
Sympathy for Scootaloo: Prologue

Apr 3rd, 2012
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  1. >Day 4.... 412? Yeah that sounds right.
  2. >Gotta see Rainbro off today. She’s going to BoltCon today and will be out for, like, FOREVER.
  3. >Stop being such a drama queen. It’s only a few days.
  4. >Oh c’mon brain. even a few days will be plenty of time for.... THEM.
  5. >You were assured it was something called “Apple Buck’ Season or something, so Applejack should at least be occupied. That really just leaves....
  6. >As if summoned by some horrible ritual, there’s a knock on the door.
  7. >Must be Fluttershy with her latest scheme to take you away and do stuff.
  8. >You open the door slowly and... Sure enough.
  9. >”Oh hello Anon.” She pushes over what looks like a baking pan towards you. “I... Uh, made you a casserole.”
  10. >You look between it and her. “Oooookay. What’s in it?”
  11. >She beams happily at you. “Oh well, my otter friends helped me with some fish... Because it’s like meat you like right? And some peas... and mushrooms.”
  12. >Ah that’s it. She plans on making you go all drug crazy on ‘shrooms and take advantage of you. Still, you slowly pick it up.
  13. >She gets a little giddy when she sees you take it. “Oh, I was hoping we could share it for breakfast or lunch or something... Well, not me. I don’t think I would like fish, but we can share a meal...”
  14. >You politely smile. “Oh I have plans today with Rainbow, thanks anyways.” You try to hand the dish over to her.
  15. >She drops her head and shakes it. “Oh no... that’s special just for you. Please keep it.”
  16. >You two stand in awkward silence for a moment before you break it. “Okay then... Talk to you later.”
  17. >You close the door and hear her mumble something on the other side.
  18. >You think about how creepy she is as you promptly throw out the probably drug laden meal.
  20. >You get dressed and away you go.
  21. >Haha! Time for Rainbro Dash.
  22. >As you make your way to town you catch sight of... What’s her name? One of the Crusader fillys.
  23. >Scooterdoo... NO Scootaloo.
  24. >She’s zipping between rocks with a happy bad-ass look.
  25. >She speeds right on past, hits a jump, and does some crazy trick before veering out of sight.
  26. >Crazy kid’s going to get herself killed one day. Still gotta give her props though.
  27. >You head to you and Rainbow’s designated meeting area.
  28. >Just a small cafe.
  29. >She’s already ordered you a drink.
  30. >”You all ready for BoltCon?” You ask her, giving her shoulder a friendly jab.
  31. >She scoffs, “The only reason I’m not there right now is because you insisted on seeing me one more time.” She takes a drink of her beverage. “Seriously man, you’re slowing me down.”
  32. >Sticking out your tongue, you retort. “Well I just don’t know what I’d do without you is all.”
  33. >”Stay inside and don’t answer the door?” Is her only response.
  34. >Unfortunately, that sounds like good advice.
  35. >The two of you spend an enjoyable morning together before she needs to take off.
  36. >”Remember bro.” She shouts out from above you. “Don’t get into any trouble.”
  37. >As you wave, you yell back. “I’ll just keep to myself then.”
  38. >Yeah, that’s all you got to do. Keep to yourself.
  40. >You spend the day in town, mostly getting sugary snacks shoved in your face by Pinkie. You find yourself wandering home as the days light fades.
  41. >Man, it’s going to suck not having Rainbow around.
  42. >Oh well. At least you still have me.
  43. >Great, several days with your brain. This is going to suck.
  44. >You give a nearby tree a hard kick and suddenly apples.
  45. >Seriously, you’re buried. They fell like some sort of cartoon in a neat pile.
  46. >Of course most of them hit your head on the way down.
  47. >”Purdy sweet deal i got ther.” A familiar drawl says from behind you. “Not an hour aft’r our friend Rainbow leaves I got a sugarcube in mah apples.”
  48. >Hai maan, your geting hard.
  49. >It’s just from the concussion the apples gave while hitting me brain.. same reason you’re being a retard.
  50. >She runs a hoof over your cheek. “Not gonna bail ya out this time ‘round...”
  51. >Thinking quickly, your brilliant self shouts. “I peed in your apples!”
  52. >In one swift kick, you’re free from the pile and rolling on the ground.
  53. >”How dare ya! They didn’t do nothin’ to ya!” You watch her as she fills a bucket with her spoiled apples and huffs off.
  54. >Why’s she upside down? Oh wait, you are.
  55. >After righting yourself and getting to your feet, you start heading home.
  56. >Whoa, little unsteady there and there’s a buzzing in your ear.
  57. >Scootaloo stops next to you. “Are you ok Mr. Anon?”
  59. >You look down at her. “Yeah kid, I’m ok... Hit my head a bit apparently.”
  60. >Wait, why’s she out so late?
  61. >”Oh, ok then.” She starts to take off.
  62. >You call out to her and she stops to hear you. “Should hurry home, I think Rainbow may have mentioned rain tonight.”
  63. >She just nods. “I’m used to getting rained on.”
  64. >Maybe it’s the mild concussion talking, but... “You could crash at my place tonight. I’m sure your parents wouldn’t want you catching a cold in the rain.”
  65. >Her wings buzz and she spins up right next to you.
  66. >”Besides, I might need some help getting home.” You say as you start to stagger a bit
  67. >You let her into your modest abode and plop down on the couch. “Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I uh... need a quick shower.”
  68. >You clean yourself off, get dressed, and head back out to the living room
  69. >”Hey kid,” You say, Scootaloo turning from whatever she threw together. “I have an important job for you.
  70. >”Ok!” She enthusiastically shouts as she hops.
  71. >You take a seat. “I need you to make sure I don’t fall asleep for a couple of hours.” She doesn’t look too thrilled, think of something. “Um... Cutie mark concussion checker.”
  72. >She giggles at that at least.
  73. >She’s a cute kid. You two talk for a bit and before you know, she’s dozing off next to you.
  74. >You grab a pillow and a blanket and leave her to settle in on the couch.
  75. >Damn, that sucked.
  76. >Welcome back brain.
  77. >What’s up with the kid?
  78. >Don’t worry, she’s cool. She’s only staying the night.
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