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- This is a list of release notes.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version: 3.20
- ** Saved characters from version 3.18-> are compatible with this version. **
- - SLD 2 migration accomplished - freely resizable game window, compatibility and future
- possibilities
- UrW now uses SDL 2, SDL_image 2 and SDL_mixer 2 libraries. Migration to SDL 2 is
- necessary to allow bigger graphics overhaul to take place in the future and to remove
- several bottlenecks and compatibility problems in handling the keyboard and graphics.
- From developer's point of view SDL 2 migration stands as an investment for the future.
- From player's point of view the three most notable changes from moving to SDL 2 are:
- * Game window is now freely resizable. (But otherwise there are no changes in
- graphics or screen layout.)
- * Variety of graphic initialization and full screen problems are history.
- * Keyboard layout related problems (eg. DVORAK) are history.
- There are few issues with SDL 2 which you should be aware of:
- - In Windows a chime sound is played when using ALT+key combinations (skill hotkeys)
- if you have Windows sounds enabled.
- - The game needs to be started with NumLock off or otherwise numpad cursor keys
- are not working.
- - Keyboard repeat rate is derived directly from system repeat rate, so keyboard
- response is probably a bit different compared to version 3.19.
- - added: configuration options to set preferred resizing and fullscreen modes
- LOGICAL_RESIZE option in urw_ini.txt defines if the logical size and aspect ratio
- should be maintained upon resizing the window or not.
- Possible values are YES and NO. It's set to YES by default.
- FULLSCREEN option in urw_ini.txt defines if the game is started in normal,
- maximized or fullscreen window.
- Possible values are:
- NO - normal resizable game window. Starts at last used game window size.
- YES - fullscreen game window at the current desktop resolution.
- MAXIMIZED - game window is maximized upon starting the game.
- - setup menu removed - everything is now configured via urw_ini.txt
- All the configuration options are now set by editing urw_ini.txt in the installation
- folder. The actual setup menu has been removed from the main game-screen, but setup
- selection remains only to display info to go edit urw_ini.txt.
- Self-explanatory setup menu options now appear urw_ini.txt as follows:
- - added: scandinavian letters allowed in character names
- In character folder names scandinavian letters are encoded to hex values.
- - changed: character loading menu shows true names of the characters
- Previously it showed (the first 8 letters of) character folder names.
- - added: an incomplete list of credits to main menu
- - added: true crop cycle for villages - harvesting, stocking and sowing
- All the villages now properly harvest their fields, stock the products and sow the
- fields again in the spring. Villages start harvesting the crops as soon as majority of
- plants have ripened, and continue until everything has been harvested.
- Start of the harvest season is first noticed by bundles of turnips appearing in the villages,
- followed by peas, and then beans and grains.
- Pod type plants are stored in bags, root vegetables are just stocked somewhere on their
- own and seeds are stored in boxes and baskets. Notice that not all the containers are necessarily
- completely full. Availability of farm products and seeds in villages is naturally most abundant
- in autumn, reserves will be consumed during the winter, and there's usually only little left in
- the spring. And yes, you can now also get seeds from the villages.
- Crop cycle is maintained year after year if there's sufficient population in the village.
- - added: two new containers - birch-bark box and birch-bark basket
- * birch-bark box
- Light and small container which villagers use for storing small seeds. It can hold 1 lbs.
- There's a separate graphic tile for this item:
- truegfx/sp_sbox.png
- (tile drawn by Brian Shapiro)
- * birch-bark basket
- Rather large container which villagers use for storing big seeds. It can hold 15 lbs.
- There's a separate graphic tile for this item:
- truegfx/sp_sbasket.png
- (tile drawn by Brian Shapiro)
- - adjusted: container capacities
- Wooden tub can now hold 10 lbs. (was 8 lbs)
- Bag can now hold 20 lbs. (was 10 lbs)
- Wooden bowl can now hold 6 lbs. (was 4 lbs)
- Wooden cup can now hold 3 lbs. (was 2 lbs)
- These factors only apply to newly created items. Containers that were created in earlier versions
- have the old capacities.
- - added: proper empty container weights and load calculations
- Containers didn't really have their own effective empty weights and attempts to calculate true
- loads of filled or emptied containers were confusing and failed. Now containers have proper empty
- weights and load calculations are working properly.
- These factors only apply to newly created items. Containers that were created in earlier versions
- probably now have zero empty weight.
- - balanced and checked: farm product values
- No changes in grain price.
- Root vegetables prices have been doubled.
- Pod type plant (beans and peas) prices are increased by 50%.
- Flour value has been halved, and it's now about 50% more valuable than the grains itself.
- Small seeds, such as turnip seeds, aren't considered very valuable and have a low nominal price.
- All the foodstuff prices are foremostly based on their true nutritional value, but these few
- adjustments give better balance to relative prices of these farm products.
- - adjusted: seed weights
- Turnip seeds, and other small seeds, are now lot more lighter than previously.
- There are some balancing in pea and grain weighs too, but those aren't dramatic.
- - changed: your character won't butcher human corpses unless somewhat starved
- This ends an era of lightly practised cannibalism and trade of human flesh.
- - changed: wearing armours
- You can wear multiple textile, leather or fur clothes of the same type at the
- same time. For example: you can wear fur shirt, linen shirt and nettle shirt
- at the same time. Metal armour restrictions remain unchanged - only one piece of
- each armour type.
- - overhauled: armour glossary
- Anachronistic armours removed, new armours & clothes added, coverages checked & adjusted,
- new sprites added, and armour availability & usage checked and adjusted.
- With migrated characters armour attribute changes (names, sprites, properties) don't apply
- to old items that were created/obtained in previous version.
- * terminology changes
- Greaves are now known as shin guards.
- Vambraces are now known as forearm guards.
- Short hauberk is now simply known as hauberk.
- Long cowl is now simply known as cowl.
- * new sprites
- There are new sprites for helms, metal cowl, hauberk, bandage, mittens, generic
- cowl/veil/headgear, generic trousers/leggings and generic spot protection armour.
- (original tiles drawn by Brian Shapiro - some are modified)
- To allow compatibility with modded tilesets there are separate files for new sprites
- in truegfx/ folder:
- sp_mhaub, sp_lhaub, sp_helm, sp_spechelm, sp_mittens, sp_headgear, sp_mcowl,
- sp_headgear, sp_bandage, sp_spotprot, sp_trousers
- * ring armours removed - all of them.
- Ring type armour has no base in history. No actual examples of ring armour have
- been found on European archaeological findings.
- * variety of anachronistic iron armours removed
- Iron great helm, iron halfhelm, iron cuirass, iron breastplate, iron greaves,
- iron vambraces and iron rerebraces are removed.
- * helms
- There are two types of helms, both made of iron: helm and spectacle helm.
- - Helm covers the skull and is made from one piece of iron hammered into shape.
- - Spectacle helm covers the skull and face. It has a spectacle-like covering for the face,
- extending down to wearer's chin.
- * new armour material: lamellar
- Lamellar is eastern armour type used by Njerpez. Lamellar armours are made of square
- or rectangular iron plates tightly fastened to each other with leather straps passed
- through openings along the edges of the plates. Lamellar technique is used mainly to create
- cuirass and hauberk type armors, but it's also suitable for some spot protection pieces.
- Compared to mail, lamellar armour offers better protection from blunt attacks but only
- slightly better protection from edged attacks.
- There are 5 lamellar armour items:
- lamellar hauberk, lamellar cuirass, lamellar forearm guards, lamellar shin guards and
- lamellar rerebraces
- * new leather armours
- There are 3 new leather armours items which all can be crafted:
- leather shin guards, leather forearm guards and leather cuirass
- * hauberk coverage adjustments
- Hauberk (previously known as short hauberk) doesn't cover upper arms anymore.
- This is because there was no really relevant difference between the two hauberk types.
- (Long hauberk covers the upper arms and extends to the knees.)
- * undershirts shortened
- Undershirts now extend to the thighs. (Previously to the knees)
- * dresses lengthened
- Women's dresses now extend to the calves, but don't anymore cover upper arms.
- (Previously they covered also the upper arms and extended to the thighs)
- * overcoats lengthened
- overcoats now extend all the way to the knee.
- * fur cloth changes and additions
- - Fur mittens are now longer than they used to be and now cover also the forearms.
- (Previously they covered only hands)
- - Fur shirt is now shorter than it used to be.
- It's still long-sleeved shirt but extends only to cover the groin and hips.
- (Previously it covered also the thighs and knees)
- - new fur item: fur overcoat
- Long-sleeved and long coat extendeding down to your knees. Can be crafted and is a useful
- piece of winter clothing. More valuable, heavier and requires more raw material than a
- fur shirt.
- Foreign traders and Njerpez now have a distinctive cultural difference between armours they
- favour and wear. In general metal armours are very rare, and even the foreign warriors need to
- rely mostly on fur and leather for protection. Helms, cowls and smaller metal armours for spot
- procetion are now far more common than valuable body armours such as hauberks.
- Wealthy local cultures of Driik, Sartola, Koivula and Reemi may very rarely have
- few metal armours available. These are often helms and pieces of spot protection,
- and only extremely rarely body armours.
- - balanced: stocking and availability of some basic tools
- Basic tools such as pots, ropes, sickles and shovels are now more commonly
- found even among isolated cultures. Availability of the tools is naturally
- culturally dependent, but you don't necessarily have to go to western villages
- anymore to find a pot or shovel. Villages now stock also empty wooden containers
- such as wooden tubs and bowls.
- - added: villages stock wood and lumber
- You can now find boards, slender tree trunks, wooden stakes and logs in villages.
- Availability of these items is naturally culturally dependant.
- - added: villages stock ordinary clothes
- All except northern cultures may occasionally have some spare clothes available
- in their villages. Availability of clothes is dependant on village wealth and
- population, but there's a possibility to find all kind of ordinary clothes;
- linen, woollen, nettle and fur clothes- and even shoes or women's dresses.
- - balanced: availability of high quality of northern bows
- Northern people can now have high quality (fine and masterwork) bows - their
- availability was broken in previous version. These items are still rare, but
- can be found. Especially Kuikka-tribe people are the master bow makers of the
- north.
- - added: one new character portrait (to eastern portraits)
- - added: "Stop your tasks" companion command
- This makes your companion to stop all the tasks he/she was doing.
- - added: group commands for pets and companions
- You can now give group commands to your pets and companions eg. to make them
- all attack the same target at once.
- * group commands for pets
- Group command mode can be activated after you've chosen to talk or shout to one
- of your dogs. If there are multiple dogs within sight or hearing range "Group
- command" selection appears in animal commands menu. After you've activated it
- the command you then choose will be given to all the dogs in range.
- 'Eat' and 'Attack' are possible group commands for dogs. Eat command still requires
- first talking to a dog in your sight.
- * group commands for companions
- Group command mode can be activated after you've chosen to talk to one of your
- companions. If there are multiple companions within a close range "Group
- command" selection appears in companions commands menu. After you've activated it
- the command you then choose will be given to all the companions in range.
- 'Attack', 'Fell trees', 'Make a fire' and 'Stop your tasks' are possible group
- commands for companions.
- - added: an option to ask NPCs what they want in a trade
- There's now "What of my items you'd prefer in this trade?" chat option available
- during trading. Upon using it NPCs will let you know the items they prefer, or
- how they feel about the trade in general. Regardless of what they say you can still
- offer any items you want, but usually their thoughts and wishlists are good and
- fair advises.
- - balanced: robber demands and speaking them out
- * You can now ask robbers what items they want exactly. This helps to decide whether
- you really want to hand over your goods or not.
- * Robbers demands have been reasoned and can vary
- In general robbers now prefer value and quality over quantity. Even if you a had
- lots of gear with you robbers are usually satisfied with a dozen of most precious
- ones. Most importantly they don't want to rob all of your clothes and armours
- anymore, but only the most valuable ones. There's also variation in robber's
- demands and some can be happy with only a few very valuable items.
- - added: seals!
- There are two types of seals: the ringed seal and the grey seal.
- Both live in the sea and can be found on all the coastal regions of the UnReal World.
- The grey seal is more common than the ringed seal.
- (In reality certain subspecies of ringed seals should exists in big lakes of Kiesse too,
- but adding them stays for later.)
- Seals spend most of their days in the water but do regularly come ashore to rest
- and pass time in certain locations. During open water season they rest on rocky surfaces
- of the utmost skerries and islets of the sea. In the winter they do live near the edge
- of the ice, spending the lazy hours on the ice.
- For more information about the seals see game encyclopedia entries [F1] for RINGED SEAL
- and GREY SEAL.
- * Meat yield from seals is very low compared to their weight, but their fat yield is
- high.
- * Seal-tribe village restocking has been adjusted to feature a proper level of seal
- furs and meat.
- To allow compatibility with modded tilesets there's a separate sprite files for seals:
- truegfx/av_gseal.png, truegfx/av_rseal.png
- - added: aquatic animals can dive under the water
- They do it especially when escaping. As diving animals disappear from your sight they
- are pretty much impossible to be hunted while diving.
- - added: feathers
- Skinning a bird now also gives you its' feathers. Number of feathers obtained depends
- on the bird size and ranges roughly from 12 to 100. It's assumed that you want to keep
- only the good wing and tail feathers.
- * You can also find naturally dropped feathers.
- * Feathers are categorized as tools.
- * Crafting an arrow now requires three feathers per arrow. Crafting a blunt arrow now
- also requires tying equipment as the feathers need to be attached to the shaft.
- To allow compatibility with modded tilesets there's a separate sprite file for feathers:
- truegfx/sp_feather.png
- - added: new birds
- Raven, goshawk, hazel grouse, kuikka, goldeneye, willow grouse and eagle owl.
- Find briefing of the new birds below and see their game encyclopedia [F1] entries
- for more info.
- * Raven
- Ravens prefer extensive areas of forest and exist throughout UnReal World in rather
- scarce number. They are mainly scavengers feeding on carcasses of dead animals, but
- their diet may also vary widely and ravens can be considered quite omnivorous.
- * Goshawk
- Goshawks are strongly built hawks. They nest in older forests throughout UnReal World
- and hunt other birds and small mammals, sometimes as large as hares. Goshawks are
- migratory birds, leaving in late autumn and returning in spring.
- * Eagle owl
- The eagle owl is a very large owl. They have large heads with striking ear tufts and
- fiercely glowing orange-coloured eyes. Eagle owls breed in scarce number in forests
- almost throughout UnReal World, except for the unforested mountainous areas of the
- extreme north. Eagle owls are birds of prey and hunt hares, small mammals and birds.
- They are active at night and very efficient hunters.
- * Willow grouse
- Medium-sized and least numerous of all the forest game birds, but nevertheless found
- all around UnReal World and commonly hunted for meat. Willow grouse can thrive in
- very diverse terrain, but primarily occupies sparse pine forests, mires and slopes
- of cliffs and fjells. They are accustomed to cold, harsh and rugged environment, but
- favour having birch and alder trees around their territory.
- * Hazel grouse
- The smallest and the second most common forest game birds found in Unreal World.
- Adults mate in early spring and nest on the ground.
- They prefer thick forests with both conifers and leaf trees.
- In thick forests hazel grouses can survive better from goshawks.
- * Goldeneye
- Common aquatic birds breeding around inland and marine waters.
- Goldeneyes are migratory birds. They leave in autumn and are among the first migratory
- birds to return in early spring.
- * Kuikka
- Kuikka is a rather large aquatic bird named after its' distinctive call.
- Kuikka breeds throughout Unreal World by wilderness lakes with clear water.
- It eats fish, typically perch and roach. Kuikkas are migratory birds, leaving quite
- early in autumn and returning in spring.
- To allow compatibility with modded tilesets there are separate sprite files birds:
- truegfx/av_goshawk.png etc.
- - added: audio samples for birds
- Now we can actually hear ravens, goshawks, swans, kuikkas, hazel grouses and eagle
- owls calling.
- How talkative the birds are depends on the species and time of the year.
- Hazel grouses are most talkative in the spring and late summer, eagle owls call almost
- exclusively n the winter, kuikkas keep calling mostly during early summer season etc.
- - added: birds lay eggs
- All the ground nesting birds now lay eggs. Depending on the species eggs are laid in
- Swidden month (April), Seedtime month (June) or Fallow month (July). Aquatic birds
- lay eggs on islets and skerries, or nearby the shore among vegetation, and finding
- their eggs is relatively doable if you have patience. Eggs of forest birds are much
- harder to find.
- Of the forest birds capercaillie, black grouse, willow grouse and hazel grouse all
- nest on the ground.
- (Traditionally mostly the eggs of ground nesting birds have had importance to eke
- out diet. Eggs of tree nesting birds is a curiosity that was intentionally left out
- this time.)
- - overhauled: animal populations
- Creation of animal populations has been thoroughly checked, adjusted and balanced.
- These adjustments concern not only the commonness and relative number of animals, but
- also their natural habitats. Frequency of big game remains quite the same as it was,
- and most notable changes are seen in populations of small animals and birds.
- In general you can now expect more varied and greater number of wildlife to exist in
- the world, but natural habitat of animals has a much greater role than before. You
- can't expect to find any forest animals in any type of forest.
- Few examples:
- Gluttons and ravens prefer large intact coniferous woodland areas.
- And so do pine-martens - but they also like cliffs and caverns nearby their home
- forests. Badgers mostly occupy mixed or leaf tree forests - preferably with some
- wetlands nearby. Weasels aren't too picky about their habitat as long as there's enough
- trees and vegetation to provide coverage - but they tend to avoid too open areas.
- etc. etc. etc.
- With balanced and overhauled animal populations in use you are bound to find more
- animals and more different species within smaller area than before. It's possible
- that an area of 5x5 wilderness tiles (500x500 meters) can have a dozen of different
- forest birds, three hares, two squirrels, a fox and a badger around. It's possible -
- but naturally not always the case. And despite of more wildlife existing it's not
- evident that you'll get to spot it from a close (or hunting) distance.
- To learn more about changes in habitat and population adjustments see updated
- game encyclopedia [F1] pages for:
- Even though artic foxes are most common in the north they can be now met also
- elsewhere. Even back in 1800's arctic foxes have been said to be somewhat common
- in southern Finland so we assume that some populations have wandered and existed
- all around UnReal World. NPCs of other than northern cultures can now also stock
- artic fox furs.
- - changed: arrows are now slightly more valuable (because of feathers in the mix)
- - added: all cutting weapons work for cutting carcassess - but knife is preferred
- You get fewer cuts from the carcass when using other than a knife.
- - added: hauling information messages if you try to haul items while wading
- Hauling while wading isn't possible, but there was no message to clarify this.
- Now the game tells you that it's not possible and suggest to push items to the shore
- instead.
- - added: sauna stove
- There are no fireplaces in saunas anymore, but sauna stoves instead. Sauna stove
- appearance and usage is similar to fireplace. Having this new sauna stove tile has
- no specific usage yet but preceeds the future sauna related improvements.
- - improved: lighting effect of fires
- Lighted area is now roundish and its' radius depends on size of the fire. As the fire gradually
- goes down you also see decrease in lit area. This affects to both campfires and lit fireplaces.
- - added: precise time passing featured on bunch of new tasks
- Added for general diy crafting, making and repairing clothes, timbercraft tasks (logs,
- boards, firewood etc.), hideworking tasks (cleaning, curing, tanning), digging a pit,
- preparing the soil, grinding flour.
- - added: option to stand still until not fatigued
- This option is available in movement and rest actions menu, or can it be activated
- by [ALT] + [-] hotkey.
- - added: unpaid category & standardized hotkeys to inventory filtering
- * There's now "unpaid" category within inventory filter menu (TAB) showing all
- your unpaid/taken items.
- * Shortcut keys for item types have been standardized.
- w - weapons, a - armours & clothing, c - containers, h - hides & skins etc.
- - added: direction is told in sound based messages
- Eg. "You hear a tree falling down in the east.", "You hear rustle of wings from
- the north." etc.
- - changed: e[X]changing weapons if a shield is wielded now costs a turn
- - changed: raw meat and raw fish now floats
- To avoid accidentally losing meat or fish when operating with a kill or catch by
- the shore.
- - modding fix: incorrect weight of modded [patchwise] cookery items
- For example:
- If you made batch of 5 cookery items which required 2.5 lbs of raw materials
- all together you got 5 cookery items each weighing 2.5 lbs - even though you
- should have gotten 5 cookery items each weighing 0.5 lbs. (2.5 / 5 = 0.5)
- - changed: only the items that don't float can be buried in bogs
- - removed: wheat bread
- Old item which didn't fit in the word. There's no wheat.
- - changed: clothes and armours being worn can be offered in a trade
- - changed: foreign traders don't fell trees anymore as their lagtime activity
- - changed message: "[creature] escapes." -> "[creature] flees."
- - fixed: sounds of fighting NPCs at the area occasionally being played when
- loading map or sleeping
- - fixed: being able to command NPCs of single house settlement to go away
- - fixed: NPCs climbing steep elevations too fast
- - fixed: being able to [a]pply animal leashes on world map
- - fixed: wrong "block of wood(s)" plural -> "blocks of wood"
- - fixed: a rare condition of trapped unconscious animals attacking
- - fixed: being able to [a]pply animal leashes on world map
- - fixed: leashed pet duplication when returning to village where your departed
- companion had recently returned
- - fixed: animals tied to trees occasionally roaming free
- Some iterations of this bug were fixed before, but a new bug prone instance
- was discovered. Report back if this bug still persists.
- - fixed: wading animals moving too fast
- - fixed: auto-tracking on world map occasionally displaying "You don't notice any tracks."
- - fixed: movement restrictions from penalties not always applied when rowing
- - fixed: unconscious NPCs blocking other NPCs from moving to same tile
- Now aggressive NPCs will walk over unconscious ones.
- When selecting a target from location with multiple NPCs the conscious NPC
- is always chosen if available.
- - fixed: humans can recognize trap-fences and understand to avoid traps there
- - fixed: cave crashes (specifically with .rpm package on Fedora)
- - fixed: location with traps spawning copies of earlier creatures at the area
- It was very rare occasion, but when triggered you could have same type of NPCs
- spawning at the area day after day.
- - fixed: container price wasn't taken into account in item price calculations
- - fixed: villagers knowing your breaches without seeing you in action
- Sight check was broken which caused villagers to magically be aware of your minor breaches
- such as harvesting their crops or building a fire. Minor breaches are now properly based on
- NPC sight so if they don't see you in action they don't know you did it. You still shouldn't
- try to push your luck by building fires or felling trees near the village center, because
- the guilty one is sometimes also easily guessed.
- - fixed: light from fires shined through obstacles
- Fires use line-of-sight mechanics now, and the light from fires reaches only where it
- actually can.
- - fixed: hiding mode not cancelled when hauling items
- - fixed: "source of livelihood" game course task was weight based
- Now true nutritional value of the food you are carrying is taken into account.
- - fixed: fighting leashed pets not following the player character
- - fixed: wooden tub price decreased (to one third)
- - fixed: multiple entries for "human shaped figure in distance" displayed (so that you
- can't guess if a world map wanderer is actually party of robbers)
- - fixed: being asked if you want to swim when entering zoom maps with deep water
- Character was properly located on dry land, but the question appeared nevertheless.
- - fixed: "impact doesn't penetrate your armor" displayed for unarmoured characters
- There's now "The impact doesn't hurt you." alternative.
- - fixed: repairing a piece of clothing with itself
- - fixed: bug potential with old animals getting removed from zoomed-in maps
- There was a vulnerability which might have caused old animals to rarely disappear from
- zoomed-in maps. It's secured now and animals should never just disappear suddenly.
- - fixed: rowing mode got cancelled when moving without a paddle or sesta in launched watercraft
- This resulted in watercraft not being properly transported with you between world and
- zoom maps.
- - fixed: it was possible to start hiding while rowing, swimming, or hauling items
- - fixed: spots of lichen or other ground cover appearing in the water - old topography bug.
- - fixed: nettles (and other grass plants) worked as {hemp} in diy requirements
- - fixed: tied pets sometimes followed you onto world map and got stuck there
- This fix isn't verified, so report back if this issue still persists.
- - fixed: pets staying on burning fires
- - fixed: birds couldn't fly over high cliffs
- - fixed: being able to set nets on ice if there was a hole in the ice nearby
- - fixed: saving between midning and morning caused various morning related checks to be
- skipped the next morning - you couldn't milk your cow, wounds didn't heal,
- skill flags weren't reset.
- For migrated characters a bugged morning check skip may occur upon reload if you
- had saved between midnight and morning, but after the next save it's all synchronised
- and fixed.
- - fixed: injury score from old injuries occasionally being added to new frostbites
- - fixed: NPC crops growing in water (on fields next to a lake)
- - fixed: robbers picking up items they couldn't carry made the items disappear
- - fixed: wilderness location where angry villagers or robbers might throw you away not
- properly randomized
- Previously only the north-west location was chosen, now there's proper randomized
- variety.
- - fixed: free sauna items
- Sauna scoops and tubs of water aren't free to take anymore.
- - fixed & balanced: skiing and walking in the snow
- * In addition to being fatiguing, walking in the snow is now also about 20% slower.
- * Skiing skill matters and skiing is now also fatiguing, but always faster and easier
- than than walking in the snow.
- Now your skiing skill determines how fatiguing it is for you to ski. The more
- skilled you are, the less of an effort it is to ski. Only highly skilled skiers get
- close to zero fatigue accumulation anymore, but skiing skill still improves quite
- fast so most characters can build up decent skiing skills during single winter.
- In any case skiing is always faster and less fatiguing than walking in the snow.
- * Skiing is cancelled and you are notified to remove your skis when the time of the
- year doesn't suit skiing.
- - fixed: food in NPC villages/camps never spoils - old exploit
- - fixed: setting bait to a direction you can't see wasted the bait
- - fixed: hauling not cancelled when pushing a hauled carcass
- - fixed: skinning ignored carcass beneath another one
- - fixed: being able to build ceiling and floor on the same tile where it was already built
- - fixed: "and X more..." not calculating correctly the number of items being prepared
- - fixed: hiding from robbers was impossible during the phase when they come to talk to you
- - fixed: missed shots that hit a group member of the original target didn't cause
- a morale check
- - fixed: sleeping or unconscious creatures prevented hiding
- Entering hiding mode wasn't possible if you were in "sight" of sleeping or unconscious
- creatures.
- - fixed: shield protection glitches
- They protected too much in neutral position and too little when held on the left side.
- - fixed: cancelling tasks skipped the possible morning maintenance and physical condition
- checks
- - fixed: creatures standing on cellar were invisible
- - fixed: when milking into a container filled with water the contents weren't emptied first
- - fixed: small animals (eg. squirrels and hares) being able to wade
- - fixed: foreign traders messed up item tags in the villages and made the items
- unpurchaseable
- - fixed: location selection dialog closes when choosing a location you can't see
- - fixed: villagers stocking stale food
- - fixed: skin not obtained if skinning got cancelled during the last minute
- If the skinning task got cancelled due to exhaustion (or whatever) at the very last
- moment of the skinning process you didn't obtain the hide, but the animal was still
- marked skinned.
- - fixed: spoiled food items occasionally not stacking
- This was related to markers of their original quality. The conflicting markers are now
- cleared upon spoilage. Notice that the old non-stacking spoiled food items your
- character may have will remain non-stacking.
- - fixed: stale tag persisting upon cooking
- You might get "Roasted stale perch" etc. Now stale tag disappears properly upon
- cooking, and the results of cooking stale food items aren't delicious.
- - fixed: waking up to strange noises when falling asleep from exhaustion while rowing
- or running
- - fixed: animals might freeze for moment upon escaping if their escape destination was
- badly chosen
- - fixed: drinking from containers taking too much time
- - fixed: villagers joining the robbers when they enter the village area
- - fixed: NPC/villager reactions to robbers was broken
- Now both the wandering NPCs and villagers react properly to presence of robbers.
- They rarely attack the robbers right away but keep them on eye. If the robbers cross
- the line by coming too close, then the people don't hesitate to attack them.
- - fixed: terrestial animals sleeping in shallow water
- - fixed: repeated deathblows with [3] fail to keep the previous aiming zone if any menu
- selections or certain actions (eg. sleeping) were made in between the deathblows
- - fixed: leashed animals not properly freed upon getting defeated and thrown away from the
- location by robbers or villagers
- Now your animals are unleashed. You may, or may not find them again.
- - fixed: wading on land if you were too fatigued/penalized to move at all and tried to
- start wading
- - fixed: sauna scoops and wooden tubs disappearing from villages
- - fixed: carcasses tagged as partially skinned even if the skinning wasn't allowed
- (ie. while swimming)
- - fixed: arrow-in-loading bug: NPCs could shoot you while the map was only loading
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is a list of release notes.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version: 3.20 (patch 1)
- These are the fixes/additions in patch 1 for version 3.20:
- - fixed: keyboard issues; ignored keypresses and non-responsive keyboard state
- - fixed: noisy audio (due to audio initiliazation with low sample rate)
- - fixed: emptying once paid containers made them unpaid again
- - fixed/changed: having to pay for using water in villagers containers
- If you filled your own containers from unpaid tubs of water or utilized water in unpaid
- tub in any other way you had to pay for it. This also often resulted in bugged debt lists.
- - fixed: wild animals trying to snatch food close to the player character
- - fixed: trapped animals triggering adjacent traps, and leaving them "in use" state
- This was fixed in 3.20 already but some conditions of the bug still persisted.
- - fixed: using high quality weapons in butchering small animals sometimes resulted in obtaining more meat
- than the carcass weighed
- - fixed: wrong northern spear sprite
- wrong sprite persists with migrated northern spears. The fix applies to new items.
- - fixed: knees missing from overcoat coverage
- Overcoats now cover the knees.
- wrong coverage persists with migrated overcoats. The fix applies to new items.
- - fixed: faulty messages about NPCs unwielding odd items
- - fixed: pet dogs giving up the chase if their prey entered water
- - fixed: walls of sauna stoves appearing within villages/fields
- - fixed: crash potential when entering single house Reemi settlements
- - fixed: a rare condition of dogs choosing a random target after loosing their original prey
- - fixed: villagers labeling you as a thief if you pushed items while carrying unpaid items
- - fixed: being able to [D]iscard village property
- - fixed: inventory filtering of unpaid items listed the items in multiple same item categories
- - fixed: manually returned unpaid items which NPCs couldn't carry became unpurchaseable
- - fixed/changed: splinting the fractures in head area
- Fractures in eye sockets, neck and skull are now treated with bandages and compresses.
- - fixed: a rare condition of corrupt population data causing empty villages getting restocked
- - fixed: feathers dropping from skinned bird carcasses (if they were eaten by an animal)
- - fixed: using a crossbow could mistakenly train BOW skill too
- - fixed: starting location not renewed after re-randomizing the map during character creation
- - fixed [linux]: unnecessary (and faulty) dependency removed
- - changed: birds and bigger animals do not enter cellars anymore
- Only relatively small carnivores such as foxes, polecats and ermines may occasionally
- manage to snatch food from cellar.
- - added: unconcious/dead seals can sometimes fall to the bottom of the sea rather than resurface
- - added: configuration option for auto zooming into your settlements
- AUTO_ENTER_HOMESTEAD option in urw_ini.txt defines if you want to automatically zoom in
- when moving onto your settlement tile on world map.
- Possible values are YES and NO. It's set to YES by default.
- - added: configuration option for overall audio volume
- VOLUME option in urw_ini.txt defines the overall audio volume.
- The value can be from 1 to 100, with 100 representing 100% volume. It's set to 50 by default.
- - added: being able to swim from watercraft
- Use your SWIMMING skill when not wielding paddle or sesta to go swimming from the watercraft.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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