
Skylane (by Silver)

Feb 11th, 2015
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  1. >she was your first
  2. >so far your only
  3. >she's helped you grow and learn all the ins and out of the Plane Ponies.
  4. >She forgave you when you landed just a little too hard
  5. >You know her every nook and cranny
  6. >her every little quirk that makes her special from the other Cessnas
  7. >But now you haven't spent much time with her lately
  8. >You've moved on to faster, sleeker, bigger airplanes
  9. >she's been there for you, always helping and supporting you
  10. >but you haven't been there for her
  11. >Tonight is different though
  12. >This is her night
  13. >No radios, no instructors, no passengers
  14. >Just you, her, and the wide open sky
  15. >You look her over, the memories almost becoming too much to bear
  16. >Your first Flight
  17. >Your First Solo
  18. >Your first Cross country
  19. >Your first License...
  20. >It's been way too long
  21. >You can tell she's eager to leap into the air
  22. >You want to hop on and blast off as well, but safety first
  23. >She understands, she couldn't tell if something small was wrong with her
  24. >You stroke down her nose cone, along her cowling as you make your way to the cockpit
  25. "We're ready to go."
  26. >You climb in before she can start up from excitement
  27. >You do your checks and plug in your headset and she spins up to life
  28. >You're tense, out of practice with her systems that seem overly simple compared to the jets you fly now
  29. >She's calm, as usual, just as you remember
  30. >She lets you lead, but would never let you get hurt
  31. >You thunder into the sky together, as much as you can thunder with a 4 piston engine
  32. >But that doesn't matter
  33. >The sun is going down and lights are flicking on one by one on the landscape below you
  34. >The stars fade into view around you and the sky darkens
  35. >the radios are turned off, it's just you, and her gentle humming
  36. >you two enjoy the stars and the cities together, wheeling and circling and reminiscing on old times
  37. >you both go quiet, just enjoying each other's company
  39. >Why did you ever leave this?
  40. >She's perfect for you
  41. >She's always been there for you
  42. >She's never failed you
  43. >She breaks the silence, realizing it's been just the right amount of time
  44. >"It's time to land hon..."
  45. "...Yea... let's..."
  46. >You two glide into the airport, and you button her up in her hanger, decorated with pictures and being as comfortable as your own bedroom
  47. >"A-anon... I don't want you to go"
  48. "I... I don't want to go either.."
  49. >The hanger is closed now, leaving you too together
  50. "But, I can't stay..."
  51. >You don't think you've ever seen her this disappointed, sad even
  52. >It pains you to move towards the hanger door, you just can't
  53. "Skylane... you'll always be special to me"
  54. >She looks at you, a sort of accepting sadness in her eyes
  55. "And no plane could ever, ever replace you."
  56. >She just nods, giving a small, fake smile, probably trying to keep you happy
  57. >Much good that does
  58. >You still feel a bit empty as you leave the hanger, leaving her until next time
  60. >It's been a few weeks since your last flight with Skylane
  61. >You're always just been "too busy" or "too tired" to spend some more time with her
  62. >You're training can't exactly move on if you fly the same plane over and over
  63. >In truth, you've.. kindof forgotten her.
  64. >Seminole is a bit more... complex than Skylane
  65. >She goes faster, looks sleeker, but is a bit tempermental.
  66. >You have to watch yourself around Seminole, her twin engines are prone to make her overheat and go off on you
  67. >You sometimes find yourself wishing you can just sit back and spend some quality time with your plane, but Seminole hasn't had it.
  68. >It's worn you out
  69. >There's finally a cloudy day where no one is flying
  70. >It's also below freezing so if anyone goes into the clouds they'll ice up and crash
  71. >You can't just sit at home, rereading the same theory book
  72. >You decide to go out to the airport, not much else you can do
  73. >It's amazingly peaceful, even as the cool breeze bites through your leather bomber jacket
  74. >There's a few birds as well, fluttering about without being disturbed by the wirring of motors
  75. >Looking down the rows of small hangers, you see one door open
  76. >Stuffing your hands into your jacket pockets, you walk down the grey concrete apron to the hanger
  77. >It looks like... yea, That's Cessna's nose and propeller there
  78. >It's a bit unlike her to not be in her own hanger, when she's not with a student of course
  79. >As you get closer you hear her talking to someone
  80. >"Yea, the full package, it's about time I got it"
  81. >The other voice doesn't sound like any airplane you've heard
  82. >"Alrighty I think I can do that, but, are you sure?"
  83. >"I'm completely sure, I kno-ANON!"
  85. >She seemed flustered as you finally came around, able to see her completely now, talking to the resident mechanic
  86. >If she was flesh and blood she'd definetely be blushing
  87. >The Mechanic was right outside her cockpit, with her doors open
  88. >nothing was disassembled, so nothing serious must've happened
  89. >"Well.. um... I'll talk to you tomorrow Skylane"
  90. >"Alright Dave...see you then"
  91. >You've just been awkwardly standing there as Dave leaves
  92. >no one even says anything until he got quite a few yards away
  93. >"So um... anon.. I really wasn't expecting you..."
  94. "Yea.."
  95. >Quiet suspense
  96. >She must not want to share what that all was about
  97. "I um... well, the airport is nice and quiet on days like this"
  98. >"Yea... I just, don't get to fly as much as all"
  99. >Holy shit did that hit hard
  100. "Yea... Skylane, I'm sorry.."
  101. >"It's okay..."
  102. >She's a bit warmer than the freezing wind at least
  103. "Is it? I mean, I said I wouldn't leave you that long."
  104. >"Anon. It's fine."
  105. >If there's one thing that pisses off a plane, is not being confident in yourself
  106. >You can hear it in the bit of snap in her voice
  107. >You've only heard it a few times before, and you really fucked up then
  108. >"I've heard your voice in the radio a few times, are you training with Seminole now?"
  109. >She's a bit gentler now, but that tension is still there, just a little bit
  110. >"She trains some good pilots, it'll be good for you anon. I mean, everyone has to move on to better things."
  111. >You begin to think all those years of students have made her more than able to manipulate emotions because hot damn she's guilting you hard
  112. "Skylane, I'm sorry. Just, Seminole is a hard teacher. She's been keeping me busy."
  113. >"Yea, and Baron'll tear you a new one if you don't follow what Seminole tells you."
  114. >She chuckles and shakes her head slightly
  115. >"So she has reason to be tough. Don't worry hon... you'll get it."
  117. >That little term of endearment was nice to hear again
  118. >You haven't heard her use it with any of her other students
  119. >It's quite nice to know that, but only makes these situations harder on you two when you spend so much time apart
  120. "Thanks Sky... Mind if I sit a while?"
  121. >"By all means"
  122. >you take a seat next to her, nice and close
  123. >she seems a bit warm for this weather, usually it being this cool made her metal skin just as cool
  124. >Must've done a quick run up to keep the cobwebs out
  125. >You two sit in silence for a while, looking up at the thin, overcast clouds swirl above the airfield.
  126. >It's only birds until a private jet flies in
  127. >they don't have a problem with ice in these conditions, with all thier special systems and all
  128. >This seems to rouse the Cessna beside you to a question
  129. >"Anon... what do you want to do when you finish up your training?"
  130. >you have to think for a moment, it's been a while and got lost in the whirlwind of charts and questions
  131. "I... I'd love to be flying one of those"
  132. >you gesture down the ramp to the Jet, it's passengers stepping down the stairs with the pilot, laughing and enjoying themselves like they were all old friends
  133. "It's like... I could go anywhere, see places I've never been..."
  134. >you get lost in your own reverie for a bit before turning back to Skylane
  135. >she looks like she wilted, not much, but maybe she was hoping for something else
  136. >"That... That sounds like a wonderful plan anon.."
  138. >You two sit in silence for a while before you have to say goodbye once again, but not before you give her a warm hug
  139. >she's not able to hug back, but she gives the best nuzzle into you she can in reciprocation
  140. >"Don't be a stranger anon... I love the time I spend with you"
  141. >You just smile warmly back, leaving the hug and giving a slight wave as you close the hanger door for her
  142. >You're the only one on the airport, aside from the jet being pushed back into a larger hanger on the field
  143. >It looks very... well... tired. Makes sense, it's been doing who knows how much flying.
  144. >Oh well, back to studying you guess...
  146. >another day another flight done
  147. >You feel like you were in the engine as it got knocked around
  148. >a 3 hour flight With Seminole wore you out hardcore
  149. >Full Instruments too
  150. >She smacks you if you deviate more than 50 feet from your assigned altitude
  151. >at least it's nice to be back on the ground
  152. >Nice and solid.
  153. >But still had a bit of wobbly legs getting out
  154. >Though it was nice to go somewhere different than your little airport
  155. >The clouds just starting to clear out, and sunset seems to be about a half hour out
  156. >Quite nice, might as well sit here for a while.
  157. >Nice quiet bench on the edge of the tarmac
  158. >Still rather chilly, winter is on it's way, with the freezing weather and all
  159. >Won't be able to fly much then
  160. >There's a single airplane buzzing around, doing a few practice landings
  161. >on its next pass you notice it's Skylane
  162. >Landings seem a bit rough, must be a student pilot
  163. >Either way, you sit there and silently judge, chucking at small faults and going through what the pilot could do better
  164. >Time passes and Skylane eventually lands with the student aboard.
  165. >She's a bit sluggish taxiing back to her hanger, she must be as worn out as you
  166. >Granted, you've been sitting there for a a little while, you've gotten your land legs back and your mind straight
  167. >You know she saw you, giving just a bit of a nod before her attention quickly turned back to the student
  168. >Think he touched the brakes just a little too hard
  170. >You give the two of them a few minutes, letting the sun go down as Skylane debriefs her student
  171. >It's dark as you walk to the hanger, all lit up still as the other student passes you
  172. >A smile and nod is exchanged, the other guy seems like he's in a hurry
  173. >Your hands go back in your pockets as you get to the hanger and lean against the opening
  174. >Skylane's dozing off, must've been a long day for her
  175. >if you just left her alone she'd probably forget to close up and plug in her oil heater
  176. >You decide to just not say anything, walking over to the door controls and pushing the close button, the electric motors closing the large hanger doors
  177. >She noticed you before you crossed her nose, and you had to pause and just press a finger to her intake
  178. >She shut up rather quickly, just giving a thankful smile
  179. >As you latch down the hanger doors, she finally speaks up
  180. >"I thought you were done an hour ago... you were Seminole's last student today"
  181. >Seminole did mention she had spoke to Skylane the other day, just couldn't remember the details
  182. "Well you know those long flights."
  183. >"Yea, you always used to be so loopy after those long cross-countries"
  184. >You both share a bit of a chuckle remembering those times. Even once where you fucked up the ending paperwork writing just squiggles
  185. "You looked like you've been through the wringer too. That last kid seemed quite rough"
  186. >"Most students are. Including you Anon."
  187. >She's just smirking back at you, but you can tell her eyes glaze over rather quickly, she's fading fast
  188. "Yea, well, I was young"
  189. >"What's different about you Anon is that you didn't treat me as just a machine... That last student, well... he's so stuffed with facts and figures I don't even think he could deal with another being"
  191. >Could explain his performance earlier, flying is as much an art as it is a science
  192. >You've gone to the wall and grabbed an extension cord, moving towards her cowling and popping open a little access hatch
  193. >Normally you use it to check the oil, but the heater plug was in there was well
  194. >She didn't even flinch, she's so used to that hatch being used
  195. >"Heh... I just wish more kids can be like you Anon..."
  196. >You finally get her heater plugged in, giving her a loving look and a pat on the side as you close up the hatch
  197. "Well... if everyone was like me we wouldn't have so many pilots to learn from"
  198. >She laughs a bit, hell if you could call it a laugh.
  199. >She's ready to fall asleep right there
  200. >In your arms if you let her
  201. >Goddamnit these hangers don't have heating
  202. "I... I wish I could stay the night with you Sky..."
  203. >"You... can stay a little longer right?"
  204. >You're just running your hand along her cowling now, as if you're caressing a normal pony's cheek
  205. "I need to go..."
  206. >Another hug, but this one lasting a little longer
  207. >You kiss her on her cheek, whispering, "good night" as you seperate
  208. >She seems to be blushing again
  209. >And no, that's not the oil heater getting red hot she's blushing
  210. >Don't know how to feel, you just really acted
  211. >thinking about it you're certaintly blushing, stammering over your words even
  212. "G.. goodnight S-ky."
  213. >"Goodnight... A-anon..."
  214. >You're quick to exit through the human sized door, turning off the light for her on the way out
  215. >Goddamn did you just do that?
  216. >You just kissed her
  217. >it wasn't like... an ACTUAL kiss. Just a little one
  218. >But, well, it seemed like she wanted perhaps that.
  219. >No, anon, seriously.... just.. get home, sleep it off, you had a long day.
  221. Source:
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