
Amaryn: Enter

Oct 23rd, 2015
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  1. [14:28] <Strategist14> ===== BEGIN =====
  2. [14:28] <Strategist14> Daemus, your screen displays a view of the room Amaryn is currently standing in.
  3. [14:29] <Strategist14> Amaryn, your computer briefly says "Server connected" and then returns to normal
  4. [14:30] <Daemus> (Which room would that be?)
  5. [14:30] <Amaryn> (her bedroom)
  6. [14:30] <Amaryn> (decorated like a captain's cabin)
  7. [14:31] <Daemus> "Alright, I think it's vorking."
  8. [14:31] <Amaryn> sS: Great. So now what?
  9. [14:32] <Daemus> rG: Rrobin put a bunch of machinery around my Hive
  10. [14:32] <Daemus> rG: And also uprooted my Load Gaper
  11. [14:32] <Daemus> rG: I'll try to avoid the later
  12. [14:32] <Amaryn> sS: Yeah, that would probably be farr the best.
  13. [14:33] <Amaryn> sS: So. Machinarry . What's it do?
  14. [14:33] <Daemus> I check to see if there's any controls or anything on my end, other than just showing Amaryn's room
  15. [14:35] <Daemus> rG: That's... complicated. Ve'll run through that as ve get to it.
  16. [14:37] <Strategist14> Upon moving your mouse around in search of controls, a toolbar lowers from the top of the screen
  17. [14:37] <Strategist14> On it is an array of options, including Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, Alchemiter, and Pre-Punched Card
  18. [14:38] <Daemus> Alright, these I can vork vith.
  19. [14:38] <Daemus> rG: Any large open areas nearby?
  20. [14:39] <Daemus> rG: Preferably of the "conveniently accessible" variety
  21. [14:40] <Amaryn> sS: Uuuh....well there's the main living room which is faarrly open. I may have to move some crate-tabels and barrrel chaarrs, though.
  22. [14:40] <Amaryn> sS: Beyond that tharre's my starrage room, again I might have to move some stuff.
  23. [14:40] <Daemus> rG: Alright, I'll see vhat I can do vith that.
  24. [14:41] <Daemus> I check to see if I can drop the Cruxtruder in the living room.
  25. [14:42] <Strategist14> You can
  26. [14:42] <Daemus> I do so, then see if there's room for the Totem Lathe in the same area. It's smaller, so who knows.
  27. [14:43] <Strategist14> Not QUITE enough room to squeeze it in
  28. [14:43] <Daemus> rG: I put the first one in the living room. There's a handle on it that'll release the first item ve need. Also a seizure fairy, but it's... friendly, I guess.
  29. [14:43] <Daemus> rG: See if you can open it, it's a bit tricky
  30. [14:44] <Daemus> Bah, lets try to storage room then. Hopefully you can get at least two of them in the same room, for convenience's sake.
  31. [14:44] <Amaryn> sS: A...seizure faarry? Okay...
  32. [14:44] <Amaryn> I head down the ladder to the living room to inspect the new machine
  33. [14:44] <Strategist14> The storage room can fit the lathe, but not the alchemiter
  34. [14:45] <Strategist14> Amaryn, you find a large machine with a tube sticking out the top and a wheel attached
  35. [14:47] <Amaryn> "Alright. Let's crack this open." You grip the wheel tight and give it a crank
  36. [14:47] <Amaryn> (d20 + str?)
  37. [14:47] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  38. [14:47] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  39. [14:47] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=10 ]{13}
  40. [14:47] <Daemus> Goddess damnit vith these tiny spaces and huge machines! I try to see if I can maybe fit the Lathe in the hallway, and the Alchemiter in the storage room. Without, y'know, blocking off the hallway/storage room/both
  41. [14:48] <Amaryn> (remember daemus most hallways in her house are stairwells as it basically descends down the side of a cliff)
  42. [14:48] <Daemus> (True, so probably not >_>)
  43. [14:49] <Strategist14> Amaryn, the wheel turns slightly
  44. [14:50] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  45. [14:50] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=8 ]{11}
  46. [14:50] <Amaryn> Sweet ocean spray this wheel is stuck
  47. [14:50] <Strategist14> Almost got it...
  48. [14:50] <Daemus> (inb4 CASCADE OF CYAN CYLANDERS)
  49. [14:50] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  50. [14:50] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=19 ]{22}
  51. [14:51] <Daemus> (I JINXED IT)
  52. [14:51] <Strategist14> Suddenly CASCADE OF CYAN CYLANDERS
  53. [14:52] <Strategist14> The wheel is thoroughly spun, the top is open, and several cyan cylinders do indeed pop out, along with what Daemus must have been referring to as the seizure fairy
  55. [14:52] <Daemus> rG: Hey is there anyvere else good you ca
  56. [14:52] <Daemus> rG: Oh
  57. [14:52] <Daemus> rG: Good job!
  58. [14:53] <Daemus> rG: You only need one, though I think the others must be useful for something later.
  59. [14:54] <Daemus> rG: OH, and you need to throw something into the seizure fairy. Rrobin said it vas of utmost import, though I'm not 100% sure vhy
  60. [14:54] <Daemus> rG: It seems to take the... form, of vhatever you throw into it
  61. [14:54] <Amaryn> You grab a couple of the cylinders in your dex and head back to your computer to see what Daemus was saying.
  62. [14:54] <Amaryn> sS: What kind of thing should I toss in?
  63. [14:55] <Daemus> rG: I threw a card into mine, and it seemed okay vith that
  64. [14:55] <Daemus> rG: Something you like, I guess?
  65. [14:55] <Daemus> rG: Rrobin had a bee fly into hers
  66. [14:56] <Daemus> You drop the Totem Lathe into the Storage Room for lack of a better place to put it, and keep looking for a good place to put the Alchimeter
  67. [14:56] <Amaryn> "Something I like... hmm.... Oh!" You reach over to a barrel and pop open the lid to pull out a shellbeast plush.
  68. [14:56] <Amaryn> sS: This do you think?
  69. [14:56] <Daemus> rG: Hm? I don't see vhy not. Seems appropriate.
  70. [14:57] <Amaryn> sS: Alright. What do I do after that?
  71. [14:57] <Daemus> rG: Take the cylinder to the storage room, put the cylander on the pedestal, and the card into the device, and carve the thing into the shape.
  72. [14:57] <Daemus> rG: It makes sense I swear
  73. [14:58] <Daemus> I look back at the Cruxtruder to see what the timer says
  74. [14:59] <Strategist14> 6:03
  75. [14:59] <Strategist14> 6:02
  76. [14:59] <Strategist14> 6:01
  77. [14:59] <Amaryn> sS: Which card?
  78. [15:00] <Daemus> rG: I'll put it on the machine in the storage room
  79. [15:00] <Amaryn> sS: Got it.
  80. [15:00] <Amaryn> You slide back down the ladder and toss the shellbeast plush into the seizure fairy. Running down a short flight of stairs you arrive at your storage room and follow Daemus' instructions. You stand back and wait for the thing to do whatever it's supposed to do.
  81. [15:01] <Daemus> Okay, six minutes. That's... not terrible, more time than you had. Just gotta keep moving. I drop the card onto the totem lathe for Amaryn
  82. [15:01] <Strategist14> You now have a carved dowel and a seizure fairy that looks vaguely like your shell beast plush
  83. [15:02] <Daemus> rG: Alright, you're doing great Captain [ :D ]
  84. [15:03] <Daemus> rG: Now I just need to put this last machine somevhere convenient, and ve figure out vhat your vierd item thing vill be.
  85. [15:03] <Amaryn> You grab the dowel and run back up to your room. You start to think that maybe it was a bad idea to build your hive so vertically.
  86. [15:03] <Amaryn> sS: Well, could we move my bed? I really don't want to run up and down much more.
  87. [15:04] <Daemus> rG: I think so? I mean, Rrobin vas able to uproot my Hive's plumbing, a bed should be much easier.
  88. [15:04] <Daemus> I try to pick up Amaryn's recooperacoon and move it to the side of the room as carefully as possible
  89. [15:05] <Strategist14> Roll Dex
  90. [15:05] <Daemus> 1d20+2
  91. [15:06] <Daemus> roll 1d20
  92. [15:06] <`DICE> Daemus rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=13 ]{13}
  93. [15:06] <Amaryn> (this isn't d&d enigma :P)
  94. [15:06] <Daemus> (15!)
  95. [15:06] <Amaryn> (derpy has a different command than dice)
  96. [15:06] <Strategist14> You get it pretty close to the wall. You figure there should be enough room
  97. [15:06] <Amaryn> sS: Wow that's...really wearrd to see.
  98. [15:07] <Daemus> I put down the Alchimeter in the open space
  99. [15:07] <Daemus> rG: Now just put the carved thing on the pedestal and ve're nearly done!
  100. [15:08] <Amaryn> You follow the swabbie's directions
  101. [15:08] <Strategist14> A cyan ball appears on the alchemiter's platform
  102. [15:09] <Strategist14> 4:47
  103. [15:09] <Daemus> rG: Uhhh... vell, that's the thing
  104. [15:09] <Daemus> rG: Does anything strike you about vhat you'd do vith a ball?
  105. [15:10] <Daemus> rG: Rrobin had some sort of spikey sword she had to get heavy gloves to lift, I had a scroll I needed to psionically drain
  106. [15:10] <Daemus> rG: They seem to be tailored to the player
  107. [15:11] <Amaryn> You pick up the ball.
  108. [15:11] <Amaryn> Or rather, you try to (in case she actually cant)
  109. [15:11] <Strategist14> It's quite light, considering the ball is about the size of your head and presumably solid
  110. [15:12] <Amaryn> You give it a few experimental tosses
  111. [15:12] <Strategist14> Nothing significant happens
  112. [15:12] <Amaryn> You chuck it against the far wall
  113. [15:12] <Strategist14> The ball bounces back at you
  114. [15:12] <Daemus> (I had no idea what to expect)
  115. [15:12] <Daemus> (Beach ball seems appropriate somehow)
  116. [15:13] <Amaryn> You try to squeeze it, stress ball style
  117. [15:14] <Strategist14> It's a little bit squishy, so you guess it could kind of function that way, if you really needed it to
  118. [15:15] <Amaryn> (Stretch it! Twist it! Pull it! Bop it!)
  119. [15:15] <Daemus> rG: SO, not to alarm you, but ve ARE on a timer here. Meteors and all that. Ve should still have like... four minutes?
  120. [15:16] <Amaryn> sS: Foarr minutes til what?
  121. [15:16] <Daemus> rG: Till meteors.
  122. [15:16] <Amaryn> sS: Oh.
  123. [15:16] <Amaryn> sS: Any ideas?
  124. [15:16] <Strategist14> 4:19
  125. [15:16] <Strategist14> 4:18
  126. [15:16] <Daemus> rG: Good news: Ve only need one vinning move here.
  127. [15:16] <Daemus> rG: I mean... uh... try hitting it vith the Anchor?
  128. [15:17] <Amaryn> sS: Worth a shot.
  129. [15:17] <Amaryn> You set it down and pull out your anchor, then swing down at it with all your strength
  130. [15:18] <Strategist14> Roll to hit
  131. [15:18] <Amaryn> (1d20+str?)
  132. [15:18] <Strategist14> ((At disadvantage because anchor, IIRC))
  133. [15:18] <Amaryn> (right)
  134. [15:18] <Amaryn> roll 1d20
  135. [15:18] <Strategist14> ((Then yes))
  136. [15:18] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=2 ]{2}
  137. [15:18] <Amaryn> roll 1d20
  138. [15:18] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=19 ]{19}
  139. [15:18] <Amaryn> (well fuck)
  140. [15:19] <Strategist14> You leave a sizeable dent in your floor
  141. [15:19] <Strategist14> The ball remains unperturbed
  142. [15:19] <Amaryn> "Shit!" You wind up and try again
  143. [15:19] <Amaryn> 1d20
  144. [15:19] <Amaryn> 1d20
  145. [15:19] <Amaryn> roll 2d20
  146. [15:19] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2d20 [ 2d20=25 ]{25}
  147. [15:19] <Amaryn> (shit it doesn't show individual rolls)
  148. [15:19] <Amaryn> roll 1d20
  149. [15:19] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=8 ]{8}
  150. [15:19] <Amaryn> roll 1d20
  151. [15:19] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
  152. [15:19] <Strategist14> (("Roll 2#1d20"))
  153. [15:19] <Amaryn> (thank you)
  154. [15:20] <Strategist14> Another miss, another dent
  155. [15:20] <Amaryn> roll 2#1d20
  156. [15:20] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2#1d20 [ 1d20=11 ]{11}, [ 1d20=3 ]{3}
  157. [15:20] <Daemus> (WOO)
  158. [15:20] <Strategist14> Nope
  159. [15:20] <Amaryn> "STUPID FUCKING"
  160. [15:20] <Strategist14> 3:38
  161. [15:20] <Daemus> rG: Oh Goddess I'm so sorry I didn't know it vas that useless [ :( ]
  162. [15:20] <Amaryn> sS: Pretty sure this isn't it.
  163. [15:20] <Amaryn> sS: Nah, it's not you. Just an off day I think.
  164. [15:21] <Daemus> rG: Give it one more?
  165. [15:21] <Amaryn> sS: Fine.
  166. [15:21] <Amaryn> 2#1d20
  167. [15:21] <Amaryn> roll 2#1d20+3
  168. [15:21] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2#1d20+3 [ 1d20=2 ]{5}, [ 1d20=4 ]{7}
  169. [15:21] <Amaryn> (FUUUUUU)
  170. [15:21] <Strategist14> Still no luck
  171. [15:21] <Daemus> I check to see if there's a floor-repair tool in this thing, since you're pretty sure Rrobin was able to patch up the floor where your Load Gaper was
  172. [15:21] <Strategist14> There is indeed
  173. [15:21] <Daemus> I repair the dents in the floorboards
  174. [15:22] <Strategist14> Amaryn loses five "build grist", whatever that means
  175. [15:22] <Amaryn> sS: Hmm.... maybe it's buoyant?
  176. [15:22] <Daemus> rG: Okay maybe this isn't gonna vork... vhat else can ve do vith a sphere? Is there anything special about it?
  177. [15:22] <Daemus> rG: ... yeah, try that.
  178. [15:22] <Amaryn> You take the ball downstairs and fill your sink, then toss the ball inside.
  179. [15:22] <Strategist14> The ball is in fact buoyant
  180. [15:23] <Amaryn> But nothing happened?
  181. [15:23] <Strategist14> Though that doesn't seen to have much of an effect
  182. [15:24] <Daemus> rG: Huh. Anything else special about it?
  183. [15:25] <Amaryn> You bring it back upstairs. sS: Uuuh. I dunno. What else do you think i should check for?
  184. [15:25] <Strategist14> 3:01
  185. [15:25] <Strategist14> 3:00
  186. [15:25] <Strategist14> 2:59
  187. [15:27] <Daemus> (Man, back in C1 I got a god damn christmas cracker. They've really raised the bar on vagueness with these :P)
  188. [15:27] <Amaryn> (fuck i hate puzzles)
  189. [15:27] <Strategist14> ((I got a PGO in C1. Count yourselves lucky))
  190. [15:27] <Daemus> (a PGO?)
  191. [15:28] <Strategist14> ((B'sides, you've almost got it))
  192. [15:28] <Strategist14> ((Perfectly Generic Object))
  193. [15:28] <Amaryn> (at what point did i almost get it?)
  194. [15:28] <Strategist14> ((Not telling))
  195. [15:28] <Daemus> rG: Maybe try the ocean? I mean, it's the same vater, but vho knows vith these things.
  196. [15:28] <Strategist14> ((There's still a few minutes on the clock, you've got time))
  197. [15:29] <Daemus> (what was the solution for a perfectly generic object?)
  198. [15:29] <Amaryn> sS: Worth a shot.
  199. [15:29] <Daemus> (to find something more generic?!?)
  200. [15:29] <Strategist14> ((Read a book))
  201. [15:29] <Amaryn> You head down the stairs, to your rope elevator, and lower yourself down to the rocky shore below your hive. You toss the ball into the water to try to trigger something
  202. [15:30] <Strategist14> The ball lands in the water
  203. [15:30] <Daemus> (What the actual fuck)
  204. [15:30] <Daemus> (How were you supposed to know to read a book?)
  205. [15:30] <Strategist14> ((I wasn't; I got bored, accepted my demise, and looked for something to do while the meteor killed me))
  206. [15:31] <Daemus> (So you were supposed to do nothing?)
  207. [15:31] <Strategist14> ((Or give up))
  208. [15:31] <Amaryn> You jump in after it and pull it all the way under. Maybe it needed to be submerged?
  209. [15:31] <Strategist14> You can feel the ball pulling up to return to the surface
  210. [15:32] <Strategist14> 2:23
  211. [15:32] <Daemus> (*screams internally*)
  212. [15:33] <Daemus> (*screams externally*)
  213. [15:33] <Daemus> (*screams eternally*)
  214. [15:33] <Amaryn> You bring it back up and set it on the shore. In frustration you pull out your cutlass and slash at the stupid thing
  215. [15:33] <Amaryn> 1d20+3
  216. [15:33] <Amaryn> roll 1d20+3
  217. [15:33] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=12 ]{15}
  218. [15:33] <Strategist14> The ball goes bouncing away
  219. [15:33] <Strategist14> But at least you hit it this time!
  220. [15:34] <Strategist14> 2:16
  221. [15:34] <Amaryn> "FUCK YOU BALL" You go chasing after it and grab it, inspecting it for any damage.
  222. [15:34] <Daemus> (*screaming intensifies*)
  223. [15:34] <Strategist14> The ball is entirely unharmed
  224. [15:35] <Amaryn> You grumble as you pull yourself back up to your hive using your rope elevator, muscles starting to strain as you hurry
  225. [15:35] <Daemus> (Strat, has anyone ever... FAILED Entry?)
  226. [15:35] <Strategist14> 1:50
  227. [15:35] <Amaryn> (me right now )
  228. [15:36] <Strategist14> ((Hasn't happened quite yet. Give it a couple minutes though))
  229. [15:36] <Amaryn> You get back into your bedroom and chuck it at the ground. sS: Swabbie! Ideas! Now!
  230. [15:36] <Strategist14> The ball bounces back up and narrowly misses hitting you in the face
  231. [15:36] <Amaryn> You grab it and bite the damn thing for daring to almost assault you
  232. [15:37] <Strategist14> You... sink your teeth into the ball
  233. [15:38] <Amaryn> You bite and pull at it like a starving animal and a really tough piece of meat
  234. [15:38] <Strategist14> The ball fails to be ripped apart
  235. [15:38] <Strategist14> But it still feels really cathartic to attack it
  236. [15:38] <Strategist14> Maybe it has potential as a stress ball after all
  237. [15:39] <Daemus> rG: I don't have any! It's not my entry device, I vouldn't bet on my advice being fantastic.
  238. [15:39] <Daemus> rG: Maybe... un-attack it? I mean, we tried attacking it.
  239. [15:39] <Daemus> rG: Is that a thing ve can do?
  240. [15:39] <Amaryn> sS: What the FUCK would un-attacking even look like?
  241. [15:40] <Amaryn> You set it down and try giving another swing with your anchor
  242. [15:40] <Amaryn> roll 2#1d20+3
  243. [15:40] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2#1d20+3 [ 1d20=12 ]{15}, [ 1d20=8 ]{11}
  244. [15:40] <Strategist14> Direct hit!
  245. [15:40] <Amaryn> "AND FUCK YOUR STUPID BALL LUSUS, TOO"
  246. [15:40] <Strategist14> The ball is slammed down, and immediately bounces away again
  247. [15:40] <Daemus> rG: Ayy! It's not completely useless!
  248. [15:41] <Strategist14> 1:26
  249. [15:41] <Strategist14> Roll 1d4 luck
  250. [15:41] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d4 luck [ 1d4=4 ]{4}
  251. [15:41] <Strategist14> The ball bounces down the staircase
  252. [15:41] <Daemus> (That's considered LUCKY?)
  253. [15:41] <Strategist14> ((Shh...))
  254. [15:42] <Amaryn> "FUCK" You run down after it. "WHAT PARRPOSE COULD THIS POSSIBLY SARRVE"
  255. [15:42] <Strategist14> After several precious seconds, you catch up to the ball
  256. [15:42] <Strategist14> 1:21
  257. [15:43] <Amaryn> roll 2#1d20+3
  258. [15:43] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2#1d20+3 [ 1d20=13 ]{16}, [ 1d20=1 ]{4}
  259. [15:43] <Amaryn> You swing again in frustration
  260. [15:43] <Strategist14> Good news and bad news
  261. [15:43] <Amaryn> (odear)
  262. [15:43] <Strategist14> Good news: You hit the ball
  263. [15:43] <Daemus> (bad news: breaks a hole in the floor)
  264. [15:43] <Strategist14> Bad news: You send it flying through the hole you just blew through your wall
  265. [15:44] <Strategist14> ((Close))
  266. [15:44] <Strategist14> The ball flies off into the distance
  267. [15:44] <Daemus> Oh no
  268. [15:44] <Strategist14> Daemus: Roll Dex to make a Sweet Catch?
  269. [15:44] <Daemus> 1d20+2 plz my moirail's life depends on it
  270. [15:44] <Daemus> roll 1d20+2 plz my moirail's life depends on it
  271. [15:44] <`DICE> Daemus rolled 1d20+2 plz my moirail's life depends on it [ 1d20=14 ]{16}
  272. [15:44] <Amaryn> "GODDAMNSHIT" You chase after it
  273. [15:44] <Amaryn> "MOST USELESS FUCKING ITEM"
  274. [15:44] <Strategist14> You catch the ball just before it vanishes into the horizon
  275. [15:45] <Strategist14> 0:59
  276. [15:45] <Daemus> I place it back next to Amaryn
  277. [15:45] <Strategist14> 0:58
  278. [15:45] <Daemus> (Having fun Strat? >_>)
  279. [15:45] <Strategist14> ((So much))
  280. [15:45] <Amaryn> (i honestly have no fucking idea what to do)
  281. [15:45] <Strategist14> ((You're almost done))
  282. [15:45] <Amaryn> (aaaaaaa)
  283. [15:46] <Amaryn> "Harre, daemus. If you can hearr me, You hold it, I'll hit it."
  284. [15:46] <Daemus> I try to hold it still
  285. [15:46] <Strategist14> 0:53
  286. [15:46] <Amaryn> roll 2#1d0+3
  287. [15:46] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2#1d0+3 error: dice operands must be >= 1
  288. [15:46] <Daemus> though I have no idea what will happen if she hits it while i'm holding it
  289. [15:46] <Amaryn> (derp)
  290. [15:46] <Daemus> I don't like these odds
  291. [15:46] <Amaryn> roll 2#1d20+3
  292. [15:46] <`DICE> Amaryn rolled 2#1d20+3 [ 1d20=11 ]{14}, [ 1d20=17 ]{20}
  293. [15:46] <Strategist14> Another direct hit
  294. [15:47] <Strategist14> And a flash of light
  295. [15:47] <Strategist14> With what may be the most satisfying *CRACK* of your life, the ball vanishes
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