

Sep 13th, 2016
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  1. I focused, trying to wrap the entire entity in a magical field. I had no intention of moving it, but as the magical aura spread around it, the creature became clearly outlined. It was far bigger than I thought. But at least now we could properly dodge the alien behemoth.
  3. Velvet Remedy cast her anesthetic spell at the cosmic beast. Her magic hit it square in the head. The creature stumbled, fazed for only a few seconds, then let out another unearthy roar.
  5. "Dang it, she's just too big! We ain't doin' more'n bee stings t' her!"
  7. "I told you," Xenith warned, cringing. "You can't slay a Star-spawn. You best be thankful this one is but a baby. A full-grown one would have devoured all of Ponyville without even noticing."
  9. "That's just a baby?" I asked in shock as the monster stepped backward, colliding through the barn. The last building standing on Sweet Apple Acres, the barn which had weathered apocalypse and two-hundred years of the wasteland, came crashing down. I felt a pang as I watched the barn I'd witness Applejack and her friends together in during sunnier, happier times be obliterated by the uncaring misstep of the Star-spawn.
  11. "Littlepip, keep that glow up!" SteelHooves ordered as my telekinetic field began to slip. "Calamity, bring us around in front of the thing and hover. Velvet, have that spell ready again when I say."
  13. "Ah sure hope ya know what yer doin'," Calamity said as he brought the Sky Bandit directly in front of the monster's snout.
  15. "Now, Velvet."
  17. Velvet Remedy focused, unleashing a small bolt of magic that splashed against the head of the creature. Again, for just a moment, it was stunned by the same magic that would completely paralyze a hellhound for nearly an hour.
  19. A streak of smoke shot out from the top of the Sky Bandit above me as SteelHooves fired off a single rocket. I watched as the missile shot through the glow of my magic and beyond where the hide of the creature should be, lodging inside the monster's transparent, star-moted head.
  21. The Star-spawn let out a howl that tore us from the sky. Calamity fought to regain control before we smashed into the poisoned orchard below. A moment later, the missile detonated, it's explosion accompanied by a gut-wrenching, wet, splorchy sound.
  23. We hit the ground seconds before the Star-spawn's body did. I bounced around inside, banging heavily against the benches and metal walls, bursts of pain blossoming throughout my body.
  25. Fallout: Equestria Chapter 28
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