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- 7:29:19 PM→ ProcyonDM has joined
- 7:29:42 PM→ Jakren has joined
- 7:29:53 PMProcyonDMalright welcome
- 7:30:00 PMProcyonDMso link your last post pls
- 7:30:46 PMJakrenJakren cocks their head in confusion as they stare at the disc; furred ears twitching as they think. Better not put it into the main computer and accidentally wreak it. They re-secure their home before putting the disc in their folding-computing-device and seeing what it does.
- 7:31:00 PMJakrenhile waiting for the... whatever it is to do whatever its designed to do; Jakren checks the memo from earlier
- 7:34:29 PMProcyonDMso continue from right after you check the memo
- 7:34:30 PMProcyonDMwhat do you do?
- 7:37:03 PMJakrenWell . they jsut discussed the game a bit wit hthe others. They're still just waiting for some thing to happen as a result of the dic
- 7:38:44 PMProcyonDM((did you already put in the disk?))
- 7:39:10 PMJakren(yea
- 7:39:39 PMProcyonDM((ok))
- 7:41:20 PMProcyonDMA totally black screen appears. For a second nothing happens, then a white spirograph, spinning, fades in.
- 7:43:00 PMProcyonDMIt spins for a while, then the screen goes black again.
- 7:43:57 PMJakrenJakren frowns; reaching over to try and tab out or force the computer to shut down, but they stop themselves when they see the...spinning thing...Its... working then?
- 7:44:27 PMProcyonDMTwo text boxes fade in after you wait for a bit.
- 7:45:22 PMProcyonDMAbove the first are words "Enter Client Player"
- 7:45:32 PMProcyonDMAbove the second are "Enter Server Player"
- 7:46:29 PMJakren"Uhhh...." They take a moment to look over the memo again. These games really need more help screens or tutorials. not even an option menu either
- 7:48:07 PMProcyonDMNope. All it says is Enter client Player and Enter Server Player
- 7:52:05 PMJakrenWith only one box that they can actually access, and the knowledge that Cealia wants her handle in the remaining one; Jakren gets to putting alienatedConscience as the.... client? thing.
- 7:52:54 PMJakren(or.. was it the other way around...
- 7:52:58 PMJakren(god damn it
- 7:55:55 PMJakren(Caelia as the server >.<
- 7:56:28 PMProcyonDM((wait i forgot something, sorry ive been afk))
- 7:56:49 PMJakren(its fine. I messed up anyway
- 7:57:23 PMProcyonDMThe client box, as you're just about to type something in, fills with "aimlessCainine"
- 7:57:34 PMProcyonDMRoland's chumhandle, interesting.
- 7:57:45 PMProcyonDMit greys out, leaving you unable to click it.
- 7:58:50 PMJakrenThats.... Roland. Huh...
- 7:59:22 PMJakren...Jakren will need to talk to him about signing them up for things without their permission >~<
- 8:01:46 PMProcyonDMYou think that despite you not typing anythnig. Still You should talk to him.
- 8:04:01 PMJakren(they tried putting in Caelia's name?....
- 8:04:54 PMJakrenx3
- 8:04:56 PMProcyonDM((oh i meant like you were right about to type in caelia))
- 8:06:24 PMJakren(oh. sorry. err. I meant to hae them put it in the server spot in the first place
- 8:07:00 PMProcyonDM((ok.))
- 8:07:49 PMProcyonDM((so what has happened))
- 8:07:55 PMProcyonDM((scrub opens))
- 8:08:04 PMProcyonDM((you put in caelia's in the client box))
- 8:08:28 PMJakren(server
- 8:08:33 PMProcyonDM((roland appears))
- 8:09:41 PMJakren(Im confused now
- 8:10:02 PMProcyonDM((roland's name imput sorry))
- 8:10:51 PMJakren(I mean.
- 8:11:27 PMJakren(They're entering her name to be their server? Thats what they need to do
- 8:11:31 PMJakren(right?
- 8:12:13 PMProcyonDM((yeah))
- 8:12:19 PMProcyonDM((so now both names are filled?))
- 8:12:25 PMProcyonDM((this has not been running smoothly))
- 8:12:28 PMJakren(Yes?
- 8:12:34 PMProcyonDM((ok cool))
- 8:13:29 PMProcyonDMBoth text boxes grey out as Roland's handle appears.
- 8:13:54 PMProcyonDMTwo buttons now appear.
- 8:13:57 PMProcyonDM"SERVER"
- 8:14:00 PMProcyonDM"CLIENT:
- 8:14:02 PMProcyonDM"*
- 8:15:27 PMJakrenWell... Err... What now.... Jakren clicks the server button
- 8:15:55 PMProcyonDMA chat log appears, but is loading.
- 8:16:12 PMProcyonDM====PAUSE====
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