
Tiramisu deck

Nov 27th, 2016
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  1. You are _____!, You received a message: _____, You find yourself in a dimly lit banquet! You sense the presence of a masked guest. The guest appears to be a _____., After investigations﹐ you suspect that _____ is sided with the mafia., Through your detective work﹐ you learned that _____ is a stalker!, You had a dream... you learned you can trust _____..., _____ feels immensely frustrated!, You have been blindfolded and sent to jail!, A loud voice was heard during the night: "Curses! _____ woke me from my slumber!", You find yourself at a vibrant party!, You read _____'s mind... they are thinking evil thoughts., At the confessional tonight﹐ a _____ had visited you to confess their sins., You spent a silent and lonely night at church. No one came to visit you., After going out on your sleigh﹐ you find that _____ is naughty!, The secretary has died! Voting is cancelled for the following day., After some snooping﹐ you find out _____ is carrying 2 suits﹐ 1 vest﹐ 1 gun., You found a gun in your victim's workshop..., Someone cries out: _____, You followed _____ throughout the night. _____ visited no one., You discover that _____ is the Trapper!, You became a tree!, The virgin has been sacrificed!, You watched _____ throughout the night. No one has visited _____., Somebody threw a match into the crowd! _____ suddenly lights on fire and burns to a crisp!, _____ has stolen your identity!, You read the will of _____﹐ it reads: y did u kill me mafia :(, You discover that _____ is the Interceptor!, While cleaning up the mess﹐ you learned that _____ was a Traitor., You feel sick﹐ as though you had been poisoned!, Through stalking﹐ you learned that _____ is a Granny!, _____ rushes at nobody and reveals a bomb! You stole a doll!, _____ suddenly feels a chill and falls to the ground! , There was a huge explosion!, You feel an overwhelming﹐ unconditional love for _____. You feel you must protect _____ with your life., There might be an autocrat among you..., You glance at your watch. The time is now 3 o’clock., Your watch whispers to you. You have one extra life., You were witness to an unimaginable evil... you cannot forget... your mind descends into eternal hell., You have 3 charges remaining., _____ is depleted of charges. _____ breaks down!, You feel cupid's arrow strike your heart. You fall madly in love with _____!, The gambler has trapped _____ in a deadly game of rock / paper /scissors!, A tied game of paper... _____ escapes the gambler's den!, During the night﹐ you fall in love with _____ after a romantic conversation!, You feel very irritated by _____., There might be a mastermind among you..., You cast a Christmas spell on _____ and _____... they are now in love!, You feel particularly aligned with the mafia, You are sided with the red mafia!, You devoured a human and feel very powerful... as though you are immortal for the day!, You hear a gunshot!, _____ reveals a gun! The gun backfires!, You received a doll!, A bullet hits your vest! You cannot survive another hit!, You could not open up the lock to your house! You notice that the key is rusted and broken!, Suddenly﹐ out of nowhere﹐ a snowball hits _____! _____ is dazed!, Someone rushes at _____ with a knife! _____ keels over from a stab wound!, As read from the last will of _____: this is totally not forged, No one wins!, This game was unranked, The game was too short to count towards an unranked game., _____ commits suicide!, _____ has turned into a vegetable!, A giant meteor will crash down and cause everyone to lose if you do not take action!, _____ has been kicked and banned from the room!
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