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Mykan Meltdown

a guest
Aug 17th, 2016
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  1. Mykan cleared the room 94 minutes ago
  2. Voiceguy entered for the first time 24 minutes ago
  3. Voiceguy: You actually here?
  4. Mykan: yes
  5. Voiceguy: Alright then. Mykan, there's no way I'm gonna change your opinion on your own story. But it's just not good. At the end of the day though, who cares what other people think of your own fucking story? I don't like it, and I'm gonna most likely continue mocking it, because I like to make people laugh. And no, I'm not gonna use the starfleet version.
  6. Mykan: What I can't stand is people lying, and people who amuse themselves at the expenses of others!
  7. Voiceguy: Get the fuck over it.
  8. Mykan: How about yo get over yourself
  9. Mykan: you**
  10. Voiceguy: I'm so over myself i can see my own ass.
  11. Mykan: Good, someone should kick it
  12. Voiceguy: *lick it.
  13. Voiceguy: Fixed that for you
  14. Mykan: Seriously, you assholes are getting worse every day
  15. Mykan: Just like Television is
  16. Voiceguy: Why do you care about what people think about your fucking story, dude? Like seriously, I can't fucking wrap my head around the fact that if one fucking person pokes fun at the fucking thing, you throw a fucking bitch fit.
  17. Mykan: Cuz you're one of MANY
  18. Mykan: and it's not just the fic itself ya dope
  19. Mykan: Besides, you're throwing an ever bigger fit right now, just like the rest, and making up lies and falsehoods
  20. Mykan: Some of you still can't even pronounce Grand Ruler Real name right
  21. Voiceguy: Okay, please point out these fucking lies and falsehoods
  22. Mykan: "Mykan's a homophoe"
  23. Mykan: "Mykan's a Homosexual"
  24. Mykan: "Mykan wished Miscarriage on someone"
  25. Voiceguy: I haven't said any of that shit.
  26. Mykan: "Mykan's a Pony *Bleeper*"
  27. Voiceguy: What's wrong with fucking ponies?
  28. Mykan: With your crummy attitude and the way you're bitching at me now, you're just as hot for it!
  29. Mykan: Oh, and the level of hypocrisy is staggering!
  30. Voiceguy: Hey, you invited me into the chat, I'm just trying to get a straight answer from you. Why do you care about some assholes on the internet?
  31. Mykan: You people preech to me about moving on, yet you don't do it yourselves (Still with the DEAD Magic is Believing bull)
  32. Mykan: Because, I have no patience for bullies and mockers of any kind
  33. Mykan: And the way I see it, they're gonna go 1 of two ways
  34. Mykan: Either get straightened out... or BENT into punishment (Maybe not by me, but by something)
  35. Mykan: "amusing yourself at the expense of someone else is COSTLY entertainment"
  36. Voiceguy: Ok edgelord. I used to think you were just angry, but I can see you seriously have some issues. You act like a person who mocks shit like yours is just asshole to everyone and anyone. I'm not an asshole to my family, my friends, even to strangers. I'm a nice guy deep down. But someone like you comes along, who thinks his version of FiM is so much fucking better, you write out this fucking batshit insane story. Why?
  37. Mykan: you just answered your own question with that nasty attitude and potty mouth
  38. Voiceguy: Ok how old are you?
  39. Mykan: Oh, and you just lied again...
  40. Mykan: I think my Starfleet is better for ME, because I don't like how FIM is
  41. Voiceguy: HOW IS THAT A LIE? I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU WROTE IT. Jesus Christ.
  42. Voiceguy: Also answer my question
  43. Mykan: And you say I have issues?
  44. Mykan: Chillout!
  45. Voiceguy: You flabbergast me Mykan. You honestly do.
  46. Mykan: More like you do it to yourself
  47. Mykan: Kinda like people who say it's my fault they read my stuff (It isn't really)
  48. Voiceguy: Well yeah, I guess it is my own fault to subjecting myself to it.
  49. Anon entered for the first time
  50. Mykan: Exactly...
  51. Voiceguy: Uh oh, spaghettios
  52. Mykan: You don't like my fic fine...
  53. Mykan: But it's a bit far to do what you and the others do
  54. Anon: This is the greatest fucking thing I've ever seen.
  55. Mykan: Even further when lies and falsehoods are made up
  56. Voiceguy: What the hell did I do? If anything, I'm just giving your story more traffic.
  57. Mykan: you're not
  58. Mykan: I told you before, there is NO Magic is Believing
  59. Mykan: You're getting people to view a fic that is outofdate, deleted and revised a little.
  60. Voiceguy: Yes I am, and?
  61. Anon: I almost, just ALMOST feel bad for posting that link to Mykan's fic now. But then I'd miss this glorious shitfest.
  62. Mykan: I also assume like most you'll get Grand Ruler's NAME wrong
  63. Mykan: (Then again that's only PARTLY understandable, the way it's spelled)
  64. Anon: It's Cel-eest-oh, right?
  65. Mykan: It's pronounced
  66. Mykan: Celesto (Che... Less... Tow)
  67. Anon: That makes no fucking sense.
  68. Mykan: And it's not a rippoff of Celestia's name... the name is very real
  69. Anon: Of course not.
  70. Mykan:
  71. Anon: That link even pronounces it differently.
  72. Voiceguy: Chu-Les-To
  73. Mykan: I tell people that, and they give me more grief (Ya can't even try to reason with such animals)
  74. Mykan: I wanted his name to be just like Celestia (Meaning: Heavenly)
  75. Mykan: And there were only FIVE male names that mean that (My real name is one of them)
  76. Voiceguy: I prefer the proper pronunciation of all things. If I ever get that far in the fic, I'm gonna say it right.
  77. Mykan: Yeah (That far of the wrong fic)
  78. Mykan: Even when I try to revise it all I get is crap
  79. McAutismo entered for the first time
  80. Anon: Welcome to the party.
  81. McAutismo: prepare for autism
  82. Anon: We're already drenched.
  83. McAutismo: What's going on?
  84. Mykan: And I don't appreciate the way you make fun of Autistic people either
  85. Anon: Names and pronunciation.
  86. McAutismo: Mykan, I'm standing with you
  87. Voiceguy: Don't worry, I'm autistic, I can say whatever.
  88. McAutismo: I believe people like you and me should be allowed to write whatever they want
  89. Anon: Some of my best friends are autistic.
  90. McAutismo: I have Assburgers and autism blocks too
  91. McAutismo: I can relate.
  92. McAutismo: I know how satisfying it is to let out a good big shit on the internet
  93. Voiceguy: I'm glad this is happening. I had a bad day and this shit is just brightening me up.
  94. Mykan: So that's all everythign is to you huh? just shit
  95. Voiceguy: It's an expression Mykan. Jesus Christ not everything is a damn insult.
  96. Mykan: Uh uhn...
  97. McAutismo: Mykan, I'm an autistic immigrant too, but at least I can spell
  98. Anon: But sometimes it's both.
  99. McAutismo: and I'm not black
  100. McAutismo: unlike you're missing dad
  101. Mykan: "this shit is just brightening me up." in an insult
  102. Anon: Autismo, you need to go back.
  103. Voiceguy: So hey, who wants to erotically roleplay?
  104. McAutismo: Why?
  105. Mykan: Uh huh... I think I got all I need
  106. Anon: My cock is already in my hand.
  107. McAutismo: bye¸
  108. Mykan: Another batch of lowly faggots who can't seem to find things better to do than be bitches to people on like for quick laughs
  109. Voiceguy: What are you gonna do, send this chat in to the fun police?
  110. Mykan: Even my style shows better dignity than that
  111. Mykan: No, I just have to wait is all
  112. Anon: The irony here is delicious.
  114. Mykan: I don't know how, I don't even know when, but I do know some day... you will get what's coming to you
  115. Mykan: (Punishment)
  117. Voiceguy: Oh please Mykan. I'm not a god damn idiot. I know what I can and can't say on the internet.
  119. Mykan: Puh-LEASE...
  120. Mykan: Even an idiot has more dignity than you do
  121. Anon: I'm generally opposed to leasing.
  122. Voiceguy: I can poke fun all I want. As long as I don't actually mention you personally, tell you to kill yourself, or threaten you, I'm good.
  123. Mykan: Puh! A Cyberbully by any other action is just as retarded and deserving of punishment
  124. Mykan: You'll still get yours
  125. Anon: Mykan, you shouldn't say "retarded".
  126. Anon: It's offensive.
  127. Anon: To yourself.
  128. Mykan: Hey, if offense is all you animals understand, then offense it is
  129. Voiceguy: You must be a STAUNCH believer of karma.
  130. Anon: So, how did this even start? How did the two of you get in touch? Grindr?
  131. Voiceguy: He posted the Chatzy on the comment section of video
  132. Voiceguy: *of the video
  133. Anon: Does he obsessively Google himself or something? Your channel isn't super easy to find.
  134. Mykan: I do google myself
  135. Voiceguy: OH MY GOD WHAT
  136. Mykan: To see what bullshit people are saying and to try to make sure no innocent people get screwed up over the lies
  137. Mykan: And it's a good thing I did...
  138. Anon: How, exactly, does this harm innocent people?
  139. Mykan: It's one thing to LIE about having a stillbirth and being hospitalized
  140. McAutismo joined the chat
  141. Mykan: It's another thing to LIE to other people saying I wished Stillbirth on someone
  142. Mykan: And it's WAY over the line to want to get other people involved, inclduing an entire forum of mothers who suffered miscarries
  143. Voiceguy: And you tell me to get over myself. Jesus Christ Mykan that's paranoia. That's actually a problem.
  144. McAutismo: I wish stillbirth on you tbh
  145. Anon: Too late for that now.
  146. Mykan: Nope... it's true
  147. McAutismo: You obviously don't know about unbirthing
  148. Mykan: I wanred the fourm before they were fed any lies
  149. Anon: Let's not go there.
  150. Mykan: Oh yes we will...
  151. Mykan: this is why I do this...
  152. McAutismo: Okay I will
  153. Anon: I wasn't talking to you, turbonerd.
  154. Mykan: Mocking me is bad enough
  155. Mykan: But making up lies and falsehoods, and getting other people involved... that's way too much
  156. McAutismo: unbirthing just for you smile
  157. McAutismo:
  158. Anon: Meaning Mykan. You're also a turbonerd, Autismo, but not the biggest one right now.
  159. Voiceguy: Yep, I'm out. Mykan, get over yourself. Anon, we need to embrace all fetishes. McAutismo, Cock vore is the superior vore. Peace
  160. McAutismo:
  161. Mykan: Nah, you just get hurt
  162. Mykan: that's that
  163. McAutismo: Have a nice day
  164. Anon: Poor little Voiceguy got rekt
  165. Kek entered for the first time
  166. Anon: Will he ever recover+
  167. McAutismo: lord kek
  168. Anon: ?
  169. McAutismo: get out
  170. McAutismo: And yep, he got rekt like me by Yttybitty
  171. Kek: I'm sure he's not to booty blasted.
  172. Anon: I miss Voiceguy aready.
  173. Anon: Too bad he couldn't handle Mykan's very logical and utterly coherent arguments.
  174. Anon: Either way, I'm out.
  175. Mykan: Puh, none of you can
  176. Mykan: That requires a brain
  177. Anon: Sure.
  178. Anon: Either way, I'm forced out by your impressive arguing skills.
  179. Mykan: W'ever
  180. Anon: Bye. Hope that crippling autism of yours gets better.
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