
Endtown RPG Session #30

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Everett, you return to your cohorts downstairs right?
  2. (About 5 miles and two elevator rides as 'downstairs'.)
  3. Everett Pillory: Well I'm done here for now...
  4. Man how much time did the disarm take?
  5. GM (GM): Three hours.
  6. As far as UN standards go, you just blew through that.
  7. Martin Baron: (( Apparently Martin got in trouble again if he's at the police station. ))
  8. Everett Pillory: Yeah... I probably should take a shower, get some rest.
  9. Wait... why I'm still on the bomb diffusal page
  10. Martin Baron: (( Another knife fight in an alley way while completely wasted ))
  11. Clayton R.: (( And Clayton is hopefully in intensive care. ))
  12. GM (GM): Conviently, it was just about the same time it took for Erenest to get a ET-Citizen card!
  13. Martin Baron: (( Hm, back out and come back in. Might fix it. ))
  14. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh hey, nice!))
  15. Everett Pillory: I probably still am in the topsider clothes with the riot vest over them
  16. We begin!
  17. The heroes return from the travels abroad!
  18. Everett Pillory: (( DEADLY PREMONITION OST? REALLY??))
  19. covered in dust and full of tales of the extraordinary... And wounds to boot!
  20. GM (GM): ((I like DP!
  21. Everett Pillory: (( I'm not gonna be investigating Red Trees again ))
  22. (( I do too! One of the few games I've 100%ed))
  23. GM (GM): ((Noice... Anyway!))
  24. M. Walker returned to her apartment that she doesn't even remember sleeping in since she's gotten it.
  25. GM (GM): You return to your abode
  26. Everett Pillory thinks it's best to round up the gang after all of this and take stuff to Mallard... oh right he still has that Ditto sample! That would be a great bargaining chip with the cooky professor.
  27. Clayton R.: (( Was Clayton delivered to the hospital yet? ))
  28. GM (GM): Juan thinks this place is up there with the Emerald City, that said he has no clue.
  29. Martin Baron has wandered off towards the police station to see if a certain person was captured or not.
  30. GM (GM) Reliqueshes narrative control abit here. You're going where you want to go!
  31. Everett Pillory wants to meet up with people... he lost track of time
  32. Martin Baron: (( Biggest priority, get Clayton and Juan healed up. ))
  33. Martin, you asked abit with the PD and the sad mule says that your assailants are MIA. Given their priors they are probably living unregistered, likely bunking up with someone or in some abandoned nook.
  34. They assure you that no one can hide forever in Endtown.
  35. GM (GM): Big question: Do you send Juan to Mallard or to the Hospital?
  36. Martin Baron mumbles incoherently and thanks the cops. He exits the station to regroup with the others.
  37. Martin Baron: (( Probably Mallard. He might know what to tell the docs to do. ))
  38. Everett Pillory: (( To Mallard...))
  39. (( Actually fuck... I'm gonna go there. ))
  40. Martin Baron: (( Don't think Endtown Hospitals have anything that much better than Deep City's hospitals. ))
  41. GM (GM): ((You dare doubt The Chaser?!))
  42. Chaser?!))
  43. You bring the sickly slicky to the duck.
  44. But first...
  45. Clayton is rushed into the hospital.
  46. Clayton R.: (( May I ask what kind of care I'm getting at the hospital? ))
  47. Standard operation at this point, in the bed, have some morphine, and a nurse bleets into your ear how you're gonna be fine.
  48. Ernest Gillett goes off to take a look around in Endtown, since she had no clue where she should go now. She takes a nearby turn and follow the path down, nearby of where the Clocktower would be.
  49. GM (GM): Ernest, Endtown has a splendor not unlike the world before the bombing. That means it has all the little things like easy food, water, mailboxes, water, people (sane), and working lights.
  50. Everett Pillory: (( BEANS!))
  51. Clayton R. is silent during the whole procedure. He feels naked without his mask as well.
  52. GM (GM): Its like a genie, rub it enough and your wish is granted!
  53. Wait, that didn't sound right...
  54. So I'm assuming your character isn't freaking out without his mask, Clay?
  55. Martin Baron: (( Well he is on morphine ))
  56. Clayton R.: (( Oh he's super on the edge about it with only 2 MP left, but yeah, morphine certainly settles him down. ))
  57. Mallard!
  58. Who wants to visit Mallard.
  59. Everett Pillory: ( Here here )
  60. Martin Baron: (( Me ))
  61. (( Finished with my bidniz ))
  62. GM (GM): ((I should make a token for mallard, you guys go to him often enough.
  63. Mallard: So, what's up this time?
  64. and what did you out on my front door?
  65. Everett Pillory looks up "Amesworth radiation victim, thought you might be interested. Also returning your book..."
  66. Martin Baron: "We brought him to a hospital at Deep City, but they said he's beyond their help. We're hoping you have a clue on how to treat him."
  67. Clayton R.: (( also, we completed a mission by securing the missile too... so cash maybe. ))
  68. Mallard takes all three.
  69. GM (GM): Not a big shock... This guy looks like he's been slowly disintegrating.
  70. Everett Pillory looks at Martin "Oh hey... how's everyone. I had to take of some stuff upstairs." And looks down at himself "Oh... I forgot to pull off my bomb difussial clothes. Speaking of which... we know where the other bombs might be and we eliminated a party that has retrived one of the bombs."
  71. Mallard: You read that thing I sent you right?
  72. Not exactly something you can cure with a scalpel or pill.
  73. Everett Pillory sighs "Yes prof. I've read it. Almost became a victim myself up there."
  74. Martin Baron: "Good to see you didn't die Everett. I don't know, I saw the bug-lady and Walker wander off somewhere, but I don't know where the others went. Hope Clayton got to a hospital."
  75. Mallard shrugs. "Okay. We need to run alot of tests. My working theory is have him regenerate faster than the radiation can destroy his cells. Either way it's some good data."
  76. Everett Pillory smiles and pulls on the front of the suit, proud little shit he is then he remembers... "Oh right, professor. One more thing..."
  77. Martin Baron: (( Very slowly radiation is expelled from the body, right? At least normal radiation. As long as Juan can stay alive, he will slowly be cured of the radiation, right? ))
  78. Everett Pillory pulls out the vial full of ditto matter that Juan such selflessly gotten "How much is this worth to you?"
  79. Mallard: Eh, it's endtown. They're safe anywhere around here if you believe the council. There is a new motion this month on putting rubber on all sharp corners."
  80. What is this?
  81. Everett Pillory grins "Remember that devil jelly we spoke of? The one that creates mirages? That's it. We have a sample. Also some interesting data on its operation... well I take could make an exchange for it." he looks at Martin.
  82. Mallard puts the vial under a magnifying device.
  83. He looks back at you all.
  84. He looks back at the vial.
  85. He looks back at you again.
  86. Mallard: , Are you donking me?
  87. Martin Baron: "What?"
  88. Everett Pillory: What
  89. Mallard: Let me put this up one the BS
  90. this.
  91. Martin Baron: (( We found some nanomachines and put nano-googly eyes on them ))
  92. Everett Pillory: (( HARDEN UPON APPLIED FORCE ))
  93. Ernest Gillett: ((pfft))
  94. Martin Baron: (( YOU CAN'T HURT ME MALLARD ))
  95. Here: is a zoom out.
  96. Mallard: So apparently you just handed me a vial of miticulously crafted muppets that handstand.
  97. Everett Pillory shrugs "Those muppets as you call them can screw with your brain and hu....hhh... Martin do you think that Rat guy could control them with his head?"
  98. Mallard: So I'll as a again... What the hell?!
  99. Martin Baron nods. "Him and that one Topsider. Mallard, this stuff is no joke. We nearly die every time we have encountered this... whatever the $#%* it is!"
  100. Mallard: This is just stupid. Why do you even need eyes when you're microscopic?
  101. Everett Pillory scratches his head "Look professor, there's more than looks than this. Me, Martin, Clay... oh is he okay? Max and Walker all had really bad experience with them. Not sure about our new Mantis friend though but they look decieving. And for the love of all things holy - don't open the vial.
  102. Mallard: I-I just can't. Do any of you have a drink?
  103. Martin Baron shakes his head. "Last time I drank something... You know what happened."
  104. Martin Baron: "But, do you think this is a new Topsider weapon?"
  105. Mallard: And look what happens when you're sober! Alright. Fine. So these, what are they called?
  106. Everett Pillory pulls out a bottle of whiskey that he has found "Well damn.. I do have that."
  107. Mallard beckons for a nip
  108. Martin Baron: (( Oh wait, forgot the gun told us this isn't a new weapon. ))
  109. (( Just some goop the wastes produced ))
  110. GM (GM): (("The gun told us that the black shapeshifting goo wasn't one of their weapons. I do like Endtown for the crushing absurdity moments."
  111. Everett Pillory gives Mallar the bottle "Anyway.. so what this thing does is that it can become "invisible" or change shape. It can create mirages that I think reflect our fears... Because each time we encountered that thing in the while it looked like it was a topsider."
  112. Martin Baron: "We haven't given it a name. Devil jelly, black goo, spiderman symbiote..."
  113. M. Walker is doing what little she can to make her new space home-y.
  114. Mallard: Yeah, probably. If these things are all acting in unicen, which should be impossible, then they can take any shape.
  115. Like those african ants that make catapults by holding together.
  116. Clayton R.: (( update on Clayton or is he under right now? ))
  117. GM (GM): *unison
  118. M. Walker would probably join Mallard and them in drinking if she saw what had been tormenting her actually looked like
  119. GM (GM): ((Clayton is currently being assailed by scapels, stitches, and care by Endtown's finest hands.
  120. Ernest Gillett decides to pass by the Clocktower and turn at her left, going at a straight path.
  121. GM (GM): ((I'll take the hint here.
  122. Everett Pillory nods "That's the assuption. It also has a connection with our psyche too. Each time we got it on us, it had our worst nightmares come true. ))
  123. Splitting attention here... Erenest!
  124. Martin Baron: (( Did it? All I remember it doing was making spooky shapes and noises. ))
  125. (( In the comic, yeah, but nothing in the game I don't think. ))
  126. GM (GM): Clearly your deepest fears are spooky noises.
  127. Martin Baron: (( Obviously. ))
  128. GM (GM): Mantis you find yourself back at the elevator to the surface. There you see a 'flock?' of armed and armored bird mutants.
  129. Boyds: Hey, Chiccida! Wait, no, you're mantis.
  130. Everett Pillory: (( Well I assumed that what Everett saw but each time he was around them he nearly died, so yeah. ))
  131. Martin Baron: (( Crane and a mantis fight. Start the 80s japanese fighting music. ))
  132. (( Right, forgot. ))
  133. the birds continue Just got word from New Persia. The government just fell so a mate of ours called us over to try to clean things up. He wants us and every 'Aerial' we can find to help out.
  134. Birds: You got wings so you in like Flynn, ace?
  135. GM (GM): ((The birds have bizzarre jargon.))
  136. ((I apologize for the mixed narrative, but I want to give everyone abit of attention.))
  137. Okay, we'll move on to Clayton.
  138. Clayton! You arise from Surgery!
  139. Clayton R.: (( that was pretty fast. Is my face all bandaged up? ))
  140. GM (GM): Yes.
  141. Ask for mirror
  142. There is a doctor there as well.
  143. Say what you wanna Ernest.
  144. Martin Baron: (( "I'm afraid... it's been 9 years.))
  145. GM (GM): ((You awake in a hospital bed fill with zombies.))
  146. Martin Baron: (( He has shrapnel in his head and a prosthetic arm now ))
  147. Clayton R. slowly find awakes to find himself in a hospital bed. He doesn't have any recollection of coming here, but he can remember being cut up by Whisperman... and a little after that gets hazy. He can feel gauze wrapped around his head.He waits for a nurse to pass by before he speaks. "How long have I been here, and may I see a mirror please?"
  148. Clayton R. is feeling somewhat comfortable with his face obstructed
  149. GM (GM): Your face is completely bandaged. They explain that you've been here only afew hours.
  150. They saved what they could but your facial features are effectively destroyed.
  151. Also, they had to do a skin graft just to close the wounds.
  152. Everett Pillory: (( DARKMAN BEGINS ))
  153. Ernest Gillett: ((Back after getting something to eat, and aw cripe. I dunno if going back to New Persia is a good idea.))
  154. GM (GM): They also say that you may have nerve damage in your right eye, but they don't if its going to get better or worse.
  155. ((When people with guns ask you to come, it usually isn't a good idea.
  156. Clayton R. winces at the news. This is a lot to take in... all that damage from a single hit. It brought him some comfort knowing the Whisperman was long incinerated by now. "I-Is that all that can be done? Am I going to be in gauze forever? "
  157. Ernest Gillett: ((True))
  158. GM (GM): The doctor explains that its... Going to be a long term option and this isn't the last surgery you're going to need...
  159. Eventually you should get plastic surgery if its available.
  160. They tell you to focus on the now. Like keeping that right eye damaged unless you like nerve damage.
  161. *undamaged, Undamaged!
  162. Don't go wailing on your face trying to fix it!
  163. Clayton R. groans. At least he was alive after such a devastating blow.. but he'll never really be the same again huh... "What's the success rate of all this stuff?"
  164. GM (GM): You are give bandages x5 and antisepticx5. You are to swap bandages everyday.
  165. They have no idea. pre-war it would be 100% with proper care. Now, they have no idea with all the factors.
  166. Clayton R. pipes up, "Can I wear anything on my head a mask, or a helmet at least?"
  167. GM (GM): They say sure, as long as it doesn't interfere with the bandages.
  168. They stress that emphatically.
  169. You are discharged to scare small children in the streets!
  170. Ernest Gillett is caught to her attention when the birds had mention of New Persia. "The government fell, hm?" She thought to herself. She didn't know what to say over this. New Persia used to have been where she lived, but it didn't mean she was entirely satisfied over it. When she was asked over helping them out, she quickly shakes her head. "No thanks. I've.. already went through a lot today," she answered in response.
  171. Clayton R. sits silently in his room for a while before leaving
  172. GM (GM): I've got some story for Walker
  173. M. Walker all the while though, Clayton's fate nags on her mind, and on some level feels she let him down.
  174. Clayton R.: (( Clayton is really feeling like a burned man right now. ))
  175. the Birds shrug. They tell you to look them up in NP if you ever want some glory and to be on top of the food chain.
  176. GM (GM): Walker!
  177. Martin Baron: (( Best character in Fallout ))
  178. GM (GM): You are coming out of your apartment to check your cohorts/ errands when you encounter a large tiger mutant.
  179. Clayton R.: ((I feel at least the coolest in New Vegas... and that's some pretty high praise too. New Vegas had some very well written characters. ))
  180. Tig: You're Walker right?
  181. GM (GM): ((Man, I gotta get to the dlc in that game.
  182. I always play it, break it with mods, and then forget about it.
  183. Clayton R.: (( New Vegas has the best DLC out of any Fallout or Bethesda game I feel. ))
  184. M. Walker looks up at the Tiger, blinking. "Yes...?"
  185. Martin Baron: (( Shame Fo4 wasn't as good as NV ))
  186. Tig: I live opposite of you. I heard you had some military experience. Me and afew guys are going to give some back to the topsiders.
  187. Clayton R.: (( Yeah. an obsidian Fallout 4 would've been great... or at least one without so much resources put to a voiced player character. ))
  188. Tig: Getting to cramp down here, you know? Getting tired of nothing.
  189. DJ-Max: (Aaaaaah. I'm so busy over here I can barely take part in this! Sorry guys I gotta go take care of things.)
  190. Martin Baron: (( The voiced protagonist did absolutely nothing for me, especially when every response is about the same or two seconds long. (( Yes, Questionable Yes, Sarcastic Yes, No (Yes) )) ))
  191. M. Walker cocks an eyebrow "You've caught my ear...Who're these other guys?"
  192. Tig: We are grabbing any weapons we can and we're gonna patrol colony to colony. Try doing some good and putting some in the ground."
  193. Martin Baron: (( Hope it clears up soon DJ, wouldn't want you to skip the session ))
  194. Clayton R.: (( Yep, restricts the game too much. I hope obsidian makes a 5x better game like they did with New Vegas in a couple years. ))
  195. GM (GM): ((Sure thing DJ, it literally happens to everyone.))
  196. Everett Pillory: (( I avoided FO4 because when I heard 'voiced protragonist' I knew it was trouble. Especially with Bethesda VAs ))
  197. Martin Baron: (( Felt the same for Fo4 as I did for Fo3. Neat in the beginning, but after a few hours becomes a chore to trudge through. Fo4's better than Fo3, but not by a whole lot. ))
  198. Tig: it's me, Rad, Jack, Phil, Stunner, C-Bo-Flay, and Wiggins.
  199. We figure if we sign up as scouts we'll get gear, right?
  200. Martin Baron: (( If you get it when it and the DLC are on sale for $15 or something, then you'd probably be happy with the purchase. Otherwise, I agree with skipping it. ))
  201. (( Trying to set up individual party explorations GM? Sounds neat. ))
  202. M. Walker seems to go distant for a moment as she contemplates the offer. Then goes, "Alright, you've got a deal." nodding a single emphatic time
  203. Clayton R.: (( I wanted a new fallout too much not to get it. It's a shame too because I feel they succeeded a lot in the technical aspects of fallout. The robots look great in fallout 4 and they completely modeled them under the armor too; I absolutely love that what they did with power armor too. It looks and performs like you're in a tank. ))
  204. Tig: Wait, really? I mean- Yeah, cool! We are going to head out in three days.
  205. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, it looks great and there's a lot of potential for a really good game. All of it isn't met though, it's like a cheap buffet. A lot of options, but the quality is pretty low. Looks nice though. ))
  206. Tig: runs down the hall, clearly to prep.
  207. DJ-Max: (Yeah. I'mma have to go it seems. Sorry guys. See ya' next week. I'll be there.)
  208. Martin Baron: (( Sorry, sorry, I'll stop yapping about gaems. ))
  209. M. Walker: "Okay, do-....huh." She starts, but cant finish before he vanishes.
  210. GM (GM): ((Have a good one man!))
  211. Martin Baron: (( Damn, that sucks man. See you next week then. ))
  212. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh, bye DJ!))
  213. Now a moment to take stock.
  214. Everett Pillory: (( Later DJ))
  215. (( New Fallout game for me was Wasteland 2 ))
  216. Juan, after much struggle, is in Endtown and under care. Clay is rescued. Ernest and Walker were possibly harrassed and invited into terrorist cells.
  217. M. Walker feels some concern about her decision, but the weight of her ring tugs on her a moment, and she returns to her room.
  218. and Mallard is throughly confused.
  219. GM (GM): ((Remember, break a deal get the wheel!))
  220. Everett Pillory is just happy about job well done, reaches into his backpack and pulls out... a chromatic whatshis name "OH... SHIT..."
  221. Martin Baron: (( Chromatic whatshis name? You mean the transport? ))
  222. GM (GM): ((Chromatic abberator. Literally means 'color changer'))
  223. Clayton R. finally exits the hospital heading for the market, he tries to ignore stares from other mutants
  224. GM (GM): ((Hershel is just up there, collecting dust.))
  225. Ernest Gillett decides to walk to the right, and begins to think over what the birds had said. "Top of the food chain, and glory, hm?" She thought to herself. Temptation creep up her in her mind. She could have a chance to rise up, to get back the power she once had. "I need to go find them." She turns herself right around and dashes off to the left, inspecting her surroundings to attempt finding the trio of birds.
  226. Martin Baron: "What, what is- Oh right, forgot about that junk. Er... Should we go back to drop that off or..."
  227. Everett Pillory nods "We should... I don't want to risk our asses. It has our names on it."
  228. Martin Baron: "What about the bomb facility though? Just hit that later?"
  229. GM (GM): The birds haven't moved a single inch.
  230. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh, sorry.))
  231. ((I thought the birds left.))
  232. Mallard: What's that thing?
  233. GM (GM): ((Well, the left afew feet.))
  234. Ernest Gillett: ((Forget the previous post then.))
  235. GM (GM): ((Really they have to wait like 20 minutes for the lift.))
  236. Clayton R. wanders around until he finds an armor shop. He buys a Riot helmet and he asks the own if he can repair his Riot jacket.
  237. Martin Baron: (( OH! Show that junk to Mallard, have him copy the designs. We could have him make some for us to use for free ))
  238. Everett Pillory smiles "Oh... it's something we were testing for Deep City. It can do fun things... check this out. " he points it at the vial of dittos and colours it blue and then points at Martin and colours him Green "Weird enough it can mark invisible things like our jelly here as blue. Useful as hell given those things are usually hidden."
  239. Clayton R.: (( Also, Mallard has probably worked out the kinks in his blaster tech by now. He said it shouldn't take too long. ))
  240. Ernest Gillett was about to go with the idea to walk away at the opposite direction from the trio of bird; however, she stays in place. Something sticks to her when what they have said. "Top of the food chain, and glory?" She simply asked. She starts to feel tempted, especially with an opportunity like that. She calls out towards the trio. "Hey! You.. had me thinking over what you said, and I've decided to change my mind."
  241. Mallard examines the device. Ah, now this is abit less confusing. Did you know that this thing looks to change molecular shapes? It's like spraying a molecule thin coat of pure color!
  242. Martin Baron: (( Oh lord I forgot, Martin's gonna get his laser blaster back. ))
  243. Everett Pillory: Sort of... the topsider said it was some kind of a microbe that's being sprayed. The effect lasts for an hour
  244. Mallard: Well it's obvious. This stuff isn't really invisible! It just colors itself very, very well. This device changes its color on a layer higher than their assembly, thus they can't change colors.
  245. GM (GM): It's like painting a chameleon.
  246. Mallard furrows his bill, maybe that's how these things work.
  247. Martin Baron is taken back a bit by Everett greening him. He ignores it when he remembers something. "Mallard, you said something about fixing the blasters you had right? Any progress on that?"
  248. Birds: Fun yeah! We'll wait around, get us guns, people, whatever and meet us back here! We are gonna take that place, no apologies!
  249. Everett Pillory: Prof... I can give you a look. Just get it back in one piece okay? I have signed a waiver to return it unharmed and tested.
  250. Mallard: Ah, yeah. I had to put a discharge circuit. No prob. They should work fine now. If they do explode it'll be for entirely different reasons.
  251. Martin Baron ponders for a moment, then speaks up. "How much are you willing to take for selling that?"
  252. Clayton R.: (( get one for all us Martin. ))
  253. Mallard's face becomes bright red. "I'm sorry, you want to what?"
  254. Martin Baron: "Buy. It."
  255. Mallard: Buy my tech?
  256. you?
  257. Everett Pillory looks up "Professor with all due respect... we did deliver a rare sample of the shapeshifter jelly"
  258. Everett Pillory coughs and "Martin here I can assue you is quite handy with field research."
  259. Mallard is stuttering "Ah, okay, sure, yeah! Hey! How many lives do you think that HOT SLIP IN A CUP IS WORTH IF I START HANDING OUT BLASTERS FOR A PRICE?!"
  260. GM (GM): as Mallard Do either of you yokels have any concept of why we are here?!
  261. ((Whoops, im my rage I forgot my /))
  262. Mallard Here, give me your ID card.
  263. Ernest Gillett gives a nod towards the trio. "Yeah, will do that," she said. She turns herself around and walks to the right, before turning to her right.
  264. Martin Baron: "Then deny everyone else! We need to go up top to get rid of a bomb facility, and that weapon saved our skins every time I had to use it!"
  265. GM (GM): Ernest is heading to the hospital.
  266. Mallard: but you give it back. That's the key part.
  267. I know what you're doing with it and where you are going. You want me to just it over and wash my hands of it.
  268. Ernest Gillett: ((Cripe, wrong direction. I was meaning to head near George's Civilian Munitions.))
  269. Martin Baron pulls out the card and hands it to the doc, staying silent so Mallard can continue.
  270. GM (GM): You go to the GCM!
  271. Martin Baron: (( Best just say where you're going than going left left right right ))
  272. Mallard: thanks.
  273. Ernest Gillett: ((Right, sorry about the confusion.))
  274. Everett Pillory grins "Well professor I think you know that we can put that to good use. So far we have been doing what you wanted, right?"
  275. Mallard snaps it and then jumps on his desk, throwing the pieces back at you!
  276. Martin Baron: (( Didn't expect anything less ))
  278. GM (GM): ((Mallard has a very big nerve about the arms thing.))
  279. Clayton R.: (( I bought a Riot helmet GM, and I asked if someone in Endtown could repair my Riot Jacket. Can they? ))
  280. Everett Pillory defelects the projectives with his satchel/backpack "Damn it, Martin, let's flee."
  281. Mallard: You to Dr. Pillory! You're both the thing we need less of on this planet!
  282. Everett Pillory yells as he runs out "RED PANDAS ARE ENDANGER SPECIES!"
  283. Everett Pillory: IF ANYTHING WE NEED MORE!
  284. Martin Baron: "Fine! Let's just leave the #$%&ing missile facility where it is! Let's LET the Topsiders grab what's in there and blow us all to hell!"
  285. (( This has gone horribly wrong. I love it. ))
  286. GM (GM): ((Oh sure Clay. Hell, Erniest is right there!
  287. Martin Baron: (( Hahah, banished ))
  288. Clayton R.: (( Well I can't move the darkman token, and I was wondering how much repairs cost. ))
  289. (( oh, now I can move it. ))
  290. Everett Pillory: (( Poor Red Panda abused by the person he thought he could work with ))
  291. Clayton R.: (( In addition, what is my current health right now? ))
  292. Ernest Gillett notices the GCM nearby of her after turning towards the corner. She decides to take note of going there later and goes pass the shop. She goes on a straight path, heading for the Open Arms Hostel.
  293. GM (GM): ((
  294. Clayton R.: (( and Everett can only work with a man he hates. ))
  295. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah Clay, he can only work with you
  296. GM (GM): Your current health is full.
  297. Clayton R.: (( oh come on, he hates all things topsider and he worked with Hershel. ))
  298. GM (GM): Well, it's like salads. you can hate salad but you still have to eat it.
  299. The open arms hostel! Free room and board and a good hold out for new citizens to endtown.
  300. You have one cot and one footlocker here.
  301. Clayton, it should be noted that Ernest walker right by you without noticing. That makes you alittle sad.
  302. *Walker
  303. *Walked
  304. M. Walker: ((lol))
  305. Everett Pillory: (( They... came to terms ))
  306. GM (GM): Oof I gotta stretch a sec.
  307. Clayton R. pays the shopkeeper for a riot helmet, riot jacket repairs, and 6 .38 bullets.
  308. GM (GM): ((Its mallard, the guy is so notoriously unmanageable that he had to effectively build the town in order for people to put up with his crap))
  309. Let me pull the doc up. I can't believe I forgot that.
  311. Martin Baron: (( You joker, you ))
  312. GM (GM):
  313. Late april 1st is best april 1st
  314. Everett Pillory turns to the hare "Oh right... Martin... we should get Clay. I have an idea that he will love. Thermite cannon."
  315. Martin Baron: (( Gonna grab some water, either I can say "Up yours then!" and wonder off, or backpedal hard enough to do the Tour de France backwards. ))
  316. GM (GM): Riot helm: 90 +60hp
  317. Everett Pillory: (( ))
  318. GM (GM): $90 I mean.
  319. Riot Jacket: 120 hp Cost: $950
  320. Clayton R.: (( alright, how much for repairs? ))
  321. ((oops))
  322. GM (GM): How much is left?
  323. .38 Service-Six Revolver: 2d10+15(25) Cost: $240. $20 per 100ct box.
  324. Clayton R.: (( alright so, $1040 dollars, but it's only $20 per 100 count .38 box, and Clayton only wants 6... I guess He'll have to buy a full box then. ))
  325. GM (GM): Well, you could cut pennies in quarters.
  326. Clayton R.: (( $1060 total ))
  327. Everett Pillory: (( BTW GM, Can I make a cannon like that? ))
  328. GM (GM): So you want 1 dollar worth of bullets?
  329. Actually that's some crazy stuff!
  330. Clayton R.: (( Nah, I'll just buy the box if it get's that low. ))
  331. Martin Baron: (( Back. ))
  332. Everett Pillory: (( I KNOW!! I mean Everett is getting more "Lord of War ))
  333. GM (GM): So, you'd need engineering, chemistry, metal working, demolition to make something like that.
  334. Okay Science advanced, Metalworking, and engineering.
  335. Martin Baron nods to Everett. Nothing worth being here anyway, doubt he can change Mallard's mind now.
  336. GM (GM): Do you have these skills and what's the lowest?
  337. Ernest Gillett goes to her footlocker and stores the $3000 in there. She figure it would be best to have some of the money stored, just in case.
  338. Clayton R. exits the storefront with a grimace under his bandages, he begins to head to Lazy Day Apartments
  339. Clayton R.: (( BTW, with that Riot helmet and Riot Jacket, Clayton is looking a lot like this: ))
  340. GM (GM): Kitted in riot gear, you head over to the apartments. Manasa his here.
  341. Clayton R.: (( Even has kneepads too ))
  342. Everett Pillory: (( Invention 2 and Engineering 1 ))
  343. (( Chemistry 3 ))
  344. GM (GM): You need science advanced here.
  345. Clayton R. feeling better with his head obsured in a less eye catching way. He spots Walker in front of the apartment building and stops in front of her. "Long day?" He asks.
  346. Everett Pillory: (( Have that too!! ))
  347. GM (GM): Ah, okay then. Roll for level 1
  348. Everett Pillory: (( Do my Panda hands help me in this?? ))
  349. GM (GM): Nope. This is all tool and wrench.
  350. M. Walker glances up at the voice, seeing the bandaged face, initially not recognizing him. She stares at Clay a moment, until her eyes go wide in horror
  351. Ernest Gillett leaves the Open Arms Hostel after having stored some of her money, and heads toward GCM.
  352. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  353. (1)+20= 21
  354. (( OH DAMN ))
  355. Martin Baron: (( WEW LAD ))
  356. M. Walker: ((Oh child))
  357. GM (GM): Oh dear.
  358. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh wow))
  359. Martin Baron: (( And then Mallard's lab caught on fire ))
  360. GM (GM): rolling 2d10+20
  361. (7+3)+20= 30
  362. A weld seem on a pressure take fails and blows up right in front of you!
  363. Clayton R. frowns for a moment, taking the opportunity to don his new Riot helmet. He's glad he picked one with matte visor. "That bad huh?"
  364. GM (GM): Take 30 from the shrapnel!
  365. Everett Pillory: (( Good thing I still have my riot vest on... too bad now it's half functional))
  366. Martin Baron: (( I'm with Everett, do I take damage too? ))
  367. GM (GM): Sure!
  368. Martin Baron: (( Oh for ))
  369. GM (GM): He took splash damage from Mallard tantrum so you take splash damage from that explosion. That seems fair!
  370. M. Walker: "C...Clayton? Dear lord..." her face pale with empathic discomfort
  371. Martin Baron: (( I'm down to 14 health ))
  372. Everett Pillory: Martin... you should see a doctor. I can handle this...
  373. M. Walker: ((Oh geez, would Clay and I hear that?))
  374. Everett Pillory: (( Possibly. It was a loud boom ))
  375. Martin Baron: (( Oh wait, got 19 points of armor left ))
  376. GM (GM): Ah, there you go.
  377. Martin Baron: (( 33 health ))
  378. GM (GM): Survivable!
  379. Martin Baron yells out in pain as shrapnel annihilates his gear and embeds some pieces of metal into his body. Stumbling somewhat, he begins to try to dig out some of the pieces all the while shambling towards the hospital without a word.
  380. Clayton R. rubs the back of his neck. "Yep... or at least what's left of me. Docs say I have to replace my bandages everyday now... but they said I might be eligible for cosmetic surgery later... So there's that I guess." He falls silent for a while.
  381. Everett Pillory tries again... he ran out of bad luck.
  382. Martin Baron: (( And then another 1 ))
  383. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  384. (11)+20= 31
  385. Martin Baron: (( For fucks sake Suule ))
  386. Everett Pillory: (( Just can't get it right... ))
  387. GM (GM): Good news! It didn't explode!
  388. But it's still not working right.
  389. You are going to need more materials to keep trying!
  390. Its the parts, corroded, rusted, bifricated!
  391. Well, if anything was easy we wouldn't do it!
  392. Everett Pillory curses and goes to the market to grab some... and some amphetamine pills.
  393. Everett Pillory: (( I just realised how little sleep he has gotten ))
  394. M. Walker motions for him to come inside with her, she was hoping something would happen to get her mind off thngs. "Well if you need help with the bandages, I'm right here..."
  395. Martin Baron: (( Barely anyone here has had sleep I think ))
  396. GM (GM): Martin! They can operate on you but it might draw attention of security!
  397. Martin Baron: (( Ah crud, forget that then. Screw these guys, I'm going home. ))
  398. (( Take a nap, shit out all of the shrapnel ))
  399. GM (GM): (( This session: ))
  400. Okay, +10 hp for rest.
  401. Martin Baron: (( 43 HP, I'm ready to punch out all of the guards ))
  402. Everett Pillory: (( Walker could help you.. ))
  403. (( Let's see... ))
  404. Martin by cosmic coincidence you are also put up in the Lazy Day apts.
  405. Clayton R. follows after Walker, he wasn't really looking forward too much anyway. And now that she offered, he figured it might be a good idea of how to take off his bandages in the future when he might be on his own. "Alright... the might help." He takes a seat in a chair, and removes the Riot Helmet, in addition to taking out a fresh set of bandages and antiseptic "So tell me, what have you been up to?" He asks, trying to clear the awkwardness permeating the room.
  406. Martin Baron: (( Oh, thought that was where I lived. Where is my home then? ))
  407. Everett Pillory: (( I think I should have some cash left... ))
  408. GM (GM): ((That is where you live))
  409. Everett Pillory: (( But somehow that position is absent from my char sheet... fuck ))
  410. Martin Baron: (( Oh cool. Wasn't just going home to sleep, since Mana and Clayton are also there. ))
  411. M. Walker: "...You get your face permanently disfigured and, you're still all, 'what's up with you'? Ha, you're a real trooper, Clay." Mana replies with one of the first smiles he's seen from her in awhile
  412. GM (GM): Any actions ernest?
  413. Ernest Gillett: ((Oh, sorry. I noted earlier that I had Ernest store $3000 in her footlocker and then head out to GCM))
  414. Everett Pillory heads to Mana's house hoping to find Clay, Martin and Max and have some money from the earlier expedition since he needs junk...
  415. Clayton R. shrugs, trying not to move much in his seat. "Eh... It helps to take your mind off of things sometimes, especially when you don't really have control it." He says wistfully, speaking up a moment later. "but I appreciate it. I've been getting all kind of looks from other mutants since I got discharged."
  416. GM (GM): (( I will admit, I got alot of the invention system from the Red Green show. I'm gonna work on that this week.))
  417. Everett Pillory waves to the trio at the doorstop "Hey hey... lend a fellow few bucks for some scrap..." he says pulling out pieces of metal from the riot vest
  418. M. Walker nods, "I can imagine...I hope it doesn't hurt too much?"
  419. Martin Baron walks towards his room in the Lazy Day Apartments, stopping when he sees Mana and Clayton entering one of the rooms. He changes trajectory and goes there, hearing Everett's call just a few seconds later.
  420. GM (GM): (("Hey everybody! i just joined a CRUSADE."))
  421. Clayton R. rubs his hands together to busy himself. "Not too much.. it's all sort of numb right now, stings to talk though."
  422. Ernest Gillett: ((Pfft))
  423. Martin Baron: (( DEUS VULT ))
  424. GM (GM): afk for a sec
  425. back
  426. Everett Pillory: (( Banished? Oh dear ))
  427. GM (GM): Oh yeah, banished! Luckily, as most of the party can atest, the ETPD is very slow and ineffective at actually catching culprits.
  428. Martin Baron: (( Screw these guys, gonna get some hair dye and a fake ID card. Stay low, work a small time job, like for a newspaper. Change name to something dumb, like Jacob or something.))
  429. M. Walker: (kek)
  430. GM (GM): ((Dunn dun duuun!))
  431. Everett Pillory: (( Wait but I still have my ID card ))
  432. GM (GM): That is correct.
  433. Martin Baron: (( Yeah he took mine and ate it ))
  434. Everett Pillory: (( Well fuck... ))
  435. GM (GM): Maybe you could gain afew pounds and pass yourself off as a regular panda!
  436. Ernest Gillett: ((Heheheh))
  437. Everett Pillory: (( Maybe I can learn kung fu from DJ and pass off as a Kung Fu one ))
  438. Everett Pillory rubs the back of his head "Oh and you know guys... we kinda screwd up over there with Mallard."
  439. M. Walker overhears Everett, and pops her head back out, to spy Martin. Unaware of what's transpired, she waves to him
  440. Clayton R. sits patiently in the chair, now drumming his fingers on the armrest
  441. Martin Baron keeps quiet, still somewhat in pain from the few pieces of shrapnel he has to dig out and anger over what transpired beforehand.
  442. Martin Baron: (( *angry. Going full edge mode here ))
  443. Everett Pillory puts his fingers together "We're... well."
  444. GM (GM):
  445. Everett Pillory looks at Martin
  446. Ernest Gillett: ((Try not to go too edgy now Martin))
  447. Everett Pillory looks up
  448. Everett Pillory: "Kinda... ummm our services are no longer wanted here."
  449. M. Walker stares flatly at Everett, adding with palpable confusion, "What."
  450. Martin Baron: (( Well, you're fine Everett, he just banished me ))
  451. Everett Pillory: (( The "YOU TOO DR. PILLORY" sounds kinda bad))
  452. Clayton R. sighs. He's trying to keep himself calm, he doesn't want to injure his face anymore by poping a blood vessel.
  453. GM (GM): ((Nope, Panda as well. Mallard was being very mean.))
  454. Martin Baron: (( I just pissed him off more, so he stamped "Banished" onto my head with a special stamp and red ink. ))
  455. (( That's why I'm the only one with Banished here ))
  456. Everett Pillory rubs the back of his head "You know and this is after I disarmed a Zero bomb on top of the colony. I'd say he's as ungrateful as one of the professors I've worked with. But yeah Martin and I are... technically banished."
  457. Martin Baron grunts out "He went livid when I asked if I could buy his blaster."
  458. Martin Baron: (( Oh right, should ask now just incase, but any MP damage from the quack attack and the thermite gun explosion?))
  459. GM (GM): Nah. Not really. Your armor took most of it right?
  460. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, 19 points of it. ))
  461. GM (GM): Youre fine.
  462. Martin Baron: (( Cool, thanks ))
  463. M. Walker: "Wait, you did what? and, what happened to your vest?"
  464. Clayton R. instinctively rubs his hand against his face, immediately regretting it as he lets out a small gasp in pain. He resolves himself to keep quiet. He glances back to Walker. "I think we should probably redress my bandages now..."
  465. Everett Pillory inspects the big hole "Oh... thermite gun assembly. Miscalculated pressure on a valve. Topsider suit is still safe though and well it's proving more useful." he rubs the back of his head "Well like Martin said - all he wanted as a blaster for doing missions and well... I said that we do everything Mallard says anyway so it would be good for us."
  466. GM (GM): Clayton right now:
  467. Everett Pillory follows "Then he was all like" he starts making like Donald Duck "YAP YAP YAP YAP QUACK QUACK. WORLD DOESN'T NEED PEOPLE LIKE YOU!"
  468. GM (GM): ((That's pretty accurate.))
  469. ((Well, you wanted to buy a gun.))
  470. Everett Pillory: (( For scouting missions yes ))
  471. Martin Baron stands and starts to walk out of Walker's apartment. "I'm going to go grab my stuff in my apartment, before they take it all."
  472. M. Walker is initially flabberghasted with the flood of information, and bites her lip a moment as Everett starts overpowering the conversation. "All right, all right, gimme a second...Yeah, okay..."
  473. Everett Pillory rubs his chin "Well that's why I travel light..." he looks at Martin "Want me to help you with it?"
  474. Martin Baron shakes his head. "No, it's just some clothing. Jerseys and whatnot. Didn't have much when I came here."
  475. GM (GM): ((This is very sad!))
  476. M. Walker ushers Clay into her bathroom, fishing out her own roll of gauze. In some bizarre way she feels like her mother right about now.
  477. Everett Pillory nods "Right right... Well." he shrugs "...I don't really want to jeopardize you so unless Mallard changes his mind about my usefulness you can just drop me on the wastes. I should manage myself."
  478. GM (GM): Okay. I think we are set for this session! You have your directions and you have your actions to take next week!
  479. Clayton R. follows, interested to see how the procedure is done.
  480. Everett Pillory: (( The session kinda ended on a rather grim note ))
  481. Martin Baron: (( Me and Everett, possibly Clayton too, wander off towards the facility, Walker goes with the A-Team, and Ernest goes with a terrorist unit. ))
  482. Everett Pillory: (( Funnily enough that gives me an idea... ))
  483. GM (GM): Eh, from a GM perspective you guys just completed on major quest so this session was to lay out the groundwork for the next one.
  484. Everett Pillory: (( ))
  485. GM (GM): Oh dear, that was totally unintended!
  486. Clayton R.: (( Pretty good intermediary session I would say. It let us explore a couple new things now that we're back. I may as well keep the token for Clayton too., works pretty well, but his new look is definitely something like this when not wearing topsider suits: ))
  487. GM (GM): True.
  488. Everett Pillory: (( HAHA, But GM. That's how I felt. I disarmed the bomb, saved Endtown from a threat of a zero bomb and what I got was a kick in the ass from the overseer saying "You're not welcomed here anymore." ))
  489. GM (GM): True.
  490. Martin Baron: Hah, me, Everett, and Clayton set up tribes / settlements. Clayton has the Dead Horses, I got the New Caananites, Everett the Arroyo
  491. Everett Pillory: (( Would probably start BoS ))
  492. (( Given how much tech knowledge he has ))
  493. Martin Baron: Either that, or I got the Great Khans
  494. GM (GM): Perfect. Okay, I've got to roll! Good work today, I hope everyone got to have some fun!
  495. Martin Baron: Take up mercenary work and beat the shit out of stuff
  496. M. Walker: Indeed!
  497. GM (GM): Roll a blimp and you're totally down with Maxton.
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