope yells as she pops out the magazine and slides in a new one. Setting it down, she pushes a button and brings the target over to her riddled with a tight grouping in the chest area. Mistake looks over and pushes on her button to reveal a target with assorted holes in it, some in the chest, arms, and empty space outside of the frame. With a worried frown, Mistake tears it off and mumbles as Hope looks over and smiles trying not to embarrass her, “You did good!” She encourages
  31. >Two giant wooden doors come slowly swinging open as Mistake comes walking in holding her black gun case. The changeling guards salute her as she waves at them “Hey.”
  32. >Walking past them, she enters the kitchen to see her mother and you sipping at coffee peacefully.
  33. “Hey honey, how was the range?”
  34. >”Ok, say dad, where is that gun that shot that hole in the wall? I promised Hope I would bring it.”
  35. “Oh sweetie, I don’t have it anymore.”
  36. >”What!? Why!?”
  37. “It wasn’t even mine, I borrowed it.”
  38. >”Dad! I promised Hope I would bring it!”
  39. “Sorry sweetie.”
  40. >Mistake groans annoyed before stomping away as you sigh and lean into the chair looking towards Chrysalis.
  41. “Why do girls have to be so difficult? Why couldn’t I have had a son?”
  42. >”If she were a full changeling, she could be whatever gender you wanted.”
  43. “Wait, what?”
  44. >”You didn’t know? All changelings can do it.”
  45. “Even you?”
  46. >She folds the paper and smirks, “Care to find out?”
  47. >The next morning, you woke up with a big black cock in your face. You never asked her a question again.
  49. >At the gunshop, Mistake practically presses her face against the glass display and eyes a silver revolver, “Ooooh, I WANT that gun SO bad.”
  50. >Not far off, Hope examines some holsters and looks over to her friend, “You know, my dad has a (fancy gun) its much nicer than that one, I’m sure he’d let us use it.”
  51. >”Really?! Oh that would be so cool!”
  52. >Hope smiles as she walks up to the counter and sets down the holster, “Do you have any .336 rounds?”
  53. >The clerk nods and bends down before fumbling around and returning with a few boxes of ammo, “How many?”
  54. >”2, thank you.”
  55. >Mistake comes walking up curiously and examines the ammo, “.336?”
  56. >”You know, the caliber?” Hope replies, “For rifles usually.”
  57. >Mistake cant help but look like a deer in the headlights before clearing her throat, “Oh yeah, haha, never really used a rifle before hahaha, kinda forgot.”
  58. >”Oh, well my dad has tons of em, I can bring some next weekend and we can fire em together.”
  59. >”Sure! Yeah, that’d be cool!”
  60. >”Ok, so its gonna be the revolver, rifle, and our 9s. Sounds like a fun weekend.” Hope gives her a hug and takes her items “See you next week.” She smiles.
  61. >Mistake grins as sweat rolls down her face, with Hope gone she looks around at all the assorted weapons and bullets. “..I have no idea what any of these are.”
  63. >Back at the castle, Mistake comes walking in and heads to your room.
  64. “Hey sweetie.”
  65. >”Hey dad.” She replies before going to your gun cabinet and looking through it, “Dad, is this the ONLY weapon we have?”
  66. “Whats wrong with the 9?”
  67. >”Nothing, its just, Hope’s dad has a lot of guns and she is gonna bring some over to practice with, and I feel bad only being able to bring my handgun. Don’t you have any other weapons I can use? Pleeeease dad?” She can tell you being on the fence, and ups her cute charm as she comes up and playfully nudges you before giving you the puppy dog eyes, “Pleeeease?”
  68. >You sigh and go to your closet, opening the doors, you reach in and pull a black shotgun.
  69. “Ok, I have this but you have to PROMISE me that you’ll be careful. Your trigger practices have me worried about giving you the heavier stuff.”
  70. >”Oh cmon dad, it was only that one time.”
  71. “One time that you had an accidental discharge, but how many times have you pointed a gun at people?”
  72. >”They were accidents!”
  73. “Tell that to the pony you kill, now promise me Mistake.”
  74. >”But..”
  75. “PROMISE!”
  76. >”…Ok dad, I promise I wont do anything stupid with it.”
  77. “That a girl.”
  78. >You lean down and give her a hug before breaking away and giving it to her.
  79. “Have fun sweetie.”
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