
The Singing Belle

Oct 21st, 2012
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  1. >You bare yourself against the slightly tacky texture of a tolex covered side fill and peak at the pink and purple maned unicorn singing about you on stage.
  2. >Her natural curls have been replaced by a strange up-do, supported by what you can only assume is a mix of hairspray and magic, that her stylist assured her was the height of fashion.
  3. >You think it kinda looks a little silly, but she likes it and, judging from the cat calls she got from the crowd when she rose to the stage, the stallions and so inclined mares in the audience didn’t mind it either.
  4. >Before you can think too deeply about why the sound system hasn’t been able to knock her hair down, you decide to focus on her singing.
  5. >She shows off her range with an attention grabbing high note and you begin to lose yourself in the sound of her voice.
  6. >The bright soprano she had when you two met in middle school has transformed into a smoky, almost seductive alto in the ensuing years.
  7. >It suits her well.
  8. >With her stage make up on, she reminds you of a taller Rarity, but without the eyeliner and blush she has a much gentler looking face than her sister.
  9. >You’re pulled from your silent admiration as a security pony taps on your back and motions for you to return to the green room until Sweetie’s set is done.
  10. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. >Instruments begin to fade from your ears as you get further behind the stage until only the bass is left to usher you into the room.
  12. >You close the door and turn around to face the walls of the beige cube: there’s a vanity mirror sitting above a slightly decrepit table, a digital clock that you suspect is a few minutes slow, a hand full of posters from notable acts that have passed through the venue, and a few records that ponies have signed framed on the wall.
  13. >Your eyes drift to a card table holding a bowl of mixed fruit, a plate of cheese slices, and couple bottles water and juice on slightly-melted ice pushed up against the far wall, adjacent to a couch that has seen better days.
  14. >You make your way towards the table and start to pick through the various fruit in the bowl, taking note of the suspiciously high bed of grapes that the good fruit is sitting on.
  15. >After eventually deciding to grab an apple, you wander over to the slightly decrepit table and trace your finger over the names of rowdier bands that had been carved into it.
  16. >Glancing over at the clock, you determine that you’ll have to wait about twenty more minutes before Sweetie Belle comes back, assuming there’s no encore, but every other show this tour suggests that you can pretty much count on one.
  17. >You let out a sigh and fall back onto a sofa that has seen better days and begin to ponder the most efficient weapon to kill time.
  18. >After some thought and a few bites of apple, you remember the Daring Do novel you have in your bag.
  19. >You rotate around to retrieve your backpack from its sound check hiding place behind the couch.
  20. >After resuming your sitting position, you unzip the bag and retrieve the book and open up to the paper scrap book mark, fixing the bent corners on the way.
  21. >Once you settle in to start reading, you find it increasingly difficult to focus on Daring Doo or the mysterious artifact that she is trying to retrieve from some mysterious temple in a country you don’t remember from geography class.
  22. >Your thoughts keep returning to Sweetie Belle
  23. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. >You start to think back to when you two met in the sixth grade.
  25. >Both you and Sweetie started playing lyre in the school band.
  26. >After the first few weeks of the class learning to play their instruments, came chair placements; she won first chair and you got second.
  27. >Despite still thinking fillies were icky at the time, you remember being charmed by the excited look on her face when she found out she won, and the even more excited look she got when she looked down to find her cutie mark: a heart wrapped in a musical staff.
  28. >Despite the charm, you were still rustled by losing first chair.
  29. >A rivalry quickly developed between you two, challenging and swapping chairs every time the director would hand out a new piece.
  30. >You chuckle a bit when you think back to the elaborate sabotage operations you both concocted: you’d get to the band room early to detune her lyre—forcing her to spend her warm-up time tuning, and she’d scribble over the accidentals in your music when you went to the bathroom—forcing you to guess pitches.
  31. >You two continued in this manor until freshman year of high school, when you both had to drop band for scheduling reasons.
  32. >With the extreme competitive element gone, you two became fast friends, becoming almost inseparable.
  33. >You’d go together to see that week’s b-movie at the theater, she’d visit you and listen to the weird records you started buying, and you’d visit her to cram for tests you both forgot about because you were watching b-movies and listening to records together.
  34. >By the summer of your sophomore year, this routine had grown to include midnight dinners at whatever restaurant was open after particularly late double features, and pretending to be a couple to get discounts at Sugar Cube Corner on Hearts and Hooves day.
  35. >By the start of the second semester of your junior year though, you two began to date in earnest; you actually started planning those post-movie dinners—favouring actual restaurants as opposed to late night dives, and getting Hearts and Hooves day discounts the honest way.
  36. >Rarity thought it was adorable and frequently commented on how your relationship was just like her romance novels.
  37. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  38. >By the end of your senior year, you and Sweetie had become an item; you were seldom seen apart and were even set to attend the same university: the Manehattan School of Music, Sweetie majoring in vocal performance and you in music production.
  39. >Once you two started classes though, the differing schedules and separate dorm rooms forced you two to spend a significant amount of time apart.
  40. >To make the best of a less than favourable situation, and practice the skills you were both learning, you both found old four-tracks at a local thrift store and started swapping tapes.
  41. >You would use the school’s studio after classes and make an off-kilter dance-pop tune, which you would drop off at Sweetie’s dorm between classes the following day.
  42. >Sweetie would then take the tape and record a vocal track, often with complicated, and often times beautiful, over dubs.
  43. >You two communicated principally through notes that you wrapped around the tapes.
  44. >When you two were able to set up a time with these notes, you’d get together and mess with the songs you had been working on and putting the finishing touches on them.
  45. >By the end of the third quarter, you two had managed to finished about seventeen songs and had consolidated them onto one cassette which, after making a few copies, you started handing it out to friends—some of them even requesting copies to give to their friends.
  46. >After quickly running out of money for cassette tapes, you started to tell ponies that they could copy the tapes as many times as they wanted as long as they didn’t sell them.
  47. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  48. >After classes finally finished for the year, you and Sweetie returned to Ponyville and moved into Rarity’s boutique (in separate rooms of course).
  49. > With the exception of a Pinky Pie Party to welcome you home, nothing much happened in the first month and a half of the break; you and Sweetie just read at the library, occasionally fielding questions from Twilight about how you two had been doing, and caught up with high school friends.
  50. >One day during that summer though, you and Sweetie were sitting at the dinner table in the Carousel Boutique, enjoying lunch and telling Rarity some of the stories from your first year when there was a knock at the door.
  51. >Rarity excused herself to answer it and you and Sweetie took guesses at who it could be... then you heard a loud shriek from Rarity, prompting both you and Sweetie to jump up from your seats and go to see what was happening in the front of the store
  52. >”EEEEE Sapphire Shores! What are y-I mean, Welcome back to my boutique!” Rarity unintentionally shouts with the energy that only a fan-mare can muster. She corrects herself and continues, “How may I be of service?”
  53. >”Good afternoon Rarity,” Sapphire said calmly—clearly familiar with this type of reception, “I was look for-” she trails off upon noticing you and Sweetie standing in the doorway to the kitchen.
  54. >”Ah, Sweetie Belle and, ‘Anonymous,’ was it?” she asks.
  55. >You both nod and she continues, dropping the professional tone from her voice in favor of a more cheerful cadence, “Great, just the two ponies I wanted to see.”
  56. >You stand there awkwardly until Sweetie answers, “What can we help you with?”
  57. >Rarity watches from her spot by the door with an unreadable expression as Sapphire walked over to Sweetie, giving you a visual once-over as she went.
  58. >Sapphire begins to speak again, “that tape you two made has been something of a sensation since you two left Manehattan.”
  59. >You and Sweetie glance at each other in confusion and she continues, “My son got a copy from one of his friends and wouldn’t stop talking about it.”
  60. >Both of you stay silent and motionless, unsure of where this is going.
  61. >“After a while, he finally convinced me to listen to it, and I really liked it.”
  62. >You and Sweetie give up hiding your confused glances and show each other your best “what the fuck?” faces.
  63. >Sapphire waits for you two to recompose yourselves and continues, “The production was a little…interesting, but Sweetie, your voice is fantastic and it worked exceptionally well with the music Anonymous put together.”
  64. >Both you and Sweetie offer a quick, awkward “thank you,” before Sapphire begins once more.
  65. >”The reason I’m here is because I’m starting a record label and I came to ask if you, Sweetie, would be interested in being the first to release a record under it, and if Anonymous would be willing to produce it.”
  66. >Sweetie looks at you with a dumbfounded expression that is probably only rivaled by the one you were looking at her with.
  67. >You glance over to Rarity who seems to have collapsed and then back to Sapphire, who you gawk at, unsure of what to say.
  68. >Sapphire seems to mistake your silence for uncertainty and clears her throat before adding, “I would also be open to giving that tape a proper release if would be interested.”
  69. >You look at Sweetie Belle who seems to be mere moments from joining Rarity on the floor.
  70. >You turn back to Sapphire and gave a stunned, “yes, we would be interested.”
  71. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  72. >You’re jarred from your memories by the sound of a door clicking and a sudden rush of white noise generated by screaming ponies.
  73. >You stand up and look at the slightly sweaty pony in the door as she turns around.
  74. >”Anon!” she chirps as she jumps into you.
  75. >You chuckle a bit as you catch her, the momentum causing you spin in place.
  76. ”How’d it go?” You ask as you set her down on the couch, taking a seat next to her.
  77. >”Pretty well I’d say,” she answers before nuzzling her head into your arm.
  78. >You take a moment to enjoy the sensation of her touch before asking,
  79. “How does it feel to be done with your first tour?”
  80. >She glances up at you and answers, ”Feel’s great; I can’t wait to go back to Ponyville and just lie in bed for a day or two.”
  81. “Mind if I join you?”
  82. >Sweetie snickers a bit at your response, “maaaaybe.”
  83. >You two sit in contented silence for a few moments before she pushes away from you and hops off the couch.
  84. >You look at her, a little disappointed you couldn’t enjoy her warmth for a little longer
  85. >”Come on, I’ve got a surprise for you”
  86. “What’s up?” you ask.
  87. >”Do you remember the first song we ever made?” She asks with a slight sliver of a smirk on her face.
  88. “Yeeeah,” you answer uncertainly.
  89. >Sweetie’s smirk expands into a full on grin as she says, “I haven’t done my encore yet.”
  90. >You like where this is going.
  91. >”Now come on, we can’t keep the crowd waiting.” She says as she opens the door out of the green room.
  92. >You get up and follow her out of the room and to the edge of the stage.
  93. >”Now wait here for a second,” she yells to you.
  94. >The crowd is somehow still going strong and you have to strain to hear her.
  95. >Giving her a nod, you watch as she walks over to the shorter of two microphone stands.
  96. >Sweetie clears her throat and the crowd quiets down a bit.
  97. >”Okay, since you guys are so persuasive, I’m going to do one more song.”
  98. >The crowd erupts once again in cheers, but quiets down when Sweetie starts to speak again
  99. >”This is gonna be an old one too; and to help me sing it, please welcome my producer and boyfriend,”
  100. >A few stallions in the crowd let out disappointed “awwww”s.
  101. >”Anonymous!”
  102. >A security pony appears out of thin air and nudges you out, into the blinding stage lights.
  103. >You make your way to the taller microphone stand, accompanied by the cheers of the crowd gradually fading into focus.
  104. >Your eyes finally adjust and you able to see the unfathomably large number of ponies present.
  105. >You start to get really really nervous.
  106. >How does Sweetie do this every night?
  107. “Um….Hello?” You say into the microphone, looking out at the literal thousands of expectant faces.
  108. >More cheers erupt from the crowd, helping fight back some of the nervousness.
  109. > A familiar chugging rhythm starts up behind you.
  111. >More Cheers erupt from the crowd.
  112. >Between the music and the crowd’s palpable ecstasy, you understand how Sweetie manages to do this every night.
  113. >You glance over to Sweetie as you hear the guitar come in and see her looking back at you.
  114. >She gives you a toothy grin.
  115. >Your nervousness starts to fade as you return it.
  116. >You both start to sway in place as the drums enter.
  117. >You give her one last nod before grabbing the microphone stand.
  118. >You both take
  119. >one last breath
  120. >This is going to be good.
  121. >Really good.
  127. end
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