
Magus [updates every other day {usually}]

Dec 27th, 2014
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  1. >>
  2. At the dawn of light,
  3. T’was naught of this world’s bounty.
  4. Still, and silent was the everlasting night,
  5. But then god did smile, and birth the world’s plenty.
  7. With time her smile did wane,
  8. For even gods may come to death.
  9. The dark, began to spread across this plane,
  10. But a last gift given, with her final breath.
  12. “My children, I cannot bear the thought
  13. to part like this.
  14. And so with this final farewell, i have brought
  15. my final gifts.
  17. To the elves, firstborn of my kin
  18. I give to thee:
  19. An immortal home, my personal glen
  20. In your dreams, and immortal rest, you shall alway be by my side, eternally free.
  22. To the serpents, second, and strongest of my born,
  23. I leave to you a remedy:
  24. A fragment of my horn
  25. The opportunity to escape madness, and insanity.
  27. For my third children, those who call themselves Vallen,
  28. I grant peace to you.
  29. Forgiveness for your spite, you are my children,
  30. and a seat at my side those of you who would take it, you few.
  32. To my last and most beloved flowers,
  33. My most beautiful, small, humans.
  34. I leave to you the touch of my power
  35. Power to shape, create, and learn
  36. This is my attempt to make amends.
  37. Take heed however, this power must be earned.
  39. I’m sorry I did not make you strong
  40. I apologize to leave you alone
  41. The time has come for the end of my song
  42. And so I must away now, and say farewell to my home.”
  44. In tears did she lay her head to rest,
  45. and go still as stone, nevermore to stir.
  46. The world has changed, in time hence.
  47. The darkness spreads, slow, but sure.
  49. >The holy scripture isn’t really very happy to read, and you’ve always felt some moisture form in your eyes as God apologizes to her children.
  50. >It reads in your mothers’ voice, simply because she’s the only mother you’ve ever personally known.
  51. >You are Anonymous, and today you turn 21 years old.
  52. >This would in most cases be nothing more than the day of a festive celebration, but you are something of a special case.
  53. >When you were a fair deal younger, to the point that memories begin to blur, you accidentally set your house on fire.
  54. >In your sleep.
  55. >You were having some fever dream about burning up, and when you woke up, it turns out that you’d managed to actually transfer the unconscious sensations to your waking surroundings.
  56. >Nobody was seriously injured, thankfully, but a day later some folks from the nearest college of magus had come by to inspect the cause of the fire.
  57. >Turns out, you’re actually one of the humans touched with power spoken of in the holy scripture.
  58. >Ever since, things haven’t really been the same for you or the people around you.
  59. >You’re snapped from your self reflection with the sound of a thump at your window.
  60. >You did eventually get a new home [thanks to a bit if a charitable donation by the college of magus] and your room is on the second floor, just in case.
  61. >You open the window to look out on the quiet misty morning in the village.
  62. >Standing at the ground’s level, with a pebble in one hand, and a look of “I’ve been caught” on their face is who?
  63. [childhood friend, rival, bully, etc. M/F? ]
  65. >You’ve some mixed feeling about the familiar face staring back at you.
  66. >She was always sort of a bully when you were both growing up, and that was one of very few relationships that didn’t change when you learned of your mage-hood.
  67. >Over the years that became a twisted sort of friendship, with her still being a total bitch, and yet the closest person to you in the village.
  68. >Aside your parents of course.
  69. >She wasn’t ever scared of you for what you were, and hell you had fun together every now and then.
  70. >She’d always go red in the cheeks and call you a name or bruise your arm if you got too friendly for too long.
  71. >”Today’s the day, huh Non?”
  72. >Her tone is more serious than normal, but you can see that in her eyes she’s building up to something.
  73. “Sad as it is, Sarah, yes. Today’s the day we part ways.”
  74. >She looks down and chuckles softly.
  75. >”Think again buddy-boy. The village elder’s seen fit to grant you an escort to the college.”
  76. >She smiles wide, and proud, and you feel feelings as mixed as ever when dealing with her.
  77. >The elder, or your father understands that she’s sort of your only friend, as well as how much of a dick she can be, but it would be folly of you to think he selected her just for how close you two are.
  78. >?
  80. “I… see.”
  81. >You clear your throat and excuse yourself from the conversation for a moment.
  82. >Quickly you grab your packs, throw them on, and make for the stairs.
  83. >When you reach them however, you hear your front door open, and watch as a smiling Sarah steps inside and locks eyes with you.
  84. >”Nu-Uh friend, you’re not heading out like this. The village’s gonna say bye-bye to us both. There’ll be cake, and streamers, and probably a fair bit of coin thrown at us!”
  85. >She charges at you, arms outstretched, and that familiar rosy glow to her cheeks.
  86. >This isn’t the first time she’s caught you descending a flight of stairs however, and you’ve developed countermeasures for just such an occasion.
  87. >You leap over the railing, and tumble down to the floor, landing on your feet and skirting past the vitriolic friend of yours.
  88. “I’d rather get eviscerated by the fucking hounds in baskerville before traveling with you!”
  89. >She guffaws as she follows you over the railing, landing about as poorly as you did, but not stopping to address the scratch on her face.
  90. >”Not on my watch Friend. Nuh-Uh, long as it’s just yo and me the only eviscrating getting done’ll be done by me!”
  91. >You both laugh, you in a slight panic, and her in her sadistic pleasure as you’re chased across the hill road and into the town proper.
  92. >You do eventually tire, and she tackles you down, straddling you and pinching your cheeks.
  93. >”We both know you’ll need me, can’t even outrun me after all. And the college’s a long way off.”
  94. >It hasn’t gone unnoticed to you that Sarah’s actually fairly beautiful.
  95. >An active upbringing has kept her healthy, and strong at that, and her family’s good looks have been passed down as well.
  96. >Flowing red hair that curls at the ends and used to be nest to all manner of sticks and dirt after a tussle in the grass.
  97. >Bright green eyes constantly glowing with her joy.
  98. >And pale, freckled skin that goes reddish pink after chasing you across a field, or trading childish blows over called names.
  99. >She rests her eyes on yours and you on hers, and for a moment you don’t mind being with her, like this.
  100. >”Ahem.”
  101. >You’re snapped out of the moment by the sound of a watcher.
  102. >She rolls off of you, kicking you [not quite as hard as she used to] in the side for good measure, and stands up straight, wiping the sweat from her brow.
  103. >You look up to see your father, greying beard as majestic as normal and brow as furrowed as ever.
  104. >His dark brown eyes loo at you with love and a note of exasperation, a combination familiar to you after all this time.
  105. >”I was concerned you might mind the arrangement, my son, but finding you two entangled on the grass, mayhaps i’ve misjudged your friendship all these years?”
  106. >?
  108. >You mumble under your breath as you stand up that your father has indeed misunderstood your friendship, just in another way entirely.
  109. >The three of you walk normally together for a short time, your father ringing a bell to rouse and awaken the sleeping village, gathering them all at the main road in and out of town.
  110. >When the majority of the town has gathered, you stand before them, beside your father, and Sarah.
  111. >”Behold, my friends. Today we say farewell to two of our beloved children. The first, Sarah, daughter to Kobin and Mary!”
  112. >The two step forward, Kobin, Sara’s dad wears his old soldier’s armor, and carries a sheathed longsword forward.
  113. >He hands it to his daughter, who bows her head in respect for the man, and thanks him for his old blade.
  114. >She slings it across her shoulders, the strap settling into place between her modest bust.
  115. >Her mother then steps forward, and smiles in a way you find all too familiar.
  116. >She passes a shield of scarred iron to her daughter, and they share a knowing glance at you, not speaking a word, but merely clasping hands and being done with their parting.
  117. >Your father continues as Mary walks back to her husband.
  118. >”The second, my own son. My pride and joy: Anonymous!”
  119. >Your father smiles, but you can see the sadness in his eyes.
  120. >As happy as he is for you, and for the life you will now be going to, he will still be saying goodbye to his son, and left alone.
  121. >He kneels slightly to be at eye level with you, and he clasps your shoulders in his hands.
  122. >”My son, I am so proud of you. And your mother would be as well.”
  123. >Your mother passed a year or so back, to fever.
  124. >It was a wave of illness that sweet across the region almost out of nowhere, and although the healers from the college attempted to help those they could, your mother was too far gone when they reached your little village.
  125. >You can recall what they said though, that it was no normal illness what called your mother to god’s side, but a dark will beyond any seen since the time of a living god.
  126. >Your father holds you close, and together you mourn silently, when you part, he is in tears, but he smiles for you.
  127. >He returns to his home, and the remainder of the ceremony is somber.
  128. >Even Sarah knows not to mock your genuine sorrow.
  129. >It is an old wound however, and one you are adept at numbing for a time.
  130. >You are given a number of other gifts from various villagers, a sum of gold from the village as a whole, and at last you are free.
  131. >You have food and water enough for a week’s journey, a mule to carry it all, and enough coin for an emergency.
  132. >Sarah smiles at you, for once with no malice behind her teeth, and together you begin walking down the beaten road into the forest that surrounds your home.
  133. >Your nest stop: The village of Markost - 3 days from the nearest College, and home to the well renownedinn : The Dragon Slayer’s Rest.
  134. >The first day is quiet, the thoughts and events of your farewell ceremony still fresh in both of your heads.
  135. >Sarah plays with her sword, and wears her shield across her back, only occasionally bothering to speak with you, and never anything more than a call for break.
  136. >For as strong as she is, she is lazy, and soon you’ve come to stop for the tenth time.
  137. >?
  139. >You’ve had enough of her delays, and you state as much.
  140. “Enough of all this dilly-dallying. We keep this up and I’m leaving your ass in the dust, Sarah.”
  141. >She only laughs from her position lying on the ground.
  142. >”Go ahead and try, magus. Rely on all that magic you can’t control to keep the bandits off of you. I’ve got a sword and shield to keep me, what have you? A mule and some food?”
  143. >She laughs cruelly, but stands and begins walking against her own words.
  144. >You do take more breaks, but less than before, so you simply bear with her for the time being.
  145. >When night falls, Sarah gathers some firewood, and you set about putting what little magic you can control to good use by igniting said firewood.
  146. >The fire is bright and strong, and laying on opposite sides of the pit, you both drift off into a deep sleep.
  147. >Your dreams are interspersed with the odd episode of unfamiliar black landscapes, but when you wake you find that you can make no sense of what you recall.
  148. >You note that it’s an occurrence that has been growing in frequency as of late, and resolve to ask the magus college about it’s significance when you are able.
  149. >You note that Sarah’s still asleep, and figure you could spend the quiet time practicing some small magic, what small martial kill you have, or simply meditating.
  150. >?
  152. >You wonder for a while if you should have a staff or something to use as a catalyst for your magic, but figure that that will be a question to be answered when you arrive at the college.
  153. >For the moment you put it out of mind, and focus on practicing and controlling what small magic you can.
  154. >You focus on the thought of heat and summon a small wisp of fire.
  155. >Then on frigid cold, and freeze a small puddle solid.
  156. >And last, you focus on a relaxing of tension, and watch as the small fire quietly and softly fades into nothing, and the small ice puddle returns to it’s state of liquidity.
  157. >You’re uncertain whether or not the third part is really any different from the other two, but it feels different, somehow, and you figure it might be what you’ve heard called a dispel magic.
  158. >You’re disrupted from your wondering when Sarah stirs, and rolls over, tumbling into you.
  159. >”What’s for breakfast, bud?”
  160. >You’re more than capable of making a good meal from what ingredients you have, but you hardly think she deserves one.
  161. >Still, you happen to know that of the two of youy, she’s by far the worse cook, so making her make her own meal will be a spiteful way to start the day.
  162. >?
  164. >But that’d just be asking for a hellish day, honestly, so while the thought’s somewhat tempting,. you ignore it and throw together a quick meal.
  165. >She smiles wide at it, and blows you a kiss before tucking in, her blush clear against her pale skin.
  166. >Soon after the meal, she’s risen fully and the two of you set out for the day.
  167. >It’s some distance between you and both your destination and your journey’s start, as such you’re wary that you’re in a ripe spot for bandits and highwaymen to make their rounds.
  168. >Still, for the better part of the day your journey is consistent and undisturbed.
  169. >As the sun begins to set however, and the mood between yourself and Sarah is as pleasant a it has ever been, the sound of motion in the roadside foliage sets Sarah into protective mode.
  170. >She holds an arm out to ask that you be wary, and you begin focusing on the sensation of cold, just in case you want to throw some ice at a thief.
  171. >She pokes her blade into a bush a number of times, and before too long out leaps a masked individual.
  172. >He wields a simple dagger in one hand and isn’t wearing armor, but he’s quick on his feet, so he dodges Sarah’s first wide swing.
  173. >Strong or no, she’s still inexperienced, and her fighting leaves quite a bit to be desired.
  174. >?
  176. >You don’t feel as if you should simply sit back, and Sarah’s still recovering from her missed swing, so as the bandit begins winding up for what you’d guess is a hard knee into her belly, you draw some water from around you and send it as a volley of ice shards into his lower legs.
  177. >Some of the smaller frozen projectiles miss completely, but many jab painfully into his feet and ankle, sending him sprawling to the floor, clutching at his leg.
  179. >At this two other bandits hop out of the brush, and icy fear begins to claw at your belly.
  180. >Sarah for her part doesn’t let it show, bringing her blade down hard against the fallen bandit’s head.
  181. >You’re stunned for a second, but relieved when she raises her blade and see it dry still.
  182. >The leader is incapacitated, likely unconscious, but still you are faced by two more bandits.
  183. >They hesitate, seeing her knock their boss out cold, and Sarah capitalizes on this moment by charging at her closest opposer.
  184. >She swings horizontally, slashing at his open gut, and he only barely dodges, tripping himself in the process.
  185. >Her smile goes wide and sadistic, but before she can finish him off, the third bandit tackles her to the ground, pinning her and starting to rain punches down on her.
  186. >The bandit who tripped is starting to get back up, and Sarah is blocking most of the blows brought down on her.
  187. >Who do you attack first, and how?
  188. >?
  190. >You decide to get more icy needles going, and having done it once already, you’re a little more ready to do it again.
  191. >Concentrating on the icy fear inside of you, you form a dozen pin thin needles about as long as your hand, and all of them find their mark in his lower back.
  192. >He cries out, going rigid and falling to his side.
  193. >Sarah wastes no time, smashing her heavy shield into his face, and bringing it to bear against the now almost recovered final assailant.
  194. >Do you let her take him out on her own, or do you help with him as well?
  195. >?
  197. >Instead of ice, you try and draw forth fire.
  198. >A big finish needs fire, right?
  199. >Sarah doesn’t wait for you to cast however, and begins laying into the bandit, swatting him across the chest with her heavy shield, and following him down to the ground, in much the same way as she tried to before.
  200. >Fire, for the most part likes to spread, so while you do manage to light him flame, with the way she’s atop him, she catches alight as well.
  201. >She realizes this immediately, and rolls off of him, not stopping her rolling until she’s certain she’s out.
  202. >She stands and sighs, running a bloodied fist across her upper lip, and breathing heavily.
  203. >She looks at you and wordlessly lets you know that she’s cool with that accident, at least for now, and you both simply watch as the final bandit struggles to put himself out.
  204. >Do you let him burn to death, or do you put him out when he’s nice and crispy?
  205. >?
  207. >You consider showing mercy, but then you recall that he and his fellow crooks all wielded daggers and seemed more than ready to use them on you both.
  208. >So instead of dispelling the magical fire, you simply go to Sarah’s side and begin applying some gentle healing salve to her scratches, and try to ignore his slowly weakening cries for mercy.
  209. >When he’s gone silent and still you smother the flame with a thought, to prevent it from spreading to the forest, and after pocketing the two still usable daggers and some coin from the two unconscious bandits, you tie them up and leave them by the roadside for fate to decide what will become of them.
  210. >Sarah, you and your mule hurry away from the encounter, high on a mixture of pride at your success, and worry for how satisfying it felt to kill a bad man.
  211. >It’s Sarah who eventually breaks the silence, and it’s only as she’s bringing back the night’s firewood.
  212. >”I doubt we’ll be bothered by any more bandits, after that show of force. I gotta say though, friend: I didn’t think you had it in you. And thanks, I know i’d probably be a lot worse off if you’d kept quiet, or tried to run off without me. Funny as it sounds we make a decent pair, you and I.”
  213. >She chuckles at this, and you can’t help but smile.
  214. >Her praise isn’t very valuable to you, but it is rare to hear, and certainly pleasing to you.
  215. >?
  217. >You agree, that yes you both kicked some good ass.
  218. >That said, you’re not quite ready to go to sleep as she seems to be.
  219. >Then again, of the two of you you’re actually the only one who killed somebody today.
  220. >You try not to think about it, and for the mod part you manage.
  221. >Still, it’s some time before you can finally shut your eyes for the night.
  222. >When you wake, you find that you have woken somewhat later than you’d have liked, but still before Sarah.
  223. >You try and go about some small meditation, if only to relax, but it’s juts not enough time before the familiar request is made for a good meal.
  224. >You abandon the attempt, having grown hungry yourself, and make enough of a decent meal for you both to partake.
  225. >Afterwards, you get moving, her with a confident and happy canter to her step, and you with a notable weight to your shoulders.
  226. >At about mid-day, you come across a wide, not-too deep river, and decide that you will make lunch here for today.
  227. >Sarah, for her part runs off into the brush, challenging you to peep in as she bathes.
  228. >You’re certain that the consequences would be dire for taking her up, and consider whether or not you might try for your missed morning training now instead.
  229. >?
  231. >You sit down and get comfortable before clearing your head.
  232. >Your shoulders relax, and soon after so does the rest of you.
  233. >Your thoughts go to a single point, and for a time all is silent within you.
  234. >It’s not until about a half hour later that a hand upon your shoulder stirs you from your perfect stillness.
  235. >You ope your eyes, slowly to hide from the harsh light, and look up into the somewhat concerned expression of Sarah.
  236. >”You alright magus? Not dying on me are you?”
  237. >She jokes, but you see from the lines on her brow that she’s at least somewhat concerned about you as you are.
  238. >You can understand that, she’s never really seen you meditate before, and the first time your dad caught you doing it he was scared you’d fallen into a coma or something.
  239. “Not quiet yet.”
  240. >She unhands you at this and shrugs her shoulders.
  241. >”Good, I’d have to lug your corpse around and get you bound to my shield or something if that happened.”
  242. >You take a moment to fully waken, and then head off to bathe yourself.
  243. >Once or twice you get the feeling you’re being watched, but it turns out to be wildlife each time.
  244. >Upon your return, you find Sarah braiding her hair, her sword and shield layer out beside her.
  245. >”Took your time with that eh? I’m the girl, what’s your excuse?”
  246. >?
  248. “You’re a girl?”
  249. >You reply, fully aware of how much of a nerve you’re jumping on right now.
  250. >You snicker at her and get ready to flee for your physical wellbeing, but much to your surprise, she only glares at you and spits to the side.
  251. >She finishes up with her braid and tosses it over her shoulder to rest on her back, before pulling her blade from it’s sheath.
  252. >She begins to apply a small amount of oil to it, using a clean cloth to rub it across it’s surface.
  253. >It’s as gentle as you’ve ever seen it, and after a few minutes you take a seat a few feet away and begin rummaging through your supplies for lunch.
  254. >After a while, she breaks the silence, not looking up from her shield as she rubs it down similarly.
  255. >”What are you even going to the college for?”
  256. >You look up at her and note she’s rosy-cheeked again.
  257. >It’s a topic you’ve only really discussed with your dad, and you’re not really sure you’re on good enough terms to be frank with Sarah.
  258. >Still, there’s plenty of secondary and tertiary motivations you can share comfortably enough.
  259. >?
  261. >You take a moment to think about how to answer her, and after some silence, you reply that you just want to know why you have them.
  262. “I just wanna learn what I’ve got these powers for.”
  263. >The holy scripture talks about the spreading dark, but doesn’t ever call it an evil, only the state of everything before god came in and shaped the world as it is.
  264. >And god herself never really states why she left her magic to humanity, it was always just… odd to you.
  265. >Surely there must be some reason to it all?
  266. >Sarah looks at you with a frown, but doesn’t say anything else for a while.
  267. >”And what about after? Are you gonna come back?”
  268. >She chuckles and puts her hand to her cheek.
  269. >”Maybe you’ll come back and get revenge on me? God knows I’ve got it coming.”
  270. >Her smile fades, and she looks at the ground.
  271. >?
  273. "Yup. I'm gonna come back, make you dress up in a really skimpy and embarrassing outfit then make you walk around town. Cause I'm just that horrible of a person."
  274. >She snorts and smiles.
  275. >”Don’t go making threats you won’t back up friend. I’ll hold you to it.”
  276. >You return by describing the most ridiculous outfit you can imagine.
  277. >She laughs at the description, and reddens slightly at the thought of it.
  278. >The conversation remains similarly light for a time longer as you prepare the meal over a small fire.
  279. >She seems in a better mood for the rest of the day, and even thanks you when you hand her the food.
  280. >Soon afterwards you both decide to keep walking, and although you get that same feeling of being watched once or twice more, you make good progress before stopping for the night.
  281. >”I’m not that crazy, right? You’re getting that sensation too?”
  282. “I am.”
  283. >”Right, might be wise to take turns resting tonight then. You or me first?”
  284. >?
  286. >You couldn’t sleep with the thought of onlookers anyway, so you volunteer to take first watch.
  287. >The first hour passes uneventfully, and you’re about to start actually relaxing when you hear a rustling in the underbrush.
  288. >You’d suspect the wind if there was any, but instead you are left to you concern for the remainder of your time at watch.
  289. >Still, for as unsettling as it is, nothing happens, and eventually you wake Sarah to take her turn.
  290. >Surprisingly enough, she doesn’t fuss, and instead only asks that you bolster the flame somewhat to ward away the late night’s chill.
  291. >You do so, and after some time, drift off.
  292. >When you wake again, Sarah sits where she was before, eyes heavy with fatigue, but still open, and still seemingly wary.
  293. >You let her get some more rest, and remain on watch until the sun is fully in the sky, and you feel safe again.
  294. >Or, safer at least.
  295. >It is about the time you normally set about your morning practice, will you do as much today, or do you continue to keep watch instead?
  296. >?
  298. >You decide that it might not be a bad idea to mix your morning practice with keeping watch.
  299. >In that you begin practicing your ice-needles spell, and randomly fling the formed shards into the bushes.
  300. >You get better at flinging in a direction without motioning towards the end of it, and feel that fairly soon you will be able to cast without an easy tell.
  301. >Something that will undoubtably be helpful against any more opponents you come to face.
  302. >As you’re flinging a couple dozen shards into a tree trunk, you hear Sarah stir, and calm your mind for the time being.
  303. >She rouses fully, and you inform her that all is clear for now, before getting started on the morning’s sustenance.
  304. >She thanks you for the food and tucks in, looking around occasionally, still wary for whatever has been following you.
  305. >After breakfast, you gather up your things and get walking, this being the last day’s walking before you arrive at Markost.
  306. >You’ve never been there yourself, but many of the older villagers in town had stories of the people, or of the well renowned inn, “The Dragon Slayer’s Rest.”
  307. >You look forward to arriving, and with this feeling you and Sarah make good time the remainder of the trek.
  308. >As you pass through a clearing and over a hill, you find it opens out into a wide plain, and at the foot of the hill is your destination.
  309. >From where you stand you can easily see that it dwarfs your small forest village, and you feel an excitement settle over you.
  310. >Sarah seems to be cheery as well, clapping you on the shoulder and whistling at how pleasant it looks from where you both stand.
  311. >”I don’t know about you friend, but I’m looking forward to an actual bed after sleeping on the ground the last while.”
  312. >?
  314. “I’m with you on that, certainly.”
  315. >You glance back into the forest mouth and for a split second you swear you can make out a low to the ground shape, but as soon as you see it it’s no longer there, and the feeling of being watched has faded.
  316. >Still, you hurry forward, and before the hour’s up you stand at the town’s gates.
  317. >They rest wide open, welcoming all travelers from near and far into the town.
  318. >Stepping past them you watch for a moment as the normal day plays out before you.
  319. >Villagers cart hay, trinkets, and other such things to and from within buildings of brick and cobbled stone.
  320. >Others walk across the streets, speaking to each other on myriad subjects, some dressed well, others in little more than rags.
  321. >It is life, in microcosm, and before long you’ve been swallowed up by the flow of people, and you three walk close beside each other towards a building you are certain you recognize.
  322. >Resting atop it’s sturdy wide construction is a pale headless ghost.
  323. >Skeletal wings spread wide, and claws splayed in a frozen roar, the Dragon of The Dragon Slayer’s Rest dominates the sky, and calls out to all who would hear it.
  324. >You and Sarah play a quick game of rock/paper/scissors, and you win the two first games.
  325. >She calls for best three of five, but you rush her off, heading inside the inn, and looking around in awe at the trophies on display from one wall to the next.
  326. >Beasts great and terrible all scream silently, and above a wide fireplace rests the crown jewel of them all, the Dragon’s head itself, in purest ivory rests eternally watching as it’s guests feats and make merry before it.
  327. >You tear your gaze away long enough to make your way to a wide counter manned by a lovely young woman.
  328. >Her dark skin and sharp eyes catch your attention for a but a moment before her… ample bust raises above the desk she sits at.
  329. >She smiles and chuckles as you struggle not to stare, before speaking in a honeyed tone.
  330. >”Welcome to The Dragon Slayer’s Rest sweetie. What can Madame Sherrie do for a cute little thing like you?”
  331. >?
  333. “O-One room for two, please.”
  334. >She chuckles at your stutter, and begins writing a small note.
  335. “I can’t take another night camping in the dirt.”
  336. >She smiles at that and puts the small note into a folder of some sort.
  337. >”Oh I can understand that sentiment perfectly, dear. I’ve got one on the send floor and two on the first, have you any preference?”
  338. >You state that no, you don’t, and she hands you a key.
  339. >”Fifth door to your left just up the stairs sugar, and that’ll be a dozen gold.”
  340. >You hand her the payment and she thanks you with a bow.
  341. >She rises from it with a knowing grin, understanding exactly what kind of show she just gave you with it.
  342. >You clear your throat and head back outside, to find Sarah speaking with an older gentleman in a long coat and wearing a greying beard.
  343. >?
  345. >You walk over and check out what’s going on.
  346. >”Hey Anon, guess who this guy is.”
  347. >Her expression is borderline manic, and you can’t really imagine anyone who’d get her in such a way, so you look at the older fellow once again and try to figure out if maybe some shenanigans is going on.
  348. >For his part, he doesn’t seem like any trouble, just a fit old man with some moderately noticeable scarring on the left half of his face.
  349. >There’s something very… intense about him however, and it’s not until you ask who he is that you understand what that is.
  350. >”This here’s the man who owns the inn. Most would describe it as his place of rest.”
  351. >Your eyes go wide as it clicks, and you look him over again, noting the small smile on his face.
  352. >He bows slightly, and says hello in a gravelly voice.
  353. >”Hello, young Magus. I am Adder, Dragonslayer, Innkeeper.”
  354. >He laughs softly and You look back at Sarah to see her practically frothing at the mouth.
  355. >Adder the dragons layer is something of a legend in this corner of the country, an not just for slaying a dragon, although that is a big part of it.
  356. >According to numerous accounts, he once adventured across the land slaying many a great beast, helping many a village in trouble, and just generally being heroic.
  357. >His inn is proof of many of his storied deeds, with many trophies corresponding to certain parts or certain fights.
  358. >You and Sarah were raised on tales of his heroism, and here he stands before you, in the flesh.
  359. >?
  361. >You take a breath and respond simply.
  362. “I’m trying not to spaz out right now, because your stories are literally the thing that the kids in our village grow up seeking to emulate.”
  363. >He laughs and smiles at your honesty before clapping you on the back and nodding happily.
  364. >”I’m glad to hear they haven’t forgotten about an old man’s youth. Your friend here was telling me about you and it’s not every day a magus comes through so I thought I’d say hello. So, hello!”
  365. >He laughs again, and you can’t help but join in, his cheer contagious apparently.
  366. >He motions for you two to follow him, and you all enter the Inn, stepping past Sherrie and the whole front of the inn and into an office.
  367. >”Now, I’ve a bit of a job for you, Anonymous, would you hear me out?”
  368. >You think that that was fast, but think that it wouldn’t hurt to hear him out at least.
  369. >?
  371. >You try to contain your excitement.
  372. “Sure!”
  373. >You clear your throat.
  374. “Does it have anything to do with people feeling like they’re being watched? I just wanna make sure since my friend here and I were sorta dealing with that before…”
  375. >His expression goes from cheery to intrigued at that.
  376. >”No, It was actually a message to the headmistress of the college, but now you’ve got my interest piqued. What’s all this then? Did you get a look at whatever was watching you? Where was this, for how long?”
  377. >He seems eager to learn more from you, so you share with him what you can.
  378. >”Aye, I know of what creature you speak. It’s been harassing visitors from through the forest for ai’d guess half a decade now, but I’ve never once been able to catch more than a glimpse of it in all that woodland. Ach it burns me up to know I’m being bested by some beasty out there.”
  379. >He gnashes his teeth, fuming silently for a while.
  380. >?
  382. "H-Hey...Since we're in the area and all, and we've got myself, a magus, you, a champion of many tales, and my friend here why don't we 3 make an active effort to catch it? Or at least get a look?"
  383. >Adder looks at you and Sarah contemplatively for a moment before replying.
  384. >”I like your gumption kid, but You’re both young, and i can still smell the green on you. Not to mention how little i myself know about our supposed quarry. I’ll tell you what though, you do me this favor and when I’ve got more to go on I’ll send word t you and we’ll have ourselves a hunt? How’s that sound to ye?”
  385. >Sarah doesn’t even think before saying, “Yes!”
  386. >You note, looking at her that she’s practically shivering in delight beside you.
  387. >What say you?
  388. >?
  390. >You nod your head, not yet trusting your voice not to crack.
  391. >”Good. Now about this message-“
  392. >He rummages around inside of his desk for a moment before pulling out a clear glass tube with two jade stoppers on the ends.
  393. >He unstops one side and slips a sealed envelope into the tube before handing it to you.
  394. >”The headmistress is an old friend of mine and she asked me to look into a few things around here. Beasties and Plants of interest for her alchemy more than anything else if i recall. I haven’t had much chance to head off for the week’s travel, but you’re both heading that way any who, so I figured you might be persuaded to take the message for me. It’s not anything of value to anyone but alchemists, so you needn’t worry about being attacked for it, and the glass is sturdy so you needn’t worry over breaking it.”
  395. >He also hands you a small leather pouch that clinks with payment, and offers you a smile as he thinks about if there’s anything else to be said.
  396. >?
  398. >You take the payment and extend your hand, eager to shake the hero’s hand.
  399. >He smiles, stands and shakes your hand firmly.
  400. >”I appreciate this young Magus, and you have my word you’ll be hearing from me again in the coming weeks. For now though I’ll let you two get to resting for what journey remains before you. If it pleases ye, dinner’s held in the front and tonight they’re telling an old favorite tale of mine.”
  401. >He laughs but doesn’t explain further, leaving you and Sarah to head out into the hall where you both release a giddy tension that had been building for the past twenty minutes or so.
  402. >It’s not until a minute or so later that you notice Madame Sherrie standing there with a cat’s wide smile at the display.
  403. >”I take it your meeting with my dearly beloved went well?
  404. >?
  406. >You clear your throat to regain some composure and reply that yes, it went well.
  407. >She chuckles and congratulates you on it then.
  408. >She explains that it’s not the first time she’s seen some young travelers react as such and so you shouldn’t be embarrassed.
  409. >You thank her for that and excuse yourselves, heading to your room where Sarah plops down onto her bed, not even bothering to remove her shield or sword-belt.
  410. >”Ahh it’s so soft.”
  411. >She remains still for a while longer, and you go about examining your facilities for the night.
  412. >It’s only now as you think about it that Madame Sherrie’s face and comment really click into place.
  413. >You nudge Sarah, and tell her what you’ve just noticed and she looks at you like you’re thick.
  414. >”No duh, Anon. That’s White Sherrie!”
  415. >The name seemed ironic to you at first, but you recall the tale of how she and Adder came to be known by their respective weapon titles.
  416. >Summarized, they helped a fallen blacksmith god recover his ethereal forge from a colony of Vallen, and afterwards were gifted with a pair of god-forged weapons.
  417. >A dagger as white as starlight for the elf, and a longsword as black as the darkest night for Adder.
  418. >Hence the names, Black Adder, and White Sherrie.
  419. >The thought of the tale gets you pretty hyped up, and you ask Sarah if she’s gonna stick around or if she wants to go exploring town with you.
  420. >”I’m just gonna sit here and relax. I get any more excited and my heart’s fit to burst. Don’t think I’m gonna wait up for you if you decide to miss dinner though.”
  421. >She chuckles and rolls over onto her back to stare up t the ceiling.
  422. >You head out of the room, and then out of the inn itself onto the day-lit street.
  423. >You’ve a few hours before the sun sets and the dinner show begins.
  424. >Do you wander aimlessly, or with a goal?
  425. >?
  427. >Being a young Magus, you’re obviously going to go in search of any magical stuff you can find.
  428. >So for the better part of a few hours you simply close your eyes, and “sniff” around for magic.
  429. >You come across a purveyor of magical foci, from orbs to wands to staffs, all of which are beyond your price range.
  430. >The man himself is no magus however, and admits his interests and talents lie solely in salesmanship.
  431. >You part amicably when the scent of magic wafts toward you again, and you come to an old well sitting at the center of a number of houses.
  432. >A dozen children play children’s games around the well, and you feel a general calm and warmth settle over you.
  433. >This is old , gentle magic expressly for guarding the happiness of children.
  434. >Some would call it a wishing well, but you’re sure that tossing coins into the well only serves to marginally extend the well’s goodwill.
  435. >Do you toss in a coin or two for goodness’ sake?
  436. >?
  438. >You toss in a couple coins, and continue on, looking for anything of magical interest feeling all the happier for it.
  439. >Soon afterwards you stumble onto a small congregation of elves men and women praying together.
  440. >The head of the congregation, an aged and still beautiful woman with longer pointed ears and white, almost ethereal hair smiles to you and motions for you to take a seat beside her.
  441. >Do you, or do you decline respectfully?
  444. >You don’t see any weapons, or otherwise threatening elements from the elven group, so you remain silent as you take a seat beside the elderly elf.
  445. >They begin humming again, and you close your eyes, realizing that as much as they are praying, they are meditating much as you have done.
  446. >Time slows and comes to a stop after a time, and for a while the humming recedes into nothingness.
  447. >You see a shape, laying down in a perfect meadow.
  448. >But before you can focus, the humming comes to the fore once again, and you feel yourself waking.
  449. >The elder elf looks to you with a knowing smile and nods to you, dismissing you from the congregation in peace.
  450. >She slips a small note into your hand as you stand, and you don’t look at it until you’ve walked away a distance.
  451. >A small message is scrolled on it: God opens her garden to few besides us. Find peace in her glenn everlasting.
  452. >You fold the note up and secret it away, not quite ready to confront it’s meaning or what you very nearly saw.
  453. >You explore a while longer, but it’s not long until the sun has begun to set, and you feel it is the time to begin heading back.
  454. >Along the way, you are silent and contemplative, your thoughts turning to how deeply you managed to concentrate with the elves’ help you still feel a keen edge to your mind that is greater than it has ever been.
  455. >Perhaps you will incorporate their humming from now on…
  456. >?
  458. [12/30/14, 1:15:25 PM] Tog Sothoth: [practically speaking, meditating in the morning ordinarily gave you a +2 to spells successfully being cast. Hitting or not was a different roll, but a failed spell is a wasted action so you obviously want it to work, and work as well as it can. Improved Meditating buffs it up to a +5 to cast properly]
  459. [12/30/14, 1:16:05 PM] Watt/War/Dolt: So was that improved meditation?
  460. [12/30/14, 1:16:28 PM] Watt/War/Dolt: Oh, then we can do the humming now...
  461. [12/30/14, 1:16:35 PM] Tog Sothoth: [rolling a d20 simple spells are successful at 7+ normal complexity at 12+ and complex spells at 17+]
  462. [12/30/14, 1:16:58 PM] Tog Sothoth: so yes, if you meditate and hum you get a bonus +5 to all spell success rolls
  463. [12/30/14, 1:17:36 PM] Tog Sothoth: for example, you rolled a 3 on that first ice needle spell, so it only sorta worked, but later on you rolled a 14 so it was a great success, makes sense?
  464. [12/30/14, 1:17:59 PM] Watt/War/Dolt: Yeah.
  465. [12/30/14, 1:18:31 PM] Tog Sothoth: practicing magic buffs up spell power/dmg, and practicing physically buffs up your def and reaction
  466. [12/30/14, 1:18:55 PM] Watt/War/Dolt: Well, i've gotta go to work. See you guys later. If you're planning on running again if there's nobody else in here when I leave I usually get home at 8:45p
  467. [12/30/14, 1:19:02 PM] Tog Sothoth: alright
  469. >You resolve to meditate more often, and begin walking back to the inn.
  470. >You’re certainly looking forward to the show, you imagine it’ll be a telling of one of Adder’s adventures.
  471. >With that thought in mind, you put some pep in your step and arrive at the inn with some time to spare.
  472. >You head up to your room and find Sarah is not still lying down.
  473. >If you know her, which you like to think you do, she’s already got herself a seat out in the dining area and is nibbling on something that used to be alive.
  474. >You don’t head out quite yet however, stopping to look at the Dragon’s skull for a while.
  475. >It’s the first time you’ve taken a long good look at it, and you begin to notice the serious detail of it.
  476. >The most notable is the massive furrow just to the side of the snout, a deep scar that is dyed a deep black.
  477. >You’re almost certain that Adder’s Black Blade was struck there once upon a time, and still it smells of a potent and ancient magic.
  478. >You don’t reach out to try and touch it, wary of any lingering injury it might cause.
  479. >You do however jump when a heavy hand comes to rest on your shoulder.
  480. >Turning to face he who would lay his hand upon you you find Adder looking at the skull much as you were, and beside him Sherrie looking as lovely as ever.
  481. >”It’s a good centerpiece, No?”
  482. >?
  484. “I’d certainly say so. Very impressive.”
  485. >He smiles slightly, and thanks you.
  486. >”His name was Terzik in life, and he’d been a terror to this land for close to 700 years. His mistake came when he destroyed my home. It was revenge that set me off on my greatest adventure, but I think that when we finally found him curled atop a mound of bones and gold I had not thirst for vengeance in mind, only a want to protect what I had come to find dear. Odd to speak aloud, but i find myself with a tinge of gratitude whenever i look back at his permanent grin nowadays.”
  487. >You note he squeezes Sherrie’s hand as he says this, before bringing it to his lips and kissing it gently.
  488. >He remains silent for a moment before turning around and beginning to walk toward the dining room.
  489. >”Would you and your friend join my dear wife and I for dinner tonight?”
  490. >?
  492. >You begin to apologize that you’re actually sorta gonna do a thing, so you can’t but you don’t hold together very well and agree that of course you’d be happy to.
  493. >They chuckle and head off to grab a table and some seats while you go looking for Sarah.
  494. >True to form you find her nibbling on a chicken leg, and when she notices you she pats a seat beside her.
  495. “How sweet of you, but I think you’ll find I’ve found us some better seats.”
  496. >She scoffs, pointing out that the stage is like 20 feet away.
  497. “Trust me.”
  498. >She sighs, cleans herself up and picks up, ready to follow you.
  499. >You lead her in the direction you saw Adder and Sherrie walk, and find them soon enough.
  500. >Sarah smiles and tries not to sperg out like you both did before, and after a few breaths, manages to say hello in a normal-ish voice.
  501. >Sherrie says hello aloud, with Adder only nodding politely.
  502. >Food is portioned out soon, and about ten minutes after that the performance begins.
  503. >Coincidentally enough, it comes to be the tale of how Adder and Sherrie met.
  504. >She was the first of his great companions, and he met her oddly enough in a prison.
  505. >He’d gotten into a scuffle in a bar, inquiring on the dragon, and how he might slay it, she’d been caught picking an aristocrat’s pocket.
  506. >Neither was willing to remain the entirety of their stay, so with a fair bit of trust and teamwork going both ways, they broke free and began their journey as a pair of wanted criminals.
  507. >The performance is largely comedic, from the comical bar-fight, to the easily befuddled guards in the prison, by the end of it you and many other of the patrons eating are warm with how much you’ve laughed.
  508. >The performers end their performance with a bow and a thanks, and so the evening closes.
  509. >Adder and Sherrie are happy to have had you for company.
  510. >They excuse themselves, clearly[to you at least] in an amorous mood, and you’re left with Sarah in a giddy mood from good food, good company, and good entertainment.
  511. >This is probably as pleasant as she’s ever been with you, and you’ve got to admit you could get used to her like this.
  512. >What will you do now, and will you invite her along or leave her to her happiness.
  513. >?
  515. [12/30/14, 2:49:46 PM] Monk/Death: Well, lets ask if she wants to wander around abit, but don't press it.
  517. >You feel like wandering some more, just for wandering’s sake this time, and you wouldn’t mind the company.
  518. >With that thought in mind, you ask Sarah if she’d like to take a walk with you.
  519. >”Where to?”
  520. “Just around, the town’s lovely to just look at and after all the drink i’ve had i think a walk in the evening air might do me some well before going to sleep.”
  521. >She chuckles and takes a drink from her cup.
  522. >”Not a bad plan. Count me in.”
  523. >She stands and pats your shoulder before the two of you walk out together into the notably less packed, yet still friendly and lively streets of Markost’s evening.
  524. >For a while the two of you simply enjoy the silence, walking towards and past the residential parks and such, but before long a profound chill has settled on the evening, and neither of you is really dressed for the cold as you are.
  525. >”D’you wanna head back and get warm at the inn?”
  526. >She’s blushing slightly so you’re not sure if she’s drunk or being lewd, or both.
  527. >How do you reply?
  528. >?
  530. “L-Lewd”
  531. >You say under your breath slapping her playfully across the cheek.
  532. >She chuckles and slaps you back, harder than you slapped her, but softer than she would normally.
  533. >”Don’t blame me, i’m drunk.”
  534. “Not too drunk to be hot under the hem it seems.”
  535. >”Not yet at least.”
  536. “Next thing you’ll be asking is to hold my hand. How shameless.”
  537. >”You’ll take responsibility won’t you?”
  538. “Not at all.”
  539. >”Pity, you’d probably make a sweet father.”
  540. >The banter continues for the remainder of your walk, and when you return to your room she pecks you on the lips but heads to her own bed before wishing you a good night and falling asleep very readily.
  541. >You are both drunk, but not very, so you don’t risk doing something you’ll regret in the morning.
  542. >Instead, you consider whether or not you should drink some more for a while longer or retire as well.
  543. >?
  545. >You consider heading back out to get your drink on, what with this being the day before you set off on the final leg of your college bound journey, but a feeling in your gut warns you of the ill fate all who test their luck.
  546. >You lay down in your own bed, and after a few moments wondering about nothing, you drift off into a dream.
  547. >You visit the glenn, sort of.
  548. >It is as before far too out of focus, and you are alone there, but the feeling is the same, one of comfort and peace.
  549. >It makes you think of your mother, and when you wake, you find a tear in your eyes at the memory.
  550. >You do not let it stall you however, and set about your morning practice.
  551. >What will you practice today, physical, magical, or meditative?
  552. >?
  554. >Today you’ll be focusing on magic, you think.
  555. >Because your head hurts from the alcohol last night and you want to take your frustration out on something in a fiery way.
  556. >Heading outside the inn and just beyond the town gates, you go about setting small clumps of wood aflame, as well as strangling said flame, and freezing various objects solid.
  557. >You also toss around a few icy needles, and experiment with a similar application for fire.
  558. >It doesn’t work quite as well, at least at first, but with some imagination you find that with a little physical output besides the magical, you are capable of spitting a small fireball.
  559. >The small physical output being picking up and tossing something flammable.
  560. >It needn’t even be very big, it just needs weight enough for you to feel in your hand.
  561. >You try and experiment some more with mixing the fire with some of your less practiced affinities, but find it a bit much for now, and have a bad bit of backlash leaving your head in even more pain than when you awoke.
  562. >You calm down and just relax, willing the pain to fade until it does.
  563. >You return to your room to find Sarah packing, and not noticeably suffering from her libations the previous night.
  564. >”Excited, friend?”
  565. >You assume she’s referring to how you’re only a few days away from your college and a great deal of learning.
  566. >?
  568. “Oh yeah, you’d better believe it.”
  569. >She straps her shield to her back and fixes her sword belt in place.
  570. >”Well we’d better get moving then, huh?”
  571. >She heads out, leaving you to grab what you care to.
  572. >When you exit the inn you find Sarah waiting with the mule, an unhappy look on her face.
  573. >Seems you spoke too soon about the alcohol.
  574. >Without much of an exchange you two head out, starting on the final leg of your journey.
  575. >The day goes by quietly and uneventfully, with you stopping four or five times to drink from clear streams when they are available.
  576. >When darkness falls you slow somewhat, but it isn’t until a great deal later that you stop at a river’s bank.
  577. >A bridge stands to cross it, but it is an otherwise unremarkable part of your route.
  578. >You and Sarah both go to sleep readily, with her mumbling an apology for the day’s bitchiness, and you simply falling asleep.
  579. >The next day comes and you waken to a wet chill spreading across your body.
  580. >A dense mist climbs from out of the river, and you find that you’r fairly thoroughly soaked.
  581. >After changing clothes and waking Sarah to let her do the same, you set about your morning practice, what will it be today?
  582. >?
  584. >You clear your mind and begin humming, and before long your mind clears and time seems to slow down.
  585. >Again, you half-visit the glenn, and your mind takes on a clearness that you feel you could grow used to.
  586. >When you wake you find Sarah practicing with her sword on a tree’s trunk.
  587. >The trunk for it’s part is still upright, although only barely.
  588. >Something has Sarah frustrated, that much is clear, but she’s making an effort not to take it out on you and for that you are silently appreciative.
  589. >You let her know you’re ready to move on when she’s done with her practice, and she grunts in confirmation before releasing a savage series of blows against the tree, felling totally by the string of blows’ end.
  590. >She sheathes her sword, breathes deeply through her nose and wipes the sweat from her brow before nodding for you to lead the way.
  591. >The day proceeds slowly, thanks in large part to the dense mist that follows you through the day.
  592. >It cannot be helped, as the road follows beside the river, and the sun never truly shines.
  593. >When the day is through however, the mist falls away following the river, and progress continues for a time.
  594. >As you’re making ready to get to sleep however, the scent of your cooked dinner attracts some hungry, and predatory wildlife in the form of 4 wolves.
  595. >The largest leaps toward you from out of the bushes, but out of luck or skill you step aside and watch as it sails into your midst.
  596. >The fight begins, and Sarah doesn’t bother drawing her sword, instead wielding a thinner log from the fire, still alight at it’s end.
  597. >She swings it horizontally, keeping the pack at bay, leaving you to focus on the alpha.
  598. >It recovers from it’s disadvantageous entry, and stands ready to fight.
  599. >?
  601. >Sarah’s got the right idea, and so you follow suit with a bit of your own fire.
  602. >You attempt to set the wolf itself alight, and surprise surprise you actually manage to do so, panicking the beast and taking it off the attack.
  603. >Sarah swings again, with similar results.
  604. >Her swift swings have put the fire out however, and she draws her sword and shield, ready to begin fighting back, no longer able to keep them back.
  605. >The wolf tries to put itself out by rolling in the dirt, not succeeding quite yet.
  606. >What do you do now?
  607. >?
  609. >You leave the Alpha to it’s burning, and instead focus on not burning one of the wolves, but starting a dense fire above and letting it spread out like a rain of fire.
  610. >The spell very nearly unravels, but with the small bit of focus you gained earlier in the day, you manage to weave it stable.
  611. >Small burning spheres dense with raw energy droop down like heavy rain, bathing two of the five in hellfire.
  612. >Another runs off altogether at the sight, but the two remaining manage to avoid the primal firestorm.
  613. >Sarah manages to back step out of the firestorm herself, but this leaves her open to one of the wolves who capitalizes on the opportunity, sinking his fangs into her sword forearm.
  614. >The other wolf leaps at you, knocking you down and beginning to attempt at tearing your throat out.
  615. >You struggle to knock it off.
  617. >With a grunt of exertion you kick it off, and straight into the fire where it catches immediately, screeching in fear and pain.
  618. >The Alpha falls still, having died to it’s wounds, and the two wolves who caught fire to your firestorm still burn, although one is nearly out.
  619. >Sarah gudgeons her attacker against a tree, attempting to loosen it from her arm, but it is locked in a death bite, and will not release so easily.
  620. >You see as her blood begins to flow liberally.
  621. >What will you do?
  622. >?
  624. >You call out for Sarah to be still and she glances at you like you’re asking the impossible.
  625. >Still, she trusts you apparently, tossing herself to the ground, where she braces herself and holds her hand out as far as she can.
  626. >You do not waste any time, and apply your icy needles to the wolf’s head.
  627. >Three find their mark, all spearing straight into it’s skull, killing it quickly.
  628. >It falls down limp, and Sarah grips at her heavily wounded arm.
  629. >The first of two burning wolves falls still, succumbing to it’s burns, but the other staggers to it’s feet, now free of the fire.
  630. >The wolf you kicked into the fire attempts to flee the fight, still alight, but only succeeds in crashing into a tree’s trunk, and going limp on the ground.
  631. >The final wolf is burnt crispy, with patches of turn entirely charred off, but still it stands defiant to you, spittle drip[ping from it’s maw as it prepares to howl out.
  632. >You are sure this will call more, what will you do?
  633. >?
  635. >This calls for more icy death.
  636. >Only no head shots this time.
  637. >With a thought you send a dozen needles straight into it’s exposed throat, silencing it and ending it’s struggle.
  638. >As it twitches it’s last spasms in the dirt you run over to Sarah, who has fallen to her side and is crying out in pain as her blood mixes with the dirt beneath her.
  639. >You don’t even need to look very close to know it’s bad.
  640. >You rummage through your supplies, knowing that you have emergency first aid supplies within, and quickly apply as much bandage and cauterizing salts as you can.
  641. >She bites down hard on some wood as you apply the salt, and you can only imagine the pain it must be.
  642. >She goes limp as you apply the last of it and begin wrapping her wound, having lost a lot of blood and been in a lot of pain, you aren’t surprised she’s lost consciousness.
  643. >You finish applying the bandaging, and heft her atop your shoulders, entirely aware that you’re still near whatever backup the final wolf was trying to call out for.
  644. >You run as fast as you can, the mule following behind you and it’s not until your legs ache and your breath comes in ragged gasps that you stop and collapse to put Sarah down.
  645. >You try to stay awake through the night, to watch over and watch out, but exhaustion eventually overtakes you, and you fall asleep, scared and in pain.
  646. >When you wake you find Sarah sitting up beside you.
  647. >She looks frail, and even paler than usual.
  648. >And her arm hangs loosely by her side.
  649. >”Hey.”
  650. >?
  652. >You shoot up straight, startling her.
  653. “Are you alright? Are your bandages holding? Do they need to be changed?”
  654. >She chuckles softly, shaking her head and speaking softly.
  655. >”Relax friend, I’m not gonna die on you. You have my word on that. Although I don’t know how much use I can be to you with my arm like this. You have my shield, if nothing else.”
  656. >She assures you that she’s fine no matter how you ask her, and eventually you decide that you ought to go about your morning practice.
  657. >She actually urges you to do so, just so you take your mind off of her.
  658. >?
  660. >You insist on making some food, as much for yourself as for her, and eat together in awkward silence.
  661. >It’s odd, you note.
  662. >You’ve never really worried about Sarah before, and you’re pretty sure Sarah finds it odd as well.
  663. >Still, she’s very clearly grateful for basically keeping her stable and tending to her when she was injured.
  664. >”Do your meditation or whatever already, it’ll help me relax to see you acting normal.”
  665. >?
  667. >You begin humming, even before you clear your mind, simply because it sounds nice and is calming, and before long you’re able to begin the actual meditation.
  668. >You don’t get to see the glenn this time, and time doesn’t quite slow down, likely because you are concerned even underneath your focus, but as you resurface from your meditative state, you feel as sharp as ever.
  669. >Sarah is silent, sitting leaned against a tree, likely having dozed off as you were focusing.
  670. >You nearly panic at first, but after being sure she’s breathing and otherwise fine, you simply pick her up and begin walking onwards.
  671. >The day’s progress is slow, but consistent and when night falls, you stop atop a hill and set about making a meal you don’t need to cook.
  672. >Sarah is awake by now, and you both eat well, confident that even despite the slow downs, you will arrive tomorrow.
  673. >The college will be able to see to Sarah’s injuries more thoroughly, and you will begin the next stage of your life.
  674. >You fall asleep after Sarah, and dream of great things.
  675. > When you wake up, you find that you and Sarah are no longer alone.
  676. >Sitting between the two of you is a tall thin woman with short blonde hair and slightly pointed ears.
  677. >She wears a light looking armor that you cannot tell the material of, and sitting on her folded legs is a small metal club.
  678. >She smiles at you as you stir, and with a cheery “Good Morning” Turns to face you.
  679. >?
  681. >You very nearly attack the woman, but figure if you’re still waking up at all she at least deserves a chance to explain who she is.
  682. “Who are you, what are you doing here?”
  683. >She pouts and replies casually.
  684. >”Not one for manners I see. Still not completely stupid, I should think. I am Alana Zinell, and I sit beside you, among you, what have you, for the express purpose of communicating with you a crime you have committed on my people. Or at least that’s what I’m supposed to say. I’m actually here to make an offer. See my clansmen are really, really damn dumb, and think they can overthrow the clan matriarch, my Mother. I’m not supposed to know that the trial you’ll be put under will be the stage for her death. Nor that you will be blamed for it in an attempt at escape. Yada yada yada, I’m going to take you and your friend in, and during the trial you will help me kill the usurper. Otherwise I have to either attack your friend and take her hostage so you’ll help, or I have to legitimately knock you out and take you in. Basically, if we fight, nobody’s gonna like the outcome, and if you help me, I can help you back. What do you say?”
  685. >She takes a breath and chuckles.
  686. >”Whoo, that was a mouthful.”
  687. > How do you reply?
  688. >?
  690. >You reply with silence for a moment.
  691. “Is… Is this real?”
  692. >You pinch yourself, and feeling pain conclude that yes, this is in fact real.
  693. “there isn’t another group that’s gonna pop out of the bushes shouting ‘Surprise you stupid human, It’s just a joke!’ is there?”
  694. >”Not unless i don’t know about it. Which admittedly I might not. The part about my mom about to be killed is true for sure though. hell if that happened I’d be relieved, All I know is I need help, and this is my only real opportunity to get it.”
  695. “I’m gonna have to ask that we go through this a bit slower.”
  696. >”Sure, we’ve some time.”
  697. “So how is this supposed to go, assuming it’s really real.”
  698. >”It’s supposed to go, I capture you and your friend, i bring you in for some crime, a murder I think, and that’s all I have to do with it. Then you get tried, and during the trial, the usurper kills everyone, including you and my mom, and escapes as the sole survivor of a monster’s attempted escape. He’s a hero, he gains clan patriarch power, and everyone suffers for it. Bad end.”
  699. >She sniffs nonchalantly.
  700. “And how is it going to go along if I agree to help you?”
  701. >”If you help me, we don’t fight, I get your friend some medical attention as a guest of our clan, and you go to trial. You use your magic to open up the door, and I storm in with a couple friends, we’ll kill the usurper, you get released, and rewarded.”
  702. “What makes you think I can use magic?”
  703. >”Oh I’ve been keeping tabs on you ever since the bridge. Nice idea with the firestorm, by the way. Honestly speaking it’s the reason why I’m trying to speak this through instead of just going straight to the hostage situation. And no, I did not bring the wolves, that was just bad luck.”
  704. >You take a deep breath, still very confused and not at all at ease.
  705. “So, say I agree-“
  706. >”I don’t see why you wouldn’t.”
  707. “Humor me. Say I agree, who am I gonna be killing? Any name or… anything to give me besides, Usurper? And where even would we be going?”
  708. >”We’d be going about a half day north, and I can’t give you more than that. I’d be lying if I said I knew anything about the usurper other than that he’s male, and that he’s probably gonna be scrawny. He’s killing everyone in a courtroom, and he’ll be the sole survivor, that makes me think poisonous gas, makes me think a coward, scrawny and sniveling. I’ve an idea, but no proof. Either that or a number of mercs who he’ll kill after he’s used them.”
  709. >She spits in disgust at her described usurper.
  710. >?
  712. >You don’t like this, and you’re not afraid of stating as much
  713. “Alana, I’m gonna be honest with you here. If my friend here were in better condition I’d say fuck you, and leave you to your fate. Mostly because I kinda thought you were some retarded bandit with a sense of honor. You were like a few moments away from lots of sharp icy pricks in your spine.”
  714. >”That’s fair, but i’m thinking you see neither of us is coming out of this in a way we like. Unless we work together.”
  715. “Only since my friend needs help.”
  716. >You rise and so does she.
  717. >”You know what they say, need drives people together.”
  718. >You shake your hands, and she puts her club away.
  719. >”Go ahead and do your thing, wake your friend, let her know what’s up, we have some time.”
  720. >?
  722. >You do as much, waking Sarah, explaining to her what the deal is, making food, eating, and then meditating.
  723. >Alana comments on being surprised you meditate, she thought it was just an elf thing.
  724. >You don’t comment, having gone into your trance by then.
  725. >Sarah and Alana speak as you’re focused, and when you awaken you note that Alana is sporting a bruise across her cheek that she wasn’t before you went under.
  726. >You look to Sarah for an explanation, and find that she too is sporting a new injury, in her case a black eye.
  727. “Do I wanna know what i missed?”
  728. >Alana states that it needed to look real, so they traded a blow or two.
  729. >You try not to laugh, and soon are following Alana into the woods, beyond paths and familiar road.
  730. >True to word, about half a day later you arrive at a hidden away village of sorts, and as you approach, Alana draws her club, and holds it to Sarah’s head.
  731. >She instructs you to walk ahead of her with your hands on your head, and you do so, a small pack of guard-looking men surround you, and soon you’re tossed in a cell, where Alana takes her leave of you with a sly wink.
  732. >Things progress quickly after this, You are summoned, and escorted to court, and inside a trial is held.
  733. >Before much of anything is said, the Matriarch makes her appearance, and you can see the resemblance.
  734. >Her hair is longer and her chest is more impressive, but she shares the same long thin look of her daughter.
  735. >She remains silent, not interrupting the trial, and you go about magically unlocking the room.
  736. >…
  738. >You urge the bolt to rise, or otherwise undo itself, and you almost get it, but not quite.
  739. >The trial proceeds and you try again, noting that a ratty looking elf[?] is making his way toward the Matriarch.
  740. >…
  742. >Trying not to panic, you try again, and manage to unlatch the lock permanently, by straight up pulling it off it’s rail.
  743. >Nobody notices, thankfully, and you keep an eye on the matriarch and her visitor.
  744. >He make s a grand gesture, and you hear a hissing sound begin.
  745. >You also notice that a number of larger, more combat-ready looking elves[?] stand up at the sound.
  746. >Do you start with ze fireworks?
  747. >?
  749. >Remaining as subtle as you can for the moment, you set about playing with an element you haven’t before.
  750. >Focusing on the thought and sensation of wind blowing, you summon forth a fair gust, and commit it into place.
  751. >The usurper, confirms himself by motioning to his lackeys, all of whom draw weapons.
  752. >It’s at this point, that the doors are kicked open, and in charges Alana, and a half dozen guards.
  753. >People begin to shout at this point and run out past the guards.
  754. >The usurper is distracted and doesn’t notice as the matriarch draws a sword.
  755. >He does notice when she jams it through the back of his throat.
  756. >You shout out that there is a gas of some sort in use, and Alana nods her head in confirmation.
  757. >She shouts to her mother to follow you, and instructs you to lead her out and to her home, which is not far.
  758. >The matriarch undoes your bindings, before bodily hefting you with one arm and slinging you over her shoulder, and charging at breakneck speed through the line of combat that has formed at the hall’s entrance.
  759. >She sends two mercs tumbling to the ground and doesn’t even seem to notice.
  760. >She puts you down when you are outside, and she leads you down a street and into an alleyway.
  761. >Surprising no one, a trio of mercs show up, and the Matriarch leaps into two of them, growling like a beast.
  762. >The third she leaves to you.
  763. >?
  765. >You don’t hesitate, and summon forth a dozen icy pins.
  766. >Taking a moment longer to be sure of your aim, you release them all, and manage to sink half into his arm.
  767. >It would have been his face had he not raised a small buckler.
  768. >The wound is more than superficial however, and you watch as his arm drops, bloody and pierced, to his side.
  769. >He brings his sword to bear however, leaping with a surprising amount of grace as he closes the distance between you in a single bound.
  770. >His blade flashes with a brilliant gleam and you throw yourself back, in time to avoid losing your head.
  771. >You do not completely evade the blow however.
  772. >You feel the hair-thin wound across your neck, and know that had you been any slower, or hesitated at all, you would be dead right now.
  773. >The merc does not recover very well from his attack, leaving himself open for long enough that you can finish him.
  774. >How do you?
  775. >?
  777. >Ice, Ice and more Ice.
  778. >You don’t even need to concentrate very hard to summon forth your icy shards this time.
  779. >And as you follow them burying themselves straight through his sword arm, you count that there are now at least two dozen of them.
  780. >He drops the blade, and you don’t envy him his current sensations.
  781. >His arm is only describable as a pincushion, and he drops t his knees, yielding the battle as yours.
  782. >The Matriarch, for her part has subdued her attackers as well you find.
  783. >When you approach you are in time to see her snap the second merc’s neck with her thighs.
  784. >It’s a confusing sight at first, but the sound and sudden sharp stillness that spreads through him leave you all the more clear as to what you see.
  785. >She rises, not bothering to wipe the blood from her blade.
  786. >”You fight well young Mancer. Come, we are nearly there.”
  787. >She takes off at a sprint, and you follow behind, acutely aware of the warm blood dripping into your collar.
  788. >You are jumped once more, but instead of standing and fighting, she straight up bowls through them, and into a stout, ivory structure.
  789. >Do you follow her inside, or do you attempt to fight the two still floored mercs on your own?
  790. >?
  792. >You’re no idiot, you very nearly lost your head in the last fight, and she’s the physical fighter of the two of you.
  793. >So instead of getting in a cheap hit or two, you follow the Matriarch’s lead and enter the ivory structure.
  794. >It shuts tight behind you and the wide room is lit by blue fire of a clearly magical nature.
  795. >Sitting cross legged at the center of the room is The Matriarch.
  796. >Her bloody blade lies beside her, resting atop a clean cloth.
  797. >She remains still and silent for a time, before beginning to hum.
  798. >She doesn’t open her eyes, or even seem to be conscious any more, and yet she raises her blade and begins cleaning it with ginger care.
  799. >Her voice is surprisingly soft and captivatingly lovely, and after some time you join her in the meditation.
  800. >When you wake from your state, the bunker has been opened, and sat before you is Alana, meditating much as you and her mother have been.
  801. >She wakes as you do, sharp in an instant, a small smile across her face.
  802. >You note that she has blood spattered on her armor, as well as evidence of her own injury.
  803. >”Good morning.”
  804. >She says, and the mirroring of your original meeting does not escape you.
  805. >?
  807. >You stand, not commenting on her wounds or state of presentability.
  808. “Alright, so usurper dead. Everything good? We finished?”
  809. >She smiles wider and nods.
  810. >”Indeed my capable ally. Although a few of my men were injured, the only casualties were of the usurper’s mercenary forces. Better still the fighting largely remained isolated away from innocents, and there was little permanent damage to any structures. All in all, as good a result as one could hope for.”
  811. >She reaches into her armor, and draws out a pair of crystals.
  812. >You can immediately smell the magic they radiate, and you know that they are potent foci.
  813. >”I did promise you a reward, if i recall. These are two focusing stones that my people helped in crafting. Our proximity to the magus college has had us aid them in some things, and vice versa. I figured simple payment might not be enough to properly express my gratitude, and I don’t imagine my mother will object to your taking one of them on your journey with you. The first-“
  814. >She holds up the smaller, darker, crystal, and you note how perfect a sphere it is.
  815. >”-is a raw focus. Non-elemental, it will help your spells burn brighter, arc farther, or otherwise strengthen them. You need only hold it on your person. The second -“
  816. >She holds out a stone that looks like it would fit neatly into a clenched fist, it glows softly an angry red.
  817. >”is a grip focus. You must hold it in your hand to benefit from it, and it is attuned specifically to fire, so it will be limited in it’s benefits. It can however be shaped into the core of a weapon, and as long as you hold the weapon, it will remain active as though you held it itself.”
  818. >What will you take?
  819. >?
  821. >You reach out for the Raw focus, and she places it into your palm, speaking a few words in her tongue.
  822. >The stone feels warm in your hand, and you ponder on how you will mount it.
  823. >You thank Alana, and she merely continues to smile.
  824. “How is Sarah?”
  825. >You ask, concerned for your friend’s wellbeing.
  826. >Alana only motions for you to follow behind her, and you excuse yourself from the Matriarch, who is still meditating, before you do.
  827. >You’re led to the prison where you were first held, and then led to where the elves have been tending to Sarah.
  828. >When you see her you can’t help but smile warmly.
  829. >It has at most been a day since arriving here, and even so you can see a great positive difference in her condition.
  830. >Where before she was pallid and meek looking, she now looks closer to hale and hearty, and where your bandages were simple and inelegant, the elves have replaced them with a dean cloth cover that you would imagine based on it’s appearance to be far more comfortable.
  831. >She smiles when she sees you, but doesn’t say anything, waiting for you to speak up first.
  832. >?
  834. “Feeling better?”
  835. >She chuckles, and nods before replying in a voice that is audibly stronger then when you heard it last.
  836. >”Oh yeah. They’ve got this like… soup, and after i had some I was out like a light. When I woke up I was good as new, or almost at least. It tasted like… i dunno like sitting by a fire on a cold night.”
  837. “I’d bet you’re eager to be out of bed then, eh?”
  838. >She leans forward, resting her chin on her hands.
  839. >”Well, y’know I could get see to such comfortable living.”
  840. “You’d get bored pretty quick, methinks.”
  841. >”You know me too well, Anonymous. Still, I don’t believe I have the final say in whether or not we can leave just yet. I’m feeling fine, but it’ll still be an ordeal to hold my sword, there was a a guy somewhere around her in spectacles and he seemed like the one in charge, so find him, ask him and let me know, would you?”
  842. >You look to Alana for any ideas on who Sarah refers to, and the elf[?] simply nods, before leading you out of the room, down a small hallway, and into another room, this one more akin to a simple bedroom than a medical examination room.
  843. >Lying face up and open eyed is another elf[?], bespectacled with long frizzled hair and bags under his eyes.
  844. >He looks the part of a doctor, or healer, but you let Alana do the talking.
  845. >”Good morning father. I come to you -“
  846. >He doesn’t allow her to finish, spotting her wound, as well as the spattered blood all over her armor.
  847. >”Alan, you return to your worried father in such a state and open dialogue with a good morning? I should think an embrace followed by several stitches are in order. Who’s this young human you’ve brought with you? Prospective Husband?”
  848. >Alana blushes and slaps her father across the shoulder before laughing and stating that he[you] is the human who helped save the Matriarch [His wife] from that whole coup thing yesterday.
  849. >”Oh my, well then I should think I owe you my great thanks.”
  850. >He drops to one knee in a polite half-bow, speaking those same words Alana did when she gave you the focus stone, in their tongue.
  851. >You note that Alana’s blush returns very slightly he says them.
  852. >You thank him for whatever he said, and ask about your friend, if she’s good to go or if you’ll be sticking around for another day or so.
  853. >”Well, judging by my daughter’s accounts of your combat prowess, magical in nature that they are, I would guess you’re headed to the college, no? In that case, you could head off with my dear daughter here as an escort the remainder of the trip, a day’s walk at most, and when your friend is ready to join you we will send her along in much the same manner. These roads are safer than most so densely forested, as they are patrolled by both the Magus Guard, and our own ranger patrols. Still, if you’d like to stay and wait for her to recover my guess would be two days, three if she goes running around, re-opening her stitches.”
  854. >What do you think?
  855. >?
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