
Disembodied Anon CYOA

Jun 4th, 2014
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  2. >Day 113 in equestria
  3. >you've been a ghost this whole time, able to speak, but having no body or form to speak of.
  4. >you've been silently watching a pony eat breakfast for a while
  5. >it seems a little creepy, but when you don't eat or sleep having something to cement in what time it is can do wonders
  6. >floating downtown, you go through your day
  7. >you've got three children to visit as their imaginary friend, but they won't be out of school until this afternoon
  8. >you loved little cherry stem. She always made you laugh. You must have played cops and robbers for hours yesterday.
  9. >before had scheduled a chess match with Tabletop at the asylum- he's a bit crazy, but he'll believe in you without question
  10. >he's got killer game too. You haven't beaten him yet
  12. > could haunt the old Tooley place!
  13. >when you first arrived you tried to reveal yourself to the couple that lived there.
  14. >they ended up...well...moving away.
  15. >their screams and threats woke up everyone in town until you accidentally spooked the social worker investigating them
  16. >you still feel bad about that, but they're living in a better town now
  17. >regardless, there are teen ponies who sneak to the house on dares
  18. >every once in a while, you make it interesting.
  19. >can't have peoplebelieving you don't exist, can you?
  21. >That was the last time you really tried to get help, or make people understand
  22. >since then you've been careful for who you hang with
  23. >you hang out at the hospital some days, hoping to cheer up some of the more critical patients with your songs
  24. >it's a sad life, but as long as others are happy... you can be too.
  25. >anyway, you've got a day to plan...
  26. >where to first?
  30. DO YOU
  32. A: Visit the school and check up on your kids
  33. B: Play chess with TableTop
  34. C: Haunt the Tooley Place
  35. D: Visit the hospital
  36. E. Wander aimlessly around town
  39. #### Thread Chose B
  42. >you figure that tabletop wouldn't mind your being a bit early
  43. >it's not like he has much else to do
  44. >you float south across manehatten toward the mental health facility
  45. >It's a fine morning
  46. >you approach the facility very shortly
  47. >the place is painted white, a stark contrast from the brick-heavy city plan
  48. >you fly in through Tabletop's window, the iron bars give you no trouble as you can slip easily through them
  49. Good morning, Tabletop!
  50. >the pinkish pony sits up from his bed, smiling like a child
  51. >"I wasn't sure you'd return, friend!"
  52. What, after you tried to maim me with a flowerpot? It takes more than that to get rid of me!
  53. >Tabletop chuckles sincerely
  55. >You had met him while touring town. He had his own house back then
  56. >he had forgotten to turn off his oven, and you saw the fumes coming out of his house
  57. >as you reminded him, you were struck at how he took you in stride- until you stayed around him more
  58. >Tabletop appeared to have Alzheimer's (or whatever they call it in Equestria) or some serious memory problem
  59. >after having to remind him of things constantly and nearly save his life a time or two, you decided to get him taken care of
  60. >it was a simple matter. all you had to do was get him in public and start an argument
  61. >someone called the police and he was taken away
  62. >he was furious at being taken to the facility, but after he...forgot, he seemed to enjoy himself there
  63. >somehow he still remembers you
  65. So, are you ready to match wits?
  66. >"I was ready when you were still in diapers, you ruddy, base-minded peckerhead
  67. We'll see about that, you old, daft codger!
  68. >Tabletop reaches under the table and produces a chessboard and a set of glass pieces
  69. >"I never did understand why you needed me to move your pieces"
  70. I'm just too clumsy. The pieces'd fall through me
  71. >he sets up your game
  72. >you can see the happiness in his eyes
  73. Alright, since I lost last time, I'll be white
  74. >"very well"
  76. pawn to D4!
  77. >Tabletop reached for his thinking cap- which made him look like some sort of elf-and replied
  78. >"Ah ha! pawn to D5!
  79. >he moved yours, and then his.
  80. pawn to F4.
  81. >"Hmm...interesting. Knight to F6."
  82. >you audibly winced.
  83. >"what, are you in danger already? At least let me play a dozen turns before you concede!"
  84. >that old bastard
  85. No, I'm just wincing at your old-fashioned openings. Surely you can think of something more creative than that!
  86. >He smiles, and leans back
  87. >"flattery will get you nowhere, but oh...don't let that stop you!"
  88. Pawn to E3
  89. >"Ha! the Stonewall attack? That is an easy counter! pawn to C5!"
  90. >Damn.
  91. >the game runs on for hours. you lost ground early, but Tabletop let you regroup your pieces
  92. >why does he keep toying with you?
  93. >in any case, after an hour or so he won the game
  94. >after some name-calling and accusatory statements, you floated out in a huff
  96. >but you couldn't help but smile for him. He beat you fair and square...again.
  98. DO YOU
  100. F: go to lunch (or at least pretend to)
  101. G: explore the rest of the mental facility
  106. #### Thread Chose C
  109. >you need to blow off some steam after that humiliating game with Tabletop
  110. >the old Tooley place is up on the west end of town
  111. >You float over the overgrown building and remember what you did to them
  112. >this is a reminder to you of the harm you can do to ponies
  114. >you hear a rustling sound
  115. >three ponies creep out of the neighboring park
  116. >looks like they're skipping out on school today
  117. >you swoop down from the sky and listen in
  119. >"They say this is where the Tooleys lived before a ghost drove them out of their house"
  120. >a brown pegasus with bleach-blond hair was leading the other two into the back yard
  121. >" don't really believe in ghosts, do you?" asked the shorter, grey one
  122. >the third pony, a tall beige pegasus with long hair pushed the little one back
  123. >"Of course not! They were just crazy. I mean, come on, they were earth ponies! I'd say some pega took it on himself to scare them off. We don't need any more of those useless ponies around here."
  124. >"Then why are we here again?" replied the grey one
  125. >"We don't want them coming back, now, do we? this "ghost" was someone's good idea, but they didn't bucking do anything with it. What we bring this "ghost" back? You heard how quickly those no-wings ran... we could clean up this neighborhood in nothing flat!"
  126. >The first pegasus kicked down the back door
  127. >"We'll start with just the earth ponies, of course. Lets swing by that Orange dude's place first. This'll make him feel a little more welcome in the neighborhood."
  129. >If you had a jaw, it would have dropped
  130. >you floated inside with every mind to practice your Satan impersonation
  131. >As they distracted themselves gathering white robes for their costumes, you readied for the strike
  132. >but you stopped. wouldn't it be better if you scared the shit out of them red-handed?
  133. >you'd like to get them in real trouble, but it's hard to resist scaring them now...and you'd have to wait so long...
  135. DO YOU
  137. H: Scare them now
  138. I: Wait until they start the raid
  139. J: Try to rat them out now (somehow)
  144. #### Thread chose H
  147. >fuck the cops, you’re going to teach them a lesson they’ll never forget
  148. >you circle the house, contemplating how you’re going to scare the ever-living shit out of them
  150. >”Alright, we’re set. Wanna meet back here at midnight?”
  151. >”Sure. Ya think I should bring my torch? I found one in my basement last week”
  152. >”Hah, sure. You think you can find enough for…all…What’s that?”
  153. >a sound was coming out of the basement, almost like…chains clinking.
  154. >”Aaah! Do…do you think someone’s still here?” asked the small grey one
  155. >”No, there couldn’t be. No one would dare anger the ghost.”
  156. >as the words left his mouth the first brown pegasus’ eyes grew wide, and he covered his mouth in horror.
  157. >”I…I didn’t say that! It wasn’t me!”
  158. >”Nice one, Dumbbell. Real scary!”
  159. >”I swear guys, I didn’t say a thing!”
  160. >the clinking continued
  161. >the three ponies started working faster, eager to get out of the house as soon as possible
  162. >now light moaning was coming out of the basement- not moans of pain, but of…pleasure.
  163. >”Do you think we should look downstairs? We…we could use our costumes to try to scare them off”
  164. >”It’s just the wind, dumbass. Hurry up with those hoods.”
  166. >you smile as you see the three ponies start to sweat. You really ought to put your talents into theater. Imagine what you could do with an entire auditorium.
  167. >you had already mastered most sound effects, but multiple voices were still troublesome.
  168. >you add a stallion's groans downstairs, and chuckle as the adolescent pegasi stop working to listen
  169. >"Ha... you guys getting excited?"
  170. >"NO, shut up."
  171. >"you guys think we should scare them?"
  172. >"Lets do it."
  173. Ɏɇs łɇŧs!
  175. >The Pegasus jump in terror
  176. >”alright, this isn’t funny anymore, guys. Who the buck did that?”
  177. >as they argue, you bring out the ace in your sleeve
  178. >the moaning from downstairs gets louder, and louder.
  179. >the pegasi start to back towards the back door
  180. >now the voices are screaming. And they are getting even louder
  181. >”forget this, lets get out of here!”
  182. >the short and tall pegasi run toward the back door while the pony apparently named “dumbbell” stayed behind
  183. >”What, are you guys chicken?”
  184. >”They’re trying to scare ponies off again! Lets go downstairs and jump ‘em!”
  185. >now putting their pride on the line, the three pegasi creep toward the basement hatch
  186. >you strain and add the sound of a sputtering chainsaw to the screaming in the basement
  188. >just as they reach it, your straining voices culminate in a single bloody, anguished screech and a bloody splattering
  189. >the sound of metal ripping through bone echoes through the small country home as the would-be-pranksters stand frozen with fear
  190. >taking a moment to rest from your grueling performance, you float out of the basement and over the back door
  192. >throwing your voice had taken months to learn, but you knew that if you were to be productive with your presence in Equestria, you would need to learn this eventually.
  193. >luckily, with no other outlet for your intellect, your voice became far more powerful than you had even hoped
  194. >you had great success in copying noises. Almost any sound you heard you could make yourself
  195. >true, you tried not to interfere, but what if there were an attack on the city? What if a criminal was holding a hostage?
  196. >you can still help ponies even if they never know you exist
  197. >but these ponies?
  198. >well…they don’t count.
  199. >you really had spent too much time watching horror movies
  200. >you hover outside the back door and begin singing a simple nursery rhyme
  201. ...hush now quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head...
  202. >the three ponies are paralyzed with fear now. they lay trembling on the floor- prey to your whims
  203. ...hush now quiet now it time to....
  204. >you approach them, wishing they could see your shit-eating grin
  205. "ǤO ŦO ɃɆĐ!"
  206. >they bolt
  208. >As they scramble out the front door, you start to laugh
  209. ĦȺĦȺĦȺ- *cough* *hack* *cough*
  210. eauugh... I can't have you taking my job, now, can I?
  211. >you float away, sore but satisfied
  213. >it's funny, you thought you heard someone else laughing, but you looked around and no one was there...
  214. >you probably imagined it. these old oak walls have the strangest echoes
  215. >in any case, there's always something to do in town.
  217. >you're pooped though.
  219. DO YOU
  221. K: take a nap until school's out
  222. L: keep looking if anyone else is around
  223. M: go watch someone eat lunch to unwind
  225. OR LETTERS A ~ G
  228. #### Thread chose L
  231. >you stop and think
  232. >maybe there was someone who was there after all
  233. >voices don't just come out of nowhere, after all
  234. >...
  235. >unless it's you.
  237. >you float around the Tooley's place, hoping to find hoofprints, or some sign of the laughing you heard
  238. >why were they laughing, anyway?
  239. >you had just unleashed your best demon voice and they weren't scared?
  240. >shit. maybe you should be the one afraid
  241. >you see several schoolwagons driving kids home in front of the house.
  242. Heh...I'll bet they got a good look at those goons
  243. >after a few minutes turned up nothing, you conclude that it must have been the kids riding past
  244. >you'd have laughed too if you got to see your schoolhouse bullies pissing themselves in fear
  246. >you float away, chuckling again.
  248. >maybe your kids will want to play with their imaginary friend again
  250. >you yawn and turn toward manehatten
  251. >let's see what else-
  253. >wait
  255. >you heard something again
  256. >it sounded like a sigh, a sigh of relief.
  257. >somepony was there, you just know it!
  258. >they must have been hiding until you left, but...
  259. >how could they have seen you?
  260. >how could they hide so well?
  262. >you dart back to the haunted house and proclaim
  263. I know you're here! Come out! I want to talk to you! Where are you?
  264. >you distinctly hear a sharp, nervous breath, and then something fluttering away.
  265. STOP! Who are you? I just want to talk!!
  267. >but it's too late. It was just as invisible as you, it seems, and now it could be anywhere.
  269. >all the questions fill your mind
  270. >who was it?
  271. >are they like me?
  272. >it seemed to be able to sense me. Can anyone else?
  273. >just what are its intentions?
  275. >you'd heard of ghost houses in Equestria that you certainly didn't start. what if there are others here like you?
  276. >but why couldn't you see it?
  278. >you can't handle this information right now.
  280. DO YOU
  282. N: play with your kids as their imaginary friend
  283. O: try to follow the voice ( you thought it went east-ish, but you can't be sure)
  288. #### Thread Chose O
  291. >this is too important to leave.
  292. Please come back!
  293. >you float after the voice, hoping to follow it and learn more about what it could be
  294. >unfortunately, you find yourself heading back downtown, where the noise of the traffic masks any sound you could trace.
  295. >damn
  296. >you'll be on the lookout though...
  298. >Now you're right back where you started
  299. >middle of Canterlot at the height of the day
  300. >all the hustle and bustle on the streets below you is tiring.
  301. >you decide to look into one of the buildings
  302. >There's the fashion district, the mall...
  303. >right behind you is a massive building that houses the Canterlot Enquirer
  304. >And of course there's the castle of the two princesses
  306. DO YOU
  308. A: check out the Canterlot Enquirer
  309. B: check out the castle
  314. #### Thread Chose A
  317. >you enter the home of the Canterlot Enquirer" biggest newspaper west of Manehattan
  318. >sure is loud in here
  319. >"Damnit kid, I need pictures!"
  320. >you float into the back room of the editor's office, hoping to hear some fresh news
  321. >There's a grey-haired pony angrily smoking a cigar and yelling at what appears to be a photographer
  322. >"But sir, nobody's ever gotten a picture of her! She's as mysterious as they come!"
  323. >"I didn't hire you to sit on your flank, I hired you to get me PICTURES! PICTURES OF PONIES! and now you tell me you can't do that?"
  324. >looks like juicy gossip. Maybe you'll use it to help out that poor psychic on Main street
  325. >another pony steps into the office. "Sir, another kid is here to see you. Says he's got pictures: pictures of ponies.
  326. >"Well let her in!! What, do you choose now to ask for my permission?
  328. >another pony walks in- she has wavy purple hair and a sleek white coat.
  329. >"Good morning sirs!" she beams, "I happen to have some pictures you may want to see!"
  330. >"WELL LETS SEE THEM. I don't have time for exposition!
  331. >the white mare opens an envelope and presents the editor with a dozen photographs.
  332. >"I...I don't believe it!" You got a picture of the Mysterious Mare-do-well?" the first photographer said
  333. >"MORE LIKE THE MYSTERIOUS MENACE! Hmm... I like that. Put it on the front page with a bunch of question marks!
  334. >the white mare speaks up again. "So I take it you're willing to hire me?"
  335. >If you're as good as you say... just get more pictures of that purple menace! What did you say your name was again?"
  336. >"Rarity"
  337. >Well, welcome to the paper. Don't get cocky. WHERE"S MY COFFEE??"
  339. >interesting.... this pony is a little high-sprung.
  341. >you clear your thoat
  342. MENACE?
  343. >"Who said that?"
  344. You call me, the mysterious mare-do-well, a menace? How dare you!
  345. >"I don't know where you are, sorceress, but I'll never believe your lies! You're a danger to Equestria! And why do you have to wear a mask? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM US??"
  346. I'm just trying to help ponies! Unlike you, who seem to be content abusing them.
  347. >you don't know much about this mare-do-well, but you've read about her exploits in previous papers. She seems like a hero.
  349. >"WHAT, I'M BEING TRASH-TALKED BY AN INVISIBLE SHE-DEVIL? I know your kind, I'll expose you for what you really are! A FRAUD!"
  350. >you move up to right in front of him and whisper...
  351. Someone's got his panties in a bunch today...
  352. >the editor throws his coffee at you, but it passes through and lands on his carpet
  354. >chuckling, you float away. Maybe there will be time later to rile him up more
  358. #### Thread chose to go back and visit the children for clues about the mysterious voice
  361. >you smile as you realize what time it is
  362. >3:48! that's when Cherry Stem gets home from school!
  363. >you travel swiftly to her house, excited to play with the closest thing you have to a friend
  365. >you come up on her house: a small townhome near the outskirts of the city
  366. >the light yellow filly was playing in her sandbox
  367. >you smile and start making quiet buzzing noises above her
  368. >she stops playing and looks up
  369. >"Oh no! the changelings are back!"
  370. Nope. It's just me.
  371. >"ANAMOOSE!"
  372. >you never understood why she called you that. She could easily pronounce your name...the little stinkbrain
  373. Hey, Cherry! How was school?
  374. >"Well, miss teacher had us do a show and tell, and I didn't have anything to bring-"
  375. >you feel at ease as the little filly tells you about her day
  376. >She had accepted you completely when you revealed yourself. Even as a human, you never knew anyone so pure and innocent
  377. >for the past month or so you both had played "princess" and "changeling invaders", and had tea parties...
  378. >she made you feel like a father sometimes. It hurt when she had to come inside to her real parents
  380. >"-and when they told me I couldn't bring imaginary friends to school I told them 'listen here, mister, Anamoose and Shiny aren't just imaginary friends, they're real!' but then he said I had to so I brought this rock that sort of looks like my face.
  381. How does it look like your face?
  382. >"let me show you!'
  383. >Cherry Stem runs inside excitedly
  385. >you decide to stay outside.
  386. >her parents already think that Stem's a bit too old for an imaginary friend, so you two should probably keep it on the down low
  387. >...
  388. >wait. Imaginary friend?
  389. >Imaginary friends?
  391. >when Cherry Stem comes tumbling out the back door holding her saddlebag, you rush up to her
  392. Cherry, what was that you said about another imaginary-
  393. >"Stopstopstop! You have to look at my rock first!"
  394. ...Okay, Cherry. Can I see your rock?
  395. >she presents a dirty grey rock with two bumps that, admittedly, look a lot like pony ears
  396. That's great!..uh...did you win?
  397. >"you can't win show-and-tell, silly!"
  398. Good, good, good. What were you saying earlier your friends are real?
  399. >"Oh. they told me I couldn't bring you to show-and-tell because you're not real but you are so i argued and i got in trouble."
  400. Didn't you mention another pony? Shiny, was it?
  401. >Cherry Stem looked around repeatedly and shrunk down
  402. >"I didn't mean to, it just slipped out! I'm sorry!"
  403. Why...who's Shiny? why didn't you want to tell me?
  404. >"She made me promise! she made me promise not to tell you about her and I messed up again. I'm so bad at secrets..."
  405. >she starts sniffling and covers her face with her hooves
  407. >just what the hell is going on here?
  408. Hey, Cherry... it's ok, it's ok! You're a good pony and I know you'll do great things someday. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
  409. >"do you mean it, anamoose?"
  410. Of course. You are the best pony.
  411. >she wipes her eyes and sits up again
  412. >you hate to see her cry.
  413. So when did you see Shiny? What did she say to you?
  415. >"she started playing with me last week. She's really nice and we played with pretend trumpets"
  416. Oh that sounds like fun, so you know why she didn't want me to know?
  417. >"I don't know. at first she said it had to be a secret because it was super-duper important. She wanted to know a lot about you, though. But when I told her you were my best friend, she was a little more nice."
  418. >you're friend?
  419. >god damn if you still had tear ducts you'd cry
  420. >but who the hell is this Shiny?
  422. Can I meet Shiny?
  423. >"I don't know, she's REALLY shy. I could still ask her, though.
  424. >hmm...
  425. >you get closer and start to whisper
  426. How about we make it a surprise party? Can you get a hold of Shiny?
  427. >"yeah! She comes by here every once in a while in the morning!"
  428. should play with her, and then I'll surprise her tomorrow morning and we can all play together!
  429. >she thinks this over for a minute
  430. >"does that mean I have to keep another secret?
  431. Just for one day! Then no more secrets.
  432. >"SIGH!"
  433. >"Okay. But we'd better have real fun tomorrow"
  434. Lets shake on it.
  435. >Cherry Stem puts out her hoof, and wiggles it around in the air
  436. >"Deal!"
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