
FoE RPG G0 - #021 Last Stop: Signal of Trouble

Jun 22nd, 2013
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  1. [20:52]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #21 starts now
  2. [20:53]<SpiritOfFate> ====================================
  3. [21:00]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho and Firefly are back at the hotel, in an aftermath of an awkward dinner. Sotho tries to keep Firefly distracted, while the others look into the town
  4. [21:01]? Firefly looks over at the radio that Hawkeye tried to play with. "Mr. Sotho? Can I play with the radio?"
  5. [21:01]? Sotho thinks about what a filly might like, he remembers that his daughter enjoyied music whenever she was cranky. He looks to Firefly and nods. "Sure, go ahead." He smies, now, where could he find something that could play music?
  6. [21:02]? Firefly squees in delight as she flits over to the radio, turning it on and browsing the stations.
  7. [21:02]? Hawkeye trots back to the hotel, looking for Sotho. The zebra has the group's caps, after all, and Twin Buck needs a shiny new pistol for his sojourn into the wasteland. She pushes open the door and looks about for the errant shaman. "Hey, Sotho?" she calls. "Can Ah borrow y'all for a few?"
  8. [21:03]? Sotho looks at Hawkeye and nods. "Umm, sure, what is it Hawkeye?" He smiles lightly, trotting to her
  9. [21:04]? Wintergreen is still waiting in the hotel lobby with Ignis.
  10. [21:05]? Ignis rests his body by a wall as he awaits for the ghoul, his eyes darting every now and then to Wintergreen as he rests.
  11. [21:05]? Hawkeye rubs the back of her neck, looking embarassed. "Well, Ah ain't much one fer dealin' with shopkeepers an' caravaners, 'cept as a guard, and Ah just realized y'all are carrying all our caps from... from the Sirens an' all," she says. "Ah was hopin' that y'all might help me get a gun fer Buck, seein' as how he's started a new life not bein' a slave anymore..."
  12. [21:07]? Wintergreen trots over to Ignis, sitting down and leaning against his side.
  13. [21:07]<Sotho> "Me?" He asks a bit surprised. "I'm not that good with Shop keepers either but..." He fetches the bottle caps. "Hers the caps. I need to watch firefly anyways, Wintergreen would murder me if I left her alone."
  14. [21:08]? Firefly doesn't even hear the conversation, watching the radio intently as she browses the stations. "Tell me your secrets..." The filly whispers to the radio.
  15. [21:08]? Royal_Lace pouts as she sees Nick Nacks frown at the selection. "Oh dear.... did you not find what you needed?"
  16. [21:09]? Ignis sighs softly, leaning his neck over Wintergreen's own and giving a warm coo as he accomodates it there, his newfound, monochromatic grey fur softly stirring by hers.
  17. [21:10]? Hawkeye takes the caps. "Ah, well, Ah figured y'all knew a thing or two about buyin' and sellin, what with how y'all handled the zebra we ran across earlier," she says. The dark mare sighs. "Guess Ah'll go get that gun, then. And some more ammo fer muh rifle. Y'all need anything gun or armor related?"
  18. [21:11]<Sotho> "I don't use guns but hey..." He looks to Firefly. "If you go into a different shop at all and see a Daring Do book, please buy it for Firefly? As a gift for her cutiescenaira?
  19. [21:12]? Hawkeye nods, and a half smile perks at the corner of her mouth. "Sure thing, stripes. Just as long as y'all don't tell her it was from me," she says. "Ah already have an overabundance of filly hugs."
  20. [21:12]<Firefly> Firefly's ears twitch at the mention of Daring Do, but she remains intently focused on the radio.
  21. [21:14]<SpiritOfFate> A donkey ghoul with a moldy straw hat and simple old clothes trots slowly to the lobby, almost solemny. One of his long ears has the tip worn, the other may be under the hat, or gone.
  22. [21:14]<Sotho> "I'll take the bullet for you on that one then." He winks smiling a bit. "Though if you ever want one I'm sure you could just ask
  23. [21:15]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho and Hawkeye listen to a vague whisper between the static that fills almost every frequency. "-help-"
  24. [21:16]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Alright, if Ah ever feel the need to get muh life squeezed out of muh neck, Ah'll ask," she says, and begins heading for the door, but suddenly halts and looks at the radio. "Hold on a minute... did the radio just...?"
  25. [21:16]? Sotho 's ears perk. "Help?" He says, looking to the radio.
  26. [21:16]<Sotho> "Is there a distress message?"
  27. [21:17]? Firefly shakes her head. "No music...just static. Hrm...what did Pappa always say about fixing radios..." Firefly looks over the radio for a moment before giving smacking it once on the side.
  28. [21:17]? Wintergreen sits up from her comfortable cuddling, smiling at the ghoul. She walks up to him and, unabashed by his ghoulish features, puts out her hoof to shake. "Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm Wintergreen," she nods her head back at Ignis. "And that's Ignis. We have a few questions about those trees outside the town, if you don't mind."
  29. [21:18]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack shrugs to Royal_Lace. "...I dunno these... it's all bones and fruit and jungle stuff. I use metal and parts, plastic, ceramic... you know."
  30. [21:18]? Hawkeye trots over to the radio. "Hang on, half-pint, Ah think Ah heard somepony sayin' something in all that mess. Can y'all tune it a bit for me, please?"
  31. [21:18]? Sotho looks at Firefly. "Please don't hit it, just... switch between channels for a bit." He tells her
  32. [21:19]? Ignis almost instantly raises his eyes to the figure, calmly studying the undead for a moment or two. "You're Boils?" The pony asks, but then smirks. "Sorry, just...what she said, nice to meet you. We were hoping to know a bit more about the city's flora issue."
  33. [21:20]? Firefly nods up to the two adults. "Just checking connections." Firefly sticks her tongue out the side of her mouth and starts to fiddle with the radio, trying to clear away some of the static.
  34. [21:21]? Hawkeye leans toward the radio, her ears perked attentively to catch any sign of further speech buried in the static.
  35. [21:21]? Sotho listens closely as well, his ears perked
  36. [21:21]? Royal_Lace looks to the griffiness shopkeeper, "Pardon me miss but do you know where in town we could find such things?"
  37. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> Boils look the two up and down, trotting closer. "Y'all ponies come and go but all's the same. Now it is, didn't use to be like that. Not anymore. Nevermind. We fix it. We fix it all, isn't that how it goes?" He gives a yellow grin that doesn't go all the way to the eyes. "So, plants. I used to be a farmer you know, but I never saw something like that, until I did. And it's ugly."
  38. [21:25]? Ignis raises an eyebrow. "Exactly how ugly?"
  39. [21:26]? Wintergreen puts down her hoof. No hoofshake. Okay.
  40. [21:28]? Firefly digs through her saddle bags before pulling out an MRE. She listens to the sound the wrapper makes before removing the foil wrapping, and extends the rabbit ears a bit. She even makes them look a bit like normal ears, just in case that helps! She then starts to move the radio around, trying to find the sweet spot to clear up the reception.
  41. [21:32]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly's tinkering makes the signal of the station come through, the same station they were given before. "-failed *bzzt* not the right hour, but they *crackle* find us *bzzt* hideout is not safe *pop* need Fixer. We were sabotaged. We can't trust anyone without it, and even then *crackle* didn't get me yet *bzzt* how much longer. Please answer." Firefly knows that voice very well. It has been a long time since she heard it the last time. Her
  42. [21:32]<SpiritOfFate> mother
  43. [21:33]? Firefly pauses for a moment, looking at the radio with wide, wide eyes. "Momma? Momma!"
  44. [21:34]? Sotho looks at the radio and sighs. "Is there some way we can trace the signal?"
  45. [21:35]? Hawkeye pushes her hat back. "That... that don't sound good at all," she says, looking back to Sotho. "Sounds like they got mixed up with some nasty drugs or something... Ah'll see if Ah can find some while I'm getting ammo, alright?"
  46. [21:36]<Sotho> "We have only one Fixer, so buy more if you can."
  47. [21:37]<SpiritOfFate> Boils move his whitened eyes to Ignis. "About as much as me, but that's not all. You know those bang things that made all a hell? I mean, I think it's one. It feels like a ghoul fireplace, could be quite nice without those rooted things. I guess that's why the trouble. Things are growing around it. Even some ferals... plant things? They looked a bit like ponies and donkeys last I saw, but like a vegetarians cannibal buffet. Only they do the ea
  48. [21:37]<SpiritOfFate> tin'."
  49. [21:39]? Hawkeye nods. "Gotcha, will do..." She spares a glance at Firefly. The filly's mother... they have to hurry. No one should lose their family. Hawkeye practically gallops out the door, rushing right past Ignis, Wintergreen, and the donkey without so much as a word.
  50. [21:39]<Sotho> "We'll find them Firefly." He holds her shoulder. "We'll help them."
  51. [21:40]? Ignis listens to that, giving a nod. "We'll see what we can do to those, if not stop them altogheter, at least stall them something to that..." He says. "Where did you saw them lingering by?"
  52. [21:40]? Firefly looks up at Sotho. "Mr. Sotho, do we have a way to talk to my momma? At the store, maybe?"
  53. [21:40]? Wintergreen blinks, raising an eyebrow as Hawkeye gallops out. She nudges Ignis. "Find out whatever else you can about those trees... I'm going to go see what's wrong with Hawkeye."
  54. [21:40]? Wintergreen then turns, galloping to follow Hawkeye.
  55. [21:40]<Sotho> "Maybe. We need to find a way quick."
  56. [21:41]? Ignis nods as he gives a passing glance to the mare.
  57. [21:41]<SpiritOfFate> Pina turns to Royal_Lace, pondering. "Oh, Antenna keeps this kind of stuff at The Gizmo. She is a bit to clingy to her customers, but that's in her blood I guess."
  58. [21:42]? Hawkeye gallops across the small town, and bursts in the door of the griffon's shop. She skids to a halt in front of the counter. "Pardon, sorry, uh, ma'am?" she says to the shopkeeper. "Ah need as many cartons of Fixer as y'all can spare, real quick-like if possible."
  59. [21:43]? Firefly nods up to Sotho. "I'm really fast! I'll go find out if they have any!" And with that, Firefly flies out the door at as high a speed as possible, heading straight for the store.
  60. [21:43]<Sotho> "Firefly!" He calls out, looking and sighing
  61. [21:43]? Royal_Lace raises her brow, "Alright... well if you could just check us out and point us in that direction I would be very appreciative"
  62. [21:43]? Wintergreen arrives a short while ater Hawkeye and nudges her with a hoof. "Hawkeye, what's wrong? Why the rush?"
  63. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> "It's just next door." Pina says.
  64. [21:44]? Royal_Lace nods with a smile, "Thank you Pina"
  65. [21:45]? Hawkeye turns her head to Wintergreen. "Just heard, on the slave broadcast? Firefly's momma," she says. "Somethin' about them bein' sabotaged, can't trust anyone without fixer, beggin' for help." The dark mare scowls. "It don't sound good at all, and I ain't going to waste time when Ah could be savin' Firefly's folks."
  66. [21:45]? Firefly zooms through the lobby, past Ignis, leaving a trail of flames behind. She zooms into the store seconds after Wintergreen, looking for the one in charge. "Miss Griffin? Do you have anything that can talk to a radio?"
  67. [21:47]? Wintergreen blinks. "W-wait. Firefly's mother?" She frowns. "...In trouble. Do you know where we need to go?"
  68. [21:48]? Sotho trots out, looking around. "I need to find them." He murrs, troting to the griffons shop
  69. [21:49]? Royal_Lace blinks
  70. [21:49]<Royal_Lace> "Im sorry what is going on now?"
  71. [21:50]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh!" She takes a step back from Hawkeye and Firefly, surprised, she looks back to her storage. "Oh, I, I may have some Fixer, but you should go after miss Lace for parts. And check with Doctor Mooneye at the hotel, she keeps most of the medicine in town in her clinic."
  72. [21:50]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "That's what Sotho and Firefly are tryin' to figure out. Ah'm gettin' 'em some Fixer," she says. "Then we go get 'em. And if Ah have to shoot some inbred, water-snortin' chicken-plucking slaver in order to rescue the filly's folks, Ah'm jus' fine with that." She looks back to Royal_Lace. "Them slaves are broadcasting on that frequency y'all gave me, askin' for help....
  73. [21:50]? Hawkeye ...Somethin' about sabotage."
  74. [21:50]? Royal_Lace becomes imediately flustered and forgets her purchases, "Fireflys mother?"
  75. [21:51]<Royal_Lace> "Sabatoge, brocast? Oh dear... oh dear, oh dear, this sounds bad"
  76. [21:51]? Wintergreen nods. "Let's hurry. If they're in trouble, I am ready to leave as soon as possible."
  77. [21:51]? Hawkeye puts a hoof-ful of caps on the counter. "Here, Ah'll take whatever y'all got," she tells Pina, "and then go talk to th'doc."
  78. [21:52]? Firefly looks up at the griffiness. "But...nothing to talk to a radio?" Oh goddesses, its you like you told the filly Hearthswarming Eve was cancelled and Daring Do wasn't real.
  79. [21:53]<SpiritOfFate> Boils points to the lobby window to Ignis. "It's a little ways into the forest"
  80. [21:55]? Ignis nods to the ghoul. "You know something that could help us? Anything...?" The dragon finds himself asking. "Just...a bit more of info ain't ever gonna hurt." He chuckles.
  81. [21:55]<SpiritOfFate> Pina feels a pang of guilt from the little filly's eyes. "I'm sorry missy, next door they should have everything you need."
  82. [21:55]<SpiritOfFate> Pina takes the caps and goes to dig into her storage
  83. [21:56]? Sotho trots next door in anticipation
  84. [21:56]<SpiritOfFate> Boils shrugs. "I dunno, wasn't you ponies that made them bombs?"
  85. [21:56]? Royal_Lace moves to the door, "Come Firefly, lets visit the shop next door.... miss Nick Nack you may want to go wait back at the hotel room for a while, this seems to be quite serious"
  86. [21:57]? Firefly nods to the griffiness. "Ok, thank you Miss Griffin!" Firefly zooms off next door. She'd stay and walk with the others but...
  87. [21:57]? Hawkeye waits as patiently as she can, but she finds herself for once distracted with worry. It's somepony's family at stake, and that is making Hawkeye nervous.
  88. [21:57]? Royal_Lace follows Firefly to the shop nextdoor
  89. [21:58]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack blinks, confused by all of it. "Okay... I guess?" She trots out of the store, still carrying everything she got.
  90. [21:59]? Ignis stares at him curiously, ponies? Then he remembers...he still was a pony. "Well, I can't say for sure...anyways, thanks. We'll see what we can do." The dragon smiles.
  91. [21:59]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho almost stumbles on a monocled mare in doctor scrubs.
  92. [21:59]? Sotho blink blinks and bows. "I'm sorry ma'am."
  93. [22:00]<SpiritOfFate> Pina comes back with half a dozen boxes of Fixer.
  94. [22:01]? Royal_Lace calls after Nick Nack, "Ill be there soon as I can Miss Nack!"
  95. [22:01]<SpiritOfFate> The mare shakes her head. "It's no issue." Then she blinks and gives Sotho a closer look. "Ah, I see."
  96. [22:01]? Firefly zooms past Sotho for a moment before zooming back to the monocled mare. "Thank you for saving that colt!" The filly zooms back, heading into the shop indicated by Pina.
  97. [22:02]? Hawkeye scoops the drugs into her saddlebag as soon as they hit the counter. "What do y'all want for them?" she asks Pina, tapping a hoof, obviously still in a hurry.
  98. [22:02]? Sotho tilts his head. "Oh? What?" He asks
  99. [22:02]? Wintergreen waits for Hawkeye, ready to follow the mare.
  100. [22:02]<SpiritOfFate> "We'll see that." Boils turns around , trotting to another room
  101. [22:03]<SpiritOfFate> The mare adjust her monocle. "I need to talk with you and your friends, wherever they are."
  102. [22:04]? Ignis trots outside...since there are only two buildings in that town, he goes to the other one, easily spotting the mob of ponies at Pina's store...the dragon appraoches and eyes his companions. "So, what's up?"
  103. [22:04]<Sotho> "I'm sorry?" He asks. "We are rather busy, due to an emergency. I'm sure we could talk, but do you mind telling me exactly what we need to speak about?"
  104. [22:04]? Royal_Lace opens the door for firefly and trots in after her into the shop, looking around to inspect the room.
  105. [22:05]? Firefly zooms in when Royal_Lace opened the door, and looks for the adult who owns the shop. She needs the thing with the doohickeys and the gizmos that lets her talk to the radio!
  106. [22:05]<SpiritOfFate> Pina makes a mental calculation, a bit confused by the rush. "It should be 100 caps for all... I think?"
  107. [22:05]<SpiritOfFate> The mare raises an eyebrow. "Emergency? Of what kind?"
  108. [22:06]<Sotho> "Something about that fillies parents, we heard a distress signal."
  109. [22:06]<Hawkeye> "Great, thank you kindly," Hawkeye says, shoving the caps Pina's direction. "Y'all have a good day now." She nods to Wintergreen and trots out of the shop, scooting past Sotho's conversation and darting into the weapon shop to deposit the caps for Buck's gun, ammunition, and her own .308s as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  110. [22:07]? Wintergreen follows Hawkeye closely, eager to go and find Firefly's mother.
  111. [22:07]<SpiritOfFate> "I still believe I should talk with you and your friends, even more so now." The mare says
  112. [22:08]? Royal_Lace trots around the shop, "Hello? Is anypony here? We need asistance"
  113. [22:08]? Sotho nods. "Many of us were just in this shop." He says. "The filly and our friend Hawkeye went into the other shop, he looks around. "The rest of us are here."
  114. [22:08]<SpiritOfFate> The stallion at the Armory, has Hawkeye's order just under the counter and picks it up as she enters.
  115. [22:09]<SpiritOfFate> "Meet me in my room. It should be 207, and it's marked with a cross." The mare bow as and trots to the hotel.
  116. [22:10]? Sotho relays the info to his friends
  117. [22:11]<SpiritOfFate> Royal Lace looks to Royal_Lace from upside down on the ceiling of a dark room filled with eletronics and parts. "Hello! Looking for something?"
  118. [22:11]? Ignis eyes around. "Well, are you boys and girls done? We've got some weeding to do..."
  119. [22:11]<Hawkeye> "Sorry, pardner, got in a bit of a rush," Hawkeye says to the stallion, dumping the requested number of caps on the counter for her purchase. She turns to Buck and straps the shiny 9mm holster around his shoulders, then kisses his cheek. "Now, Ah gotta go real soon here, Buck," she says, looking regretful, "and Ah may never see y'all again. But whatever y'all do, don't forget there's good...
  120. [22:11]<Hawkeye> ...ponies out there as well as bad. And some of them are worth fightin' for." She smiles and pats the gun she's put on him. "Y'all don't have to be a hero. Just be good folk, and Ah'll consider that payment in full, alright?"
  121. [22:13]? Firefly looks up at the pony on the ceiling, jumping slightly. "Ah!" The filly darts back a bit before looking back up. "Um...are you in charge?"
  122. [22:13]? Wintergreen suppresses an 'Awww', being right at Hawkeye's side. She nudges the mare. "I'm sure we can get you two to see each other again."
  123. [22:14]<SpiritOfFate> Buck blinks, trotting after Hawkeye with worried eyes. "Wait! 'Never see me again'? Where are you going?"
  124. [22:16]? Royal_Lace jumps a bit, steping quickly forward behind Firefly to stand behind her as she looks up at.... her, "Oh... hello, yes, I belive we are looking for a radio broadcaster of some sort, if you carry anything of the sort, or have one on hoof...."
  125. [22:16]? Hawkeye closes her eyes. "Going to help rescue Firefly's folks," she says. "Y'all know what it's like to be a slave, and Ah ain't standin' for folk Ah know havin' to deal with that. And it might be dangerous, and Ah might not make it back." She opens her eyes and plants a hoof on Buck's chest. "But that don't change nothin', y'all hear? You get ready for that adventure we were talkin' about, and you...
  126. [22:16]? Hawkeye it!"
  127. [22:16]? Royal_Lace is obviously shook up
  128. [22:20]<SpiritOfFate> "Yup!" The second Royal Lace hops down from the ceiling. "Uh, sorry if I startled you. So, a broadcaster, huh? I have that. Not many folks have a big interest on that stuff here. At least not the small folks. I sell most of my wares to the big guys, but they are so cold." She shivers, trotting to a shelf. "It's all business, business. But some times I meet some nice travelers, and sometimes something or another breaks here. It's nice to meet
  129. [22:20]<SpiritOfFate> the locals too but they are so shy."
  130. [22:21]? Firefly looks back and forth between the Laces. "Uh...why do you look like Miss Pretty Pony?"
  131. [22:22]? Ignis looks at the second Royal. "A changeling...or, a shapeshifter...or, still, a lovebug."
  132. [22:22]<SpiritOfFate> Buck keeps trotting after Hawkeye. "Well. That does sound like an adventure."
  133. [22:23]? Ignis shakes his head a bit. "I'll never figure out what's up with their fixation with staying on rafters and all..."
  134. [22:23]? Sotho trots to them. "Umm. I suppose after this we need to meet with that mare I was talking to, she needs to talk to our group in room 207."
  135. [22:24]? Royal_Lace gives the others a harsh glance, "Oh im sure she dosent want to be pestered with such questions, at least not before Introductions, though I admit intrest myself. I am Royal Lace by the way, a pleasure to meet you Miss, these are my companions"
  136. [22:24]<SpiritOfFate> The second Royal_Lace puffs her cheeks at Ignis. "I'm not a 'lovebug'. I have standards, you know?" She looks away. "I mean, sometimes is hard to get food here, but I can handle myself."
  137. [22:24]? Hawkeye sighs. "Look, Buck, y'all are greener than a city-slicker on a buckin' bull," she says. "And Ah mean this in the nicest way, but you ain't never even shot a gun before. If y'all try an' help us, y'all are going to get yourself killed, and it'll be all muh fault." She sets her jaw. "You ain't coming. Ah cain't risk Firefly's folks by having a greenhorn along, and Ah cain't risk your safety...
  138. [22:24]? Hawkeye ...neither."
  139. [22:25]? Ignis blinks a bit. "Well, it was just a nomeaclature...not...meant to offend."
  140. [22:25]? Firefly shakes her head...this conversation wasn't getting them any closer to talking to her momma! "You said you had something that would let me talk to my momma?"
  141. [22:26]? Royal_Lace smiles warmly at the stranger whearing her face, silently wishing she had come in alone
  142. [22:26]? Sotho looks between the two Royal_Lace's and tilts his head, realizes the changling, frowning. He dislikes Changelings, he knows there are good ones but he has had some bad experiences with them. As well as other shapeshifters."
  143. [22:29]<SpiritOfFate> "Well. I'm Antenna." She looks at Firefly, frowing a bit. "Well, we can't keep the little one waiting, right?" She takes a radio broadcaster from her shelf, taking it to the group.
  144. [22:30]? Ignis ' cheeks fluster visibly. "I'll...go wait ouside." The dragon scampers off the store, looking off the other way.
  145. [22:31]? Royal_Lace smiles and trots to meet her with the device, "Oh thank you very much and may I say what a pleasure it is to meet you Miss Antenna... and I also want to appoligise for any offense, or rush we may have on our part. We have recently receilved some rather distressing news, thus our need of this equipment you see"
  146. [22:32]? Firefly smiles up at Antenna. "Thank you Miss At...Miss Anen...Miss Antn...Miss Antenna!" Firefly struggles with the name, not a word she's used to.
  147. [22:35]? Sotho chuckles at Firefly lightly before trotting out, not saying anything to Antenna
  148. [22:36]<SpiritOfFate> Buck looks firmly to Hawkeye. "You don't need to worry. I never used a gun because I never needed to. I know how to use my hooves and to pick my battles. I can stay by your side."
  149. [22:38]<SpiritOfFate> "I understand." She nods with a little sadness. "So, it's 50 caps"
  150. [22:38]? Hawkeye opens her mouth to say something else, but her expression softens and she smiles instead. "Y'all are right," she says quietly. "Here Ah am, tellin' y'all what to do, and that ain't right. Y'all are a free pony now, and y'all can go wherever y'all like. Y'don't need my permission." She chuckles a bit, then scoops her purchased ammo into her saddlebags. "Just keep your head down, and don't do...
  151. [22:38]? Hawkeye ...nothin' stupid. Ah tend to stay outside of close combat, so you'll be safer with me than with any of the others. Besides," she says, giving him a sideways look, "it'll be right pleasant having a spotter again. Been too long since Ah had somepony to watch muh back."
  152. [22:40]? Royal_Lace hoofs over 60 caps, "I thank you for that, I look forward to returning some time when I am not in an absolute rush. Your shop really seems very interesting and I do so love meeting new friends. Look for me again some day, oh and another friend of mine Nick Nack should be stoping by soon I should think, she is an artist and uses many peices of scrap in her peices"
  153. [22:40]<SpiritOfFate> Buck grins, his eyes wandering. "I wouldn't mind doing that."
  154. [22:41]? Wintergreen giggles. "Looks like Ignis and I weren't the only couple having fun in the hotel~"
  155. [22:41]? Firefly looks up at Royal Lace. "May I please take it back to the room so I can talk to momma?"
  156. [22:42]? Hawkeye elbows Buck in the ribs. "Eyes front, soldier," she says with a chuckle. "Now let's get out of here and see what's up and what the plan of attack is." She gives Wintergreen a deadpan look. "Of course. Can y'all think of a better way to forget horrifyin' mind-scarring nightmares? Kindly mind your own business, if y'please."
  157. [22:43]? Wintergreen rolls her eyes. "Just teasing, jeez." She nods. "Anyway, let's hurry. We should see if they've found anything else out."
  158. [22:44]<Hawkeye> "Sounds like a plan," Hawkeye says, gesturing at the door. "Lead on, doc."
  159. [22:44]? Royal_Lace smiles down at Firefly, "In a moment, I need to come with you dear. Now say good by to miss Anttena and thank her for her speedy help"
  160. [22:45]? Sotho is trotting towards the room he was informed to go to, The mare sounded urgent, and if she knew of the group, not to mention Firefly seemed to know her, maybe she could help all this.
  161. [22:45]? Firefly nods to Royal_Lace. "Thank you Miss Antenna. Um...can I give you a hug? I'd give you one, but momma gave me a talk about personal space." Firefly looks rather bashful at that last sentence.
  162. [22:46]? Wintergreen nods, trotting forward and back towards the hotel room.
  163. [22:46]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna smiles wide at the little filly. "Sure! I really like hugs"
  164. [22:47]? Royal_Lace looks up to Anttena with a smile
  165. [22:47]<SpiritOfFate> Buck follows Hawkeye and Wintergreen
  166. [22:47]? Firefly gives a big smile and flits over, giving Antenna a big hug!
  167. [22:48]<Royal_Lace> wb
  168. [22:50]? Royal_Lace follows after Firefly and offers her hoof to Anttena, "This really means allot to her, and to all of us. Thank you again". Once Anttena had shook her hoof she walks to the door and holds it open for Firefly, "Alright, lets run back to the hotel Dear. and try and wait for me if you can"
  169. [22:50]<SpiritOfFate> Antenna hugs back tight. "Thanks. I hope you come back soon."
  170. [22:51]? Firefly nods up to Antenna with a big smile. "I'll bring my momma over. She likes nice ponies!" Firefly darts over to Royal_Lace and walks beside her. "Mr. Sotho said we were supposed to meet somepony in room 207. Its that nice doctor mare."
  171. [22:52]? Royal_Lace waves goodby to Miss anntena as she and firefly move quickly to the hotel, "A doctor?"
  172. [22:53]? Firefly nods up to Royal_Lace. "Yup! She's the one Liberty Dream talked about...I think. She was the one with the colt, at least." Firefly nods again in assurance. "I need to go get that radio. Can I meet you at the room?"
  173. [22:54]? Ignis darts after the group, not staring back to the shop...he wasn't sure what they were going to do, then...but...well, at least, things were getting done.
  174. [22:54]? Royal_Lace starts to puzzle things together, "Oh... oh.... OH!... yes Firefly go run to the room for the radio and the others, Ill see you at the doctors room
  175. [22:55]? Firefly darts off, leaving the broadcaster with Royal Lace while she collects the radio and the rest of her and Sotho's things from their room. It doesn't take her long, and she meets the others at room 207.
  176. [22:59]? Royal_Lace waits at the door outside of 207 with the newly aquired brodcaster
  177. [00:12]<SpiritOfFate> ****
  178. [00:17]<SpiritOfFate> A series of stools are arranged on the hall-turned-doctor office. The unicorn mare stays behind a desk observing those who enter, a white curtain separating it from the rest of the room. A small table with snack cakes and whiskey is placed on the middle. She takes out her monocle, cleaning it.
  179. [00:18]? Hawkeye steps into the room and looks about apprehensively. She spots the monocled mare, and walks over. "Pardon," she says, looking back to the others. "We were s'posed to be meetin' somepony here?"
  180. [00:19]? Royal_Lace holds the door open for the others as she inspects the room, he eyes running across ever corner. Her minds inner workings hidden behind a polite smile.
  181. [00:19]? Sotho has been in the room, sitting on a stool smiling pleasently
  182. [00:20]<SpiritOfFate> The mare nods to Hawkeye. "That would be me. Doctor Mooneye, pleased to meet you, as unlikely the situation may be."
  183. [00:21]? Firefly flies in, carrying a radio in her hooves and the things Sotho and the others left in their room. She carefully cradles the radio in her hooves, looking for a place to set it.
  184. [00:21]? Sotho nods. "It is nice to meet you as well Miss. Mooneye
  185. [00:22]? Firefly nods to the doctor. "I'm Firefly Miss Mooneye. Do you have a place I can set the radio so I can talk to my momma?"
  186. [00:24]? Hawkeye looks back at the party, then back to the Doctor. "All right," she says, "well, Ah don't mean to be rude, but we're in a mighty big hurry. Would y'all mind tellin' us what's going on?"
  187. [00:25]? Wintergreen stands silently behind Hawkeye, checking over her medical supplies, antsy and ready to leave.
  188. [00:26]<SpiritOfFate> She floats the food and drink away from the table. "You may use this one. I suppose hearing what this is all about before expoundingwill help with the bigger picture."
  189. [00:27]? Royal_Lace closes the door as soon as she is sure everypony is inside, slowly trotting up to the doctor. "Mooneye....A pleasure to meet you... again, although we were not properly introduced... either of the times we hapened to pass each others way, were we? My name Is Royal Lace"
  190. [00:28]? Ignis lays by a wall, listening shyly and quiet, as always.
  191. [00:28]? Firefly sets the radio on the table before looking over to Royal Lace. "Miss Lace? Can I have the broadcaster-thingy please?"
  192. [00:31]? Royal_Lace sets the item on the table for Firefly, "Here you are dear, but lets hear what the doctor has to say... I think it may have to do with everything, just a bit longer"
  193. [00:31]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye puts her monocle again and scans the group. Her eyes stop once over Hawkeye and again over Ignis. Her horn shines and she smiles. "Clever."
  194. [00:32]? Firefly frowns up at Royal_Lace. "I wanna make sure my momma is ok."
  195. [00:32]? Hawkeye looks the doctor over carefully. More new people... it was getting hard to keep track of all of them... and harder still to tell which were friends and which were foes. She narrows her eye as the doctor comments. "If y'all are done," she says quietly, "Ah'd appreciate it if y'all would get on with that expounding."
  196. [00:34]<SpiritOfFate> "Would you close the door please." She gestures to the open door.
  197. [00:35]? Firefly starts work hooking up the radio to the broadcaster. Her movements are slow and deliberate, double-checking each connection before she moves on to the next.
  198. [00:35]? Royal_Lace horn flares with magic as she shuts the door
  199. [00:37]? Firefly finishes up the connections and turns on the radio and the broadcaster, tuning into the station she last heard her mother from.
  200. [00:38]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye looks at Firefly, then at the broadcaster. "So I suppose this is about Falling Snow."
  201. [00:39]? Firefly stays focused on the radio. "My momma is best pony. I'm gonna help her."
  202. [00:42]? Royal_Lace nods
  203. [00:43]<SpiritOfFate> The radio static fills the air. Soon a familiar voice can be heard more faintly. "I hope they have their radios on at this time." The voice grows clearer. "Please answer. The hideout has been compromised and they are looking for us. The hounds' plan is ruining every escape attempt, we need Fixer to have a chance."
  204. [00:43]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow at Mooneye. "You wouldn't happen to know where she is, would you? "
  205. [00:44]? Firefly flips on the broadcaster. "Momma? Can you hear me?"
  206. [00:45]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye nods silently, listening to the radio.
  207. [00:47]<SpiritOfFate> "Firefly! Firefly honey, is thaat you? Are you safe?" Her voice sounds surprised though the radio
  208. [00:47]? Royal_Lace breifly wonders on the wisdom of letting Firefly speak... letting anyone who is listening know about the connection btween them, the mare did say that they were being chased and celestia above knew they were being chased... still, she wasnt going to be the one to stop her, she didnt have the heart
  209. [00:47]? Wintergreen blinks, listening intently to the radio and Firefly.
  210. [00:49]? Hawkeye holds her tongue. She still doesn't know exactly what's going on... but Firefly's mother is still alive... and that's good.
  211. [00:49]? Firefly nods to the broadcaster. "Uh-huh momma! I'm with Miss Green and Mr. Sotho and our friends! Where are you at? I'll bring everyone and beat up all the bad ponies!"
  212. [00:54]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh thank Celestia! Don't come here honey, it's too dangerous. Momma and poppa will get out with the help of the nice ponies. Everything will be fine, just stay safe." Snow says from the radio
  213. [00:55]? Royal_Lace looks up to WinterGreen, she had seen Snow and her family on the boat ride over... but she never had gotten to know them, and now regreted it.
  214. [00:55]? Hawkeye clears her throat. "Excuse me, Ah don't mean to interrupt," she says over Firefly's shoulder. "But she ain't alone, ma'am, she's bringin' a whole handbasket of Tartarus with her." She pats Firefly's head.
  215. [00:56]? Wintergreen steps up to the radio. "We can help, just please tell us where you are."
  216. [00:58]? Firefly shakes her head at the broadcaster. "Uh-huh! We escaped from the pirates while they looked for their buried treasure, and even beat up a tentacle monster! If we all get together, nothing can stop us. Cause I'm not just bringing any ponies...I'm bringing my friends!" Firefly floats up from the transceiver and starts shadowboxing against invisible opponents. She directs none of her blows...
  217. [00:58]? Firefly ...toward the radio and transceiver, as a note.
  218. [00:58]? Royal_Lace speaks up, "You dont know me miss but we were on the boat together and I am very good at getting ponies in and out of places safely".
  219. [01:01]<SpiritOfFate> A soft chuckle goes through the radio, though it ends fast. "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Knowing my daughter is safe means everything" She pauses. "Wintergreen? Can you take Firefly away from the radio for a moment?"
  220. [01:01]? Wintergreen frowns. "I... Yes." She nudges Firefly. "Let's let your momma have a little private time, okay Firefly?"
  221. [01:02]? Firefly frowns at the radio and fidgets a little. "Ok...momma, I'll be right back. I love you!" Firefly hops out of her seat and walks with Wintergreen.
  222. [01:03]<SpiritOfFate> "I love you too, honey! Momma will be with you, I promise!"
  223. [01:03]? Wintergreen heads out of the room with Firefly, waiting outside. She pats the little filly's head. "We'll find her soon. I promise..."
  224. [01:04]? Hawkeye waits for Firefly to be out of hearing range, then presses the transmit button again. "She's away, ma'am," Hawkeye says. "What's wrong, and how can we help?"
  225. [01:04]? Firefly nods up to Wintergreen. "Yup! No pony can stop us! Cause we're friends." Firefly nods once, quite sure of how right she is.
  226. [01:12]* NitoKa is now known as Sotho
  227. [01:12]<SpiritOfFate> "We are at the Overgrowth farm fields. I wish I didn't have to get anybody else involved but we need help. They are controlling the slaves with drugs. It's hard to organize an escape because most ponies crave to go back. I kept away from them and managed to sneak safe food out of the fields, but the hellhounds keep a close eye on everypony. I know my husband, Firefly's father is here too, but I can't find where. I think he is being kept in the
  228. [01:12]<SpiritOfFate> ir stronghold. An addict gave away their location to our hideout. I managed to keep the radio and get hidden, but it isn't safe here."
  229. [01:17]<Ignis> "A hellhound-driven compound...? Just..."
  230. [01:17]? Royal_Lace looks around at the other ponies before looking to Mooneye to see what his reaction was to all of this
  231. [01:18]? Hawkeye furrows her brow. "Horseapples... That's nuts. I bought up a bunch of doses of Fixer," Hawkeye says, looking over at Doctor Mooneye. "And I'm pretty sure Ah can get a couple more. Do y'all have some way we can help find him and extract y'all? Firefly, spirits bless her, is real worried about y'all..."
  232. [01:18]? Sotho nods. "We've gotten a few doses of fixer." He thinks. "I... if I can find a recipe... I might be able to make more."
  233. [01:18]? Ignis stares at the radio in disbelief... "I'm sorry, Royal...but we just can't help them, not directly, at least..." His eyes dart over. "We need to garner more strenght, and more support...of course, we can snuck them the fixers and all, would be remedial, at best."
  234. [01:19]<SpiritOfFate> Mooneye has her lips pressed close, pondering in deep concern. "I have a good amount of Fixer, but that is not enough to help all of them for long"
  235. [01:20]<Sotho> "Miss Mooneye, Is there any way you know of to replicate Fixer?"
  236. [01:21]? Hawkeye leans in to the radio. "We can't help all y'all," she says. "Our resources'd be spread thin like too little jam on too much bread. Muh concern is getting your family an' Sotho's family out first. We can worry about the others later, understand?"
  237. [01:22]<Sotho> "My family... is not slaves. Only I." He says to Hawkeye. "I... left on a journey and was captured." He says.
  238. [01:22]<SpiritOfFate> "I will try to track him down, but we lost all tools we had with the hideout. I understand that, just keep my daughter safe in the meanwhile, please!" Snow calls through the radio
  239. [01:23]? Royal_Lace eyes water up a bit as she rubs her temples, this was dispicable, how was she going to be able to help fix this?
  240. [01:24]? Hawkeye nods. "Muh mistake, sorry. But don't you worry, Missus Snow, Ah'll keep an eye on your filly, and Miz Green don't ever let her out of her sight. She'll be fine." Hawkeye takes a deep breath. "We'll help as best we can. You find a safe place to hole up, 'cuz we're on our way."
  241. [01:25]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye ponders. "I don't have the means. I only know of this kind of equipment in Rottingail."
  242. [01:27]? Royal_Lace glances to Mooneye, "Rottingail?"
  243. [01:28]? Royal_Lace voice catches a little as she tries to hide her obvious emotional state at the news of Fireflys Parents.
  244. [01:28]<SpiritOfFate> "I will! I'd do anything to get my family together again." She pauses. "I need to move. I will call you whenever I can." The radio vanishes into static
  245. [01:28]<Sotho> "Oh?" He asks, interested slightly
  246. [01:29]? Hawkeye rests her head on the radio and lets the static wash over her. What were they getting themselves into? Hellhounds? Ponies controlled with drugs? And she'd thought the Sand Riders had been bad...
  247. [01:34]<SpiritOfFate> "It's a ghoul town, close to ground zero of the Equinam bombard. Reaching them is difficult, but they have control of most old technology." Doc Mooneye says, pausing to ponder. "This change at Overgrowth is rather recent. I have seen some strange hellhound movement around here lately. They don't usually leave their nest of exploitation."
  248. [01:35]? Sotho nods another bit. "I.. I should at least find some way to learn some recipes..."
  249. [01:38]? Hawkeye lifts her head, her expression blank. "Well, this seems purty much hopeless," she says, "but don't tell Firefly Ah said that. Ah'm gonna go fetch 'em..." She meanders off to retrieve Wintergreen and the filly.
  250. [01:38]? Wintergreen nods to Hawkeye and smiles as she sees the mare. "So, when do we leave?"
  251. [01:38]<SpiritOfFate> Buck pats Hawkeye's shoulder.
  252. [01:39]<SpiritOfFate> Mooneye lifts her eyes to Sotho. "Recipes?"
  253. [01:40]? Sotho nods. "I don't know many alchemy recipes, only some basic healing ones my wife taught me."
  254. [01:40]? Firefly smiles up to Hawkeye. "Yeah, when do we get to go to Overgrowth to beat up the bad ponies?"
  255. [01:40]? Hawkeye stops when she finds the mare and filly. "Soon. Real soon. We got a heap of problems, but we ain't going to solve 'em by sittin' around with our hooves under us," she says. "You all set to go, half-pint? Miz Green?" She sighs and leans against Buck. "This ain't going to be quick, and it ain't gonna be easy neither..."
  256. [01:40]? Royal_Lace continues to stare at Mooneye, "... and what can you tell me about these Hellhounds? I have heard them before and met one here in town recently....well I gues waving hello in a frightened shock hardly constitutes a meeting but still... tell us more about them and how they are involved"
  257. [01:41]? Firefly nods, her face becoming somber. "Poppa used to say 'Nothing worth doing is ever easy'." The filly pauses for a moment. "And beating up bad ponies is always worth doing!"
  258. [01:42]? Wintergreen nods. "Yes, I'm ready to go." She pats Firefly. "We both are."
  259. [01:43]<Hawkeye> "Alright," Hawkeye says, turning around and heading back toward the group, "then let's make us a plan, and git."
  260. [01:44]? Firefly nods and follows Hawkeye inside. "Before we go, can I look around the stores? Poppa said there was something we could wear on our wings, and it was really easy to beat up bad ponies with."
  261. [01:46]? Hawkeye looks at Wintergreen and manages a chuckle. "If they're sharp, y'all will have to ask Miz Green..."
  262. [01:48]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow at Firefly. "We'll stop by, but if they're to dangerous, it'll be no."
  263. [01:49]? Firefly smiles up at Wintergreen. "Ok! And they won't be dangerous...I mean, its not like I'm gonna strap guns to my wings." Firefly pauses for a moment, her eyes wide. "Ooooh...that would be cool..."
  264. [01:49]? Wintergreen shakes her head.
  265. [01:49]<Hawkeye> "Ah, but if they're dangerous to the bad guys but not to us, Ah think that'd be a good trade-off," Hawkeye suggests, then looks at Firefly and chuckles. "No, sugarcube, Ah have to veto guns on the wings. That's what battle saddles are for."
  266. [01:50]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye opens a drawer, taking a bundle of notes from it. "I am hardly a zebra potion maker, but there are a few things that have been useful to us here."
  267. [01:50]? Firefly sticks her tongue out in disgust. "Those things are loud and hurt my ears."
  268. [01:50]? Sotho looks over the notes. "Thank you Miss." He smiles. "I just... I'm not used to making potions, at least I havent been for a bit."
  269. [01:53]<Firefly> Once back in the room, Firefly looks up at the doctor. "Is that colt you got away from the pirates alright? Liberty said he got to play with other ponies."
  270. [01:53]? Hawkeye makes it back to the others, Wintergreen and Firefly in tow. "So, what's our plan, all? Recon and finding Firefly's Pap first?"
  271. [01:54]? Royal_Lace raises a brow, "well Im waiting for more information about the hell hounds, like I asked the good doctor about a short while ago.
  272. [01:54]<Royal_Lace> "
  273. [01:54]? Wintergreen nods at the idea. "Recon would be the best, perhaps find any weak points before we attempt to rescue them."
  274. [01:56]? Firefly looks up at Hawkeye. "My poppa is missing?" Firefly's eyes are wide for a moment before narrowing. "Well, we'll rescue momma and then rescue him. If momma wants something, nobody has ever found a way to keep her from it." Firefly nods again.
  275. [02:00]? Hawkeye smirks. "Ah'm no slouch at recon, ma'am. That, killing from a mile away, and raw destruction are my specialties," she says, and looks at Lace. "Y'all point me in a direction, and Ah'll have more intel than y'all know what to do with."
  276. [02:01]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye tries to gather her memories, looking back to Royal_Lace. "Many Equestrian ponies are surprised, but they have been part of the picture here for a long time. Not all took slavery too kindly back then, but they got on good graces with the train crew somehow, and nopony else could say a thing. Then some others started to jump on the bandwagon. Mind you, this was what I heard from my grandma. Now folks are just glad food and utilities
  277. [02:01]<SpiritOfFate> are cheap, no matter the cost. Here at least we keep to our own. Almost nopony can afford a slave, except maybe the grifoness, unlike the righ folks at Limestack."
  278. [02:03]? Royal_Lace continues to rub her temples, "Train Crew? Limestack? oh... there is just so much we dont know, so many variables!"
  279. [02:04]? Firefly looks up at Royal_Lace. "Its ok Miss Lace. We'll just get taught like its school." Firefly frowns at the end of that sentence. "I always sucked at school though."
  280. [02:05]? Hawkeye puts a foreleg over Royal_Lace's shoulder. "Hey, hun, calm down," she says softly. "We make a plan with what we DO know, then adjust it on the fly as we learn more. It's tricky, but Ah bet you're smart enough to pull it off." The dark mare smiles. "And if not, Ah can shoot the problems in their faces. Ah do have a fixed-up gun, thanks to short stuff."
  281. [02:06]? Firefly giggles at the nickname. "Uh-huh. I'm a good repair-pony."
  282. [02:06]? Royal_Lace opens her eyes, "Well one thing is for sure... we need other ponies, which is why its a good idea not to go just yet. We need to focus on the scrapyard so that...", turning around she looks shocked at Hawkeye, "Pardon? did you just say... 'Shoot them in the face'? thats WHY we need to plan"
  283. [02:07]<Royal_Lace> "So we dont have to shoot to many problems in the face"
  284. [02:08]? Hawkeye rolls her eye. "Look, sugarcube, we're talkin' about slavers," she says. "Rough, mean sorts, who wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes in order to keep the ponies they think they own." Hawkeye shakes her head. "You got a good heart, but you're either as naive as Firefly, or you got one heck of a talent for denial if you think y'all can pull this off without hurting anypony."
  285. [02:08]? Firefly cocks her head at Hawkeye. "What's naive mean?"
  286. [02:09]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye sighs. "Well, you escaped rather recently. The 'train crew' are a sort of military force here, they also hire their services to the top players and, of course, they control the train, primary transportation method around here. Limestack is the biggest city in the region, where the bulk of all slavework result goes to."
  287. [02:10]? Royal_Lace eyes dont so much as narrow, or even angle into anger, so much as they sharpen. "Naive Firefly is a word wich means to show a lack of experience, which I certainly dont have a lot of. But I can say that being someone who is now free to live the life she wants, I will live it the way *I* want to, dispite how Equestria seems to be"
  288. [02:11]? Royal_Lace sighs softly and smiles to Doc Mooneye, "Thank you sir, that information is very valuable to us... I actually wonder, why did you not say something to me the other night when I passed you near the bar?"
  289. [02:12]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye looks between Royal_Lace and Hawkeye. "Would you like a drink?"
  290. [02:12]? Firefly nods as she says "Ooooh..." It takes her a moment to put together that it wasn't meant kindly. "Hey, that wasn't very nice!" Firefly's wings flare and she flutters up to eye level with Hawkeye.
  291. [02:12]? Hawkeye shakes her head with a sad smile on her face. "And y'all will live it your way, right up until your way gets y'all killed by the way the world REALLY works." She turns to the doctor. "Ah don't normally drink, but this is turning into the kind of problem that kinda demands that Ah do. Ah'd like one, thank you kindly."
  292. [02:13]? Royal_Lace smiles as she shakes her head to Mooneye, "oh, I canont speak for the rest but Im not accustom to drink, im sure I would just make a foal of myself".
  293. [02:13]? Hawkeye looks at the filly in wry amusement. "Y'all get your ideas of how the world works from comic books, sugarcube. That's the definition of naive." She boops Firefly's nose.
  294. [02:15]? Ignis snaps off from his distracted state, yawning. "I wouldn't worry so much about the train crew, if things roll accordingly...they'd be the least of worries."
  295. [02:15]? Wintergreen giggles. "She's a very good batmare, though."
  296. [02:16]? Firefly sticks her tongue out at Hawkeye. "Yeah, so? I might be naive, but at least I'll do what's right. Can't say the same for some of the grown-ups in charge."
  297. [02:18]<Hawkeye> "Atta girl," Hawkeye says with a smile. "Y'all will make a good superhero yet with that attitude. And without worrying about hurting the bad guys," she adds, with a sidelong glance at Royal_Lace. "Sometimes, bad people get what's coming to them for being bad."
  298. [02:18]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye fills a glass of whiskey for Hawkeye and floats it to her, filling another for herself.
  299. [02:19]? Firefly nods in agreement. "Yup. Bad ponies always get beat up, its a rule." Firefly looks over at the drink being floated to Hawkeye. "What's that?"
  300. [02:19]? Royal_Lace looks around the room, "Well... in any case, as I was saying before we shouldnt run of as much as we may want to, things need to be taken care of here.... and I know that some of you will argue that, but I put forth that if we free the scrap yard the freedom fighters will be open to help us with our other problem"
  301. [02:20]? Hawkeye chuckles. "It's a bad habit in a glass, short stuff," she says. "It's for adult ponies only. Y'all need just a few more years before y'can have some." She tips her hat to Mooneye and takes the drink, and takes a long drink of it, savoring the burn.
  302. [02:22]? Firefly scratches her head as she looks at the amber liquid. " you have any sparkle cola, Doctor Mooneye?"
  303. [02:25]<SpiritOfFate> The doctor drinks from her own glass, nodding to Hawkeye. "It's not good for a growing filly." She looks back. "Let me see." She floats a bottle from behind the curtain. "I do, enjoy it little miss. Feel free to get a snack cake too. Just brush your teeth afterwards." She smiles.
  304. [02:27]? Wintergreen nods at Royal_Lace. "I'd prefer that we get to Firefly's parents as soon as possible, but if we are able to have the freedom fighters assist us in that, then that may be the best plan..."
  305. [02:27]? Royal_Lace looks to Wintergreen and smiles, she hadnt expected that, "Why... thank you Miss Green"
  306. [02:28]? Firefly grins at the Doctor, taking the sparkle cola from the telekinesis. "Thank you Doctor Mooneye!" Firefly grabs a snack cake, and hovers with her back facing the floor, letting the snack cake rest on her stomach. As she is about to take a drink of the soda, she looks back at the doctor. "Uh...what do you my by 'brush my teeth'?"
  307. [02:33]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye chuckles. "I should have realized." She pulls a set of toothbrushes from a drawer, with a lace loop for holding with a hoof. "This is very important to heep your teeth healthy and bright." And so se proceeds with a short class of dental care.
  308. [02:34]<SpiritOfFate> ==========================================================
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