
Fallen in Equestria

Mar 9th, 2017
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  1. Special thanks to Lithonius for giving me some scene ideas and to the Anons that gave me feedback the whole time.
  3. >As you begin subconsciously cataloging the mess of pain responses that is your tortured body you try to recollect the events of the last few hours.
  4. >You remember a brief conflict, some of your "brothers" had caught your trail, and nearly caught you.
  5. >You'd managed to flee to your ship in orbit, a small warp capable frigate you'd recently stolen from some self styled warlord.
  6. >In your flight for safety your ship had been badly damaged but you'd managed to escape into the warp.
  7. >While this had won you free from your pursuers a new problem had arisen, the warp drive had been damaged in the fighting.
  8. >You had immediately ordered an emergency translation to real space at the first sign of a problem and boarded one of the stormbird drop-ships in the hangar bay.
  9. >Luck was with you at least for a short while, because no sooner had you cleared the hangar than the warp core suffered a containment breach.
  10. >Flying away at full burn in your drop-ship you had watched as the frigate was rent apart and sucked into the immaterium, damning every soul on board and leaving you stranded or so it had seemed.
  12. >Fortunately it appeared you had exited the warp in a rather sparse little solar system, just a lone planet and its moon orbiting a single star.
  13. >Scans returned nothing in the way of radio signals or other communication, still the place looked at least inhabitable, and you wouldn't suffer the indignity of sitting in your drop ship until the air scrubbers failed and you suffocated.
  14. >Unfortunately your luck couldn't hold out forever.
  15. >The stormbird was old and ill maintained at best, upon entry into the upper atmosphere the stabilizers failed.
  16. >You had fought for control with all your superhuman might, managing to pull the ship into a more shallow dive for the crash.
  17. >That still didn't mean your landing was a soft one.
  18. >That thought brings you back to the present, and you've finished your list of injuries as well.
  19. >Your left arm is broken badly and will need to be set, you are at least mildly concussed, suffering from a myriad of contusions
  20. and lacerations, and most urgently you seem to be impaled and pinned against the wall.
  21. >A piece of support stanchion has snapped loose from the forward viewing port embedding itself firmly in your chest and piercing
  22. your right lung and nicking your primary heart.
  23. >The spear of jagged iron doesn't seem to have passed all the way through, for which you're thankful.
  24. >Normally an injury of this type would be only a minor inconvenience to an astartes, but coupled with your other injuries things look bleak.
  29. >Planting your feet against the wall of the cockpit, which now sits at a forty five degree angle you take hold of the stanchion with both hands.
  30. >With a grunt of effort that brings with it a mouthful of blood you manage to wrench the chunk of metal free from your torso.
  31. >The first thing you notice as you stagger from the cockpit is how little of the ship is left.
  32. >What was once the closed space of the troop hold is now a pile of twisted metal giving way to the a fine view of the trench your landing dug.
  33. >As you make your way from the wreckage one stumbling step at a time you notice you appear to be in some sort of forest.
  34. >A strange colorful bird regards you from a nearby tree, it tilts its head to one side as if inspecting.
  35. >You notice belatedly that the lenses of your helm appear to be shattered when they fail to give you the scrolling mass to tactical date you're used to.
  36. >"Damn...I liked this helm" You manage before falling to your knees.
  37. >Your sus-an membrane seems to be activating, dragging you into a healing coma in an effort to stave off your mortal wounds.
  38. >You fall face first to the ground, as the darkness begins to take you, you're almost certain you heard a voice.
  39. "I think it landed over here!" A high female voice cries in the distance.
  42. >Blanketed in darkness, a fever heat burning through your body as your metabolism increases to mend your many wounds you are firmly
  43. in the grip of the healing coma now.
  44. >Your dreams are a jumbled mess, cutting together scenes from a thousand battles across a hundred worlds.
  45. >Amidst all the blood and fire of war you keep catching glimpses of a figure, the shape is indistinct, gone each time you try to look at it too closely.
  46. >Once, as you battled your way through the silver palace of a Slaaneshi Champion you were able to look at it directly.
  47. >Before it vanished you are certain you caught the impression of wings and glowing white eyes.
  48. >A daemon perhaps, seeking to prey upon your mind while you are at your weakest.
  49. >Trapped as you are in this erratic replay of your life's battles it is impossible to judge the passing of time.
  50. >Some times something cool rests upon your brow, soothing, though it does little to abate your fever.
  51. >Other times you are almost certain you hear voices around you, though real or imagined is impossible to say.
  52. >".....to call the princess" one says. "Can't move him yet he might..." the reply fades from hearing but it would seem the voices are talking about you.
  54. >At some point your fever broke and you begin to regain your senses.
  55. >The smell of antiseptic floods your nostrils, other more subtle scents are mixed in, sweat, a light floral scent, and something animal you can't place.
  56. >You attempt to crack your eyes open, the glare of light adjusting quickly to tolerable levels thanks to your enhanced sight.
  57. >You sit up slowly, you seem to be in a bed far too small for a man of your stature, though given the circumstances that's hardly surprising.
  58. >Upon further inspection you appear to be naked, covered by a sheet and hefty swathes of bandages.
  59. >Your left arm has been set and put in a cast, though flexing your hand you find the bone is well mended already.
  60. >You'll tear the plaster off later for now it's time to see about finding out who your saviors are, and what they've done with your armor.
  61. >As you rise from the bed you bring a hand up to probe at the bandages on your chest, a few pokes tell you that the wound has closed and your
  62. >rib plate is starting to regrow to close the hole left by the stanchion.
  63. >Looking around you find the room is rather sparsely furnished, aside from your bed there appears to be a small desk, a cabinet of medical instruments, and little else.
  64. >A cursory search of the medical cabinet reveals little of use: Pain relievers too weak to do anything for someone of your constitution, gauze, bandages, stethoscope,
  65. >and a few devices you can only guess at the use of.
  66. >You glance again at the cast on you arm deciding to do away with it sooner rather than later.
  67. >You hook a pair of fingers under the edge of the plaster and begin to pull, the material easily giving way under your ab-human strength.
  68. >As the tear in your cast reaches the halfway point the door begins to open, and there is a sight that gives you pause.
  69. >A xenos...a small pastel colored xenos, equine in appearance, though with abnormally large eyes.
  71. >You stand for a moment, staring in incomprehension at what you're seeing, the xenos stands staring in wide eyed horror while looking at you.
  72. >The xenos is the first to recover her wits, you're assuming it is a "her" based on the shrill voice in which she is now berating you.
  73. >"What are you doing to your cast!? Get back in bed this instant! Do you have any idea how much blood you lost!?" Her tirade continues, mostly lost on >you as you stare.
  74. >A few thoughts process simultaneously, one you seem to have been saved by xenos, two there is intelligent life on this world, and three, you are being dressed down by a tiny horse.
  75. >Recovering enough of your wits to act finally you decide to do something about that last one.
  76. >The tiny xenos is still in mid rant when you reach down and pick her up, you elect for now, to put a hand under each of her forelegs instead of the throat as was your first instinct.
  77. >You bring her up to eye level, which seems to have given her pause as she trails off mid rant
  78. "And just what are you...oh... You...you looked smaller lying down" her eyes lock with yours.
  79. >You're no expert on xenos but you like to think that some of her outrage and shock has been replaced with apprehension.
  80. >"It would appear I owe you a debt of gratitude for saving me." You say at length "So you have my thanks, and I have a great many questions for you."
  81. >The xenos, opens and closes her mouth several times before managing meekly "Uh..You're welcome?"
  82. >Held in her current position you note that she appears to be wearing some form of hospitaler's uniform.
  83. > A cursory inspection reveals yet another oddity about your tiny captive, aside from her bluish fur and white mane and tail she appears to have wings.
  84. >Finished with your inspection for the moment you decide to ask a pressing question "Where am I, and who, and what are you?"
  86. >Regaining some of her previous confidence the xenos rests her fore hooves on your wrists propping her self up to better regard you.
  87. >"In order, you're in a way castle in the Everfree forest, I'm nurse Soft Heart, and I'm a pegasus. Now my turn to ask a few questions."
  88. >Deciding it's best to play along for now you nod, giving you ascent "Very well, fair is fair."
  89. >"Who are you, why are you trying to take your cast off, and did you actually fall out of the sky like everyone is saying?"
  90. >You consider your response carefully, given the fact that these xenos are still alive it's unlikely they've ever come in contact with the Imperium, still..
  91. >"Who I am is a bit of a long answer so I'll answer the others first. My arm is healed, so I don't need the cast, and yes I did fall out of your sky."
  92. >This last bit of information sets her wings to flapping and she slips from your grip, hovering in the air just a few inches from your face.
  93. >If the starry look in her eyes and smile are anything to go by you've said something very exciting.
  94. >"Wow! So is it true you were in a big metal box? Like an airship with no balloon? What holds it up?" Soft heart is tapping her hooves together excitedly as she awaits your answer
  95. >The "pegasus" as she termed herself is oddly adorable, still you would feel better if she were the one giving up information and not you.
  96. >"It was not a metal box, it is a ship called a storm bird, and it flies using a promethium engine. Now please I've had a trying ordeal and still have little idea where I am."
  97. >She calms somewhat giving you a sympathetic look, taking that as your chance to continue you press "You said we were in the "Everfree forest" but what planet are we on.?"
  99. >The next few hours are spent in what amounts to a polite interrogation prying as much information from Soft Heart as you can while she in turn tries to do the same.
  100. >So far you have managed to gather that you are on the planet "Equus" in the nation state of Equestria.
  101. >Equestria seems to be inhabited by a number of species both sapient and otherwise, ponies being the primary species at least in Equestria.
  102. >The ponies themselves come in several varaties, each of which have their own innate talents.
  103. >You absorb all this information stoically nodding where appropriate and carefully dodging questions about your own origins.
  104. >You've started to ask Soft Heart about significant cultural figures when she mentions a "Princess Twilight" and says something that gives you pause.
  105. >"She's the element of magic" She explains in a matter of fact tone "Oh and she has this baby dragon spike that helps her out at"
  106. >Unable to help yourself you interrupt at that "She has a dragon? " disbelief colors your tone "What exactly does an equestrian dragon look like?"
  107. >Surely it can't be like the old Terran myths you think, pushing aside the fact there have already been so many other parallels.
  108. >"You know, dragons, like scales and claws and wings and breathes fire" Soft Heart says doing her best pantomime of a dragon, wings spread as she stands on
  109. >two legs doing her best brandish her fore hooves like the claws from her description.
  110. >You nod slowly, taking this newest fact in to consideration "And are there other monsters, besides the dragons?"
  111. >Soft Heart smiles and nods enthusiastically, happy to educate you further "Let's see " She raises a wing and begins ticking off feathers like you might
  112. >fingers "There's hydras, wendigos, centaurs, Cerberus, though only just the one of him I think, cockatrice, bug bears, changelings, chimeras"
  113. >You hold a hand up to forestall any further listing as you fear the poor pegasus is going to run out of feathers to count on.
  114. >"Thank you that is quite sufficient for now. Your explanations have been most helpful" Mentally you upgrade the status of Equestria to "Deathworld"
  115. >Deciding to get the conversation back on the previous track you move on "Now, this Princess Twilight you mentioned, is she the ruler of Equestria"
  116. >Soft Heart shakes her head setting her mane to bouncing "No Twilight and her friends are the Elements of Harmony. They're big heroes here in Equestria.
  117. >Princess Celestia and Luna are in charge. Celestia raises the sun every morning and Luna puts up the moon and stars at night."
  118. >You suppress and eye twitch. There are two options given the manner in which you arrived on this planet.
  119. > One, these Princesses have a cult of personality in which the populace is made to believe they are all powerful, or two, The status of Equestria has just
  120. >been upgraded to "Daemon World" and there are two very powerful daemon princesses in charge.
  121. >This may be worse than the time you were forced to ally with that cult of Tzeentch to escape that contingent of Dark Angels that had managed to track you down.
  122. >You're drawn from your dark thoughts by the sound of Soft heart scooting a chair closer.
  123. >Given her overall appearance and the overall size of everything in the room when compared to you the scene is adorable.
  124. >"So I've been answering questions about Equestria, it's your turn to answer a few mister" She says in what you suspect is supposed to be an authoritative tone.
  125. >She gestures for you to have a seat on the bed and grabs a small notebook from her desk along with a quill and ink pot.
  126. >Trying to decide exactly how much of your origin to reveal you make your way to the edge of your humorously undersized bed.
  127. >Though Soft Heart hasn't said anything about it you are still as nude as when you awoke.
  128. >Without any ceremony you pull the top sheet from your hospital bed and tie it around yourself as an improvised waist wrap.
  129. >You would prefer a surplice or body-glove but decide this will have to suffice for the moment.
  130. >Your clothing situation as settled as it's getting you take a seat in front of Soft heart and decide that honesty, with a few omissions may be the safest way to proceed.
  131. >"I assume your questions are about the nature of myself and my home, is that correct?" Soft heart nods an affirmative signaling you to continue.
  132. >"Very well I have avoided answering that much long enough. My tale is a long one, as such I shall give you the brief version.
  133. >My name is Anoniaus, called "The Forsaken" by those that once stood as my brothers. I am an Adeptus Astartes, a warrior of the first Legion Dark Angels
  134. >A space marine in more simple terms." You can see Soft Heart scribbling down notes in her little book.
  135. >After so many centuries of fighting and running simply to survive a part of you is wary of being so open, but her interest seems innocent and sincere.
  136. >You start with your exile to Caliban alongside Luther and the 500 others sent to garrison the planet.
  137. >It was presented as a great honor, but in time you knew it for the punishment it was, everyone did.
  138. >You speak of Luther, the man who had found and mentored your Primarch, and of his efforts to keep the spirits of your brothers high.
  140. >At first it had been easy to imagine that you would be called back to the crusade, you were young having only served in a handful of conflicts
  141. >before your exile.
  142. >Alongside the others you had marveled at the accomplishments of the warriors on crusade and the trophies sent back from the front.
  143. >Many of you had even boasted of the deeds you thought to preform when you were recalled, feats to rival any of the tales of the great hunt.
  144. >You had been born too late for the hunt, all of the great monsters of Caliban destroyed before your time, but the Crusade was a far greater
  145. >endeavor, with opportunists for glory abound.
  146. >Five decades had passed without your Primarch returning or recalling any of you to the front.
  147. >Five decades Luther had done his best to keep spirits high, to keep any of you from feeling you had been abandoned.
  148. >Most of you knew the truth, and his words rang hollow, but you could not fault the man for wanting to shield you from despair.
  149. >You pause in your story long enough to see that Soft Heart is listening with rapt attention, though how she writes with a quill in her mouth is beyond you.
  150. >Finally after fifty long years of waiting the Primarchs fleet returned, and things took a tragic turn.
  151. >The next part of your story is more confusing, as even you are still trying to piece together the details of those events.
  152. >Some say that your Primarch was a traitor, and that Luther justly gave the order to open fire on his fleet.
  153. >Others say that Luther was the Traitor, jealous of your Primarch or mislead by dark powers.
  154. >All you know is that day brother slew brother, and your home world of Caliban, and your legion were torn apart.
  155. >Battle raged on the surface of Caliban, even as the orbital bombardment rained down from the Lion's fleet.
  156. >Luther and the Lion were locked in personal combat, a contest to rival anything out of old Terran mythology.
  157. >The blows they struck saw the fortress around them torn stone from stone and reduced to rubble.
  159. >Then just as though it seemed Luther might strike the Primarch down, Caliban broke apart.
  160. >The sustained orbital bombardment had cracked the planets crust, sundering the world apart.
  161. >A warp storm had opened around the dying world, tearing those that had sided with Luther from the surface and scattering them across time and space.
  162. >You personally had only been in the hellish ocean of souls that is the warp for mere seconds it had seemed, but when you had emerged ten thousand years had passed.
  163. >You had spent the last few centuries constantly fighting or running just trying to survive.
  164. >You had no interest in becoming a slave to dark masters like some of the other "fallen", and you had less interest in surrendering to the new Dark Angels.
  165. >Their idea of mercy was torturing repentance from you before a swift death, if you were lucky.
  166. >That was more than you had spoken of those events to anyone in centuries, it was...cathartic to share it with someone, even if she is a Xenos.
  167. >Soft Heart looks conflicted as you bring your story to a close, as if she's trying to process how she feels about everything you told her.
  168. >She opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by the growl of your stomach.
  169. >She adopts a sheepish expression "Oh sorry, I guess you must be pretty hungry. I should've brought you food when I saw that you were up, we've just been
  170. >feeding you by I.V. for a while now."
  171. >You wave her apology away "The fault is mine for distracting you with so many questions. Though I would like something to eat, anything with a lot of protein.
  172. >I doubt your kind eat meat."
  173. >"The kitchens should have plenty of peanut butter, ooh and I think eggs, though mostly for baking. I'll see if I can get you a few of those."
  175. >Soft Heart departs to find you food and you are not kept waiting long before she returns with a tray bearing the promised sustenance.
  176. >There are a variety of small colorful plants you assume to be vegetables and eggs mixed together in a stir fry dish, it doesn't smell poisonous at any rate.
  177. >Off to one side of the tray is something less identifiable, a wedge of something two shades of brown with some sort of crust crumbled over it.
  178. "What is this?"
  179. >You say indicating the item in question, giving it an experimental poke with a fork taken from the tray.
  180. >Soft Heart gives you a bemused look, "It's peanut butter chocolate pie, have you never had a pie before?"
  181. >You consider explaining the sort of things you've been forced to eat when scavenging but decide a simple "No" is probably best for now.
  182. >Once you've begun to eat Soft Heart gets the book she was taking notes in before and begins flipping through it.
  183. >"So I had a few more questions, I know you have a lot of brothers, but your father was a lion? And who was your mother?"
  184. >You can't help but chuckle at that, her confusion amusing if understandable.
  185. "The Lion was just what he was called. He was a Primarch one of the Emperor's sons, and he was not my father in the sense that you understand it.
  186. Members of the Adeptus Astartes are born human, and then changed to resemble our Primarchs."
  187. >Soft Heart nods at that scribbling something down in her book.
  188. >"Okay that makes a little more sense, so who were your parents then?"
  189. "I'm not certain. Most Astartes retain little if any memory of their lives before."
  190. >Soft Heart looks saddened by that, her large expressive eyes become more lidded and her smile drops.
  192. >You decide to change the subject before your answers have a chance to upset her further.
  193. "When I crashed, I was wearing a suit of armor. Where is that now?"
  194. >Soft Heart perks up a bit "Oh that, I think the guards put in the armory where it'd be safe. It looked pretty banged up, and it was really hard to
  195. >get you out of there."
  196. "I am surprised you had the tools available to remove it"
  197. >"Oh we didn't, we tried a few things but the unicorns were the ones who got it off you. They just used their magic to twist all the little bolty things
  198. >out and then it slid right off."
  199. "Magic...What sort of magic exactly do Unicorns have?"
  200. >"All sorts there's teleportation, transformation,energy manipulation and a bunch more. The guards here mostly have defensive stuff like shield spells. They'd be able to tell you more about >it than I could, us Pegasai just control the weather around here."
  201. Upon hearing that you calmly and slowly push your tray of food to one side.
  202. "Please show me to my armor now, I very much wish to put it back on."
  203. >Soft Heart tilts her giving you a confused look "Aren't you going finish eating?"
  204. "I would like my armor now. I will finish eating after."
  205. >Soft Heart looks a bit annoyed but relents "Well alright, but you're gonna finish eating afterwards. You're still in recovery after all."
  207. >You get up almost mechanically to follow the little nurse Xenos.
  208. >You've only been awake for a few hours and you've already learned a great many disturbing things.
  209. >At least two of the subraces of this planet are psykers, and from the off handed way Soft Heart described weather control you're guessing they're fairly potent ones.
  210. >It's almost certain now that Equus is a daemon world, or at the very least a world where the veil between realspace and the immaterium is disturbingly thin.
  211. >The sooner you can find your arms and armor the sooner you can begin plotting your escape from this place.
  212. >Until then it may be best to humor your hosts and stay on good terms with them.
  213. >So long as nothing they feed you causes you to sprout a third arm playing the long game seems safest.
  214. >As you're led out into the halls of the way castle you start taking stock of your surroundings.
  215. >You see several ponies you presume to be guards as you walk, they're dressed in armor of some golden hued metal similar in style to the Terran
  216. >armor of ancient Rome, or Greece.
  217. >The few you've seen are armed with spears, given that information and what you saw in the medical room you're starting to form a basic idea of the level
  218. >of technology on this world.
  219. >You pass down the corridor to what is presumably the other end of the castle on the lower level.
  220. >From what little you've been able to see the castle is at least well constructed, thick well cut stone fitted tightly together forms the walls and the hallways intersect in artfully styled
  221. >vaulted arches.
  222. >Here and there you spot a tapestry decorating the wall, the primary themes always seem to be a sun or moon, occasionally some combination of the two.
  223. >One tapestry in particular catches your eye, it is a highly stylized depiction of a pair of creatures similar to Soft Heart, though taller and more slender.
  224. >Each of the creatures sports a long narrow horn in addition to their impressive wingspan.
  226. >Though the creatures are similar in build there are a number of obvious differences, one is white, the other a shade of midnight blue.
  227. >You come to a full stop in front of the tapestry and regard the blue one carefully, the wings, the sparkly nebulous mane and tail flowing behind it.
  228. >You're certain this is the creature you saw in your dreams, the thing that was always watching you from a distance.
  229. "Who is this?"
  230. >You indicating the tapestry, forcing Soft Heart to stop and turn abruptly to see what you're pointing at.
  231. >"Oh, that's Princess Luna, the other is Princess Celestia, they're the rulers I told you about before."
  232. >You keep your expression neutral, this new information making your desire to be armed once again all that much stronger.
  233. "I see, thank you for enlightening me"
  234. >Seeming satisfied she was able to sate your curiosity Soft Heart turns and begins leading the way once more.
  235. >Only a bit further on down the same path you were following your nurse turned guide takes a turn and you find yourself standing before a gated room.
  236. >Behind the gate you see a number of crates, shelves and storage chests as well as a number of other objects currently covered by tarps, and
  237. >Before the gate sits an elderly looking pony, though this one lacks either wings or a horn.
  238. >Soft Heart gestures with a hoof at the pony sitting by the gate "This is Paychest he's the quarter master here."
  239. >Unsure of the etiquette for this world you draw your fist over your heart in a warriors salute.
  240. >"Paychest this is Anonaius."She says gesturing back at you.
  241. >The quarter master gives a grunt by way of recognition and drags a hoof through his mane.
  242. >He leans forward in his chair and looks you up and down, mostly up given the difference in your size before turning his attention back to Soft Heart.
  243. >"So this the one they drug in outta the forest? Suppose he's here fer that junk they pulled him out of?"
  245. >Soft Heart gives a smile despite Paychest's tone "Yes that's right, could you unlock the gate for us please."
  246. >With a grunt of effort he rises from his chair and takes up a key ring dangling from a peg board nearby with his mouth.
  247. > He grumbles as he begins sorting through the keys with a hoof to find the right one, thanks to your superhuman hearing you can make out most of what is said.
  248. > "Still don't see why a suit of armor'd need so many wires and bits pokin out of it. A chest guard and a helmet oughta be good enough fer anypony."
  249. >His stream of complaints ends when he finds the correct key, and pops it in to the lock.
  250. >The gate slides to one side on a well oiled track barely making a sound.
  251. >"Yer armor's at the back, don't go touchin anything that ain't yours. I'll be keepin an eye on you while yer in there."
  252. >You might be a bit insulted by the implication you'd steal something if you weren't being watched, but you did come here in a stolen ship.
  253. >You pass through the gate and in to the store room beyond, moving towards the back as instructed.
  254. >While you do make the effort to keep your hands to yourself you still give each shelf you pass by a quick visual inspection.
  255. >Mostly the rooms seems to be populated with labeled crates, though this is less helpful since the labels are in a language you can't read.
  256. >Those shelves that aren't populated with crates have most of the usual things you'd expect to see in the armory of a fortress, uniforms
  257. >spare pieces of armor, and weapons for the guards.
  258. >While the spears are far too small to be of any particular use to you, there are a few more intriguing pieces on the weapons racks.
  259. >Among them are a handful of oversized axes and a very large if plain looking sword.
  260. "What sort of pony wields that?"
  261. >you ask Soft Heart nodding towards one of the axes.
  263. >She giggles at the thought covering her mouth with a hoof "Nopony could use that silly, that's a minotaur axe. We get bandits this way occasionally so we"
  264. >Soft Heart is cut off by a Paychest giving a firm rap on the bars of the gate "Get a move on you two I got important work to get back to."
  265. >Having been put on notice by the elderly gatekeeper you decide not to press your luck for now and move on.
  266. >As you near the back of the room your eyes are drawn to your armor, and even in its sorry state you are glad to see it.
  267. >A bastardized set of Mark II crusader armor patched and repaired with whatever parts you could take from other marines over the years.
  268. >The ponies seem content to leave you be while you inspect the damage, which is probably for the best.
  269. >Your breastplate is punctured from the Stanchion, easy enough to patch if you can find some repair cement.
  270. >Your mark III helm is in need a of a new set of eye lenses, though at least the vox and filtration systems seem intact.
  271. >The largest problem seems to be the left arm, everything below the elbow is badly shattered the armor plating missing in places with most of the
  272. >remaining fragments only held together by the underlayer and cable bundles run throughout.
  273. >The ponies also seem to have retrieved your power sword, assuming this whole thing hasn't been some malicious xenos plot to gain your trust and
  274. >lay eggs in your brain you'll have to thank them.
  275. >You pick your sword up, even a cursory inspection reveals quite a bit of damage. The blade is badly notched and the cabling near the hilt seems to be worse for wear as well.
  276. >Holding the sword at arms length you press the activation rune expecting the worst.
  277. >To your surprise the powerfield hums to life engulfing the blade in a soft blue glow.
  278. >Soft Heart gasps in excitement "That is so cool, you're a knight and you've got a magic sword just like int the stories. Only you're not a pony, also from space."
  280. >There's something touching about her innocent and genuine excitement at something that's become mundane to you.
  281. >You deactivate the field and set the sword aside, pleased that it still functions properly for now.
  282. "I'm afraid my armor is in serious need of repair, does this castle have a forge I might make use of?"
  283. >"Yeah we have one of those, though we'll probably have to get permission from my sister before we can use it."
  284. "We need permission from your sister?"
  285. > "Yeah Steel Heart, she's the Lieutenant in charge of the guard post at this castle."
  286. "Ah, excellent, if she's anything like you I'm sure we'll get along perfectly well."
  287. >A little flattery never hurts in these kind of situations, and truth be told despite the fact she's a xenos you do find Soft Heart's company pleasant enough.
  288. >"My sister puts on a tough act but she's really nice once you get to know her."
  289. >Soft heart brings a hoof to her chin tapping it in thought. "I think she's out on patrol with some of the others right now though."
  290. >"Some traders came through the other day and said something about seeing a few manticores around, I think they're out looking in to that."
  291. "Ah, well perhaps we can speak to her when she returns then."
  292. >You heft the breastplate and backpack unit easily from the table and hold it up regarding it.
  293. >Loathe as you are to admit it without the proper tools there'll be no getting this on yourself.
  294. "Soft Heart I may need the assistance of those unicorns you mentioned before."
  295. >"Oh right, I'll go find them, you can just talk with Paychest until I get back"
  296. >With that Soft Heart trots off in search of the assistance you've requested.
  297. >Paychest is still sitting nearby in his chair, giving you an annoyed look. How splendid you're making more friends already.
  300. >The next ten minutes pass in awkward silence as Paychest does his best to keep an eye on you and ignore you at the same time.
  301. >You're running out of ways to busy yourself with inspecting your armor so you have something to do besides stand here awkwardly when Soft Heart returns.
  302. >With her she has a pair of what you presume to be the unicorns, judging by the small horn each has sprouting from their brow
  303. >With your instruction they get to work putting the armor back on you, sans the left arm which you have removed for the moment.
  304. >When you indicate a piece to put on and how it should be attached it begins to levitate, encased in a soft glow that seems to be emanating from the unicorn's horn.
  305. >You fight the wave of disgust that rises in your stomach at any show of sorcery.
  306. >You were prepared to endure what you had to be done in order to don your armor once more but this is less horrible than you had first imagined.
  307. >Whatever form of warp laden talent the unicorns have seems different from the sort you are so unfortunately used to dealing with.
  308. >There is no smell of splitting ozone or spoiled meat, no greasy unclean feeling pervading the air.
  309. >No matter your feelings on sorcery you can't deny the effectiveness in this situation.
  310. >It would normally take several serfs nearly twenty minutes to get your armor on, but with your guidance the unicorns have managed in a mere ten.
  311. >You mag-lock your power sword to your hip, feeling a bit more at ease now that you're properly armed and armored.
  312. >You consider that it might be prudent to take a tour of the castle, to see exactly where you are and what defenses it has.
  313. >However there is on thing stopping you from doing that, namely your nurse.
  314. >Soft Heart is insistent that now that you have your armor you honor your promise to finish your food.
  315. >With a word of thanks to your unicorn assistants you depart for the infirmary to honor your word.
  317. Much of the day passes without event, most of your time spent either answering further questions for Soft Heart or asking your own of her.
  318. You a bit after midday you take a tour of the castle, not sizeable by your standards but large enough to hold a garrison for this area.
  319. From the wall you were able to get a good view of the surrounding forest.
  320. A space of several dozen meters had been cleared around the perimeter wall in all directions, but just beyond that clearing the treeline grew dense.
  321. The scene brought to mind the Caliban you had only heard tales of, vast swathes of forest broken only by small bastions of humanity, and
  322. much like the Calibanite woods of old, this forest too is filled with monsters.
  323. In time the sun begins to dip towards the horizon and the air begins to cool.
  324. You're sitting in the courtyard taking an evening meal with Soft Heart who is currently explaining why you should recolor your armor.
  325. Apparently black makes you look like a "villain".
  326. You would have laughed at the almost childish reasoning had the look on her face not said she was completely serious.
  327. As she's gooing through a list of suggested colors you notice another sound, just at the edge of hearing, a voice that seems to be coming closer.
  328. "Do you hear that?"
  329. You ask stopping Soft Heart short, "No, I don't hear anything"
  330. You rise from the ground where you had been seated making your way over to the castle gate.
  331. Through the bars you can see a pony running down the track leading up to the castle, one of the guards by the look of his armor.
  332. As he grows nearer you can make out what he's shouting in a panic "The Lieutenant needs help!"
  333. "You have incoming, open the gate!"
  334. You shout to the gatekeeper who, likely due to your gigantic frame and vox amplified voices, quickly complies.
  337. >With the gate raised you step out to meet the bedraggled looking guard.
  338. >His breathing is ragged, his coat lathered in sweat, and he's covered in small cuts, like from scrambling through the brush.
  339. >You crouch down and rest a hand on the guard pony's shoulder, partly to stop his panicked flight and partly to steady him.
  340. "At ease, take a breath and tell me what's the matter."
  341. >His expression as he regards you is a mix of confusion and relief "It's the Lieutenant" He manages after several deep breaths.
  342. >"We were out looking for Manticores and got ambushed by a huge pack of Timberwolves. We managed to get to a cave and hole up."
  343. >He stops his hurried explanation trying to get his breath again, you open a compartment on your hip and remove a cylinder of water, offering it to him.
  344. >The water is warm but he seems grateful all the same and downs it quickly before continuing.
  345. >"We found a way out the back of the cave, but we had wounded so the Lieutenant sent me to get reinforcements."
  346. "How far is the cave from here guard?"
  347. >"About 10 miles I think, we put up markers, bits of red cloth, when we left the main trail. The cave was only a few hundred feet from where the wolves attacked."
  348. >Soft Heart who has been listening from nearby looks deeply worried. "It'll take hours to get reinforcements that far and it's getting dark already."
  349. >Something about her expression moves you in a way you've not felt in as long as you can remember.
  350. >Though she may be a Xenos you owe Soft Heart a debt of gratitude, and here is your chance to repay it."
  351. >You rise stepping away from the guard pony and point to the gatekeeper.
  352. "You find whoever is in charge and have them begin assembling reinforcements immediately"
  353. >The gatekeeper hesitates for only a second before bolting off, your tone having left no room for argument.
  355. >You shift your gaze to Soft Heart now.
  356. "The guard said there were wounded gather any medical supplies I might need and do it quickly."
  357. >She looks to you, worry still writ plain across her face "But you're still recovering and he said there were a lot of Timber Wolves."
  358. >You reach up and remove your helm and give Soft Heart your best attempt at a comforting smile.
  359. "Your sister is in danger, and this sort of battle is the reason Astartes are created. I will be fine, now please gather the supplies."
  360. >Despite the lack of chances to practice your social skills these last few centuries your attempt seems to have worked.
  361. >Soft Heart sets off to the infirmary and you follow behind to collect the supply pack.
  362. >While she's assembling a variety of basic first aid materials your eyes drift to the small desk.
  363. >A pair of lit candles rest upon it throwing dim light into the rest of the room, but what takes your interest most is the ink pot and blank parchment nearby.
  364. >The idea that comes to you is foolish really, an old tradition that no longer serves a purpose, and yet you never had the chance to do it before.
  365. >Surrendering to the whim you grab the quill and quickly scribble out an oath of moment and affix it to your shoulder plate using drips of wax from the candle.
  366. >Soft Heart turns from the cabinet she was digging through to offer up the supply pack, her eyes catching the parchment.
  367. >"What is that?"
  368. >Given the circumstance you decide that this is a conversation for later and simply answer.
  369. "I will explain when I return."
  370. >With that you replace your helm and secure the pack to your hip before setting off at a jog until you reach the courtyard.
  373. >As you near the gate you can see the guard ponies beginning to assemble, ten of them in total, a squad by astartes standards.
  374. >The sight is slightly amusing, they're preparing for a battle that will be over by the time they arrive.
  375. >Still you doubt they'd trust the life of their commander to someone they've just met, better to do it this way for their benefit.
  376. >Once you clear the front gate you move from a jog to a ground eating sprint.
  377. >Assuming the terrain is not too treacherous you should be able to cover the 10 miles inside 20 minutes with ease.
  378. "Wish I'd been trained as Ravenwing"
  379. >You lament aloud, damn cavalry company and their assault bikes. Not that the bike would have survived the crash but still.
  380. >As the miles disappear beneath your tread and the prospect of battle grows near your body begins to prepare as it always does.
  381. >You can feel the adrenaline start to pour in to your system and your second heart beats faster, though this time something feels different.
  382. >Your brothers, the bastards, always did say you were too much of a dreamer, and perhaps you are.
  383. >Even so you can't help but liken the battle to come to the Great Hunt of Caliban, a knight charging to battle against the beasts of the forest.
  384. >Perhaps you'll even take a pelt for your armor as proof of the deed. You always did admire that Caliban Lion pelt Incognito had.
  385. >From the corner of your eye you spot a bit of red cloth dangling from a low branch on a nearby tree, and that is enough to tear you from your daydreams.
  386. >You draw your sword and advance cautiously taking it in a two handed grip given the absence of your bolt pistol.
  388. >As you follow the trail of cloth scraps you're drawn into a small hollow in the forest, the last wan rays of sunlight filtering through the leaves overheard.
  389. >The first thought to enter your mind when you cast your eyes upon the scene in the hollow is that "Timber wolves" was a rather literal name for these creatures.
  390. >They're moving and circling through the underbrush and through the clear ground of the hollow itself, without the auto senses of your helm it's hard to get a count.
  391. >You estimate at least two dozen, though you allow for the possibility the actual number could be half that again.
  392. >From your position behind the bole of a large tree you spot the cave entrance, half hidden by a bush.
  393. >One of the Wolves wanders too close to the cave and is greeted with a flurry of jabbing spears that drive it back.
  394. >The ponies are still alive then, that is somewhat of a relief.
  395. >Well there's no time to act like the present and for the moment you have the element of surprise on your side.
  396. >With the Vox amplifier in your helm set to full you let loose a deafening cry of "For Caliban!" and charge in to the Timberwolf horde.
  397. >Your initial charge sees four of the beasts smashed to pieces, under boot and blade, perhaps this wasn't going to be quite the battle you thought.
  398. >As you turn to make your stand you see the pieces of the beasts take on an unearthly green glow and begin to move towards one another.
  399. >They begin pulling together forming a larger version of the creatures you just destroyed.
  400. "Of course...why would anything ever be easy"
  401. >You growl under your breath as you raise your sword and activate the power field, sweeping it about in front of you as you try to watch as many of the creatures as you can.
  402. "Hear me beasts! I am Anoniaus the Forsaken, Dark Angel and Knight of Caliban, oathed to this moment and sworn to your demise. Face me if you dare!"
  404. >Whether the wolves are possessed of some malevolent intelligence and responding to your taunt or just responding threat you represent they swarm in.
  405. >A pair of them duck in to bite at your legs while another jumps for your throat.
  406. >The leaping one is dispatched with a swift chop of your sword, the twigs and logs composing its being turning to ash where they contacted the power field.
  407. >One of the pair at your legs snaps its teeth against the reinforced ceramite of your shin guard, you lift your foot and bring it down swiftly atop the beasts head.
  408. >What passes for the beasts skull is ground to splinters beneath your foot, though you swing your blade through the bits of its body to stop it from rising like the others.
  409. >The third manages to find a gap behind your knee guard and sinks its wooden fangs in deep, you quickly decapitate it with a back swing.
  410. >Two more beasts throw themselves at you only to die sundered by vicious blows, their constituent parts scattered and burnt by the touch of your sword.
  411. >You're finding your rhythm now, your mind slips back to the old lessons of the order hall, walking the spiral pattern set in the floor as you fended off multiple opponents.
  412. >Beasts number ten dies pinned against a tree and run through, eleven manages to dig into the flesh of your unarmored left arm, leaving a ragged wound from elbow to wrist.
  413. >You slam your fist into its skull stunning it, aiming to finish it before twelve and thirteen rush in, losing a head and leg respectively.
  414. >The giant creature lowers itself to pounce at you now, you raise your blade ready to defend.
  415. >Just as the creature leaps your sword releases a shower of sparks, and your heart sinks into your stomach as you watch the power field die.
  416. >Your best line of defense gone you throw yourself aside as the massive creature crashes through the space you were just in.
  417. >The creature slides into the underbrush snapping several small trees in its passing as it turns to round on you.
  419. >You raise your guard again and press the activation rune on your sword once more but much as you expected it remains dead.
  420. >The Alpha wolf is at least two heads taller than you at the shoulder and easily three to four times your mass, and you have a broken sword to fend it off with.
  421. >Well you did want a story to equal those of the great hunt, with nothing else for it you charge.
  422. >As you near the creature swipes at you with a massive paw, you duck the swing clip a few claws off with a low to high swing.
  423. >Follow through on the momentum of your attack you pivot on your heel and slam the edge of your sword into the creatures face as it moves to bite you.
  424. >Splinters of wood and broken stick-fangs spray from the Alpha wolf's mouth as it reels from your blow.
  425. >To your dismay the creature is already repairing itself, bits from the wolves that failed to rise being pulled in to replace the damaged parts.
  426. >As you ready your guard again determined to cut this thing until it can no longer heal you hear a voice from the cave.
  427. >"Hey you out there! They hate fire, use the torch!"
  428. >From the mouth of the cave a torch comes spiraling through the air, landing on the ground about twenty feet away from you.
  429. >You begin to side step, moving towards the torch while keeping the Alpha in front of you, as if sensing your intent the beast charges again.
  430. >You hold your ground until the last second then throw yourself aside diving into a roll.
  431. >As you regain your feet you sprint the last few steps to the torch dipping low to scoop it up on the run.
  432. >As you start to turn a timber wolf crashes against from side, throwing you off balance and causing you to stumble.
  433. >That momentary lapse in your guard is all the Alpha needed, it throws itself forward locking its now healed jaws around your torso.
  434. >The Ceramite of your armor groans in protest to the pressure and you can feel the plates beginning to buckle around you.
  436. >Cracks begin to spread out from the hole in your breastplate and you feel a fang dig into your chest as it finds the gap.
  437. >Begins to slick the inside of your armor, many men in this situation would panic and die, but you are Adeptus Astartes.
  438. >Raising your sword high you swing downward with all of your might jolting the Alpha wolfs skull and carving a gash in it.
  439. >The beast does not relent but neither do you, bringing your sword crashing down again and again.
  440. >Just as if it feels like your chest will collapse under the colossal pressure on it, you bring down your sword with a roar of effort.
  441. >The blade breaks under the thunderous impact, splitting from the place where it was notched, but you've achieved the desired effect.
  442. >The side of the Alpha's skull is split wide and you thrust the torch inside, the creature shakes you in its jaws like a terrier might do to a rat.
  443. >With a final shake the creature tosses you aside before staggering away from you, flames pouring from its eye sockets before spreading to wreath its head in flames.
  444. >The great beast collapses quickly becoming a blazing bonfire.
  445. >The fire, and the loss of their leader seems too much for the remaining wolves, as they scatter, fleeing into the safety of the darkened forest.
  446. >You pick yourself up, looking ruefully at the shattered blade in your hand before making your way towards the cave.
  447. >You're greeted by several spear points and a cry of "halt"
  448. >"You have my thanks for the help but I don't...wait, are you the one we pulled out of the forest? I figured you'd be a goner for sure."
  449. >The spears are lowered and a pony emerges into the light cast by the burning timber wolf.
  450. >Even in this dim lighting she bears an obvious resemblance to Soft Heart, though with a few obvious differences.
  451. >Aside from her light gray fur this ponies eyes lack the softness and warmth you're used to seeing in her sister.
  452. >"Lieutenant Steel Heart, Equestrian guard Everfree Outpost" She says by way of greeting.
  454. "Anoniaus First Legion Dark Angels. I was told you have wounded with you"
  455. >You say returning the salute before taking the pack Soft Heart had prepared from your hip and holding it out in offer.
  456. >Steel Heart takes the pack in her teeth, pausing to look at your left arm "ur injurf" she manages around a mouth full of cloth.
  457. >You glance down at the gash in your arm, it looks far more grisly than it is, the larraman cells in your system already having clotted the wound.
  458. "Your concern is appreciated, but I can survive much worse than this. The crash for example."
  459. >Steel Heart takes you at your word and moves back towards the cave.
  460. >Now that spears aren't being jabbed at your face and stomach you're able to move close enough to peer inside.
  461. >Fives guards in total, not counting the Lieutenant, three a bit worse for wear but largely unharmed, two more seriously injured.
  462. >Of the two injured one has several gashes raked across his flank, likely caught in the retreat, the other has a hind leg that has been badly bitten.
  463. >You are no apothecary and know nothing of xenos physiology aside from having rough ideas on how to kill most things you meet, so you leave the guards to tend their own.
  464. >Once the wounded seem to have been properly cared for you call to Steel Heart.
  465. "Lieutenant, reinforcements are on their way, though I suspect it'll be over an hour before they reach us."
  466. >Steel Heart gives a single harsh laugh at that. "I think we're a little past needing reinforcement"
  467. >Unable to disagree you shrug, the gesture exaggerated by the large pauldrons of your power armor.
  468. "It seemed a sensible precaution at the time."
  470. >"Well at least you think ahead, I'll give you that much" Steel Heart calls back from over her shoulder as she finishes bandaging the leg of the injured guard.
  471. >You look take a moment to look at the hollow around you, littered as it is with the constituent parts of the fallen timber wolves.
  472. >Given the lack of blood and gore one would normally associate with a battlefield it looks more like a particularly violent windstorm tore apart a few trees.
  473. "We should take leave of this place before the beasts rediscover their courage. I will carry the wounded."
  474. >"We can take care of our own, besides you're a little torn up yourself." Steel Heart says waving a hoof in the direction of your arm and chest.
  475. >Ignoring her refusal you mag lock the shard of your sword renaming to your hip then walk over and scoop up the injured guards, placing one under each arm.
  476. "I can carry several times my own body weight and these injuries are barely a scratch. We will make better time if I carry them."
  477. >The Lieutenant gives an annoyed snort but doesn't further protest. "Fall in" She calls to the other guards as you begin your march out of the forest.
  478. >A few minutes in to the walk, when the Lieutenant's annoyance at you has abated somewhat she glances up at you.
  479. >"Sorry about your magic sword there. "She nods towards the stump of your power sword.
  480. >You sigh at that, the loss of your last legion weapon a troubling one to say the least.
  481. "Yes I imagine it will be difficult, if not impossible to replace any time soon."
  482. >Unless you can find another space marine and part him from his, though that would be easier to do if you had a weapon.
  483. >Probably best to keep that last thought to yourself honestly.
  485. >"Well we don't have any magic ones lying around, but I'll see about getting you a replacement from the castle."
  486. "I would like to use the forge as well, to repair what I can of my armor."
  487. >"I don't see why that would be a problem. I'll let our smith know to give you the run of the place first thing tomorrow."
  488. >That taken care of you lapse into a comfortable silence as you consider your position on this strange planet.
  489. >You've lost your only weapon but manage to secure a few potential allies and the use of their resources.
  490. >Given the apparent level of technology on this planet it's probably best to plan for the long game, as it seems unlikely you'll be leaving any time soon.
  491. >You never did get a pelt to wear over your armor either. Damn wooden wolves, didn't even have the decency to have skin and fur.
  492. >You lose yourself in thought for some time until you spot the other guard contingent marching quickly down the road.
  493. >When they near your surrender your wounded charges to a quartet of ponies bearing stretchers, likely to be a much more comfortable ride that your arms.
  494. >The rest of the march back to the way castle is largely without incident, you can hear a few of the ponies speaking to their comrades in hushed tones about today's events.
  495. >As you near the castle gate you pick up a high pitched sound just on the edge of hearing, though it is rapidly growing louder and closer.
  496. >Your first thought is that the quiet has offended Slaanesh and that the noise marines have been sent.
  497. >One would think surely a teeth grating squeal like this is a sonic attack, your theory is quickly dismissed as Soft Heart appears rocketing through the air.
  498. >She Crashes into her sister at an alarming speed, wrapping her in a hug.
  500. >Steel Heart maintains her stoic expression in the face of her siblings outpouring of affection.
  501. >Once the other guards have managed to pry Soft Heart loose from the Lieutenant her manner shifts to a more professional one.
  502. >Soft Heart directs the guards to take the wounded to her infirmary so she can properly see to them.
  503. >It would seem in the hustle and bustle of things you've mostly been forgotten about for the moment.
  504. >While you could shut down parts of your brain and take half-sleep there is little else to do at the moment, so finding a quiet corner you settle down to indulge in real sleep.
  505. >As with most times you've slept your mind begins to replay old battles, and this one in particular is one you don't care to revisit.
  506. >You find yourself walking across the rusted decking of one of the hangars in a derelict space station turned pirates haven.
  507. >You and your brothers had come aboard to trade for or take what supplies you needed, Brother Incognito had other plans that day.
  508. >You've just finished securing more bolter ammunition, with the added bonus of a pair of Krak grenades, all safely stowed in the sack at your hip.
  509. >You are not the only marines here, but Incognito is easy to spot by the heavy white pelt draped over his head and backpack.
  510. >As you near Incognito turns, there's a thunder of detonation and the stink of cordite fills the air, then you feel the pain in your stomach as you topple backwards.
  511. >Incognito moves to stand over you, smoking bolter still in hand, two more of your brother flanking him.
  512. "Brother...why?"
  513. >Is all you manage, your voice betraying the surprise and hurt welling in your chest at this betrayal.
  514. >Incognito laughs, it is a cold and mirthless sound. "Why are you so shocked Anoniaus. For weeks I've been telling the others we should join a larger warband."
  515. >"You're the only thing holding us back, content just to flee, hide and steal. Scraping out a bare existence like some sort of rodent"
  517. >Incognito spits on you, the saliva setting the ceramite of your armor to smoking with acidic fumes.
  518. >Words fail you, and you move a hand down to try and apply pressure to the deep wound in your stomach.
  519. >Incognito brings his foot down atop your hand pinning it there, the added pressure sends a surge of pain through your already shredded guts.
  520. >He grinds his foot atop your hand giving you a mocking sneer. "Poor little Anoniaus, always left behind it seems. Truly you have been Forsaken by everyone."
  521. >Incognito raises the bolt pistol, leveling it towards your head, and you react the only way you can, with outrage.
  522. >Your free hand dips to the side and grabs the pack there, pressing the priming button the krak grenade through the cloth.
  523. >You swing the bag up and against Incognitos outstretched hand, forcing his shot wide.
  524. >The bolt buries itself in the floor beside your face shards of deck plate slicing your brow as the detonation blows them free.
  525. >You bring the pack back across, throwing it into Incognito's bare face as you force up against his foot with your pinned hand.
  526. >The effect is enough to throw him off you.
  527. >You roll to all fours and scramble away, regaining your feet as quickly as you can you start to run, and the pack detonates behind you.
  528. >The Krak grenade cooks off the rounds of bolter ammunition that were stored with it, sending projectiles scything through the air in all directions.
  529. >Mayhem breaks loose in the hangar as dozens of weapons are brought to bear as heretics, pirates and mutants, return fire against threats real or imagined.
  530. >Trying to keep your guts in you lose yourself in the maze like corridors of the station, searching for a ship, a way out.
  532. >You duck down a side passage, shoving a trio of Mechanicus cult Hereteks out of your way as you move.
  533. >Pain suppressors from your suit are flooding your system now, making it easier to think.
  534. >You make your way to a turbo lift, heading for one of the secondary hangars.
  535. >By this point you have donned your helm for the added protection, also on the off chance that any of your traitorous brothers are fool enough to call orders over the closed vox.
  536. >As you exit the lift on a poorly lit lower deck you get the faint impression of white eyes and blue-black wings once again.
  537. >Something warm and soft touches your face, your eyes open and your hand shoots out.
  538. >You manage to stop your outstretched fingers just short of wrapping around the guard's throat.
  539. >"Uh Lieutenant said she wanted to talk to you...sor..sorry if I startled you" He says looking down at your hand in wide eyed alarm.
  540. >You withdraw your hand giving what you hope is an apologetic smile as you do so.
  541. "I beg your forgiveness, I am unused to being awoken by anything friendly"
  542. >The guard gives a skeptical nod while taking a step back from you "Yeah...well..the Lieutenant is in her office, top floor the castle big double doors, can't miss it."
  543. >Electing not to draw out this awkward encounter any longer you give the guard your thanks and make your way to the office.
  544. >You find the office easily enough and rap the knuckles of your unarmored hand against the wood, a voice within that you recognize as the Lieutenant calls "Enter."
  545. >The interior of the room is spacious, but sparsely furnished, a few tapestries on the walls, some decorative suits of armor, and large rug, a desk, and chairs.
  546. >At the desk you see Lieutenant Steel Heart, scribbling something down with a quill in her teeth in that curious way Soft Heart does.
  549. >The Lieutenant finishes whatever she was writing and pushes the parchment to the side along with the quill.
  550. >"Thank you for coming so quickly, I realize you've likely had a trying day. I'd offer you a seat but"
  551. >She gestures with a hoof at the chairs arrayed in front of her desk.
  552. >Looking at them you are fairly certain that any attempt to sit in you would quickly result in you sitting on the ground amid a splintered pile of wood.
  553. >You wave a hand dismissively, letting the other rest on the helm mag locked to your hip in what you hope is a casual pose.
  554. >Bad enough that you tower over ever creature here, you don't need to upgrade that to looming.
  555. "It is fine. What is it you wished to speak about?"
  556. >Steel Heart crosses her forelegs and rests them on the desk as you might do with your arms.
  557. >"To get directly to the point the we sent a message to the princesses when we found you. We were instructed to do what we could for your injuries but honestly we figured you were dead at first."
  558. >"Luckily for all of us you proved more resilient than we had anticipated. Once we were fairly certain you were going to make a recovery the princesses asked that we keep you for observation."
  559. >"To put it bluntly we've never seen anything like you before, and weren't sure how you were going to behave."
  560. "Which is why I am in a way castle in the middle of a large forest, and not in a larger population center."
  561. >Steel Heart nods "The point is among other things we were supposed to evaluate what kind of threat you could pose if you were hostile.
  562. >"After watching your fight against the wolves I'd say it's safe to say you're dangerous, but if you meant us any harm, at least in the short term I think we'd know by now."
  564. >Steel Heart taps a hoof on the parchment she had written on a moment ago.
  565. >"This is the latest report I'll be sending the princesses, I've made full mention of your cooperation during the course of your treatment and of your actions in the forest earlier."
  566. >"I wanted to tell you this personally as a courtesy. While I'm sure my guards could've handled a few wolves once the reinforcements arrived you probably saved use a few serious injuries."
  567. >"Potentially prevented causalities even if I'm being honest. Now given everything I've said, is there anything you want to include in the report, any requests to make?"
  568. >You pause in consideration for a long moment, before deciding against any further request.
  569. >Until you know the nature of these princesses it's probably best not to test their generosity.
  570. "Tell them that I will be happy to answer any further questions that have, to the best of my ability."
  571. >Steel Heart takes up her quill and jots that down quickly.
  572. >"If that's all then you're dismissed. Might want to try and get some sleep, we cleared out one of the storage rooms for you on the lower level."
  573. >"Didn't exactly have room for anyone your size in the barracks, we put a few mattresses together to make a bed that might fit you."
  574. >You consider telling her that your need for sleep is only a few hours a day, less if activity demands, but decide to leave that for another day.
  575. >Taking your dismissal you exit the room, and head off to see your new quarters.
  576. >The room isn't difficult to find, and is roughly what you had expected.
  577. >On the floor in one corner a few mattresses have been stuck against one another width wise to make something large enough for you to lie on.
  578. >The bed is topped with a few undersized pillows and a blanket that clearly used to be several blankets before it was stitched together.
  579. >Honestly the fact that they made the gesture was a bit touching, it's more than you've received from any of your own kind in hundreds of years.
  581. >Without tools and serfs you can't remove your armor, the tools you'll see about crafting in the morning.
  582. >You'll still need help but you could dispense with the magic at any rate.
  583. >For now however you elect to steal a few hours sleep again, you'll be less likely to be bothered here anyway.
  584. >You prop you up in a corner and drift off, having the same trouble dreams as always.
  585. >The next day comes and goes quickly, your day spent in the forge a fruitful one.
  586. >It would seem that the little xenos blacksmith Draw Down certainly knows his craft.
  587. >With only basic basic description he is able to reproduce several of the tools you need, as well provide some assistance with patching your armor.
  588. >Sadly this forge lacks the technology needed to repair servos or anything so complex, but you are able to produce a passable gauntlet and manica for your left arm.
  589. >You also attach a section of chain mail your left pauldron around the outer rim for a bit of added protection over the gap in your piece meal armor.
  590. >Now you just need to find a way to reproduce repair cement and you'll be in fairly good shape. Well your armor will at any rate.
  591. >You find time to take an evening meal with Soft Heart, though she's rather busy tending her two patients.
  592. >She returns to her work quickly, leaving you to your own devices as the sun is beginning to set.
  593. >With little else to do you take to walking the battlements.
  594. >It is peaceful out here, though you hear the occasional sound of animal life from the forest it is nothing like the constant noise of an imperial ship.
  595. >You can't remember the last time you've had the chance to simply stand and enjoy the quiet like this.
  596. >You can even see the moon and stars, such a simple thing but rare enough in many parts of the Imperium.
  597. >With no layer of pollution or horrible warp storm to occlude the night sky you're able to see more stars than you've ever seen
  598. >You recognize none of them, truly you are a long way from the rest of humanity.
  601. >This is the time that some men might meditate on the scale of the universe and their place it in, you've never been particularly spiritual though and lose interest quickly.
  602. >It would seem that spending most of your free time running or fighting for your life does not leave one with many hobbies.
  603. >Your attempts to ruminate on this discovery are interrupted by a low rumble of thunder.
  604. >You turn to look for the source and find the sky clouding over with alarming speed, casting the previously bright night into near total darkness.
  605. >You see the few guards posted to night duty begin to gather in the courtyard and head down to join them.
  606. >As you make your way down the stairs you catch a glimpse of movement from the corner of your eye, something dark and moving quickly against the roiling clouds.
  607. >The object is moving closer and you're able to make it out even in the near darkness thanks to your occulobe implant.
  608. >It appears to be a pair of bat pegesai, though bat winged, and hauling some sort of chariot.
  609. "It would appear that we have incoming"
  610. >You say pointing out the strange newcomers to one of the guards.
  611. >Some sort of realization seems to strike them as they begin to panic and scatter in different directions, one yelling about finding the banners another calling for the Lieutenant.
  612. >Since none of the ponies have elected to clue you in on what sort of blind panic you should be working yourself into you decide to stand and watch the approaching chariot.
  613. >As it comes to rest in the airspace over the fortress the clouds give way to a burst of lightning and a cloaked figure drops from the vehicle, landing half a dozen paces before you.
  614. >The equine nature of this hooded figure is abundantly clear, though the stature is off from what you are used to, far taller.
  615. >The figure steps closer, its cloak evaporating into a swarm of living bats, if the spectacle was supposed to unnerve you it has failed, though it was impressive.
  617. >Once uncloaked the pony before you is easily recognizable as the one from the tapestry, and the one prying in to your dreams.
  618. >It would seem after Steel Heart's report was sent that Princess Luna has decided you warranted a personal visit.
  619. >"Greetings, there are few here that fit your description, I imagine you are the one called Anoniaus?"
  620. >Unsure of the protocol when meets a Princess you think it best to err on the side of caution and bow slightly at the waist.
  621. "Yes, and you must be Princess Luna. You honor me with your presence."
  622. >It would likely sicken many of your old brothers to see you defer to a xenos like this, but you've outlived a lot of them, so what do they know.
  623. >The Princess offers a slight smile"There is no need for such formality. Please let us venture inside, there is much we should speak of."
  624. >Despite the manner of her arrival the Princess seems pleasant enough. She may not project the same warmth as Soft Heart but her expression seemed genuine.
  625. >You follow the Princess to the upper level, towards Steel Heart's office.
  626. >In the hall you're intercepted by Steel Heart and squad of guards who look like they've been hastily awoken and dressed.
  627. >To their credit despite the fact many of them look half awake they manage a passable formation as they salute the Princess.
  628. >Steel Heart is the first to speak "On behalf of the Everfree Garrison I would like to state what an honor your presence is, and"
  629. >Steel Heart deflates somewhat as Luna interrupts "Thank you for the welcome Lieutenant but the hour is late and you should be resting. Please everypony as you were. My visit will be a short one."
  630. >Taking the hint the guards disperse, the Steel Heart lingers for a moment.
  631. >Luna offers her a smile "I wish to use your office to have a few words with our guest then I will have to take my leave."
  632. >Steel Heart nods, whether to show her understanding or give her consent you're not certain but she departs there after all the same.
  634. >You follow Luna into the office, closing the door behind you since she seems to intend for this to be a private conversation.
  635. >A glow envelops Luna's horn and the lanterns on the walls quickly burst to life, casting a warm glow about the room.
  636. >Luna begins without preamble "I have seen many of your dreams since you came to this land, and each time it feels as though you have lived those events before. Is this the case?"
  637. "Many Astartes are unable to dream, it is an after effect of the process that makes us as we are. Our minds tend to replay events of our lives, battles usually. At least that is my personal experience."
  638. >Luna gives a solemn nod, you're still no adept at reading the expressions of these ponies but that look in her eyes might be...sympathy?
  639. >She almost looks as if you've admitted to some grave disability that was already suspected.
  640. >"Then I applaud your strength. Truly you have seen many horrors and suffered much in your life, and you have not let this break you, though I dare say it has left its marks."
  641. >You try to keep the annoyance from your expression. The Princess may mean well but it rankles that she would comment on your past so brazenly.
  642. >Fortunately the Princess seems ready to change the subject for now.
  643. >"My sister and I received the Lieutenant's report, and wish to extend our gratitude for your actions. Such selfless acts should be recognized."
  644. >Luna's horn glows once more and there is a small flash of light as a long cloth bundle appears hovering in the air before her.
  645. >"It is my understand that you lost your weapon in the defense of our citizens, and a knight should not be parted from his weapon."
  646. >The bundle floats towards you, encased in the same blue glow as Luna's horn.
  648. >Though you're still wary of magic Equestrian magic seems to be somewhat "cleaner" in nature than the warp born sort.
  649. >As such it is with only slight hesitance that you extend your hands and accept the bundle.
  650. >Holding the bundle in one hand you unwrap the cloth to reveal the contents.
  651. >You find yourself holding a sword, a bit short for someone of your stature still greater in length than the Gladii favored by Guilliman's sons.
  652. >The blade is just a bit over three feet in length if you had to guess, with a ricasso just above the crossbar.
  653. >Letting the cloth dangle in your off hand you hold the sword out, testing the weight and balance.
  654. >The sword seems to have been recently modified, judging by the fact the hilt is long enough for your hand, and that the bindings look much newer than the rest of the blade.
  655. >The sword is rather plain save for a small gem set in to the cross guard, etched to resemble a crescent moon.
  656. >"It was something I owned before my banishment, not an ideal replacement for your lost weapon, but it is enchanted and should prove sturdier."
  657. >You balk slightly at the word "enchanted" before reason reasserts itself, based on everything you've seen these ponies are unlikely to have anything as vile as a daemon weapon.
  658. >Magic aside you're unlikely to find a better weapon any time soon. Your survival instinct beats down and lingering doubt and you decide to accept the gift.
  659. "It is a fine gift Princess. I humbly accept."
  660. >You hope this isn't one of those cultures where they expect you to refuse a gift several times before you accept.
  661. >"You are most welcome Anoniaus. It is only right after all" That relieves you somewhat, it would seem you've avoided any social faux pas with the Pony moon goddess.
  662. >Luna's pleasant expression shifts to one of slight discomfort. "What I am going to say is deeply personal, but I feel that it should be said."
  664. >"From what I have seen in your memories, and what I have seen in the reports, your life has been a violent one full of betrayal. You have been forced to fight and run merely to survive."
  665. >"While you were healing and your mind wandered I saw the way you looked to the one you call Luther. I have felt the pride you once took in your personal honor."
  666. >"I even shared the pain at the loss of your brothers, at the loss of your dream.
  667. >You keep your expression stoic, Luna has been visiting some of your most unpleasant memories while you slept.
  668. >True you spoke of some of these things to Soft Heart, but that is different that knowing someone has seen what you have fought hard to bury.
  669. >"If it is what you truly want I will do what is in my power to help you leave Equestria and return to the life you have known so long, but I wish to offer you another way.
  670. >"I believe that you have only done the things you have done because you were left no other choice."
  671. >"I wish to offer you a chance to use your strength for something greater than yourself. "
  672. >This gives you pause, since the moment you woke you've been so busy considering how to survive until you could leave you'd never even thought you might stay. Despite yourself, you're curious.
  673. "This would be what then? Your personal guard?"
  674. >"If that is what you wish something could be arranged, or perhaps you could garrison a castle as you have already helped do. If not that I am certain you have other talents you may wish to try."
  675. "Forgive me if I am speaking out of turn Princess, but, why are you making this offer?"
  676. >"Because I was given a second chance as well, and the mistakes of the past have not shaped my future. "
  677. >"In my youth I grew jealous of my sister, and sought to take power for myself. I cared nothing for those I would have harmed by doing so, only for assuaging my wounded pride."
  678. >"I attacked my sister and in the end lost. For a thousand years I was magically banished, unable to return."
  680. >"A thousand years is a great deal of time to consider one's mistakes. I still live with the regret of what I have done, but other's have forgiven me and it has allowed me to move forward."
  681. >"I have seen your past Anoniaus, and through everything you have held on to some part of yourself. You have not let the hurts you were done consume you as I did."
  682. >"If there was hope for me then I truly believe there is for you as well."
  683. >You're at a loss for words. All you've ever received since your banishment to Caliban are condemnations for your actions.
  684. >You've been cast out by your own kind, and hunted like a dog by the successors of the original legion.
  685. >Now here you stand on an alien world, face to face with a magical being more powerful than any psyker you've ever encountered, and she wishes to offer you respite from it all.
  686. >You stand quietly for some time, considering Luna's words and everything that has happened since you crashed on this world.
  687. >The Princess of the night is the first to break the silence.
  688. >"I fear I must return to Canterlot now, but please consider what I have said."
  689. >She starts to depart and turns adding as an after thought "My sister wishes to meet you as well. I believe she intends a ceremony to honor your heroism a two weeks hence.
  690. >"I will make certain that Lieutenant Steel heart is contacted with the details once they are planed."
  691. >You nod dumbly as Luna exits the room. It would seem you have a great deal to think about in these next two weeks.
  693. >Morning comes quickly, and with it questions from the ponies of the garrison.
  694. >You answer politely but in as briefly as you can until you are able to tear yourself away.
  695. >Soft Heart is still busy with one of her patients, the other being well on his way to recovery from the relatively minor injuries he had seen in combat.
  696. >Devoted as she is to her patients and their well being she still makes time to take a meal with you and ask you of the night's events.
  697. >"So the Princess said you could even be a Royal Guard if you wanted to? That's great! I'm sure with all the knight stuff you know it'd be super easy to pass the trials."
  698. >Though you're not yet certain you share her enthusiasm for this prospect Soft Heart seems to feel that a place in the guard would be a good fit for you.
  699. >Frankly you barely know enough about this world to say if you want to stay here, let alone if you want to become beholden to the rulers of this place.
  700. >Perhaps learning more about this worlds history would be a good place to start. They have written language, meaning they probably have written records.
  701. "Soft Heart, I've seen both you and your sister writing, do you think perhaps you could teach me to read?"
  702. >Your sudden change of topic seems to have thrown her, though she rallies quickly.
  703. >"Wait so you don't know how to read?" She asks incredulously "Not that it's bad if you don't I mean." She adds quickly apparently afraid she may have offended you.
  704. "I am familiar with a number of written languages, though yours has thus far escaped me."
  705. >"Oh, okay. Well I think some of the guards are going to Ponyville to pick up some things later. I'll see if they can borrow some books from the school. That should be a good place to start."
  706. "You have my thanks. I think it will be easier to decide what I should do here if I'm able to learn more."
  709. >Soft Heart smiles "Well just promise you'll take me on a tour of Canterlot Castle if you end up as the head of the guard."
  710. "That seems a fair enough request. You have my word."
  711. >Soft Heart seems a bit surprised at this "No, Anoniaus I was just joking. If you end up with some job like that I'm sure you'll be way too busy to be giving tours."
  712. "You may have been joking, but I was not. If it is within my power I will honor your request. Also call me Anon."
  713. >Soft Heart's face returns to the sweet happy expression that seems to grace her features most often. "Okay Anon it is then. I have to get back to the infirmary, but I'll see you later."
  714. >She trots off, turning to give a wave of her hoof before she leaves the room. You return the wave, watching as she vanishes through the door leading from the mess hall.
  715. >It's strange, despite the fact Soft Heart is a xenos, one you've only known a few days at that, you've come to think of her as a friend.
  716. >You've spent so long guarding against a universe that seemed arrayed against you that having this small connection has been a welcome relief.
  717. >A part of your mind though is still warning you not to become too attached. You now little of what this world holds, and may not be here for terribly long given any choice.
  718. >Deciding that too much introspection can be a bad thing, I mean just look at what happened to the Word Bearers with their search for a true faith, you exit the mess hall to clear your mind.
  719. >You head off to an unoccupied corner of the courtyard taking your new sword with you.
  720. >You begin working through a few routines with your new blade to better learn the weight and hone your form with this unfamiliar weapon.
  721. >As you settle in to the rhythm of cut and thrust, feint and parry your mind clears. Out here in the courtyard bathed in the warm light of the sun with the scents of the forest on the breeze all seems right.
  723. >You're about to begin a new routine when you see a group of the guards nearby throwing spears at a target.
  724. >"Hah, you sure you don't need glasses?" One of them teases another who has only barely managed to strike the painted straw bulls-eye they've set up near the far wall.
  725. >"Yeah, yeah. Who was it that tripped over their own spear last time we were doing formation?" That gets a laugh from the others.
  726. >The one who was just made the butt of the joke seems to have spotted you watching and looks eager to deflect attention from himself. "Hey big guy, you wanna give it a go?"
  727. "Oh I don't know that I should, I think it would hardly be fair."
  728. >One of the guards snickers "Yeah he's got a point we wouldn't wanna embarrass the guy too bad."
  729. >Another chimes in "I hear he's real impressive with a sword, but he probably couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a spear."
  730. >A smile curling the corners of your lips you wrap your sword back in its protective cloth, you'll need to get a proper sheath for it later.
  731. "Very well, I shall take a turn then. What is the wager?"
  732. >"We weren't really betting anything" The guard who just had his throw informs you.
  733. "Ah but where's the fun in that? Surely a friendly contest such as this deserves some small prize. Perhaps a days wages?"
  734. >A few of the guards mumble an agreement though one asks "Wait, do you even have any bits to cover your part?"
  735. "I confess that I do not."
  736. >Before you can come up with anything to offer in place of currency another voice chimes in.
  737. >"Don't worry about it I'll cover him."
  739. >Looking over your shoulder to see who spoke reveals that it was the less injured of the two guards from the patrol.
  740. >The bites and claw marks on his flank seem to have healed up well under Soft Heart's care, and he's already up and about, though still somewhat swaddled in bandages.
  741. >Aside the guard covering your bet you seem to be gathering a small crowd of onlookers from the kitchen staff.
  742. "Ah, there you see, my wager is covered. Shall we then?"
  743. >In all four guards decide to take your wager. You note that none of them are guards from the patrol you rescued.
  744. >The terms of the contest are set, at least twenty paces from the target, accuracy counts, as well as strength. Any hit that strikes but fails to stay in the target will not count.
  745. >You have elected to go last, and are currently watching the other contestants as you stand aside holding a severely undersized spear.
  746. >Up first is a unicorn guard, as you had expected he has chosen to use magic to throw his spear. His hit is fairly accurate, just a few inches outside the center ring.
  747. >The two pegesai guards go next one hits the the very edge of the bulls-eye his spear only barely sticking.
  748. >The other flies into the air and goes into a dive to throw, his hit is much more solid, but his accuracy suffers, landing squarely in the third ring.
  749. >The earth pony guard is next up, hitting squarely in the second ring, though his is the most solid strike yet, the spear head sunk completely into the target.
  750. >It would appear your turn has arrived. You heft the spear, rolling it across your fingers for a moment to find the balance point and judge the weight.
  751. >Then you turn and step back from the target, everyone is watching you as you move to thirty paces, then forty, then fifty before finally stopping.
  752. >Most of the ponies have moved well away from the target area giving you a wide berth now.
  753. >You lift the spear into position and take a running start, each stride devouring the distance between you and the target.
  755. >At thirty paces out you haul back and let fly the spear, putting both your weight and your abhuman might behind the throw.
  756. >You skid to a halt a few feet further along and watch your projectile impact the target.
  757. >The spear strikes the bulls-eye a few inches off center, and digs deep into the woven straw disc.
  758. >A foot and a half of wood are all that remain sticking out of the target. You suspect had the wall behind the target stopped your spear that it may have gone all the way through.
  759. >The crowd and other contestants are giving you mixed reactions ranging from amusement, to awe to stunned disbelief. Perhaps you should have toned it down somewhat.
  760. "Ah it would seem I am the victor. Imagine that."
  761. >Fishing out a hoof full of golden coins you take to be bits one of the other contestants favors you with an annoyed look.
  762. >"You've throw spears before then I'm guessing." Deciding to be honest with him you nod.
  763. "And axes, and knives, as well as receiving formal combat training with them. It is a Knight of Caliban's job to be prepared for any battle."
  764. >With only a minor amount of grumbling the other three guards pay up their debts and you now have four days pay for a guard. Whatever that's worth.
  765. >Well you have another thing to ask Soft Heart when she comes around to give you reading lessons.
  766. >Now that you're likely going to need currency here. In the Imperium and those lawless places outside it you were simply able to get by without it for the most part.
  767. >Everything you needed you had simply begged, borrowed, or stolen.
  768. >In some cases you had outright revived tribute from others, the reputation made by other traitor marines having done much to make others keep on your good side.
  770. >You return to your room and spend some time prying loose one of the floor stones to make a place to secret your newfound wealth.
  771. >It strikes you as unlikely that any of the guards would be fool enough to steal from you, or that it would even be in their nature, but all the same you take precautions.
  772. >Once you've completed that task it occurs to you that of the many ponies to question you about your meeting with the Princess today Steel Heart has yet to make an appearance.
  773. >Having nothing better to do for a while you make your way to her office. You note the halls are a good bit more empty than they were just a bit ago.
  774. >It would seem most of the guards have gone back to their duties or departed for town as Soft Heart had mentioned they would.
  775. >You find Steel Heart at her desk as you had half expected. She seems to be reading over some sort of missive she's received, the torn envelope the parchment came in still lying on her desk.
  776. >Her muzzle scrunches up in annoyance as she finishes the letter "Well that's just perfect." She mutters to herself before taking note of you.
  777. >" Sorry,I'm a little busy Anoniaus, so unless it's important it'll have to wait."
  778. "Something the matter Lieutenant?"
  779. >She pulls more papers from her desk and begins shuffling through them. "I approved leave for some the guards today, and we've got a small patrol heading out to the Everfree later."
  780. >"All of which would be fine, but a courier just dropped off a letter from Mayor Mare. Apparently the bridge near ghastly gorge is out."
  781. "With a name like Ghastly Gorge I imagine it is an unpleasant place."
  782. >"You have an amazing grasp of the obvious" Steel Heart says rubbing her hooves over her temples "The workers are refusing to go near it without an escort, and I don't have the ponies to cover it."
  783. >"That bridge being out means no trains running anywhere South of Ponyville, which is going to turn into a royal mess, really quickly."
  784. "Perhaps I could assist?"
  786. >Steel Heart slowly lowers her hooves from her head, you can see the plan forming in her mind already, and the slight smile creasing her usually stern features.
  787. >"Yeah, yeah I think you could." The Lieutenant begins to fish around in one of her desks lower drawers before producing something and throwing it to you.
  788. >It appears to be a badge, a small shield shape with a blue star on it.
  789. >"The workers said they won't work without a guard, we'll just make you a guard. I can send a couple of the others along and you should be plenty.
  790. >"I can just pay you for today out of the expense budget, I'll put you down as a general contractor."
  791. >She grabs a quill and pulls what you presume to be the budget sheet from her desk, mumbling as she scribbles "An on aius of Cal i ban."
  792. >"There, done!" She announces putting the quill aside "Everything's all nice and official now, and I can let the Mayor know we've got it all taken care of."
  793. >Steel Heart leans back in her chair looking rather pleased with herself as she puts her hooves behind her head.
  794. "Since you have mentioned pay that brings to mind another question. Where might I buy clothing? While nice the bed sheet I have taken does not make much of a wardrobe"
  795. >"Huh, I figured you just wore that armor everywhere. You can probably get something made in Ponyville but unless they've got a whole minotaur fashion line you're gonna have to get it tailored."
  796. >"Since you're helping me out with this whole bridge thing I'll see if I can't get someone to show you in to town tomorrow. Now get ready to head out."
  797. >"I'll send a couple of the others to meet you in the courtyard in a few minutes."
  799. >True to her word the Lieutenant sends a pair of guards down to accompany you on your mission to Ghastly Gorge.
  800. >You suspect they're more for the benefit of the workers, and to guide you, than because you need the assistance.
  801. >At the suggestion of one of the guards a pegasus by the name of Stormy Shield you secure your badge with some thick twine and affix it to the chains on your shoulder guard so it is easily visible.
  802. >"Should keep everypony from freaking out too much when they see you." She said giving you punch on the shoulder you imagine was meant to be a friendly gesture.
  803. >Your trio heads out to the gorge, the other guard, an earth pony named Iron Bastion, acting as your guide.
  804. >Stormy Shield you have discovered is rather talkative, and apparently excited about her job.
  805. >"I can't believe this week. First we find an Alien, then the Princess stops by, now we get to go out to protect everypony at Ghastly Gorge. Still wish I'd been there for the Timber Wolves."
  806. >By way of reply Bastion just grunts, apparently a pony who doesn't waste words, or just annoyed at the stream of noise coming from Stormy's mouth.
  807. >Your squad meets the workers on what you are informed is the Ponyville side of the gorge, you escort them through a short track of forest and to the other side where they'll be working.
  808. >According to Stormy the things you're most likely to encounter are "Quarray Eels" though she does add that they mostly keep to their burrows.
  809. >The work is roughly as dull as you expected, and a great deal more dull than Stormy seems to have been expecting judging by the way she's lazily flying in circuit and looking at the forests edge.
  810. >It is while completing one of these slow circuits that you see storm stop and fly a bit higher into the air, looking off into the distance.
  811. >You turn to see what she might be looking at and see a cloud slowly rising in past a stand of trees.
  813. >Stormy's eyes suddenly go wide "Oh buck!" she shouts as she starts taking off in the direction of the cloud "It's the train, I don't think they know!"
  814. >Stormy is setting an impressive clip as she soars off towards the incoming train. You turn Bastion.
  815. "Get the workers to safety."
  816. >Uncertain what you'll be able to do, you set off a dead sprint following stormy.
  817. >As you clear the stand of trees you're able to clearly see the train, just over a a mile off if you had to guess.
  818. >Stormy has a good lead on you and it's only getting wider. Even still your long stride are eating the distance between you and the oncoming train.
  819. >It is one of the more odd engines you've ever seen, not by mechanics but by the bright pink color and heart shaped windows they've chosen decorate the locomotive with.
  820. >You see Storm Reach the engine and match pace with it, banging on the window and shouting something to the engineer.
  821. >The squeal of metal and the sparks flying from the wheels tell you the brakes have been engaged, and the train seems to be slowing, somewhat.
  822. >You reach the engine and leap at it, grabbing hold of a handrail and the edge of the roof, denting the metal under your grip.
  823. >From your new position you can hear the Engineer yelling to Stormy "It's no good, we don't have enough ground to stop!"
  824. >Stormy looks to you and shouts "Get clear, I'm gonna try to help everypony off!" With that she grabs the engineer and zips off, depositing him safely nearby before making for the other cars.
  825. >A quick mental calculation tells you if those cars are even half full she'll have nowhere near enough time. Against every survival instinct in your body, you begin to climb over the engine towards the front.
  826. >The engine is smaller, and lighter, and going slower than the kind you've seen in the Imperium, but this is still possibly the most suicidal and idiotic thing you've ever done.
  827. >Reaching front of the engine you slide down the cow catcher, using the grooves as a handhold.
  830. >With your fingers firmly wedged and your back braced you put your feet to the rails pushing outwards on them.
  831. >Sparks fly from the soles of your boots and you feel the strain shoot through every muscle in your legs and up your spine.
  832. >Trying not to think too much about the insanity of what you're doing you plant your feet further, a spume of dirt and gravel kicking up from your heels.
  833. >If your helm had eye lenses you're certain they'd be filled with stress warnings both from your armor and your bio-metric readings.
  834. >White hot streaks of agony race up your legs with every second you hold this position, but the train is slowing.
  835. >Through the pain you dimly register the stand of trees on your right. You're not slowing fast enough, you're losing too much ground.
  836. >With a roar of effort you push out harder, the abused servos in the knees of your armor whining as you fight for traction.
  837. >You can feel the veins around your temples bulging with strain, the metal beneath your back groans as it begins to buckle from the pressure.
  838. >You can see the canyon ahead now, 700 meters, the ceramite of your boots is beginning to smoke.
  839. >600 meters, 500, the metal beneath your hand is twisted from your grip squeezing it.
  840. >300 meters, the train has slowed to a crawl now, you put your boots to the metal of the rails and begin engaging and disengaging the mag-locks.
  841. >Your careful application of the mag locks is helping you bleed off what little speed remains, though you can't hold them overlong or you risk breaking your knees.
  842. >At 200 meters the train mercifully stops. Your entire body aches, you roll sideways off the cow catcher content to lie in the dirt on your back.
  843. >You hear a cheer go up from the direction of the train, though you're too tired to look right now.
  844. >Something hovers in to your field of vision, obscuring the sun. Stormy Shield is flying above you ,a smiling splitting her face.
  845. >"That is definitely in the top 5 most amazing things I've seen!"
  848. >You lay on the ground for few more minutes resting before you decide on a more dignified position sitting up with your back resting against the side of the train.
  849. >You remove your helm and let it rest on your lap as you run across your sweat slicked brow, Stormy has gone to round up the passengers Bastion is getting the workers back to their task.
  850. >By the time you're comfortable standing again most of the passengers have come to both you and Stormy who is positively glowing with pride for her part in this.
  851. >Once the Passengers have been loaded back on board the train you head over to Bastion to see how repairs are coming along.
  852. >"Should be done soon. Keep this up and you'll be a local hero."
  853. >"Hey I was there too" Stormy interrupts in a pouty tone. "That was a 50/50 split. Okay 60/40 his way, but still"
  854. >You laugh and give Stormy a pat on the back which nearly knocks her out of the air.
  855. "It as an effort from the entire squad. No need to concern ourselves with individual glories, the day is won."
  856. >"Yeah you're probably right. I bet we'll even be in the Ponyville paper tomorrow." Stormy says with that same excited grin from earlier.
  857. >You pass a bit more time as the workers finish replacing the damaged trestles on the bridge before getting the rails fitted back in place.
  858. >You haven't felt this sort of easy camaraderie since your time at the fortress of Aldurukh, and with that thought comes a pang of resentment.
  859. >How low your order has sunk that you are more welcome among Xenos than your own kind, and they call you the Fallen.
  860. >Pushing those dark thoughts aside lest they ruin your good mood you keep watch with the others until the repairs are finished.
  861. >The work goes quickly and the rest of your watch is blessedly uneventful, most of your time spent herding curious ponies back on to the train or fielding questions about what you are.
  863. >One of the ponies does mention that he could probably get you work on his cousins apple orchard with legs as strong as yours.
  864. >You politely decline but he is insistent about at least giving you directions should you change your mind.
  865. >You're rather at a loss about what having strong legs would have to do with an orchard anyway, perhaps they want you to pull a cart.
  866. >The humor of that thought aside it seems the workers have finished up their task and the train is getting underway once more.
  867. >You return to the way castle and let Stormy and Bastion be the ones to deliver the mission report to Steel Heart, as you have lessons to attend.
  868. >That is assuming the other guards were able to find Soft Heart the materials she needed.
  869. >Much as you had expected you find Soft Heart at the infirmary still tending to her patient with the injured leg.
  870. >Your entry does not go unmarked, "Hello Anon, I've got everything you'll need for later. If you just wanna grab the things off my desk there and wait in the hall I'll be out in a minute."
  871. >Doing as the diminutive nurse has instructed you gather up the materials on her desk, ink, quill, several rolls of parchment and a stack of brightly colored books.
  872. >The top most appears to have a picture of some sort of childishly drawn canid on it. Perhaps you should have been more specific about subject matter when you made your request.
  873. >No matter, so long as the book serves its purpose of helping you decipher their script it will serve.
  874. >Soft Heart emerges from the infirmary after just a few moments longer. "Okay everypony should be set for the next little bit. Why don't we got to my quarters and we'll get started."
  875. "Lead on then."
  876. >Soft Hearts quarters are similar in size to your own, though less sparsely decorated, having a few pictures and personal effects scattered about.
  878. >In the center of the room is a crate with a chair in front of it which Soft Heart takes. "We don't really have any desks your size so I figure this would work. Sorry that you'll have to sit in the floor."
  879. >You lay out the supplies you've brought on the crate for Soft Heart to sort through.
  880. "Don't worry about it overmuch. It was common for novitiates of the order to sit on the floor while reviving instruction from the masters."
  881. >"Was the order some kind of knight thing?" Soft Heart asks as she sorts through the books, pulling one from the middle of the stack and placing it before you.
  882. "Indeed. It was the Order that was responsible for carrying out the great hunt that freed Caliban from the grasp of the monsters in the forests. Now what is this?"
  883. >"It's got the glyphs you'll need to get started in it. We'll go over what each one means and sounds like and then you'll practice copying some of them, alright?"
  884. >With that your lessons have begun. It would seem the equestrian written language is hieratic in nature with a number of small variations due to region.
  885. >The lessons go easily, and quickly, mostly due to your nearly eidetic memory making copying glyphs by rote or remembering their meaning a simple task.
  886. >Within two hours you've mastered the basic alphabet and managed to make your way through the stack of children's books that Soft Heart had gotten.
  887. >Soft Heart, who is very impressed with your progress, decided that you've done enough for the evening. "I'll see about getting some more books as soon as someone can take these back."
  888. "I can return them if you wish. The Lieutenant has said she will have someone escort me to town tomorrow."
  889. >"Okay sure" She says surrendering the pile of books to you. "In that case you can pick out something you want to try to read while you're there."
  890. >"Oh and you could get some paint for your armor while you're there too." By her tone you're uncertain if she's joking or not.
  892. >You spare a glance for your armor, the cermaite laid bare in a number of places, the black faded from age in others.
  893. >Perhaps it is time to repaint it a new color, and despite the things the new Dark Angels chapter has done you have always been partial to green.
  894. >You were already considering having a new tabard made to fit over your armor, or perhaps a hooded surcoat.
  895. >You doubt you're going to find the materials on this world to get a new body glove, but you could get a robe, or at least some pants.
  896. >You notice that Soft Heart has been staring at you while you've been lost in thought, apparently awaiting some sort of response.
  897. "I will consider your suggestion. My thanks for the instruction you've given today."
  898. >With that you take your leave and are making for your own quarters when you're intercepted by Stormy Shield.
  899. >"For someone so big you're annoyingly hard to find, I've been looking everywhere. Lieutenant wants to see you in her office about earlier today."
  900. >You give Stormy your thanks and head up to the office. Given the version of events that Stormy likely reported the Lieutenant probably just wants to debrief you.
  901. >You knock before entering the office, and find Steel Heart at her desk much like earlier today. You wonder if she's even left of if she had her meals brought to her.
  902. "You wanted to see me Lieutenant?"
  903. >She gestures for you to approach beckoning with a wave of her hoof. "If you're gonna stay here I'm gonna have to get at least one big chair." She says as much to herself as you.
  904. >"I just wanted to make to pay you for today, and to ask a couple of follow up questions about the mission. Private Shield is a good guard, but she can be a little prone to exaggeration at times."
  905. >You simply nod your understanding and the Lieutenant presses on, "Now in her report Private Shield said that you stopped a runaway train."
  906. >It is said as a statement, but the look she's giving you and the set of her brow tells you that she is skeptical.
  908. >Seeing her expression, you decide to have a bit of fun.
  909. "No Lieutenant. The train was not runaway, the brakes had been engaged."
  910. >She nods "I thought something like that might be the case. So the train was coming to a stop on its own then?"
  911. "That is correct Lieutenant, however the distance available to the train would have been insufficient for it to stop completely."
  912. >The Lieutenants expression goes flat. "So how did the train stop then?"
  913. "I assisted with the deceleration Lieutenant."
  914. >Steel Heart, who does not look the least bit amused glances at one of the papers on her desk then back to you.
  915. >"And you did this with your legs? Is that correct."
  916. "Yes Lieutenant, after climbing aboard the train I braced against the engine and used my legs to slow the transport."
  917. >"So you stopped the train. With your legs. A train, full of passengers was headed right for the bottom of Ghastly Gorge, and you stopped it with your legs."
  918. "That would be an accurate summation of today's events, yes Lieutenant."
  919. >Steel Heart just stares at you quietly for some time, her expression unreadable.
  920. >"You know what, I'm not even going to bother paying you. Just get what you want in Ponyville tomorrow and tell them to send them to bill the garrison."
  921. >"Just don't buy a house or anything ridiculous. You're dismissed."
  922. >As you depart you're fairly certain you hear the Lieutenant muttering something about "bucking aliens".
  924. >As you often do when you have free time you spend it training. Since you left the legion you've not always been able to maintain the 17 hours that marines usually do.
  925. >Some times simply surviving got in the way of that after all, but you do try to keep up a regimen.
  926. >You let your mind wander as you go through your sword routines, all of it well committed to muscle memory at this point.
  927. >Shame you don't have a bolter with you. Even if you did it's not like you'd have the ammunition needed to preform bolter drills anyway.
  928. >Come of think of it you wonder if there was anything salvageable from your crash site. Soft Heart never said anything about it, but aside from what you were wearing they seem to have brought little here.
  929. >If you had to guess they've likely secured it somewhere and are studying it. That would be what the tech marines of the legion would have done with anything xenos.
  930. >They they would have only done so to find the best way to destroy it.
  931. >Given everything you've seen on this planet thus far it seems unlikely the ponies have the means to reverse engineer anything that did survive the crash.
  932. >If they do you suppose you'll be answering more questions soon.
  933. >The image of thousands of ponies in crude power armor with bolters subjugating their world.
  934. >That strikes you as unlikely though. You've only met a handful of them but war of that scale doesn't seem in their nature.
  935. >If it were perhaps you could take a place leading there forces.
  936. >Marching at the head of an army thousands strong, great engines of war at your back.
  937. >A force strong enough to bring a world to heel yours to command. You allow yourself the conceit for only a few seconds before dismissing it.
  939. >That way however lies the path of Chapter Master Astelan, and that is a man you'd rather not emulate.
  940. >He was as misguided as Luther, though his sins were not as forgivable. Where Luther had been deceived by the dark powers of chaos Astelan has led by his vanity pure and simple.
  941. >Astelan had been one of the original Dark Angels, created from Terran gene stock, and yet he was one of the last to be promoted to a rank of any consequence.
  942. >Astelan in his misguided pride had never considered there might have been a reason for this. Let alone that any fault to be had might be his.
  943. >His vanity was ultimately his greatest failing. That is not to say you're not guilty of such things, but you like to think you learned something from what happened at Caliban.
  944. >Which brings you back to the question you've been asking yourself for centuries now. If not for vainglorious pride, revenge, or misguided notions of atonement, why do you fight?
  945. >The Great Crusade excited you because it was a chance to be a part of something greater than yourself, of the dream of uniting all of mankind.
  946. >When that dream died you fought for the brothers you had surrounded yourself with, for their survival and your own.
  947. >Then you became the Forsaken, and for a time you fought simply to stay alive.
  948. >Now you find yourself in this strange new land surrounded by xenos that are remarkably human in their nature, or at least what you think humanity should have been like.
  949. >The oppressive nature of mankind's half rotted Imperium has left little room for kindness.
  950. >The Imperium no longer moves forward, it no longer makes great strides in technology or science. Now it fights simply to stay alive.
  951. >The dark humor of the comparison draws a smile to your lips.
  952. >Still for all its strangeness this place this world of Equus has been a pleasant one.
  954. >That may be why you're considering Princess Luna's offer at all. In your short time here you've already begun to feel a renewed sense of purpose.
  955. >It's only been a few days since you awoke and you've already managed to do some good here haven't you?
  956. >You fought for something besides yourself, and used the gene wrought gifts you have been given for something more meaningful that following your animal instinct to survive.
  957. >You need to know more before you commit to any decisions. To keep from further agonizing over the problem you take half sleep.
  958. >Still working through your combat practice as you deactivate parts of your brain to let them rest. No substitute for true sleep in the long term, but you've had plenty of that these last weeks.
  959. >Daybreak finds you in the courtyard still. The rising sun basking you in its warm glow seems like as good a signal as any to stop.
  960. >The guards that were on night watch are relieved of their duties and the rest begin pouring from their barracks to start the day.
  961. >Most of them are quick to make for the mess hall, an idea you decide has some merit to it.
  962. >On today's menu seems to be apple oatmeal and hay. Grateful once again for your astartes physiology you begin shredding the hay before stirring it in to the oatmeal to make it more palatable.
  963. >After several bites of your apple flavored paste you decide that something better to eat might be on the agenda for today's trip to town.
  964. >Just because you can ingest anything up to and including tree bark does not mean that it tastes any better.
  965. >As you shovel down your breakfast you take a mental inventory of all the tasks you'll need to see to today.
  966. >First and foremost, clothing, a scabbard for your sword, and paint for your armor.
  967. >If they have anything approximating repair cement that would be a boon, but you're not holding out much hope.
  969. >You also need to return the stack of books Soft Heart entrusted to you, and secure more. This time you'll see about getting something a bit more complex.
  970. >Preferably about the history of this nation, that and a dictionary if they have such a thing.
  971. >As you're eating and taking your mental tally Stormy Shield approaches you.
  972. >"Hey big guy, the Lieutenant said you need someone to show you in to town today." Judging by the excited grin she has you're guessing she's be assigned, or more likely, volunteered.
  973. "Yes there area number of supplies I need to collect, and given that I have no idea what the value of your currency is it seemed best to take someone along."
  974. >"Well good thing you've got me to go with you. I can show you all the best shops. Plus if both of us go I bet we can get some sort of heroes discount after yesterday."
  975. "So long as I can get what I need. Tell me, where might I find clothing. I imagine your towns aren't going to have a large supply of things to fit me on hand er..hoof."
  976. >"Yeah probably not." Stormy says considering it for a moment. "Your best bet is gonna be Carousel Boutique, but that place is expensive, assuming Rarity isn't too busy with other orders anyway."
  977. >You had figured finding clothing would be difficult but it seems it may be worse than you had anticipated if there's only one shop in town.
  978. >You must be making some sort of face as you consider what you were just told because Stormy is quick to add "If that doesn't work out there's always Canterlot. They've got tons of shops there."
  979. "Canterlot, that is your capital city is it not?"
  980. >"Yep, it's basically the seat of government for Equestria. It's where Captain Shining Armor was stationed too before he moved up to the Crystal Empire."
  981. "This Captain Shining armor, he was the head of the guard then?"
  982. >"Yep. He's pretty tough too, one time during the changeling invasion he put a magic shield over all of Canterlot. Isn't that cool?"
  984. >It would seem that once against you need to re-evalute the magical strength of these xenos. You have two that raise the sun and moon, with at least one subordinate that can shield whole cities.
  985. >The nearest equivalent void shield you can think of would take several plasma reactors to maintain, not to mention the constant attention from tech priests.
  986. >You quickly snap back to attention as Stormy waves a hoof in front of your eyes "You okay there? You zone out a lot."
  987. "My apologies, I was thinking about what you had said. The ability to shield an entire city with magic is a feat that would be difficult for a single individual to equal where I am from."
  988. >"Well it's not like every unicorn around here can do that either. The Princess Celestia or Luna probably could, and maybe Princess Twilight, and that magician Trixie put ponyville under a bubble once.
  989. >"I think that last one doesn't count because she had some sort of magic necklace or something though."
  990. "That more humans that I could list by name with the same power."
  991. >"What's a human? I thought you said you were an Adeptus something or other."
  992. "Adeptus Astartes, and I am, though I was humanity is the race from which I originate."
  993. >"So humans can change what they are or something?" Stormy asks looking more confused now than before.
  994. "I shall try to explain on the walk to town, an in turn you can tell me what a changeling is. Does that sound fair?"
  995. >"Alright deal." Stormy says before setting to her own food. She finishes quickly but not with unseemly haste and the two of you depart down the road toward Ponyville.
  996. >On the walk you try to explain, in a very simplified manner, what Astartes are, as well as the amount of variety seen in humanity as a whole.
  997. >Once she's as clear as she's going to get on your how that works Stormy Shield tells you of the changelings, and you now have another horror to catalogue for this planet.
  999. >The changelings seem like they would pose a serious threat on large scale, the invasion Stormy had told you of seems to stand testament to that.
  1000. >Given her descriptions of their relative size and abilities it seems unlikely any of them could hope to replace you, which is some small comfort at least.
  1001. >Before you can delve too deeply into mental exercises on how to combat such creatures you break from the treeline of the Everfree forest and get your first glimpse of civilization in some time.
  1002. >Ponyville is somewhat larger than you had expected, with a great many cottages and some outlying farmlands surrounding the town center.
  1003. >Easily the most noticeable, and most out of place thing here is the castle. A castle that appears to have grown from a great gem like tree near the edge of town.
  1004. >While that definitely bears investigating it'll wait for another time, you have supplies to collect.
  1005. >Well that and in your experience it's best to have a bit of information before investigating places or structures that defy the laws of nature.
  1006. >Though clothing is the first item you wish to purchase Stormy Shield informs you that it is unlikely the Boutique she mentioned is open at this hour, and so the market calls.
  1007. >For their part some of the ponies don't seem overly wary of your towering presence. A few of them even go so far as to wave a greeting to you when you pass.
  1008. >Stormy for her part seems to be enjoying the attention of the locals, returning their waves and calling out greetings to anyone who looks her way long enough.
  1009. >As you are perusing the various market stalls you come across one selling leather goods of remarkable craftsmanship.
  1010. >You pick up a few of the belts and bags inspecting them before you address the merchant directly.
  1011. "You do fine work. What sort of leather is this?"
  1012. >"Thank you, and everything here is faux leather." He says waving a hoof over the table to indicate his wares.
  1014. > You nod at his answer and remove the sword from the cloth bundle it was in tied and place it on the merchant's table.
  1015. >You had been keeping it tied to the lower edge of your armors power pack, so a proper sword belt will be a great boon.
  1016. "I know not what sort of creature a faux is, but I wish for you to make me a sword belt and scabbard. Can you do this?"
  1017. >He takes a look at the sword, then at the size of you. "That's gonna be a fairly big piece, but shouldn't take me more than a couple of hours. That is as long as you don't want anything fancy."
  1018. "Function over form, so long as it is sturdy and well fit. I was instructed to have this billed to the Everfree Garrison."
  1019. >The merchant's eyes light up at that. "Oh in that case you're gonna want at least a little decoration. Gotta have something that can go with a dress uniform for those special occasions right?"
  1020. >You're certain the merchant is fishing for a larger commission but his point is a valid one.
  1021. "Nothing overly ostentatious. A simple design, no gems or precious filigrees."
  1022. >"Well then we just need a design for you."He looks you up and down before pointing at your pauldron. "How about that mark on your shoulder there?"
  1023. "Yes that will do nicely. I shall return later to collect the completed work.
  1024. >That's one item taken care of. Still the clothing is a more pressing matter, otherwise outside your armor you'll be naked with a belt.
  1025. >That somehow seems worse.
  1026. >With Stormy acting as guide you head towards the Ponyville school house in order to return the borrowed books.
  1027. >The building is a bit smaller than you had imagined, though in truth the only frame of reference you had were the training halls on Caliban.
  1028. >When you give it a bit of thought the smaller building makes sense, after all it seems unlikely the students require an area large enough for any sort of physical training.
  1029. >You reach the edge of the white fence demarcating the edge of the school grounds when Stormy stops you.
  1031. >"Maybe you should let me take the books in." "I'm guessing if the foals see an alien it's gonna be hard to get the to pay attention again for the rest of the day. Which means Cheerilee is gonna be kind of annoyed."
  1032. "Very well then. Please see if you can get any books on the history of Equestria, also a dictionary."
  1033. >"Uh, I don't think Cheerilee is gonna have the kind of history books you're looking for. Tell you what why don't you go ahead to the Boutique and I'll see about getting you those books."
  1034. >"I figure you're gonna be there a while and we can just meet up later."
  1035. "Very well then, if you think I can be trusted without an escort."
  1036. >Stormy snorts at your joke. "Pretty sure everypony is safer with you in town than outside it."
  1037. >With a wave she heads inside the school house leaving you to depart for the Boutique.
  1038. >It occurs to you after Stormy has vanished inside that you only have a vague idea of where the Boutique is.
  1039. >Well, no matter, you've navigated your way through dense jungles and light less cave systems, one small xenos town will be of no consequence.
  1040. >The weather is mild today, so you've elected to wear your helm mag-locked to your hip for the moment, and as a result of this you catch sight of yourself in a shop window.
  1041. >It'd been some time since you'd given any thought to how long your hair had grown or the several weeks of beard growth upon your face.
  1042. >You're far from passing for one of the Space Wolves but you still have grave need of a shaving kit, or a barber.
  1043. >You stop a passerby and ask them were you might find the latter, electing to deal with the need for the former later.
  1044. >A short walk finds you standing in a shop full of female ponies in various stages of having their manes cut or shaped in some fashion.
  1045. >A small sign overhead reads "perfect perm's salon"
  1046. >Most of the clientele and workers have stopped what they are doing and are looking at you.
  1048. >Without any better plan of action in mind you simply announce
  1049. "I am in need of a haircut. I was told this is the best establishment in town."
  1050. >At that there a cacophony erupts as the ponies begin talking amongst themselves, presumably about you.
  1051. >Several of them usher you over to a chair almost large enough for you, that in and of itself is reason enough to be glad you found this place.
  1052. >Some sort of cape is tied about your neck and thrown over your front and a pair of the ponies drag step ladders over and set to brushing your hair while another trots around in front of you.
  1053. >She sets up her own step ladder to get about eye level with you "Hello I'm Perfect Perm, welcome to my salon." She says putting on a smile that screams she is trying to make a good first impression.
  1054. >Unsure of what you're expected to say here you give a simple introduction
  1055. "Anoniaus, knight of Caliban."
  1056. >"Ooh so you're a knight, that sounds interesting. I heard you work with the guard and you now Princess Luna."
  1057. >"I would just die if I got to style her mane, but enough about that what are we doing for you today?"
  1058. >Slightly bemused by the barrage of words flowing from the small mare in front of you make your request.
  1059. "Just shave it all off."
  1060. >"With hair like this, absolutely not. Don't worry I've got just the thing in mind, you're going to love it."
  1061. >With that Perfect Perm sets off in a flurry of movement, you can hear scissors snipping and see bits of hair falling past.
  1062. >At some point one of the ponies has smeared something in your hair and is spreading it around with a hoof.
  1063. >You want to open your mouth to protest but another has taken a brush and put lather on your face, and is currently in the process of taking a straight razor to the hair on your cheeks.
  1064. >You endure in silence for the duration of your ordeal. When she's decided they've finished Perfect Perm waves the others back and fetches a hand mirror to let you see yourself.
  1066. >"Well what do you think? Perfect for mingling with the nobles or just looking in charge with the guards, am I right?"
  1067. >Your beard has been cut short and shaped, close enough to shaven for your purposes anyway.
  1068. >Your hair is somewhat of another matter. It has been cut short enough that it could no longer fall in your eyes, but there are still enough to get a hand in.
  1069. >Great effort seems to have been put in to making it look messy, but holding it in place with that gel.
  1070. "This is..fashionable?"
  1071. >Perfect Perm seems to have missed the question in your tone. "Oh I know. Honestly it's some of my best work."
  1072. >Deciding not to press the matter any further you ask what you owe.
  1073. >"Oh no I couldn't charge you anything sweetie! Tell you what how about you just put in a good word with the princess and her friends and we'll call it even?"
  1074. >There's that hopeful smile again. She seems to have misread your relationship with the nobility here but you decide not to crush her hope.
  1075. >That and explaining the truth to her seems like it might be an uphill battle.
  1076. "Very well, you have my word that I shall do that on the next opportunity I have."
  1077. >Your word given you are allowed to exit the salon, though most of the hair dressers continue waving until you're gone from sight.
  1078. >Having already spent longer than you meant to dealing with your hair you redouble your efforts to find the boutique.
  1080. >You walk the winding streets of Ponyville for roughly another ten minutes making mental notes of the landmarks before you find what you seek.
  1081. >The building is a bit larger than some of its neighbors, two stories and cylindrical in nature with a steepled roof and rather intricately decorated facade.
  1082. >To your mild surprise it has a door tall enough to accommodate you. It would seem you may not be the only exotic customer the boutique has seen.
  1083. >By all appearances the shop is open, so you let yourself inside. A bell above the door jangles softly as you enter and a voice calls out to you from behind a row of dress makers dummies.
  1084. >"I'll be with you in just a moment, but I'm afraid if you're here to place a new order there's a waiting list."
  1085. "That is unfortunate news, as my need is urgent. How long must I wait then?"
  1086. >A white pony, a unicorn, with a purple mane and tail appears from behind the mannequins her eyes still fixed on a dress she's putting pins in.
  1087. >"It would be at least three.."She trails off as she turns to look at you. "I'm sorry I don't believe we've met. My name is Rarity, who might you be?"
  1088. "Anoniaus lately of the Everfree garrison."
  1089. >You say deciding to forgo the longer introduction for now.
  1090. >The expression on the little unicorn mares face has changed. You're not entirely certain you're comfortable with the looks she's giving you.
  1091. >"You were the one with the guard at ghastly gorge then weren't you?"
  1092. >You nod in the affirmative and if anything her expression becomes more intense her eyes focusing on something in the mid distance as she adopts a beatific expression.
  1093. >"To think a knight errant in this day and age, facing down dangerous foes, risking certain doom to save others."
  1094. >You're not certain how but her eyes seem to be starting to sparkle. Best interrupt before this goes any further.
  1095. "Forgive me, but how long did you say the wait for clothing would be?"
  1097. >"Oh where ever are my manners? The wait would normally be three weeks, but you said this was urgent?" A hint of concern has crept in to her voice now.
  1098. >Best use that to your advantage, though given her romanticized view of what you do, you almost feel bad for doing so.
  1099. "Indeed. My arrival here was..unplanned, and I find myself without clothing or any of my knightly vestments."
  1100. >Her expression falls somewhat "How dreadful. I may be able to move a few things around, what exactly would you need?"
  1101. "Nothing nearly so intricate as many of the fine pieces I see here."
  1102. >You say as you gesture around the shop, throwing in a little flattery never hurts when you're aiming to avoid looking like a beggar.
  1103. "A simple surplice or robe would be a fine start, even pants will suit my immediate needs. As for my knightly attire a hooded tabard to wear atop my armor is all I require."
  1104. "The tabard I wish to require a design for, the other clothing does not require any sort of decoration."
  1105. >"I don't usually get requests for such plain pieces, are you certain that's all you need?"
  1106. "I am certain an artisan of your talent is wasted on so simple a task, but my need is great, and you are the only one that can help."
  1107. >Getting a bit caught up in your own act you take a knee bringing yourself closer to her height and cross a fist over your chest.
  1108. "I will understand if you are unable to assist me in this matter, but if you are able then you shall have my eternal gratitude.
  1109. >The fashionista begins to get slightly teary eyed. You're worried you may have overacted and ruined your chances before her smile returns.
  1110. >"Yes of course I'll help. "
  1111. >You inwardly breathe a sigh of relief.
  1112. >While waiting the three weeks wouldn't have been the worst possible outcome, you want to be clothed and in decent attire by the time you have to make your trip to the capital.
  1114. >When it comes down to it you're basically living in this land on the good will of its inhabitants, and while you have at least one of the Princesses behind you, you'd prefer to have a bit more security.
  1115. >Showing up looking like some sort of warrior vagabond in the royal palace isn't likely to win you much favor with any of the noble families of this place.
  1116. >Still a part of you feels that you may be taking advantage of this ponies generosity. When you speak with the Princesses you'll see about doing something to repay her.
  1117. >Speaking of payment you should probably make sure she knows you're not here asking for a hand out.
  1118. >Rarity is already moving to take measurements around your armor, presumably for that tabard you requests.
  1119. "Just so I am clear the guard garrison has offered to pay for supplies I might need, but I have also accumulated a small amount of your currency in my time here."
  1120. >"Anoniaus darling I couldn't dream of charging for this. I'm sorry may I call you Anoniaus or do you use the Sir title?"
  1121. >You wave it off dismissively, as much as a favor as she's doing you there's little harm in letting her be familiar.
  1122. "The knight of Caliban took the title of Sar, but you may simply call me Anon, as do all my friends."
  1123. >A relatively short, but rapidly growing list.
  1124. >"Very well then Anon, I've taken the measurements for your tabard, but I'm afraid the armor will have to come off before I can get anything else."
  1125. >...You did not think that far ahead. Luckily Rarity is a unicorn so this should still be manageable, if awkward.
  1126. "My apologies but I've found myself without a squire since I've arrived in your land. I will require some assistance."
  1127. >You set to directing Rarity in how to remove each bit of your armor. To her credit she's quick to pick up on the process and manages with minimal fuss.
  1128. >You soon find yourself wearing little but your bed sheet loin cloth once more.
  1130. >You take the opportunity to stretch while you wait to have your measurements taken.
  1131. >It's a rare occasion that you're outside your armor other than to repair it. Though you often miss the days when you had tech priests for that.
  1132. >Come to think of it they may have made repairing the armor much easier, but taking it off without them has been a great deal less time consuming.
  1133. >Before you can spend too much time considering the implications of that you notice Rarity staring at you from the corner of your eye.
  1134. >She's quick to disguise her expression as you turn to face her but her horror is evident. Uncertain how to handle this you ask
  1135. "Have I done something to upset you?"
  1136. >Rarity looks abashed at having been caught looking at you. "No, no nothing of the sort. I'm terribly sorry it's just, I've never seen somepo- er someone with so many scars before."
  1137. >"Were you in some sort of war?"
  1138. >You spare a glance down at your own torso. Your stomach bears the evidence of Incognito's attempt at fratricide.
  1139. >A smooth red patch on your left pectoral marks a plasma burn that made it through your armor.
  1140. >Across the upper part of your right shoulder, around to your collar bone is a line scored by daemons claws.
  1141. >Then the raised lines of healed cuts, both surgical, those earned in training, and half a dozen more taken from battle mar the flesh of your chest, and that's not even touching on your back arms or legs.
  1142. >You suppose to someone to whom a knight is a romantic figure of old tales that seeing the realities of war first hand might come as something of a shock.
  1143. >Realizing that you've been standing in silence since the question was asked, and that Rarity is starting to look uneasy you offer a reassuring smile.
  1144. "I have been in all too many wars I'm afraid. Some of these scars are from the training that made me a knight, most I'm afraid are the price paid for victory."
  1145. >Rarity has regained some of her professional demeanor and goes to taking your measurements.
  1147. >Apparently trying to change the subject to a more palatable matter Rarity asks "Were there other knights in your order?"
  1148. >She clearly means well, but is having poor luck in choosing safe topics of discussion. You decide to spare the poor mare the more painful details.
  1149. "Once there were a great many of us. Though now I'm afraid our ways may be dying. Too many have forgotten what the old oaths meant."
  1150. >"That is truly tragic." Her ears droop noticeably to match her slight frown. A thought seems to strike her.
  1151. >"Perhaps you could start a new order here. I'm certain that you could find support for such a noble endeavor."
  1152. "Your suggestion is not without merit, but for the moment my future remains uncertain. I'm to meet with the Princesses in under a fortnight to decide what I might do here."
  1153. >"Still something to consider at least." Rarity lapses in to silence as she holds a few pieces of fabric up to your chest using her magic.
  1154. >She cycles through several types and colors before you decide to speak up.
  1155. "I've been told the color of my armor might be somewhat..intimidating. I plan to change it to green, if that has any effect on your selection."
  1156. >She hums quietly to herself as she considers several of the fabric swatches before settling on one in a deep shade of emerald.
  1157. >"Green for your clothing then,it suits you, and something else for the tabard, don't want too much of one color."
  1159. >As the fitting continues the conversation eventually drifts towards Rarity's friends and you are able to lapse in to a comfortable silence as you simply listen.
  1160. >Apparently aside from being a well known seamstress and business owner Rarity is also friend with Princess Twilight.
  1161. >You're hearing about how her younger sibling and her friends cause no end of trouble in town when Stormy finally arrives.
  1162. >"You should've seen how excited all those kids were to hear about everything we've been doing lately." She says wearing a rather self satisfied grin.
  1163. "I had thought the point of having me depart was to keep from interrupting the class."
  1164. >"Yeah well, it's not like I could just leave without telling at least one story. How was I supposed to say no to all those little faces?"
  1165. "Yes, I suppose you could be forgiven for that. Were you able to find more books as well?"
  1166. >Stormy holds up a stack bound together with twine. "Yeah, a couple of history books and that dictionary like you wanted."
  1167. >"I hate to interrupt darling but I should have everything I need for now."
  1168. "My thanks. When should I return?"
  1169. >"Check back with me tomorrow evening. I should have at least some of the simpler pieces done by then."
  1170. >Rarity and Stormy Shield spend the next few minutes helping you back into your armor before you depart.
  1171. >All that's left is to collect your swords new sheath and see about getting some paint.
  1172. >You return to the merchant from earlier in the morning and collect the sheath and sword belt.
  1173. >The quality is roughly what you had expected, the sword fitting snugly in place, the decoration kept to a minimum as you had requested.
  1174. >After a quick discussion with the merchant about where to send the bill, and several attempts on his part to sell you more wares you head off in search of paint.
  1175. >This as it turns was by far the simplest errand on your list. Ponyville may be small, but it has a decent selection of stores, among them a hardware store.
  1177. >You fine a variety of paints to choose from, as well as a good stock of tools and repair parts.
  1178. >Sadly they don't seem to have anything that would make a passable repair cement, but after some consideration the shopkeeper informs you that an Alchemist by the name of Zecora might be able to help.
  1179. >You purchase several buckets of paint, green,gold, and white as well a bucket of clear sealant to protect the other layers.
  1180. >Given the relatively low price you've elected to simply pay for the paint out of pocket. While the Lieutenant may have offered to cover your debts this time there's no reason to abuse her good will.
  1181. "I believe that is everything I needed. Is there anything you wish to purchase while we are here?"
  1182. >Stormy considers this for a moment. "Oh, we should get something to eat while we're here. There's a great place real close."
  1183. >Apparently having taken your agreement as a given Stormy sets off. You really have no better idea of where to get food here, so you set off at a brisk walk to catch up with the flying pony.
  1184. >You follow stormy through the streets of Ponyville for some distance before she slows, apparently having reached her destination.
  1185. >"Hay Burger" The sign reads. Hopefully they serve other things besides Hay.
  1186. >"This is the place. They have the best fries here." Stormy heads inside and takes her place in the line leading towards the counter.
  1187. >You follow suit drawing a few stares from the customers before they return to their food.
  1188. >You attempt to make sense of the menu board located above the counter but haven't heard of the majority of these items.
  1189. >Stormy places her order with the stallion working the register and is given her total. She pats her sides looking for a coin purse that isn't there before turning to you with a sheepish grin.
  1190. >"Uh think you could spot me a few bits? I was in such a hurry this morning I kinda left mine back at the castle."
  1192. >Seeing as Stormy has taken the time to assist you with your Errands today you suppose you can pay for her food.
  1193. >The stallion at the counter asks "Is this order together then?".
  1194. "Yes. I shall have one of everything that does not have hay in it."
  1195. >The cashier gives you a somewhat confused look. "Uh okay if you're sure, that'll be 43.50."
  1196. >You upend your pouch of bits on the counter and quickly count off the amount he requested.
  1197. >You hear the sounds of frantic labor taking place in the kitchen before your order is produced on several trays.
  1198. >Your purchase seems to consist of several small pastries, some sort of horse shoe shaped potato fritters, cheese melted between two slices of bread, and a number beverages.
  1199. >Stormy is tearing in to her own food with her usual enthusiasm, but stops long enough to remark on yours.
  1200. >"You're gonna be sick if you eat all that."
  1201. "That seems unlikely."
  1202. >You start by sampling everything before finishing each piece. It tasted better than much of the nutrient rich ration paste you're used to, but the sugar content of the drinks was questionably high.
  1203. >Particularly the one which seemed to have just been some sort of dairy product blended with flavored syrup.
  1204. >Amid the heap of food wrappers on your try you notice some sort of small package. Upon closer inspection you find it is some sort of Pony figurine dressed in a costume.
  1205. >You set it aside only to find Stormy looking at it hopefully. "If you don't want your power pony can I have it?"
  1206. >You give a wave of your hand gesturing for her to take it.
  1207. >She's quick to snatch it up and looks quite content with her new toy.
  1209. >With a good deal of your bits having been spent on food and Stormy looking happy with her prize you make your way back to the way castle.
  1210. >Upon your return to the garrison you learn that one of today's guard patrols managed to wander through a patch of something called poison joke.
  1211. >Apparently some sort of local flora that can cause a variety of maladies. Because of this incident Soft Heart has her hooves full for the evening.
  1212. >With your reading instructor waylaid the near future you decide to take care of armor maintenance.
  1213. >You make your way to forge taking up an unused corner and claiming several empty armor racks for your project.
  1214. >After getting some assistance from a couple of the unicorns once again to remove your armor you get to work.
  1215. >You don't have a great deal of artistic talent, but thanks to your fine hand eye coordination you're able to at least recreate basic markings on your armor with ease.
  1216. >You've set out the books Stormy collected for you on a nearby table and take time to study what you can of them as you wait for individual pieces of armor to dry.
  1217. >Some of the words are beyond your amateur ability to translate even with the dictionary available.
  1218. >You soldier on despite this, the fact that your instructor is absent is no excuse to forgo your education on this place, especially when time is so limited.
  1219. >The history book you've gotten seems that it may be a bit dated, as there is no mention of the changeling invasion that Stormy spoke of previously.
  1220. >Currently you're going over a chapter about a being called "Discord".
  1221. >As you read of the things the creature did there is little doubt in your mind the touch of Chaos is upon it.
  1222. >Seeing it depicted on one of the pages gives you a fair certainty of which dark god it served as well. Something that malformed could only be a product of the Changer of Ways.
  1224. >There were times, in desperation, that you had considered trying to learn some manner of sorcery, though you lacked a librarians psychic gifts you had heard of ways.
  1225. >Ritualistic magics that could be preformed without any gifts, such as those employed by the Word Bearers, bastard sons of Lorgar.
  1226. >You had also seen enough to know that Great Changer was free with his "gifts" and that magic could be had in exchange for service.
  1227. >The grotesque riot of mismatched flesh and warped form picked out in the ponies simplistic art style on the page before you stands as clear testament to just what sort of gifts you might get.
  1228. >All the same it seems that Equestria is currently safe from this particular threat, as the book states it has been sealed in stone.
  1229. >You hope that stone is sealed securely within the deepest, strongest vault the ponies have, for the sake of all.
  1230. >You put the book aside once more and regard your helm, now a deep green in color, the eyes vacant pools of black staring back at you from the sockets devoid of lenses.
  1231. >Though utterly plain in countenance this helm as served you well over the years, you resolve to find new lenses and restore it as soon as you are able.
  1232. >In the meantime perhaps there is at least one thing you could do to honor this piece of war gear that has protected you from so much.
  1233. >You venture to the occupied end of the forge to find Draw Down, helm tucked under your armor.
  1234. >Your request is a simple one.
  1235. "I wish to craft a pair of metal wings to adorn my helm, will you help me?"
  1236. >At first he seems a bit confused by the need for such ornamentation, but you explain the tradition of your legion, and your desire to honor your war gear.
  1237. >That seems to make up his mind and he agrees. "Nothing wrong with taking care of the armor that takes care of you."
  1238. >Drawn Down crafts a pair of wings to adorn your helm, sturdy and simple in design, but with enough detail to make it a fitting ornament.
  1240. >You attach the newly crafted wings to your helm with great care, making certain that the pinions are positioned evenly.
  1241. >With the new ornament fitted securely in place your helm looks better than it has in centuries, aside from the missing eye lenses.
  1242. >Aside from the new color one could almost believe that your helm was being made parade ground ready for the celebration of some great legion triumph.
  1243. "You have my thanks for this. It means a great deal to me."
  1244. >Draw down simply nods his acceptance of your thanks.
  1245. >You return to your work table and set yourself to the task of painting the wings. The work is simple enough and as it often does your mind begins to wander.
  1246. >You think you've decided to stay. Though this world may be simple technologically speaking it has much to offer.
  1247. >You came here unheralded and were still welcomed with open arms, despite the obvious danger you could represent.
  1248. >What you've read of this history tonight has also told you that the threat of chaos is minimal, but present. Perhaps you can put your skills to work defending this world that has treated you so well.
  1249. >You resolve to send a message by courier to Princess Luna to accept her offer. Rarity had mentioned that she was friends with the Princess that occupied that crystal castle you saw earlier.
  1250. >Perhaps there's some way to get in contact with Luna there. You'll have to inquire about that tomorrow when you collect your clothing.
  1251. >The rest of your day is spent tending to your armor as it dries and taking the opportunity to exercise while you're outside it.
  1252. >The ponies don't have much in the way of weights appropriately sized for you so instead you busy yourself with body weight exercises.
  1255. >You take your rest rather early this night, resolving to be awake and armored early the coming morning so that you can find this Zecora before you venture in to ponyville.
  1256. >You've moved your armor to your chambers and borrowed the arming racks you were using earlier to let it finish drying.
  1257. >Taking rest outside your armor is an unusual feeling, be the comfort of an actual bed beneath you a rare indulgence.
  1258. >Sleep comes easily, and with it memories of battles past.
  1259. >You find yourself crouched in the lee of a burning building that was likely once some sort of bureaucratic office for the administratum.
  1260. >Part of the wall has been blown away by an explosion, but enough of it remains to provide cover.
  1261. >Nearby is brother Incognito sheltering behind a shattered pillar, and Brother Pseudonym peeking around a corner to check your advance.
  1262. >You glance skyward, a mistake you immediately regret. The whole of the sky is covered by the roiling mass of the warpstorm that deposited you here.
  1263. >Shapes within the sickly colors twist and contort and wave of nausea washes over you before you are able to tear your gaze away.
  1264. >You shake your head to clear your senses your sight once again falling on the blasted cityscape surrounding you.
  1265. >It's obvious there has been fighting, and the fires still burning nearby tell you it was recent.
  1266. >Who has been doing the fighting becomes abundantly clear when a Word Bearer wearing traitor's red rounds the nearby corner flanked by a four similarly clad figures.
  1267. "Mark your targets"
  1268. >You sub-vocalize over your squads closed vox net. Incognito and Pseudonym both return vox click acknowledgements as the indicator runes pop up on your retinal display.
  1269. "3, 2, 1, mark"
  1270. >The three of you rise from cover and open fire, a hail of bolter shells crashing into the Word Bearers squad.
  1273. >One is taken from his feet, a mist of blood and cermaite fragments flying from the space where his head was seconds before.
  1274. >Two more fall quickly, their chests and throats opened to the air as their armor splits and shatters under the concussive hail of mass reactive bolt shells.
  1275. >The two survivors lose no time to shock as you might have hoped. With a cry of "For Lorgar!" the fanatics rush your position, bolt pistols firing and chainswords revved to full.
  1276. >Incognito falls back to cover a bolt caroming off his pauldron as he vanishes behind the pillar once more.
  1277. >Pseudonym is less fortunate. Time seems to slow as you watch the bolt strike the side of his helm, biting deep into the cermaite before detonating.
  1278. >You watch as your brother begins to fall away, half of his skull missing.
  1279. >Outrage fills you and with a cry of "For Luther!" you draw your power sword and vault the wall and charge the traitors, Incognito close on your heels.
  1280. >You fire your bolter one handed as you charge. Your shots find their mark but fail to penetrate, staggering the Word Bearer.
  1281. >You are similarly fortunate, a bolt round striking your plastron with enough force to crack it but not enough to punch through into your chest cavity.
  1282. >You are the first to reach the Word Bearers the one facing you bringing his sword high to strike.
  1283. >A chainsword dabbed with what you can only guess to be holy symbols of their lunatic religion swings in towards your neck, splitting the air with the teeth jarring scream of its teeth.
  1284. >You loop your sword around in a parry the power field on it causing the chainswords guide chain to fly free on contact. A scree of loose metal rattles from your armor as you step in to your counter attack.
  1285. >Your return stroke sees the Word Bearers head taken from his shoulders, along with all the fingers of the hand he tried to interpose in a vain effort to block.
  1287. >From the corner of your eye you see Incognito duck beneath a sword stroke and shoulder check his Word Bearer in the chest, sending him sprawling.
  1288. >Incognito quickly raises his bolter and pours half a dozen shots into the son of Lorgar's head and chest at point blank range.
  1289. >The Word Bearer comes apart under repeated blasts from such close range. His blood carries the heavy iron scent you would expect from a space marine, but something more as well an undercurrent of rot.
  1290. >You can see things writhing within the meat of the corpse and your revulsion for these degenerate lunatics only grows.
  1291. >Putting the heretics from your mind for the moment you move to check on Pseudonym. Unfortunately he is dead as you knew he would be.
  1292. >You remove the ammunition and grenades from his hip, as well as taking his bolter and combat knife. He has little need of them now.
  1293. "Your sacrifice will not be forgotten brother."
  1294. >You say taking the time to cross his hands over his chest, placing his corpse in repose.
  1295. >You regard your fallen brother for a moment longer, considering how easily it might have been you in his place.
  1296. >Dead, your blood pouring out on the soil of a world you can't even name.
  1297. >A hand on your shoulder pulls you from your bleak thoughts.
  1298. >"Everything alright Brother?"
  1299. >You turn to face Incognito, and freeze in shock. His face is not as it should be, not as you remember it on this world.
  1300. >A burn scar run through with deep cuts mars one side of his face his eye missing on that side.
  1301. >What disturbs you most is what sits where his eye should be. Instead of a vacant hole a cold blue witch light glows in its place.
  1302. >"I said is something the matter Anoniaus?"
  1303. >You wake in a cold sweat, both your hearts racing in your chest. You've never had a dream disturb you so outside of warp travel.
  1304. >Perhaps the touch of the warp on this planet is stronger than you previously thought.
  1306. >You want to merely dismiss Incognito's appearance as a bad dream, but you've seen enough in your long life to have difficulty pushing the image from your mind.
  1307. >Would that you had a Librarian's psychic gifts, you might be able to dredge meaning from such imagines.
  1308. >Perhaps it might be worth mentioning to Princess Luna in your letter, she was able to walk in your dreams, such gifts may be well within the realm of her powers.
  1309. >Further sleep now seems like a distant possibility so you decide to work on your studies of Equestrian history instead.
  1310. >At least until daylight is closer, then you'll see about getting armored and heading out in search of Zecora's hut.
  1312. >You spend the next several hours attempting to study the history tomes you had brought back from town but find your attention wandering.
  1313. >Unable to focus on what you're reading you decide instead to turn your attention to your armor which has thoroughly dried by now.
  1314. >You take up a fine tipped brush and unseal one of the smaller containers of paint to put the final touches on your armor.
  1315. >As you consider what exactly to write on the armor you're left bitter by the realization that you really don't have much to add to it.
  1316. >Company markings and honors might once have been in order, or a litany of great foes slain in the name of the legion.
  1317. >Now though the former no longer applies, and the latter is a short and rather hollow list.
  1318. >Most of the foes you've slain have been taken in desperate necessity rather than honorable combat upon a field of battle.
  1319. >Well, at least you do have one title that you've been given. With a steady hand and no small sense of irony you begin to daub the letters on to your armor in neat gothic script.
  1320. >There against the the green of your gorget picked out in a pristine white the word "Forsaken".
  1321. >Perhaps in time you'll have another title to add or honors to record, for you you'll have to settle for this.
  1322. >As you set aside the paint and brush your eyes fall on the guard insignia Steel Heart had given you to use two days prior.
  1323. >It would seem you had forgotten to return it to her after the excitement of that days events.
  1324. >A simple star against a shield backing, nothing grand or overly ornate, and yet it does have a certain aesthetic appeal.
  1325. >Seeing as Steel Heart has yet to ask after the thing perhaps she won't mind if you keep it a bit longer.
  1326. >Doing away with the twine you had previously used to hold it in place you mount it more permanently to the chain guard hanging from your pauldron, bending some of the links to hold it fast in place.
  1328. >With that done you sit back and take a look at your armor, feeling a small amount of pride at the sight repaired and repainted suit.
  1329. >It's certainly a thing of beauty, and with a tabard to adorn it it's going to be something any knight would be proud to wear.
  1330. >Still you'd like to have a bolter locked to the hip, without one your defenses are rather limited.
  1331. >You should see about securing some sort of ranged weapon. Do the ponies even have anything more advanced than a bow and arrow?
  1332. >That's something else to look in to tomorrow. Failing that you should at least get a shield or another sword, anything would be better than going in to battle one hand empty.
  1333. >You'll make a point of asking Princess Luna all these things when you contact her tomorrow, and you'll ask about what happened to the remains of your ship as well.
  1334. >You find yourself wishing that the damn sun would rise a little faster so you can begin your day.
  1335. >With nothing else for it you exit your room and begin to walk the halls of the way castle.
  1336. >Dawn must only be an hour or so away judging by the portions of the sky visible through the arrow slits in the outer wall.
  1337. >As you continue your restless march around the castle you find Soft Heart pacing about as well.
  1338. >She seems somewhat surprised at the sight of you. "Good morning Anon. Are you always up this early?"
  1339. "That would depend heavily on when I last slept, but usually. What are you doing about at this hour?"
  1340. >"I couldn't sleep. The guards need an herbal bath this morning for the poison joke. Takes forever to mix the treatment so they've just had to put up with it all night."
  1341. "Your concern for those in your charge is commendable."
  1342. >She smiles at that. "Thanks. I try to take care of everypony as best I can. Things have just been so hectic since you showed up."
  1343. >"Er not that you showing up was a bad thing." She adds quickly.
  1345. "No offense was given."
  1346. >You assure smirking at how quickly she's become flustered. Adopting a more serious expression you add.
  1347. "I believe I have decided to stay."
  1348. >"Really, that's great news!" Soft heart exclaims excitedly, suddenly becoming aware of the volume of her voice she adds more quietly "A lot of the guards are gonna be glad to hear that."
  1349. >"I'm sure it's been a strange adjustment for you here but everypony has been really impressed with how much you've helped out."
  1350. "It has been strange, but not unpleasant. I intend to contact Princess Luna today. It is my hope that I will find a place best suited to my talents."
  1351. >"You mean doing knight stuff?"
  1352. "Yes I suppose that is the simple way of putting it. My last actual duty was to garrison a fortress much like your sister does here. I will admit I am hoping for something a bit more..active, this time."
  1353. >Soft Heart brings a hoof to her chin, scrunching up her muzzle in thought. "I think some of the guards have to escort diplomats and things like that. That might be fun."
  1354. >"Other than that I think the guard mostly garrison castles like this one, or patrol in the big cities like Canterlot."
  1355. "I doubt I will be trusted with anything terribly important right away. A short decade or two of garrison duty to earn my place is acceptable."
  1356. >"A short decade? Exactly how long do you Astartes live?"
  1357. >A fine question she's asked, you've often wondered that yourself. You shrug to show your ignorance.
  1358. "I'm afraid I could not say. No Astartes that I know of has ever died of old age. Battle tends to claim us first."
  1359. >"Well how old are you then?"
  1360. >Again you're forced to shrug. The amount of time you've spent lost in the warp and traveling through that hellish realm from planet to planet has made time more or less impossible to keep track of.
  1361. "To spare you the long version my best estimation puts me between four and five centuries of age. Give or take."
  1363. >Your answer only serves to confuse her further. Her frustration at the lack of sense being made is readily apparent.
  1364. >"Wait wait, how do you not know how old you are? Do you not know when you were born or something."
  1365. >You groan and run a hand down your face, you were hoping to avoid getting in to any of the more complicated matters surrounding the mystery of your age.
  1366. >That attempt has obviously failed. Perhaps a different tactic is in order.
  1367. "Not only do I not know my birth date, but the warp storm that destroyed Caliban saw me flung ten thousand years into the future."
  1368. >Soft Heart's expression has gone from confused to flat.
  1369. "To add to that I've also been forced to flee through the warp again on multiple occasions, time tending to flow more quickly or slowly than normal there."
  1370. >As you press on her expression remains stoic, giving you nothing as you attempt to read her.
  1371. "I've also spent a great deal of time on planets where day and night have little meaning, which further confuses the matter."
  1372. >"Okay, I know you're from outer space and everything but time travel is some really powerful magic, and you can't do magic at all. So how exactly did you travel ten thousand years in to the future?"
  1373. >You're fairly certain you just felt a blood vessel in your eye burst.
  1374. "Four hundred. We will say I am four hundred years old. As for a birthday you may choose one for me."
  1375. >"Oh okay. Still not sure about all that time travel talk though." Soft Heart smiles happily having resolved the matter of your age.
  1376. >How a creature can be so adorable and so infuriating at the same time is beyond you. Perhaps this is what it's like to have a child.
  1377. >Hoping to avoid being dragged in to any further headache inducing conversations you decide to make your excuses and leave.
  1378. >Citing your need to get armored and head to Zecora's hut soon you return to your room and gather up your armor.
  1380. >A lot of the guards are starting to rise now to get food before their duties begin for the day so it's little trouble finding help.
  1381. >You really should find yourself a serf or squire though. Perhaps that's something the Princess would see fit to give you when you accept her offer.
  1382. >With your armor donned and your sword belted firmly in place you set off in to the everfree following the directions you had previously gotten to Zecroa's hut.
  1383. >Your journey through the everfree is largely uneventful, most of the creatures frightened away by the sound of your tread and the low growl of the joints in your power armor.
  1384. >A few times you hear things moving in the underbrush but whatever animals there are scatter before your approach.
  1385. >Thus far you've only seen a handful of birds and a few rabbits darting about in the thick foliage.
  1386. >Here in the heart of the woods you can almost believe you're on Calbian of old. The trees filtering out all but the most wan light casting the forest in a perpetual twilight.
  1387. >You cross a few landmarks on your walk, a stream, some large rocks, but nothing particularly noteworthy.
  1388. >As you continue the forest before you opens up suddenly, a small clearing surrounding your destination.
  1389. >The "hut" is less of a hut and more of a hollowed out tree it would seem.
  1390. >Colorful bottles and lanterns hang on ropes and bits of vine from the branches, and several tribal masks are arrayed around and above the only visible entrance.
  1391. >A warm glow comes from the windows situated by the door, so it would appear someone is home and awake.
  1392. >You approach and knock loudly careful not to damage the door with your power armored fist.
  1393. >You hear the clack of hooved feet against the wooden floor as someone inside moves.
  1395. >The door creaks slowly open revealing an equine similar to the ponies, though striped in monochrome rather than the outlandish pastels you've begun to grow accustomed to.
  1396. >She looks up at you apprehension obvious at the sight of you. "Hello to you my strange new friend, have you come to me with an ill to mend?"
  1397. "Something of the sort. Are you Zecora the master alchemist of this region?"
  1398. >"I would not say I am a master, but few I've met who can mix brews faster."
  1399. >Apparently the rhyming speech was intentional on her part.
  1400. >Ignoring her strange mannerism you reach in to a pouch attached to your belt and pull out a shard of ceramite taken from your shattered left gauntlet.
  1401. "I have need of your talents. If you are able I need to recreate a substance from my order known as repair cement."
  1402. >You offer up the shard, which she takes examining it closely.
  1403. "It should be roughly this toughness and consistency when hardened, and pliant and soft when first mixed. Can you do this?"
  1404. >"What you ask is no small task." She says offering the shard back to you. You take it and pocket it once more.
  1405. "I am aware it will be difficult, but my need is great. I have little in the way of valuables to offer, but will gladly do anything I can to repay the favor."
  1406. >She considers seems to consider your offer before asking. "Your armor suggests you are a knight, how good are you in a fight?"
  1407. "I would consider myself capable. Is there some beast you need slain?"
  1408. >She shakes her head dismissively. "There is no foe I need to best, but a stone I wish to test. The mineral lies within a cave, but is not without danger for one to brave."
  1409. >"Diamond dogs guard the place, and pony folk they often chase. Bring me a stone which I may study, and I will make for you your putty."
  1411. >You consider the diminutive equines offer. It seems reasonable enough, fetch a stone for her and in exchange she'll mix up the repair cement you so desperately need.
  1412. "Very well. I shall go forth and vanquish these Diamond Dogs and retrieve this stone you desire."
  1413. >The expression Zecora favors you with is apprehensive. "The Diamond Dogs you need not slay, instead I ask you scare them away."
  1414. >Well that will make things slightly more difficult, and likely a great deal more annoying.
  1415. >Still it's not entirely unexpected, these xenos do seem to have an aversion towards violence where it can be avoided.
  1416. >Even just a few years ago and you'd likely have stormed in to the Diamond Dog settlement meting out punishment with bolter and blade, but you suppose you'll try the pony way first.
  1417. "IF that is your wish then so be it."
  1418. >Zecora gives a nod looking a good deal less uneasy."A map you'll need to guide your way so from the path you do not stray."
  1419. >She opens up a nearby chest leaning in and rattling the contents about before rising with a map in her mouth.
  1420. >She plops it on nearby table and points with a hoof at a cave situated in an area labeled rumbling rock ridge.
  1421. "I take it that is to be my destination then?"
  1422. >She nods and gives you a pleasant smile while scooting the map towards you. "Now off you go and don't delay if you want your prize this day."
  1423. >You take her map and roll it up carefully before tucking it in your belt.
  1424. >You turn to leave giving a slight bow of your head before you go, partly out of politeness, partly because the door frame is uncomfortably low
  1425. >Taking a second to orient yourself you set off on what you believe will be the quickest path out of the forest and towards the ridge.
  1427. >As before most of the wild life seems happy to steer clear of your passage and you soon find the underbrush and dense forest giving way to more sparse vegitation then soon to barren rock.
  1428. >You've not seen anything rumbling yet, but this place certainly seems to live up to the rock ridges part of its name.
  1429. >Rises of grey stone surround you forming rather steep slopes to either side.
  1430. >This slopes in effect create a natural pathway, further worn into existence by animals taking the path of least resistance.
  1431. >You find yourself examining the strata of the stone as you pass, the occasional fossil poking out from amid the stark grey stones.
  1432. >As you absently take another step along your path you feel the ground shift beneath your foot.
  1433. >You quickly throw yourself backward, rolling on your back and over your shoulder to come to a standing position as you curse yourself inwardly for your inattention.
  1434. >The ground where you were just standing erupts in a spray of dirt and stone as a bipedal canid dressed in a gemstone studded collar and vest appears.
  1435. >Several more of the creatures burst forth from the ground around you. The beasts have apelike forearms ending in claws and come to about waist height on you.
  1436. >Two of the newcomers are armed with diamond tipped spears which they are currently attempting to menace you with.
  1437. >One that you take to be the leader is arguing with a smaller one. "Told you it sounded to big to be a pony, what now?"
  1438. >The larger one you've taken to be the leader seems unperturbed by this "Looks big enough, it'll still dig gems."
  1439. >It would seem they intend to take you prisoner. You let a hand fall to the hilt of your sword but recall Zecora's request.
  1440. >With a grunt of irritation and an effort of will you move your hand away and address the beasts.
  1441. "I will grant you one chance to flee this place. I will not be held to account for what happens should you reject my generous offer."
  1443. This earns a bark of laughter from the dogs. The leader is the first to speak "There's five of us and one of you."
  1444. >You sigh inwardly, why do they never learn. With speed granted by your gene-forged physiology you lunge forward and snatch the spear from the armored dog before you.
  1445. >You bring your armored fist crashing down atop the guard dog's skull with your free hand, causing him to go cross eyed and collapse in a heap.
  1446. >Gripping the spear just below the gemstone head you whip about and club the other spear wielding dog in the skull with it.
  1447. >The metal of his helm rings with the concussion of the blow and he drops as if pole-axed.
  1448. >One of the dogs throws himself at you jaws open for a bite aimed towards your neck, hands spread wide to catch your arms.
  1449. >You drop the spear and step to one side snatching him from the air by one arm.
  1450. >He gives a surprised yelp which turns into a horrified screech and you swing him over your head and downward at another dog.
  1451. >The two collide with a dull thud and go limp. You give another swing just to be sure before rounding on the leader.
  1452. >The beast stares up at you in wide eyed horror, tail between his legs as he attempts to back pedal away from you.
  1453. >You snatch him from his feet by the collar holding him in the air face to face.
  1454. "This is where you answer my questions. If you do this well I won't bludgeon you with your own kind. Do you understand?"
  1455. >The Diamond Dog seems to be petrified in to silence. Giving him a quick shake while held in the air makes him more cooperative. "Yes, yes, whatever you want!"
  1456. "I am told there is a cave near here with rare stones, is this true."
  1457. >"Yes, cave isn't far, please don't hurt me!"
  1458. >Ignoring his plea for mercy you continue your questioning.
  1459. You said something about gemstones, do you have emeralds or rubies?"
  1460. >"Both, in mines, down below."
  1462. >Your day is getting better and better. If the gems are of decent quality you may be able to find a gem cutter skilled enough in one of the cities to replace the lenses in your helm.
  1463. >There's still the matter of seeing if your auto senses even still work, but that's a problem for later.
  1464. "You will bring me as many of these as you have, or as you can carry. Do you understand me?"
  1465. >Ears flat against his head he nods his understanding trying to contain the barely audible whimper.
  1466. >You drop the diamond dog at you feet about to dismiss him when another thought occurs to you.
  1467. "If you have any ponies down there you will free them. I will be keeping your friends up here until you return. Should you think to flee instead there will be repercussions."
  1468. >The Diamond Dog is quick to scurry off, presumably to obey your orders. Well that or gather reinforcements in an ill thought out attempt to slay or capture you.
  1469. >Either way you have nothing to do but wait for the moment.
  1470. >You pile the Diamond Dogs up and take a seat on a nearby rock, your sword lain across your lap should they get any ideas about fleeing when they wake.
  1471. >You figure you'll give the dog about an hour before assuming he's just fled, at which point you'll have to decide what to actually do with your prisoners.
  1472. >You were mostly bluffing when you said there would be repercussions.
  1473. >You probably could track down the leader and beat him senseless if it came to that but that honestly seems like a great deal of work for very little reward.
  1474. >You pause in your musings long enough to draw the sword from the sheath on your lap and gently put it to the nose of the small dog that had been trying to slink away while you were lost in thought.
  1475. "I'd advise you sit still. Your leader will be around to collect you shortly if he's true to his word."
  1477. >The dog quickly returns to his place and you settle in to a peaceful silence broken only by the occasional pained whimper from your pile of captives.
  1478. >Judging by the movement of the sun across the sky, which you're not entirely certain is a reliable way to measure time here, it's been about half an hour when the Diamond Dog returns.
  1479. >Behind him are a trio of weary, dirty looking ponies, and he's hauling a rather large sack slung across one shoulder.
  1480. >He puts the sack on the ground in front of you and opens it wide to show you the pile of gemstones inside.
  1481. >"Rubies and Emeralds, just like you said, and all of the ponies too."
  1482. >He gestures to the ponies behind him "And I let out all the ponies, just like you said. Please, take the ponies and never ever come back, please."
  1483. >Ignoring the cringing canid which is doing his best to stay outside of arms reach you turn to one of the ponies.
  1484. "Were they holding any more of you captive?"
  1485. >A pegasus mare is the first to speak, upon closer inspection it would seem she has bat like wings as do both of her companions.
  1486. >A subspecies of pegasus? Or perhaps some minor variation brought in to being by the princess. You'll have to look in to that.
  1487. >"No, we were the only ones. We were on our way over from Hollow Shades and got grabbed when we were making camp."
  1488. "Your ordeal will be over shortly. I have one final task to attend here then I will escort you as far as Ponyville."
  1489. >You turn to the cringing leader of the dogs pointing your sword directly at his nose.
  1490. "I require the rare stone from that cave I mentioned and then I will be leaving."
  1491. "If I so much as scent one of your kind before I depart the wrath I visit upon your people will be spoken of in legend as a warning to those who come after."
  1492. >Turning the vox amplification on your helm to the highest setting you add in a shout.
  1493. "Now RUN!"
  1494. >The Diamond dogs take off at a dead run fleeing as quickly as their legs will carry them towards the horizon.
  1497. >You watch your foes flee for their lives, sparring them went against your instincts but it's best to respect the wishes of this country's citizens while you're here.
  1498. >You're pulled from your thoughts by a voice beside you. "Thank you for saving us, are uhm..are you with the guard?"
  1499. >The little bat pony looks wary of you, given her recent ordeal that is to be expected.
  1500. >You reach up and remove your helm tucking it beneath your arm left.
  1501. >Though you may be alien to them you figure your face has to be slightly more disarming than the stern eye slits and expressionless iron and ceramite grill of your helm.
  1502. "Not in any official capacity as of yet, though I known to the Lieutenant of the local garrison, and have worked with them recently."
  1503. >You tap the guard insignia dangling from your pauldron for emphasis.
  1504. >She looks relieved at the sight of that familiar emblem, though still dirty, exhausted, and a bit more thin than most of the ponies you've seen.
  1505. >You reach down to your hip and open the compartment there removing a tube of water from your suits inbuilt dispenser.
  1506. "Forgive me, my manners escape me. The three of you must be exhausted and famished. I fear I have no food to offer but."
  1507. >She takes it drinking greedily, before passing it to the others. The container is quickly exhausted, prompting you to swap it for another which they nearly drain.
  1508. >Once they've had their fill of water you secure the containers again.
  1509. "I have one last task to perform in this area then I'll see you safely to Ponyville."
  1510. >"We can probably make it on our own from here." One of them offers. You quickly wave the idea away.
  1511. "The forest in dangerous enough when armed, I insist on escorting you."
  1512. >None of them seem willing to argue the point.
  1514. >Luckily your destination was only a few minutes away, the cave lying open and unguarded. Judging by scuff marks on the stone around the entrance this isn't always the case.
  1515. >Best to make your time here short then for the sake of your new charges. You begin searching around the mouth of the cavern for what you need, delving only as far in as you necessity dictates.
  1516. >The stone Zecora described far from abundant, but easy enough to find.
  1517. >It stands out from the surrounding bedrock in small pockets and formations which you're able to break samples from with your armored hands.
  1518. >As you're loading several handfuls into the sack alongside your newly won gems one of the ponies speaks judging by what you've learned of their species it's a female..
  1519. >"So I was wondering, are you some sort of minotaur or yeti or something? Cause you don't look that furry."
  1520. >Before you can answer one of the others, a male, gives her a smack on the head.
  1521. >"He just saved us from the Diamond Dogs and you go and say something like that?"
  1522. >She huffs indignantly "Well what, it's a valid question. Have you every seen anything like him before?"
  1523. >"No, but that doesn't mean you can call him a hairless yeti you dip.
  1524. >The two are starting to scuffle now, failing their fore-hooves ineffectively at each other in a slap fight.
  1525. >Normally you'd just let this play out, but you have things to do today, and in their currently fragile state they might actually manage to hurt themselves.
  1526. >Picking up each pony by the scruff you lift them clear of one another.
  1527. "I am a human, more specifically an Adeptus Astartes. Does that resolve the matter?"
  1528. >First pony seems happy enough now that her curiosity has been sated and gives the other a smug grin. "See asking was fine."
  1529. >The second pony, a male, just gives her a flat annoyed glare. "I apologize for my sister here. She's always like this."
  1532. >She gives an indignant "Hey!" but he ignores her in favor of continuing. "I'm Ackee, and this is my sister Lychee, that's our friend Guava."
  1533. >The third pony gives a little wave at her name having been said, looking like she'd be a lot more comfortable if attention wasn't on her.
  1534. "A pleasure. I am Anoniaus, Knight of Caliban."
  1535. >You place the bat ponies back on solid earth as gently as you can manage.
  1536. "Now if your quarrel is concluded and introductions are finished I would like to return you to the safety of civilization.
  1537. >That they seem ready enough to agree with.
  1538. >Taking the lead you retrace your steps towards Zecora's intending to stop long enough to claim your prize before delivering these three to Ponyville.
  1539. >You set off at your usual ground eating pace but quickly become aware of the others lagging behind.
  1540. >Your newfound traveling companions seem to have other ideas about the pace you're going to set. With some minor annoyance you relent. They are only mortal after all.
  1541. >Progress slows to a crawl and you're forced to adjust your mental schedule in light of this.
  1542. >At the current pace you can be in Ponyville shortly after lunch. You had hoped to be done sooner so you could repair your armor with the new cement before seeing Rarity, but that will have to wait now.
  1543. >You leave the open ground and spurs of rock behind, moving onward towards the treeline.
  1544. >You've only barely begun to make your way in to the deep shadows of the forest when Lychee begins to complain loudly of hunger.
  1545. >"If I don't eat something soon I'm gonna fall over and die." She whines pitiably.
  1546. >You're no expert on a pony's metabolism but you suspect that's an exaggeration on her part, all the same best not to chance it.
  1547. >With no provisions to offer them and still miles from Zecora's you're going to have to find another option.
  1548. "I will see if I can scavenge for something edible. If you're too exhausted to go on you'll have to remain behind while I search."
  1550. "I can't move another step" Lychee announces before flopping down on the ground. She sprawls out unceremoniously where she lands and begins to grumble while rubbing her stomach.
  1551. >Ackee has the decency to at least look more apologetic about the matter but says "I could really use something to eat too. Sorry for all the trouble."
  1552. "Very well then. We will find somewhere you might rest safely while I venture out."
  1553. >You find a relatively protected area in the hollow of a tree large enough to accommodate all three bat ponies.
  1554. >After checking the tree for any occupants and finding it empty you shelter them inside.
  1555. >As added assurance you build a small fire nearby to ward off any predators that might be prowling around, that that's likely more of an issue at night.
  1556. >Once the ponies are situated in relative safety you dump the pile of gems and stones from your bag with them freeing the sack up to carry what forage you might find.
  1557. "I will return shortly. If anything dangerous approaches just shout, I will not be far."
  1558. >With that you push off in to the undergrowth, following a game track in hopes of finding some sort of edible vegetation.
  1559. >The search for food is familiar enough, you taste plants here and there easily discerning what might be poisonous and what isn't then piling them in to the bag.
  1560. >The forest despite all the danger is may represent is rich in resources, you quickly find the bag reigning to pile up with an assortment of nuts and berries.
  1561. >A part of you rather wishes you had a cadre of serfs to handle this sort of menial task like so many of the petty warlords other space marines tend to become when they leave the Imperium.
  1562. >You quickly remind yourself how many of that sort you've killed over the centuries to survive.
  1563. >Though many of the things you've had to do have been tedious fighting for survival has kept you sharp when others have lost their edge to indolence.
  1565. >As your search for food continues you spot a fruit bearing tree with some rather horrid looking bats in it.
  1566. >The creatures are red of eye and long of fang with large pointed ears and white tufts of fur topping their heads.
  1567. >Before you can debate the merits of disturbing a nest of the likely blood drinking native fauna you see one sink its fangs into one of the fruits.
  1568. >The fruit desiccates with amazing speed and the creature spits some sort of seed or pit to the ground letting the husk of its meal drop as well.
  1569. >Not carnivores then, though that doesn't rule out the possibility of omnivores.
  1570. >Still the danger seems minimal and with a few handfuls of this fruit you'll have enough food to go back.
  1571. >You've already experienced enough delays today. You trod slowly into the shadow of the tree, watching the creatures who are in turn watching you.
  1572. >You reach up carefully, so as not to disturb the swarm perched about the branches of the tree and pluck down the first fruit.
  1573. >The bats seem ambivalent enough about your presence so you slowly lift your helm and take a bit of the fruit to test it.
  1574. >The flesh is soft and sweet the center filled with the same sort of hard pit you saw the bat discard a moment ago. A stone fruit then, seems safe enough for the ponies.
  1575. >As you go to take another a bat alights on your arm just above the elbow and regards you with those piercing red eyes.
  1576. >It tilts its head this way and that as it looks at you before crawling down your arm to take the half eaten fruit from your hand.
  1577. >This one seems smaller than some of the others, a juvenile perhaps, greedy thing.
  1578. >You raise your arm towards a tree branch shooing the creature off of you, it squeaks in annoyance as you dislodge it from its newly found perch.
  1579. >Once the creature safely back in the tree you return to picking the fruit. You place several handfuls delicately in the bag, taking care not to crush the other food stuffs.
  1582. >You consider for a moment taking more but decide against it. The bats have been tolerant enough of your actions, no need to cause them undue hardship.
  1583. "You have my thanks."
  1584. >You say to the creatures in parting. You detour from the game trail you took here long enough to find a shallow stream, checking that it looks clean enough you refill your water supply from it.
  1585. >That should be enough to hold the ponies over until you can reach town proper.
  1586. >With your bounty of food and drink well secured you return to the makeshift camp you'd left the ponies in.
  1587. >Ackee and Guava seem to be dozing soundly within their cozy hollow, Lychee is a different matter.
  1588. >She has her forehead pressed against the tree staring blankly at a spot on the bark and is grumbling quietly to herself.
  1589. >"Stupid dogs not feeding us enough I ever see them again I'll show'em."
  1590. >She's broken from her vengeance themed reverie by the sound of your approach.
  1591. >She quickly rushes towards you trying to grab the bag as you hold it up, though you keep it safely out of reach for long enough to warn her.
  1592. "Look carefully before you eat anything. I'm not certain what is edible to me is edible for your kind."
  1593. >She's nodding quickly though you're not certain she actually paid you any mind.
  1594. >As soon as you release your hold on the bag she's pulling hoof fulls of the contents from it and shoving them towards her mouth.
  1596. >Given that Lychee is eating with all the grace and restraint of a Fenrisian wolf you decide to wake the others while there's actually food left.
  1597. >You walk over to the hollow in the tree and crouch down, gently nudging the pair of sleeping bat ponies awake.
  1598. >Guava is the first to rouse and only manages a shy nod in reply when you point out food.
  1599. >Ackee is a bit harder to wake, attempting to roll over and go back to sleep before you finally drag him back to wakefulness.
  1600. >He yawns and stretches before finally looking up at you bleary eyed.
  1601. >"Huh, oh sorry I guess I fell asleep. Not used to being awake all day like this you know?"
  1602. "No harm was done. Though I suggest you get something to eat before your sister finishes off what I was able to gather."
  1603. >"Don't have to tell me twice." He says before rushing over to join the others.
  1604. >As the three eat you glance up at the sun, what little of it you can see through the trees, to gauge how much of the day has passed.
  1605. >At the pace you've set with your three new charges you'll be lucky to make it to Ponyville before the businesses close.
  1606. >A part of you wants to be annoyed by the delays but you find yourself unable to.
  1607. >If you're being entirely honest with yourself this past week has been one of the best in your long centuries of life.
  1608. >You haven't felt this much sense of purpose since you left banished to Caliban with your brothers and Luther.
  1609. >You recall once a debate among your brothers about what was to become of your kind once there was the great crusade was over.
  1610. >It was said there were to be different roles that brothers would fill according to their skills.
  1611. >Chapter Masters and officers would have become heads of state as befitting their station and skills.
  1612. >Simple brothers like yourself would have likely become peace keepers and guardians for the more dangerous worlds.
  1614. >The Heresy stole any chance of that, at least that's what you had once thought but in your short time here you already seem to have fallen in to the role you were meant to take.
  1615. >You'll Shepard the ponies to town arriving whenever you arrive. Hopefully Rarity is forgiving about being kept waiting for a reason like this.
  1616. >You're pulled from your introspection by Lychee prodding at your side, holding up the empty sack.
  1617. >"Got anything else to eat?" She asks with a hopeful grin.
  1618. >You take the sack from her shaking it out to clear it of any food debris.
  1619. "At the moment no, you have my word I will find you something when we make it as far as town."
  1620. "Besides that you should wait before you eat more anyway. If you gorge yourself after starving you'll be sick."
  1621. >Lychee grumbles something you're fairly certain is another complaint about her stomach as you go to shovel all the gems back in to your bag, but you elect to ignore it.
  1622. >Once your bounty is collected once more you stamp out the fire you had built and get everyone moving again.
  1623. >You it takes another few hours before you reach Zecora's hut, since you're having to stick to more established paths for the sake of the others rather than just trudging through the undergrowth.
  1624. >You had hoped to keep your exchange at the hut brief but Zecora offers the others some sort of herbal tea and something to eat.
  1625. >While she takes care of her news guests you busy yourself with testing the repair cement she's created.
  1626. >It only takes a few minutes to dry one mixed and while you're not certain it's an exact duplicate of the real thing it is a passable substitute.
  1627. "You've done fine work Zecora. With this I should be able to finally repair my armor, you have my thanks."
  1628. >She looks over from where she's pouring a second coup of tea for Lychee and smiles.
  1629. >"I'm glad that it will do the trick, I feared the paste might dry too quick."
  1631. "Drying quickly is all the better for field repair. If you have further need of any materials I may require another batch of this in the near future."
  1632. >Zecora makes her way over to a small pot dangling over the fire and stirs something inside.
  1633. >"I think we can arrange a deal, for now your friends should have their meal." She says as she starts to dole out portions of soup for the others.
  1634. "Agreed."
  1635. >While the others take their meal you patch the hole in your breastplate, carefully building up layers of cement around the edges until the gap is entirely sealed.
  1636. >Your armor is one step closer to whole, and once you get back to the garrison you'll see if you can salvage the left arm.
  1637. >If nothing else you might be able to hold the fratctured pieces together with repair cement and reinforce it with rivets steel bands.
  1638. >Not an ideal solution but you've seen more outlandish things done.
  1639. >After you emerged from the warp you'd lost out on a lot of time, and one thing you'd learned about the Heresy was that the lack of replacement armor parts lead to some interesting modifications.
  1640. >You'd heard of loyalists cobbling suits patched together with metal plates from tank tread and whatever spare pieces they could find.
  1641. >The non standard equipment from the chaos factions is a bit more varied and tends to range from the esoteric to the horrific.
  1642. >You may be willing to use an enchanted sword gifted to you by the strange rulers of this world, but binding daemons to your armor as they do is going entirely too far.
  1643. >Though given the apparent differences between the magic the ponies utilize and the taint of warp born sorcery perhaps you should consider some enchantments for your battle plate.
  1644. >It's something to look in to at any rate.
  1645. >Putting such thoughts aside you store away the remainder of your repair cement. It looks like the others have finished eating.
  1646. "It's not much further to town from here, is everyone ready?"
  1648. >"Yeah, let's hurry up and get there, I can't wait to sleep in an actual bed again!" Lychee says making quickly for the door.
  1649. >"That'll be nice." Guava agrees, which is also the longest sentence you'd heard her speak all day.
  1650. >"Thank you for the food Zecora, it was nice meeting you." Ackee says giving a wave over his shoulder with a hoof as he slips out the door.
  1651. >You lead the others in to town without further incident, though a good half a day past when you'd hoped to arrive.
  1652. >To your chagrin there doesn't seem to be an actual guard presence maintained in Ponyville.
  1653. >While it is unfortunate you can't pass your charges on to someone more suited to making arrangements to get them home you're not not one to leave a job half done.
  1654. >You carefully consider your options, you have no idea where Hollow Shades is but it's likely too far to walk in anypony in the condition these three are in.
  1655. >You turn to Lychee.
  1656. "Does the train run as far as Hollow Shades?"
  1657. >"Yeah definitely, but we don't exactly have any bits for tickets."
  1658. >You likely don't either, but no point in telling her that.
  1659. >You hand her the belt pouch containing what's left of your bits, not much but more than they had.
  1660. "Use this to buy what provisions you might need for the trip. I will secure you passage on the train."
  1661. >She starts to push the pouch back to you as she protests "Look you've been great but we can't just take your money after everything else."
  1662. >You wave her complaints off.
  1663. "I must insist. The peop...er ponies of your country have been generous to me in my time of need. I am returning the gesture."
  1664. >This seems to mollify her for the most part, and she takes the bits with only slight reluctance.
  1665. "Good. Now I will see about your passage. Find me at the station when you are ready."
  1667. >As things transpire your your reputation precedes you, at least in Ponyville.
  1668. >Between you guard insignia, and your heroics at the gorge the station master is more than willing to give you a trio of tickets for the weary bat ponies once you explain things.
  1669. >"Fightin off timber wolves, stopping crashes, and now scaring off Diamond Dogs, you guards sure do stay busy."
  1670. >The middle age mare remarks as she stamps the tickets.
  1671. >"Now I've got them down for a sleeper car for the trip. Figure they'll need the rest after everything they've been through."
  1672. >She pushes the tickets to you through a the slot under the window.
  1673. >"You just see me any time you need a ticket. It's the least we can do."
  1674. >You take the tickets and offer your thanks.
  1675. >With that taken care of you head to the platform to await the others amid the crowd of ponies waiting on their train.
  1676. >You soon spot them approaching with a pair of bags laden with food.
  1677. >Given your distinctive appearance you doubt it was difficult for them to see you.
  1678. >As they near you offer up the tickets you've secured.
  1679. "These should see you home safely."
  1680. >Ackee takes the tickets and smiles up at you. "We can't thank you enough for everything. Is there anything we can do to repay you?"
  1681. "That isn't necessary, your thanks are enough."
  1682. >Lychee flies up and hugs you, the motion made awkward by her inability to actually reach all the way around your chest to embrace you.
  1683. >You catch yourself smiling behind your helm, though you're not usually one for such sentimentality you pat her on the back.
  1684. >Guava who seems embarrassed but caught up in the moment joins her, you give them both a moment before gently prying them off.
  1685. "I have a few things to attend. Will you be alright waiting by yourselves here?"
  1686. >Lychee who is smiling but looking teary-eyed gives you a nod and waves you off.
  1687. >"We'll be fine now thanks to you."
  1688. >You give a nod then depart, sparing a backwards glance towards the three waving goodbye from the platform.
  1690. >You head as quickly as you can to the boutique but find the doors locked and lights off.
  1691. >A note stuck to the door catches your attention, your grasp of the Equestrian written language still isn't the strongest but it appears to be addressed to you.
  1692. >A few parts are beyond your ability to translate as of yet but it seems there was some sort of minor emergency with Princess Twilight and Rarity has gone to the castle.
  1693. >Well you had intended to visit the castle anyway, perhaps you can assist with whatever this emergency is.
  1694. >Your destination isn't far, nor difficult to find, though you had expected to be challenged by some sort of security the main door stands unguarded.
  1695. >Unsure of what else to do you go to knock but find the large door drifts open under your touch.
  1696. "Is anyone there? I mean no trespass."
  1697. >You call out into the empty foyer but the only thing that greets you is your own voice returned as a distorted echo.
  1698. >Cautiously you press inside closing the door behind yourself.
  1699. >A casual inspection reveals no signs of life, but having already come this far you press on.
  1700. >Choosing a hallway at random you continue to call out as you walk but receive no reply.
  1701. >As you come to an intersection you hear a muffled noise from behind one of the large crystalline green doors.
  1702. >Pressing an ear closer you hear the sounds of..conflict?
  1703. >You push the door open and are greeted by a confusing sight.
  1704. >Before you stands a cavern of immense size far larger than should be inside the first floor of a castle like this.
  1705. >Dotting the cavern at various points are large fungi providing sources of dim multi hued light, but it's the sight at the far side of the cavern that has your immediate attention.
  1706. >You see a red pony in black armor and a small purple reptilian creatures wearing some manner of pointed hat and wielding a staff.
  1708. >Currently the two are backed up on to a defensible ridge giving battle to a horde of animate skeletons armed with a wide array of weapons.
  1709. >The red pony, a unicorn by the look of him is battering the skeletons back with a massive, relatively speaking, sword.
  1710. >Meanwhile the lizard creature is firing blasts of magic from his staff at anything that makes it past the pony's line of defense.
  1711. >They are putting up an admirable, if undisciplined defense, but sheer numbers are likely to overcome them.
  1712. >You have little doubt this must have been the emergency Rarity spoke of, but there's no sign of her.
  1713. >You'll simply have to hope she's safe, for now your course of action is plain to see. You charge.
  1714. >The wolves of Rus or Angron's butchers might go howling and screaming in to battle but a knight of Caliban has more composure.
  1715. >Though it is clear you face the foulest sorcery here your twin hearts beat calmly, your expression is stern, and your sword arm swift.
  1716. >You hit the back line of the skeleton horde like a battering ram sending splinters and shards of bone flying in every direction with wide sweeping cuts of your enchanted blade.
  1717. >Before you can make much headway towards the pair of besieged warriors a flaming bolt flashes by, scraping along the top of your pauldron and just barely missing your helm.
  1718. >Several more bolts follow quickly behind it and you throw yourself away from the horde and in to the relative safety of a stalagmite.
  1719. >Normally such mundane projectiles run off your armor as harmlessly as rain, but given the sorts of magic at play in this cavern you're not going to assume anything is as safe as it seems.
  1720. >You peek from behind cover to find the archers and spot them atop a pile of rocks further down the cave four in total.
  1721. >Each of them are holding some sort of crossbow like weapon in the same sort of magical aura you're accustomed to unicorns using.
  1723. >Before they can redirect fire at the others you break from cover and sprint towards them, shoulder forward and head down to deflect any bolts that find their mark.
  1724. >A few more bolts glances from your armor but fail to find purchase, and then you're within reach of the archers.
  1725. >You split the head of the first skeleton, bisecting it cleanly just below the eye sockets before slicing another apart with your return stroke.
  1726. >The next falls to a thrust through the eye socket that takes a quarter of its skull when you rip the blade free.
  1727. >The final you dispatch with a downward blow, shattering it apart with the pommel of your sword.
  1728. >You spare a second to snatch up one of the weapons they had been using examining it.
  1729. >It appears to be some manner of repeating crossbow, fitted with a wooden magazine sat atop the weapon to hold the bolts.
  1730. >Normally you'd be more reluctant to scavenge a potentially magic weapon without closer inspection, but the situation is dire.
  1731. >The weapon is a bit awkward to grip due to its small size but tearing off the trigger guard helps.
  1732. >You test fire it towards the horde and watch as the bolt self ignites in the air before striking one of the skeletons shattering part of it.
  1733. >A grin splits your features beneath the stoic face of your helm. It's not a bolter, but it'll do for now.
  1734. >You quickly grab the other bolt magazines from the discarded weapons and toss them in one of your belt pouches.
  1735. >Gripping your sword in your right hand and the crossbow in your left you enter the fray once more.
  1736. >You visit righteous retribution on the abominations with bolt and blade reaping a fearsome toll.
  1737. >Each swing of your sword sees a skeleton sundered and each shot of the crossbow sees a bolt bury itself in an undead skull.
  1739. >The warriors on the ridge have rallied at the sight of you, no longer fighting to hold ground they press the attack.
  1740. >The pony in armor uses that sword to impressive effect, sending undead flying with each deadly sweep.
  1741. >The Sorcerer, for that is what you've decided the purple one must be, is turning the skeletons to piles of dust with blasts from his staff.
  1742. >The horde quickly crumbles beneath your combined assault and you meet the warriors in the middle of the field of battle.
  1743. >They seem wary of you, but not openly hostile, you sheath your sword and doff helm, tucking it beneath your arm.
  1744. >The reptilian creature is the first to speak.
  1745. >"I have no idea who you are but we sure are glad to see you. Not that we couldn't have handled that. I'm Garbunkle the wizard and this is Sir Mcbiggun."
  1746. >The pony in the horned black helm gives "Eyuup" at the mention of his name.
  1747. "Well met, I am Anoniaus, Knight of Caliban. What has happened here?"
  1748. >"Things are looking pretty bad right now, we thought we'd defeated the Squizard for good last time, but now he's back."
  1749. >"Worse than that he's stolen an amulet that magnifies his power and now he's trying to raise an army of giant skeletons buried in the depths of this cave."
  1750. >Clearly you should have tried to read further in that history book, you've not heard of any of these threats..
  1751. >Still fortune appears to be on your side and you've arrived in time to render aide, though you hate facing such foul sorcery it must be stopped.
  1752. "I am not familiar with this Squizard, but you have my word as a Knight of Caliban I shall do everything I can to aide you in this quest."
  1754. >The Wizard Garbunkle considers your offer for a moment, "Well we were supposed to meet up with our Archer friend but there's been no sign of him yet."
  1755. >"So we could definitely use the help. One thing though, where exactly is Caliban, I've never heard of it."
  1756. "That would be a matter best discussed at length later. Sufficed to say it was very far from here when it existed."
  1757. >"Mysterious lost kingdom eh? I'll have to ask Twilight about that later, for now let's get going."
  1758. >You fall in to step with your newfound comrades in arms, having to reduce your own pace severely to accommodate their shorter legs.
  1759. >As you begin to make your way further in to the cavern you come to appreciate just how massive it is. It must run beneath half of Ponyville.
  1760. >How this is the first you've heard of this place is a mystery to you, perhaps you should have read up more on local history rather than just the history of the nation.
  1761. >Your group winds its way deeper into the cavern, the dim light cast by the glowing fungi and a glow emitted by Garbunkle's staff.
  1762. >Further in the cavern gives way to a great chasm dominated by a stygian darkness.
  1763. >"The Pit of Despair." Garbunkle says in a somewhat theatrical tone as he waves his staff to indicate the chasm.
  1764. >"The Squizard will have his lair at the bottom. If we hurry we might be able to stop him before he raises any more skeletons."
  1765. >"Nope." The first thing you've heard Sir Mcbiggun say, and for having chosen but a single word it is poignant.
  1766. >You look at the Knight and follow his outstretched hoof to first of the undead slowly rising.
  1767. >Unlike the previous skeletons these are covered by carpet of fungal growths, explaining how they had previously escaped your notice, buried as they were.
  1769. >A small blessing is that they seem to be lightly armed, a few boasting clubs made of fractured lengths of leg bone but little else.
  1770. >Cursing yourself for your laxity you fire off a few bolts at the abominations as they rise but for every one you put down two more are beginning to animate.
  1771. "Fall back, find a way down the chasm."
  1772. >You draw your sword as you place yourself firmly in the path of the undead.
  1773. >The wizard takes up a place beside you supporting you with blasts of magic from his staff as Sir Mcbiggun fervently searches fervently for a path.
  1774. >You're doing your damnedest to suppress the horde before it gathers much strength but the undead ranks are quickly growing the monsters animating more quickly now.
  1775. >In another position they wouldn't be much threat to you, but surrounded with your back to a cliff they may be able to force you over by sheer weight of numbers.
  1776. >Carried down into the abyss in an unholy tide of ensorcelled bone is not a way you want to die.
  1777. >If it comes to it you'll throw the wizard to safety. He seems small enough for it, and someone needs to escape to warn the Princess.
  1778. >The foremost rank of skeletons has just come within reach of your sword when Sir Mcbiggun calls out "Here!"
  1779. >You decapitate a trio of undead with a sweep of your sword and glance over your shoulder to his position.
  1780. >Further along the edge of the Chasm he seems to have found a path, and is waving you and Garbunkle over.
  1781. "Go, I'll act as rear guard"
  1782. >You say nodding the Wizard ahead as you make a fighting retreat.
  1783. >You hold the line long enough for Garbunkle to regroup with his companion then give a parting slash at the skeletons before turning and sprinting away.
  1784. >The undead are blessedly slow giving you time to reach the others. As you near them you see what Sir Mcbiggun has found, and it does not look promising.
  1785. >A rope and plank bridge, built to suit someone of much smaller stature than you, that is even if it weren't half rotten with age.
  1787. "Are you certain it will hold?"
  1788. >You ask eyeing the ancient looking bridge with a healthy amount of skepticism.
  1789. >"Nope." He says shaking his head.
  1790. >At least Sir Mcbiggun is honest, you have to credit him that much.
  1791. >"Well we don't exactly have a lot of other options right now." You see the Wizard swallow nervously. "I'm the lightest, I'll go first."
  1792. >He takes a tentative step out on to the bridge, the skeleton horde is only about 20 feet distant now.
  1793. >Their forms thrown in to strange relief and casting long shadows from the glowing mushrooms clinging to their bony frames.
  1794. >Grabunkle is three fourths of the way across the bridge which is groaning ominously, you motion to Sir Mcbiggun to follow him as you lay in to the skeletons once more.
  1795. >Your lash out with your blade felling skeletons with every stroke, sending many of your fallen foes tumbling from the cliff, but it isn't enough.
  1796. >In the poor light you can only guess at their numbers but the seething carpet of bone marching towards you must contain at least two hundred individuals, possibly more.
  1797. >"Anoniaus, we're clear!" Grabunkle shouts from across the chasm.
  1798. You move for the bridge and gingerly test it with one foot but just putting part of your weight on the first plank causes it to splinter and tumble down towards the depths.
  1799. >The horde is behind you, the yawning maw of the chasm before you, with nothing else for it you sheath your sword, take two running steps and jump for the far side.
  1800. >You fly out above the seemingly depth less fall, soaring towards the other side before gravity reasserts itself and you plummet.
  1801. >You slam against the opposite cliff face 15 feet down and scrabble for a hand hold, stones breaking free beneath your fingers.
  1802. >You dig with your feet and claw desperately at the stone before finally catching a hand hold and arresting your fall, now nearly twice as far down the cliff.
  1804. >Sir Mcbiggun appears at the edge of the cliff above and to your left. His sword held before him in is magical grip he deftly slices through the ropes of the bridge.
  1805. >It falls away behind you, and you hear it impact against the ledge you were just on a moment before.
  1806. >With the threat of the Skeltons allayed for the moment you focus on climbing your way up the cliff.
  1807. >"You alright down there big guy?" Garbunkle asks from above. Having crawled carefully towards the edge of the cliff to peer down at you.
  1808. "I have been in worse situations. I will rejoin you shortly, be wary of another ambush until then.
  1809. >With your warning given and the others now acting as lookout you begin to feel about for hand and footholds.
  1810. >Progress up the cliff is painstakingly slow, the rocks here treacherous and prone to breaking free.
  1811. >Each new handhold requires you to slowly put your weight on it to test it.
  1812. >If only there were some metal on the cliff you could mag-lock your boots to the cursed thing and be up in seconds.
  1813. >As you lift your arm and place your hand to test the latest hand hold the cliff lurches beneath you swinging you out over the void.
  1814. >Some sort of horrible trap left for those who would dare the cliff you have no doubt.
  1815. >You grip as tightly as you can with your fingers but there's not enough stone for you to gain purchase and you slip free.
  1816. >You begin to fall your stomach twisting sickeningly as you prepare for the worst.
  1817. >Then you suddenly find yourself sitting on the floor in front of the door you had previously entered.
  1818. >The stone beneath you isn't that of the cavern but smooth and polished, and the walls are of blue stone with crystal columns.
  1819. >The cavern is no where to be seen, and Rarity is standing before you, giving you a rather amused look as you whip your head about trying to get your bearings.
  1820. >"Anon darling, I didn't expect to see you here. Did the boys ask you to join them for their game?"
  1822. You rise quickly dusting yourself off to preserve as much dignity as you can in this situation.
  1823. "Ah, not as such. I rather stumbled in by mistake and they were kind enough to include me."
  1824. >With the Illusion of the room dispelled you can see your companions for what they actually are.
  1825. >The Wizard seems to be some sort of reptilian child creature wearing a costume beard and hat.
  1826. >The Knight is similarly clad in clearly fake armor and now lacks the horn he had moments ago.
  1827. >"How very nice, though I had thought someone like you might be a bit busy for games." Rarity's tone is hard to read.
  1828. "Nonsense it serves as an excellent training exercise. Similar to the blood games Custodes undertook, though a great deal less dangerous."
  1829. >She blinks in surprise at that "Blood games? That sounds just dreadful darling."
  1830. >Well she's not wrong. From what you had heard those tended to have a high mortality rate for the non Custodes unfortunate enough to be in the area.
  1831. "Yes, well that is why this is a fine alternative. It is always good to rehearse any sort of scenario that might come up."
  1832. >"Garbunkle has made his way over at this point. "Hiya Rarity, done fixing Twilight's dress?"
  1833. >"Hello spike, sorry to interrupt your fun, but yes almost. I was just going to let you know that Pinkie stopped by to dropped off a few snacks if you'd like any."
  1834. >Glad to have the focus has shifted to someone else you edge by Rarity and in to the hall to pick up the bag of gems you had dropped in your rush towards battle.
  1835. >"Oh great thanks" Spike says trotting off towards the hall. As an afterthought he pauses and shouts back in to the room.
  1836. >"Hey Big Mac, Discord, you want anything?"
  1837. >Wait, did he say..
  1838. >Before you can finish the thought there's a pop of displaced air and the daemon is standing within arms reach.
  1839. >The yellow eyes with mismatched pupils and head topped with different horns. The serpentine body covered with fur, the limbs from a multitude of creatures.
  1841. >Revulsion fills you at the sight of the warp spawned thing, though none of the others seem to be reacting.
  1842. >Have you been misled, lured in to some sort of trap?
  1843. >All of your instincts scream at you to draw your sword and rend this aberrant things limb from limb.
  1844. >To bathe this denizen of the immaterium in cleansing fire and banish it back to the hell which gave it life.
  1845. >You do none of these things, your position on this world is precarious at best, at least until you secure the backing of the Princesses.
  1846. >"I suppose I could use a little something. While you do that I'm going to get better acquainted with our new friend here." The Daemon says moving to lean up against your pauldron.
  1847. >Your skin crawls at the proximity and you find yourself grateful for your helm which obscures your facial expression.
  1848. >Big Mac and Spike as both head off to retrieve the promised snacks.
  1849. >"Well" Rarity intones politely "I'll leave you boys to your fun. Do stop by the boutique whenever you're finished Anon.
  1850. "I will be along shortly."
  1851. >You manage to keep your voice steady despite the current situation.
  1852. >Once Rarity departs you quickly turn your attention to the daemon, who is speaking again like you're the oldest of friends.
  1853. >"I wasn't expecting you at our little game. Quite a surprise the way you rushed in and took charge. Really through all my plans in to chaos, but who doesn't love a little chaos now and then?"
  1854. >You reach up and brush the daemons clawed hand from your pauldron.
  1855. "Yes well, as fun as that was I should be going. I am expected elsewhere."
  1856. >You turn to leave but find the daemon standing before you, blocking your path once more.
  1857. >"Oh come on, don't be a spoil sport. I'm sure we can find other ways to have a bit of fun."
  1858. >Annoyed now you push past and start walking, the daemon floating lazily in the air beside you on his back, hands behind his head.
  1860. "Forgive me if I have given you the wrong impression but I have little interest in associating with a servant of Tzn "
  1861. >You find yourself cut off mid scentence the daemon standing in front of you now with claw and paw pressed over the vox grille of your helm in an attempt to silence you.
  1862. >He looks around furtively as if waiting for something to happen. "Let's not say that name around here. I think we'd both rather not have the attention of any of the big four."
  1863. >You mentally file that reaction away for later and remove the daemons hands from you once more, though this time more roughly.
  1864. "To avoid any misunderstanding I will be blunt, I do not consort with the powers or your kind as some of my brothers have, and I have no desire for that to change."
  1865. >Discord snorts "That's rich coming from someone carrying around a magic sword."
  1866. >You spare glance for the sword but quickly dismiss the daemons implied meaning.
  1867. >It was necessity that dictated you have a weapon, and besides that servants of the Changer of Ways are known to be masters of deceit.
  1868. >Your justification rings hollow even as you think it, but your push doubt aside.
  1869. "If there is a point to this conversation I would suggest you reach it quickly."
  1870. >"Well your rudeness aside I think we both want the same thing really."
  1871. "Oh, and what do you imagine that to be?"
  1872. >You ask crossing your arms as much to display your annoyance as to remove the temptation to strike the beast.
  1873. >"Since you seem to like everything put so bluntly I'll make this simple for you. I've got a good thing going here and I don't want you, or anyone else ruining it."
  1874. >The creature postures brushing his claws off against the fur of his chest. "Chaos in moderation makes for more fun than just going all in at once."
  1875. >"The others never seem to get that but as long as they don't know about this place they're content to stay out there and have their long war, and I'm content to stay right here."
  1877. "Are you saying this place is hidden from the sight of the dark powers?"
  1878. >You let disbelief color your tone, then quickly curse yourself for engaging with the creature.
  1879. >It's like as not to tell nothing but lies and half truths but still, this new revelation is tempting.
  1880. >"Not hidden, more like overlooked. Think of it like looking for a for a single pebble in a creek bed. There are so many it's easy to miss."
  1881. >"And even if you did find it, so what, there's millions of others like it."
  1882. "Magic seems to flow freely in this place and you maintain your form. That means the veil is thin here. Which means this place should be swarming with your kind."
  1883. >"For someone who doesn't "consort" with "My kind" you seem to know an awful lot about the subject" The daemon says trying to get a rise out of you.
  1884. >You simply glare quietly and wait for the creature to make his point.
  1885. >Discord rolls is eyes and sighs at your lack of reaction"Look you said it yourself, magic flows freely here. I mean the ponies have no shortage of would be sorcerers."
  1886. >To emphasize his point the daemon claps his hands together then spreads them making a small silhouette of an alicorn appear in between them.
  1887. >"You've got the princesses" He swirls his finger above the image and several more appear to flank it taking on various hues.
  1888. >"Then you've got unicorns" Another silhouette" Changelings, centaurs, the list goes on. Which means that coming here can pose a number of risks."
  1889. >"You've got banishment imprisonment or potentially more permanent problems. The point is for most beings the place is more trouble than it's worth."
  1890. >"So it gets overlooked, and that's the way I'd like to keep it." The daemon claps his hands together around the figures he had created causing them to disperse with a puff of smoke.
  1891. >"But now You've shown up and don't take this the wrong way" Discord says holding his claws up in a conciliatory gesture "but you have the potential to cause all the wrong sorts of chaos."
  1893. >You give a grunt of irritation but let the creature continue to ramble on, the more he gives away without learning anything from you the better.
  1894. >"It's in your nature, you just can't help yourselves. I mean when I cause mayhem, disaster and disharmony it's because I decided to."
  1895. >"You humans on the other hand, you just can't get along with anyone. I mean you couldn't even stop fighting yourselves long enough to get anything done."
  1896. >You can tell by the look creeping on to the creatures misshapen face that he's just toying with you now.
  1897. >"Just a few hundred of you put off more negative emotions than most of the things on this planet put together."
  1898. >"Your empire gives the powers more to feed on than most of their own cults, isn't that just amazing?"
  1899. "It is contemptible, we proclaim ourselves rightful rulers of the galaxy, but in truth we haven't the unity to hold a legion together let alone an Imperium."
  1900. >Discord blinks, that doesn't seem to be the answer he was expecting.
  1901. "As you say it is in our nature. Conflict, jealously, treachery. I have experienced my share of these at the hands of brothers, but I've moved on now."
  1902. >"Oh?" He says in a tone of mock surprise. "So you're not like the rest of them then hmm? No thirst for glory or grudges to hold?"
  1903. "I am not without my failings creature, the difference is I have tried not to let them define or consume me."
  1904. >"No you ran from them instead" a voice in your head says.
  1905. >You're forced to wonder if it's proximity to this creature bringing these unpleasant thoughts to bear or if you're merely letting the things he says get under your skin.
  1906. >Having tired of this discussion you make to leave now. Discord calls out behind you as you depart.
  1907. >"Just know I'll be watching, and you can be sure I'm not the only one."
  1908. >Discords tone is friendly, but you find the content of the message unsettling.
  1909. >Happy to be putting space between yourself and the daemon you make your way out of the castle through.
  1911. >As you enter the main hall, you find Spike and Big Mac once more, though this time they are accompanied what appears to be an Alicorn.
  1912. >Though this one is much smaller in stature than Luna, and purple of coat.
  1913. >"Oh hey, that's the guy I was just telling you about." Spike says indicating you with a claw as he speaks to the purple pony.
  1914. >So far the only Alicorns you've learned of are royalty by this planets caste system, and you know a Princess Twilight dwells here.
  1915. >Given that it's not a difficult leap of logic to surmise that this is her.
  1916. >Still unsure of the greetings in this place you set down your bag of gems and put fist to breastplate and give a half bow.
  1917. "Greetings Princess, forgive my intrusion, I am Anoniaus of Caliban."
  1918. >"Wait, so that wasn't just something you made up for the game?" Spike asks scratching his scaled head in confusion.
  1919. "Not as such no, I believe there may have been some confusion on both our parts."
  1920. >Spike begins to snigger "Wait, are you telling me you thought all that was rea.."
  1921. >Twilight quickly shoves him behind her with a wing smiling nervously.
  1922. >"What Spike is trying to say is that it's great to have you here."
  1923. >Subtlety is not this ones strong suit it would seem. That being said she has gone out of her way to spare your dignity, and for that you are grateful.
  1924. "Ah, thank you Princess, it is good to meet you as well. I've heard about you but there is still so much about your world I don't know."
  1925. >"Oh I can only imagine. I mean I have so many questions I'd love to ask you too."
  1926. "Perhaps we can arrange to make an exchange of information at some point then."
  1927. >You can see the excitement on the Princesses face as she levitates a quill and ink over apparently preparing to take notes.
  1928. >"Alright so first question, you said your home world is called "Caliban?"
  1929. "That is correct but I fear it is a rather lengthy story. Perhaps this would be better done another time, when we are both prepared."
  1931. >"How about we set up a time then. I'm think I could work you in any day this week." Twilight says levitating over a new scroll before pouring over it.
  1932. >Spike has made his way from behind here and seems to have taken interest in your bag of gems, a few of which have spilled out on the floor.
  1933. >"Hey Anon, you think maybe I could get a couple of those? They look delicious."
  1934. >Twilight levitates her scroll aside giving spike an annoyed look "Spike don't be rude, besides you just ate."
  1935. "These are just gemstones."
  1936. >You explain hoping to dispel any confusion as to what you're carrying.
  1937. >He likely has a strong sense of smell and is picking up traces of the food you had in the bag earlier.
  1938. >"Uh yeah..I know." He says looking at you as if you might be simple.
  1939. >Now you're just plain bewildered. Well at least there's any easy way to see where this is going.
  1940. "Feel free to take a few if you like. I only need the most clear ones anyway. Well that and someone to cut gems."
  1941. >"Sweet, thanks!" You watch as the young dragon begins to grab clawfuls of the gems popping them in to his mouth a few at a time.
  1942. >When he gets to a larger one he bites in to it like an apple, leaving clearly cut teeth marks through the gems.
  1943. >You're more than a bit amazed. No signs of cracking obvious in the gem, it wasn't broken apart with pressure, it was just sliced cleanly through.
  1944. >His teeth may well be the sharpest thing you've ever encountered outside a mono-molecular blade.
  1945. >They're definitely among the hardest for him to tear through so many gems without chipping or breaking them.
  1946. >"You okay there Anon. You're creepin me out a little." Spike says hesitantly.
  1947. >It is only then you note that you've been staring rather obviously.
  1948. "Ah, my apologies. I've never seen anyone eat a gemstone before. Feel free to take a few more."
  1949. >As spike starts to pile his arms full Twilight looks over from her appointment list and frowns.
  1951. >"Don't eat all those at once Spike. You remember the stomach ache you got last time."
  1952. >Spike grumbles something noncommittal in reply and apparently satisfied Twilight returns her attention to you.
  1953. >"So about that meeting."She says beaming excitedly again. "When's good for you?"
  1954. "If you've the time free I could come back tomorrow evening. I've a few minor things to attend, but little else that should require my attention."
  1955. >"Great, I'll just write you in for tomorrow afternoon, that way we have plenty of time to cover everything."
  1956. >"Let's see I'm gonna need scrolls, and a few spare quills and "Twilight's continues to list things to herself as Spike pokes at your leg to get your attention.
  1957. >"You should probably just go ahead and leave while you can. She's gonna be like this for a while."
  1958. >Taking the little dragon's word for it you gather up the remainder of your gemstones and make your way from the castle.
  1959. >You must have spent more time than you thought in Spike's illusory game, as the sun is sinking low on the horizon when you exit the castle.
  1960. >Making haste you head for Rarity's boutique along the wide packed dirt streets of Ponyville.
  1961. >You find the shop with lights on, but a sign reading "closed" is on the door.
  1962. >You knock gently and try the handle finding it opens easily, pushing it slightly ajar you peek inside but see no one around.
  1963. "It is Anoniaus, may I enter?"
  1964. >You call out in to the seemingly empty shop.
  1965. >You don't have to wait long before a small white unicorn trots up to greet you, she looks similar to Rarity, but obviously younger.
  1966. >She looks at you for a moment before shouting towards the back of the shop "Rarity, there's a giant at the door!"
  1967. >Not really certain how to deal with this you just stand quietly waiting to see if her shouting has yielded any results.
  1968. >Just a moment later you see Rarity rushing down the stairs. "Sweetie Belle don't be rude. That's Anon, invite him inside."
  1970. >"Rarity says you can come in if you want." Sweetie says pushing the door further open. >"Rarity says you're some kind of knight, are all of you aliens this big?"
  1971. >That draws a smirk from you, you haven't had much cause to interact with children in your lifetime, but you can always trust them to get to them to be blunt.
  1972. >You enter the boutique and close the door behind you before answering her question.
  1973. "I am an Astartes, that's a kind of human, most of us are this large, a few larger. Most humans don't grow over six feet tall, about here."
  1974. >You hold a hand up to your chest just a bit below your neck to indicate the appropriate height.
  1975. >"So what's the difference between a human and an Astartes?" She asks struggling with the word a bit.
  1976. >Before you get the chance to answer Rarity interjects from nearby where she's pulling a number of garments from behind a curtain.
  1977. >"Sweetie stop bothering Anon I'm sure he's very busy with the guard and has to get back soon."
  1978. >The filly pouts "I was just asking about him."
  1979. >You head for the far end of the shop where Rarity is sorting threw a few things.
  1980. "I don't mind the questions, it's not as if she's the only one curious in Ponyville."
  1981. >"That's very kind of you Anon, but right now we need to get you out of that armor to make certain everything fits."
  1982. >Rarity spends the next several minutes removing pieces of armor from you with her magic.
  1983. >You move whichever way is needed to make it easier on her, but take the chance to answer Sweetie Belles question.
  1984. >Of course answering one opened you up to a barrage of follow up questions.
  1985. >You do your best to answer her questions while keeping the answers appropriate for her age.
  1986. >It has only recently occurred to you that this planet may know little of the wider universe, and in some cases the less they know the better.
  1988. >That'll be something to discuss with the Princess tomorrow.
  1989. >You've likely already affected their culture simply with the knowledge you exist.
  1990. >What damage you might do by carelessly spreading word of the horrors that lie among the stars is untelling.
  1991. >Eventually Sweeite's line of questioning comes round to more recent events, specifically your recent visit from Princess Luna.
  1992. >Rarity decides to intercede on your behalf when Sweetie Belle asks if she can try out your magic sword.
  1993. >You see Rarity's blue magical aura pushing her sister towards the stairs leading up to the second floor, all the while her Sweeite Belle is protesting.
  1994. >"I wasn't gonna cut anything with it. I just wanted to see it." Sweetie whines as she's shoved onto the bottom step.
  1995. >"You can see it just fine where it is. Look with your eyes not your hooves. Now go finish your homework." Rarity says with a tone that will brook no argument.
  1996. >Sweeite sulks but does as she is ordered and heads upstairs leaving you to try on your new wardrobe in peace.
  1997. >It would seem that Rarity made all the garments you requested and a few more besides.
  1998. >Most of the pieces are fairly simple, at least the ones made to go beneath your armor, but extremely well made.
  1999. >For the Surcoat however she has outdone herself. A wing sword stands emblazoned on the chest in gold thread, against white cloth trimmed in places with green.
  2000. >The cloth feels sturdy, but soft to the touch. You know little about the tailors arts but suspect this must have been expensive to produce.
  2001. "I fear I shall never have cause to wear something so fine, for fear I might ruin it."
  2002. >You say as you hold it up to your chest to check the length.
  2003. >It appears to be large enough to go over your armor as you requested,and even splits partway down the back to allow it to sit between your back and your armors power supply.
  2004. >"That one is just for formal occasions darling."Rarity says levitating a similar, but much plainer surcoat towards you.
  2006. >This one appears to be made of a more coarse material, still finely sewn, but lacking in the gold thread that adorns the other.
  2007. >"These were simple enough to make so I took the liberty of making a few spares. I wasn't certain about the hood you asked for though."
  2008. >"The wings on your helmet stick up a bit far for the hood to cover and I didn't know if you intended to wear it up with that on."
  2009. "The holes won't be nessecary, I had intended to leave the hood down with my helm on. You have outdone yourself."
  2010. >After you tried everything on and Rarity has made enough adjustments to suit her taste you attempt to bring up the matter of price.
  2011. >"Oh I couldn't dream of charging you anything, you've already done so much to make our little town safer in your short time here."
  2012. "I must insist on some form of payment. After all I may need to request more from you in the future and I can't very well expect you to simply give everything away."
  2013. >You have done exactly that in the past, but those situations were a bit different.
  2014. >It's one thing to demand tribute from heretics, pirates, and rebel forces but quite another to do so when the inhabitants of this planet have treated you so kindly.
  2015. >The argument goes back and forth for a bit before Rarity, somewhat reluctantly agrees to send the bill to the garrison.
  2016. >With that done Rarity helps you with your armor once more and you bid her a good evening, departing for the garrison.
  2017. >It occurs to you Steel Heart might be somewhat annoyed by the unplanned expense the amount of items you've gotten likely a bit larger than what was planned for.
  2018. >Ah well, the Princess will likely cover it if it comes down to that, given the offere she extended you.
  2019. >Besides this is the first time in near a century you've been able to be so well dressed, fed, and clean.
  2020. >You'll have to take care to keep up with your training regime so this world doesn't make you soft.
  2021. >By the time you make it back to the Everfree garrison night has fallen.
  2023. >You're challenged at the gate but only until the guards are able to swing a lantern round to see you.
  2024. >After that they quickly let you inside, before closing the gate once more.
  2025. >It's not terribly surprising that you're recognized on sight, given that you're the only thing around here over seven feet tall.
  2026. >Well the only thing that size you've seen anyway, by some of the accounts you've heard there are other creatures truly gargantuan in scale that inhabit this world.
  2027. >You're a bit surprised as you enter to find Stormy as one of the ponies manning gate this evening.
  2028. >It's already drawing close to lights out for most of the guards, meaning she must have drawn the night's watch.
  2029. >Since you have no particular cause to hurry you make your way over to her, waving in greeting as you approach.
  2030. >"Oh hey Anon. Nopony saw you around since breakfast, I was wondering where you got to."
  2031. "Ah my apologies, I had meant to run a few short errands, but circumstances changed."
  2032. >"What happened, go out to pick some apples and end up fighting off a bandit raid?" She teases.
  2033. "Something of the sort, though it was stones not apples."
  2034. >Stormy blinks momentarily off balanced by how close to home her guess was. "You're not just pulling my leg right?"
  2035. "I have been accused of many things, having a talent for humor was never one of them."
  2036. >Stormy gives an exasperated sigh. "How come you get to do all the cool stuff, and I got stuck here for my turn on gardening duty?"
  2037. "Gardening?"
  2038. >You ask looking around. You don't ever recall seeing any garden within the walls of the way castle. Most of the food you've seen is dry stock or shipped in from town.
  2039. >"Yeah, clearing the tall grass around the castle, pulling up saplings, that sort of thing. Lieutenant says we gotta keep a clear line of sight."
  2041. >Ah, that makes more sense now. You nod your agreement with the thought.
  2042. "It having an open stretch between here and the treeline does make it more difficult for attackers to reach the walls."
  2043. >Stormy gives you a flat look. "Yeah I know. I took the same military tactics class as every other guard."
  2044. >"Still clearing the weeds isn't exactly what they advertise on the recruitment posters you know?" She grumbles.
  2045. "What were the posters like then?"
  2046. >Stormy clears her throat, putting on a more theatrical voice. "Honor,Loyalty,Bravery, do you have what it takes to stand among the elite Equestrian Royal guard?"
  2047. >"Don't get me wrong, I don't regret joining up, but the posters made it look a lot more exciting."
  2048. "Perhaps it's not the most exciting work, but it is important for the security of your nation.
  2049. >You dust off a spot on the flagstones near the gate and have a seat, your back resting against the wall.
  2050. "Besides, you should never be too eager to see battle."
  2051. >You doff your helm your helm and let it rest in your lap, turning to give Stormy a wan smile.
  2052. "I have seen enough to fill a dozen lifetimes worth, and I can promise you that it rarely holds any of the glory you so often hear about."
  2053. >"So what's it like then? An actual war I mean."
  2054. >You consider her question at length, a simple one, but difficult to answer given how different your cultures are.
  2055. "First you must understand that war in the Imperium is different. We have little magic, and make much greater use of ranged weaponry."
  2056. >Stormy hesitates, but nods her understanding.
  2057. "I saw my first battle on Sarosh. A world we had thought eager to join the Imperium at first. Though their treachery quickly made itself known."
  2058. "The initial stages of the rebellion were put down quickly, their government destroyed and forces scattered."
  2059. "I was to be part of a squad sent to root out the last pockets of resistance within one of their major cities."
  2061. "The Imperial guard had been sent in ahead of us to reconnoiter the area and collect information on enemy dispositions and numbers."
  2062. "The Imperial guard are different than the Astartes, unagumented, they lack out size, strength and speed."
  2063. >As you begin telling the tale you drift further into the memory.
  2064. >The smells of cordite and ionized blood still stand as fresh in your mind as when you stood there all those centuries ago.
  2065. "The enemy forces were making their last stand in the lower levels of a ruined hab complex."
  2066. "The street was littered with knife sized shards of broken glass, fragments from the windows that had been blown out by shock waves from the initial bombardment."
  2067. >Stormy looks like she has questions, but doesn't interrupt, and at this point you're too far caught up in the retelling to notice.
  2068. "The rebel forces had managed to fortify their position and were heavily entrenched."
  2069. "The approach to their positions was littered with guardsmen who fell in the initial attempts to assault the position."
  2070. "In the close confines of those city streets the echo of heavy weapons fire was thunderous. Almost enough to drown out the other sounds."
  2071. >You finally take notice of Stormy out the corner of your eye, she looks slightly unsettled. You decide it best to stop for now.
  2072. "Forgive me I ramble too much in my old age. My point was that many brave men and women gave their lives so that we might retake a single building in a city full of them."
  2073. "That is the part they rarely tell you about."
  2074. >"Thanks for sharing anyway. You may have a point. Weed clearing doesn't seem so bad when you think of it that way."
  2075. >You nod and give Stormy a reassuring pat on the back while you sit beside her.
  2076. "If nothing else think of all the good you've already done. Simply by keeping the roads safe you've likely saved more lives than you imagine."
  2078. "Caliban had far fewer beasts than you have here on Equestria, and it took scores of knightly orders safe guard the villages."
  2079. >You can see a bit of the pride and enthusiasm you're more used to come back in to Stormy's eyes as she considers your words.
  2080. >"Huh, I guess I hadn't thought of it like that. Only reason we're not neck deep in monster or bandits is we took care of most of them already."
  2081. "Indeed, I have only been here a short time and have already seen a number of the dangers the Royal Guard faces. It is a selfless calling you have undertaken."
  2082. >Stormy merely nods in reply, apparently lost in thought for the time being.
  2083. >Deciding now is as good a time as any to change topic you figure it might be a good time to move to something more light hearted.
  2084. >Not that talk of war or battle is anything strange for a space marine, but in your admittedly limited experience mortals tend to get melancholic thinking too much about it.
  2085. >Recent events seem as good a topic as any, so you decide to go with that.
  2086. "I have a meeting with Princess Twilight tomorrow. She says she has questions to ask. Is there anything I should know."
  2087. >You say drawing Stormy from her reverie.
  2088. >Stormy laughs, and claps a hoof against your pauldron. "Yeah be prepared to be bored out of your mind. That mare can go on for hours once she gets started."
  2089. "Yes, I rather got that impression by how eager she was to begin. Perhaps if I can manage to do most of the talking."
  2090. >"Yeah, that's gonna be your best bet. I'm sure she's gonna have like a million questions for you anyway. Probably all sorts of stuff about space ships and stuff"
  2092. >You chuckle.
  2093. "She is going to be sorely disappointed by how little I know then."
  2094. >Stormy chuckles at that as well, the conversation lulls for a moment before Stormy provides you with the next topic.
  2095. >"So what was Caliban like? Other than the monsters I mean.
  2096. "At one time it was mostly forests, small villages eking out their existences as best they could. Protected by the fortresses of the knightly orders."
  2097. "Though most of that changed as I came of age. I had just become old enough to join one of the knightly orders as an aspirant when the Emperor came to Caliban."
  2098. >"Wait, I know you've talked about Luther and that Lion guy, but who's the Emperor?"
  2099. "Put simply he was the father of the Lion and all the other Primarchs. When he came to Caliban he placed the Lion in charge of the first legion."
  2100. "The first legion is also known as the Dark Angels legion, the order to which I belong."
  2101. >"With a name like that and dressed in all black like you were I'd think you were one of the bad guys if I didn't know better."
  2102. "Yes well, the Emperor did refer to us as his "Angels of Death". I suppose the whole thing was a bit melodramatic given that we didn't believe in angels or demons at the time."
  2103. >You can see Stormy struggling to keep a straight face now, snorting as she attempts to suppress a laugh.
  2104. >You shoot her a look before continuing.
  2105. "As I was saying, the Emperor put the Lion in charge of the first legion, at which point knightly aspirants were recruited into its ranks."
  2106. "Once the legion started to grow the forests of Caliban were cleared away to make room for space ports and industry needed to fuel the legion."
  2107. "Anymore is a telling for another day I think. For now I should retire, I have much to consider for tomorrow."
  2108. >You stand up and place your helm back on, fitting the neck seal firmly before you turn to speak to Stormy.
  2110. "I wish you a pleasant evening at the gate, . Stay vigilant."
  2111. >You give a salute with parade ground precision, fist banged against your breastplate.
  2112. >Stormy returns your salute with a smile, her boredom apparently alleviated for now.
  2113. >You head back to your room in the castle proper.
  2114. >Once there you lay out shattered pieces of your armors left and begin fitting them back together.
  2115. >As you work you consider what to tell the Princess tomorrow when you go for your meeting.
  2116. >While you're fairly confident in your position given Luna's support you don't want to do harm to this world by giving them knowledge they shouldn't yet have.
  2117. >You've heard tales of primitive worlds finding caches of archaeotech and wiping themselves out with the ancient technology.
  2118. >A similar situation could well arise here depending on circumstance.
  2119. >There's also the problem of revealing too little.
  2120. >You don't wish the rulers of this world to think you uncooperative.
  2121. >Besides that even is the question of how open they're likely to be with you if you aren't open with them.
  2122. >Too many secrets kept tore your legion apart after all. Well it was one of many things at any rate.
  2123. >As always when faced with a difficult decision you lose yourself in the task at hand, letting your mind wander as it will.
  2125. >You turn the problem over in your head for quite some time, completing the repairs on your armor at the same time you reach your decision.
  2126. >You'll simply remain vague on matter they may not need to know about.
  2127. >Besides it's not as if you're a tech-marine or Mechanicus priest.
  2128. >You can preform field repairs on most of the equipment you've regularly used, but the process behind their manufacture is as much a mystery to you as it would be these ponies.
  2129. >Speaking of the Mechanicus you rather wish you had a priest about now, as in repairing your armor you've made and unfortunate discovery.
  2130. >When you began to squeeze the vambrace to test the hold new cracks began to appear in the piece.
  2131. >While the repair cement Zecora made is a working facsimile of the real thing it seems it simply won't do for the left arm.
  2132. >The damage to the ceramite shell is too extensive and like a broken blade welded back together in a forge it is much weaker now despite your repairs.
  2133. >You pry away the ceramite as carefully as you can to inspect he cable bundles more closely than you previously had.
  2134. >You fail to find any signs of damage, which gives you some hope. If you can't repair the ceramite perhaps you can simply replace it with other materials.
  2135. >You've seen some of the traitor legionaries such replacements before.
  2136. >You'll wait until you're accepted in to Luna's service to attempt such a delicate repair.
  2137. >If nobility on this planet is anything like everywhere else they'll have greater access to artisans and finer tools.
  2138. >The garrison smith Draw Down is skilled at what he does, but lacking as you are in replacement parts you don't want to risk any more damage to your armor's more vulnerable systems.
  2139. >At least the hole in your chest plate is repaired. With nothing more you can do for now you take half sleep, resting your back against the wall while remaining armored.
  2141. >Shutting down parts of your brain in sequence to let them rest while you remain aware doesn't allow for dreaming the way true sleep does.
  2142. >As such no further visions of Incognito disturb you this day, making this much more restful than your last sleep.
  2143. >Eventually you rouse yourself and spend most of the morning preparing your thoughts, both for topics to explain to the Princess and questions you yourself would like to ask.
  2144. >When you're as mentally prepared as you're likely to get you don the finest of the surcoat's Rarity prepared for you and make your way to the castle.
  2145. >As you arrive you're greeted by an odd sight, the castle is guarded today unlike yesterday.
  2146. >Stranger still is that you recognize none of the guards as being from the Everfree garrison.
  2147. >Not likely an immediate cause for concern, but years of surviving on the run make it difficult not to put your guard up at something unexpected like this.
  2148. >You remove your helm and tuck it beneath one arm before approaching the guards.
  2149. "I am Anoniaus of Caliban. I believe I am expected."
  2150. >The guards uncross their spears and turn in unison to push the doors open for you.
  2151. >"The Princesses are awaiting your arrival, your escort will show you the way."
  2152. >You step inside and immediately find yourself flanked by another pair of guards, a third standing before you gestures down the hall.
  2153. >"If you'll follow me." He says trotting off at a swift march.
  2154. >The formality as well as the word "Princesses" isn't lost on you. Clearly your meeting with Twilight has become something more than the simple interview you were expecting.
  2155. >Your escort finally stops before one of the many doors along the long hall and pushes it open.
  2156. >Inside you see Twilight, seated next to a much larger white Alicorn with flowing multi-hued mane that seems to stir an an aetheiral wind much like Luna's.
  2157. >This then must be Celestia.
  2159. >Her appearance is a bit of a surprise, but not something you're entirely unprepared for.
  2160. >She is the one set to honor you next week after all, it's not like you weren't going to meet her sooner rather than later.
  2161. >Still given the number of guards standing watch over the castle it's safe to assume that the tone of your meeting is going to be more formal now.
  2162. >Seizing the initiative you clutch a fist against your chest, taking a half bow as you speak first.
  2163. "Princess Twilight, thank you for having me. Princess Celestia, your presence is an unexpected honor."
  2164. >Twilight looks nervous but hopeful if you're reading her strange expression correctly. Celestia for her part greets you with a warm smile.
  2165. >"It's a pleasure to finally meet you as well Anoniaus. I've been hearing a great deal about you lately."
  2166. "Ah yes, I hope my actions have not caused you any difficulties. My short time here has been, eventful."
  2167. >"Eventful is certainly one way to put it. Please do have a seat on the..."
  2168. >Celestia glances around the room at the sparse but finely crafted furnishings all of which is far too small to support your armored bulk.
  2169. >"It would seem that we're going to need a larger chair. Forgive me, Luna had mentioned your stature but I hadn't actually thought of this."
  2170. >"Back in Canterlot we have spares around the castle of ambassadors of the other races."
  2171. >Twilight looks to be on the verge of a panic attack, though what over you have no idea.
  2172. >You wave a hand dismissively and offer a placating smile.
  2173. "It is something I am used to. Even among other humans finding things that can support my weight is rare. I do not mind to stand."
  2174. >Twilight appears to have stopped hyperventilating, that's good at least.
  2175. >After a moment she manages to compose herself enough to speak. "So Anon, I'd like to get started with the questions if that's alright with you."
  2176. >You nod your assent and Twilight levitates a scroll and quill over, ready to take notes.
  2178. >"Okay, let's start with something simple. How did you find your way to our world?"
  2179. "By accident. The ship that carried my stormbird here was badly damaged and forced to jump blindly through space. This is where I ended up."
  2180. >Furious scribbling is the only sound for a moment "And the stormbird is what exactly?"
  2181. "A drop ship. The smaller vessel I reached the surface of your planet in."
  2182. >More scribbling now. "Your ship was very badly damaged in the crash, do you know how to repair one?"
  2183. "No. There are very few remaining that do. Much knowledge of that sort was lost in the Horus Heresy."
  2184. >It's Celestia that speaks up this time. "What exactly is the Horus Heresy?""
  2185. "That is a...difficult question. The simple answer is it was the Civil war instigated by Horus Lupercal, favored son of the Emperor."
  2186. >Twilight's scribbling intensifies to such a level you fear the parchment may catch fire, but you continue all the same.
  2187. "During this time many worlds burned, among them Mars. Which was where the majority of humanity's mechanical knowledge was kept."
  2188. "It was one of the bloodiest conflicts in the history of mankind, and dealt our species a blow from which we never truly recovered."
  2189. >"and did you take part in this war?" Celestia asks. You're certain you're being put to some sort of test here.
  2190. >Luna has likely told her sister much of what she saw in your dreams already. So there would be no use in lying, even if you wanted to.
  2191. "A small part yes."
  2192. >Celestia says nothing but her silence coupled with a meaningful look makes it clear she wishes for you to continue.
  2193. "You wish to hear the whole of my part in this tale then?"
  2194. >Celestia nods. "You've done a great deal for the citizens of Equestria in your short time here, but if you are to stay I think it would be best if we knew your whole story."
  2195. >You share with them the tale you've already told in part several times since your arrival.
  2197. >You tell them of your how you came to be a Knight of Caliban, of the mission to Sarosh, and your subsequent banishment alongside Luther and the others.
  2198. >You tell of them of dispatches sent to the Lion that never received reply, and troops trained and sworn to his service never called to the front.
  2199. >You tell them of news of the Heresy and the battle for Terra, of the Lion arriving too late to the battle to aid the Emperor.
  2200. "After the Emperor was slain the Lion returned to Caliban. Luther and my brothers were certain that the Lion was a traitor."
  2201. "What other cause could he have to enforce our banishment and keep us from the war? For my part I am no longer certain."
  2202. "There is one thing of which I am certain though. All it took to change everything for my legion was a single word."
  2203. >You drift back in to the memory as you tell the story. A painful memory you've often revisited during your long isolation. The day your home world died.
  2204. >You had been on guard duty that day, as many others during the five decades of your banishment.
  2205. >This particular day had seen you placed in the communications center, which had become a buzzing hive of activity.
  2206. >From what you had overheard the Lion's fleet was returning.
  2207. >Chapter Master Astelan was overseeing the command hub, and was in charge of the planet's defense network.
  2208. >It was he that had uttered the word that had changed everything. "Starfire." The code for the orbital defenses to fire.
  2209. >What had followed was pandemonium, orbital defenses and ground based weapons firing at the fleet in high orbit.
  2210. >The fleet striking back at Caliban with a withering barrage of energy and solid munitions.
  2211. >Then had come the drop pods. You were on the walls of the fortress by then and had a clear view of the contrails streaking the sky.
  2212. >A rain of adamantium and ceramite teardrops filled the sky, each housing squad of Dark Angels. All of them coming to kill you.
  2214. >You recall the sick horror filled you as you were forced to slay men that should have been your brothers.
  2215. >You had fought madly for survival, all the while trying to shake the feeling that some tragic mistake had been made, that perhaps it was not too late to stop this.
  2216. >Any hope that this need not end in obliteration had left you when you caught sight of Luther and the Lion fighting upon the battlements.
  2217. >You know not what power filled Luther that day, but it was enough that he was able to stand against a son of the Emperor.
  2218. >The blows they struck against one another were titanic in force, enough that each missed strike or deflected cut was enough to destory the stones around them.
  2219. >Then, when it seemed that the Lion had gained the upper hand, the storm had come.
  2220. >It came without warning, churning the sky into a noxious miasma painted in hues of bruised flesh and old bone.
  2221. >It was that storm that had erased Caliban from existence, and it had also plucked you from the jaws of certain death.
  2222. >You had been cast out on to a world half a galaxy distant, and nearly ten thousand years after your time.
  2223. >Coming to the end of your tale you realize that you have been staring vacantly at the space between your hosts.
  2224. >"So, which do you believe was truly the traitor, Luther of the Lion?" Celestia asks at length.
  2225. "I could not say. I believe that Luther acted as he thought was right and just, but that does not mean he was not misled or mistaken."
  2226. >Twilight is staring at you with a dazed expression, her quill and parchment forgotten at some point during the story.
  2227. >"How could they just turn on each other like that though? After everything they went through together how could it end like that?"
  2228. "Luther was a great man, but he was just a man, and susceptible to all a man's failings. The Primarchs though, they are different."
  2229. "I once heard a theory about them. Everything about them was magnified, their strength, their personality, their presence, and their flaws."
  2231. >"So what happened after that? After the storm and everyone being scattered."
  2232. "The survivors among the Lion's supporters swore to hunt us down. I've been running since. Surviving however I can."
  2233. >Twilight nods dumbly at that, still apparently lost in the swirl of her own thoughts.
  2234. >Your expression must have slipped to one of melancholy without noticing, as Celestia is giving you a consoling look.
  2235. >"Thank you for sharing that Anon. I'm certain it can't have been easy to endure all that you have."
  2236. "The wound is an old one."
  2237. >"That may be so, but it sounds like it's one you've never had time to heal."
  2238. >The Princess moves forward taking you by surprise. She leans her head against your chest and wraps a wing around you in what you take to be an embrace.
  2239. >If someone had told you a few years ago a Xenos god-queen would be comforting you after hearing you unburden yourself of all your woes you would have thought them mad.
  2240. >Oddity of the situation aside the gesture is touching, unsure of how to properly return it you rest a hand on the Princess' back for a moment before pulling away.
  2241. >After stepping away and retracting her wing Celestia adopts her more regal posture once more.
  2242. >"I'd like you to come to Canterlot tomorrow, if you can. There are a few ponies I'd like you to meet."
  2243. >"It'll also give you a chance to see the castle if you're still considering Luna's offer."
  2244. "I believe I am going to accept Luna's offer, but I would like to see the city all the same."
  2245. >"That's wonderful to hear. Just take the train to Canterlot station. I'll make the arrangements for somepony to meet you there."
  2246. >"It was very nice to meet you Anon." Celestia turns to leave stopping just before the door. "Oh and if you ever need anything just have Twilight send me a letter."
  2247. >At the sound of her name Twilight snaps out of her stupor.
  2248. >"Right letter, yes." She blurts offering an embarrassed smile.
  2249. >With that eloquently spoken sentence still hanging in the air Celestia exits the room.
  2251. >Celestia's departure could be taken as your dismissal, but you decide to give Twilight a moment to recover to see if she has any further need of you.
  2252. >She collects her wits quickly enough, and takes notice of the fact you're still waiting.
  2253. >"If I remember correctly, you wanted to ask some questions about Equestria. I'd be happy to help with that since you answered all of mine."
  2254. >You consider for a moment where to begin, deciding on the most pressing matter is that of your ship.
  2255. "After my crash, what was done with the wreckage, and were you able to salvage anything of it?"
  2256. >"Oh!" Twilight exclaims with a little smile. "They took everything to Canterlot university to study. Though I don't think they've had much luck."
  2257. >"Pretty much everything but the part you were in was broken or burned by the time anypony got to it. I think they did find a few big metal crates though."
  2258. >"I'm sure if you ask the Princess tomorrow she'll be happy to let you have whatever you wanted back."
  2259. >If fortune has favored you the crates will be full of spare armor pieces, bolters, and ammunition.
  2260. >For now you're just going to assume they had nothing useful in them and continue to operate as you have.
  2261. "My thanks. Now, another question that has been on my mind. Are there any creatures on this world besides Princess Luna that can enter a person's dreams?"
  2262. >Twilight furrows her brow in thought. "Other than the time Princess Luna I can't think of anypony with that kind of power. Why do you ask?"
  2263. "A troubling dream, nothing more. Likely just the result of stress from my injuries and acclimating to a new world."
  2264. >Twilight doesn't look completely convinced but seems content to let the matter drop.
  2265. >While you hope your explanation was actually the case you doubt it. Though you'll wait to discuss it with Luna when you can.
  2266. >The last thing you need is every xenos on this world thinking you're losing your mind shortly after arriving. Best to change the subject quickly for now.
  2268. "Another thing I would like to discuss. I met the creature named Discord yesterday. No one seemed troubled by his presence.
  2269. "What I have read in one of your history tomes seems to indicate that he should be your sworn enemy. Am I misinformed?"
  2270. >"That tome is probably just out of date. Fluttershy actually reformed Discord a while back. He's pretty well behaved for the most part now."
  2271. >So this Fluttershy has the power to tame a daemon? That seems unlikely, but then a great many things about this world seem unlikely.
  2272. >It could be some part of a ruse on Discord's part. You'll have to tread carefully with your questions here, it's difficult to say how much they do or don't know about the warp.
  2273. "I see, that is a most impressive feat given what I have read. Though I am still curious, as to his nature. Are there many other creatures like him?"
  2274. >"So far as I know he's the only Draconequus around. If you're interested I could let you see all the research I have on him."
  2275. >Her eager expression tells you that she's hoping you'll agree to be shown.
  2276. >You get the feeling that her explanations will be far from brief, and decide to bow out while you still can.
  2277. "Another time Princess Twilight. I thank you for your gracious offer. For now I should return to the garrison and prepare for my trip to Canterlot tomorrow."
  2278. >She nods her understanding. "I'm sure Princes Celestia will show you all the important sights but if you get time you just have to see the royal archives."
  2279. "If it has your recommendation I shall make a point of doing that then. Thank you for the audience, I shall see myself out."
  2280. >Giving another slight bow at the waist you make your exit from the castle.
  2281. >You would say that Celestia got a great deal more information from the meeting than you did, but that is likely to change tomorrow when you see their capital.
  2283. >It's not as if you're entirely empty handed at any rate. You know now where your ship, or at least it's broken remains has been taken.
  2284. >You'll have to see what, if anything, the researches have managed to glean from it.
  2285. >A few small advancements to their society might not cause any undue harm in the course of things, but ideally you'll keep anything related to weapon systems from them.
  2286. >Hopefully they are less cultish and tenacious than the Mechanicum. Those machine worshiping lunatics are as mad as they are useful.
  2287. >During the crusade you suspect the Emperor only tolerated their backwards religion because he needed them to arm his forces and forge his fleets.
  2288. >Given the few you've met in your travels then thousand years hence they only seem to have gotten worse.
  2289. >The ponies you've seen thus far don't seem prone to that kind of behavior, but you've only met a very small population.
  2290. >There is also your discovery that the ponies seem to believe themselves able to reform a daemon, though they don't seem to know him as a deamon.
  2291. >Perhaps this Archive Twilight mentioned will have some of their spell books. Is a spell book even something you could find.
  2292. >So far unicorns and these Alicorn princesses have been the only ones you've found who could work magic.
  2293. >It seems to be an innate talent like the psyker gene, but there may be ways around such things.
  2294. >The Word Bearers certainly found ways. Though ways that you would never care to copy.
  2295. >You dislike sorcery on principle, but it has been indispensable thus far regarding your armor, and if you're to continue to be around it you'd very much like to know what you're dealing with.
  2296. >Hopefully your visit will provide you the free time you need to find answers to sensitive questions on your own.
  2297. >Regardless that is a matter for later, and you have preparations to make for your trip.
  2298. >With that in mind you return to the garrison making directly for steel hearts office.
  2300. >You find Steel Heart at her desk as usual, the ever present pile of paperwork before her.
  2301. >"Anon." She says by way of greeting, glancing up from her work.
  2302. "Lieutenant. I trust things are going well as ever?"
  2303. >"More or less. We did have a patrol encounter some Diamond Dogs. They ran away screaming something about big green monsters. Your doing?"
  2304. "Most likely. I did have a small run in with them yesterday. I had meant to tell you sooner but matters with the Princesses kept my attention."
  2305. >Steel Heart's expression is a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Well next time just make one of the guards help you fill out an incident report."
  2306. >"Last thing I need is one of the higher ups from Canterlot coming out here because we didn't report something."
  2307. "I will accept full responsibility for any problems my actions have caused."
  2308. >That seems to mollify her. She pushes aside the paper she was working on and pulls out a new one from the drawer in her desk.
  2309. >"So what happened anyway, just give me the brief version."
  2310. "I was searching for a type of mineral the Alchemist Zecora had requested. In the course of events I was ambushed, rescued a number of prisoners, and saw them sent home by train."
  2311. >Steel Heart begins noting down what you've said, not bothering to look up from the report she says. "Two day's and you've seen as much action as some guards here a year."
  2312. >"You knights don't mess around do you?"
  2313. "That is one way to look at it. Others might think that trouble simply follows us."
  2314. >"Well so far it hasn't been anything you couldn't sort out. I wonder what I could do with another 10 of you out here."
  2315. >With a full squad of space marines she could likely conquer a city. Possibly take Canterlot if you had a Librarian among you to counteract any magic.
  2316. >That is a thought you will keep to yourself though.
  2318. >As she finishes up the report Steel Heart puts it aside and looks to you again. "Well I doubt you dropped by just to help me catch up on paperwork, so what did you need?"
  2319. "I wished to report my absence from the garrison for an unknown time. I have been asked by the Princess to go to Canterlot tomorrow. I am unsure how long the trip will last."
  2320. >"I'll keep that in mind. You've been a big help around here even if you never went through actual guard training. Maybe the Princess will make things official."
  2321. "That remains to be seen. I appreciate the hospitality you, and your guards have shown me."
  2322. >"I'll keep your room open for you until you get back. In the mean time enjoy your trip and try not to cause a diplomatic incident."
  2323. >Steel Heart gives you a wave of dismissal before going back to her work.
  2324. >With the rest of the evening free you elect to continue with your reading lessons before the evening meal is served.
  2325. >When the call for dinner goes out you find Stormy and Soft Heart already waiting for you in the commissary.
  2326. >After exchanging the usual pleasantries you take a seat near them at one of the low tables.
  2327. >It's a bit odd that the ponies seem to be as apt to sit on the floor by a low table as to actually use a chair, but at least this way you don't have to worry about the furniture.
  2328. >That said you still tower above the table and all the other occupants this way.
  2329. >Conversation with the meal follows the usual topics, events around the garrison, rumors about some of the guards and the like.
  2330. >During these parts you mostly listen.
  2331. >You've always found it amusing how the mortals among your own kind could talk about basically nothing, that seems to have changed little now that you're among the ponies.
  2332. >Eventually the conversation steers towards your day, both of your companions eager to know about the meeting with the Princesses.
  2334. "There is little enough to tell. I told them of my past much as I have already shared with you, and was given summons to appear at Canterlot tomorrow."
  2335. >"I wonder if they're gonna make you run through the training academy." Stormy asks pausing only long enough to stuff her mouth full of bread.
  2336. >"If they're going to have him join the guard then probably. Though given his qualifications I doubt anypony would complain if he skipped it." Soft heart adds in.
  2337. >"It's mostly just running, push ups and the obstacle course. Well combat training too." Stormy snorts back a laugh.
  2338. >"I'd love to see old Sergeant Mark Time try to flip you when it comes to combat training."
  2339. >"I only had to go through the medical courses, is the Sergeant that bad?" Soft Heart asks.
  2340. >"Yeah, he'll have everypony marching until their legs are about to fall off. Probably not a problem for Anon. They might even try to put you through one of the special programs."
  2341. "Special programs?"
  2342. >You ask, prompting Stormy to continue. This is the first you've really heard about any of the guard training, other than what you've seen around the garrison.
  2343. >"Yeah the Lunar Guard has a couple of special squads for stealth operations or monster hunting. There's a diplomatic guard training too for away missions to other countries."
  2344. "A few of the legions had something like the diplomatic guard. They were usually sent to serve the houses of Navigators in exchange for the service of the house."
  2345. >"Navigator, like steering a boat right, so they helped fly your ships or something?" Stormy asks.
  2346. "Yes, it was a rare skill and having their service was absolutely vital to a legion."
  2347. >Stormy looks pleased with herself for guessing correctly.
  2348. >"Well as fast as you've been picking up written Equestrian you could probably work with the diplomats if you wanted to." Soft hard says at length.
  2349. >"Though Steel Heart said she met a few and the nobles can be really needy."
  2351. "Thank you both for the advice, but idle speculation does us little good I think. I shall know for certain what I am to do tomorrow, and will let you know as soon as I return."
  2352. >"Yeah I guess you're right. Still though, if I hear they're putting you through basic I'm gonna cash in all my days off just to come watch that."
  2353. >By this point Stormy has cleared everything on her tray, she gathers it up and hovers in place by the table. "I should get going, two more nights of wall duty and all."
  2354. >Soft Heart does much the same. "I should turn in early too. I've got a few check ups scheduled in the morning."
  2355. "I wish you both a good night then. I depart in the morning. I shall send word by letter if my return will not be swift."
  2356. >You look to Stormy and offer a wry grin
  2357. "I would not want to deprive you of a chance to see your old instructors after all."
  2358. >On that note they both wish you a good trip and depart.
  2359. >You gather up your own things returning them to the kitchen staff before heading for your own quarters.
  2360. >You don't have to pack much for your trip because aside from your armor, your bed, and a few articles of clothing you own next to nothing.
  2361. >Not that you have great need of much more than that.
  2362. >You'd be lying if you said you hadn't taken luxuries when you could in the past, but being a Space Marine as you were meant that you were accustomed to a rather spartan lifestyle.
  2363. >You take the sack you had been using to haul gems and dump them on the floor by your bed.
  2364. >After packing what spare clothing you have in the sack you sit and begin sorting through the gems.
  2365. >You're no jeweler so you're not entirely certain what marks high quality in a gem but you begin sorting out and discarding the ones with obvious flaws.
  2366. >After sorting out half a dozen each of the largest and seemingly most well formed stones you toss those in the bag as well.
  2367. >With luck you'll be able to find a jewel cutter in Canterlot to make you replacement eye lenses.
  2369. >Hopefully you'll be able to barter whichever stones aren't used in exchange for that service.
  2370. >Failing that you're going to have to persuade one of the Princesses of the necessity of this repair.
  2371. >As an afterthought you gather up the shards of your armors left arm and place them in the bottom of the bag, rolling them inside a spare surplice.
  2372. >Best to have them with you just in case the opportunity to enact your plans for the repairs arise sooner rather than later.
  2373. >With your packing done there's little left to do but wait. You take a few hours sleep, your dreams once again untroubled.
  2374. >Perhaps your vision of Incognito was simply from stress or environmental factors.
  2375. >You know many Astartes complained of strange dreams during shipboard warp travel.
  2376. >Perhaps the magic that the ponies use here is having a similar if vastly less pronounced effect.
  2377. >That strikes you as unlikely but if true it is a comforting thought.
  2378. >With several hours to kill before sunrise you decide to keep Stormy company for a short while.
  2379. >You're uncertain if this would constitute fraternization while on duty as she is, but even if it would it seems unlikely the Lieutenant would do anything about it.
  2380. >Stormy Shield is not difficult to find, pacing her section of the wall restlessly.
  2381. >She does not look unhappy as during your previous visit, but it seems that inaction ill suits her.
  2382. >You traverse the stairs to her section of wall, waving a greeting as she spots you.
  2383. >She returns the wave happily. "I was hoping you'd make it up here. I know you never sleep anyway."
  2384. "I sleep as much as I need. I see that you are working on wearing the stones of the wall thin."
  2385. >Stormy stops pacing and shifts from hoof to hoof looking slightly abashed.
  2386. >"Heh, yeah. I was just a little anxious to get relieved. Wasn't sure if you'd make it up here and I wanted to catch you before you left."
  2387. >Stormy takes a hoof and begins fishing about beneath her breastplate.
  2389. >She draws forth a small envelope and offers it up to you.
  2390. >You take the envelope and turn it over in your hand, it is plain and unmarked sealed with simple tape instead of a wax seal.
  2391. >You turn a questioning look on Stormy who motions for you to open it.
  2392. >You tear the envelope open with great care, uncertain what is inside before dumping the contents in to your palm.
  2393. >It appears to be an archaic form of Pict capture, imprinted on a sort of glossy paper.
  2394. >Present in the Pict are Stormy and Soft heart who are smiling enthusiastically, as well as Steel Heart with her usual stern expression.
  2395. >Flanking the three are a few other members of the garrison with whom you've had less interaction.
  2396. >"Soft Heart figured you might like to have a memento to take with you. It can be kinda scary going somewhere new by yourself, and this whole planet is new to you so.."
  2397. >Stormy trails off smiling uncertainly.
  2398. "It is one of the finest gifts I have ever received."
  2399. >It's one of the only gifts you've ever received, but you're not going to let facts get in the way of the sentiment in this case.
  2400. >You carefully slide it back in the envelope for protection before securing it in one of your armors compartments.
  2401. "I would carry it inside my breastplate but that would require assistance to remove the thing."
  2402. >This gets a laugh from Stormy. "I"m just glad you like it. I was worried you might think it was a little weird since you haven't been here all that long."
  2403. "All the same it is a fine gift. It is not often I have been able to remain in one place like this."
  2404. >"Yeah, well just don't go and get yourself posted somewhere else right away, okay?"
  2405. "I shall see what I can do."
  2406. >That seems to be good enough for Stormy and she simply nods.
  2407. >You pass the next hours in Stormy's company until the sky on the horizon begins to lighten.
  2408. >Taking that as your signal you bid Stormy farewell and begin the trek to Ponyville Station.
  2410. >The roads are mostly deserted this early the streets only populated by shop keepers and those making deliveries to the shops.
  2411. >At the Station you appear to be among the first to arrive. Only a few ponies stand lined up between you and the ticket booth.
  2412. >The Ticket master appears in the booth after only a short wait, and begins getting everyone set for their proper destination.
  2413. >Your turn arrives and you step up to the window.
  2414. "I am not certain if preparations have been made, but I am expected in Canterlot by order of Princess Celestia."
  2415. >The Ticket master rifles through a notebook on her side of the counter for a moment.
  2416. >"Got it right here. Anoniaus right? Looks like the Princess reserved you one of the special cars. They're usually used for..taller guests like yourself."
  2417. >You assume taller to be a polite euphemism for "guests that would crush normal seating".
  2418. >"Here's your ticket, your meal comes included.The food trolley will come through at about 7, do you have any questions?"
  2419. "None, you have my thanks."
  2420. >With ticket in hand you make your way to the platform to await your train.
  2421. >You aren't kept waiting overlong before a train pulls in to the station. Similar to the one you had stopped previously, but not the same one you think.
  2422. >The train comes to a stop with high whine of metal on metal as the brakes engage.
  2423. >The doors open and a number of ponies in station uniforms spill out and begin conducting passengers to their proper places.
  2424. >One of the approaches and you present your ticket, the mare directs you to one of the cars at the rear of the train.
  2425. >The door is still a bit low, forcing you to duck your way inside. The inside is blessedly more spacious than what you saw through the windows of the other cars.
  2426. >The seats wider and lower to the floor, spaced further apart which allows to at least stretch your full height while sitting.
  2427. >There is a bit of a delay once the passengers have finished boarding before the train gets underway.
  2429. >It would seem you have this car to yourself for the moment, which suits you well enough.
  2430. >You find the company of the ponies pleasant enough but it is unusual for Astartes to socialize as much as you have been since your arrival and the moment of solitude is welcome.
  2431. >In the Legion you had little cause to interact with any mortals aside from the serfs or mechanicus adepts.
  2432. >Though you at least had the social skills for it.
  2433. >Every Astartes takes to training and hypno thereapy somewhat differently, meaning that even among the fairly uniform ranks of the Legion you could have vastly different personalities.
  2434. >Most of your brothers, at least those you remember, treated the mortals well enough.
  2435. >There were a few like Astellan, that were particularly charismatic and skillful in social situations.
  2436. >Then there were a few that treated those who filled the lesser roles with something bordering on contempt.
  2437. >That sort of attitude is common enough among the traitors you've had to interact with, though you've never understood it.
  2438. >Surely a content, and well looked after serf is going to preform their duties better than a cowed slave fearful of their masters every change in mood.
  2439. >Though trying to understand that way of thinking is a wasted effort. The daemon worshiping lunatics have long since abandoned reason after all.
  2440. >Tearing yourself from your introspection you find that the sun has risen fully now, and the window of your car provides you a fine view of the countryside.
  2441. >This planet certainly has beauty to it, the landscape colorful and rich in plant and animal life.
  2442. >Had you not learned otherwise by study and first hand experience in the Everfree you'd find it difficult to believe this place as dangerous as it is.
  2443. >The train's current path is taking you through low rolling hills outside Ponyville. The trees are more sparse here and in the middle distance you see an oddly shaped mountain.
  2445. >Rather than being part of a chain it stands alone, a single peak upthrust above the plains.
  2446. >It's height stretches well above the snow line, leaving the top fourth of it capped in a pearly white even here amid the warmth of the plains and forests.
  2447. >Your view of the scenery is interrupted by the sound of running hooves and laughter.
  2448. >The door slides open to reveal one a young pony, still a child if you had to guess possibly younger than Rarity's sister.
  2449. >The young pony, a female you think, quickly slides the door closed behind her and continues running down the aisle.
  2450. >The oddest thing about the filly is that she appears to be wearing a costume helm similar to a guards, though lacking the crest usually sported by the guards.
  2451. >Instead hers has a single long plume jutting from the back made from strips of ribbon or some kind of cloth.
  2452. >In her mouth she's currently carrying a toy sword. How these creatures can be comfortable gripping things with their teeth you'll never understand.
  2453. >She comes to an abrupt stop halfway down the length of the car and stares at you wide eyed.
  2454. >As she starts to hesitantly make her way over to where you're sitting you get the feeling that the time for solitude and introspection has passed.
  2455. >She pauses at the isle just past your seat looking up at you. You turn your attention towards her, which causes her to shrink back.
  2456. >You offer what you hope is a reassuring smile, which seems to bolster her resolve as she finally works up the courage to speak.
  2457. >"Are the the knight everypony has been talking about?" She asks in a high, soft voice.
  2458. "I could not say for certain, but if I had to hazard a guess I would say that I am he."
  2459. >She giggles "You talk funny."
  2460. >It is amusing how little grasp of social niceties children have no matter what the species.
  2461. "Yes I would suppose that I do. My name is Anoniaus, what is yours?"
  2462. >"I'm Silverdust." She says as she moves to scramble up into the seat opposite you
  2464. >It takes only a small effort on her part since the seats here are couched so low, climbing with her forelegs as she kicks off the ground with her rear ones.
  2465. >Once she has firmly planted herself in the wide seat she turns to face you again.
  2466. >"I'm going to go visit grandma in Canterlot" She offers without solicitation. "Are you going to Canterlot too?"
  2467. "I am. I have been summoned to see the Princess."
  2468. >This might be one of the more strange moments, of your life. Sitting on a steam engine, having a conversation with a xenos child about going to see her ruler.
  2469. >The door slides open again and a mare walks in, looking about the car before spotting Silverdust and approaching quickly.
  2470. >"Honey how many times have I told you not to run off like that." She admonishes the child as she moves to collect her.
  2471. >The mare offers you an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry for her bothering you like that Sir, I'm sure you're very busy working with the guards and Princess."
  2472. >You reputation has preceded you, though it's unlikely there are many creatures matching your manner of dress and physical description about.
  2473. "She was no trouble I assure you. I was just about to ask about her armor and sword."
  2474. >You say indicting the articles in question with an outstretched finger.
  2475. >"Oh those" The mother says giving you a long suffering smile. "Knight's and Guard's has been a very popular game in Ponyville lately. I can't tell you how many house plants she's slain."
  2476. "Your spirit is admirable"
  2477. >You say addressing the filly directly.
  2478. "But perhaps against a more durable foe. Preferably something that your mother will not have to replace."
  2479. >Silverdust nods enthusiastically and her mother gives you a look of gratitude before scooping her daughter up.
  2480. >"Say goodbye to the Knight honey."
  2481. >Silverdust waves and calls her farewell out as she's carried from the car, leaving you alone once more.
  2483. >Silence dominates the train car save for the low rumble of metal wheels across the tracks.
  2484. >You return your gaze to the window and look over the rolling hills in the distance. In the sky you spot an odd formation of clouds.
  2485. >At first you imagine it to be a trick of the light, some artifice of your imagination but those clouds have running waterfalls of rainbow.
  2486. >Putting aside the fact that this should be physically impossible you notice more yet out of place about the clouds, namely the shapes formed in them.
  2487. >Even at this distance you can easily pick out high columns propping up monolithic entry ways.
  2488. >The roofs supported by these pillars stream with banners and long trails of vapor curled in to artful designs.
  2489. >Straining your eyes you can just make out tiny blurs of color and movement only barely visible against the blue white backdrop of this sky city.
  2490. >You have seen cities among the clouds before, hive spires teeming with the masses of humanity, mechanicus space elevators used to haul cargo from bulk lifters to the surface.
  2491. >The sight and scale of those things are enough to give most pause, the human mind having difficult coping with the immensity of such things forcing one to wonder just how they came to be.
  2492. >This evokes a similar feeling of wonder for entirely different reasons. Given your long life and all you've seen you had thought yourself largely inured to such things
  2493. >Yet you are proven wrong as this planet reminds you once again just how alien its inhabitants are.
  2494. >The door to your car opens once more revealing a mare in station uniform pushing a cart laden with trays of prepared meals and other smaller offerings of refreshment.
  2495. >Before she can speak you point out the window to the city in the sky.
  2496. "Tell me, what is that?"
  2497. >The mare moves closer to the window her eyes following your finger skyward.
  2498. >"Oh, that's Cloudsdale. It moves out this way this time of year." She says in a matter of fact tone.
  2500. >Whatever manner of sorcery keeps this city formed and aloft also allows for the whole thing to be moved?
  2501. >That is a feat you suspect even sons Magnus the Red might have difficulty equaling.
  2502. "Who occupies that city?"
  2503. >"Oh Pegasi mostly, anypony else needs magic to walk around on clouds. I've never been myself but I hear it's lovely."
  2504. >You'll have to ask the girls back at the garrison more about this city when you return, it seems worth investigating.
  2505. >With this sort of magic readily available to the ponies it could be easy to imagine them becoming the sole dominant species of the planet.
  2506. >Any army without air superiority could be lazily bombarded in to submission by a city floating directly over top theirs.
  2507. "Thank you, you have been most helpful."
  2508. >The service mare smiles politely "Glad I could help, now, breakfast is served."
  2509. >She opens a latch on the wall and folds out a small table in front of you before setting a silver tray on it.
  2510. >"I understand you have special dietary needs, so if you need anything different just let me know."
  2511. >While the portion is a bit small for someone of your size the selection looks excellent.
  2512. >Eggs, bread, fruit, and some manner of flat cake with syrup over it. More protein would be ideal but you can't fault the ponies for their herbivorous nature.
  2513. "This will suffice, thank you for your consideration."
  2514. >"Alright, just set your tray aside when you're done. I'll be around to collect it later."
  2515. >You haven't eaten this well this regularly in some time. Between all the available food and regular training you may actually be regaining muscle mass.
  2516. >You were never by any means emaciated or starving but it takes a lot of calories to maintain a space marine.
  2517. >Simply surviving as you had with no ready line of resupply meant that you were more lean than some on both loyalist and traitor side.
  2519. >Being able to ingest just about anything organic made survival much easier, but when in warp transit on a poorly supplied ship for months there wasn't a lot to hunt.
  2520. >Some of the most ancient vessels did have their own ecosystems largely composed of the mutated descendants of vermin picked up on some world, but that was hardly an ideal meal.
  2521. >Thus far finding yourself working with the servants of the Princesses has been a boon if for no other reason than the food.
  2522. >You take your time in finishing your provided meal, and consider asking for more, though decide against it.
  2523. >The Princess was kind enough to see to your provisioning on this short trip, so it's likely you'll see food again soon enough.
  2524. >You set your tray off to the edge of the table and sit back, resting your eyes since the view of the fields has changed little.
  2525. >A short time passes before the mare from before returns to collect your tray.
  2526. >"We'll be arriving at Canterlot just after we pass through the tunnel."
  2527. >You nod your understanding and sit up, a quick glance at the window shows the mountain from before looming large just a few hundred yards down the track.
  2528. >The train rumbles steadily along passing in to darkness, the gloom broken at regular intervals by softly glowing lights embedded in the walls of the tunnel.
  2529. >You not a steady increase in the elevation of the track as the train trundles forward, apparently pulling towards the heart of this mountain.
  2530. >This continues for some time, without a view of the outside it's difficult to say for certain but you suspect you've moved at least halfway up the mountain by this point.
  2531. >Finally the train breaks once again into the open air giving you an unobstructed view of the landscape stretched out below the mountain.
  2532. >The unspoiled landscape stretches off from horizon to horizon, broken only here and there by signs of civilization.
  2533. >The train begins to slow finally chugging to a stop, you must have arrived at the station while admiring the sights.
  2535. >You lock the table back inside the wall and stretch as close to your full height as the ceiling allows for.
  2536. >Sliding the cabin door open you step outside and find your gaze locked on the castle in the near distance.
  2537. >A dizzying array of white stone walls and minarets capped in gold and trimmed in purple the same shad of storm stricken night sky jutting from the side of the mountain.
  2538. >The walls and towers are bedecked in flowers and stars that appear inlaid directly into the stone.
  2539. >All of this set against the backdrop of waterfalls cascading down towards a small lake. The position is both defensible and beautiful.
  2540. >The small crowd of other passengers from the train begin to pour out from the doors to their own cars and disperse across the platform.
  2541. >You recall Princess Celestia saying someone would be sent to meet you, and so she has.
  2542. >The pony whom you take to be your contact has a brown mane and white coat, the four guards flanking her setting her apart from anyone else on the platform.
  2543. >You are not difficult to spot and she sets off towards you at a quick trot, stopping only a few paces distant.
  2544. >"You must be Anoniaus. Am I pronouncing that correctly?"
  2545. >You merely nod, allowing her to continue she adjusts her glasses and looks up at you.
  2546. >"It's nice to meet you. My name is Raven Inkwell. I'll be acting as your guide today in Canterlot."
  2547. "Very well then, and the guards?"
  2548. >"They're just here to make sure no curious citizens get in the way today."
  2549. >The guards form up around you with Raven just in front of you.
  2550. >"Well first thing on the agenda for today is visiting Canterlot University to meet some of the Professors, if you'll follow me please."
  2551. >You follow along behind Raven who appears to be trying to set a brisk pace though difference in your statures makes her effort moot.
  2552. >Your guide leads you away from the station and towards Canterlot proper.
  2553. >The hour is more decent than when you left Ponyville and the streets are packed.
  2555. >The differences between Canterlot and Ponyville are readily apparent even at a glance.
  2556. >The Streets are lined with multi-storied buildings in white stone adorned with signs, canopies and balconies.
  2557. >Some of the larger buildings even have towers similar to those of the castle, in a few places arched bridges span the gaps between them, passing over the streets.
  2558. >Many of them are dressed in attire ranging from functional to opulent, which stands in stark contrast to the general lack of clothing you've seen worn in Ponyville.
  2559. >If the buildings are anything to judge by the clothing is just another way to show wealth and status, both of which you suspect are important here in the Capital.
  2560. >No matter where you are nobility never seems to really change, always scrabbling for the attention of those above them while those below them do the same.
  2561. >Raven points out a few of the buildings that happen to be historical landmarks giving you names and dates that go with them which you only bother to half absorb.
  2562. >Normally you would try to commit such facts to memory in the event it should serve you later, but at the moment your attention is far to divided the citizens moving about.
  2563. >Mixed in among the ponies you see a bipedal humanoid creatures with bovine facial features, their frames heavily muscled and as tall as you are in armor.
  2564. >They seem to have taken note of you as well and are coming over.
  2565. "It would appear that we have company."
  2566. >You say drawing Raven's attention to the oncoming creatures.
  2567. >There are five of them in total, four arrayed around one in the center much the way your guards are flaking you.
  2568. >An official of some sort then, or at least the leader of this particular group.
  2569. >Raven gives a slight bow as they approach. "Hello Ambassador, gentlebulls" she says to the leader and guards in turn.
  2570. >"Miss Inkwell."The bull says inclining his head. " He nods towards you maintaining eye contact with Raven.
  2571. >"Guest of the Princess?"
  2573. >"Yes, this is Anoniaus. Anoniaus this is Gold Chain ambassador for the Minotaur kingdom."
  2574. >You give a slight nod though the bull is eyeing you so you return his look with your own steady gaze.
  2575. >The Ambassador is around your height, and wearing a heavy chain of office but little else in the way of actual clothing.
  2576. >"Hear you're supposed to be some of tough guy, that right?" His tone skeptical.
  2577. "Some sort."
  2578. >You say flatly. You suspect you already know where this is going but you'll not be the antagonist here.
  2579. >The Ambassador seems annoyed that he didn't get a rise out of you.
  2580. >"Well we'll be staying at the Castle for a few weeks. Maybe we'll catch you around the gym."
  2581. >"My boy Brass Bell here is the bare knuckle boxing champ back home. Never lost a match."
  2582. >Gold Chain jerks a thumb over his shoulder indicating the largest of his guards.
  2583. >"He could always use a sparring partner if you think you can handle it."
  2584. >This gets a few grins from the other guards
  2585. "That sounds quite the achievement. You must be rather proud."
  2586. >You say addressing Brass Bell directly.
  2587. >He's half a head taller than you, not enough to make him imposing, but larger than you're used to seeing anything outside of terminator armor.
  2588. >"You got that right." Brass Bell rumbles, his voice as deep as his figure would suggest.
  2589. "Well Ambassador if you'll excuse us, Miss Inkwell and I have a number of things to attend to. As for your invitation to spar I welcome it if the Princess does not keep my otherwise occupied."
  2590. >You sidestep the Ambassador and his cadre, your own honor guard falling quickly into place around you.
  2591. >Raven scurries around the minotaurs quickening her stride to catch up. "I'd like to say I'm surprised they're trying to antagonize you, but I'm not."
  2592. "They think themselves powerful and wish to assert that point. I am used to the type."
  2594. >"More than just that I'm afraid. We're currently in trade negotiations with the Ambassador, if he could provoke you in to attacking him that'd look bad for Equestria."
  2595. "Which would likely give him more bargaining power. Am I correct?"
  2596. >Raven nods. "You catch on fast."
  2597. "I have dealt with such politics before."
  2598. >"In that case you have my sympathy."Raven says dryly. It would see the Princesses aide is not without a sense of humor.
  2599. >"Now we'll need to hurry along if we're going to stay on schedule." Raven picks up her pace moving at a hurried trot through the wide streets of Canterlot.
  2600. >As you move further into the capital the buildings become more aged. Well maintained but still clearly older.
  2601. >Mixed in among the shops and restaurants you now spot the occasional private estate.
  2602. >The large manor houses separated from their neighbors by gates and high walls of stone or hedge.
  2603. >Eventually the streets open up to a larger plaza of wide lawns sparsely dotted with trees or fountains.
  2604. >Nestled in the center of the greenery is a wide two story building with arched windows topped by a single tower.
  2605. >"Here we are Canterlot University. Our most prestigious institution of higher learning."
  2606. >"We weren't sure how dangerous some of the components of your ship were so they've been stored in the vaults for now."
  2607. "Likely a wise decision."
  2608. >You doubt it would have done much to endear you to the ponies if they'd accidentally managed to get one of the autocannons working.
  2609. >Assuming any of the weapon systems actually survived the crash. You don't remember seeing much past the cockpit before you blacked out really.
  2610. >Raven leads inside the University through the front doors.
  2611. >The main hall is thronging with ponies either clustered in small groups talking or moving about carrying stacks of books or scrolls.
  2612. >Your presence draws a fair share of curious stares but the guards keep anyone from being brave enough to approach you directly.
  2614. >Your entourage passes through the main hall and deeper inside the structure, following a winding course until you come upon a set of stairs leading downward.
  2615. >You way is blocked an older unicorn mare in a lab coat, her mane tied up in bun. Her coat is a light green in color her mane grey with age.
  2616. >"Miss Inkwell. We've been expecting you. I am professor Ivy League." The professor looks up at you.
  2617. >"I must confess you seem larger in person. I suppose that's what I get for going off second hoof information. What may I call you."
  2618. "Am I Anoniaus of Caliban, but for the sake of ease you may call me Anon."
  2619. >The Professor smiles at this "In that case we can just forgo all the formality and you can call me Ivy."
  2620. >"If you don't mind I'd like to show you some of the things we recovered from your crash and ask a few questions."
  2621. "Very well. Though depending on the nature of what you recovered I may be taking it with me when I leave."
  2622. >Ivy motions for you to follow her and heads down the stairs, coming quickly to a heavy sealed metal door.
  2623. >Her horn lights up and you hear a clicking sound before the door slides aside, revealing another stretch of hall and a similar door further in.
  2624. "This is quite the secure facility."
  2625. >"The vaults are generally reserved for older magical artifacts of a potentially unstable nature. You can't go wrong backing up containment spells with thick walls."
  2626. >After passing through enough security doors to put a planetary governor's treasury to shame you find your destination.
  2627. >The ceiling of the room is thirty feet up, the far wall at least 150 back by your estimates.
  2628. >Dominating the center of the room is what remains of your Stormbird, a blackened husk of fractured metal.
  2629. "I had expected it to be in sections. If you have not built the vault around it then how is this here?"
  2630. >"That was a bit of a trick. Using some scrying mirrors to get the positioning right we just teleported it in."
  2633. "You teleported it?" Disbelief colors your tone, by now things on this world should hardly suprise you but still.
  2634. >"Yes, is that okay?" Ivy asks clearly thinking she's done something wrong.
  2635. "It is impressive. For my kind teleportation is a dangerous and inexact science requiring a massive amount of energy."
  2636. "And yet you have teleported this ship many miles without any such technological aide."
  2637. >"When you say dangerous an inexact you mean.."
  2638. "I mean that on some occasions you do not appear where you wished, and on others you do not appear at all."
  2639. >Professor Ivy blanches "And you still teleport? Even with that risk?"
  2640. "In cases of necessity yes. It is never an action that is undertaken lightly. Now you had further questions about the objects you found?"
  2641. >"Ah yes." The Professor heads around the back of the Stormbird and you follow without having to asked.
  2642. >Stacked neatly at the back of what was once the crew compartment are a a few odds and ends as well as some metal storage crates.
  2643. >The crates have all had their lids pried away and their contents lay exposed: Replacement parts for the stormbird, ration packs, flak vests.
  2644. >Ultimately all of very little value to you. You identify what each thing is for the Professor as best you are able.
  2645. >"We also found this, at first we thought it some manner of sword, but thought it far too large and unwieldy. Also it seems to have no edge."
  2646. >Ivy levitates a legion chainsword from where it had been resting, hidden in the lee of the Stormbird.
  2647. >You take hold of it as it floats by and she quickly releases it for your inspection.
  2648. "It is a chainsword, though it is missing the teeth."
  2649. >"Ah, so it is a sword!" Ivy exclaims seeming pleased with herself. "Though you say it's supposed to have teeth, not a single cutting edge?"
  2650. "A tooth chain would go along here."
  2651. >You indicate the guide track of the sword for her holding it lower so it's easily visible.
  2653. "With a chain placed you press the activation rune here to idle it."
  2654. >You demonstrate, depressing the rune and causing the sword to hum to life the guide wheels of the track clattering softly as they try to turn the nonexistent chain.
  2655. "When you wish to attack you grip this trigger stud. You may wish to cover your ears for this part."
  2656. >Once Ivy and Raven have heeded your warning and covered their ears you adjust your grip, pressing down firmly on the stud.
  2657. >The sword roars out with impotent fury, wheels spinning wildly with the sound of cutting air.
  2658. >You hold for a few seconds longer then release, the high shriek of the sword fading to a low growl once more.
  2659. >"I see, so the toothed chain moving at high speed creates the cutting edge, remarkable."
  2660. >Raven who has been quiet until this point chimes in. "Is it supposed to make that awful sound?"
  2661. "Indeed so. It serves well as a both a weapon and a means of paralyzing a weak willed foe with fear."
  2662. >Ivy brings your attention back to her. "So the weapon is meant to give you a psychological advantage over your foes as well?"
  2663. "To some degree,depending on the foe, though not as much as the mere presence of an Astartes on a battlefield."
  2664. >Professor Ivy nods "I understand from what little Princess Luna has told us that knights such as yourself are the elite warriors of your people. Am I correct?"
  2665. "You are."
  2666. >"In that case, if you have the time I'd love to run a few tests to measure your physical abilities."
  2667. "What manner of tests?"
  2668. >The ponies have given you little reason to distrust them so far, but you're not certain you're comfortable with the idea of being probed like some lab animal.
  2669. >"Just a few noninvasive tests, eye sight, strength, reaction time, that sort of thing."
  2670. >You look to Raven.
  2671. "Do we have the time?"
  2672. >"We don't have to meet with the Princess until noon, so if you want to postpone the rest of the university tour we could free up an hour."
  2673. "I am at your disposal for one hour then Ivy."
  2675. >"Thank you so much, I'll try to be as quick as possible, let me just call some of my assistants to start getting things ready."
  2676. >As Ivy trots off to make the necessary arrangements you maglock the chainsword to your hip and examine the interior of the Stormbird for anything more.
  2677. >Sadly your search avails nothing of note, you were hoping for a replacement blade chain, or less likely, a bolter.
  2678. >You had expected as much, in all likelihood the professor and her assistants have been in to every compartment of the vessel they manage to access.
  2679. >Raven has been walking around the ship looking it over while you were busy with your scavenging efforts.
  2680. "Something take your interest?"
  2681. >"Besides the space ship taking up half the room?" Raven asks with no small irony.
  2682. "Besides that."
  2683. >You reply in an effort at deadpan humor.
  2684. >"Well I was just wondering what it's like out there in space. Princess Luna spent some time on the moon, but what's it like further out than that?"
  2685. "Hostile. The Universe is equal parts amazing and terrifying."
  2686. >"What do you mean?" Raven asks giving you a quizzical look.
  2687. "You will sleep better if I do not tell you."
  2688. >Raven doesn't seem entirely pleased with that answer but lets the matter drop for now.
  2689. >Shortly there after Ivy returns to collect the two of you, ushering you along towards another room.
  2690. >The new room is still on the same level as the vaults but less heavily sealed, the interior looking like some blend of gymnasium and apothecarium.
  2691. >There are some instruments which you take to be medical testing devices, though they lack the thick coils of brass cased power cabling you are accustomed to.
  2692. >"Now I realize time is short" Ivy begin "So I'd like to get a few of the quicker tests done. That'll give us some preliminary data to analyze."
  2693. >Ivy gestures towards a flat metal plate set in the floor an upright post at one end of it with a needle an gauge set up visible.
  2694. >"If you don't mind first I'd like to record your weight."
  2696. >You step up on the scale which clunks loudly under your weight and Ivy moves over to the gauge to get a reading.
  2697. >"Oh my, that armor must weight more than I thought, this reading seems off."
  2698. "A fully armored can weight as much as eleven hundred kilograms. Much of this is due to our armor and super dense bone structure."
  2699. >"Ah I see, in that case I'd like to get some Xrays next time you come by. For now why don't we just move on to the other tests."
  2700. >The tests that follow are much like the standard battery you might be subjected to on a routine examination by an apothecary.
  2701. >Your blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration are all measured.
  2702. >Ivy also takes time to examine your teeth and the reaction of your pupils to light.
  2703. >You are certain there are a great many further tests she wishes to conduct but your time has run short.
  2704. >"We really have to be going now." Raven says as she attempts to pry you away from the eager professor.
  2705. >"We really need to schedule a follow up visit as soon as possible, do you think you'll be free tomorrow?" Ivy asks hopefully
  2706. "I know not what the Princess has in mind for me, I shall return as soon as I am able."
  2707. >Professor Ivy deflates somewhat but nods here understanding.
  2708. >Raven makes her apologies citing the busy schedule the two of you must keep and necessity of duty.
  2709. >As the two of you exit the vault Raven turns to you "I imagine you've had to put up with a lot since you got here, so if you need to take a moment just let me know."
  2710. "The tests were a trifle to endure, nothing to be concerned about."
  2711. >"I mean in general, being constantly in the public eye since you arrived. I know the Princess likes to get away from it now and again."
  2712. "Ah that. My thanks for your concern but I will be fine. Now I understood I am to meet with the Princess next?"
  2713. >"That's right. You have a lunch scheduled with the Princess next, a little garden party, nothing too big for now."
  2714. "Lead the way then."
  2716. >Your guards rejoin you at the front entrance of the University falling in around you once more in a protective cordon.
  2717. >You take one of the many paved foot paths one the university campus until it leads you back to the main thoroughfares of Canterlot.
  2718. >Even amid the sprawl of the city scape the tallest spires of the palace are still visible, meaning even without your guide the way would be easy to find.
  2719. >After a short walk through the wide boulevards you find yourself approaching the outer wall of the palace.
  2720. >The gate is far more lightly defended that you might have expected, a simple wooden drawn bridge spanning a moat, set in a white stone wall.
  2721. >At the gate a pair of guards stand at attention spears by their sides, but they make no move to bar your passage or even challenge you.
  2722. >A part of you wonders if this is laxity on the part of the Princesses or if they're simply that confident that nothing can harm them here.
  2723. >The viewed from this close it is easy to see that Canterlot Castle would be dwarfed by most of the monolithic palaces of the Imperium.
  2724. >That said what it lacks in size it makes up for in grace, the slender spires and gracefully curving falls far removed from the blunt architecture you are used to.
  2725. >Once inside the wall Raven pulls you from your introspection by politely clearing her throat. "We have arrived. Welcome to Canterlot Castle."
  2726. >"The gardens are just around back, I'll give you the full tour once your meeting is concluded."
  2727. >With that brief introduction to your surroundings you are being led towards a stone wall covered in climbing vines sporting colorful flowers.
  2728. >Passing through an arch in the wall you find yourself in a large courtyard filled with marble statues, plants, and a hedge maze dominating one end.
  2729. >Near a fountain at one side of the courtyard you see a large table set with a variety of food stuffs.
  2730. >Sat at the table are Princess Celestia, and a pink coated Alicorn you don't recognize.
  2732. >Near the pink Alicorn are four guards dressed in a silver variant of the royal guard armor you've come to recognize.
  2733. >That is odd, but not nearly so odd as the ponies themselves. The guards appear to be translucent and sparkling in the sunlight.
  2734. >Your escort of guards have peeled away to take up positions around the entrance to the gardens, but Raven is still moving with you towards the table.
  2735. >As you near within a few paces of the table Raven stops and gives a short bow. "Princess Celestia, I've brought Anoniaus as you asked."
  2736. >Raven turns to the second Alicorn "And it's a pleasure to see you as always Princess Cadence. Anoniaus this is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."
  2737. >The pink Alicorn smiles to you cordially. "You can just call me Cadence if I can call you Anon."
  2738. "Very well Princess Cadence. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
  2739. >"Please have a seat." Celestia says gesturing with a wing to a thick stone bench on your side of the table.
  2740. >You do as you are bade, carefully arranging the swords at your hip so that you can take your ease.
  2741. >Once you are situated servants appear to begin serving food and drinks to the three of you.
  2742. >A pair of delicate porcelain cups are placed before Cadence and Celestia before being filled with tea from a steaming pot.
  2743. >For you part the servants pause before you with a tray with a cup similar to the ones given to the princesses as well as a tankard and a chalice.
  2744. >You cast a curious glance towards Celestia who merely smiles. "I had thought you might like a larger cup."
  2745. >Her foresight does her credit, the porcelain cup looks too delicate for you, you take the tankard and place it on the table.
  2746. >The servants are quick to offer you drink to fill it and you end up selecting some sort of fruit juice from the available options.
  2747. >With drinks out of the way the servants begin laying out food, and Princess Celestia moves on to conversation.
  2749. >"Cadence is my niece and co-ruler of the Crystal Empire in the north. She and her husband have just recently had a child."
  2750. "Congratulations are in order then."
  2751. >You're fairly certain you're supposed to congratulate mortals for having children, though you're not certain why.
  2752. >It's probably safe to assume that the same nicety should be extended to an ageless ruler god of the xenos.
  2753. >"Thank you. I have some pictures if you'd like to see them later."
  2754. "That is kind of you to offer."
  2755. >"That reminds me" Princess Celestia says taking a sip from her tea. "How is Shining Armor?"
  2756. >"He's doing well, we're both a little tired though, raising a child and running an empire will do that."
  2757. >Cadence turns her attention to you. "I hear your people have an Empire too, is that right?"
  2758. "The Imperium of Man. It has seen better days."
  2759. >"I'm sorry to hear that." She says with complete sincerity.
  2760. "My thanks, but perhaps we should turn to a lighter topic of discussion."
  2761. >You offer as you tear off a piece of bread and dip it in some sort of sweet paste on your plate.
  2762. >It occurs belatedly that your table manners are likely atrocious but the Princesses haven't chosen to make issue of it.
  2763. >Celestia is quick to offer a change of topic. "The guards are going to be conducting some war games later this evening."
  2764. >"I was thinking it might be good for you to watch, or even participate if you'd like."
  2765. "That idea is not without merit. What manner of war game will it be?"
  2766. >Celestia purses her lips in thought "I believe the it was going to be a simulated monster attack. Squads of guards against magically simulated creatures."
  2767. "If that is the case then I would like to participate."
  2768. >"Wonderful, I'll see about making the arrangements to put you in charge of your own squad."
  2769. >That takes you by surprise.
  2770. "I am to lead a squad then?"
  2772. >"I see no reason why not. Luna tells me you've led in military actions before, isn't that the case?"
  2773. "It has been many decades."
  2774. >You say leaving it at that.
  2775. >"All the more reason to let you have the practice then." She teases. "Besides I think this will be a good chance for you to make some new friends."
  2776. "As you say then."
  2777. >You concede with a nod. Who are you to gainsay the Xenos god queen in her own capital.
  2778. >Besides this will be an opportunity to see more of the dangerous beasts of this world, or as least simulacrum of them.
  2779. >As you continue to pick apart your meal the conversation turns once more to politics, this time at the behest of Cadence.
  2780. >"So I ran in to some diplomats from the Minotaur's kingdom earlier, are we having talks with them again?"
  2781. >"Just the usual trade discussions, though you know how they can be."
  2782. "I believe I met the Ambassador as well."
  2783. >Celestia turns her attention to you, her tea cup levitating to one side. "Oh, I suppose you must have met him on the way in."
  2784. "That is the case. I believe it was his intention to provoke me."
  2785. >Celestia's expression falls to one of mild irritation. "I wish I could say I was surprised."
  2786. >Cadence looks concerned "Maybe we should have a few guards go with Anon."
  2787. "That will not be necessary. I will handle the matter personally."
  2788. >Celestia considers your words for a moment before finally nodding her assent.
  2789. >"Very well Anon. You haven't given me any reason to doubt your judgement so I'll trust you."
  2790. "Thank you Princess. I shall not give you cause to regret it."
  2791. >Celestia sets her cup aside and stands. "I would love to stay, but court won't hold itself."
  2792. >You're fairly certain you hear her mutter something under her breath to the effect of "though it would be nice if it could."
  2793. >You and Cadence stand as well, you sketch a quick bow and make your farewells to the Princesses, leaving them to return to the castle.
  2794. >You head back for the entrance to the garden.
  2796. >The guards fall in around you once more and Raven appears after only a moment's delay.
  2797. >"Ready to continue with the tour then?" Raven asks adjusting her glasses to look up at you.
  2798. "As you will it."
  2799. >"On to the castle we go then."
  2800. >Raven guides you to the main entrance of the castle, the doors currently open and unbarred allowing a stream of ponies entrance and egress.
  2801. >Judging by the degree of finery present on many of the ponies they are noble petitioners here to see Celestia at court.
  2802. >Royal guards are ever present as you move deeper inside the castle, turning wayward visitors away from certain corridors or directing elsewhere.
  2803. >Raven guides you past an antechamber filled with such petitioners gesturing inside.
  2804. >"This is where the court of Canterlot is held twice each day. Once in the afternoon and another at night for anypony wishing to petition Princess Luna."
  2805. "What sort of matter does one petition the Princess with?"
  2806. >"Usually legal disputes that can't be worked out other ways, land boundaries, trade rights, that sort of thing."
  2807. "The usual tedium of bureaucracy then."
  2808. >"Settling such disputes quickly and fairly is important to the smooth operation of the kingdom." Raven says a bit defensively.
  2809. "It is possible for a task to be both vital and tedious."
  2810. >Raven's expression drops to a slightly more flat one. "You may have a point."
  2811. >Her argument conceded for now Raven continues on guiding you throughout the castle.
  2812. >You're shown the kitchens, and told when the meals will be served.
  2813. >Though given the hectic schedules of the castle staff it seems you'll be able to request food at any time of the day.
  2814. >The next stop on your tour is the Royal Library, which you recall came highly recommended by Princess Twilight, and you say as much to Raven.
  2815. >"Princess Twilight did spend quite a bit of time here when she lived in Canterlot."
  2816. >"Am I allowed access to this facility?"
  2818. >"All but the restricted section. For anything in there you'll require permission from Princess Celestia or Princess Luna."
  2819. "What manner of material is in there that must be kept under lock and key."
  2820. >You know what manner of secrets the Dark Angels kept, at least some of the more base secrets anyway.
  2821. >You were never a part of the inner circle so you could only hazard vague guesses as to the true extent of the legion's hidden knowledge.
  2822. >"Mostly anything too old to safely display in public. One of a kind volumes, tomes and scrolls that are fragile from age."
  2823. "And spell tomes?"
  2824. >You say putting forth an educated guess.
  2825. >"A few of those too. Most volumes can be found in the unrestricted sections but a few of the more dangerous ones have to be kept locked up."
  2826. >As you had suspected then, if you're to stay here you'll have to see about looking at some of the more mundane spell tomes.
  2827. >Doing so may give you a better idea of ways to defend against sorcery should it become a problem.
  2828. >The fact that they have such a thing as spell tomes that don't have to be kept under lock and key leaves you fairly certain it's likely to come up.
  2829. "What manner of spells are considered too dangerous to be readily accessed?"
  2830. >"I couldn't really say. I've never actually been in the restricted archives myself."
  2831. >"If you're that curious about it you might have better luck asking Princess Twilight. I know she's been inside a few times."
  2832. >You simply nod taking Raven's answer at face value.
  2833. >"Unless you have any further questions about the Library we'll be heading down to the barracks and training areas."
  2834. >With that you follow Raven deeper into Canterlot castle, towards the very heart of the structure.
  2835. >Here you notice there are fewer guards standing sentinel over hallways and in their place a greater number of armed patrols.
  2836. >Heading down a stairway set wide enough for an entire unit of guards to pass in formation you arrive in the barracks.
  2838. >Though this floor is below ground the high ceilings and abundance of illumination sources preserve the feeling of open space.
  2839. >Raven still guiding you pauses at the intersection of two corridors to direct your attention.
  2840. >"That way is the training salle, down the opposite hall you've got gym with all the standard equipment ,and the end here is the main barracks."
  2841. "Then it is not the only barracks?"
  2842. >"No. We keep smaller ones on the upper floor and near the walls so that the guards can be at any part of the castle at a moments notice."
  2843. "A sound strategy. Who is in command of the garrison?"
  2844. >"Currently Lieutenant Argent Spear is acting commander, pending promotion to captain."
  2845. "Ah yes, I understand your previous captain is now wed to Princess Cadence."
  2846. >"That's right. Normally we would have filled the vacancy more quickly but things have been a bit hectic."
  2847. "When might I meet this Lieutenant Argent Spear?"
  2848. >"I believe he'll be overseeing drills with the new recruits right now, but we've more or less concluded the tour at this point."
  2849. >"If you don't mind a little wait I can introduce you."
  2850. "That would be most appreciated. In the meantime you mentioned a gymnasium might I make use of that while I wait?"
  2851. >"I don't see why not, besides it'll give me a chance to sit down." Raven turns to one of the guards that make up your escort.
  2852. >"Keep an eye out of the Lieutenant and come get me as soon as he's free."
  2853. >The guard salutes and marches off in the direction of the training salle as you take the opposite hall towards the gym.
  2854. >The gymnasium is much what you had expected, racks of iron weights interspersed among padded sections of flooring.
  2855. >There are pieces of equipment intermixed with the free weights, though few in number.
  2856. >The nature of most of the machines are easy enough to guess, though some are baffling in appearance.
  2857. >Those you simply mark down to inherent differences between the ponies physiology and your own.
  2859. >With a bit of direction and minimal delay two of your guards manage to divest you of your power armor.
  2860. >Clad now only in your simple linen clothes you look about for a good place to begin.
  2861. >A thick bag suspended from a chain catches your attention and you make your way over to it.
  2862. >Much of the equipment here is woefully undersized but this at least is suitable.
  2863. >You take the bag with one hand gently removing it from the chain before hooking it back in to a higher length to adjust the height to something appropriate.
  2864. >Today you will work on form and speed rather than power, you'd likely destroy the equipment otherwise.
  2865. >You duck and weave blows from an imaginary opponent throwing in light quick strikes with each evasion.
  2866. >You're so caught up in your workout that you fail to hear the approach of hoof steps behind you.
  2867. >A deep gruff voice speaks up, breaking your concentration. "Mind steppin aside there buddy, you're hogging the good bag."
  2868. >You stop mid strike and straighten your posture turning to see who has addressed you, though you're already certain you know.
  2869. >You turn and find yourself face to face with Brass Bell and two of the other guards that had accompanied the ambassador before.
  2870. "Forgive me but I have just begun. I will be a few moments longer."
  2871. >Brass Bell lets his annoyance show plain across his features as you fail to stand aside.
  2872. >Out of your armor he is nearly a hand span taller than you, at the crown of his head.
  2873. >"Look I don't think I made myself clear the first time, so I'm gonna try again here. You're in my way. Move."
  2874. "Ah, that is to be the way of things then. You've made your meaning clear"
  2875. >You sigh and put a genial smile on as you shrug.
  2876. "How unfortunate for us then that we have reached an impasse. I will not be moving."
  2877. >Other patrons of the gym have stopped their workouts or watch the building confrontation.
  2878. >You can see the guards that came with you stepping forward to intervene but you warn them off with a look.
  2880. >The minotaur in front of you press in closer, his irritation writ plain across his face.
  2881. >He grinds his teeth and appears to be struggling to contain his growing outrage.
  2882. >He spares a glance at the two minotaurs backing him up, then looks to the guards.
  2883. >After evaluating his options Brass Bell's expression changes, his anger replaced by a smug smirk.
  2884. >"If you're tryin to start somethin here we can settle it in the ring. Unless you're too chicken."
  2885. >He doesn't seem to realize he's just given you exactly what you wanted.
  2886. >A brawl in the middle of the castle would be one thing, after all even with witnesses on your side the ambassador might be able to make some case that you provoked his enterouge.
  2887. >An organized fight between willing participants though, that is a different matter entirely.
  2888. "Very well, what shall be the stakes?"
  2889. >"What are you goin on about now?" Brass Bell asks, suspicion coloring his tone.
  2890. "The stakes, the prize for our battle. The Ambassador said you are the champion of your sport, surely you must have fought for stakes before.
  2891. >The minotaur brute grins as he finally takes your meaning. "I was just gonna smash your face, but if you wanna lose even harder that's fine by me."
  2892. "Then we are in agreement, that there shall be stakes. Now what do you wish to wager?"
  2893. >Brass Bell racks his brain before suggesting. "My championship title against your fancy helmet." He says indicating your power armor stacked neatly by the guards.
  2894. >The title is of little value to you but it'll be quite the blow to this bull's ego to lose it you suspect.
  2895. "With that settled now we merely need someone impartial to officiate."
  2896. >You look about the gym goers selecting a pony at random and calling him over.
  2897. >You gesture to the pony while looking at Brass Bell.
  2898. "This shall be our referee, you may select the rules of the combat."
  2900. >Brass Bell looks at the pony then snorts. "Fine by me. No eye gouging, no biting, no hitting below the belt,three minute rounds. That good enough for ya?"
  2901. "I have no complaint. I lieu of a ring will these training mats do?"
  2902. >You ask motioning to clear padded section of the gym floor.
  2903. >"Good enough for me." Brass Bell says taking his corner.
  2904. >You move to the corner opposite him rolling your shoulders as you prepare yourself.
  2905. >It has been a great many years since your last unarmed combat, and you welcome the chance to test how well your skills have held up to the ravages of time.
  2906. >This will also be a good opportunity to measure the strength of the other species of this world.
  2907. >Brass Bell being a champion among his kind makes the opportunity all the more valuable.
  2908. >Over in his corner his two companions have fetched a towel, water bucket and stool from somewhere.
  2909. >"I don't think I'll be needing all that boys, this fight isn't even gonna last one round."
  2910. >The rather nervous looking pony you've selected as referee calls the two of you to the center of the ring.
  2911. >Brass Bell dallies for a moment, shadow boxing as he moves across the ring in a brash display that has his two companions cheering and shouting.
  2912. >You must admit he does seem skilled at his art. His height and bulk belie his speed, and his footwork, hoofwork in his case, is quick and balanced.
  2913. >The Referee stands between you as Brass Bell finally takes his place. "Alright, uh..we don't actually have a bell so when I yell now you can start."
  2914. >The Referee backs up to a safe distance and gives the call. Brass Bell rushes forward in an instant throwing a quick jab with his left.
  2915. >You slip the punch ducking low and to the outside. He follows up with a hard right, putting most of his weight behind the blow as he steps in attempting to catch you in the head.
  2916. >You throw up your forearm catching his knuckles against the stone hard long bones there as you turn the punch.
  2918. >Brass Bell gives a pained grunt as he quickly draws his hand back.
  2919. >He backpedals a step and puts up his left on guard, his right fist clenching and unclenching with a few audible pops.
  2920. >To his credit he does not hesitate to resume the attack, coming at you again with a flurry of punches.
  2921. >You duck or turn each one with the back of your hand, taking measure of his strength and speed.
  2922. >Stronger than a normal human to be sure, but much less than an ogryn, though not as dull witted as an ogryn either.
  2923. >By your estimation you've been dodging and guarding for just over a minute now.
  2924. >Though he has yet to land an attack on anything other than your arm or shoulder the fact you've remained on the defensive seems to be bolstering his confidence.
  2925. >"You just gonna dance around all day?" Brass Bell sneers as he continues his assault.
  2926. "No,I was merely seizing the chance to learn, but now I am finished."
  2927. >You'll end it quickly, though avoiding serious injury is probably the best course of action.
  2928. >However arrogant your opponent he is in the employ of a diplomat after all.
  2929. >Reasoning his physiology is close enough to human you choose your target. He throws a right and you brush it and step in.
  2930. >He appears to have been hoping for this, his left shooting out for your solar plexus, just as you do the same.
  2931. >You absorb the blow easily tensing your muscles as lean in to the blow to lend force to your own.
  2932. >Brass Bell does not fare nearly as well, the air leaves his lungs in a rush as he is lifted several inches from his feet.
  2933. >He staggers backward regaining his footing as he desperately tries to suck in air.
  2934. >Even bent nearly double as he is he has the presence of mind to keep his eyes on you and his guard up, though you are currently making no effort to pursue.
  2935. "You have fought bravely but you are outmatch. I have no wish to harm you further, yield and you may keep your title."
  2937. >"Screw...you..." He manages to pant out, finally returning to a closer semblance of his normal stance, though ducked lower now, his guard more closed around his body.
  2938. >You had suspected he would refuse your offer, too often warriors let martial pride become hubris.
  2939. >You keep your hands low and to your sides, inviting your opponent to strike at you.
  2940. >He seems to sense the trap, and his advance is cautious now, a stark contrast to his furious assault from just seconds prior.
  2941. >He comes in swinging for your head quickly stepping back as you duck the punch.
  2942. >You advance on him again, bringing both hands high and leaving your body open, letting your opponent land a few strikes so he'll commit to the attack.
  2943. >As soon as his hands go low for another blow to your body you slam the heel of your left hand in on the nerves in the side of his neck.
  2944. >He staggers in to you, his legs having given out from the nerve strike.
  2945. >You take hold of his arms to keep him from falling and lay him out on the mat before turning to the Referee.
  2946. "I believe my opponent is unable to fight any longer."
  2947. >The Referee looking from Brass Bell to you nods then begins to count.
  2948. >Brass Bell for his part is trying to rise but is unable, his leaden extremities refusing to obey him as he lays sprawled out.
  2949. >"9,10. The winner is that guy who made me be referee." The pony calls out to the crowd. Perhaps you should have introduced yourself before volunteering him for duty.
  2950. >Oh well, no matter. You kneel down by Brass Bell lifting him up easily before carrying him to the other two minotaurs.
  2951. >You hand him off unceremoniously.
  2952. "He will have difficulty walking for a short while, you will want to keep a firm grip on him."
  2953. >To Brass Bell directly you add
  2954. "As I said before, you may keep your title."
  2955. >With that exchange finished you head over to Raven who has been sitting on a bench at one side of the gym, watching this whole time.
  2956. >"Do all the fights you get in go like that?" She asks.
  2958. "Not nearly so many as I would like."
  2959. >"Well, hopefully after seeing that no one else wants to start one for a while."
  2960. "I am in agreement. Is there still time before the Lieutenant finishes conducting training?"
  2961. >"Well there would be, but he called it early so everyone could watch the Minotaur fight the Alien. I think everypony was expecting a longer fight."
  2962. >Raven indicates a group of guards in uniform talking amongst themselves near the gyms entrance.
  2963. >Seeing you looking their direction one of the guards breaks away and leads the rest of them towards you with a gesture.
  2964. >A male unicorn with a silver-white coat.This then must be the good Lieutenant. "Anoniaus, am I saying that right?"
  2965. "Yes. You are Lieutenant Argent Spear?"
  2966. >"Soon to be Captain Argent Spear with any luck." He says in a jovial tone. "Word from the Princess is that you'll be joining us for some war games."
  2967. >"I was going to put you with one of our veteran squads, but after watching that display I wonder if you wouldn't mind being with the rookies?"
  2968. "If that is your wish. Though I am not the most experienced commander."
  2969. >"This will be a good chance to start. We'll mostly be doing monster combat scenarios anyway and there will be drill instructors on hoof in case."
  2970. >"Besides just looking at you I'm pretty sure you have more actual combat experience than half the royal guard put together,I think the rookies can benefit most from that."
  2971. "Very well, when are the war games to begin?"
  2972. >"We'll be starting in a few hours, for now why don't you come with me, we can get you assigned to a squad and let everyone get acquainted.
  2973. "Allow me a moment to retrieve my armor then I will accompany you."
  2974. >Your honor guard help you back in to your armor once more and Argent Spear assures Raven that he'll "take it from here".
  2975. >Raven bids you farewell, adding that she's sure she'll see you around the castle before departing for her other duties.
  2976. >Encased within the ceramite shell of your power armor once more you set off with Argent spear towards the training room.
  2977. >"Fair warning, some of the rookies are gonna be a little excitable. They're right out of basic and this is going to be their first combat exercise."
  2978. "I shall endeavor to make this experience a memorable one then. What manner of foes shall we face?"
  2979. >"Princess Luna always makes the final selections so nopony knows in advance. It's good practice for veterans and new recruits alike to make sure they can think on hooves."
  2980. "What sort of armaments shall we have at our disposal?"
  2981. >"Standard armor plus spears and shields. Since you have your own armor and sword you'll be allowed to use that and we'll provide a shield if you'd like one."
  2982. "I shall consider that."
  2983. >You come to the door of the training room which Argent spear pushes aside granting you a view of the interior.
  2984. >Ponies in training gamebsons are spaced out around the room practicing with training spears that have been blunted by thick rolls of cloth bound tight around the tips.
  2985. >Argent Spear clears his throat and bellows out the order for the guards in training to fall in.
  2986. >A few of them nearly fall over themselves in the rush to form an orderly line.
  2987. >If Argent spear is bothered by the clumsiness of his recruits he does not let it show.
  2988. >"At ease everypony. This is Anoniaus, he will be your acting squad commander for this evening's training exercise."
  2989. >"The Princess informs me that he is an experienced combat veteran and I expect you to obey his every order as if he were Captain Shining Armor himself."
  2990. >Argent Spear turns to you and asks quietly "Anything you'd like to add?"
  2991. >You take a step forward, letting one hand rest on the hilt of your sword your other arm curled around your helm at your side.
  2992. "It is my privilege to lead you on the field of war this day. Whatever challenge is set before us we shall overcome."
  2994. >You wish that you had same gift for speechcraft that Guilliman's sons seem blessed with, but you are the son of a father more given to action that words.
  2995. >With nothing further to say you take a step back and let Argent Spear speak once more.
  2996. >"Until further notice transfer of your squad has is transferred to Anoniaus." He turns to leave, patting the side of your armor with a hoof "Go easy on them."
  2997. >Argent Spear exits the room, leaving you alone with your new command.
  2998. "You may take your ease."
  2999. >The recruits relax somewhat as you take a moment to consider where to begin.
  3000. >To your knowledge you have only a few hours before the games begin, best assess their skills before then.
  3001. "Which of you can inform me as concisely as possible as to the extent of tactical training you have been given?"
  3002. >One of the ponies raises a hoof, a blue tinted unicorn mare.
  3003. "Speak."
  3004. >You say gesturing for her to go on. She looks rather proud of herself for having been called upon.
  3005. >"Other than spear and shield drills we've covered the phalanx and maniple formations."
  3006. "Excellent, that will save us much time. What is your name?"
  3007. >"Private Moondust sir." You nod making a mental note of this one.
  3008. "You are a unicorn I see. What are your magical capabilities?"
  3009. >She deflates somewhat at the question "I scored low average in magical attack and defense, but got high marks in augmentation."
  3010. "What sort of spells constitute augmentation? I am not well versed in the sorcerous arts."
  3011. >"Augmentation would be spells that alter the natural speed of an object or creature, or change a natural property of something."
  3012. >"She means she's good at speeding up the squad and enchanting weapons." You turn your attention to the new speaker.
  3013. >An earthpony mare, a bit taller and broader than many of her squadmates.
  3014. "Those sound like useful skills indeed."
  3015. >You say directing the comment to Moondust before returning to the earth pony.
  3016. "What is your name?"
  3018. >"Stone Sentinel" She says before tacking on a belated "Sir."
  3019. "Thank you for the summation."
  3020. >You look Stone Sentinel up and down. These ponies generally have seemed to have a name suited to their skill set.
  3021. >You feel confident enough about that to hazard a guess.
  3022. "Tell me, you are stronger than many of your squad mates, is that the case?"
  3023. >By way of reply she nods once. "Nopony has been able to knock me over during shield drills Sir."
  3024. >Her tone is largely devoid of color, no pride or brag, just a simple statement of fact.
  3025. "If that is the case you will make a fine center for our defensive line."
  3026. "Now, it occurs to me belatedly that the Lieutenant has neglected to give me directions about where we are to retrieve your arms and armor."
  3027. >Moondust is quick to answer once more. "We were all issued weapons and armor yesterday, they're currently in the barracks."
  3028. "Then arm yourselves and gather what provisions you made need. You have thirty minutes, we shall reconvene here."
  3029. >The ponies head out quickly at your command and you yourself head off in search of the armory.
  3030. >Argent Spear did say that a shield would be provided if you so chose, and without a ranged weapon at your disposal it seems a practical choice.
  3031. >Getting directions is a simple enough matter. You ask your way to the armory as well as the training field where today's games will be held.
  3032. >With that taken care of you head to collect a shield, though upon arriving you find that the selection of anything fir for someone of your size is slim.
  3033. >You had expected that would likely be the case.
  3034. >You eventually manage to find an aged round shield which will serve as an oversized buckler for you.
  3035. >The metal boss in the middle is dulled with age but unmarred by rust, and the faded paint on the shield depicts some manner of fiery bird against a white field.
  3036. >With that in hand you return to the training room. The recruits appear in ones until the squad of ten is whole once more.
  3038. "We will be heading to the training field early. I wish to take the available time before combat to evaluate the cohesion of this squad."
  3039. >A few of the recruits look like they can barely contain their excitement, and you can hardly blame them.
  3040. >You yourself were much the same at one time, though the order masters had done their level best to temper that enthusiasm with good sense and caution.
  3041. >Upon arriving at the field you find that yours is not the only squad to have taken up position early.
  3042. >Several other groups of guards are in position around the field either drilling or taking leisure.
  3043. >The field itself consists of a number of makeshift buildings sat upon a low hill. After taking a moment to survey the field you begin putting your squad through their paces.
  3044. >You make them march and run, ordering them to fall in to a phalanx at a moments notice only to break off again and continue moving.
  3045. >It is clear they are still fresh recruits but they have been well drilled in the basics at least. After an hour or so of practice you elect to give them a short rest.
  3046. >While they recovery from their exertions you head over to one of the other squads, greeting the sergeant present with a salute as you approach.
  3047. "What can you tell me of the procedure for these war games. I do not wish to inadvertently violate any protocol when we begin."
  3048. >"Generally the Princess will let us know what sort of threat we're facing when the game starts. Anypony that's "wounded" in the battle will be teleported out of action."
  3049. >"Also depending on how things are going once your squad has dealt with your threat you may be able to go aide another squad if they're having trouble."
  3050. "That is good to know, thank you."
  3051. >Before you can ask any further questions a trumpet sounds and Princess Luna appears on one of the many balconies studding the castles towers.
  3053. >"Greetings loyal soldiers of the Royal Guard. It pleases me greatly to welcome all of you, as well as the newest addition to our forces."
  3054. >Luna gestures to you an pauses for effect before continuing with her speech.
  3055. >"His arrival came as a surprise to us all, and as such I thought it fitting to make the foe of this game something new to the forces of Equestria as well."
  3056. >"This year you will defend a hamlet from creatures more adaptable and ferocious than any Changeling."
  3057. >You can hear murmurs of speculation from the guards around you.
  3058. >You don't have to speculate, you're almost certain what nightmare she's dredged from the depths of your memory.
  3059. >"This year your foe shall be Tyranids!" Luna cries out over the field. "You have twenty minutes to prepare before the battle begins."
  3060. >With that decree given most of the guards begin moving towards the Hamlet, though some squads are dallying, unsure of how to deal with a foe they know nothing of.
  3061. >The best way to get through this battle is going to be to take charge and give the ponies the benefit of your experience.
  3062. >It would seem that Luna intends to test more than just the combat prowess of the Royal Guard this day.
  3063. "Everyone, get to high ground immediately, begin fortifying the hamlet with anything available! Block the streets and limit the means of approach!"
  3064. >You direct your squad at double time towards the hamlet and quickly put them to work erecting barricades.
  3065. >You have your squad overturn a wagon and pile barrels and crates around it to block the central thoroughfare.
  3066. >Most of the other squads seem willing to comply with your orders but one of the other sergeants seems uncertain.
  3067. >"What the heck are tyranids anyway?"
  3068. >Still holding aloft the large stone you had uprooted from the ground to add to one of the barricades you answer as briefly as you can.
  3070. "They are unfeeling monsters only concerned with eating in order to propagate. If one falls it is simply replaced with another."
  3071. "They do not fear death or pain, they live only to serve the hive and feed. There is no reasoning with or driving off such beasts."
  3072. >A few of the guards look more nervous at that. Unfortunate, but it is best that you prepare them for what they are about to face.
  3073. "They will likely come at us in numbers, destroy the largest of the creatures as quickly as you can. The largest control the others."
  3074. >"Do you mean the biggest ones give the orders?" Moondust asks the piece of lumber she was levitating seemingly forgotten in the air above her.
  3075. "In a manner of speaking, but these creatures are more like the insects of a hive. Without the largest ones to control them the weaker ones may well turn on one another."
  3076. >One of the sergeants speaks up at this point.
  3077. >"Look if they're like insects they can't be much worse than the changelings, I don't think this is anything to get too worked up over. Just stick together and"
  3078. >Whatever he was going to say dies in his throat as a deafening bellow sounds in the near distance, deep enough to set some of the windows in the mock houses to vibrating.
  3079. >"What makes a sound like that?" You hear someone ask quietly.
  3080. "That would likely be their leader. Now form ranks to guard the streets and be wary of attacks from above or behind. They tend to be skilled leapers."
  3081. >One of the guards in your squad peeks over the barricade in the direction the sound came form. "Oh buck, there's so many of them!"
  3082. >You step up to the barricade to look out at the enemy as well. Hormagunts dozens of them.
  3083. >Each one less than an average man in height but possessed of scything blade like talons, a secondary set of arms, and a mouth full of dagger like fangs.
  3084. "Form double ranks, first shields forward, second high to guard those in front! Ready spears and attack on my mark!"
  3086. >Some of the recruits are visibly shaken, but rush to follow your orders all the same.
  3087. >A few of the other sergeants have adopted your strategy and are order their troops up in a similar manner. That is good, they may survive this initial assault.
  3088. >The first of the hormagaunts bursts in to view around the corner of a building.
  3089. >They could likely have torn down or scaled the barricade with little effort but their drive to feed has led them down the path of least resistance.
  3090. "Hold!"
  3091. >You bellow as the hormagaunts close in.
  3092. >A dozen meters away the creatures leap for the shield wall seeking to crush your squad beneath their pouncing weight so they might feed.
  3093. >The creatures sore through the air with deadly accuracy.
  3094. "Mark!"
  3095. >At your command your squad stabs out as once, skewering the creatures and driving them backward away from the shield as they fall.
  3096. >You step around to the right flank of the shield wall,the weakest position in a phalanx since each man protects the man to his left.
  3097. >One of the illusory creatures your squad skewered kicks and squirms its way to its feet once more rushing forward.
  3098. >You punch out with the edge of your shield smashing its brown before splitting in bodily in two with a downward swipe of your sword.
  3099. >If these are meant to be a simulation of real enemies then this is a damned fine blade.
  3100. >The next attackers are already incoming and you shout the order once more, your squad lancing them from the air as they try to strike.
  3101. >From behind you hear shouts of dismay and a pop of displaced air. Looking back you can see that half of another of the squads has fallen, including their sergeant.
  3102. >The "survivors" are fighting a desperate bid to stave off hormagaunts that are trying to tear through their defenses.
  3103. >"Sentinel you have the line, I must secure our flank."
  3104. >Without awaiting acknowledgement you sprint towards the embattled guards.
  3106. >Throwing all your body weight against the beast you drive it against once of the barricades causing it to dissipate like the other slain creatures.
  3107. >Seeing your attack the defenders begin to rally and manage to drag more of the creatures down with a furious volley of thrusts.
  3108. >You lay about you with your enchanted blade dispatching the rest.
  3109. >With the area secure for the moment you spare a glance for the other squads. Most seem to be holding with minimal losses, your own still entirely intact.
  3110. >You see two squads guarding one of the larger streets together and call out to the Sergeant.
  3111. "Re position a squad to relieve this one, the other should absorb this squad into their own."
  3112. >You hold position long enough to make sure the others aren't attack while carrying out your orders them return to your own squad.
  3113. >"They seem to be slowing down sir." Moondust comments as the flow of attackers slows.
  3114. "Then they are preparing to send in something more dangerous. Be vigilant."
  3115. >The roar of approaching enemies tells you how right you were. More Hormagaunts led by a pair of Tyranid warriors, other squads will likely be facing similar threats.
  3116. >The warriors stand nearly half again your height and much like the smaller ones have a pair of scything talons.
  3117. >In their more humanoid hands they wield curved sword like extrusions of bone and chitin, likely some horrible parasite grown by the tyranid hive mind to pass as a weapon.
  3118. >"Destroy the larger ones, aim for their heads!"
  3119. >You cry out for all to hear, your vox amplified voice carrying out even over the din of the battlefield.
  3120. "Moondust can your magic slow the larger ones?"
  3121. >"I think so. I mean I've never tried in actual combat practice before and I" You cut her off before she can begin to ramble.
  3122. "If you can then do so. Worry about nothing else, we shall see to your defense."
  3124. >You turn to face the approaching threat calling out to your squad once more.
  3125. "Protect Moondust at all cost, if those Warriors break through we are lost!"
  3126. >You take up your position on the right flank again lending your blade work to the desperate defense,and trusting Moondust to do her part.
  3127. >The Warriors have closed to within a dozen paces and begin their charge.
  3128. >After two strides a magical aura shimmers into existence around the pair of creatures and they begin to move as if wading through chest deep oil.
  3129. >With no idea how long Moondust can maintain her time altering sorcery you order the advance.
  3130. "Forward, bring them down!"
  3131. >Your squad surges toward the enemy, adopting a wedge formation as they drive the hormagaunts before them.
  3132. >Sheer weight of bodies is slowing the advance but Stone Sentinel is at the center of your line.
  3133. >She has put her weight behind the shield and is plowing the tyranid invaders from her path with the same kind of dauntless efficiency you might expect of one of the Death Guard.
  3134. >They Warriors, still trapped in the grip of Moondust's enchantment, are able to do little besides watch with hate filled eyes as you set upon them.
  3135. >Your blade sings through the air parting spines and limbs as spears punch out from the protective shield wall finding gaps in the chitinous armor of your foes.
  3136. >Unable to defend themselves the warriors fall quickly under the concentrated assault. Moondust heaves a sigh of relief finally able to relax her concentration.
  3137. >Using magic to their advantage the other squads have managed to bring down warriors assaulting their positions, but not without losses.
  3138. >Before you can issue further orders an ear piercing shriek cuts the air.
  3139. >Nearby a building erupts in a shower of splinters and broken glass as a blob of bio-plasma detonates inside it.
  3140. >Two members of your squad blink out of existence as shrapnel flies towards them, the debris slowing to a stop near them without actually striking.
  3142. >Illusory flames crawl across the rubble and a cloud of magically conjured smoke begins drifting over the battlefield.
  3143. >Through the haze you can make out the gargantuan form of the Carnifex, nine tones of armor and muscle capable of tearing through a battle tank.
  3144. >The hive spawned monstrosity throws its mouth open and roars again a glow building in its mouth as the sound reaches a crescendo.
  3145. "Scatter!"
  3146. >You shout setting the ponies to flight as you rush into the questionable protection of a barricade.
  3147. >Moondust, apparently panicking has frozen in place looking desperately for something to hide behind.
  3148. >Cursing yourself inwardly you crouch low and break from cover sprinting towards Moondust at full tilt.
  3149. >She turns towards you just as the Carnifex fires its shot of bioplasma.
  3150. >A glow engulfs Moondust's horn and time seems to dialite.
  3151. >You bend low and scoop Moondust up in you shield arm still running.
  3152. >You steal a glance towards the Carnifex, the bioplasma shot which should be speeding towards you on a lethal trajectory instead glides lazily through the air.
  3153. >Three more strides carry you clear of the orbs path and towards the first floor window of one of the remaining buildings.
  3154. >Spinning mid step you tuck Moondust in close against your chest, shielding her with your body as you crash bodily through the glass and into the building.
  3155. >A split second of nausea washes over you as time reverts to normal, the shards of glass from the window crashing around you as a detonation sounds from outside.
  3156. >Moondust who seems to be regaining her composure looks up from her position cradled in your arm. "Sorry.."
  3157. >You cut her off before she has further chance to elaborate.
  3158. "No harm was done, but we must rejoin the battle quickly."
  3159. >You step back through the shattered window before placing her on her hooves.
  3160. >The arrival of the Cranifex on the scene has thrown your battle lines into complete disarray.
  3162. >If you can bring it down quickly the loss might drive the tyranids into a frenzy long enough for you to regroup.
  3163. >Using your Vox amplifier to full effect once more you shout out over the field.
  3164. "Concentrate all magic on the Carnifex!"
  3165. >Turning to regard Moondust you ask
  3166. "Slow that thing for as long as you can."
  3167. >She nods her understanding and rushes off to rejoin the squad, as you size up the Cranifex.
  3168. >You know it's almost certainly suicide, but if that thing doesn't fall you're all dead anyway.
  3169. >Besides why should the guards in training be the only ones to have a bit of fun.
  3170. >You charge, head low, pauldron and shield up for what little protection they might might afford against so monstrous a foe.
  3171. >The Carnifex guided by whatever malignant intellect it posses seems to recognize you as a threat and stomps forward to meet your charge.
  3172. >You're forced to swirl and spin to avoid the deadly reach of its raking talons.
  3173. >Your sword flashes out removing the tip from a talon as you dodge and weave trying to get inside its reach.
  3174. >A beam of light flashes out from somewhere nearby scoring a line across the beasts armored side.
  3175. >The Carnifex roars it's indignation at the assault and tries to turn to face the new threat.
  3176. >You lunge gouging a line through chitinous armor of its chest.
  3177. "Your battle is with me monster!"
  3178. >The combination of noise and pain seem to set you firmly within the tyranid's sights once more as it slams its blade like limbs down seeking to impale you.
  3179. >You dodge backwards letting it come up short, its claws embedding themselves firmly within the dirt instead.
  3180. >More magical attacks rake the the Carnifex's flank as you continue to parry and dodge fending off a storm of rending claws.
  3181. >As it brings a talon around for your head its movements slow to a crawl, it would seem Moondust is adding her efforts to the battle now.
  3183. >Seizing what may be your only opportunity to attack you leap forward and slash at the creatures head, your sword biting deep into alien flesh and bone.
  3184. >You put your weight behind the blade letting momentum drag it free as you land and quickly renew your assault.
  3185. >You slash wildly at the creatures chest and throat intending to inflict as much damage as possible while it is held.
  3186. >Your assault ends abruptly as a clawed foot comes up and slams you in the chest sending you rolling in a sprawling heap.
  3187. >You come to a stop against a building some thirty feet back, nothing injured but your pride thankfully.
  3188. >The Carnifex moves to pursue you but staggers and collapses to its knees, supporting itself with its claws as the guards continue to rain magical attacks down on it.
  3189. >The simulacrum doesn't survive long under such concentrated assault, popping out of existence much like all the others.
  3190. >With no leader to guide them the Tyranids revert to a more feral and mindless state attacking one another as often as the defending guards.
  3191. "Slay them quickly before they regain their senses!"
  3192. >You quickly put your own orders in to practice laying tyranids low with each sweep of your blade.
  3193. >What was a battle quickly becomes a slaughter and the last of the hormagaunts fall beneath the spears of the guards.
  3194. >A deathly silence reigns over the battle field, the guards wary of any other attack.
  3195. >When none is forth coming one of the guards speaks up. "I think we won."
  3196. >This hesitant, almost confused statement is echoed throughout the lines and soon gives way to jubilant shouts.
  3197. >All sense of order is soon lost as the squads begin intermingling, celebrating their first victory.
  3198. >You are less ready to celebrate, the losses were heavy, only a third of the combatants who began remaining on the field.
  3199. >A change of tactics may be in order, but that is something for you to consider.
  3200. >For now let them have their moment, and their victory wine. Do the ponies even have victory wine?
  3201. >You are torn from your contemplation by a sudden sense of dislocation as reality swims and distorts around you.
  3202. >Just as quickly as it came it passes and you find yourself standing in one of the larger rooms of the castle.
  3203. >Around the peripheries of the room are tables piled with food and drink, the guards, both those with whom you were still on the field and those earlier displaced, are present.
  3204. >You must have been teleported, though the ease with which this was done is nothing short of a marvel.
  3205. >Even the most advanced teleportariums of the Mechanicus would require a massive amount of energy to teleport so many, and then there would still be the chance of error.
  3206. >You suppress a shudder at the thought, to spend your last agonized minutes fused inside a failure in the translation would be quite another.
  3207. >It would seem that magical teleportation is both safer and more accurate.
  3208. >All of the guards from the field are not only accounted for but have appeared in neat ranks between the tables.
  3209. >Quiet but excited conversations have broken out among the guards from the other units as they reunite with those who did not see out the battle's end.
  3210. >Some of the guards have begun to approach the tables now, and servants hurry from their places along the wall to attend them.
  3211. >"Excuse me, Anoniaus, Sir."
  3212. >You look down to find Moondust standing behind you, as are the rest of your unit.
  3213. "You may speak freely."
  3214. >"Ah, thank you. The other Squads have been dismissed so we we're just wondering..."
  3215. "Ah yes. Well fought today, you are dismissed."
  3216. >Most of them manage to sketch a quick salute before rushing off.
  3217. >You consider joining the party for the sake of building camaraderie but dismiss the idea.
  3218. >You have other matters to see to.
  3219. >Exiting the room you're able to get your bearings quickly enough thanks to the tour Raven took you on and begin making your way for the upper levels.
  3221. >You head for the upper levels of the castle.
  3222. >Some of the Royal Guard in the familiar gold armor still patrol the hallways but you note that many of them have been replaced by troops in midnight blue armor.
  3223. >Luna's guard then, that's good, it likely means that she has assumed her duties for the evening.
  3224. >That should make her all that much easier to locate.
  3225. >It does not take you long to reach your destination, the guards posted by the door make no move to bar you from entering.
  3226. >Upon entering you pause in your stride to take in your surroundings.
  3227. >The throne room is rather more grand than you had expected, a long red carpet stretching to a golden dais upon which a wide low throne rests.
  3228. >The walls are decorated with pillars stretching high above to an arched roof painted in images of the sun and stars.
  3229. >The massive stained glass windows are the match of anything that once stood in the Fortress of Aldurukh in artistry, though their subject matter is vastly different.
  3230. >After allowing yourself that brief hesitation you resume your march toward the throne and the room's sole occupant.
  3231. >Princess Luna is upon the dais, staring absently at one of the windows her chin resting upon a hoof a bored expression plastered across her face.
  3232. >She does not seem to have noticed your arrival, so you stand what you presume to be a respectful distance from the throne waiting to catch her attention.
  3233. >Once that has failed you clear your throat causing her to come to her senses with a start.
  3234. >A few seconds of awkward shuffling as Luna quickly adopts a dignified pose then she addresses you.
  3235. >"Anon, this is a pleasant surprise. I was not expecting to see you so soon."
  3236. >You remove your helm tucking it under one arm to address the Princess.
  3237. "Forgive me if I am interrupting your solitude, I imagine one gets little reprieve when one is ruler."
  3238. >Luna's expression changes and you fear you may have inadvertently said something to anger the Princess.
  3240. >Apparently reading something of your thoughts in your own expression hers softens.
  3241. >"Solitude is not difficult to find when you are the Princess of the Night. My court is hardly the bustling affair my Sister holds in the day."
  3242. >There is no jealousy or resentment in her tone when she speaks, though it's plain to see she wishes weren't sitting here alone.
  3243. >You can hardly fault her for feeling that way, being deprived of your battle brothers as you were for so long was difficult.
  3244. "I understand, but we endure, because we must."
  3245. >Such a frank statement seems to take Luna by surprise, she regards you once more, her expression becoming a sincere smile.
  3246. >"Yes, I suppose you do understand, but enough of such things. What brings you here when others are celebrating your victory?"
  3247. "There are a number of things I wished to discuss. The battle for one. Casualties were far too heavy."
  3248. >"It was the first war game for nearly all of them, and against a foe that the sergeants knew nothing about. It is to be expected."
  3249. "I do not fault them. The failing is mine."
  3250. >Luna gives you a quizzical look. "How so?"
  3251. "I know little about the magical capabilities of the unicorns. I do not believe I used their power to its full potential. I wish to correct this."
  3252. >"If you wish I can assign somepony to assist you in your studies. Perhaps Twilight Sparkle will be willing to..."
  3253. "No. I mean to say, if I am to work with the guard perhaps it would be better to have of them assist."
  3254. >Judging solely from your last visit Princess Twilight would likely make a fine tutor, but you doubt you could avoid her questions for long.
  3255. >The less the denizens of this world know about the nature of the warp the better.
  3256. >"That is a splendid idea, did you have anypony in mind?"
  3257. "The recruit, Moondust. I believe she should be able to help me garner a basic understanding."
  3258. >"And perhaps she will benefit from your knowledge and experience in other areas of warfare. I shall make the arrangements."
  3260. >"Now I believe you said there were other matters which you wished to discuss?"
  3261. "Yes, one with which you may be able to assist personally. It is rare for an Astartes to truly dream but I had a troubling dream some nights ago."
  3262. >"Do you wish to tell me about it?"
  3263. "I was on the field of battle with my brothers, one of them fell and..."
  3264. >Try as you might you can't bring the details of the dream to mind.
  3265. >You recall is normally near perfect and yet trying to dredge up the memory now is like grasping at fog.
  3266. >Now you feel foolish for having brought it up, a Knight of Caliban, son of a demigod complaining of a bad dream.
  3267. "Forgive me, I can no longer recall what it was about the dream that troubled me so. It would seem time has made a fool of me."
  3268. >You give a self deprecating smile for effect.
  3269. >Luna seems unconvinced but nods all the same. "Very well, if you recall the details and wish to discuss it feel free to find me."
  3270. >"Such dreams can be harmful if left unchecked too often."
  3271. >Your conversation moves to other matters of personal import, such as the need for further repair to your armor.
  3272. >After all if you are to serve you wish to be well equipped to do so.
  3273. >Luna for her part just seems pleased to help, and possibly a little proud that you have chosen to come to her about this matter.
  3274. >You explain to her the need for lenses for your helm, and the difficulty in repair your armor's left arm.
  3275. >After listening she assures you that she will put Canterlot's best crafts-ponies on the job, much to your relief.
  3276. >By now the setting sun is casting long shadows across the floor through the stained glass windows.
  3277. >"The hour grows later, I will be called away to my other duties soon. Will you be remaining here in Canterlot?"
  3278. "For now yes. Am I to quarter within the castle or.."
  3279. >You trail off. You're fairly certain the suggestion of securing your own lodging wouldn't offend the Princess but still best not to risk it.
  3281. >"Nay, I shall have the servants prepare a room for you within the castle. You are welcome to stay as long as you would like."
  3282. >You bow deeply at the waist.
  3283. "You have my thanks then Princess. Shall I leave you to your duties?"
  3284. >Luna considers this for a moment "I believe I have some time yet before most ponies will be asleep."
  3285. >Luna rises from the throne and makes her way down the long carpet to the doors, motioning for you to follow.
  3286. >She pauses long enough to tell one of the guards "Court is concluded for the evening." before adjourning to one of the castles sitting rooms.
  3287. >The room is mostly filled with low tables surrounded by piles of cushions.
  3288. >Luna sits by one of the tables and using her magic opens a drawer and levitates out some manner of game board.
  3289. >"Would you like to play?"She asks hovering the board nearly level with her head, giving you a hopeful smile.
  3290. >With a look like that how could you refuse her?
  3291. >As she explains the game it is similar to regicide in so far as the board is similar.
  3292. >Other than that it is much less complex, apparently the game is called Checkers.
  3293. >After explaining the rules Luna floats a pile of horseshoe shaped tokens over to you to place on your side of the board, already busily placing her own.
  3294. >The game is not difficult to grasp, at least not in the basic sense of things.
  3295. >The case may be, in fact, that you are overthinking it, because each time you think you've found some opening to exploit you merely cause yourself more problems.
  3296. >Luna is just happy to be playing, though at one point she does ask teasingly.
  3297. >"You're not letting me win just because I'm a Princess are you?"
  3298. "You have my assurances that I have no need to feign defeat. My performance at this game is naturally poor."
  3299. >You get a good natured laugh from the Princess with that, and are quickly handed a sound defeat.
  3300. >A few more games yield similar results, though your skill does improve each time.
  3302. >Eventually Luna rises from the table with some apparent reluctance, putting away the board.
  3303. >"This has been a most enjoyable evening, but the moon isn't going to raise itself."
  3304. >A part of you wants to object to that statement given even your fairly basic knowledge of physics but you decide against it.
  3305. >"If you will wait here I will have one of the servants show you to your room."
  3306. >You give Luna your thanks and she departs. True to her word a servant appears to guide you to your room shortly there after.
  3307. >The room is roughly what you had expected, a large canopied bed dominating the center of it.
  3308. >Thick plush rugs covering parts of the stone floor, a dresser, mirror and all the other furnishings one might need during an extended stay.
  3309. >"Will you be needing anything else sir?" The servant mare asks.
  3310. "Parchment, ink, and books on the subject of magic."
  3311. >The servant looks a bit perplexed by your request "So you'll be wanting spell tomes then sir?"
  3312. "No, I am more interested in the nature and applications of magic rather than the spells themselves. Please find what you can."
  3313. >Taking that as a dismissal she scurries off presumably to fetch what you've requested.
  3314. >If the castle is anything like the garrison you'll have the small hours of the night mostly to yourself.
  3315. >That being the case it will be a good time to begin your research.
  3316. >You place your helm on the bed and move to a window to admire the view while you wait on the servant's return.
  3317. >By this point most of your doubt about claims of the princesses raising the sun and moon had been dispelled but now they are entirely banished.
  3318. >You watch as the sun swiftly dips below the horizon and mere seconds later the moon rises high, dominating the center of the sky.
  3319. >You are glad you have befriended these xenos rather than mindlessly warring with them as your brothers would have for many reasons.
  3320. >Seeing such a display of magical power simply gives you one more reason to be glad of that.
  3322. >You watch for a while longer as the stars begin to take their places in the sky before your attention is drawn to the return of the servant.
  3323. >She is pushing a cart piled with the books and parchment you requested as well as what appears to be a small fold-able writing desk.
  3324. >You take the books placing them on the dresser before setting up the desk and piling the parchment on to it.
  3325. "You have my thanks. You may take the cart."
  3326. >The dismissal given you browse through the books before selecting on the that seems most suitable.
  3327. >The magic used by unicorns seems, at least by your estimation, to be similar enough to sorcery that you'll need instruction from someone actually learned in the art.
  3328. >So you've decided to start with something more simple, pegesai and their ability to control the weather.
  3329. >You recall Soft Heart having mentioned it vaguely when you first awoke, though at the time you were more concerned with arming yourself than pressing for details.
  3330. >You begin reading through the tome, jotting down pertinent notes as you go. You get to the section on thunderstorms and stop.
  3331. >You reread it just to make sure you took it in correctly, your grasp of this language still not complete.
  3332. >Pegesai, most ponies in fact, seem to be largely inured to lightning strikes.
  3333. >If you're reading this correctly then the worst any of the ponies commonly suffers from a direct strike is discomfort and possible momentary disorientation.
  3334. >You'll have to ask one of the pegesai here at the castle tomorrow how difficult it is to create lightning.
  3335. >If it's manageable they may have a super weapon in their arsenal they've been failing to utilize.
  3336. >Even being able to conjure rain easily could make an assault on a prepared position nightmarish for the enemy.
  3337. >Till up the earth before hand and bring in the rains as the enemy arrive.
  3338. >You could cut them down with ranged weaponry at your leisure as they try to trudge through calf deep muck up hill.
  3340. >One might wonder why they don't already employ such tactics but the simple fact of the matter is they've likely never had to.
  3341. >Given even your tenuous grasp of their history major conflicts have been few and quickly settled.
  3342. >It makes sense, the resources of this world seem abundant and with the Princesses ruling as they have for so long most conflicts have been fought by individuals, not armies.
  3343. >Even the invasion of the Changeling army was resolved in a matter of days, hardly a protracted siege.
  3344. >In all actuality it's unlikely that the tactics you're hoping to codify here will ever be needed, but better to have them and not need them.
  3345. >Besides that you're not used to having this much free time and it'll give you something productive to do.
  3346. >You begin by writing out strategies for the Tyranid attack Luna had conducted.
  3347. >If you had time to prepare the battlefield before hand lightning could be useful for destroying swathes of them, or at least the larger creatures.
  3348. >You'll also need to see about organizing a few units of pegesai for areal assault in general.
  3349. >Having them establish aerial superiority would be a swift way to turn the tide of any battle.
  3350. >Perhaps you can see about having some of them armed with missile weapons and explain the concept of strafing runs.
  3351. >After several hours of work you have a sizeable stack of notes. It's certainly no Principia Belicosa but it's the beginnings of a tome anyway.
  3352. >Once the ink is sufficiently dry you tuck the notes away in one of the rooms drawers for safe keeping.
  3353. >The hour has grown late while you worked and you may as well take a few hours sleep while you have the opportunity.
  3354. >You step in to the hall long enough to find one of the patrolling night guards and ask them to send a servant to assist with your armor.
  3355. >A fine thing about the castle is that you will rarely want for servants. A day and night court means day and night staffing for most positions.
  3356. >Once out of your armor you settle down to sleep.
  3358. >The bed while suitably sized for someone of your stature is uncomfortably plush but you do your best to ignore it.
  3359. >Your mattress being too soft seems like too trivial a complaint to pester anyone in charge with.
  3360. >When sleep finally claims you, you drift as you always do in to memory, though something feels off.
  3361. >A sensation of unease gnaws at the back of your mind.
  3362. >Despite your baseless apprehension your past begin to play out before you.
  3363. >You stand in the crew bay of a Thunderhawk, one of the newer model of gunship favored by the modern chapters.
  3364. >Around you are your...you can't think of them as brothers. Cousins perhaps, that is a good word for it.
  3365. >They are a collection of renegades, having for one reason or another forsworn their loyalty to, or been cast out by, the Imperium.
  3366. >Not quite traitors but one step above pirates, you asked few questions of them upon joining.
  3367. >They were wise enough to do the same of you. The mission you've signed on for is not particularly glorious, but it should earn you a share of much needed supplies.
  3368. >Before you a flickering hololith shows the massive form of a strike cruiser, spinning slowly through space.
  3369. >You had found the ship floating powerless, her keel broken and belly split open to allow the void to pour in.
  3370. >Initial auspex scans had returned minimal power signatures and things had seemed straight forward enough.
  3371. >You had quickly learned otherwise. A ship like this is a treasure trove for looters, no matter their species.
  3372. >You had found the ship to be infested with Orks. By some twist of fate they had arrived not long before your own team of scavengers.
  3373. >At least the foul things had not yet had time to set up proper defenses. The initial fighting had been a close and bloody affair.
  3374. >Your team having stumbled upon the xenos while attempting to navigate the broken hallways to the armory.
  3375. >You had suffered losses, but the Orks had caught the worst of it, having been less quick to react.
  3377. >You had split up in to smaller forces to secure what salvage you could and rendezvous back at the Thunderhawk before the Orks could muster a larger response.
  3378. >With you was one of your cousins whose name you had never caught. His livery was two axes back to back on a red field and his armor was a deep dull grey.
  3379. >His identity hadn't really mattered, he hadn't been with you long. You turn the corner of the hallway that should lead to the turbo lift but everything is wrong.
  3380. >The metal plates of the hall are covered in jagged shards of black crystal.
  3381. >Smoke begins to seep from the crystals spreading slowly through the vacuum and billowing outward like ink poured in water.
  3382. >You take a step back and raise your sword defensively.
  3383. >This should be where the Orks had attacked again pouring out of the lift but it seems that you won't be facing so mundane a horror.
  3384. >Something movies within the cloud, a faint impression of light shifting between from blue to green.
  3385. >The cloud bursts suddenly in to motion, filling the hallway entirely as it rushes towards you.
  3386. >You attempt to flee but move too slowly.
  3387. >Something as cold as ice water and black as the darkness between stars pours over you pushing in through the seals in your armor.
  3388. >Your helm begins to fill as the smoke tries to push in through your mouth and nose.
  3389. >You sit upright in your bed, head pounding as you try to hold on to the details of what you just saw.
  3390. >Already you can feel them slipping from you. For a brief moment you wonder if your sanity is leaving you.
  3391. >You would not be the first Astartes to take leave of his senses since the Heresy.
  3392. >You quickly dismiss such thoughts and martial your composure.
  3393. >It is likely some side effect of the magic in this place, just less pronounced than similar effects of the warp.
  3394. >You were not meant to dream as mortals do, and that is why your mind is having difficulty hanging on to such things.
  3395. >That seems likely enough. You'll speak to Luna again if this continues.
  3397. >Considering the circumstances you elect to take your rest in the form of half sleep for the remainder of the night.
  3398. >You relax in a state of semi consciousness until the sun begins filtering through the sole window of the room.
  3399. >You don't actually have any sort of schedule you need to keep today but you rise all the same.
  3400. >You go to your belongings and select a clean surplice to wear.
  3401. >You take a second to revel in the luxury of the act.
  3402. >It has been quite some time since you've had a surplus of clothing to choose from.
  3403. >Come to think of it it's been some time since you've had a proper bath.
  3404. >Astartes physiology does wonders for helping with hygiene but there's not reason to pass up the opportunity when it presents itself.
  3405. >You take the tabard from your armor as well as yesterday's clothing and bundle them up stowing them away in the corner.
  3406. >Normally you would assume a palace would have servants for doing the laundry, but given how little in the way for normal clothing the xenos wear you are unsure.
  3407. >You will look in to that, but first food and a bath.
  3408. >You are slightly reticent about leaving your armor unattended for over long but the castle is well guarded and the ponies have given you no cause to distrust them.
  3409. >Besides that if any creature here did attempt to steal by any means short of teleportation they'd be easily caught.
  3410. >You doubt even the minotaurs could easily lift the suit and carrying it out in pieces would be a time consuming prospect.
  3411. >Securing food is a simple matter of navigating the winding path from your room to the kitchen.
  3412. >You had been expecting the usual suit of greens and grains the ponies seem to thrive on but are pleasantly surprised to find that meat is on offer.
  3413. >You don't even bother to ask what kind it is, it's protein and it's probably not some variant of mutant rat from a ship's bilge, you'll take it.
  3414. >Plate piled high you settle in a corner by yourself and begin your meal.
  3416. >The guards must have changed shift at some point before you rose.
  3417. >Mixed in among the servants and dignitaries occupying the dining area appear to be members of the night watch.
  3418. >This is the first time you've bothered to examine one at length, and the physical differences between them and their daylight counterparts are obvious.
  3419. >One thing you hadn't noticed before is the blue cats eye gem set into the pectoral of their armor.
  3420. >It bears an unpleasant resemblance to the Eye of Horus worn by the Black Legion and their Primarch Horus Lupercal.
  3421. >You're willing to put it down as coincidence but Luna had hinted at troubles of her own in the past.
  3422. >Perhaps there was some darker influence at play during those times, or perhaps you're making something of nothing.
  3423. >You're a Dark Angel such suspicion and speculation is in your nature.
  3424. >You'll just have to be mindful that you don't let such idle thoughts color your actions.
  3425. >As you're finishing your breakfast a servant approaches.
  3426. >"Sir Anoniaus, I'm sorry to interrupt but there are some crafts-ponies here to see you. Princess Luna sent for them some time ago."
  3427. >That is rather quicker than you had expected, then again it is by order of the Princess.
  3428. >You set your plate aside and rise gesturing for the servant to lead the way.
  3429. "Very well, I will need to gather some things from my room, then take me to them if you would."
  3430. >After a quick detour to retrieve a bag with the damaged parts of your armor as well as the gems you had collected she leads you to them.
  3431. >They are gathered in the castles antechamber half a dozen of them in all waiting expectantly for you.
  3432. "You have already been told why you were summoned?"
  3433. >A thin older stallion wearing a black apron with many pockets on the front is the first to speak.
  3434. >"Yes, the princess sent a missive, something about cutting rubies in to lenses."
  3435. "That is correct, they will need to be cut to fit this."
  3436. >You present your helm to him indicating the empty eye socket.
  3438. >He produces magnifying monocle from one of the pockets on the apron and leans in to study your helm intently.
  3439. >"Seems like a simple enough job, I'll just take this back to my shop and.."
  3440. "You will take measurements and work with those. This armor is currently irreplaceable. No part of it will leave my possession."
  3441. >A few murmurs from among the artisans at that comment.
  3442. "You will be allowed to take as many measurements as you need and will be allowed access the the pieces when I am present."
  3443. "I understand this may make your duties more difficult, I shall ask the Princess to compensate you accordingly should you complete them."
  3444. >You allow them a moment to consider your terms before asking
  3445. "Do we have a bargain then?"
  3446. >Enticed either by the prospect of pay, or the prestige working on a commission by a Princess might bring they all agree fairly quickly.
  3447. >Apprentices are sent to fetch tools, measurements are taken, and questions about materials to be used are asked.
  3448. >With everything set in order you bid the artisans farewell and begin your walk back to your room, the servant mare falling in with you.
  3449. >Despite a poor night's sleep you've already eaten well and your armor will soon be in full repair, or at least very near to it.
  3450. >You inquire with the servant who had acted as your guide about a bath and place to launder your clothes.
  3451. >"If you just leave the laundry out I'll take care of it for you, and for the bath I'll let one of the girls know to go ahead and prepare one."
  3452. >"You'll find it just a floor down from your room and a hall over, can't miss it."
  3453. "Thank you, your efforts are appreciated."
  3454. >Such service may be the duty of the castle staff, but it never hurts to thank ones servants.
  3455. >Servants are in a position to hear many things, and being well liked by them can mean being well informed.
  3457. >You take your time heading down stairs, giving the servants time to have things prepared before you arrive.
  3458. >You're not certain exactly what you were expecting, but the bath is impressive dominating most of the room.
  3459. >A series of tiered ledges serve as seats allowing for the occupant to lounge in the shallows or stand in the deeper areas.
  3460. >The bath is already full, steam rising invitingly from the surface.
  3461. >The servants have already laid out towels, soap, and a number of other bottles full of substances you can't readily identify.
  3462. >You disrobe and slip in to the water reclining back against one of the ledges once you're chest deep.
  3463. >Luxury wasn't abundant when you served the Imperium, a part of you could almost understand those who forswore their oaths for self aggrandizement.
  3464. >What you couldn't understand was those that turned from the Imperium to wallow in squalor and their own filth.
  3465. >You may have been forced to deal with a lot after being flung through time and space but you at least made the effort to not stay caked in dirt and gore.
  3466. >Still it's been too long since you have the chance to relax like this.
  3467. >It's not as if you have anything pressing to do today, perhaps you'll spend an hour or so in here.
  3468. >You lay back propping yourself up with your arms as you close your eyes and let your mind wander.
  3469. >You spend some time entertaining different scenarios to run the guard through to test their capabilities.
  3470. >A loud metallic clatter from the hallway interrupts your thoughts.
  3471. >The thick door is muffling the sound but you can clearly hear raised voices now.
  3472. >Your desire to laze around is overcome by your curiosity about the source the the disturbance.
  3473. >Rising from the water your wrap a towel around your waist for modesty sake.
  3474. >Not that anything you've seen about these creatures makes you think they would be offended by your nudity.
  3475. >It's more the principal of the matter than anything.
  3477. >You open the door to the hallway, the bare stone and air cool by comparison to the all encompassing warmth of the bath.
  3478. >"And just how exactly did a pony as clumsy as you get a job in the castle, huh?"
  3479. >The voice is Brass Bell, who you seem to have caught mid tirade. The two companions you recognize from before are with him.
  3480. >Though they must actually be on guard duty today, as they are dressed more suitably for the task.
  3481. >Each of them is wearing a sleeveless padded jerkin beneath a chain vest.
  3482. >Each also has a belt with a bar mace dangling from a strap within easy reach.
  3483. >A crude but effective weapon, the lethality being largely dependent on the wielders strength.
  3484. >The front of Brass Bell's Jerkin is currently stained a deep red and dripping.
  3485. >A silver tray lies on the floor amid a heap of broken glass and a slowly spreading pool of liquid the same color as the stain.
  3486. >Cowering near the tray is one of the serving mares, currently on the verge of tears if you're reading her expression correctly.
  3487. "What seems to be the problem?"
  3488. >You ask as if you haven't already read the situation.
  3489. >"This klutz of a pony spilled wine all down my vest, that's the problem!"
  3490. >So they do have wine, good to know.
  3491. >"I'm so sorry sir I.." The frightened mare is cut off by further shouting.
  3492. >"You're gonna be sorry, one word to my boss and you're gonna be out of a job!"
  3493. "She has already tried to offer apology, what more do you want?"
  3494. >Brass Bell rounds on you now, his face red and the veins around his eyes bulging.
  3495. >"Who said this had anything to do with you huh? Why don't you just go pal around with your little guard friends and mind your own business?"
  3496. >He's obviously angry, and angry people do stupid things.
  3497. >What's worse it he's likely still nursing his wounded pride from the last time he picked a fight with you.
  3498. >You already expect you know how this is going to play out.
  3499. >Still you owe it to the Princesses to try to defuse the situation.
  3501. "Perhaps it is not so bad as it seems."
  3502. >You say taking a step forward to examine the stain.
  3503. "There are towels and water in this room. That may get the worst of it out."
  3504. >"I thought I told you to get out of my face." Brass Bell snarls as he goes to shove you.
  3505. >You turn to one side letting him move past you, and curse yourself inwardly as you watch what unfolds next.
  3506. >Off balance from his missed attack he steps forward into the spreading pool of wine and slips, throwing out a hand to catch himself.
  3507. >There is a look of horror on the serving mares face as you hear the crunch of the broken glass beneath his hand.
  3508. >He rises slowly before pulling the glass from his hand.
  3509. >"You did that on purpose." He let's the indictment hang in the air as he glares at you.
  3510. >He looks to his friends then back to you.
  3511. >You can almost see the gears grinding inside his head, working himself up to that low kind of idiot courage through numbers the greenskins favor.
  3512. >Slowly and with great deliberation he draws the mace from his belt.
  3513. "You don't want to do this."
  3514. >You say hoping against all odds that he might yet see reason.
  3515. >You don't particularly want to do this either you are unarmed, they are not.
  3516. >Not the greatest challenge you've ever overcome, but it raises the stakes, and that makes holding back more difficult.
  3517. >You shift your position slowly, moving to place yourself between the minotaurs and the servant.
  3518. >You will not be the one to start this, no matter how much easier that would make things.
  3519. >You can see the others, hesitant but moving in to support their leader none the less.
  3520. >Your quickly think through your options and decide the best chance of ending this without serious incident is immobilizing and disarming them.
  3521. >Brass Bell raises his mace and charges, your course of action is decided, but it may cost you a little dignity.
  3522. >You grab the edge of the towel you were wearing and whip him across the face with it.
  3524. >The blow catches him off guard connecting with a loud snap of unfurling cloth.
  3525. >He instinctively turns his head to protect his eyes and you side step.
  3526. >You quickly put a foot into his back as he passes, redirecting him away from the servant and into a wall.
  3527. >The others are rushing at you now emboldened by their leaders attack.
  3528. >You spin the towel into a more rope like shape then grab the free end.
  3529. >As the first swings in with his mace you catch his wrist on the cloth stopping the blow.
  3530. >You quickly wrap his wrist and twist in place putting his arm over your shoulder at the elbow.
  3531. >You yank down hard earning a pained yelp as his arm pops and the mace clatters to the ground.
  3532. >You were careful, probably the worst sprain he's ever had and nothing worse.
  3533. >As you shove him away you turn too slowly to intercept the next attacker.
  3534. >You manage to lean back to avoid the worst of it but catch a glancing blow to the head.
  3535. >You can feel a trickle of blood starting at the wound.
  3536. >He comes at you again but you catch the blow this time, turning to put your hip into him you launch him over you face first against the wall.
  3537. >He lands in a heap and makes no move to rise.
  3538. >Brass Bell is coming at you again, swinging the mace furiously with both hands.
  3539. >You dodge and backpedal waiting for your opening.
  3540. >He overextends himself and you drop the towel and lunge pinning him against the wall one hand pinning his weapon hand at the wrist the other at his neck.
  3541. >"When my boss hears about this.."
  3542. "About how three of his best guards were defeated by a naked man with a towel, I should like to be there when you tell him."
  3543. >He opens his mouth to say something but slowly closes it, a look of realization dawning.
  3544. >The clatter of armored hooves sounds from the hallway as a cadre of guards gallop in to view.
  3546. >"Everyone drop your weapons and hoov..er hands where I can see them!" One of the guards orders.
  3547. >Today was going so well until this point.
  3548. >You slowly step away from Brass Bell, keeping your hands raised. He drops the mace doing the same.
  3549. "I am going to very slowly, pick up my towel and cover myself."
  3550. >"Watch him, he's dangerous with that thing!" One of the minotaurs warns, earning himself a few bewildered looks and snickers from the guards.
  3551. >"What's he gonna do, dry us really roughly?" retorts one of the guards.
  3552. >"Everypony shut up." The guard presumably in charge barks. "Alright, get your towel, and then we're all go downstairs and have a nice long talk."
  3553. >Day two in Canterlot and you've earned yourself a trip to the dungeon.
  3554. >Marvelous work really, truly when they created you the order outdid itself.
  3555. >You follow along keeping your expression stoic, the minotaurs are fairing less well, the reality of the situation sinking in.
  3556. >They've likely caused the Ambassador a good deal of trouble with this stunt.
  3557. >Hopefully enough trouble to counteract any your own actions have brought to the Princess.
  3558. >You're led down to..not a dungeon exactly, a holding cell you suppose you would call it. A small room with only a table and three chairs for furnishing.
  3559. >You've been left alone and unbound, likely a good sign as far as these things go.
  3560. >You're not left to wait long before the door to the cell opens and a guard comes in placing a quill and parchment on the table before him.
  3561. >"Alright we've already got pretty solid testimony from the maid, but I just have to ask you a few standard questions to make sure everything's clear."
  3562. >"Not that I don't already know but can you state your name for the record."
  3563. >What follows is a fairly straight forward interrogation, you give your version of events as they happened and the guard notates them for future reference.
  3564. >"So a towel huh?" He says quirking an eyebrow at you after he's finished writing everything down.
  3566. "I did not have a great deal of options."
  3567. >"Not that you didn't handle yourself well, but why didn't you run or call for help?"
  3568. >The thought hadn't exactly occurred to you.
  3569. >You've fled from superior foes in the past just for the sake of survival, but to flee from a lesser foe simply to avoid conflict?
  3570. >It is some times easy to forget how different the mortals see things.
  3571. "I suppose it is not in my nature."
  3572. >You answer at length for lack of any better explanation.
  3573. >The guard nods at this and begins packing up his notes.
  3574. >"I know a few guards like that, guess it comes with enough time on the job. Well that and the cutie mark."
  3575. "I'm apologize, I do not follow."
  3576. >"You know, the mark that shows a ponies special talent" He shifts the rear plate of his armor and indicates the scroll and scales imprinted on his own flank.
  3577. >"You usually walk around with that big sword painted on your armor's shoulder. I figure it was kinda the same thing."
  3578. "Ah, now I understand. It is somewhat different, but similar enough for the comparison you've drawn."
  3579. >The guard may have come by his assumption in an odd way, but he is not entirely wrong. Astartes do have a talent for war.
  3580. >You wear the signs of it in your flesh from the surgeries that shaped you as plainly as wear wears his cutie mark.
  3581. >"The nurse should be here any minute to take a look at you. She probably got tied up with the others."
  3582. >You had nearly forgotten about your injury as minor as it was.
  3583. "That will not be necessary, thank you."
  3584. >"You sure? It looks pretty nasty, it might need stitches."
  3585. "It is a flesh wound at worst, it will heal within a day, possibly two."
  3586. >"All the same we'd feel better if you let the nurse have a look."
  3588. >Before you can argue your point further the door opens and a second guard steps in, this one in the livery of the Night Watch.
  3589. >The mare in question looks as if she was awakened not long ago her short mane a mess and her helm absent.
  3590. >Her fur color is a grey blue and her cutie mark appears to be some manner of hooded lantern.
  3591. >"Anon, by order of Princess Luna you are to don your armor and present yourself at her court."
  3592. >The other guard makes to argue "We have a nurse on the way to take a look at him and "
  3593. "I have no need of medical attention. If I am dismissed I will collect my armor at once."
  3594. >The guard who had questioned you gives a hesitant nod and you exit the cell, the mare falling in to step with you.
  3595. >"I'm supposed to escort you. Mostly for propriety. I'm Corporal Lantern Light by the way, but some of the troops call me Night Light."
  3596. "Anoniaus of Caliban, but I suspect you already knew that, and why Night Light."
  3597. >"I knocked a guy out with my watch lantern once. It's alright though because he was guilty."
  3598. "A commendable act then. Do you know why I am being summoned?"
  3599. >"I'm gonna be honest, I'd been asleep for a couple of hours then Luna sent for me."
  3600. >"I mostly remember some shouting about scoundrels and something about a demonstration needing to be made."
  3601. >You had dared for a moment to think that this matter would be settled without further incident.
  3602. >What is it that the Raven Guard said, "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment" or something like that.
  3603. >You never actually met any of them before the Heresy, you doubt you missed out on much given that sort of attitude.
  3604. >"You need help to put your armor on, right? You usually get a unicorn to help?"
  3605. >You simply nod an affirmative "Right, I'll grab one of the servants after we get you to your room then."
  3607. >Once at your room you lay out the parts of your armor to begin the assembly, Lantern Light does not tarry long in finding the assistance you require.
  3608. >The servant, under your direction, beings levitating and locking the pieces of armor into place.
  3609. >Lantern Light appears to be inspecting one of your pauldrons.
  3610. >She reaches out a hoof and gives it an experimental tap before trying to lift it to no avail.
  3611. >Gripping it in both hooves and standing on her hind legs she manages to move it from the floor with a grunt of effort.
  3612. >She quickly puts it back down. "If one piece weighs that much how do you move in all of that?"
  3613. >You keep your eyes forward, directing the servant with gestures of your hand as you speak.
  3614. "When functioning properly the armor enhances my strength, carrying much of its own weight."
  3615. >"So what's the big back part for?"
  3616. "The power supply. Similar to the boiler in a steam engine."
  3617. >"Ah, so do you have to put coal in it?"
  3618. "No. That was an oversimplification, but the concept is similar."
  3619. >The Servant slots the last piece of your armor in to place and locks in the restraining bolts.
  3620. >You throw on a hooded tabard making sure it is seated properly before wrapping your sword belt on.
  3621. >The Princess said nothing about coming unarmed after all.
  3622. >You maglock your helm to your hip and gesture towards the door with an open hand.
  3623. "If you are to escort me then lead on Corporal."
  3624. >You are taken along the most direct route to the throne room where you find both Princess Luna and Celestia in attendance.
  3625. >Celestia is currently occupying the throne with Luna stood beside it.
  3626. >There are also royal guards from both courts present each stood at attention along the side of the dais closest to their respective Princess.
  3627. >Lantern Light comes to a stop some distance from the dais and you do as well.
  3628. >"The Knight Anon as request Princess." She says giving a textbook salute.
  3630. >Celestia is the first to speak "Thank you for bringing him so quickly this is a delicate matter and, my word you're bleeding from the head Anon."
  3631. "The bleeding has long since stopped."
  3632. >You assure, touching a pair of fingers to the cut to show that it has dried.
  3633. >"I assure you he has survived worse Sister, now if we might begin?" Luna has very clearly been rudely awakened for this matter much as the Corporal.
  3634. >Though in the case of the Princess of the Night a good deal more effort has been made to make her presentable.
  3635. >Celestia nods and continues "Ambassador Gold Chain of the minotaur kingdom is making some very serious accusations against you."
  3636. "What are the nature of these accusations?"
  3637. >"The Ambassador insists that you instigated a fight with his guards with the intent of doing them serious harm."
  3638. >So that's the way of things then. You can hardly say you're surprised.
  3639. >The best defense against such accusations in this case is likely open honesty.
  3640. "Princess, had I intended them serious harm they would have needed to be carried from the fight, not walked from it."
  3641. "My actions were purely in self defense and carried out with utmost restraint."
  3642. >Luna leans in to speak to Celestia though she seems to be stage whispering for your benefit.
  3643. >"You know that is the case sister why are we even bothering with"
  3644. >Celestia clears her throat interrupting Luna's complaint.
  3645. >"We have already heard testimony that supports your claims, but the guards you fought are taking a different position."
  3646. >"I am inclined to believe your version of events, as the Ambassadors guards were armed and you were not."
  3647. >"However we require a demonstration for the court to prove this point."
  3648. >"Luna seems to be having difficulty suppressing a smile at this. "Bring in the Ambassador and the training dummy."
  3649. >The doors to the throne room open, and in strides Gold Chain doing his best to look righteously indignant.
  3651. >Behind the Ambassador are the uninjured remnants of his guard force, and behind them are a cadre of royal guards dragging in a minotaur sized dummy.
  3652. >It appears to consist of some sacks tied around a wooden post with crude features drawn on.
  3653. >Judging by the way they're heaving and struggling to move it the thing is quite heavy.
  3654. >"Exactly what did you need me up here for Princess? It's obvious he's guilty, there's barely a scratch on him and my poor guards will be on the mend for weeks."
  3655. >Against your better judgement you reply, though you maintain eye contact with Princess Luna while you speak.
  3656. "I was unaware that being the more skilled combatant was a crime."
  3657. >Celestia carries on as if you hadn't spoken.
  3658. >"You are here Ambassador, so we can prove beyond doubt that Anon had no intention of injuring your guards."
  3659. >"Just how exactly do you plan to do that?" He snorts.
  3660. >Luna who isn't even bothering to hide her grin now answers
  3661. >"Anon is going to demonstrate just how easily he could have injured your guards. Thus showing that it was more difficult for him not to do so."
  3662. >The Ambassador crosses his arms looking unconvinced but remains silent on the matter.
  3663. >"Luna gives an imperious gesture of a hoof towards the training dummy that the sweating and panting guards have finally muscled in to place.
  3664. >"Anon, I wish for you to demonstrate your strength."
  3665. >You offer a quick bow before turning from the throne to approach your target. You prod one of the sacks experimentally with a finger.
  3666. >They seem to be filled with wet sand, the central support beam seems to be some manner of hardwood, fairly thick.
  3667. "How much does this weigh?"
  3668. >You ask one of the guards loudly enough for all to hear. "A bit over 400 pounds." One of them manages while trying to catch his breath.
  3669. >"Would you just get on with it already?" The ambassador yells. "He's stalling because he can't do it."
  3671. >You grip the dummy with a hand near the "head" and one on the "legs" and hoist it over your head.
  3672. >Dropping to a crouch you slam it over your leg splitting the post with a thunderous crack.
  3673. >You drop the lower half and rise to your feet still holding the upper half in one hand.
  3674. >You release it and throw all of your might and weight into a straight punch connecting while the dummy is in the air.
  3675. >The sand bag explodes showering the nearby guards in grit as the remnants of the post tumble end over through the air.
  3676. >Finally losing enough momentum after twenty feet the dummy strikes the floor and rolls to a stop against the far wall with a loud clack.
  3677. >You stoop down and brush sand from the helm of the nearest guard who looks equal parts impressed and horrified.
  3678. "My apologies Princess, I seem to have sullied their armor and the carpet."
  3679. >Celestia who has kept a composed expression throughout nods to you then turns to the ambassador.
  3680. >"Now Ambassador, having seen that demonstration do you believe Anon was attempting to seriously injure your guards."
  3681. >"Uh..no,no. Must've been a big misunderstanding. The boys do get a little rowdy some times. I'll go have a talk with them."
  3682. >The Ambassador beats a hasty retreat from the throne room his guards on his heels and Celestia lets her mask of composure slip, adopting a smile similar to Luna's.
  3683. >"I haven't seen him look that worried since I threatened to offer the trade routes to Saddle Arabia."
  3684. "I am cleared of the charges then?"
  3685. >"Yes Anon, you were never in any trouble but we had to do things properly because of the Ambassadors involvement."
  3686. >"You've risked your own health for the sake of my little ponies too many times in your short stay here for us to doubt you so easily."
  3687. >Luna yawns stifling it with a hoof. "That was most entertaining, but the hour is early and I wish to retire. A good day to all."
  3688. >Luna makes her exit from the throne room, the night guard following after her.
  3690. >"I'll have to call somepony about all this sand." Celestia muses. Before turning her attention back to you.
  3691. >"I'm certain you have a full day planned for yourself so please go and enjoy your time in Canterlot" Celestia says with a smile.
  3692. >"Oh and if you would be so kind please take the dummy with you. It's a bit heavy for anypony else."
  3693. >She nods towards the winded guards still leaning against one another for support.
  3694. "As you say Princess Celestia, I thank you for your time."
  3695. >You make another quick bow for heading for the door, pausing long enough to pick up the halves of the destroyed dummy.
  3696. >Disposing of the dummy does not take long, the bags of sand are given to the groundskeepers and the post is taken for firewood.
  3697. >You return to your room, intent on gathering your notes and doing further research while the day is still young.
  3698. >When you arrive you see a pony pacing about outside your door. Close inspection reveals it to be the servant from this morning.
  3699. "Is there some way I might assist you?"
  3700. >"Oh that's usually my line."She says with a nervous laugh. "I just wanted to thank you for earlier. I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble."
  3701. >You give a dismissive wave of your hand.
  3702. "It was nothing and your thanks, while accepted, are not necessary."
  3703. >"It wasn't nothing. There's no place I'd rather work than the castle but some times the guests can be really rude."
  3704. >"So it means a lot that you stood up for me. If you need anything while you're here just let me or any of the girls know alright?"
  3705. >You consider her words, Brass Bell is likely not the first ill tempered noble she's had to endure for the sake of her duty.
  3706. >She also seems sincere about her desire to repay your kindness.
  3708. "I have a few requests then."
  3709. >Today is a good day truly you muse as you take the first sip of your chilled wine.
  3710. >When you made your requests you hadn't expected the servants to be quite so zealous about seeing to them.
  3711. >You have a carafe of wine resting in a small bucket of ice, beside it a small tray with some manner of sweet cake on it.
  3712. >You're not normally one for such insubstantial food but it's been growing on you in your time on Equus.
  3713. >The greatest indulgence of all though is the device sitting upon the dresser.
  3714. >A phonograph they had called it when they showed you how to use it.
  3715. >The sound is apparently recorded on to wax discs which are aptly enough simply called records.
  3716. >You're not certain about the style of music one some of the records you were provided but you've found one of some sort of string instrument you rather enjoy.
  3717. >Wine, music, real sunlight from the window, this must be how if feels to be born planetary nobility in the Imperium.
  3718. >No wonder they're all so indolent and useless.
  3719. >Not that you didn't have wine and food while serving with the legion, you simply lacked the idle time to enjoy them like this.
  3720. >There's a quick knock at the door and one of the servant mares pokes her head in. "Everything to your liking sir?"
  3721. "It is wonderful, though I fear if you indulge me any further it shall take an army to move me from this room."
  3722. >She chuckles softly at that. "Well we don't have an army, but there is a Private Moondust here to see you."
  3723. "Ah yes send her in."
  3724. >Moondust enters, quickly coming to attention and saluting.
  3725. >"The Lieutenant said I was temporarily assigned to assist you with something by order of the Princess, Sir."
  3726. "At ease, I am not anyone's superior officer. I have merely requested your assistance for matters of research."
  3727. >Moondust hesitantly adopts a more casual pose. "Research about what?"
  3728. "Magic. It was the driving for behind our victory in the simulated battle, but it was not used to its utmost potential."
  3730. "For example if pegesai are able to control the weather should we not take advantage of that? Establish air superiority and favorable conditions for our forces."
  3731. >"I've never really given it that much thought before. The guard usually deals with smaller domestic threats, not full scale warfare."
  3732. "That does not mean you should not be prepared in the event it arises. There is an old human adage "If you want peace, prepare for war."
  3733. "I have written down a number of thoughts I had on the matter. I wish for you to look over them and correct any misconceptions I may have had."
  3734. >With Moondust reviewing your notes the work properly begins on codifying new methods of war for the guard.
  3735. >It comes as a bit of a surprise to her that lightning has a tendency to be fatal to most species on most other worlds rather than just a painful annoyance.
  3736. >You also discuss the idea of using pegesai as fast attack troops to harry the enemy forces and thin their numbers.
  3737. "Against lightly armored foes simple bows or crossbows would work well. Against heavier armor weighted javelins thrown from a dive."
  3738. >Moondust who has taken over notation duty scribbles that down. "What about actual magical support though?"
  3739. "Directly attacking seemed to work well enough for some, but then there are powers like your own."
  3740. "When you accelerate the movement of things, can you do that to inanimate objects as well or only living beings?"
  3741. >"You mean like making an arrow fly faster?" She asks quickly catching.
  3742. "Precisely, if you were able to do that then even a simple crossbow could be all the more devastating."
  3743. >You've thus far given Moondust a few things to consider, and you're currently debating explaining the concept of a ballista to see if they have anything similar.
  3744. >Helping them design fire arms would be a fairly drastic change in technology, but the ballista is simply a scaled up version of something they already have.
  3746. >You also have to consider that any weapon you help them create time may see you fighting against.
  3747. >It may not be the case for the ponies but for humanity nothing seems to spur creativity quite like warfare.
  3748. >"Can we take a break for a minute Anon, I'm getting blurry eyed from looking over all these pages."
  3749. "Take what time you need. Help yourself to anything you like."
  3750. >You gesture to the food and wine, pouring yourself another small glass.
  3751. >"So why are you working on coming up with all these ideas anyway?"
  3752. >You consider her question and recall your conversation with the guard in the dungeon earlier this morning.
  3753. "I suppose it is in my nature. Astartes, those like myself, are called upon do do battle with forces to dangerous for any other to face."
  3754. "We are trained our whole lives for war, and schooled in its arts. That is where our talent lies, and as such that is how we approach things."
  3755. >Moondust who is helping herself to one of the cakes nods.
  3756. >"It's a little different for ponies I think. We have plenty of guards who have cutie marks that match their job, but that just generally makes them good guards."
  3757. >"I've never heard of any pony whose special talent was just "war" though."
  3758. "That is understandable. Your planet is much more peaceful than most I have seen. Which is all the more reason to prepare it should danger arrive."
  3759. >"What sort of danger, you mean those bug monsters from yesterday?"
  3760. "That is one threat, there are many other manners of alien aside from the Tyranids. Perhaps I will tell you about them later.
  3761. >You set your glass aside and rise to your full height stretching your arms to relieve the stiffness of inaction.
  3762. "For Now that is enough theory for today. We shall continue our work on this tomorrow."
  3763. >You carefully take up the newest draft of you work and pack it away as before.
  3764. "I am going to the training salle if you wish to join me."
  3765. >"I'm still a little sore from this morning. The Lieutenant led weapons training personally. I think I'm just gonna go get some lunch."
  3766. "Then I shall bid you farewell for now."
  3767. >Moondust heads off in the direction of the kitchens and you make your way down to the training hall.
  3768. >The hall is almost empty, the sole occupant being Lieutenant Spear who appears to be working through his own routines.
  3769. >The Lieutenant is working his way between a trio of training pells his spear levitated at his side, gripped in a magical aura.
  3770. >It is a rather strange sight, watching the spear whirl and fly through the air striking out at targets without being physically wielded.
  3771. >The Lieutenant pauses in his routine having taken notice of you.
  3772. >He lets the spear drop down and takes hold of it, propping it against his shoulder. "Hello Anon, didn't see you there."
  3773. "Greetings Lieutenant. Your training goes well?"
  3774. >You ask as you browse the available selection of practice weapons. Spears seem to be the mainstay but there area number of blunt edged cloth bound swords intermixed.
  3775. >"It's going pretty well, gotta be in top form if I'm going to teach the rookies everything I know." He says in a jovial tone.
  3776. >You simply give a grunt of acknowledgement finally selecting one of the swords closest in size to your own blade.
  3777. >While you could practice with it you'd rather not blunt the edge on the pells, or more likely split the pells apart.
  3778. >"Wanna try sparring a bit, I mean practice with a partner is always better."
  3779. >You consider the Lieutenants proposition.
  3780. "Very well. I shall endeavor to hold back for your safety."
  3781. >A twinge of annoyance touches the Lieutenants face but is quickly masked. Perhaps your comment came across as insulting.
  3782. >"Use whatever weapons you like I'll just be sticking with spears."
  3783. >You nod and make your way to the far end of the room.
  3784. "From a distance then, as if on the field of battle."
  3785. >You hold your blade up in a quick salute as the Lieutenant readies his spear.
  3787. >The two of you stand there for a moment assessing each other.
  3788. >In size and strength you're clearly the superior combatant.
  3789. >The advantage physical speed is likely yours as well, but those things only matter so much when he's wielding his weapon with magic.
  3790. >You are the first to move throwing yourself into a charge with your blade at the ready.
  3791. >The Lieutenants eyes widen a fraction and he takes a half step back, hesitation freezing him.
  3792. >You've seen it before, Transhuman dread you had once heard it called.
  3793. >The Iterators who had mentioned the term had explained it to you.
  3794. >A figure so large as yourself, so heavily armored, so singularly built for war, moving so quickly towards you, was enough to unman most opponents.
  3795. >That terror has cost many a man his life, cut down while he stood helpless. The Lieutenant is not one of those men it would seem.
  3796. >Seizing control of himself he thrusts the spear out in the air before him to arrest your charge, twisting it to cut at your neck as you sway past the initial lunge.
  3797. >Argent Spear readily gives ground before your assault but circles as he does so, seeking to keep you positioned so that he always has room to maneuver.
  3798. >The dull thwack of practice weapons ring through the hall as the bout rages on.
  3799. >Argent Spear sends his weapon lunging in a low thrust towards you gut.
  3800. >You parry the blow and start to push towards your opponent while his guard is open.
  3801. >His eyes flicker behind you and battlefield instinct honed over centuries takes hold.
  3802. >You throw yourself into a forward roll as a second practice spear flies over your head.
  3803. >Juggling two weapons seems to have slowed Argent's reaction time as the first spear comes around too slow to stop your lunge.
  3804. >You poke the blunted edge of the practice sword against his snout forcefully enough to make your point.
  3805. "Your ploy might have worked had your eyes not betrayed your intent."
  3807. >"Yeah, well it's really hard to hit a moving target without looking. Good match though."
  3808. "Agreed. You are clearly skilled in your art."
  3809. >You say inclining your head respectfully."
  3810. >Argent levitates a towel over from nearby to wipe himself down, having worked up a sweat during training.
  3811. >"So I hear you're working on a whole new set of tactics for the guard to try out. Anything you wanna share?"
  3812. "I fear the work is far from finished. Even then there will be the matter of testing the practicality of the ideas later."
  3813. >"If you need any help with that last part let me know will ya?"
  3814. "I wish to recreate the training simulation from before, though perhaps on a larger scale. Seasoned commanders such as yourself would be a welcome boon."
  3815. >"I look forward to it." He says gathering up his gear to depart. "See you around Anon."
  3816. "Farewell Lieutenant."
  3817. >In the absence of any sparring partner you work through your routine by yourself for a while longer.
  3818. >Afterwards you decide to go for a run, as much for the exercise as to enjoy the scenery.
  3819. >The gate to the castle is open and unbarred as you would expect.
  3820. >You make your way down into the city following no particular path as you let your whims guide you.
  3821. >The citizens make way for you, some waving or staring, others ignoring you almost entirely as they go about their business.
  3822. >It is impressive how quickly they've grown used to your presence.
  3823. >Then again it's not as if this planet is home to only one sapient species.
  3824. >Perhaps not being the only dominant life form has made it easier for the ponies to adapt.
  3825. >You find yourself navigating the wide avenues of Canterlot opening up to reveal the well manicured lawns surrounding the University.
  3826. >You have little else to occupy you for the next few hours you decide to pay Professor Ivy a visit.
  3828. >You enter through the main doors as before and ask after the Professor with the first staff member you see.
  3829. >The ponies as always are quick to help as always and direct you to Professor Ivy's office.
  3830. >You pause at the door marked with Ivy's name and knock.
  3831. >"Come in." she calls. You enter to find the professor leaning over her desk scribbling furiously at a sketch of something.
  3832. "Professor, am I interrupting anything?"
  3833. >The Professor looks up at you her mane falling from its bun and rings circling her eyes.
  3834. >"Oh hello Anon, it's good to see you, may I ask what brings you here so late?"
  3835. "It is nearly noon Professor."
  3836. >Ivy pauses and looks at you for a moment, then turns and raises the shades on the window behind her squinting at the glare for a seconds before lowering it once more.
  3837. >"So it is, all the same what can I do for you?"
  3838. "I had come to see if I might be of further assistance in your research. If I might ask what is it that you're drawing?"
  3839. >"Oh just some sketches based on parts of the ship we've examined so far. There are a lot of interesting thing in it."
  3840. >She turns the paper so that you can see.
  3841. >You're no tech marine but she appears to have sketched out the inner workings of some of the broken hydraulics systems that once operated the rear hatch.
  3842. >There also appears to be a basic diagnosis of the thrusters but those are much more vague.
  3843. "It seems that you have been going through the stormbird quite thoroughly."
  3844. >"We've taken great pains not to damage it any further in our investigation I assure you." She says defensively.
  3845. "I was not overly concerned about the matter do as you will."
  3846. >You say holding a hand up in a placatory gesture
  3847. "Though if it could be made space worthy again when you are through all the better."
  3848. >The professor nods enthusiastically
  3849. >"Yes I would very much like to see your ship in flight if it can be managed. Though I'm afraid the difference in our level of technology makes that a pipe dream."
  3851. "Perhaps for now, though I would not doubt a way could be found given enough time."
  3852. "What your land lacks in technological advancement it has made up for in other areas."
  3853. >"There's so much we can learn from just the wreckage of your ship. I mean just look at these..these"
  3854. >Ivy waves at the sketches realizing she doesn't have the appropriate word. "Hydraulics" you offer letting her continue.
  3855. >"Yes the hydraulics, there are all sorts of practical uses this could be turned to if we can recreate them."
  3856. >"The same is true for many parts of your ship, admittedly less so the armaments on the front."
  3857. "Yes, those are generally built for a single purpose. Now is there anything I can assist with while I am here?"
  3858. >Ivy considers your offer running a hoof through her mussed up mane.
  3859. >"Well since you've offered maybe you'd be willing to give me some examples of how this technology is used in your society so I can add that to my notes?"
  3860. >Giving them the capacity to build a hydraulic winch doesn't seem like the kind of world destroying information you hope to keep from the ponies.
  3861. "I have had no formal training by the Ordo Mechanicus but I shall share what I know."
  3862. >You describe to Ivy what you've seen of the Mechanicus construction engines.
  3863. >The titanic earth movers and cranes that reshaped the face of Caliban after the Emperor's arrival.
  3864. >Ivy who sat in rapt attention while you spoke nods excitedly once you conclude your description.
  3865. >"With that sort of technology we might be able to make the western wastes habitable."
  3866. >"One of those digging machines you described might be able to drill deep enough to reach an aquifer."
  3867. "It can also be used to build arcologies in less hospitable climates."
  3868. >"What exactly is an arcology?"
  3869. "It is a self contained city. They have been built on many worlds and are often used when conditions above ground are inhospitable to life."
  3870. >"That is an interesting idea. I wonder if..."
  3872. >Ivy trails off as her head slowly droops forwards and hits the desk.
  3873. >Either the noise or the impact startle her back to wakefulness as she sits bolt upright. "I'm awake!"
  3874. >You give her a doubtful expression.
  3875. "Professor, perhaps it would be best if you took your rest and we continued this another day."
  3876. >"Much as I hate to admit it you may be right."
  3877. "I will escort you to your home then."
  3878. >"Thank you but that's no necessary I can make it" Ivy's statement is interrupted by a long yawn. "On my own."
  3879. "Forgive me, but you just fell asleep mid sentence, I will accompany you to make certain of your safety."
  3880. >Looking too tired to argue Ivy relents and gathers up her things.
  3881. >Her home is not far from the university campus, one of the smaller buildings tucked in between the sprawling manor houses of the elite.
  3882. >Ivy's home, while not as spacious as the others around it, appears well kept.
  3883. >A waist high gate bars entry to the premises, though for he ponies it would be a much more intimidating barrier.
  3884. "I trust you will make it from here Ivy?"
  3885. >"Yes, thank you. Please stop by again soon, I think we'll have a lot to discuss once I'm awake enough to get back to work."
  3886. "I shall do so as time permits. Farewell for now Ivy."
  3887. >"Have a good day Anon." The Professor says before shuffling past the gate to her house.
  3888. >The rest of the day passes with little of interest occurring.
  3889. >In the evening you visit Luna's court, and she seems glad for the company.
  3890. >That night you take your rest, this time unbroken by visions of otherworldly horror.
  3891. >Several more days pass in this comfortable routine and you know the Princesses wished to honor your act of bravery at the gorge is growing close.
  3892. >This morning you are attempting to put final touches on your newly complied tome of tactics.
  3893. >Well tome is a generous term. It is only a few dozen pages in length, hardly a Tactica Imperialis, but still.
  3894. >With Moondust's assistance it came together quite nicely you think.
  3896. >You are just about to pen the last line of when a loud knock at the door interrupts.
  3897. >The servants would have announced themselves politely so that is safely ruled out.
  3898. >Suppressing a sigh you put your quill aside and rise to see who is at the door.
  3899. >Pulling the door open you see Stormy Shield standing before you in her uniform sans helm, a travel bag slung over one shoulder.
  3900. >"They told me this is where you were staying, I figured I'd come say hi. Bastion is here too but I think he went to find his room down in the barracks."
  3901. >Stormy looks behind you and knits her brow. "Hey how come you get to stay in the guest suite and we got stuck in the barracks?"
  3902. "It is good to see you as well Stormy"
  3903. >You say deciding to address her statements in order.
  3904. "And I suspect I am staying here because I am too large to house in the barracks, also I was never formally made a guard."
  3905. >One of the servants who happens to by passing by stops near your door. "I didn't know you were having visitors Sir, should I bring any refreshments?"
  3906. >Stormy is just short of scowling at you at the moment.
  3907. "Some of those pastries from before, and juice if you would be so kind."
  3908. >The servant gives little bow and scampers off to the kitchen.
  3909. >"They gave you a private room and servants?" Stormy huffs.
  3910. "No, the servants are simply helping me since I had beaten several of the minotaur guards that were harassing them."
  3911. >"Why do you get all the cool stuff and get to do everything exciting?"
  3912. "Would you forgive me if I told you I had been working on a special training exercise for the guard to run, and that I could use your assistance?"
  3913. >"Maybe." Stormy says warily "What kind of assistance?"
  3914. "I will let you be one of the wing commanders for the pegesai in my plan."
  3915. >"Alright, but I get to eat as many pastries as I want and lay on that bed when I feel to sick to move."
  3916. "Very well, agreed."
  3918. >You stand aside from the door and allow Stormy entry. She tosses her bag to a corner of the room and wastes no time making herself comfortable on the bed.
  3919. >"So what exactly is this training exercise that you had to write a book for?"
  3920. "It was a first combat exercise for the guard recruits and a test of my skill as a commander."
  3921. "Princess Luna conjured up simulacrums of a xeno breed known as Tyranids for the guards to fight."
  3922. >"Was that your really wordy way of saying the Princess had the guard train against aliens?"
  3923. >Keeping your expression blank you nod.
  3924. "Yes that was roughly my meaning."
  3925. >"So we're gonna run that training exercise again?"
  3926. "Yes, though this time I have a number of new tactics I wish to test. I believe it will spare us some of the casualties we suffered before."
  3927. >You open the page to the section with pegesai tactics and hand the rough bound manuscript to Stormy.
  3928. >Her eyes scan the pages as she slowly flips through. "This sounds like it's gonna take a lot of work to get right, but it'll be awesome if we do."
  3929. "You will assist me then?"
  3930. >"I'm supposed to have three whole days off before we get our medals, but I'd kick myself if I passed up alien monster combat training."
  3931. "I shall discuss this with the other then. With luck we may be able to begin tomorrow."
  3932. >The servant returns with the refreshments and Stormy directs her to place them on the nightstand.
  3933. >"Good I'll have a day to hang around Canterlot before I have to do anything." She says while helping herself to the food.
  3934. >You stop the Servant before she leaves.
  3935. "Does the Princess have any scribes in her employ?"
  3936. >"Yes we have a few, did you need to dictate something?"
  3937. "No, I need several more copies of this made as soon as possible, if the Princess does not have them working on more pressing matters."
  3938. >You offer up the manuscript to the servant. "I'll see what I can do sir."
  3939. "You have my thanks as always."
  3941. >The servant departs leaving you with Stormy, who when her mouth is not full informs you of the goings on at Everfree garisson in your abscene.
  3942. >Things have been relatively quiet other than a minor infestation of parasprites, which are apparently some manner of small ravenous insectoid.
  3943. >You in turn tell Stormy of the run in with the Ambassadors guards, and the aftermath there of.
  3944. >By the time the two of you have finished exchanging tales it is nearly noon and Stormy has long since finished off the last of the food.
  3945. >The serving mare returns to clean up the empty try and informs you.
  3946. >"The scribes say they'll have a few copies made by this evening and there's a visitor waiting for you downstairs. He said he's from the jewelers."
  3947. >"You having yourself a crown made to go with the royal treatment you've been getting?" Stormy says in a teasing tone.
  3948. "Nothing so ostentatious. Just a jewel encrusted scabbard for my sword."
  3949. >"Wait seriously?" She asks blinking in surprise.
  3950. "No, it was a jest."
  3951. >You head down to meet your visitor, an overfull Stormy trotting along beside you grumbling.
  3952. "Well met, you have news for me?"
  3953. >You ask the Stallion you assume to be one of the jeweler's apprentices judging by his apparent youth and the emerald and chisel on his flank.
  3954. >"Yes, we were hoping you could come by the shop, we think we have your order ready, we just need to make sure everything sits properly."
  3955. "Ah excellent news. Stormy perhaps you wish to settle in while I accompany him? I won't be overlong."
  3956. >"Alright, but don't do anything fun without me." She says giving a wave before vanishing back in to the castle.
  3957. "Lead on."
  3958. >You tell the jeweler's apprentice.
  3959. >You travel away from the manor houses of the nobles attempting to crowd as close to the castle walls as possible and out towards the crafts district.
  3960. >The jewelers shop occupies a two story building, a large sign suspended above the door proclaiming his craft.
  3962. >The interior is brightly lit, the cut jewels in their display cases throwing rainbows across the wood paneled walls.
  3963. >The Jeweler who is standing behind the counter pulls out a cloth wrapped bundle as you approach.
  3964. >"Thank you for coming so quickly. I believe I have your order sorted out, just need to check a few things. If you don't mind."
  3965. >He gestures for your helm which you take and place gently on the counter.
  3966. >He unfolds the cloth bundle revealing your newly cut eye lenses and begins trying to fit them in to place.
  3967. >After a few seconds of fidgeting with the rubber gasket lining the eye it clicks in to place.
  3968. >He repeats the process for the other and turns the helm on the counter to face you.
  3969. >"If everything looks all right try it on and see if that'll do for you."
  3970. >You take your helm and place it on awaiting the moment of truth.
  3971. >You look around the now crimson tinted room and a screed of readouts projects down the lenses.
  3972. >You let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding, deeply relieved that your helms optics weren't damaged when the previous lenses broke.
  3973. "You have done excellent work and have my eternal gratitude. If I have any work in the future I will bring it to you first."
  3974. >"Oh well thank you, always good to have a repeat customer."
  3975. >He slides the cloth bundle to you. "I'll have the bill sent to the castle. These are are some spares if for any reason those don't work out."
  3976. >You take the cloth bundling it up tight before stowing in carefully in one of the compartments of your armor.
  3977. >With lenses in place your armor is one step closer to being whole again. While you're in town might as well check on the progress at the blacksmith.
  3978. >You acquire directions from the jeweler and head over.
  3979. >Out in the streets your helms auto senses swarm with movement notifications and range markers, you blink click those to the side reflexively.
  3980. >Two weeks without them has hardly been enough to put off three centuries of habit.
  3982. >The blacksmith is several streets over, occupying a large lot with low stone walls separating the grounds from the surrounding buildings.
  3983. >The smithy itself consists of a small shop situated beside a partially open sided shed with the forge beneath it.
  3984. >The sharp ring of hammer on metal chimes out from the shed, so that is where you expect you'll find the smith.
  3985. >You see the smith and her apprentices hard at work shaping a glowing block of metal.
  3986. >One apprentice holds it in place with a set of metal tongs while the smith and her second apprentice alternate strikes.
  3987. >How anyone could swing a hammer with their mouth is beyond you.
  3988. >The metal begins to lose its glow and the apprentice with the tongs takes it and places it carefully back in the forge.
  3989. >The smith wipes the sweat from her brow with the back of a hoof and acknowledges your presence.
  3990. >"Here to check up on your order I imagine?"She says gesturing for her apprentices to keep up the work while she walks over to you.
  3991. "I was in the area and thought it could do no harm."
  3992. >The smith exits the shed and begins walking around to the door of her shop apparently expecting you to follow.
  3993. >"Normally we don't get much call for armor. Every now and then some noble wants a decorative suit for display but that's about it."
  3994. >The smith gives a push on the shop door and it swings inward a bell chiming as she steps inside.
  3995. >The interior is dimly lit compared to the afternoon sun but your helms autosenses quickly compensate bringing the light to an ideal level.
  3996. >A sturdy dark wood counter divides the shop in half, an array of metalwork finery interspersed with more practical items covering it.
  3997. >"I've never had to make hand armor before either, had to look at some old minotaur designs for that one."
  3998. >She lifts a divider and steps behind the counter dipping out of view.
  3999. >"Never had to make any armor quite this thick either, so it was a lot of firsts. Still I'm confident about the end results."
  4001. >With a soft grunt of effort she deposits a wooden case rather heavily on the counter.
  4002. >Lifting the lid of the case she reveals the finely crafted armor within.
  4003. >Each piece was clearly crafted with practicality in mind, a few small etchings the only decorations adorning the set.
  4004. >The back plate of the gauntlet bears the winged word emblem of your legion enameled in white to mirror the one adorning your pauldron.
  4005. "You do fine work."
  4006. >You say picking up the vambrace to inspect it.
  4007. >It looks spacious enough to accommodate the under-layer of your power armor and even appears to have been insulated with a thick layer of cloth.
  4008. >"You need any adjustments made you just come let me know right away. First order I've had from a Princess and I'd prefer if it wasn't the last."
  4009. "I shall check the fit as soon as I return to the castle."
  4010. >She nods "Good. Now if you're interested I can show you some of my other work. I've got some nice swords and daggers"
  4011. "A tempting offer, but for now I must decline. My position is not yet such that I can spend the Princesses coin freely."
  4012. >"Fair enough. You might consider bringing it up with her later. Always good to have another sword just in case."
  4013. >With that she lifts the divider and slips back around the counter.
  4014. >"If I can't interest you in anything else I've got other orders to work on."
  4015. >You take the hint, picking up the case with your freshly forged armor and bid the smith a farewell departing for the castle.
  4016. >Along the way you encounter professor Ivy, who is trudging towards the University beneath the burden of a mountain of scrolls and books.
  4017. >She has a bag stuffed to the brim on each side of her and even more tied across her back.
  4018. "Greetings Ivy, you appear to be overburdened."
  4019. >"Hello Anon." She pants "Just a little research material." She says still plodding along as she speaks to you.
  4020. >Given the way she's teetering with each step if she stops she may well collapse.
  4022. "Research for what may I ask?"
  4023. >You ask examining the mighty hoard of knowledge she's piled upon her back.
  4024. >The saddle bags at her side appear to be attached to the same strap as the books piled upon her back.
  4025. >You hook a pair of fingers beneath the cords holding everything and lift the load from her back.
  4026. >She lets out a groan and reaches a hoof up to rub her tortured spine.
  4027. >"Sweet blessed relief" She mutters before collecting herself enough to answer your question.
  4028. >"After our discussion a few days ago I started looking in to a few different potential uses for some of the technology on your ship."
  4029. "Any new revelations you wish to share?"
  4030. >You ask gesturing for her to lead on as you position the saddle bags over your shoulder.
  4031. >"Well I've been looking at the electrical components of the ship, and they're currently more advanced than anything we have in Equestria."
  4032. >"I think I've also mostly figured out how the turbines worked, though I don't think we have anything we could safely use as fuel though."
  4033. >Ivy leads you down in to the labs going on about her ideas for practical applications all the while.
  4034. >Upon arrival you find that the area around the Stormbird is somewhat changed from when last you saw it.
  4035. >Chalk Board have been placed on the walls and blueprints pinned up or laid out on draft tables.
  4036. >Tools are scattered about the floor near the stormbird and some of the more damaged ship components lay partially disassembled on tarps.
  4037. >You can bundles of cable stretching from the back of the Stormbird to a primitive crank driven generator.
  4038. >This must be the effort to reactivate the electrical system Ivy spoke of. You set her bags down on one of the tables and move to inspect the lines.
  4039. >The cables appear to have been directly spliced in to the exposed sections of wiring in the ship where damage permitted easy access.
  4040. "If you wish to reactivate the ships systems I must insist that you remove the autocannons first.
  4042. "Damaged as it is I do not think it safe to activate otherwise."
  4043. >"Good point, better safe than sorry. Wouldn't want to get melted by some alien ray gun." She says jokingly.
  4044. "An autocannon is a solid projectile weapon. We would use a melta gun to melt things."
  4045. >Ivy laughs then pauses "That wasn't a joke was it? You actually have a melt ray."
  4046. "It does not fire ray, but yes."
  4047. >"and someone seriously named this thing a melta?"
  4048. "The proper term is fusion gun, and I did not name it."
  4049. >"That aside I'll see about getting the cannons removed as before we activate anything."
  4050. "Good, take care around the ammunition. Being exposed to a sufficiently high temperature could detonate the rounds."
  4051. >"Thank you for the warning. Could you hand me some of the hazard labels from that drawer?"
  4052. >Ivy points to a column of recessed drawers in the wall behind you, indicating the uppermost one.
  4053. >"I want to put a few warning stickers up in case my assistants come in here while I'm away."
  4054. >You open the drawer and rifle through the contents.
  4055. "I see no such object."
  4056. >"Darn must have moved them then. Check the others if you don't mind."
  4057. >You open the other drawers one by one, papers, tools, bundles of wiring, teeth?
  4058. >The drawer is piled full of bone white fangs ranging in size from no larger than a finger nail to as big as your palm.
  4059. "What manner of fangs are these?"
  4060. >You ask holding one up for the professor to view.
  4061. >"Dragon fangs. "Ivy says with a hint of annoyance. "I told the biology department clean out the lab before I brought the ship down here."
  4062. >You recall Spike eating the gemstones you had found and curiosity takes hold.
  4063. >You pick up one of the smaller fangs and lightly press the tip against the metal armor of your left arm.
  4064. >With just the barest hint of pressure behind it you can already see the fang scoring the metal.
  4065. "Ivy, might I have some of these?"
  4067. >Ivy who was muttering something to herself about filing a complaint stops and looks at you.
  4068. >"I suppose so, we've got boxes of the things. What exactly do you need them for?"
  4069. "I have an..experiment I wish to conduct. I believe these may suit my needs well."
  4070. >"Well far be it from me to say stifle scientific inquiry, take as many as you need. You're letting us root around in your ship so it's only fair."
  4071. >Ivy dumps the scrolls from one of her saddle bags before levitating it towards you.
  4072. >"Here you can put them in this for now, just bring it back next time you stop by."
  4073. "My thanks."
  4074. >You begin scooping out handfuls of the razor like fangs in to the bag, careful to only take the smaller ones.
  4075. >Anything much longer than a finger tip won't really suit your purposes.
  4076. >You pile the bag roughly halfway full, you're going to have to pick through them to find the ones in good condition. Best to have extras.
  4077. "I will return what I do not use."
  4078. >"That's fine." Ivy replies absently as she rummages through a drawer on the opposite wall.
  4079. >She gives a cry of triumph as she rises up brandishing the warning labels she had been looking for. "I knew they were in here somewhere."
  4080. >She takes up quill and ink marking the placards with "Danger: Alien Weaponry" before slapping them liberally about the vicinity of the autocannons.
  4081. >"There that should be good enough for now. While I've got you here are there any other safety precautions you'd like to suggest?"
  4082. "Take care around the cogitator when powering it on. When damaged like this they tend to throw sparks or catch fire."
  4083. >Ivy picks takes up her quill once more and parchment.
  4084. >"Flame...retardant...clothing...fire..extinguishers..." she mumbles as she makes a note.
  4085. "I can think of no other measures that need to be taken. For now I must depart. I fear I have already tarried overlong."
  4086. >"Of course, I'm sorry to keep you. Stop by again any time."
  4087. >You shoulder the borrowed saddle bag and exit the university vaults.
  4089. >Once more out in the streets of Canterlot proper you make haste towards the castle, more specifically your quarters therein.
  4090. >Excited though you are to get to work with the dragons teeth you delay the project long enough to check the fit of your new armor.
  4091. >First you reattach the under layer and cable overlays making sure none of the wires themselves are damaged.
  4092. >As power is restored you blink click away the structural warning runes playing across your retinal display.
  4093. >Now fully prepared you begin locking each piece of armor in place.
  4094. >The armor fits, though you had little doubt of that. These ponies seem to be peerless artisans of whatever craft they choose.
  4095. >You move your arm about, bending and flexing to test that your range of motion is still intact and find no undue hindrance.
  4096. >A coat of paint to match the rest of your armor and it would be difficult to tell that you were using replacement parts from a distance.
  4097. >That done you upend the bag over your dresser pouring the fangs into a pile for sorting.
  4098. >Your door swings open without any preamble, you turn to face the intruder.
  4099. >"Hey Anon I was wondering if WAAAH!"Stormy scrambles backward several steps clutching a hoof to her chest.
  4100. "Are you well?"
  4101. >You ask doffing your helm, tucking it beneath your arm as you step closer.
  4102. >Trying to regain her composure stormy takes a deep breath. "Yeah, just wasn't expecting the glowing red eyes."
  4103. >You turn your helm about looking at it, the eye slits have dimmed since your helm is detached.
  4104. "It was not my intention to give you cause for alarm."
  4105. >"Yeah well around here glowing eyes are a bad sign like 70% percent of the time."
  4106. "I was unaware that having ones eyes glow was a regular occurrence in Equestria."
  4107. >"I've seen Princess Luna do it once, and I heard that Chrysalis did it during her invasion. Tirek too."
  4108. >"Probably more examples than that, I just can't think of any off hoof."
  4110. "Perhaps you might forewarn the other guards. I should hate to be accosted by my own allies for such a misunderstanding."
  4111. >"Good point. I'll let everyone know later. Anyway before you gave me a heart attack I was gonna ask if you wanted to hit one of the restaurants."
  4112. >"I don't get to come up to Canterlot often but they have some amazing places here."
  4113. "I fear I must decline. I have a task ahead of me and I am unsure how long it shall take."
  4114. >You gesture to the pile of gleaming fangs on the dresser for emphasis.
  4115. >Stormy picks up one of the fangs with her wing holding it at length to inspect it.
  4116. >It can be easy to forget just how alien the ponies are but the show of dexterity from the extra limb is a jarring reminder.
  4117. >"What are gonna do with all these things anyway? You making a necklace or something?"
  4118. "At the moment I am sorting them. With approval from the Princess I hope to have them mounted into a guide chain for my sword."
  4119. "I have heard Kharn the Equerry of the World Eaters legion did similar with mica-dragon teeth."
  4120. >"Anon as a friend I have to ask, should you be doing anything a bunch of guys who call themselves "World Eaters" are doing?"
  4121. >You can't help but smirk at that logic.
  4122. "The theory is a sound one, and by all accounts Captain Kharn was once a noble soul even if he is now...unwell."
  4123. >Unwell may be the greatest understatement ever made, but you have no doubt Stormy will be happier never hearing tales of Kharn the Betrayer.
  4124. >"Well I'm still not a hundred percent on this, but if I help you sort the fangs we can hang out after, right?"
  4125. "I see no reason that we can not."
  4126. >"Alright gimmie half the pile." Stormy says perching herself on the edge of the dresser to get a better view.
  4127. >You do as she bade and give her roughly half of the pile to sort, instructing her one the type of fang to look for.
  4128. >Even tossing aside flawed or ill sized specimens you find yourself quickly accumulating a wealth of usable fangs.
  4131. >With the two of you bent to this task it takes mere minutes to sort through the entirety of the pile.
  4132. >With one last cursory inspection you estimate that you likely have enough teeth to fill a chain with a handful to spare.
  4133. >You scrape those that you've sorted from the dresser and into a bag for transport, tying it off on your belt.
  4134. >You maglock your chainsword to your hip doing likewise with your helm.
  4135. >Best to avoid frightening any more of the guard with the glow of your eyes.
  4136. >It was dim enough to go unnoticed in direct sunlight but even well lit as it is the castle has its share of shadowed hallways.
  4137. >Now you simply need to secure permission from the Princess to fund this newest repair.
  4138. >Luna has thus far been your been your patron but you doubt that she will rise for several hours yet.
  4139. >Celestia has been generous enough during your stay that you see no harm in asking her.
  4140. >Your course of action decided you set off for the throne room, Stormy in tow.
  4141. >"So why do you need two swords anyway? Princess Luna already gave you that magic one."
  4142. "One should always have a second weapon in the event that they are disarmed. Besides that a fine sword though it is Luna's blade is a bit small for my size."
  4143. >"Makes sense. It was pretty cool that she gave you a replacement though."
  4144. >You nod your agreement. It was very generous of her to replace your damaged power sword.
  4145. >Still you will be more comfortable with something sized for you in hand.
  4146. >You reach the Throne room doors and the guards allow you through as usual.
  4147. >The Princess is seated on her throne a scroll levitating before her as she reads through it.
  4148. >Her brow furrows as she reads her expression betraying some small amount of concern.
  4149. "Forgive my intrusion Princess, have I interrupted something?"
  4150. >The Princess turns her attention to you, her expression softening. "No, I was just going over a few reports from the Crystal Empire."
  4152. >The Princess shifts in her seat letting the scroll curl in on itself as she sets it aside.
  4153. >"Citizens in the Empire have been reporting seeing strange things at night."
  4154. "What manner of strange things?"
  4155. >"Most of the reports are of shadowy figures but nopony has gotten a good look at anything."
  4156. >Stormy who has been more or less hidden in your shadow speaks up. "It's not the changelings again is it?"
  4157. >Celestia offers Stormy a reassuring smile.
  4158. >"While we can't rule out the possibility there haven't any reports of attempted abductions."
  4159. >"Cadence and Shining armor are taking all the necessary precautions. Now, what is it I can help you with?"
  4160. >You unlock the chainsword from your belt and hold it out in front of you flat across the palms of your hands for the Princess to see.
  4161. "This was salvaged from the wreckage of my ship."
  4162. >Once Celestia has had a chance to look you lock the sword back in place thinking it best not to be waving a weapon around in the throne room.
  4163. >Even if that weapon happens to currently be useless as anything more than a cudgel.
  4164. "I believe I have found the means to repair it but I would require the services of a smith once more and wished to seek your permission."
  4165. >"If I recall the last repairs weren't too expensive. So I don't see any reason why not."
  4166. >"Though I will have to speak with Luna about what sort of stipend you'll be receiving when she has you take your oaths."
  4167. >You give a shallow bow crossing your fist across your armors plastron.
  4168. "My thanks Princess but if I will be staying in the castle barracks the stipend is unnecessary."
  4169. >Celestia blinks in surprise and from the corner of your eye you can see Stormy giving you a sideways look.
  4170. >"Are you certain Anon>? The guards customarily receive a weekly stipend to help cover living expenses and you would be entitled to the same."
  4171. "You have been generous enough to provide repair to my armor and weapons, and the castle staff have provided everything else I have needed."
  4173. >You give a shrug the expression made exaggerated by the heavy pauldrons of your armor.
  4174. "I cannot think of anything else I might want for."
  4175. >"Well if you're sure."The Princess says uncertainty. "If you change your mind later we can discuss it then."
  4176. "As you say Princess. Farewell for now."
  4177. >You turn to leave Stormy quickly bowing before trotting quickly after you to catch up.
  4178. >Once you've entered the hallways and are out of earshot of the guards Stormy whispers harshly.
  4179. >"Are you crazy, you sign up for a dangerous job and then don't even want payed for it?"
  4180. "It was never customary for any Knight of the Order to receive payment for his service. Besides, it's not as if you do your duty for payment is it?"
  4181. >"Well that's not why I joined no." Stormy says.
  4182. >"I didn't tell them I'd do it for free either though." She mutters before letting the subject drop.
  4183. >Having secured Permission from Celestia like you had hoped you make your way out in to Canterlot once more.
  4184. >Stormy is clearly eager to get whatever activity she has planned for the two of you underway but remains silent on the matter as you head for the smith.
  4185. >Much as before you find her at the forge beneath the shed. "Back so soon? I was sure we'd gotten the measurements right."
  4186. "The pieces were without flaw. I have simply come to make another request."
  4187. >You lay the heavy chainsword across a table not currently in use and take out the bag of dragon teeth pouring a few out for viewing.
  4188. "I require these fitted to a sturdy chain. It must be able to endure heat and stress and should sit between these guide rails."
  4189. >She leans in close inspecting the chainsword, testing the gap between the guide rails with the tip of a hoof.
  4190. >"I'm gonna need more specific instructions, but I think we can manage it." She says at length.
  4191. >You give her such details as you are able, spacing of the teeth, the direction in which they should be mounted, types of materials that might be used.
  4193. "I will be entrusting the sword to you to work with. Have a care around the activation rune. It will set the chain to spinning if mounted."
  4194. >The smith nods at your warning. "I'm a little surprised you're leaving it here after the way you kept your armor."
  4195. "My armor was damaged but in a usable state. The sword is not. If you require more teeth inform me."
  4196. >You turn and depart, with your errand finally complete you let Stormy guide you.
  4197. >"Finally, now I can show you one of my favorite places to eat."
  4198. >You fail to see what was wrong with the fare provided by the castle but you've eaten tree bark before so perhaps your basis for comparison is skewed.
  4199. >You wind your way through the alleys between the larger shops and pass beneath the shadows of the more well appointed buildings that dominate the main streets.
  4200. >"There it is." Stormy says grinning as she indicates a small shop nestled between two other buildings built near side of the mountain.
  4201. >The sign indicates that it is a sandwich shop.
  4202. >Given the other restaurants you've seen in Canterlot you expected something more ostentatious.
  4203. >"This place is great. They have the best food and if we get seats on the roof we can watch the airships."
  4204. "Airships?"
  4205. >Stormy who is already trotting happily towards the door replies over her shoulder. "Yeah, you know the..oh right you've probably never seen one."
  4206. >She holds the door open gesturing for you to hurry along. "You'll see once we get on the roof."
  4207. >You duck your head slightly to clear the threshold of the door turning to make certain you don't break the frame with your shoulder.
  4208. >Stormy speaks with one of the staff regarding seating and the two of you are ushered upstairs out on to an open air patio.
  4209. >Though you were aware of the concept you've never actually been to a restaurant outside of the ones in Equestria.
  4210. >Being largely ignorant of the options available you allow Stormy to order for you. Though you do stipulate no hay.
  4212. >You were unsurprised to find that meat was not available here.
  4213. >The staff returns quickly with your order, the speed of the service likely owing to the fact that no actual cooking was involved.
  4214. >Your meal consists of a variety of vegetables on bread slathered in some manner of sauce.
  4215. >Perhaps not what you would have chosen, but it is quite enjoyable all the same.
  4216. >"So what do you think, this place is great right?" Stormy asks tearing in to her own food with her usual enthusiasm.
  4217. "It is certainly different from the food at the castle, but it is not without its charm."
  4218. >Movement at the periphery of your vision causes you to turn your head.
  4219. >"There, that's one of the airships I was talking about. That's the Lavender Spirit I think."
  4220. >The ship consists of a large wooden gondola shaped much like a nautical sailing vessel suspended beneath a massive balloon.
  4221. >The balloon itself seems to be modeled after some manner of leviathan sea creature complete with eyes and fins.
  4222. >As you watch the ship swings on a languid arc around the outer edge of the mountain.
  4223. >As it draws closer you note that it seems to be propelling itself along by means of fins mounted along the hull of the gondola.
  4224. >Some unseen mechanism forcing them to push through the air like a fish through water.
  4225. >The ship is close enough now that you can see a few ponies on deck, though if they are passengers or crew you could not say.
  4226. >Stormy moves over the the railing at the edge of the roof and waves to the ponies as they pass.
  4227. >A few of those aboard the airship return the gesture.
  4228. >You simply stand content to watch the ship as it passes by.
  4229. >Eventually the ship passes out of sight as it continues around the mountains edge, the many buildings of Canterlot obstructing your view.
  4230. >Afterwards you finish eating and return to the castle.
  4231. >Upon your return you receive word from one of the servants that the copies of your tome have been made as requested.
  4233. >You retain one copy for yourself and give one to Stormy so that she might better learn her part in tomorrows events.
  4234. >The other copies you give to the servant to distribute to the sergeants and Lieutenant Argent, since he has volunteered his assistance.
  4235. >"I'd better call it an early day if I'm gonna have to memorize some of this for tomorrow." She says tucking her copy beneath a wing to carry.
  4236. "That is just as well, Princess Luna should be up soon and there are a few matters I wish to discuss with her for tomorrow."
  4237. >"Always work with you isn't it?" Stormy says teasingly as she makes her exit.
  4238. >Since you have the time to spare you quickly skim through your own work again, a blank scroll open nearby to make notations as needed.
  4239. >The Princess may well have questions regarding this new training and you want to be as prepared as you can to explain anything to her that might come up.
  4240. >As you work through and annotate you find yourself quickly filling the scroll.
  4241. >Absorbed in your work as you are you quickly lose track of time.
  4242. >Fearing you may have wasted what time Luna is in court you rush to gather up your tome and notes but pause when you note something odd.
  4243. >The sun should be setting at this hour, at least it has since you've been on Equus but there it sits.
  4244. >It hangs low in the sky to be sure but it has yet to dip towards the horizon as it should.
  4245. >Perhaps the time of sunset has changed any the everyone neglected to inform you.
  4246. >It is most likely an innocent mistake or some regular occurrence you have yet to see, all the same you decide to make haste for the throne room.
  4247. >You tread quickly along the now familiar path but stop when you come to the antechamber outside the throne room.
  4248. >The chamber usual devoid of all but the ceremonial guard at this time of day is packed with two full squads.
  4249. >Not only troops from Luna's own night guard but Celestia's forces as well.
  4250. >Among the Night's Watch forces you spot Corporal Lantern Light.
  4252. "Corporal, you're looking more awake than when last we spoke."
  4253. >She smirks at that "And you're more well dressed."
  4254. >Gesturing around all the guards lining the sides of the antechamber you ask.
  4255. "What is all of this?"
  4256. >"Emergency meeting between the Princesses. Apparently something happened at the Crystal Castle. I haven't heard many details other than that."
  4257. >Keeping your expression stoic you give a nod.
  4258. >It doesn't take someone with three hundred years of battlefield experience to guess that this is related to the report Celestia received earlier.
  4259. "The situation must be dire indeed. I will speak with the Princess at once."
  4260. >Laying your notes and tome down on one of the small tables decorating the antechamber you move for the door.
  4261. >Before you lay your fingers on the handle of the door the sergeant of Celestia's guard lowers his spear across the door to bar your path.
  4262. >"By order of the Princess only senior military staff are allowed entry at this time."
  4263. >You turn a stony glare on the sergeant.
  4264. "I may not yet have taken my oaths to Luna but I am a Knight of the Order and three hundred years your elder. I will speak with the Princess now."
  4265. >The sergeant hesitates but moves his spear to unbar your path. You give a slight nod to the Sergeant before pushing the door open.
  4266. >The long carpet muffles your steps as you approach the throne.
  4267. >Upon the dais you can see both Princesses engaged in an intense discussion.
  4268. >Surrounding the Princesses are scribes and functionaries, among them Raven, who upon spotting you, draws Celestia's attention to you.
  4269. >"Anon, I'm afraid you've come at a bad time my Sister and I were just discussing what action to take about the incident.."
  4270. >"Attack." Luna says interrupting. Celestia gives the Princess of the Night a sharp look but Luna seems unfazed.
  4271. >"The Incident." "Celestia corrects. "In the Crystal Castle."
  4272. "It was my understanding that something had occurred there. I wish to aide in any way that I can."
  4274. >"That is kind of you to offer but at the moment we are still still sorting out the details of what transpired."
  4275. >Luna gestures towards you with a hoof while facing her sister.
  4276. >"You should not be so quick to dismiss him sister. We could dispatch him to the castle to guard it as a temporary measure."
  4277. >Celestia gives a sigh of exhaustion. It is late in the day for her and the rings beneath her eyes show clearly just how taxing a day it has been.
  4278. >"Luna we've been over this we don't even know if there's anything to guard against. We can't risk causing a panic over nothing."
  4279. "Forgive me if I speak out of turn Princess, but what exactly has transpired."
  4280. >Luna looks to Celestia who gives a nod before turning to you.
  4281. >"Several hours ago an intruder was by staff in the lower levels of the Crystal Castle."
  4282. >"The guards were summoned and gave chase but failed to apprehend the intruder as it fled into the sewers."
  4283. >Celestia suppresses a yawn and adds. "I've extended the daylight to give them more time to search but so far nothing has been found."
  4284. >"One servant was found unconscious in the area near where the intruder was spotted meaning this may have been an attack."
  4285. >"Or it the servant may have fainted from fright." Celestia rebuts "She suffered no injury aside from a minor bump on the head."
  4286. >Luna gives her sister an indignant glare. "Why are you not treating this matter with the seriousness it deserves?"
  4287. >"I am taking this very seriously, and you need to consider what would happen if the citizens started jumping at every shadow."
  4288. >"It could be just like the weeks after the the wedding all over again. Ponies seeing changelings everywhere. That's why we can't just end more guards."
  4289. >This is clearly an argument the sister have been over several times before your arrival.
  4290. "If I may be so bold Princess. Send me to assist with this matter. I can assist in seeing to the defense of the castle while the others track the intruder."
  4292. >Luna is quick to seize the initiative, nodding in agreement with you. "We can simply say that it Anon is visiting the Empire before the ceremonies here."
  4293. >"You have seen what he is capable of, he is as good as sending entire squad of guards, perhaps more."
  4294. >You can see Celestia considering the options. "It could work, but the parade and medal ceremony is in two days."
  4295. >Luna reaches out to rest a hoof on her sister's shoulder reassuringly.
  4296. >"We can consider that in the morning when you've had time to rest. By then we should be able to decide if the matter is resolved or requires a more open approach."
  4297. >Celestia relents giving a nod of acceptance.
  4298. >"Very well, Sir Anoniaus we ask that you take such measures as are necessary to ensure the safety of the Crystal Empire, but please exercise discretion."
  4299. "You have my word."
  4300. >Luna smiles "Then the matter is settled for the moment. We shall inform Cadence and Shining Armor and you shall depart within the hour."
  4301. >"I will retire for now."Celestia says "Please raise the moon if there are no further reports from the guards soon."
  4302. >Celestia bids Luna good night and you farewell before leaving for her chambers, her guards falling in around her as she goes.
  4303. >Luna gestures imperiously to one of her guards. "Have my chariot prepared to transport Anon."
  4304. >The guard salutes smartly and rushes off to execute Luna's orders.
  4305. >"Anon I trust that you will use discretion as my sister has asked, but if you need to act do not hesitate to do so. I will grant you my full authority."
  4306. >That was a bit more than you were expecting.
  4307. >You had thought Luna might feel a certain kinship to you from seeing the events of your past.
  4308. >She had alluded to has much before, but to place the full authority of the throne behind you...
  4309. >Clearly the Princess of the Night has placed a great deal of trust in you.
  4311. >It is time to reciprocate the gesture.
  4312. "I give you my thanks Princess."
  4313. >You draw your sword and take a knee resting the blade point down against the marble one hand resting lightly on the cross guard.
  4314. >With your other hand you reach up and remove your helm, baring your head so that Luna might look upon your face.
  4315. "and I would give you my oath of service if you would have it."
  4316. >"Anon, I wasn't expecting this. That is to say I haven't written a new oath and I've not had a knight since before my banishment."
  4317. >You've caught the Princess off guard. She's visibly flustered and struggling to regain her composure.
  4318. >"I had hoped to ask after the medal ceremony you see."
  4319. >Luna says tapping her front hooves together.
  4320. >Clearly your taking the oath when is ready means something to Luna.
  4321. >You've met no other knights in your time in Equestria.
  4322. >Given her banishment ended only recently by your understanding you must be the first knight to swear to her in a very long time.
  4323. "Then I shall swear to protect this land and it's people, and to serve your interests as best I am able."
  4324. >You rise and re-sheath your sword smoothly with one hand tucking your helm beneath the other arm.
  4325. "And I shall take my proper vows when you are ready."
  4326. >"Thank you." Luna says simply before clearing her throat. "I will send one of the servants for your belongings. If you will follow me."
  4327. >Luna once again her regal self strides from the throne room with you beside her.
  4328. >She pauses in the antechamber long enough to summon a servant to collect your belongings.
  4329. >There is little to collect aside from your clothing and armor maintenance supplies.
  4330. >Once that is returned Luna guides you out on to one of the spires at the rear of the castle.
  4331. >The balcony of spire is unusually long and lacks a railing at the far end.
  4332. >The winged chariot sitting at the center suggests that this is used as a runway.
  4333. >Harnessed to the front of the chariot with lengths of midnight blue chain are a pair of bat ponies.
  4335. >One of them you recognize as Corporal Lantern Light, who gives a quick wave of the wing when she sees you looking.
  4336. >"Princess Cadence and Shining armor will be in regular contact with us. If you have anything to report in your time there inform them."
  4337. >Looking at the vehicle you can see that the seat was designed with the Princess in mind.
  4338. >The cushion is low and wide nestled between the low bat winged sides of the chariot.
  4339. >A cursory inspect reveals no restraint harness to prevent you falling out.
  4340. "Princess, I suspect you are a good deal lighter than I am.."
  4341. >"Fear not." Luna says with an amused grin "It will hold. I must attend my duties now. Corporal Night Light will see you to the Crystal Castle."
  4342. "Farewell for now Princess."
  4343. >You climb awkwardly into the chariot.
  4344. >Rather than worry about the fact a man of your stature in such a vehicle may look comical you find a comfortable position.
  4345. >"You ready back there." Lantern Light calls out over her shoulder.
  4346. >You're in a magical open topped chariot with no restraints and two creatures each less than a fifth of your size pulling it.
  4347. >This is probably as ready as you're going to get.
  4348. "Ready."
  4349. >Night Light and her partner begin surging forward, the chains pull taut and the chariot starts to roll towards open space.
  4350. >It seems unlikely given all the things you've seen in this land that you're about to plummet to your death.
  4351. >All the same with the precipitous drop looming before you you take a grip on the edge of the chariot.
  4352. >The pair of bat ponies at the lead rush off the ledge diving downward as they take to wing the chariot rolling swiftly behind them.
  4353. >They spread their wings in unison turning the momentum of the dive into an ascent.
  4354. >You had expected a sudden lurch as the chains on the chariot pull taut but instead it trails smoothly along behind them.
  4355. >Whatever enchantment holds the chariot aloft also seems to hold you in your seat.
  4357. >The chariot pulls sharply as your guides turn the vehicle northward.
  4358. >As you get up to speed the wind begins to pull at you setting the lower portion of your tabard to snapping and twisting in the breeze.
  4359. >You've been airborne for no more than a few minutes when the sun suddenly dips below the horizon the moon quickly rising to take its place.
  4360. >"Don't worry, I fly better at night anyway." Lantern Light shouts back to you, the roar of the wind trying to steal her words.
  4361. "You have my full confidence. How long until we reach the Empire?"
  4362. >You call back the vox amplification on your armor allowing your words to ring out clearly despite the background din.
  4363. >"It'd be a heck of a walk but we should have you there in just a couple of hours."
  4364. >The hour is already late, it will be true night by the time you arrive.
  4365. >Good. If Luna is correct and this was an attack it is all the better that you arrive under cover of night.
  4366. >You are after all facing a foe of unknown number and nature. If they are in similar situation it will help level the field.
  4367. >"How are you doing that? The Royal Canterlot voice I mean. I've only ever heard Princess Luna do that."
  4368. "I am uncertain of what you mean."
  4369. >"You know, how you're talking really loud. You literally just did it."
  4370. >You nudge the amplification of your vox a few decibels higher.
  4371. "Vox amplification. It is one of the many benefits of my armor. It allows me to be heard on the battlefield."
  4372. >Well that and the closed communications channels but you're not certain you have time to explain all of that just now.
  4373. >"Wish we had something like that when we work crowd control."
  4374. "It is quite useful."
  4375. >With your guide lapsing in to silence,likely due to the difficulty of shouting a conversation, you decide to take in the sights.
  4376. >Perched in the chariot you have an excellent vantage to survey the landscape passing quickly beneath you.
  4378. >Verdant fields broken only by the occasional copse of trees or the lazy flow of a river snaking its way across the plains.
  4379. >With your helms auto senses restored you can even make out wildlife scampering through the tall grass.
  4380. >Though the scenery is beautiful your practical nature eventually takes hold and you allow yourself to pass in to half sleep.
  4381. >You have no idea what the situation will be when you arrive in the Crystal Empire or when you'll be able to rest again.
  4382. >Best take it while you can.
  4383. >With your mind only half aware the trip passes in a blur of starlit sky and blustering wind.
  4384. >"Almost there, just past these mountains."
  4385. >Lantern Light's shout draws you back to full consciousness.
  4386. >Ahead you see the mountains she speaks of, a chain of low weather worn peaks a short ways off.
  4387. >As the chariot crests the mountains you see the Crystal Empire. Aptly named judging by the giant spire at the center you take to be the Crystal Castle.
  4388. >The other buildings seem to be similarly composed of crystal.
  4389. >From where you sit it appears that homes and businesses have been carved directly into natural growths.
  4390. >The street glistening with reflected starlight also appears to have been shaped from a single gargantuan piece and polished to a sheen.
  4391. >Even the climate seems to be under some manner of magical control.
  4392. >Despite how far north you've traveled, and in defiance of the snow visible on the northernmost mountains the air is tinged with spring warmth.
  4393. >Your guides maintain altitude as they begin to slow, angling for the upper levels of the castle.
  4394. >They circle their way around the castle's shimmering exterior finally alighting on a wide balcony resting midways down the spire.
  4395. >You step from the chariot and stretch the stiffness from your legs before gathering up your bag from the cushioned seat.
  4396. >By this point guards are already emerging from the palace interior to meet you.
  4398. >You turn to Lantern Light and her companion and salute, fist crossed over your breastplate.
  4399. "My thanks for bringing me here so swiftly. Will you be staying?"
  4400. >Lantern Light shakes her head.
  4401. >"Wish we could but orders were to bring you here then straight back."
  4402. >"Princess Cadance was in direct contact with Princess Luna and Celestia so she might have more orders for you by now."
  4403. >You nod your understanding and take a moment to smooth down your wind rumpled tabard.
  4404. "Then I bid you farewell for now."
  4405. >"Guard the night Anon." She says saluting with a hoof to her brow.
  4406. >With that she and her companion turn and trot off the ledge the chariot disappearing quickly behind them.
  4407. >The crystal guards who have been lingering at the periphery of your conversation with Lantern Light address you directly now.
  4408. >"Sir Anoniaus? Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor are expecting you. If you'll follow me."
  4409. >The guard here seem to be wearing armor of similar make to the of Celestia's royal guard, though a dull silver in color rather than shining gold.
  4410. >The guards guide to the heart of the spire and into throne room where the royal couple await.
  4411. >The room itself is remarkably similar to the throne room in Canterlot, the layout identical with merely decorative differences.
  4412. >Where the large stained glass murals would be are merely open windows draped with purple curtains fluttering softly in the breeze.
  4413. >At the far end of the room atop the dais sits a throne backed by an apparently natural crystal growth.
  4414. >On the throne is Cadance, and next to her must be Shining Armor.
  4415. >He has the stiff posture you've also seen in mortals of a military career.
  4416. >"Anon, it's good to see you again. Though I wish it were under happier circumstances."
  4417. "It is good to see you as well Princess. I am here to aide you in any way I can."
  4418. >Shining armor whispers to Cadence from the corner of his mouth, though with your senses enhanced as they are you can still hear him well enough.
  4420. >"Are you sure about this? I'll take any help we can get but we're trying to keep this quiet and he doesn't exactly look subtle."
  4421. >Cadance elbows her husband sharply in the ribs while still smiling at you.
  4422. >"Shining, manners." She whispers through gritted teeth.
  4423. >For your part you decide to ignore this, keeping your expression neutral as you remove your helm and tuck it beneath your arm.
  4424. >Taking the less than subtle hint from his wife the prince smiles and introduces himself. "Shining Armor, pleasure to meet you."
  4425. >With that done Cadance takes charge of the conversation again.
  4426. >"We appreciate you coming so quickly. With all these strange sightings the guards have been stretched thin."
  4427. >"Now we've had one right here in the castle."
  4428. "I understand your concern Princess. What would you have me do?"
  4429. >Cadance gives an apologetic smile.
  4430. >"I know it might not be the kind of thing you rushed down here for, but if you wouldn't mind standing guard tonight we'd feel a lot safer."
  4431. >You cross an arm over your chest and bow that the waist.
  4432. "If that is your wish Princess."
  4433. >Cadance looks deeply relieved, Shining Armor looks a bit more skeptical but gives you a nod.
  4434. >"Thank you Anon. You'll be guarding the upper levels tonight. Now it's well past time Shining and I turned in so if you'll just follow us."
  4435. >You follow the royal couple to the top most reaches of the spire.
  4436. >While the architectural aesthetic of the staircases is impressive this place could benefit from an elevator.
  4437. >When you reach the royal bed chamber Cadence pauses before the door.
  4438. >"Given everything that's happened we'll be keeping Flurryheart in our room tonight."
  4439. >"A couple of the guards will be around to relieve you later so you'll have the chance to rest and eat."
  4440. "That won't be necessary. My kind require little rest. I shall stand watch through the night."
  4441. >The Princess seems content to take you at your word and bids you goodnight before entering her chambers and closing the door.
  4443. >Now alone in the hall you place your helm back on, locking the seals firmly in place.
  4444. >Though muffled by the door the auditory pick up on your helm can make out an incoherent babbling noise you assume to be the infant Flurryheart.
  4445. >"I'm still not sure about the having the knight guard us." That would be Shining Armor.
  4446. >You briefly consider muting the pickup or dampening the sensitivity to preserve their privacy but decide against it.
  4447. >Better to be able to hear anything moving should the intruder return. You'll just pretend ignorance of anything that is said.
  4448. >You can hardly blame the prince for being wary of you.
  4449. >"Luna trusts him so I trust him. Besides he fought of a pack of timber wolves with a broken sword. You should be glad he's on our side."
  4450. >The conversation dies and silence reigns in the upper halls of the Crystal Castle.
  4451. >You toggle through your helms vision modes periodically scanning your surroundings.
  4452. >Heat spectrum, motion detection, infrared, all return negative readings save for the life signs of the royal family in their chamber.
  4453. >The night wears on as you maintain your vigil, your senses continually returning negative readings.
  4454. >At what should be the moons zenith according to your helms chronometer it begins to grow darker.
  4455. >A quick inspection of the nearest window shows you a bank of dark storm clouds drifting in, casting a shadow over the castle.
  4456. >You return to your post and begin to cycle through your helms senses once more.
  4457. >You are about to switch from heat to motion detection once more when something an odd reading makes you hesitate.
  4458. >The majority of the heat readings are still within average background levels but one patch of exterior wall is noticeably colder than the rest.
  4459. >The cold patch appears to be creeping slowly up the wall beneath one of the windows further along the hall.
  4460. >It may well be nothing, some natural or magical function of the castle, but you would be in neglect of your duty if you failed to investigate.
  4462. >You unsheathe your sword and advance as quietly as you are able towards the source of the anomalous return.
  4463. >As you advance you watch it creep higher nearing the windows edge.
  4464. >You take up position in the shadows thrown by the wan rays of moonlight able to break through the passing cloud, sword poised to strike.
  4465. >As the cold spot begins to crest the windowsill you switch back to the normal sight spectrum.
  4466. >Even looking right at it you almost fail to spot it, a patch of oil black within the darkness pouring in through the open window.
  4467. >You move to prod at the thing with your sword and it recoils away from the blade.
  4468. >The mass of shadow stuff begins to roil, bubbling and foaming as it pulls itself up quickly taking on a vaguely humanoid shape.
  4469. >It continues to grow in side pulling in more of its mass from outside the window even as you slash at it.
  4470. >Luna's enchanted blade bites deep, the area around the cut hissing and steaming.
  4471. >The creature lets out a bubbling screech and strikes out at you with clawed fingers.
  4472. >You twist aside as the talons score a trio of lines across your pauldron, the gouges rimed with frost crystals.
  4473. >The creature rears up to its full height now, easily a head taller than you and nearly half again as broad.
  4474. "We are attacked!"
  4475. >The bellowed warning has scarcely left your lips when the monster lunges towards you, its entire body flowing as it throws its weight at you.
  4476. >Caught up in the tide of shadow stuff you can feel the cold leeching through your armor even as you slam bodily into the wall.
  4477. >As it crushes you against the wall with the bulk of its tar-like body the beast opens its gaping maw.
  4478. >Rows of black crystalline teeth begin to ooze forth as it brings its mouth towards your head.
  4479. >You roll Luna's sword in your grip inverting before plunging it deep into the back of the beast.
  4480. >The monster screeches again momentarily stunned by the agony of its wound, and you heave with all of your might throwing it back.
  4482. >With space now set between yourself and the beast you raise your blade in a defensive posture searching for your opening.
  4483. >Even now free from the monsters grip you can feel the lingering touch of the cold, trying to seep in through the seals of your armor.
  4484. >Recovering quickly from the hurt you had inflicted upon it the monster rushes for you again, a whirling mass of claws and teeth bearing down up on you.
  4485. >You side step and shift way from the attacks, your sword flashing out to tear lines through the monsters hide with every parry and riposte.
  4486. >The creature rears up before crashing down towards you like a wave, seeking to smothering you beneath its bulk in desperation.
  4487. >With all of your might you cleave into the creature, your sword passing through what should be its skull and deep into its body.
  4488. >Your blade strikes something hard, meeting only momentary resistance before pushing through with an audible crack.
  4489. >Whatever you struck must have been vital.
  4490. >The shadow thing lets out a piteous whine as it begins to steam away to nothing.
  4491. >A scream from the bed chamber pulls your attention from your slain foe.
  4492. >Cursing yourself a fool for your lapse in attention you rush for the door throwing it open.
  4493. >Inside you see half a dozen of the creatures advancing on the family with more pouring in through the windows.
  4494. >Cadance, who is clutching her child tight to her chest, fires a beam of coruscating blue light into the chest of one of the creatures.
  4495. >Even as the stricken monster boils away under the concentrated blast of energy the others advance.
  4496. >You throw yourself into the back line of the monsters, their single minded focus on attacking the royal family leaving them open to counter assault.
  4497. >You carve and hack with wild abandon, trying to fell the creatures before they can swarm over your charges.
  4498. >One beasts lunges out for Cadance only to impact against a purple shield of magical energy.
  4500. >Cadance is firing wildly into the on coming horde while Shining Armor extends his shield seeing to their defense.
  4501. >You cut down the monster closest to you and quickly scan the thermal spectrum.
  4502. >You see no creatures in the halls.
  4503. >It's likely that after you discovered the first the rest concentrated their attack here.
  4504. "To the hallway! I will cover your retreat, go!"
  4505. >They obey without protest Cadance blasting a path clear as Shining Armor maintains the shield.
  4506. >You backpedal behind them slicing grasping limbs from shadowy bodies as you go.
  4507. >When you reach the doorway you make your stand.
  4508. >The more narrow avenue of approach steals some of the advantage of numbers from the creatures but their mutable shape is proving a problem.
  4509. >Claws scratch and tear at you from odd angles finding gaps seeking to pry the plates loose or pull you from your feet.
  4510. >You slay a handful more of the beasts before one gets hold of you and wrenches your helm from your head.
  4511. >The clatter of armored hooves against the polished stone floor echoes up the hall.
  4512. >Claws gouge at your face, the cold of their touch burning more than the cuts in your cheek.
  4513. >The creature scratching at your face finds a gap in your armor beneath your armpit with its other hand.'
  4514. >Taloned fingers bite through flesh and muscle and you feel the cold spreading from the deep wound like a poison.
  4515. >The weight of the creature pressing down on you as it tries to dig its talons further in presses you to your knees.
  4516. >With a roar of defiance you slam a hand into the creatures chest, digging and groping about until your fingers brush something solid.
  4517. >You take hold of the core and wrench if free crushing it in your armored grip.
  4518. >The shadow thing falls apart, the cold spreading from your wound mercifully ceasing as the claws leave your body
  4519. >Rising to your feet you ready your sword once more as the guards join you at the door.
  4520. >Magical blasts fill the room as the surviving monsters are burned away by the unicorns.
  4522. >Only when the last of the creates has been dispatched do you stoop to retrieve your helm.
  4523. >You place it on long enough to scan the area for any further threats.
  4524. >Finding none you remove it before the blood running from your cheek can clot to the insides of it.
  4525. >The injury beneath your arm is throbbing and the cuts on your face are hardly a comfort.
  4526. "The Princess and her family?"
  4527. >You ask one of the guards as you sheath your sword.
  4528. >"Safe downstairs. Go get yourself patched up. We'll secure the area."
  4529. >You grunt and acknowledgement and make to leave but the soft crunch of something underfoot stops you.
  4530. >Kneeling down you find a finger sized shard of black crystal, clearly part of the larger whole you broke in the heat of combat.
  4531. >Perhaps this will be a clue as to the nature of your attackers.
  4532. >You tuck it inside a compartment on your hip for later inspection.
  4533. >After getting directions to the safe room where the Princess has been taken one of the castle medical staff stops you.
  4534. >Once the required assistance has been found and your armor's breastplate is removed you take a look at the wound beneath your arm.
  4535. >Three distinct puncture marks, black around the edges as if touched by frostbite.
  4536. >You allow the medic to sterilize the wound but forgo stitches. It will close up on its own soon enough.
  4537. >With your wounds cleaned and your armor once again bolted in place you head to the safe room.
  4538. >The area around the room is teeming with guards, though they allow you past without challenge.
  4539. >The room currently stands open but you can see that the doors are exceptionally thick and have slats for multiple bars to hold them closed.
  4540. >Cadance sits nearby holding her infant daughter, who seems particularly unhappy to be awake at this hour.
  4541. >This is the first clear look you've gotten at Flurryheart.
  4542. >While you probably shouldn't be surprised she is an Alicorn the though of a child with the power of one of these xenos god-queens is a bit disturbing.
  4544. "You are unharmed?"
  4545. >Cadance nods while rocking a crying Flurryheart. "We're fine. Are you alright?"
  4546. >She asks glancing pointedly at the livid cuts on your cheek.
  4547. "I have had worse."
  4548. >Shining Armor is off to one side of the room, pacing about as he issues orders cadre of guard officers surrounding him.
  4549. >Upon seeing you enter he dismisses them takes up a spot beside his wife both of them looking understandably bedraggled after the nights events.
  4550. >"I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I was rude earlier. With everything that's been happening I've been really on edge and I wasn't sure about you."
  4551. >"I can see now that Luna made the right call by sending you here. So thank you."
  4552. >You give a slight nod of acceptance.
  4553. "No thanks are required. Now do you know what manner of creatures those were that attacked us."
  4554. >The prince runs a hoof through his mane scratching at his head. "Honestly I've never seen anything like those before."
  4555. >Hardly reassuring to hear but not entirely unexpected given the rash of mystery sightings leading up to tonight's attack.
  4556. >You reach into your hip compartment and pull out the crystal shard, holding it up to catch the light.
  4557. >Rather than reflect the light it seems to drink it in, the surface as black as the space between stars.
  4558. "This was at the core of the creatures. They die quickly without it."
  4559. >Cadance looks at the shard, eyes widening in recognition.
  4560. >"That looks like one of Sombra's Crystals, but it can't be. He's banished beneath the ice."
  4561. >Seeing your quizzical expression Shining Armor is quick to jump in.
  4562. >"King Sombra ruled the empire a thousand years ago. He returned along with the empire after being banished."
  4563. >"He shouldn't be able to return though, the Crystal Heart keeps him trapped and holds back the weather from the empire.
  4564. "This attack was clearly planned, investigating this is as likely a place to start as any."
  4566. >Cadance who has just succeeded in lulling Flurry Heart back to semblance of peace speaks softly now.
  4567. >"I'll send word to Luna right away so someone can start investigating. The sooner we find out what those creatures are and who sent them the sooner we can put a stop to it."
  4568. "A sound plan."
  4569. >You shift your helm from beneath your arm to your hand making ready to lock it back in place.
  4570. "Unless you have further need of me I will conduct a sweep of the castle and see that the perimeter is secure."
  4571. >"Thank you Anon. We'll let you know as soon as we hear anything from Luna."
  4572. >You give a shallow bow and make your exit slipping your helm firmly in to place once you're clear of the safe room.
  4573. >The cool ceramite stings against the frost burned flesh of your cheek but you quickly put it from your mind.
  4574. >Even if the injury weren't a minor one you'll have need of your helms senses to hunt your foes.
  4575. >The palace has many winding staircases, meaning many shadowed spaces along the walls and ceiling for potential assailants to hide.
  4576. >Keeping this in mind you tread carefully as you search the interior of the palace for any assassins lying in wait.
  4577. >The search goes on for several tense hours before you feel confident enough to declare the palace safe.
  4578. >Well as safe as it's ever going to be with so many windows that stand perpetually open.
  4579. >If these creatures represent a continued threat you may have to make a number of suggestions about fortifying this place.
  4580. >You've informed the guards you've passed what to be on the lookout for, but without the benefit of auto senses there is only so much they will be able to do.
  4581. >Looking for shadows within shadows is more likely to set them on edge than actually detect an intruder.
  4582. >"Sir Anoniaus" A guard calls out as she comes trotting quickly down the hall.
  4583. >"Princess Cadance says she's received word from Princess Luna. She'd like to speak with you now."
  4584. "Understood."
  4586. >You find Cadance and Shining Armor still occupying the safe room where you had left them.
  4587. >Though in your absence someone seems to have made the effort to secure a crib for the infant Flurry Heart.
  4588. >Shining Armor is by the crib rocking it gently as his child sleeps.
  4589. >You move as quietly as you are able, all to cognizant of just how loudly your armored footfalls resound off the crystalline floor.
  4590. >Cadance is in an opposite corner of the room, being crowded by scribes and what you assume to be other functionaries of the castle.
  4591. >As you near she dismisses them, motioning you over.
  4592. >"We just got a reply from Luna. She's got the best wizards in Canterlot working on figuring out what those creatures are and where they came from."
  4593. >"We're doing the same here but it's going to take some time."
  4594. >Cadance shifts on her seat looking towards her husband.
  4595. >"Shining Armor will be heading to Canterlot in the morning to discuss the situation with the Princesses and request reinforcements."
  4596. >You start to reply but remember your helm, quickly removing it lest your amplified voice wake the child.
  4597. "Will you be going with him?"
  4598. >"No. I'm sure word of what happened will have gotten out by then and we need a show of strength. I'll be staying here to keep things as close to normal as possible."
  4599. >A part of you wants to find fault with her logic since remaining here will likely place her in greater danger, but her reasoning is sound enough.
  4600. >If the nobility were to flee the civilian populace would likely panic.
  4601. >Even if this weren't simply some sort of terror attack sowing fear and confusion would likely make it easier for them to further their goals.
  4602. >Still this is a dangerous course of action she has chosen.
  4603. "If that is your will then I shall remain here as well."
  4605. >Cadance nods her acceptance.
  4606. >"I'm afraid it's going to be a long day. You should get some rest while you can."
  4607. >Her counsel is not without merit.
  4608. >If another attack occurs it may be some time before you see true sleep again, you may as well steal a few hours while you can.
  4609. "Very well. I should advise that you do the same. I will be nearby if you have need of me."
  4610. >You find a corner of the room not currently occupied by guards or the numerous functionaries and servants streaming in and out of the room and settle down.
  4611. >The noise hushed conversations of the rooms other occupants are easy enough to tune out.
  4612. >This is hardly the worst place you've slept, much cleaner and quieter than a trench line at any rate.
  4613. >You lean back and rest your head against the wall, drawing a knee up to your chest to drap your left arm across.
  4614. >Your right hand rests firmly on the scabbard of your sword.
  4615. >If those creatures try to make another attack before daylight you have no intention of being caught out.
  4616. >Sleep comes easily and as has always been the case with sleep come visions of battles past.
  4617. >The ice crunches loudly underfoot as you advance into the war torn remains of the city.
  4618. >Once a climate controlled hab city nestled safely beneath the protective dome of a void shield it now stands open to the killing cold.
  4619. >The wind howls and whistles through shattered gaps in the windows of the spires lining the main streets pushing drifts of snow along with it.
  4620. >There was no way to know for certain who had done this but the largely intact siege works outside the city perimeter suggested Iron Warriors.
  4621. >Some of the most bitter and taciturn of your cousins, as pitiless as they were fearless.
  4622. >You had worked with them when survival demanded it. They at least could be trusted to keep their word more often than not.
  4623. >Perhaps if you had arrived when they were here you might have worked for them.
  4625. >At least then you wouldn't be picking over the remnants of a broken city for supplies like some ghoul scavenging a carcass.
  4626. >There is little expectation that you'll find much of use, but you require promethium, ammunition, and food.
  4627. >Eventually you come across a wrecked gun emplacement. Likely a fallback position for whatever force was trying to defend this city.
  4628. >As you pick through the supply crate you found half buried under the collapsed sandbags of the wall you hear the footfalls.
  4629. >You rise and reach to draw your bolter but find it missing.
  4630. >You clutch the hilt of your power sword more tightly but find it transformed into a smaller blade with a crescent moon on the hilt.
  4631. >What should be a mob of servitors directed by a magos appear as little more than shadowy caricatures for human form.
  4632. >Their oil black hides bristling with sharp outcrops of crystal, featureless faces turned towards you as ragged openings that pass for mouths hang slack.
  4633. >This is wrong.
  4634. >You had tried to talk down the crazed magos but were forced to meet him with bolt and blade but these things just shamble forward in silence.
  4635. "Stand away, I do not wish to harm you."
  4636. >You call out pointing your sword in the direction of the horde.
  4637. >"You run well Anoniaus. You hide well. "One of the creatures burbles, the sound of its voice thick and half choked.
  4638. "What are you, and what business have you with me?"
  4639. >If the creatures can hear or understand you they give no sign of it.
  4640. >The one speaking stares ahead at you, a fissure opening on the side of its face, as a single glowing blue eye emerges from within.
  4641. >"This country will be mine. This world will be mine. You will die."
  4642. >The city begins to slowly fade from view replaced by a blackness as empty as the void of space.
  4643. >The blue eye still burns bright, overhead now like the noon day sun as it stares down at you.
  4644. >The darkness around swirls and takes form becoming smoke and flame as the inferno surrounding and washing over you.
  4646. >Gasping for a lung full of air not choked with hot ash you open your eyes to find yourself within the crystal castle once more.
  4647. >It is clear to you now these nightmares were not the meaningless ramblings of a troubled mind you had thought them to be.
  4648. >Shining Armor appears to be gone, Cadance is slumped in a chair by Flurry Hearts crib having apparently dozed off during a moments respite.
  4649. >Quietly as you can you approach the sleeping Princess and rest a gauntlet clad hand on her shoulder before nudging her awake.
  4650. >"Huh, I was just resting my eyes." The Princess mumbles as she slowly regains her senses.
  4651. "Forgive me for waking you but we must send word to the others. I have had..."
  4652. >What have you had? A vision? You hesitate to call it that but lack for any better word.
  4653. "I have had a vision of the danger that threatens this land."
  4654. >"A vision? What do you mean?" Cadance asks sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes with the back of a hoof.
  4655. "I saw..I am uncertain what I saw, but it spoke to me. It knew me by name and said that it would conquer this world."
  4656. >Cadance looks skeptical, and you can hardly blame her. Here you stand raving like a madman about your dreams and yet you must warn them if you can.
  4657. "This thing, whatever it is, has been haunting my dreams for some time now. I had thought little of it before this night's attack."
  4658. >Cadance nods slowly and rises from her chair.
  4659. >"Stranger things have happened in Equestria. If you think it'll help we'll send a letter right away."
  4660. >Rather than bother to summon a scribe Cadance levitates a quill and ink over from one of the tables the functionaries had been using earlier.
  4661. >"Alright, start at the beginning and tell me as much as you can remember."
  4662. >The Princess transcribes your words without comment speaking only when your tale is complete.
  4663. >"It sounds like whatever is behind the attack knows you Anon."
  4664. >You had gotten the same feeling from the way the creature spoke to you.
  4666. "Then I have brought danger to your world, and I am eternally sorry."
  4667. >Cadance rolls up the scroll and seals still holding it in the grip of her magic.
  4668. >A look of concentration passes over her face and the light around the scroll flares brighter before it vanishes.
  4669. >"I wasn't saying this is your fault Anon, we don't even know what those things were yet."
  4670. >"Going out of the way to threaten you like that though. That just doesn't seem like something the creature would do if it didn't know you."
  4671. >Cadance levitates Flurry Heart from her crib and deposits the child on her back as she begins to walk towards the safe room door.
  4672. >"Either way the letter is sent and we'll worry about it later. The longer we wait to open up the palace the more worried everypony is going to get."
  4673. >You fall into stride with the Princess as she starts to make her way to the throne room.
  4674. >The hallways are bustling with guards doubled up around key entryways and with frequent patrols.
  4675. >Partway down the hall Cadance pauses. "Oh, almost forgot her Whammy. Can you hold her for a minute?"
  4676. >Before you have a chance to answer Flurry Heart is floating through the air towards you.
  4677. >Hesitantly you extend a hand cupping it beneath the child who easily fits in your palm.
  4678. >"You have to hold her closer to your chest, like this."
  4679. >A magical glow envelopes your arm, you manage to suppress the urge to resist as Cadance moves your arm to tuck the child in closer against you.
  4680. >Flurry Heart looks up at you and babbles something incomprehensible as you look uncertainly back at her.
  4681. >"See you're a natural. I'll be right back."
  4682. >Most of the guards that had been moving with you go with Cadance, only a pair staying behind to watch you and the baby.
  4683. >If they find any amusement in your obvious discomfort they are wise enough not to show it.
  4684. "I was not trained for this."
  4685. >You mutter to yourself as Flurry Heart amuses herself with the reflection she sees in the shine of your left arm.
  4687. >Luckily you are not left to tend the infant by yourself over long as Cadance returns bearing some manner plush toy and a supply bag slung over one shoulder.
  4688. >Cadance levitates the toy to Flurry who is quick to pluck it from the air with her own magic.
  4689. >Upon closer inspection you can see that the toy is made to resemble a snail.
  4690. >The toy takes on a new aspect of realism as Flurry begins to chew and drool on it, giving it a coat of slime.
  4691. >"It's her favorite, helps keep her calm." Cadance says while smiling adoringly at her daughter.
  4692. "What would happen if she were not calm?"
  4693. >"Mostly a lot of teleporting and levitating things. Her crystaling put a stop to blasting holes in the castle."
  4694. >You glance again at the child with a mild feeling of apprehension.
  4695. >The knowledge that blasting holes in things was ever a problem disconcerting, but forewarned is forearmed.
  4696. >"Normally I wouldn't bring her to court like this, but after last night..." The Princess trails off.
  4697. >It is not difficult to understand her unease, even with the all of the guards present the assailants managed to penetrate the castles defenses once before.
  4698. "You will feel more certain of her security when you are able to see her."
  4699. >"Exactly, now lets get started."
  4700. >With that the Princess strides off towards the throne room.
  4701. >You follow quickly behind, in part because of your promise to guard Cadance but also because she seems to be in no large hurry to retrieve her child from you.
  4702. >The throne room is standing open when you arrive, guards having already inspected the interior and taken up stations.
  4703. >Cadance settles down on to the throne placing the bag she had brought discretely to one side.
  4704. >Once settled the Princess turns to you and smiles. "Thanks for holding her Anon you can just set her down over." She says indicating a spot on the throne beside her.
  4705. >You approach the dais and attempt to lower the child into the seat as instructed but are met with an ear piercing cry of outrage.
  4707. >Flurry Heart flails her tiny legs in impotent rage as she screams.
  4708. "I am unsure how to proceed."
  4709. >You say still holding Flurry in full tantrum several inches above the throne.
  4710. >"I'm sorry she doesn't usually get like this."
  4711. >Cadance reaches out to take her daughter from you but the attempt merely earns her a saliva covered snail to the face as Flurry flings her toy.
  4712. >Cadance heaves an exasperated sigh and wipes the drool from her face with a hoof.
  4713. >With little idea of what else to try you put the young princess back in her previous position.
  4714. >Once nestled in the crook of your arm again the screaming fit quickly subsides.
  4715. >"I think she's just a little cranky today since she didn't get enough sleep last night." Cadance offers while levitating her daughters toy back to her.
  4716. >Children are not something you've ever had to interact with. At least not from any part of your life you still recall.
  4717. >The youngest aspirants you took to the legion were around ten years of age.
  4718. "What would you have me do?"
  4719. >"Just hold her a bit longer if you don't mind. She should get bored soon then you can put her down."
  4720. >The princesses suggestions is logical enough, and you'd prefer she not have to delay court just to console her child.
  4721. "Very well."
  4722. >With the matter settled for now Cadance calls to the guards to allow the first petitioners of the day in.
  4723. >You are grateful that the princess is simply dealing with concerned citizens and not engaged in a diplomatic exchange with some hostile outside party.
  4724. >A great deal of posturing goes on in such events and you strongly doubt that you cut the most menacing of figures while holding a bright pink baby.
  4725. >The petitioners begin to trickle in under the watchful eyes of the castle guards.
  4726. >Much of what is brought before the princess is the usual sort of bureaucratic triviality necessary to keep a city functioning properly.
  4728. >There are a few petitioners who are concerned about the reports of shadows spotted in the night.
  4729. >The Princess skillfully reassures them that their concerns are being taken very seriously and informs them that the proper measures are being taken.
  4730. >"Shining Armor is currently in Canterlot to speak with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about the current situation."
  4731. >She says with the sincerity of one who genuinely believes that everything is well and truly under control.
  4732. >"We already increased guard patrols, and we're requesting additional guards to make sure everypony is safe."
  4733. >Cadance's words seem to be enough to mollify the anxious citizens.
  4734. >You hear several more variations on the short speech as the morning wears on and the line of petitioners passes through.
  4735. >While the Princess does her royal duty of administering to the masses you do your best to remain at attention, ready to react to any sign of danger.
  4736. >This is made somewhat harder by Flurry Heart hitting you repeatedly in the side of the face with her plush snail.
  4737. >Despite this you manage to maintain a stoic expression and rigid posture your free hand resting on the hilt of your sword.
  4738. >The latest group of petitioners are ushered out and yet another comes in.
  4739. >This one however does not seem to be a concerned citizen.
  4740. >She has come along bearing a pad of parchment and some sort of writing stylus.
  4741. >"Hello your Highness, Novel Prose currently working with the Crystal Gazette. Do you have time to answer a few questions?"
  4742. >So she is a scribe then, or a rememberancer.
  4743. >Cadance smiles at the new arrival and gives a nod. "I wasn't expecting anypony from the Gazette today but I have time."
  4744. >"Thank you Princess. Now I understand there was an incident in the castle last night. Do you care to shed any light on that?"
  4745. >Cadance shifts slightly in the throne, it is clearly a topic she was hoping to avoid, but there was little doubt it would come up.
  4747. >"There were intruders in the upper levels. Luckily Sir Anon was here visiting and interrupted them."
  4748. >The rememberancer's attention turns to you now.
  4749. >She gives you a cursory examination looking you up and down.
  4750. >You return her gaze until Flurry Heart fumbles her toy, forcing you to look away as you pluck the falling snail from the air and return it.
  4751. >Flurry laughs in delight and seems to have decided this is a new game you'll be participating in as the throws the toy towards the floor.
  4752. >Resigned to your fate you continue to catch the toy handing it back each time only to have it thrown again.
  4753. >Cadance lets out an awww while watching the spectacle before the reporter draws her attention back to the subject at hand.
  4754. >"Now when you say intruders what exactly do you mean?"
  4755. >There is a slight hesitation before the princess answers.
  4756. >"We're not certain what they, but it's being investigated."
  4757. >"I see, and do you have anything to add to this Sir Anon?"
  4758. >You consider your words carefully before speaking.
  4759. >In a situation like this where you have little concrete information all you can offer is educated guesses.
  4760. "The creatures seem strong, but were dispatched without serious injury to any of our forces."
  4761. >Novel Prose jots down your words before asking "Care to give a description of what these things look like?"
  4762. "They are black in color but liquid in texture and mutable of shape. Those encountering one should flee and summon the guards."
  4763. >Novel Prose finishes taking down your statement and then gives a nod as she puts away the notepad.
  4764. >"Thank you both for the interview, I'm sure you're busy princess so I'll get out of your mane."
  4765. >The reporter turns to make her exit but pauses to smile at you.
  4766. >"We've heard a few stories out of Canterlot but I'm sure the readers would love to know more about you. Could I get you for an interview later?"
  4767. "Perhaps. If my duties permit."
  4768. >"Right, maybe when you're less busy." She giving a wave to the infant resting in your arm.
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