
Zach messages Faerzen

Aug 11th, 2015
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  1. [16:35] <jocoseZirconium> Hello Faerzen!
  2. [16:35] <jocoseZirconium> My name is Zach, son of Jack. I just acquired your contact information from and angry kind-of friend and was looking to reach out o other people.
  3. [16:35] <jocoseZirconium> I live on a world full of jungles and my two pets Lizzy and Rochard, who are a dragon
  4. [16:35] <jocoseZirconium> And a raccoon respectively
  5. [16:36] <@visceralVanguard> Hello?
  6. [16:36] <@visceralVanguard> I suppose I am glad to meet you!
  7. [16:37] <jocoseZirconium> Good to meet you too!
  8. [16:37] <@visceralVanguard> May I ask how your "kind-of-friend" obtained my contact information? I seem to be quite the popular person for unknown personages to contact!
  9. [16:37] <jocoseZirconium> I am not sure
  10. [16:37] <jocoseZirconium> She and I are
  11. [16:37] <jocoseZirconium> Kind of frosty in our relationship
  12. [16:37] <jocoseZirconium> Her name is Kara Denlar.
  13. [16:38] <@visceralVanguard> What is her EsperchumHandle?
  14. [16:39] <jocoseZirconium> menacingCamper I think.
  15. [16:39] <jocoseZirconium> I just left her house after a mind of tenuous meeting.
  16. [16:40] <jocoseZirconium> Kind*
  17. [16:40] <@visceralVanguard> Hmmmmmm, I'm not sure that rings a bell.
  18. [16:40] <@visceralVanguard> I'm really quite curious how she obtained my contact information then! It is almost like somewhere there is a beacon of light shining out my EsperChum handle for all those who are curious or who seek to learn something.
  19. [16:41] <jocoseZirconium> Well I'm definitely up for learning.
  20. [16:41] <jocoseZirconium> Before getting dropped into my odd forest place I was quite the scholar.
  21. [16:41] <@visceralVanguard> Oh, I suppose that is a pertinent question to ask. Where and when are you from?
  22. [16:42] <@visceralVanguard> I apologize if "when" seems like an odd question to ask, but I promise it is relevant.
  23. [16:43] <jocoseZirconium> Hmm. I am from the year 1468
  24. [16:43] <jocoseZirconium> And I hail from a no longer functioning country in Northern Europe.
  25. [16:43] <jocoseZirconium> My father was a noble before he died.
  26. [16:44] <@visceralVanguard> A "no longer functioning country"?
  27. [16:44] <jocoseZirconium> A year or so after I left I heard it was overthrown. The king was inept, it was inevitable.
  28. [16:47] <jocoseZirconium> What of you?
  29. [16:47] <@visceralVanguard> Hm. History can be interesting sometimes, please excuse my curiosities. :)
  30. [16:48] <jocoseZirconium> Not a problem, I love history.
  31. [16:48] <@visceralVanguard> Well, I am from six to seven centuries in your future then it would seem!
  32. [16:49] <jocoseZirconium> Dang.
  33. [16:49] <@visceralVanguard> I used to live in Scandinavia, the area across the Baltic sea from Northern Europe
  34. [16:50] == Nos_The_Person [Nos_The_Pe@] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  35. [16:50] <@visceralVanguard> Another seemingly random inquiry: are you currently in the middle of engaging in some sort of large activity that could be generally described as a "game"?
  36. [16:50] <jocoseZirconium> Game? Possiblyz
  37. [16:50] <@visceralVanguard> You mentioned being dropped into a forest area. What do you mean by that?
  38. [16:51] <jocoseZirconium> Well I was doing some research on a nomadic tribe that apparently visited some heritage sites every once in a while.
  39. [16:51] <jocoseZirconium> I went along.
  40. [16:52] <jocoseZirconium> While at the temple, all the nomads disappeared, I was left with a laptop and a glowing coin, placed in a crater and surrounded by jungle.
  41. [16:52] <jocoseZirconium> Then lizards sent me through a gauntlet and I tamed a dragon
  42. [16:52] <jocoseZirconium> So in retrospect, I'm inclined to agree.
  43. [16:54] <@visceralVanguard> Agree that you are currently engaged in a game?
  44. [16:54] <jocoseZirconium> Yes.
  45. [16:54] <jocoseZirconium> That would explain the talking lizards, dragon and magic orb.
  46. [16:54] <@visceralVanguard> Did your experiences prior to arriving in your forest area involve meteors falling from the sky?
  47. [16:55] <jocoseZirconium> Maybe? I was in the basement of the temple when I believe it happened.
  48. [16:55] <jocoseZirconium> Well not basement, inner chamber.
  49. [16:55] <@visceralVanguard> But you were in this temple and then after all of these proceedings, you ended up in a completely different location?
  50. [16:55] <jocoseZirconium> Yes.
  51. [16:55] <jocoseZirconium> A crater surrounded by jungle.
  52. [16:56] <@visceralVanguard> Does the name "SABATH" hold any meaning to you?
  53. [16:56] <jocoseZirconium> No.
  54. [16:56] <jocoseZirconium> Not that I can think of.
  55. [16:57] <@visceralVanguard> What significance does the laptop that you are in possession of have? That seems an odd piece of equipment to have in your time. Have you used it for anything?
  56. [16:58] <jocoseZirconium> Yes actually. It was quite strange. I'd never seen it before.
  57. [16:58] <jocoseZirconium> It has some kind of tracking square on it you use to move a cursor.
  58. [16:59] <jocoseZirconium> I modified the house of the girl I just left accidentally using it.
  59. [16:59] <jocoseZirconium> I then jammed it into the glowing orb
  60. [16:59] <@visceralVanguard> Do you have a strange sort of device that lets you create items?
  61. [16:59] <jocoseZirconium> I do! I made an exploding sword, it's great.
  62. [17:00] <@visceralVanguard> Well then, it sounds quite like we are both engaged in the same game!
  63. [17:00] <@visceralVanguard> It is quite a relief to hear this fact, honestly.
  64. [17:00] <jocoseZirconium> That's a relief I think.
  65. [17:00] <jocoseZirconium> I agree.
  66. [17:01] <jocoseZirconium> In that case, I assume you were transferred here from your home.
  67. [17:01] <@visceralVanguard> I do not know if you were aware or not, and if not I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems most of the world was obliterated by meteors from the sky after we all were transported to our respective worlds.
  68. [17:01] <jocoseZirconium> But involving meteors.
  69. [17:01] <jocoseZirconium> Oh.
  70. [17:01] <jocoseZirconium> My mother is likely
  71. [17:01] <jocoseZirconium> Dead then
  72. [17:01] <@visceralVanguard> I am sorry. :(
  73. [17:01] <jocoseZirconium> She became a nun after my father died.
  74. [17:01] <jocoseZirconium> Thank you for your condolences, but we weren't close.
  75. [17:01] <@visceralVanguard> I cannot be sure, but I know a couple of other people from your time period who are playing this game and they can corroborate my hypothesis.
  76. [17:02] <jocoseZirconium> Other from my time period?
  77. [17:02] <jocoseZirconium> Who?
  78. [17:03] <jocoseZirconium> Others*
  79. [17:03] <@visceralVanguard> His name is Nickolai Varnegs.
  80. [17:03] <jocoseZirconium> Interesting.
  81. [17:03] <@visceralVanguard> Another is Juan Craster.
  82. [17:03] <jocoseZirconium> I'll talk to them next
  83. [17:03] <@visceralVanguard> Nickolai was from Europe as well, and Juan lived in Japan.
  84. [17:03] <@visceralVanguard> You have their contact information as well?
  85. [17:04] <jocoseZirconium> Yes. They were in Kara's contact list.
  86. [17:04] <jocoseZirconium> But I'd like to know about your experiences as well.
  87. [17:04] <jocoseZirconium> Did you have to revive a strange animal thing to enter?
  88. [17:04] <jocoseZirconium> And retrieve a totem?
  89. [17:05] <@visceralVanguard> No, I dare say my experiences in being transported here were quite different from yours.
  90. [17:05] <jocoseZirconium> How so?
  91. [17:05] <@visceralVanguard> Meteors were falling all around causing quite a ruckus, and that put quite a time limit on everything.
  92. [17:06] <@visceralVanguard> There was a timer continuously counting down to the time until my house would be obliterated by a large meteor.
  93. [17:06] <@visceralVanguard> I had to carve a totem to create a sort of birdbath or scrying pool which then let me be transported to my current location.
  94. [17:07] <@visceralVanguard> There was also quite an unpleasant fiasco with my mother than was also apparently directly caused by the game, but due to its violence I would prefer to not discuss that matter further.
  95. [17:07] <jocoseZirconium> Hmm. Was your totem strangely colored?
  96. [17:07] <jocoseZirconium> Green perhaps? Solid green?
  97. [17:07] <@visceralVanguard> The cylinder that was carved and then the proceeding created item?
  98. [17:08] <jocoseZirconium> Yes.
  99. [17:08] <@visceralVanguard> Mine was a sort of pinkish salmon color
  100. [17:08] <jocoseZirconium> Interesting.
  101. [17:08] <jocoseZirconium> Have you asked the others about their entries to this game?
  102. [17:09] <@visceralVanguard> The others that are on my team? Yes, I have.
  103. [17:10] <@visceralVanguard> They all seem more or less similar to mine, but with different items created and different actions and trials required to cause the transportation to these worlds.
  104. [17:10] <jocoseZirconium> What did they use their cylinders for?
  105. [17:10] <jocoseZirconium> Oops, still not used to chat yet.
  106. [17:10] <@visceralVanguard> One of them created a punching practice figurine, another created a candle, another created a painting, another a blank cube. There seems to be quite a wide range.
  107. [17:11] <jocoseZirconium> Indeed.
  108. [17:11] <jocoseZirconium> And they were picked from random places thought earth and time?
  109. [17:11] <@visceralVanguard> There seems to be 4 general time periods, but all over the world, yes.
  110. [17:12] <@visceralVanguard> I have yet to find any sort of pattern or correlation linking the people on my team.
  111. [17:12] <jocoseZirconium> I'll keep an eye out as well.
  112. [17:12] <jocoseZirconium> What have you done yet in the game?
  113. [17:12] <@visceralVanguard> Well.
  114. [17:13] <@visceralVanguard> I am afraid that question probably has QUITE a longer answer than you were likely hoping for.
  115. [17:13] <@visceralVanguard> Sometimes I wonder to myself how so much can be happening!
  116. [17:13] <@visceralVanguard> It really is quite stressful sometimes.
  117. [17:13] <jocoseZirconium> I'm willing to listen if you are willing to tell the story.
  118. [17:13] <@visceralVanguard> I would love to regale to you a grand tale of our adventures thus far if you so wish, but I don't have time for that at the moment.
  119. [17:14] <jocoseZirconium> Too bad.
  120. [17:14] <jocoseZirconium> If you don't mind me asking, what's happening?
  121. [17:14] <@visceralVanguard> I am currently caught up in an enormous legal fiasco with a powerful dark entity threatening to consume the soul of one of our players.
  122. [17:14] <@visceralVanguard> It is really quite unpleasant.
  123. [17:14] <jocoseZirconium> Legal fiasco?
  124. [17:15] <jocoseZirconium> I'd offer to help but my knowledge of eldrich laws are somewhat rusty.
  125. [17:15] <@visceralVanguard> There is a powerful dark entity that supposedly engaged in a contract with an alternate timeline version of one of my teammates who is now dead. That entity now seeks to bind our version of that player to the same contract.
  126. [17:16] <@visceralVanguard> I was somehow appointed her lawyer in this court of "universal law" (whatever that means) and need to construct cases for her pleas, as well as her case for insanity.
  127. [17:16] <jocoseZirconium> Alternate timeline?
  128. [17:16] <@visceralVanguard> Oh dear me.
  129. [17:16] <jocoseZirconium> And why argue insanity?
  130. [17:17] <@visceralVanguard> If a contract was made with a legally acknowledged insane party, that contract is to be considered "merely voidable", which means that the status quo before the enstatement of the contract should be restored as quickly as possible and then the contract is nullified.
  131. [17:18] <@visceralVanguard> Insane parties not capable of acting on their own behalf and well-being cannot be legally bound by contracts which they have signed.
  132. [17:18] <jocoseZirconium> And it would be impossible to win the case otherwise?
  133. [17:18] <jocoseZirconium> Any technicalities?
  134. [17:18] <@visceralVanguard> Not impossible, but much more difficult.
  135. [17:19] <jocoseZirconium> True. Who is the accused?
  136. [17:19] <@visceralVanguard> Delving into that structural argument would require developing arguments in psychology, philosophy, temporal mechanics, and legal identity, which I would much prefer to avoid.
  137. [17:19] <jocoseZirconium> Alright.
  138. [17:20] <@visceralVanguard> I would prefer to not to say.
  139. [17:20] <@visceralVanguard> Given how sensitive the case is, especially in the next several hours, I would like to let as little information about the specifics spread as possible.
  140. [17:20] <jocoseZirconium> And fair enough. I'd like to wish you the best of luck.
  141. [17:21] <@visceralVanguard> I fear what will happen to everyone in our team should I fail, and I hope it does not come down to luck, but your wishes are appreciated nonetheless.
  142. [17:21] <jocoseZirconium> If you need any assistance, be it intellectual or physical, I'm not really doing anything at the moment.
  143. [17:21] <@visceralVanguard> I hope we succeed as well.
  144. [17:21] <@visceralVanguard> Thank you for your offer.
  145. [17:22] <jocoseZirconium> One last thing, what do you know of Nickolai? I plan on messaging him next.
  146. [17:22] <jocoseZirconium> As a fellow European.
  147. [17:23] <@visceralVanguard> Well, he is the player I am connected to and I can see him on my glasses at the moment.
  148. [17:23] <@visceralVanguard> He currently seems to be at his home, preparing for something. As for what, I cannot tell.
  149. [17:23] <jocoseZirconium> Oh? I suppose my player is Kara then. Is now an appropriate time to call then?
  150. [17:24] <@visceralVanguard> He may be slightly apprehensive at first when you contact him, but if you let him know that I gave you his name, he will likely be much more amenable to talking with you.
  151. [17:24] <jocoseZirconium> Thank you for your blessing.
  152. [17:25] <jocoseZirconium> I apologize for randomly butting in with apparently ill gotten contact info.
  153. [17:25] <@visceralVanguard> I do not know, I have been to preoccupied to watch him too closely. I have too many other people to keep tabs on at the moment. I would contact him and just see what happens! He really is quite a nice person. :)
  154. [17:25] <@visceralVanguard> I am still very curious how Kara was able to obtain that information
  155. [17:25] <@visceralVanguard> How many people are on the list?
  156. [17:25] <jocoseZirconium> Hmm.
  157. [17:27] <jocoseZirconium> 17 maybe?
  158. [17:27] <jocoseZirconium> Just a quick count, might be wrong.
  159. [17:27] <jocoseZirconium> 16 I think.
  160. [17:28] <@visceralVanguard> Oh that is quite a lot! Would you mind forwarding me the list? I would be quite interested to corroborate it with some existing information I already have.
  161. [17:28] <jocoseZirconium> Sure!
  162. [17:28] * jocoseZirconium has sent you contacts.txt
  163. [17:28] <@visceralVanguard> I appreciate it
  164. [17:28] <jocoseZirconium> Not a problem.
  165. [17:28] <jocoseZirconium> It was great talking Faerzen.
  166. [17:28] <@visceralVanguard> I am nearing my destination here shortly and I'm afraid I will not have any time to spare to discuss things further, but I have one more question for you, if you will.
  167. [17:29] <jocoseZirconium> Farewell for now then.
  168. [17:29] <jocoseZirconium> Best of luck.
  169. [17:29] <@visceralVanguard> What do you know of your overall goal in this game?
  170. [17:29] <jocoseZirconium> None.
  171. [17:29] <@visceralVanguard> Okay, well I have a great deal of information on the matter that I think would be very pertinent to share with you.
  172. [17:30] <jocoseZirconium> Shoot.
  173. [17:30] <@visceralVanguard> But unfortunately I am too bogged down in several life-and-death matters simultaneously to talk about it at the present.
  174. [17:30] <@visceralVanguard> I will contact you later though!
  175. [17:30] <jocoseZirconium> Got it.
  176. [17:30] <jocoseZirconium> Bye!
  177. [17:30] <@visceralVanguard> Farewell.
  178. [17:30] * jocoseZirconium has stopped messaging VV
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