Guest User Knigge

a guest
Dec 3rd, 2012
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  1. Acceptable reasons to suggest a pricechange at
  2. a) Buyouts are lower then the Current Price -> lower the Price
  3. b) Offers are higher then Current Price -> higher Price
  4. c) Item gets succsesfull sold/bought for more then Current Price -> Higher Price
  5. d) Item gets succsesfull sold/bought for less then CUrrent Price -> Lower Price
  7. Depending what Item you are suggesting a new price for, you should provide a given amount of proof!
  8. For usual Item which get traded very often ((Strange)Weapons, Hats etc) you will need some Trades which meet the above mentioned criterias.
  9. For rare Items like the old Uncraftables, some Vintages and of course Unusuals you do not need to search dozens of Trades, but in this cause your Trades have to be good proof!
  11. Not acceptable reasons to suggest a pricechange at
  12. a) Opinion. We don't really care how much you think its worth. We just track for which amount of Currency this item is sold in <<average>>
  13. b) Rarity. Just beeing rare does not make your Item more Valueable. As mentioned above, this reason is just ok when people are actually succsesfully selling for that Amount of whatever or atleast getting offers that high.
  14. c) "Omg i own the only one, so i can set the price" - no, you can not set the Price. You can decide to don't sell below XYZ, but then propably People won't buy your Item. And we are just changing the Price if people offer you that much or sell it for that much.
  17. Feel free to copy and paste.
  18. No Copyright or such ;D
  19. Made by Pechpilz :P
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